Unite the Right Charlottesville: successful neocon/liberal operation forces wedge against paleo-Cohn

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 17 March 2018 08:00.

Gary Cohn invited to leave and be replaced by dumber paleocon.

Unite the Right to Wedge-out Paleo-Cohn

Unite the Right Charlottesville was a successful neo-con, neo-liberal operation forcing a wedge against Gary Cohn’s clever paleoconservative positioning - Trump’s tariffs on Asian raw materials was the last straw.

While I have been able to see a trap for White Nationalism in forced identity with the right generally, I could also see clearly and specifically that “Unite the Right” was a trap maneuvered by YKW and neoliberal lackey’s to force vocal and visible stigmatic association.

It was unbelievable to me that “Alt-Righters” would agree to participate in such a tactlessly forecast high profile event with some of the more traditional stigmatic right wing groupings, and thereby undo a few of the things that the Alt-Right actually had going for it - to distance itself from association with historical stigma and to be only loosely affiliated, un-united enough so as to be too hard to pin down - thus, not allowing the enemies of White Nationalism to easily categorize them negatively in association with anti-social positions; to allow populist audiences to dismiss them offhand in one fall swoop with a singular negative category - and beyond casual dismissal as non-serious, to frighten populist audiences into outright opposition for observable potential in nefarious, unaccountable religious, scientistic and neo-Nazi association and intent.

However, Kumiko has penetrated this to a more perspicuous theoretical overview.

Behind “Unite The Right” and its confrontation by “Anti-Fa” was an orchestrated wedge issue, encouragement of Trump to take a neutral stance toward “the Nazis” and “The Alt-Left, who were ‘to blame, too’, blame and good people on all sides.”

Kudlow was born and raised in New Jersey, the son of Ruth (née Grodnick) and Irving Howard Kudlow. His family is Jewish. He once served as chief economist at the investment firm Bear Sterns before he was fired in 1995 when he entered rehab to treat a hundred thousand dollar a month cocaine habit. Kudlow has repeatedly failed to forecast economic trends. In December of 2007 as the sub prime mortgage market began to unravel, leading to the deepest recession since the 30’s, Kudlow wrote, there’s no recession coming, the ‘pessimistas” were wrong… it’s not going to happen. The Bush boom is alive and well. It’s finishing up it’s sixth consecutive year with more to come.

Neocons and their Neo Liberal corporatist sellout allies would have been opposed to Gary Cohn and any efforts to hold their businesses in The U.S. against their profits, and to prevent a more thorough YKW and corporatist, feudalist exploitation of Asia; as opposed to sovereign industrial development by Asian corporations in Asia.

Trump’s conciliatory stance toward “Nazis” was encouraged by Mnuchin to drive a wedge against Cohn, who’d find that intolerable; with that be driven off by the internationalist left, recognizing a paleocon U.S. protectionist all too competent to run a neo feudalist operation against Asian labor.

Cohn hung-on in the Trump administration in hopes of being appointed Federal Reserve Chairman. That didn’t happen and the final nail in the coffin of his strategy happened when Trump proposed tariffs on raw materials of steel and iron from Asia - if you’re looking to exploit Asian labor as a feudalist, you don’t want to force them to grapple into lateral transmission (sovereignty), forcing them to develop industry and capacity to machinate their own raw materials.

Cohn was “too competent” in his capacity to run a feudalist international operation; and had to make way for a less competent and more compliant paleocon bracket, viz. Larry Kudlow - having cut his teeth under President Reagan, a protege of Frank Meyer’s paleocon movement.

Tillerson’s Sacking Will Shock America and the World - but Delight Israel.” ...“Mike Pompeo’s impending move to secretary of state is sure to result in a much more hawkish and confrontational U.S. policy towards Iran.”

To complete the Zionist, neo-fuedalist enterprise, Trump also needed to get Tillerson’s obstruction out of the way, defensive as Tillerson was of the Iran deal (which liberalizes Iran as opposed to yielding to Islamic reactionary/ Abrahamic comprador control); he had to make way for the administration’s more ardent Zionist imperialist agenda - to undo the Iran deal is far more ably pursued with anti-Iranian hawk, Pompeo.

