Dickenhorst Farm Cash Cow

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 22 March 2017 09:54.

Reveal News, “White nationalist gets his money from cotton fields – and the government”, By Lance Williams 17 March 2017:

Topics: Accountability

Two weeks after last year’s presidential election, white nationalist Richard Spencer held forth on a cable news show about how white people built America.

“White people ultimately don’t need other races in order to succeed,” he told the audience of the black-oriented program, “NewsOne Now.”

The exchange grew heated as host Roland Martin questioned Spencer’s rhetoric: Didn’t slaves help build America? Wasn’t the nation’s 19th-century economic boom propelled by the slave labor that produced the world’s cotton on Southern plantations?

America’s rise was “not through black people” and “has nothing to do with slavery,” Spencer retorted. “White people could have figured out another way to pick cotton,” he said. “We do it now.”

He is in a position to know. Spencer, along with his mother and sister, are absentee landlords of 5,200 acres of cotton and corn fields in an impoverished, largely African American region of Louisiana, according to records examined by Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting. The farms, controlled by multiple family-owned businesses, are worth millions: A 1,600-acre parcel sold for $4.3 million in 2012.

The Spencer family’s farms also are subsidized heavily by the federal government. From 2008 through 2015, the Spencers received $2 million in U.S. farm subsidy payments, according to federal data.

USDA farm subsidy payments to Spencer family companies, 2008-2015

Farm Payments

Dickenhorst Farms $1,014,558
Spencer Farms $524,655
Dickenhorst Trust $201,460
Sher-Di-Je Land $165,029
Poor Richard Partnership $98,878
A-Renee Partnership $78,016
Total $2,082,596

Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture data compiled by the Environmental Working Group

Although Spencer has attracted extensive media attention as a leader of the so-called alt-right movement – particularly after he drew Nazi salutes at an event celebrating Donald Trump’s election – he never has explained publicly how he supports himself while actively promoting his agenda via conferences and media appearances. The finances of his nonprofit think tank, the National Policy Institute, are a mystery; the organization hasn’t filed a public report since 2013. On Monday, the Los Angeles Times reported that the IRS revoked the institute’s tax-exempt status.

Spencer, 38, is a dropout from a Duke University Ph.D. history program who emerged during the Trump campaign as one of the nation’s most visible white separatist agitators. In his writing, speeches and interviews, he has given an intellectualized explanation for how he came to advocate creating a whites-only “ethno state” in North America. While in graduate school, he has said, he was compelled by critiques of multiculturalism and political correctness and by demographic data indicating that whites are en route to minority status in the United States.

But the Spencer family’s business interests and geographic history suggest a different possible lineage for Richard Spencer’s racist politics. The family’s farm holdings are a legacy of its ties to the Jim Crow South, passed down by Spencer’s grandfather, who built the business during the turbulent civil rights era.

Spencer family land holdings in Louisiana
Farming company Parish Acreage
Dickenhorst Farms Tensas 1,888
Dickenhorst Farms East Carroll 967
Sher-Di-Je Land Tensas 1,186
A-Renee Partners Madison 753
Poor Richard Partnership Franklin 400
Spencer, Sherry Madison 90
Total   5,284

Sources: Louisiana Tax Commission parish tax rolls; parish assessment records

Spencer declined in an interview this week to discuss how much money he personally receives from cotton farming and government subsidies and whether that income funds his political activities.

“I’m not involved in any direct day-to-day running of the business,” he said, later adding: “I’m going to navigate the world as it is, and I’m not going to be a pauper.”

One Spencer family farming company, which holds title to 400 acres of land, is called the Poor Richard Partnership.

In the interview, Spencer also downplayed his family’s influence on his political views, saying, “My parents are very mainstream Episcopalian Republicans in Dallas.”

Although Spencer grew up in an affluent neighborhood of Dallas and now splits his time between Montana and Washington, D.C., his family lived in the South for generations. Records show his mother attended segregated schools as a girl in the small northeast Louisiana city of Monroe. Later, Spencer’s mother inherited farms in northeast Louisiana from her late father. Today, her two children are her business partners.

