Posted by Jupiter on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 19:24 | # Also, Asians in America have their own agenda and operate independent of Jews. I’d like to see if Lagnan can solve every problem in Jackson’s Electromagnetism. Mabe he should at least demonstrate that he can do that. Post-1965 immigration policy should be opposed because it will reduce Native Born White Americans to an ever dwindling racial minority. Keep it simple. The average Joe can not follow a obscure discussion about psychometrics. Nor does he care to follow the dicussion. There is an interesting interview with Nobel Prize winning economist James Heckman about the statistical flaws in Murray and Hernstien…. for those of you who are interested in following the psychomteric debate. The debate can be googled. Let just assume that mexicans all of IQs of 160-no laughing please I am being serious-and tell the little fuckers to go back home and create a great nation. This is what I would say in a natinal debat on Lou Dobbs 3
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 19:31 | # “he rose to prominence in 1999 while working as a bouncer on Long Island” “Langan was born in San Francisco and spent most of his early life in Montana. His mother was the daughter of a wealthy shipping executive but was cut off from her family; his father died or disappeared before he was born.” As for the value of discussing guys like Langan, you invert the point, which is that it is often claimed that the reason we need to import all kinds of guys from India is because we don’t have enough of our own geniuses, when the real problem is that, in part a least, our culture has relegated our white geniuses to such low status: that they aren’t even reproducing, let alone getting the resources they need to invent technologies the way they were prior to the1973 crash in productivity, and that this situation is made worse by the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. It is an interesting question as to what extent the crash in productivity was caused by the immigration of geniuses that relegated our own talent to such lowly status that they end up marginalized out of not only authority, but out of the gene pool. 4
Posted by Jupiter on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 19:53 | # Wrong James Lagnan could have enrolled in a very good state university right down the street from him(Stony Brook) which has an outstaning physics and mathematics department and demonstrated that he can do math and physics. I don’t want to say that Lagnan is dumb or avarage. There are many ways to be intelligent. He may be highly intelligent in ways that I am ot aware of. But he is not super- intelligent because of his 200 score on an Lagnan is in his fifties. When he was a teenager he could have attended Suny Stony Brook when it wasn’t asian infested,very cheap to attend and the academic environment wasn’t so hostile to White males. 5
Posted by Jupiter on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 20:01 | # What about Appalacia’s youth James? Why wouldn’t it be better for Native Born White America to develop Appalchia’s youth for jobs in medicine,engineering,computer programming and technology in general…as opposed to the geneline of asian imports who score high on IQ tests? Why focus on a very weird-that’s how most White Americans would percieve him-bloated steroid user?I wouldn’t let this guy near one of my sisters. 6
Posted by weston on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 20:07 | #
It’s one thing to argue that IQ debates aren’t fruitful in converting whites. Of course, you’re not entirely right about this. Sailer played huge role in converting me to WN, and I’m positive that I’m not alone in this regard. There certainly are some whites who won’t be receptive to IQ arguments, but that doesn’t mean that these arguments should be eschewed. There isn’t one magic bullet that is going to cause whites to wake up from their slumbers; different people can and should promote different pro-white arguments. You’re free to ignore IQ and use whatever arguments you would like. But I’m curious as to why you always seem to take it several steps further than this and dig up “refutations” of the validity of IQ by race-denying academics. It’s one thing to question the efficacy of IQ-based arguments; IQ-denial, however, is not a tenable position. 7
Posted by Tc on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 20:25 | # “When he was a teenager he could have attended Suny Stony Brook when it wasn’t asian infested,very cheap to attend and the academic environment wasn’t so hostile to White males.” I am not sure about that Mr J. I believe from my own experience, although not in the States, that the Academia was ALWAYS hostile to it’s charges not willing to take the edification dished out one step a time. Consider getting into a conversation with a housewife about the intricacies of ironing - with a straight face. That’s what Academia must look like to him - if I read his vibes correctly. Hard to say, what to make of his life - I would say the important part of it is, that it is not over. His best years may be ahead of him. As for the racial implications - he doesn’t seem to be concerned by them, although a fan of eugenics by the looks of it. He doesn’t strike me as an impossible fella. 8
Posted by Jupiter on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 20:27 | # James I AM NOT TRYING TO BE MEAN TO YOU!! Just trying to knock some sense into his head. James, Lagnan is a classic bullshiiter who throws very technical words they have very precise meanings. For example he jibber-jabbers about humans being an endomorphic image of the almighty. What the hell does that mean. I know what an endomorphism is. It is a very precisley defined concept albstract algebra and catergory theory. It is a word that I would never use in a nonspecialist context because it clarfies knothing. It then becomes a word of obfuscation. So Lagnan is eithr a crazy man or he is trying to impress people with big words. You would never hear really intelligent such as Feynman, Wheeler and Hawking using that Jargon. You should read Feynman’s and Hawkings books. they are models of clarity. James babes listen to me..Lagnan is a bullshitter par excellence. Now the surfer theoretical physicist who made news a year ago for his mathematical reformulation of the standard model ..he is not a bullshiiter although his proposal has been torn to shreds in the theoretical physics community. But his proposal was highly nontrivial and the critism of his propasal-E8 lie group representation theory if you care to know-were corresponding deep and nontrivial. Don’t even put Lagnan in the same uiverse as the surfer/theophyscists. 9
Posted by zuwr on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 20:32 | # Jupiter, Feynman’s IQ (124) was taken in childhood and probably is low. James,