Finally toward that end, look to the possibility of the partly Jewish John Bolton to be placed in charge of the National Security Council - a historically instrumental position for those looking to initiate wars from The U.S. platform. Bolton is notoriously war mongering toward Iran and he is among the few people to be interviewed and seriously considered by Trump to a position to wield decisions over the matter.



Posted by Are Trump fans retarded? on Sat, 17 Mar 2018 16:12 | #

This video comes by way of the Renegade tent, therefore some people accused of being Jewish or Zionist may be more like useful reactionary idiots, and along with that, some right wing perfidy will be overly assigned to Jewish conspiracy, but the critical perspective on the motives behind Trump advocacy (Jewish and right wing reactionary) and on Trump is generally on target ... but because Renegade won’t get past the “neither right nor left” thing (everything, including that dichotomy is a ‘Jewish conspiracy’) they won’t get beyond right wing reaction themselves.


Posted by Trump playing AltRight vs Left keys Repub takeover on Wed, 11 Apr 2018 11:57 | #

Trump took over Republican party on behalf of the Jewish Right in tandem with disingenuous, deracinating, oligarchic, objectivist, propositional Right…through its kosher, paleocon safety net/valve, false opposition, (((the Alt-Right))).

After Trump committed what was to Republican insiders the great sin of saying “there were good and bad on all sides” at the Unite the Right rally…

(((Corey Lewandowski))): “He has to fight back. So when you accuse him of being a racist he doesn’t want to back up, he wants to double down to prove to you that that’s not true, and that’s what the President is.”

Trump: “What about the ‘Alt-Left?” Not to be confused with what we define as White Left, nor the Jewy, fraud “Alt-Left” that also goes by that name; Trump was certainly not addressing that anyway, but rather a trendy way of addressing the motley “left” as it is commonly known - the pivotal move - to redirect attention and blame to “the Left”  - in orchestration of the White Right through the “Unite the Right” rally.

In addition to Mnuchin using “Unite The Right” to offend Gary Cohn through it and Trump’s neutral response, to get Cohn out of the way, there were key Republican insiders that needed ingratiation for the Jewish Right to be able to take-over and join forces with the (deracinating) American right through front man Trump.

Following Trump’s first political victory on their behalf, the passing of the tax-cut bill:

Paul Ryan’s heaps saccharine, about face praise of Trump for making the rich, richer…

As Mitch McConnell has been kissing black ass since the days of “civil rights” when he marched with M.L. King, Trump had to be sure to burnish his pro-black credentials for him (note Uncle Tom/ Satchmo Step n’ Fetch-it type to Trump’s right).

Mitch McConnell: “You’ve made the case for the tax-bill (so that the rich could get richer and the poor, poorer - typical Repugs). We’ve cemented the Supreme Court to the right of center for a generation (pro-black women having babies). You’ve ended the over regulation of the American economy (pro-pollution). Thank you Mr. President, for all you’re doing.”

(((Corey Lewandowski))): “In essence this became Trump’s Republican party.

The testimony that people gave there is hard to take back”

- Oren Hatch, for example: “You’re one heck of a leader…and we’re going to make this the greatest Presidency that we’ve seen, not only in generations, but maybe ever.”

(((Corey Lewandowski))): “What the Republican establishment now know, is that Donald Trump is unequivocally the leader of the Republican party” (The Jewish Right-wing has taken over from Jewish liberals).

“He’ is the one who sets the tone of what takes place in Washington. He is the leader of our country - both politically and from a legislative side of things. I think they’ve learned that over the last year.”


Posted by mancinblack on Sun, 15 Apr 2018 16:54 | #

An anthem for the Trump fan base? Skylar Grey “Love the Way You Lie”....



Posted by DanielS on Mon, 16 Apr 2018 05:35 | #

Thanks for that, mancinblack. She’s a babe.

And the next video of hers that came up has fantastic art direction and photography as well…


Posted by Sessions on Wed, 10 Oct 2018 07:06 | #

/Pol/: AHAHAHAHA!!! How’s the Trump Department of Justice workin’ out for ya, [unite the right wing WN]? Antifa has free rein to attack whenever and however it wants, but if you fight back, Trump and Jeff Sessions will hit you with federal charges:

>4 members of white supremacist group arrested for role in 2017 torch-lit march and rally

>More than one year after a white nationalist torch-lit march and rally in Charlottesville, multiple arrests have been made in connection to the event, according to federal prosecutors. United States Attorney Thomas T. Cullen and FBI Assistant Special Agent Thomas M. Chadwick announced the arrests and charges Tuesday afternoon during a press conference. Four members of a white supremacist group were arrested after federal prosecutors said they traveled from California to Charlottesville to incite a riot and commit violent acts.