Spencer’s mother did not respond to an email and voicemails seeking comment for this story. In the past, she has said she does not share her son’s views. In an open letter sent to their local newspaper in December, Spencer’s parents, Sherry and Rand, said that while they love their son, “we are not racists. We have never been racists. We do not endorse the idea of white nationalism.”

The region that is home to the Spencers’ farms has a history of slavery and racism. Through the civil rights era, the Klan targeted black residents there with lynchings, cross burnings and other violence. In Tensas Parish, where the Spencers own 3,000 acres of farmland, blacks didn’t win the right to vote until 1964, according to Elvadus Fields Jr., mayor of the town of St. Joseph.

White supremacist views typically run in the family, said writer and race relations expert Cleo Scott Brown. Feelings of racial superiority often are passed “from generation to generation, because that’s what they believe,” said Brown, whose father – a civil rights leader in East Carroll Parish, where the Spencers own 900 acres of farmland – was shot and wounded during a 1962 voter registration drive, allegedly by a member of the Ku Klux Klan.

Agribusiness in the region today is heavily mechanized and provides few jobs. In 2013, CNN reported that East Carroll Parish suffers from the worst income inequality in the nation: The richest 5 percent of residents earned an average of $611,000 per year, 90 times what the poorest 20 percent earned. The parish’s population is 67 percent black.

Ownership of Spencer family farming companies

Farming company

Dickenhorst Farms Sherry Spencer, Richard Spencer and sister
Dickenhorst Trust Dickenhorst Farms (Sherry Spencer, Richard Spencer and sister)
Sher-Di-Je Land Dickenhorst Farms (Sherry Spencer, Richard Spencer and sister)
Spencer Farms Sherry Spencer
Poor Richard Partnership Sherry Spencer*
A-Renee Partners Sherry Spencer and daughter

*Records show that Richard Spencer has received subsidy income from the partnership but don’t identify him as an owner.

Sources: U.S. Department of Agriculture data compiled by the Environmental Working Group; Louisiana secretary of state filings

Race relations have improved significantly in recent decades. But after Trump’s election, some white residents celebrated by draping their pickup trucks with Confederate flags and driving through the region’s towns, according to the Rev. Roosevelt Grant, head of the NAACP branch in Winnsboro, Franklin Parish, near another of the Spencers’ farms.

The Trump presidency, he said, “has caused people to pray more.”

Spencer’s maternal grandfather, Dr. R.W. Dickenhorst, established the family farming business. He was a radiologist who started a medical practice in Monroe in 1952 and became wealthy and socially prominent, according to local newspaper obituaries.

Racial segregation was a given in Monroe then. Blacks were barred from housing, schools and public facilities used by whites. White superiority “was the way of life; that was the way it was, and anyone challenging it was challenging God’s will,” said the Rev. Roosevelt Wright Jr., a local historian in Monroe.

Dickenhorst’s daughter, Sherry, who would grow up to be Richard Spencer’s mother, enrolled in all-white Neville High School in 1962, according to district records. In 1964, at the start of her junior year, integration of the school began, with a single African American student enrolling.

As Dickenhorst’s medical practice prospered, he bought farmland in northeast Louisiana on the Mississippi River’s west bank. He died decades later, in 2002, and his wife died the following year. By then, their only daughter was the wife of a wealthy Dallas eye surgeon and the mother of two grown children: Richard Spencer and his sister, who did not respond to an email and phone calls seeking comment.

Today, through Dickenhorst Farms and several related companies, Sherry Spencer, 68, and her two children jointly own most of the family farmland, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data compiled by the nonprofit Environmental Working Group. Sherry Spencer is general partner of Dickenhorst Farms, and Richard Spencer and his sister are part owners, according to state and federal records. The family contracts out crop production to local farmers, a common practice in a region where corporations and absentee owners control much of the land.

The Spencer family’s farms are headquartered at a $3 million home in the ski town of Whitefish, Montana, where Sherry Spencer now lives. Also headquartered there: Richard Spencer’s think tank, his AltRight.com website and other white nationalist-related enterprises he controls, including a book publisher and web design outfit. Spencer also has lived in Whitefish in recent years ­– sometimes in his mother’s home, sometimes in a condominium she owns, according to documents and interviews.