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 20:41 | # I don’t think picking apart Langnan’s character is productive. The genotype and culture required to make it in an urbanized/academized environment is different from the genotype and culture required to make a Wright Brothers or a Henry Ford in the environment of the early 20th century. I don’t buy into the idea that our “ongoing evolution” is “natural” in any meaningful sense—hence I don’t buy into the idea that the failure of guys like Langan is meaningful—except that we might expect the same performance of guys like Henry Ford or the Wright Brothers if they had been raised in the post 1965 environment. You can keep a good man down and indeed, that is the primary evolutionary strategy of niche displacement. 11
Posted by Jupiter on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 20:53 | # James Some people are not constitutionally not suitable for a PHD program. It is a terrible poverty stricken grind.So I agree with you. However,I have an allergic reaction to characters who boast about their superior brain based upon his or her score on an IQ test. And yes, technological breakthroughs can and do occur outside academia. There are obvious examples. Former classmates of mine who are engineering professors have many publications. They are just that… publications. No useful technological breakthroughs or any deep insight that could lead to a technological breakthrough. This is actually the norm. I agree with Freeman Dyson:abolish the phd program 12
Posted by Tc on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 20:58 | # “I don’t buy into the idea that our “ongoing evolution” is “natural” in any meaningful sense” That is interesting, would You care to qualify it? On the points about the Wrights and Ford I tend to agree - as in I don’t see an ‘evolution’ in our species, only devolution…:-) Just one more point about Langan: he seems to have been handed a rotten deck of cards. I am not saying he deserves extra sympathy for that, but let us consider this fact. 13
Posted by Jupiter on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 21:02 | # Wouldn’t it be great if Peter Brimelow and the collective came out and stated forcefully on believe the resources of America should be devoted to the development of Appalachia’s youth instead of being devoted to developing the youth of Asia for careers in medicine,engineering science,competer programming and technology and general. Brimelow won’t do this. This is my response to you Weston. It would very likely piss of the fucking asians and it would make big news. 14
Posted by Jupiter on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 21:11 | # Zuwr You see had the IQ test score can go back and forth endlessly and in the meantime…the asian LEGAL immigrant and its “Ameican” born geneline gets away with murder. I can not at this point in time refer quite a few Native Born White Engineers who are under the thump of the predatory hindu LEGAL immigrant to because they are very likely to be turned off by the little nitwit James Fulford’s proclamations about the hard science of the Bell Curve. They don’t want to be told by the nitwit Fullford that science has demostrated that their hindu bossman’s people are more intelligent. is incredibly stupid for doing this. I don’t think Fullford kows a goddam thing about science. 15
Posted by Dasein on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 21:14 | #
Learning about racial difference in IQ was the first step in my conversion. I think it shocks some people when they realize that the media and academia are lying to them about this (what else are they lying about?). Jupiter’s right that this guy seems a bit off. Maybe it’s the music, but it almost feels like a spoof. He’s almost what I’d imagine Diamed to be like. He’s also quite naive on politics. ‘militarism on the part of foreign government’!! He says that the problem with government is ‘average people calling the shots- dunces’. The problem is that these people are either deluded or evil. Their IQs are plenty high. BTW, Terman estimated Galton’s childhood IQ as being 200. I’ve never heard that Einstein’s IQ was 180-190, as this fellow claims (I’ve heard estimates from 140-160). But I agree with the moral of JB’s story- there are plenty of smart whites, we don’t need to import anyone. 16
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 21:25 | # JB: I don’t buy into the idea that our “ongoing evolution” is “natural” in any meaningful sense” Tc: That is interesting, would You care to qualify it? There are a great many environmental variables that have changed, not just since agriculture, as posited by Harpending and Cochran, but in the 20th century—all due to technological effects on our environment. These have had profound influences on our biological evolution that have exploded in power during the 20th century and come to fruition in the demographic crisis of Euroman in the latter half of the 20th century. To say that Euroman is an evolutionary dead-end in this situation is appealing to many—particularly those on the ascent right now. However, this ignores the fact that we created this environment with our technologies. We can take responsibility for this environmental degradation and remediate appropriately, just as we could if the degradation were simply chemical toxins. The difference is taking responsibility consciously for our condition. People who are going on about this bouncer’s character flaws are basically telling me nothing more than that he was differentially targeted for destruction by the pathogens we’ve imported into our environment with our technologies. Big surprise. He would otherwise occupy a coveted niche. 17
Posted by Tc on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 21:52 | # I see, and agree to a large degree. What I observe as changes in the ‘white man’ are mostly psychological - not physical - or physical only in a sense, that they are lifestyle-induced short term reactions of the organism, that could be reversed within the very generation - given the necessary changes of the way of life. Thus: worse IS better… 18
Posted by Dasein on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 22:43 | #
If the crash in productivity was in 1973, I wouldn’t think that would be enough time from 1965 for significant displacement of White elites. Or are you referring to turn of the century Jewish immigrants? Even if we’re talking about this group of immigrants though, it seems hard to believe that this would have forced White geniuses out of the gene pool to any noticeable degree (at least noticeable in 1973). I’d also be curious to know to what extent they are not reproducing, and whether those geniuses who make it are having more children than those who are just getting by.