>A criminal complaint filed in US District Court for the Western District of Virginia identified the men as Benjamin Drake Daley, Michael Paul Miselis, Thomas Walter Gillen and Cole Evan White. Prosecutors said the men are a part of the “Rise Above Movement,” a militant white supremacist organization based in Southern California.

>The men are accused of committing “multiple acts of violence” against counterprotesters, according to Cullen. Those acts of violence include punching, kicking, headbutting, and pushing. They are accused of assaulting a black male, two women, and a minister wearing a clerical collar… The four suspects will be be charged under the riot acts, which, if convicted, has a penalty of 10 years in prison



Posted by Morgan Harrington on Fri, 19 Oct 2018 21:32 | #

Not a statue to a slave holding regime and its principles.

Morgan Harrington

Murder of Morgan Dana Harrington
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Born July 24, 1989
Charlottesville, Virginia, U.S.[1]
Died October 17, 2009 (aged 20)
Charlottesville, Virginia, U.S.
Cause of death Homicide
Body discovered January 26, 2010
Nationality American
Known for Missing person and murder victim

Morgan Dana Harrington of Roanoke, Virginia, United States (July 24, 1989 – October 17, 2009), was a 20-year-old American Virginia Tech student who disappeared from the John Paul Jones Arena on October 17, 2009, while attending a Metallica concert at the University of Virginia (UVA) in Charlottesville. Her remains were discovered three months later in rural farmland. A forensic connection was later made to Jesse Matthew, the prime suspect in the murder of Hannah Graham, a UVA student who is believed to have been abducted on September 13, 2014.[2] On September 15, 2015, Jesse Matthew was formally charged with first-degree murder and abduction with intent to defile in the murder of Morgan Harrington.[3] On March 2, 2016, Matthew pleaded guilty to the abduction and murder of both Graham and Harrington, receiving four consecutive life sentences with no possibility of parole.[4]


  1 Disappearance
  2 Aftermath
  3 See also
  4 References
  5 External links


On October 17, 2009, Harrington and three friends drove to the John Paul Jones Arena at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville for a Metallica concert. During the opening act’s performance, Harrington told friends that she was going to the restroom. When she did not return, they called her cell phone at 8:48pm and she told them that she was locked out of the arena because of its “no re-entry” policy, adding that she would find a way home and they should not worry. According to witness reports, she was last seen at around 9:30pm hitchhiking on a nearby bridge. There were also two witnesses who claimed to have seen her with three men after she had left the arena.

Harrington’s purse, containing her identification and cell phone (with batteries removed), was discovered in the RV lot at UVA’s Lannigan Athletic Field following her disappearance.[5][6] Her remains were discovered by a farmer on January 26, 2010, about ten miles (16 km) from the arena, in a remote area of the 742-acre (3.00 km2) Ancorage Farm more than one-and-a-half miles from road access. Although investigators did not release information about her death, her parents confirmed that it had been very violent and that bones were broken.[7] Her mother Gil later confirmed that her daughter had been raped.”[8]

In September 2014, Harrington’s case was linked to the murder of Hannah Graham in Charlottesville, Virginia, through “forensic evidence” pertaining to Jesse Matthew, the main suspect in the latter case.[16][17] On October 20, 2014, Matthew was indicted in a 2005 abduction in Fairfax, Virginia.[18] Over a decade earlier, Matthew had twice been accused of sexual assault at two separate Virginia colleges he attended as a student. He left each school immediately after each allegation. The reported assaults occurred within an 11-month period of each other, as Matthew moved from the evangelical Christian Liberty University in Lynchburg to the Christopher Newport University in Newport News. Police investigated each report, but in neither incident was a criminal case brought against him.[19] On September 15, 2015, Jesse Matthew was formally charged with first-degree murder and abduction with intent to defile in the murder of Morgan Harrington.[3] The trial date was originally set for October 17, 2016 and moved back to October 24, 2016 because October 17 is the anniversary of Harrington’s disappearance.[20]

On March 2, 2016, after Matthew pleaded guilty to the 2014 murder of Hannah Graham and the 2009 murder of Morgan Harrington, a judge sentenced him to four consecutive life sentences. Under the plea agreement terms, Matthew gives up his right to appeal and would not be eligible for geriatric release.[21]

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — After six years of waiting, Gil and Dan Harrington got the news they had been waiting for: Jesse Leroy Matthew Jr. was formally arraigned in the murder of their daughter, Morgan. Although it’s only just now official, Morgan Harrington’s mother said she knew all along that he was the one who killed her daughter.