The Spencers have received payments from two federal farm programs. One is the commodity subsidy program, intended to guarantee income for farmers who are helping to maintain supplies of certain crops deemed important by the government. The other is the conservation reserve program, which pays farmers for environmentally sound farming practices. Most of the $2 million paid to the Spencers has been in commodity subsidy payments for growing cotton.

Yet, Spencer has been bitterly critical of America and its government.

“This is a sick, disgusting society,” he declared in his speech at an alt-right gathering in Washington after the election, “run by the corrupt, defended by hysterics, drunk on self-hatred and degeneracy.”

Note: I have no necessary qualms with Spencer’s wealth (though ultimately, something like Bowery’s/ William Jennings Bryan’s progressive land taxation based on site value might be in order) nor do I have anything against his family’s alleged history of wanting to live separately from blacks. - DanielS



Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wed, 22 Mar 2017 12:45 | #

America’s rise was “not through black people” and “has nothing to do with slavery,” Spencer retorted.

Well, Spencer is objectively incorrect about that.

“White people could have figured out another way to pick cotton,” he said.

And yet, they didn’t. They used the slave trade as a ‘killer app’ which decimated everyone else’s production capabilities.

Recommended reading:

Amazon.com, ‘Empire of Cotton: A Global History’ by Sven Beckert, 02 Dec 2014 (emphasis added):

The epic story of the rise and fall of the empire of cotton, its centrality to the world economy, and its making and remaking of global capitalism.

Cotton is so ubiquitous as to be almost invisible, yet understanding its history is key to understanding the origins of modern capitalism. Sven Beckert’s rich, fascinating book tells the story of how, in a remarkably brief period, European entrepreneurs and powerful statesmen recast the world’s most significant manufacturing industry, combining imperial expansion and slave labor with new machines and wage workers to change the world. Here is the story of how, beginning well before the advent of machine production in the 1780s, these men captured ancient trades and skills in Asia, and combined them with the expropriation of lands in the Americas and the enslavement of African workers to crucially reshape the disparate realms of cotton that had existed for millennia, and how industrial capitalism gave birth to an empire, and how this force transformed the world.

The empire of cotton was, from the beginning, a fulcrum of constant global struggle between slaves and planters, merchants and statesmen, workers and factory owners. Beckert makes clear how these forces ushered in the world of modern capitalism, including the vast wealth and disturbing inequalities that are with us today. The result is a book as unsettling as it is enlightening: a book that brilliantly weaves together the story of cotton with how the present global world came to exist.

Whether Spencer thinks that this is ‘good’, ‘bad’ or is indifferent to it, the fact is that it happened.

It’s difficult for other regions to compete with early America when it was able to marshal a mostly docile workforce which lived on-site in chains and was paid $0 in wages.

And those inequalities in wealth accumulation that are spoken of in the book are not so much internal to America, rather, they are inequalities in the development of productive forces on a global level, and it has left everyone with the legacy of a global imbalance that sits at the root of almost 100% of wars—trade wars or live-fire wars—fought by the United States against various Asian and Central American population groups subsequent to that.

The ‘Make America Great Again’ concept with its protectionist policy framework and anti-worker legislative inertia, is deeply imbued with that miserable mercantilist legacy.


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 22 Mar 2017 12:51 | #

Great comment, Kumiko. That’s left nationalist information at its best ....the kind that I want our TRUE audience to have.

These right-wing slave owners weren’t doing working class Whites any favors either..


Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wed, 22 Mar 2017 13:12 | #

Yes, but then I think that the line about you having “no necessary qualms with Spencer’s wealth”, would not have been the most salient angle that you could have taken, given that the most obvious thing about the article is that Spencer was—either accidentally or deliberately—advancing a narrative of denial which, if it were to be believed by other population groups, would basically result in geoeconomic ‘cucking’.