Galton had a nervous breakdown during his studies, as did did HS Chamberlain. They both recovered and went on to become famous. But it wasn’t guaranteed. I don’t see why this guy should necessarily occupy a coveted niche, or how he’s been targeted for destruction. I agree that White elites are being displaced, but I don’t see this guy as an example of how it is being done systematically. 19
Posted by Jupiter on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 22:43 | # James Be carefull with Harpending’s and Cochran’s. Not of their colleagues agree with their conclusions. their research is still being evaluted. You and Steve Sailer-another admiter of Cochrans research-believe in Harpending and Cochrans research as if it was the Gospel truth. Science is about discovering the contingents truth about the universe. In science the truth can be otherwise. 20
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 22:49 | # Actually, I’ve been saying that 50 generations is plenty of time to have a significant impact on the human gene pool for for almost 30 years now—about as long as I have been hypothesizing homosexuality may be a pathogen-caused disease. The BIX archives probably have some of my musings on these topics. I don’t know why Cochran is so slow. 21
Posted by Jupiter on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 22:53 | # Sean Caroll the developmental biologist -not the Cal Tech physcist-is a genes-phenotype kind of guy. However, in anterview that can be find on the internet by googling he states this doesn’t hold true for ill defined phenotypes such as intelligence. Dasien Towin a debate, one must be efficiently lethal. Raising Bell Curve issues is an obstruction to wiping immigration enthusiasts off the Planet in a debate. Peter Brimelow mr. immigrant how about:the resources of America should be used to the develope the youth of Appalacia for careers in medicine,technology,science and engineering instead of developing the youth of asia for these careers within the borders of America. Asianphile scumbag!!!! 22
Posted by Jupiter on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 22:57 | # Sorry for the shitty spelling. I am engaging in extreme multitaskinig at the moment..which is another way of saying that at the moment I am running around like a chicken with its fucking head cut off. 23
Posted by Jupiter on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 23:06 | # Dasien I can tell you from grass roots/real world immigration reform activity that the Bell Curve stuff has put off a lot of Whites-especially White Male Engineers who have had a bad eperiences with the PREDATORY LEGAL IMMIGRANT HINDU AND CHINAMEN. I’d like to refer these guys to But they don’t want to read about the gospel of the BEll Curve acording to the little nitwit James Fullford or Steve Sailer’s irrelevant posts about who is smarter Black multimillionaire NBA guards or centers. Peter Brimelow, are you out of your fucking mind!! You put this irrelevant shit on when you can write the shennigans of the predatory LEGAL HINDU AND CHINAMEN IMMIGRANT. What a waste of resources. 24
Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 23:35 | # n/a posted an interesting excerpt from a Dr. Michael Jones article: Edmund Connelly wrote recently about the white exclusion from elite colleges like Harvard. And finally, MacDonald’s recent piece that appears to substantiate James’ position. 25
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 00:35 | # From Wikipedia: “He took a string of labor-intensive jobs, and by his mid-40s had been a construction worker, cowboy, forest service firefighter, farmhand, and for over twenty years, a bouncer on Long Island.” James Bowery: “...our culture has relegated our white geniuses to such low status: that they aren’t even reproducing,” LOL! Some of those jobs he had pay pretty good money. What are you saying? That Mossad cut is balls of to keep him from passing along his genes? Give me a break. He didn’t have any kids because he didn’t want ‘em. Could it possibly have anything to do with the fact that he is as highly self-absorbed as his alleged IQ is high? Dasein: “He’s almost what I’d imagine Diamed to be like.” Diamed is a Jewish pussy. I’ve dealt with his type before. They try to drown you in a sea of verbosity; kick them in the balls once, and it’s game over. LOL! Jupiter: “You see had the IQ test score can go back and forth endlessly and in the meantime…the asian LEGAL immigrant and its “Ameican” born geneline gets away with murder.” Jupiter, word to the wise, the Jews are our real enemies. How come you never name the Jew? 26
Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 00:40 | # zuwr writes: I wonder if the above chart is affected by urbanization. Shouldn’t it be income divided by local cost of living? That would give an indication of the cost to raise a family. True but what it would obscure is the status of the environment. There is a reason places like New York City have such high costs of living and it has a lot to do with why small town girls are encouraged to move there and become de facto corporate concubines in the guise of “pursuing a career”—at least until they hit middle age and are no longer useful as fuck dolls or office ornaments, at which time corporate downsizing comes in a lot handier than a messy and obsolete institution like divorce. They just have to move someplace more affordable and can demand nothing more than a few months unemployment, if that. 27
Posted by q on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 00:43 | # This is a classic example of wasted genius due to abusive upbringing. If nothing else, he certainly is captivating. 28
Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 00:52 | #
You resort to the anecdotal, which is a very Jewish tendency. Even if the Mossad did cut his balls off, the exception does not disprove the rule.
On average high status wealthy males produce more children. Millionaire Next Door.ppt 29
Posted by Jupiter on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 01:15 | # captain chaos Obviously you didn’t read my deleted posts over at By the way,what is going on with Asian supremacist Rhabzig Khan or what ever the hell his name is is now a guest blogger, The intellectually flatulent Paul Gottfried now treats him as some kind of serious oracle. So this is Taki.coms alternative to the neocon race traitors that make up the RNC. 30
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 01:28 | # Desmond Jones: “You resort to the anecdotal,” I responded to example proffered, yes, anecdote. “...which is a very Jewish tendency.” Oh geez, you got me there, I’m cowed now. “Even if the Mossad did cut his balls off, the exception does not disprove the rule.” But the exception was offered as an example of the rule. “On average high status wealthy males produce more children.” If we have to rely on status to reproduce, the way society is trending, then we are fucked. Status must be realigned to coincide with racial loyalty. If the status goes to morally flawed Whites, as GT has repeatedly pointed out, again, we are fucked. 31
Posted by danielj on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 01:33 | # Chalk one up for my side: Langan has claimed that “you can prove the existence of God, the soul and an afterlife, using mathematics.” 32
Posted by danielj on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 01:36 | # On average high status wealthy males produce more children. Well, Idiocracy averted then! There is no way that is true. Extremely high status males might produce more children than those of middling status, but the poor and dumb seem to breed in exceptionally large numbers. 33
Posted by q on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 01:40 | # CC, if you’d change your handle, and clean up your language, then .... 34
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 02:21 | # Jupiter: “Obviously you didn’t read my deleted posts over at” No, I have not had the opportunity to read “deleted” posts, sorry. “By the way,what is going on with Asian supremacist Rhabzig Khan or what ever the hell his name is is now a guest blogger,” More stupid fucking faileocon triangulation. Lookee here, were talking about race and genetics, but the wog is saying it. So we’re not racist - har har. He’s basically their answer to Ramesh Ponnuru. “The intellectually flatulent Paul Gottfried now treats him as some kind of serious oracle.” Gottfried is a hack who is interested in reining in Jewry’s more obnoxious actors to prevent a blowback. Good luck, Gottster. “So this is Taki.coms alternative to the neocon race traitors that make up the RNC.” I only bother with Buchanan. Gottfried’s ‘intellect’ is a joke compared to Buchanan’s. But Buchanan is still a willful faileocon, despite the fact he’s really on our side; for the most part. Danielj: “There is no way that is true. Extremely high status males might produce more children than those of middling status, but the poor and dumb seem to breed in exceptionally large numbers.” Right you are. q: “CC, if you’d change your handle, and clean up your language, then ....” Q, you do realize that Diamud’s raison d’etre is to mix the White race out of existence as painlessly as possible. GW himself said that Diamorphtastic was doing it because of his “ethnic interests”. Translations: HE’S A FUCKING JEW! It’s not my fault that a lot of people have egg on their faces for trusting that bagel munching prick. Will I change my handle? Uh…no. 35
Posted by Lurker on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 02:30 | # I thought Diamed might turn out to be asian, a Razib style interloper, rather than Jewish. You keep your name Capt! 36
Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 02:43 | #
Not true. It was an example of the trend. You claimed it was the exception and anecdotal.