Posted by Get out of the right on Thu, 15 Nov 2018 11:13 | #

“Neo-Nazi Brothers, Richard Spencer Associates Fall to Suicide, Gun Charges”

IdaVox, 13 Nov 2018

April 8, 2017: Richard Spencer, center, with Jeffrey Raphiel Clark, Jr., right, and Edward Clark during a rally put on by Spencer outside the White House.

We have become familiar with Eddie and Jeffrey Raphiel Clark over the past year and a half and it was always a case of either they were going to hurt themselves or others. It was the former.

WASHINGTON, DC – When the Clark Brothers began to be publicly active early 2017, it was alongside Richard Spencer, who they followed almost religiously. They were seen at many of the Washington, DC area rallies, participated in the tragic “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, VA later that year, and was even seen spying on leftist gatherings in town. They made no bones about the fact that they were Nazis, a declaration that is a particular oddity in this day and age of those within their circles being particularly careful with how they are perceived. And they especially made known their disdain for Jews and Jeffrey – who is often referred to as “Raph” – were particularly vocal about their fantasies of a war with not only Jews but anyone of color as well, calling himself on Gab a “Meth-Smoking, Pipe bomb making, mailman-murding . . . Che Guevara of the altright.”

On Tuesday, Jeffrey “Raph” Clark, 30, appeared in U.S. District Court in Washington, arrested on Nov. 9 and charged with illegally possessing a firearm and a high-capacity magazine. On Oct. 27, hours after a gunman opened fire on a synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA killing 11, Edward Clark, 23, fatally shot himself on Theodore Roosevelt Island near Washington, and that was the catalyst to a downward spiral that concerned their family members.

It is known that Raph Clark was following Robert Bowers, the suspected gunman in the Tree of Life synagouge shooting, on the neo-Fascist social network Gab and was concerned that while he had not broken any laws, he was concerned that federal law enforcement will pay him a visit. According to reports, he stated that further noted that if he was indeed visited by agents concerning his association with Bowers, “if a line gets crossed, I would be violent, everyone has a line . . .” To that end, his family became concerned too – about him. According to the Washington Post, two family members were the ones that alerted police to his increased outbursts, particularly after the death of his brother, an affidavit saying that he felt the victims of the synagogue shooting “deserved it” because a homosexual Jewish couple was having an adopted baby circumcised, justifying the attack. “(The) fucking kikes that got shot by the hero #RobertBowers were all active supporters of pedophilia…and every last one of them deserved exactly what happened to them and so much worse,” he wrote in one post, and subsequent posts suggesting the attack was a “dry run for things to come” suggested to investigators that he might have known more about the Tree of Life shooting than surmised.

Revise the right? Unite the right?

No! Get out of the right, its full of anti-social fools gone off the rails.


Posted by The gruesome twosome: Bolton & Pompeo on Thu, 22 Nov 2018 05:13 | #


By Antonius Aquinas

With the welcome departure of war mongering UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, the Trump Administration’s neocon tag team of death and destruction – Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo and National Security Advisor (NSA), John Bolton – have enthusiastically taken up where the repellent Haley has left off. It is highly doubtful that the former Ambassador will meekly stay under the rock beneath which she crawled. It seems possible that she will reappear as a primary challenger to her former boss in 2020, and, most certainly, as a Presidential contender in 2024.

Last week, Messrs Pompeo and Bolton were dutifully carrying forth Haley’s promises of mayhem to anyone opposed to US hegemony, even if those “enemies” have never taken hostile action against the US mainland. Of course, threats and attacks against nations which have done nothing to America have never much mattered to the foreign policy establishment!

In one of the most provocative comments ever made by a US diplomat, maniacal Mike threatened Iran with mass starvation of its population (via US sanctions) if it does not submit to Uncle Sam’s outrageous and humiliating demands. In a BBC interview, the Secretary of State warned that:

”[Iran’s] leadership has to make a decision that they want their people to eat.”