The fact that Spencer denied the historical and geoeconomic facts behind the development of the cotton trade, was the single most important part of the article, since every other problem flows from that. The fact that he happens to make money from the same thing that is being talked about, actually is important because it means he has an interest in one of the very key industries—textiles—that Donald Trump’s advisor Wilbur Ross has experience in protecting and subsidising.

It’s like a series of amazing ‘coincidences’, which probably are actually not coincidences, but rather, are deliberate choices made by people with specific geoeconomic interests. Ethically speaking—to the extent that anyone cares about ethics anymore—it would have been nice if Richard Spencer had seen fit to do full disclosure on that in his bio or in a tagline under all articles in which he opined on economic or fiscal policy, rather than having Mother Jones be the one to inform everyone of the reality.

But there you go. I’m probably one of the few people who believes in doing that anymore.

Also, as I’ve said before in the economic retrogression thread:

Kumiko Oumae on Sun, 19 Mar 2017 04:28, wrote:

My basic summarised stance is this: I don’t believe that the purpose for human existence is to create market distortions which are specially crafted to seize my money and jam it into the wallets of whining American or German businesspeople, regardless of whether the instrument used to jam my money into their wallets is via new tariffs and fiscal policy on the one hand (overt) or via monetary policy on the other hand (obfuscated).

So I guess I am saying that I have a problem with it.

I don’t want to pay tariffs to Richard Spencer’s mother, I’d rather just skip directly to a trade war.


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 22 Mar 2017 13:48 | #

Kumiko: So I guess I am saying that I have a problem with it.

DanielS: You are misunderstanding my use of the phrase “necessarily” and “something like”...

By using the word “necessarily” I was saying that his wealth may or may not have been acquired unjustly, but I have not problem with wealth and private property per se.

By using the phrase, “something like”, I was proposing one possible means, not the only means, for correcting unjust wealth accumulation that may result from land holdings beyond what a family needs. Nor does “something like” suggest that he should be acquiring money through imposition on foreign labor either, such as taxation on foreign labor either.

Nothing of what I suggest contradicts your comments and observations - again, I think they are excellent and I am glad that you added this perspective. It is crucial.



Posted by Jane Mayer: Mercer, Dark Money, Bannon.. on Thu, 23 Mar 2017 00:06 | #

Jane Mayer: Robert and daughter Rebekah Mercer and their dark money behind Bannon, Sessions,.. was behind Flynn, would have been Cruz, Bolton, anything but the Clintons.

Rebekah and her father Robert Mercer

NPR, “Jane Mayer writes in the New Yorker about Robert Mercer and his daughter, Rebekah Mercer, who have poured millions of dollars into Breitbart News, and who pushed to have Bannon run Trump’s campaign.”, 22 March 2017:

Jane Mayer - Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right.

        Post by DanielS


Posted by Is Rebekah Mercer ((())) ? on Thu, 23 Mar 2017 00:48 | #

Holla Forums, “Jewess Rebekah Mercer, at the center of the Trump campaign, is reshaping”...

The Most Powerful Woman in GOP Politics


How Jewess Rebekah Mercer, at the center of the Trump campaign, is reshaping conservatism and the Republican Party.

A New York hedge fund heiress who co-owns a boutique cookie bakery has emerged as one of the most influential figures behind Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, and arguably the conservative movement as a whole.

Leaning on the fortune amassed by her father, Rebekah Mercer has steered her family’s rapid rise over the course of just a few years from the conservative fringe to the white-hot center of the most dramatic election season in years. And no matter the results on Nov. 8, the Mercers are positioned to reshape the American right for years to come in their anti-establishment image.

But the family’s rise, facilitated by an increasingly aggressive network of Mercer-backed institutions and operatives, has prompted worry within the GOP about an attempted takeover, and questions from across the political spectrum about what the Mercers intend to do with the influence they’ve purchased.

Efforts to deduce the family’s intentions have focused largely on the family patriarch, Robert Mercer, 70, a pioneer in quantitative trading. But Bob Mercer, as he’s known, is mostly only writing multimillion-dollar checks that fund the family’s political operation; it is his daughter, Rebekah Mercer, 42, who is running the operation, according to more than 15 personal and political associates of the family.