You may be fucked. Evolution does not work solely on a group level.
Like who? Show us the numbers. Blacks average, what, 2.25? Hispanics 2.60? 37
Posted by weston on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 02:56 | # Jupiter: This was you posting as “Patrickz” on this thread, wasn’t it: It appears that you may have some issues regarding your own IQ that causes you to obsessively ally with race-deniers on the issue. It also appears you were banned by the end of the thread I linked. Do we really have to go through this crap again? Your personal crusade against IQ interests no one but yourself. BTW, what you don’t seem to realize is that there’s a sensible middle ground between cognitive elitism and insane race denial. IQ is real and it is the single most important factor in explaining the massive difference we see in real world performance between different races. At the same time, it offers absolutely no justification for the race-replacement of whites by “PREDATORY LEGAL IMMIGRANT HINDU AND CHINAMEN”. 38
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 03:02 | #
Peter Frost happens to have a two-article series up this month on the theory of male homosexuality as a pathogen-caused condition: 39
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 03:18 | # Desmond Jones: “You claimed it was the exception and anecdotal.” The exception (i.e., Mr. Langan) to the rule that high IQ > high status > higher than average reproductive success; the exception’s life story (i.e., the acedote). What am I missing here? “It was an example of the trend.” A poorly chosen example of the trend, it seems Mr. Langan’s character flaws are more to blame. Which was my point. “You may be fucked.” Heaven, er, I mean the fermenting grave, forbid. “Evolution does not work solely on a group level.” But I thought the genetic integrity of the GROUP is what is of concern to us here. Or is it every man for himself? 40
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 03:26 | # Jupiter, one of this blog’s positions, if I understand right, is rejection of government-enforced race-replacment of whites by mystery meat no matter whether the mystery meat’s IQ is high or low. You’re preaching to the choir on that: everyone here agrees with you. (I dare say everyone at does too — why you’re on about Brimelow I can’t fathom.) With that said, IQ nevertheless has relevance in a variety of ways, and people on our side definitely should NOT stop talking about it when the context is appropriate. (But you’re right, not all contexts are appropriate.) 41
Posted by danielj on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 03:39 | # Blacks average, what, 2.25? Hispanics 2.60? I don’t know empirically. You show me a large and representative study. I’m telling you what I feel to be right and have observed in my short life. I have, however, been lived for over a year in about six different states in different parts of the country and I’m a people watcher so I trust my gut but I’m willing to be persuaded on the issue by good evidence. I’d say Mexis/Hispanics average around 3.2-3.4 while Whites average replacement level. 42
Posted by danielj on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 03:40 | # Oh my God. Too much Newcastle. Don’t drink and post kids! 43
Posted by Lurker on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 03:48 | # I think the IQ issue is worth pushing. Our race replacing friends are adamant that we ‘need’ immigration. And with a flourish they produce….Africans, mestizos etc. Not a great selection of human capital on display there and harping on about IQ helps to make that explicit. They (race replacers) cannot argue about that ‘need’ for immigration with a straight face given the facts of IQ. They will just end up looking stupid, in fact thats one of our tasks - to make them look stupid on this issue. Its a brave strategy, they have staked all (their professed morality, legal sanctions, the lot) onto a robust defence of non-white immigration/immigrants. Yet their most favoured groups are those which make the weakest case from a utilitarian point of view, in terms of IQ and sheer empirical evidence of group behaviour and achievements. Of course they have a fall back position, the John Jay Ray/Razib/Diamed et al strategy. They get to talk like the tough guys about certain groups but then go all misty eyed over Asians & Jews. Roll out those buzz words - “Cognitive elitism”, “hard working”, “family values” etc etc. This fall back position is what Jupiter is attacking and the IQ question does appear to help the bad guys. Asians & Jews do seem to average higher than whites on IQ. But its not all bad news. Its a split in the race replacement camp which is good. If they fall back to this cognitive elite standpoint they’ve cut the ground from under the racial egalitarians. Group differences are out of the bag. True leftist racial egalitarians are stranded high and dry, after all they are the arch materialists and here they are caught trying to make a silk purse out of a racial sow’s ear. So, we still have the John Jay Ray/Razib/Diamed camp that Jupiter is attacking. Well it seems to me that with group differences out in the open, then our ultimate interests, as JWH would put it, are out in the open too. Then the race replacers have to make a moral case as to why we should die out. While we are still living in the racially egalitarian flat earth, those moral questions can be pushed aside, after all there are is no us and them. Bringing IQ into contention throws a light onto group differences, us and them comes back into play. That has to be a step forward. 44
Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 03:49 | #
Who gets most of the chicks, Obama or Langan?
Fair statement. It may not be poorly chosen but just all that’s available. How much attention do displaced middle aged white males get these days?
