Centerville, U.S.A. - Churches and Liquor Stores
Living the nightmare of “Centerville U.S.A.” - a nightmarish trip from which a large part of Americans will not wake.
Speaking of discursive structures directing the sheeple to be herded into Abrahamic mind-control centers, there is a church on every corner in the towns of Indiana, U.S.A.
Reality is not lived there, it is a lived nightmare.

So TT informs us, to his utter disgust.

If only the majority of American White men would wake up. But no, the nightmare known is preferred.
They’d prefer to live “The Book of Revelation, Beast from the Abyss, Seven Deadly Plagues”, etc. LOL.
“Can’t save the sheeple, they will just have to be culled.” - TT

Living the nightmare trip as it were….

“churches and liquor stores ” - Centerville, U.S.A.
Painting, “Starry-starry-fly-by-nite-drive-thru-liquor-store” by Robert Ferd Frank
Posted by Happy Together on Sat, 02 Apr 2016 00:37 | #
Happy Together