Following up on his genocidal warning, the Secretary of State (with a supposedly straight face) said that Iran was a “destabilizing influence” in the Mideast and was a state sponsor of terrorism.

Pompeo and Bolton: the gruesome twosome

Incredibly, the sociopathic Pompeo actually believes that Iran has been the greatest disrupter of peace in the Middle East, when, in fact, it has been the nation which he represents (along with Israel) that has been the real culprit of state sponsored terrorism, with its destruction of Iraq, the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi in Libya, and the attempted regime change in Syria, to name just a few of America’s nefarious activities in the region.

A Brown University study shows the absurdity of Pompeo’s claims. The study estimates that between 480,000 to 507,000 people were killed in America’s post-9/11 wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. For the US, some 60,000 troops have lost their lives or been wounded.

After threatening genocide of the Iranian people, Pompeo told an outright lie as he accused Iran for the catastrophe that is taking place in Yemen:

[The] Iranians are responsible for the starvation of Yemen civilians.


No one outside of the Western controlled press or among the clueless American populace believes such a claim. Everyone else knows that the starvation which is taking place in Yemen has been caused by the US’s ally, Saudi Arabia, which America has armed for decades. It is not the Iranians, but the US which is guilty as an accomplice for the genocide taking place in that misbegotten land.

Not to be outdone by his fellow merchant of death, John Bolton focused his most recent bellicose talk on Latin American regimes that have not fallen in line with the US Empire’s wishes.  He labeled three countries as “the troika of tyranny in this hemisphere – Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua.” Big Bad John boasted that the three had “finally met [their] match” in the Trump Administration.

Wow, John, you are so tough, but saying that these three hellholes are a “match” for the US is a bit much when it is unlikely that the three combined could even defeat Rhode Island’s National Guard in a pitched battle!

While Bolton ruled out (for now) military intervention, he did say that sanctions would soon be placed on the “troika of tyranny.” Bolton proclaimed that “Under this administration, we will no longer appease dictators and despots near our shores.”

Yes, by all means! The threat of an invasion by a Cuban/Venezuelan/Nicaraguan juggernaut rolling onto our shores and then sweeping inland should be a concern for all Americans. No telling how much damage could be inflicted and territory conquered by the “Latin American Axis”! We are so fortunate that perceptive and ever vigilant foreign policy experts like John Bolton keep a watchful eye out for such threats!


These are dangerous and evil men who think nothing of inflicting pain and suffering upon innocent people who have little control over what their nation’s leadership does, just as Americans have little say in the policies and actions of their government.

A global empire attracts personality types like Haley, Pompeo, and Bolton. It needs such sociopaths to provoke others and stir up troubles where there is none to justify its existence. A more peaceful world will only come about with the demise of the American Empire, not changing the personalities who guide it.

Sadly, for Americans who have to fund it and the peoples of the world who are in its path, until there is an economic collapse and/or a dollar crisis, the American Empire will continue to threaten and, in some instances, carry out those threats led by the likes of Michael Pompeo and John Bolton.


Posted by Saudi on Thu, 22 Nov 2018 05:43 | #

November 21, 2018

Hunger, disease have killed 85,000 children under 5 during Yemen war, Save the Children says

by Keith Preston

Anti-Imperialism/Foreign Policy

Tags: Jamal Khashoggi, Saud Arabia, Yemen

It’s interesting how the MSM never said a word about the Saudi war in Yemen for years, until MBS bumped off a WaPo journalist, and the media realized they could use anti-Saudi sentiment as a weapon against Trump, which is actually quite helpful if it shifts the discourse away from the previous Russiahate line toward a new Saudihate line.

This is a fortunate turn of events. Now, if only Israel would take a bonesaw to a WaPo journalist.

NBC News/Associated Press.

SANAA, Yemen — An estimated 85,000 children under age 5 may have died of hunger and disease since the outbreak of Yemen’s civil war in 2015, an international aid group said Wednesday.

Save the Children said the “conservative” estimate is based on average mortality rates for Severe Acute Malnutrition, which the U.N. says has afflicted more than 1.3 million children since a Saudi-led coalition went to war with Yemen’s Houthi rebels in March 2015.

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