All of the above. 45
Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 04:00 | # Dasein writes: If the crash in productivity was in 1973, I wouldn’t think that would be enough time from 1965 for significant displacement of White elites. I’m more interested in extended phenotypic effects impacting things like ethos and motivation. I know in the midwest there was an influx of sexually aggressive south Asians—frequently grad students, faculty and staff—to the campuses during the 1965-1970 years on the strength of the color of their skin, targeting the most desirable coeds who, of course, were obligated to be “enlightened about race” it being at the height of political, intellectual and academic fashion at the time. This can affect how young men, during their formative years, approach the world. Of course, the south Asians weren’t the only participants in the feeding frenzy, but I’m pretty certain it contributed significantly in some of the midwestern academies. This is probably part of the reason Parson’s College ended up being purchased by the TM folks. Of course, sexual aggression wasn’t the only form it took. I recall going to the 026 punch room in the middle of the night to try to run some CS homework in the IBM 360/65 and it was filled with south Asians in 1973 in IOWA—all working so feverishly it literally smelled like a gym. This was rather disconcerting, although I might credit it with driving me toward the frontier of networking since the PLATO terminal was very isolated and under-utilized because, well, the CS professors just didn’t get the point of the system and they didn’t give credit for doing silly things like 3D virtual worlds in 1974, so I found refuge as an academic “untouchable”. 46
Posted by weston on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 04:22 | #
I’m not sure how many whites actually embrace this position, keeping in mind that it’s pretty easy to lie about one’s race/ethnic interests on the internet (as many of GNXP’s house whites appear to do. Take “birch barlow”—he passed himself off as white for a long time before finally revealing himself to be a “mestizo failfuck”, as “n/a” so aptly put it). Regardless, WN is far more popular than cognitive elitism among whites that know the score on IQ.
Or Fulford. He’s no cognitive elitist; he’s a white nationalist, even if he doesn’t come right out and say it. VDare’s blog publishes many articles critical of legal Indian immigration, a number of these posted by Fulford. Attacking him over his support of “The Bell Curve” when he agrees with you on everything else is quite strange. Priorities, Jupiter. 47
Posted by Lurker on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 04:52 | #
To be sure, but it might be a future redoubt for current liberals as it already is for conservatives of JJR’s ilk. You can find plenty of white race-blind conservatives on-line who while not espousing the cognitive elitist line consciously seem to be at least orbiting around it in some way. That’s just my take though. 48
Posted by Dasein on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 11:35 | #
And I am fairly certain this will remain just an empty claim. If he can do what no other man has done, if he can defy Gödel’s incompleteness theorems, if he can show that Nietzsche’s critique ‘On the Prejudices of Philosphers’ (Beyond Good and Evil, part one) does not apply to him, perhaps he is the God he seems to think he is. I’m not holding my breath though. Didn’t he also say somewhere in that interview that he wants logic to replace faith? I’m also wondering what the source is of this 190-210 estimate. Is it only his word? 49
Posted by Dasein on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 11:53 | #
Another recent example: What mating choices will these children make later in life? Will they even decide to have real-world families? 50
Posted by Jupiter on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 12:46 | # Dasien,Lurker and Weston For the sake of argument, suppose all races had the equal IQ scores. I mean after, IQ score is a contingent fact about the world so it could be otherwise. What difference should this make in terms of opposition to an immigration policy that would reduce Native Born White Americans to an ever dwindling racial minority within th ebordes of America? Here is the obvious answer:0 Raising the IQ test score during debate sidetracks and undermines an intense focus on the race replacement issue and lets the predatory hindu and chinamen get away with murder. It is for this reason that Brimelow, Sailer, Stix and Fullford are foolish to spend time on it. Why not with laser beam intensity on the extreme damage that post-1965 asians are inflicting on Native Born Whie American families. And please don not give the nonesense about the asians numbers being too small and not worth talking about. I view the asians as being as much of a threat to Native Born White Ameican Christians as Jews. The asians have already established a beach head and gone over the cliffs. They now own over 150 and fifty members of the US congress-India policy group. This has never been mentioned on Raise the IQ test score stuff in a public debate and the day wll come when Fullford will come up against an liberal immigration enthusiast with a phd in philosophy who has deep grasp of the statistical and theoretical issues underlying murray and hernsrtien. He get his lights knocked out 51
Posted by Jupiter on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 13:12 | # Why does Brimelow allow Sailer to post bizarre nonesense about whether or not multimillionaire black NBA centers are more intelligent than black multimillionaire NBA guards and absolutely nothing about the fact that the predatory hindu LEGAL immigrants now own over 150 members of the US congress-India policy group. The Bell Curve stuff leads to a “deep” discussion about IQ scores of multimillionaire coon NBA players to a fixation on Black male physiology. It’s really fucking wierd. My point is that there is a growing population of Whie American MAles who have had a very bad experience with predatory post-1965 LEGAL asian IMMIGRANTS. When a litle nitwit such as James Fulford makes the Murray and Hernstien the centerpiece and organizing principle of his posts whether he understands it or not he perpetuates the frame work of the enemy in which the LEGAL immigrant asian is esential to Ameria’s survival. Native born White males are econimically redundant. 52
Posted by Jupiter on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 13:21 | # Fred My previous two posts explain why I am on about Brimelow. I know Peter works with scarce resources. But he shoul;d use them efficiently. I want separtion from blacks. To me the big obstacles are the White fathers who never disowned their white daughters who married a coon, and the White jock sniifers who fill football stadiums every fall. Think about it. Most of the players are young black men who wear tight spandex. The vast majority of fans in the stadium are adult White males. Fucking wierd or what? Brimelow should go after the asians viciusly -just as he goes after the hispanics viciously 53
Posted by Jupiter on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 14:06 | # Weston My motivation is the total destruction of the enemy. So the question arises:what is the the best way to wage war against the enemy. I do not believe a convoluted strategy will be effective. I believe the best strategy is to be a complete rejectionist againat race replacement. This is all that has to be stated in public. If the enemy doesn’t like tough shit. We can always ask them:So what are you going to do about it. This is why I do not focus on Bel Curve stuff. The simpler,much less convoluted strategy is the more effective strategy. Look if folks here want to discuss Murray annd Herstien and others, that’s ok. This is what this website is about. And I accept it. I just want to give the point of view off someone who has battle tested seveal strategies against race replacer enthusiasts. I plead guilty to being a simpleton 54