It is Rebekah Mercer, according to these sources, whose frustration with what she saw as the political ineffectiveness of the Koch brothers’ network led her to redirect Mercer money to build a rival operation.

It is Rebekah Mercer who directs a family foundation that, according to tax returns, has more than doubled its giving between 2011 and 2014, donating $34.6 million to 30 conservative nonprofits over which she holds varying degrees of sway — from the Government Accountability Institute, which produced “Clinton Cash,” a book that damaged Trump’s Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, to the venerable Heritage Foundation, where she sits on the board.

It is the same Rebekah Mercer who urges campaigns and clients who want her father’s funding to hire a data firm owned largely by the family called Cambridge Analytica, which now counts Trump’s campaign among its clients.

And it is Rebekah Mercer whose meeting with Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner, reportedly set the stage for the Mercers to switch their support to Donald Trump after the family’s first choice, Ted Cruz, dropped out of the race, rather than retreating to the sidelines as so many other big donors did.

Rebekah Mercer now sits at the nexus of Trump’s universe. So influential has she become that her conversation with Trump during an August fundraiser in the Hamptons has been widely credited with spurring the rookie candidate to shake up his campaign team by turning its leadership over to two of her closest confidants.

Pollster Kellyanne Conway, who has worked with Mercer on a pro-Cruz super PAC, became campaign manager, while the new job of campaign CEO went to Steve Bannon, a campaign novice who helped run both the Government Accountability Institute — which has received at least $2 million from the Mercer foundation — and Breitbart News, the intensely pro-Trump nationalist website in which the Mercers have invested. This month, Trump rounded out his newly reconfigured campaign leadership by bringing in yet another operative with whom Mercer has worked — David Bossie, who previously ran both an anti-Clinton super PAC that received $2 million from Bob Mercer in July and an anti-Clinton nonprofit called Citizens United that received $3.6 million from the Mercers’ foundation from 2012 through 2014.

Rebekah Mercer did not respond to requests for comment. Conway, Bannon and Bossie either declined to comment or did not respond to requests for comment. And most conservative insiders approached for this story were loath to speak on the record for fear it might jeopardize their chances of receiving funding from Mercer’s intensely private family. Mercer, some said, has scolded allies for calling attention to her — even when it’s been positive.


Posted by Yes, evidently Rebekah (((is))) on Thu, 23 Mar 2017 01:20 | #

Jewish Press - Rebekah Mercer (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Make America Number One PAC


Posted by Is Sylvain Mirochnikoff ((()))? on Thu, 23 Mar 2017 03:05 | #

Sylvain-Mirochnikoff and Rebekah-Mercer

Sylvain Mirochnikoff met Rebekah Mercer at Stanford University and they married in 2003. In 2010, it was reported that they had bought six adjoining apartment units in Donald Trump’s 41-story Heritage at Trump Place. In 2012 Mirochinoff was named to the board of directors of Morgan Stanley and in 2016 Mirochnikoff was named managing director at Morgan Stanley.

It seems likely that Mirochinoff is a Russified Jewish name. The name “Miro” definitely can be Jewish. There is a well known abstract modern artist named Joan Miro, who is Jewish.

There is a record of man with the name Mirochnikoff emigrating from Russia to the USA in 2006 (verifying the obvious that the surname derives from Russia, or rather Russification, even though Sylvain was born in France.

Publication Title:
  Naturalization Petitions for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, 1795-1930
National Archives Catalog ID:
National Archives Catalog Title:
  Petitions for Naturalization, compiled 1795 - 1991
Record Group:
Short Description:
  NARA M1522. Naturalization petitions for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 1795-1930.
Roll Description:
  US Circuit Court
Immigrant Full Name:
  Herman Mirochnikoff
Document Type:
  Petition for Naturalization
Home Country:

Witness 1 Full Name:
  Max Goldberg

Witness 2 Full Name:
  James Manion
Year Immigrated:


Posted by Spencer responds to Reveal News on Mon, 27 Mar 2017 18:19 | #

Richard Spencer Responds to Reveal News

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