Sweden: Migrant charged with murdering his girlfriend and chopping her into pieces
Voice of Europe 13 May 2020:

Via Privat
A Kurdish migrant has been charged for the murder of his girlfriend, 17-year-old Wilma Andersson, who went missing six months ago. Her body was cut up into many pieces, some of which have not yet been found. Wilma’s head was found in a suitcase in the migrant’s flat.
In his defence, the migrant claimed that the fact that he had kept her head indicated that he loved Wilma too much to kill her.
Andersson had not been seen alive since November 14, when she was last known to have been in Wakesborg, Uddevalla, on Sweden’s western coast.
The 23-year-old Kurd, whose name has not been released, first came to Sweden as a refugee in 2006.
Police now believe that Wilma was murdered on the evening of November 14, according to a report by Expressen. Neighbors testified about hearing screams from the migrant’s apartment at the time. A number of motorists later called police to notify them that they had seen the migrant walking along a nearby highway and acting strangely.
Responding police stopped him on the highway that night to question him about his activities. The officers reported that the Kurd appeared to be in a state of shock. He told them that he was walking there as a consequence of having been in a fight and then missing a train.
After Wilma’s disappearance, police launched a massive search to locate her which involved many volunteers as well as police. Although body parts verified as belonging to Wilma were located, it wasn’t until two weeks later that police announced they had made a discovery which ruled out finding her alive. That discovery was her head.
Wilma’s head was found packed in a suitcase in the migrant’s apartment with aluminum foil and tape, alongside a stuffed animal.
When police confronted the migrant about their find, he sat silently for 27 minutes before asking to go to the bathroom. When shown photos, he only said, “It’s brutal.”
The migrant had consistently responded “no comment” to questions from the police about the murder until he finally began answering on April 15. He has consistently maintained his innocence since he was first arrested on suspicion of the murder on November 22.
In addition to the head, forensic specialists have also discovered Wilma’s DNA on several knives in the Kurd’s home. The migrant told investigators that he had received the knives from Wilma’s mother as a gift. Traces of her blood were also found in his living room.
Furthermore, police discovered that in the summer of 2018, the migrant sent Wilma a text message in which he said that he wanted to cut her up into pieces. A number of witnesses have likewise testified that the two frequently argued and that they believe he was abusing Wilma even prior to her death.
When asked about Wilma’s head, the migrant replied that he would have not have kept her head if he had killed her, claiming it was an indication of how much he had loved her.
The migrant’s attorney is maintaining that someone who has a grudge against him planted the evidence in an attempt to frame him for the murder.
Crime committed by migrants has become a serious problem in Sweden as crime rates skyrocket. Last summer, well-known Swedish crime writer and columnist Eva-Lisa Dezmin wrote an editorial blasting the country’s Prime Minister, Stefan Löfven, for his complicity in ruining Sweden and calling on him to resign, as previously reported by Voice of Europe.