Posted by s.e. on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 14:23 | # I plead guilty to being a simpleton Humility is no defence with this crew, chap. They will run you into the dirt for the slightest departure from orthodoxy. 55
Posted by Darren on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 15:13 | # Vdare features non-whites such as Michelle Malkin (pinay) and Marcus Epstein (Jew-Korean hybrid, I believe), so that should let you know where they stand on racial issues. Steve Sailer himself is half-Jewish and thus the result is you get someone who is maybe “half” there on racial issues. I really hate to say it, but Alex Linder’s saying of “No Jews. Just Right” rings true here. Any group that compromises their principles so much that they water down the message to the point of Sailer’s “citizenism” is a fail. They all have some utility (though Malkin is a bit of a stretch), but none of them fully deliver. If you want to put your weight on a particular group of people, I’d put it with TOO/TOQ, they have been the least objectionable group of racial ideologues so far. 56
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 16:00 | # Regarding Jupiter’s last comment: it’s true that arguing explicitly against race-replacement, against exactly, explicitly, that notion, race-replacement, no more and no less (forced race-replacement actually, since it’s not being accomplished with the fully-informed consent of the people; rather, it’s being pulled off by a combination of lying to the trusting, unsuspicious people to mislead or outright trick them, and naked governmental coercion for dealing with any resisters), is 1) ultimately what needs to be done, and 2) the strongest way to argue, since the only way the other side can counter it is Jewish-style verbal sleight-of-hand like race-denial (and they’re starting to dabble in species-denial now, in case anyone hasn’t noticed — just to cover all their bases, I imagine). This is why I’ve always, from day one (from the day I first caught on that deliberate race-replacement was the other side’s game) spoken in explicit language about it, calling it race-replacement. That’s exactly what it is, and it’s deliberate and carefully calculated every step of the way (yes there are dupes on the other side helping to push it without understanding that’s what they’re helping to push, but the central core of the other side’s leaders know what their goal is, the eradication of the Euro races: the signs of this are absolutely unmistakable). But that’s me, and that’s There are thinkers and sites that can’t be so explicit. They have to take one step at a time or go out of existence altogether. So we can’t insist on perfect “orthodoxy” everywhere, certainly not at this stage of the game. I would say that, ultimately, explicitness on three things has to be adopted by our side (not meanness or threats, just ordinary, calm, matter-of-fact, non-threatening, willing-to-discuss-matters, open-to-all-suggestions-as-to-a-remedy-or-way-out-of-this-mess, but firm nevertheless and unbending, uncompromising on truth, explicitness): our side ultimately cannot avoid explicitness on: 1)race; 2) the obvious fact that the other side is deliberately forcing race-replacement on Euros; and 3) the huge Jewish role. But not everybody, and not all sites, can do all of that right now. 57
Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 16:04 | # s.e. writes: They will run you into the dirt for the slightest departure from orthodoxy. I don’t see any orthodoxy running Jupiter into the ground here—I see Jupiter going non-linear about his own orthodoxy—an orthodoxy I find quite acceptable—in a way that is rather strange. What orthodoxy are you referring to, s.e.? 58
Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 16:24 | # Dasein asks: I’m also wondering what the source is of this 190-210 estimate. Is it only his word? Perhaps this reference will suffice:
Posted by Fr. John on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 16:32 | # “we’re going to have to make logic go where faith once stood.” One of the marks of True intelligence is a sense of compassion. Even the most naive simpleton is a better man, if he has compassion toward others of his race. THus the Church in Christendom always sought out the most intelligent, gifted, etc. from all classes of Europeans, to bring them up, educate them, to be that ‘Aristocracy of Mind’ which Langan so callously bandies about in his ‘interview.’ “Chalk one up for my side: Langan has claimed that “you can prove the existence of God, the soul and an afterlife, using mathematics.” Two things. Who made the Chalk? Which means, at base, Langan believes HE is God. Thus my quoting his statement above. However, if Langan privately believes it, or personally acts as though he is, either way, he’s deluded. What God would give Himself such a life? For what purpose? Clearly, none. Which is the height of lunacy. God cannot NOT have a purpose. THe Scriptures clearly state that even the creation of the Universe was done ‘for His good pleasure.’ The greatest numbers of those who say ‘I am God’ have historically been confined, either to the shtetl, or the asylum. Langan is no better, except for the simple observation, that today, instead of putting such men in Bedlam, we make them president. Oh, sorry, oxymoron. 60
Posted by Dasein on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 17:05 | #
Ok, this tells me it is high. But it doesn’t necessarily support the specific range given. (BTW, has anyone else ever heard of Einstein’s IQ being in the range given in the interview, i.e. 180-190?) How many tests has this Novelly administered? To whom? Which test(s)? I don’t understand why they didn’t give a test that could measure IQs in this range and report those results on the show, instead of just saying he’s off the charts. Jared pre-Subway days and I would both be equally off the charts on my kitchen scale. 61
Posted by Dasein on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 17:28 | # Perhaps my last comment on Langan, then I’ll stop beating up on him. It’s amazing how convinced he is that he’s most likely the smartest man in the world. He took an IQ test after reading an advert in a toilet stall (or some such thing). Is this his manger? Bottom line: I think there are good reasons why this guy never ‘made it’ (some having to do with his unfortunate upbringing). I agree with the point James is making about the hollowness of the claim we need to import high-IQ non-Whites, but I don’t see him as typical of systematic prejudice against elite Whites. 62
Posted by weston on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 18:28 | #
You’re not being honest here. I said in my very first comment to this post that I have no problem with different approaches to fighting race-replacement. It’s fine to focus on areas other than IQ in your arguments. Bob Whitaker’s entire approach is to work the white genocide angle, and I’m a big fan of Bob’s writing. But you don’t actually ignore the IQ issue. You’ve spent a lot of time arguing that it is invalid and dug up various race-deniers that agree with you, and you’ve been doing this for years. In the future, how about holding true to your word that you don’t discuss IQ? Which means no more talk of Heckman, Carroll, Rose, or whatever other race-denier crawls up out of the sewer tomorrow.
False humility is no virtue. 63
Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 22:13 | # Dasein writes: Bottom line: I think there are good reasons why this guy never ‘made it’ (some having to do with his unfortunate upbringing). I agree with the point James is making about the hollowness of the claim we need to import high-IQ non-Whites, but I don’t see him as typical of systematic prejudice against elite Whites. His upbringing was the result of an intergenerational break within a wealthy family resulting in him being reared by an abusive stepfather rather than a wealthy grandfather. That is strike one against your thesis. Strike two is the fact that when he entered Reed College, rather than being a redemptive opportunity to be taken under the wing of an appropriate mentor—which is the raison d’etre for such elite small colleges—he was essentially thrown into a maelstrom of sex, drugs and radical politics with an administration that impersonally marginalized him. This is a direct result of the culture of critique insinuating itself into the elites of academia in the 1960s. You’re not out, but you certainly haven’t a hit. 64
Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 22:28 | # He was at Reed? Interesting. There are lots of stories about skin popping heroin and black prostitutes at Reed. 65
Posted by Jupiter on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 23:20 | # James I think that Lagnan has psychological problems for the reasons you stated and these problems undermined what ever cognitive talents he had. Norbert Winer the mathematical prodigy and father of cyberneteics wrote about a fellow mathematical prodigy who broke under the pressure of a demanding father ended up spending the rest of his adult given out subway tokens. I have been told similar stories by people who went to school with mathematical prodigies. There is a very well known book on the constellations published by dover written by a self-taught amatuer who was heavily recruited as a research aid by leading astronomers. If I remeber correctly, he discovered a black hole without knowing it. The Nobel prize winning astrophyscist Chandrasekar offered him a position as his research assistant. It never worked out because this guys had psychological issues. Chandrasekar was very impressed with his skill and talent. Also some years back there was a Canadian-white variety-who kept flunking out of physcics grad school. He got job out an observatory and discovered quasars. He discovered several of them. He just had a weird skill for oicking quasars out. They took back to grad school and proceded to hios Cs, anf Fs. So what you are saying is very credible. Even though he received his phd, Teddy the unibomber was another victim. Alton Chase wrote a book about his psychological destruction at the hands of a member of the tribe in a psychological experiment at Harvard. 66
Posted by Jupiter on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 23:23 | # Sorry for the bad spelling. I don’t always have time to do a triple check. As long as you get the point. 67
Posted by Dasein on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 23:34 | #
There’s much merit to your second point, although I don’t think his success should have depended on finding a suitable mentor in university (wouldn’t we all have liked that). Many smart people have the misfortune to study at third-rate colleges, or not have their talents recognized, yet they rise above it. If he’d done anything that rewarded IQ, he should have rose to the top. But he didn’t. He knew he was smart (“could literally teach [his professors] more than they could teach [him]”), yet chose to work as a manual labourer. At what point is someone supposed to grow up? Does a high IQ necessitate holding their hand the whole way? The first point doesn’t seem to be anything new. Abusive step-parents have been around for a long time (they were a favorite villain for the Brothers Grimm). Dispossessing your child actually seems somewhat old-fashioned. If she had left the father for a lesbian, maybe it could be blamed on the sexual revolution. I’m just not seeing anything systematic or new in his unfortunate childhood. Am I still batting? 69
Posted by danielj on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 23:44 | #
I just meant I had a smarty pants in my corner, not that there was any validity to his particular claim. Godel I don’t understand, but the intelligent folk I’ve read on the subject of his theorems tend to interpret the evidence as proof of the invalidity of empiricism. It is over-my-head philosophy stuff but I’m wondering how you come to the opposite conclusion about Godel? 70
Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 23:47 | # Dispossessing your child actually seems somewhat old-fashioned. I think its reasonable to strongly suspect that any post-WW II wealth and power that was denied the descendants of the founding stock was part of the general pathology. Niche displacement is systemic if not systematic. 71
Posted by Jupiter on Wed, 25 Feb 2009 00:01 | # danielj Godel’s incompleteness only has validity within the realm of arithematic. It is a statement about arithematic. Godel has his own “proof"for the existence of God. I have no intetnion of reading it. Godel’s ontological argument is a subject of intetnse debatte among philosophers who specialize in ontology. It is very rarefied stuff. I tried reading Alvin Plantinga and said what’s the point? It has to be more obvious than this. There is a much simpler more intuitive proof of Godel’s second incompletenes theorem given by a mathematician named Goodstien. 72
Posted by exPF on Wed, 25 Feb 2009 00:02 | # Just for the record, this man is an american jew. I met a high IQ family of jews who own businesses and are very accomplished, 73
Posted by q on Wed, 25 Feb 2009 00:15 | #
I’d tend to agree with you; but we need proof, please. 74
Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 25 Feb 2009 00:18 | # exPF: “Just for the record, this man is an american jew.” Don’t ruin it for us PF, it’s not an effective sob story unless we can identify with the main character. 75
Posted by danielj on Wed, 25 Feb 2009 00:39 | # Godel’s incompleteness only has validity within the realm of arithematic. It is a statement about arithematic. I know it is a statement about arithmetic, but from what I understand it can have further reaching implications. The fact that there is such a thing as mathematics has far reaching implications for some thinkers. Natural log is a scary beast! There is a much simpler more intuitive proof of Godel’s second incompletenes theorem given by a mathematician named Goodstien. Thanks for that. 76
Posted by danielj on Wed, 25 Feb 2009 00:41 | # exPF: “Just for the record, this man is an american jew.” So was Sidis. Sidis also has some other interesting parallels with Langan as well, evens suffering some in childhood, except the abuse he suffered at the hands of his parents wasn’t physical. 78
Posted by Colin Laney on Wed, 25 Feb 2009 00:55 | # I just meant I had a smarty pants in my corner, not that there was any validity to his particular claim. You do have a smarty pants in your corner, and the full extent of his validity has yet to be determined. A summary of Langan’s Cognitive-Theoretical Model of the Universe here: He is very good on attacking science at its weakest point: its self-conception. CTMU begins with the philosophical lacunae that science habitually represses in order that it may advance a covert metaphysics - naturalism - that itself is scientifically groundless. As to whether the CTMU “proves god” - I don’t have the mathematics to judge. But he does let slip a theological phrase in his summary linked above - “dual-aspect monism” - that, if not a final description of reality in toto, is at least a step up from the waste land we now inhabit. 79
Posted by SM on Wed, 25 Feb 2009 01:35 | # James Bowery is generally correct when he says Langan could be an example of the very real displacing of “high aptitude” whites from their status roles (chief and shaman) through profound complexity (which has been snowballing for centuries and centuries [and millennia] and starts its underminings in the childhoods of its victims). Bowery’s contestors here aren’t grasping the “macro grandness” of his premice. (Bowery explains some of that macro grandness in “Posted by James Bowery on February 24, 2009, 09:13 PM | #”) Many posters here seem envious. This, BTW, is the true root problem that creates all our others (Jews parasitism, feminism, “race replacement”)—the alpha beta gamma dynamic [coup’d eta snowball]. (I guess the endlessly rebellious low whites who did this to their world{cut their own head off} are going to finally get what they deserve {the body fell over and maggots infest…}.) IQ is not a trump card in all debates; true. “Migration and balkanization is historically bad to ‘you’ [for biological reasons not simply turned off by low-liberal wishful thinking and high-liberal demagoguery]” should suffice. He looks like my father. What sub race is he? Anglo-Scot? [Langan sounds mc; no way the smartest man is non-scot mc] ———— “zuwr on February 23, 2009, 07:32 PM | #” said “I wonder how Langan is different psychologically. Where is he on Myers Briggs, the Five Personality traits, and alcohol/drug abuse? Based on his not wanting to confront the officials at Reed College, it would seem to me that he would be extremely shy. >>>> Too shy to `deal properly [at least with modern life contingency], snowballing him into holes. Yeah. Sounds possible. Chicken and egg… How much is nurture syndrom (created by complexity undermine-ings unique to modern liberal state)? How much is the naturally agoraphobic high IQ male Northern European? (Psycho babble should be taken with salt. The premise of behavior/personality/ ‘freewill choices’ being cause and effect on the mono generational scale—“nurture syndrome”—and therefore understandable through “science” is sound but the study so far is political opinion hiding in lab coat, jew sophister bullshit.) 80
Posted by SM on Wed, 25 Feb 2009 02:02 | # Colin Laney on February 24, 2009, 11:55 PM | # “CTMU begins with the philosophical lacunae that science habitually represses in order that it may advance a covert metaphysics - naturalism - that itself is scientifically groundless.” ———- Does he mean the Science Method has not been good at demonstrating cause and effect materialism(domino effect, billard balls, energy converting [steam = ice] big to large) on the cosmic and therefore ultimately terrestrial biological (’ selected taxonomic diversity [“Naturalism/evolution”]’) scale? Does he simply mean all knowledge becomes cult zeitgheist for the day’s caste structure—high to low—as goldencalf rallypoint for orthodoxy. Well then yes. ———— Re: his Jewishness— Some aspects of his intellect maybe. Not just the high IQ but the gaps in his schpiel. 81
Posted by ben tillman on Wed, 25 Feb 2009 06:17 | # I met a high IQ family of jews who own businesses and are very accomplished, He looks and sounds like a Mormon to me — specifically, Mike Leach, head football coach at Texas Tech University. 82
Posted by q on Wed, 25 Feb 2009 22:32 | # “He [Langdon] looks and sounds like a Mormon to me” He has a strong resemblance to the Jewish “comedian,” Andrew Dice Clay:- 83
Posted by a Finn on Sat, 28 Feb 2009 10:19 | # Intelligence ruined by bad upbringing. In general highest IQ people would be bad leaders, and Langan would be among the worst. This is made worse by the fact that he doesn’t have the necessary knowledge about human interactions. New intellectual elite highly separated from and high above their people is the last thing Europeans need. Intelligence is good servant, but bad if it is the center of the world. 84
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 28 Feb 2009 16:08 | # SM writes: Not just the high IQ but the gaps in his schpiel. To what gaps are you referring? 85
Posted by SM on Sun, 01 Mar 2009 06:29 | # James Bowery, hello. “To what gaps are you referring?” I didn’t want to go listen to it again, and list a report, when I first posted that and I still don’t. (‘Gaps’ wasn’t the best choice for conveying what I meant, I guess.) Something I thought when watching the vids: he is ‘intellectually immature’. `Hasn’t been hit by life in the ‘right’ ways. (I don’t mean that as cruel as it sounds.) “Finn” right above your post helps sum up one facet of what my laziness won’t: “...he doesn’t have the necessary knowledge about human interactions.” Ie.—for one thing—there was pollyanna in his words (made worse by the sound track). He’s too smart to be that naive (without me calling it a ‘gap’). —— Oh and the skull size thing. Even if he is right, he didn’t continue his listing to whales (who are bigger yet probably dumber); and birds (and cephalopods) who do a lot with a little. He didn’t correct for the [ahem] ‘liberal sophister’ arguments that have already deconstructed him in spades before he spoke. ‘Non-en-gapped’ people know the deal and compensate as they deliver their pitch (with terse digressions and clauses abounding, meant to silence critics prevasorilly). Oh and he said he found the spacial hard. Now I—like most genius white males—found the spacial to be easiest and the _math word_ problems hardest (most males should agree). Intelligence is ‘asymmetrical’ (eg some are verbal based some math based) but a masculine male type thought the spacial hardest? (Though thats okay Chris, where ever you is). This post seems more critical of him than I intend. I am not the envious, or mean type. (I’m a mensch by nature, like him I’d wager.) —- ====== Why are people trying to kick him out? He does not look like dice clay (who looks like a robust jon stewart). His eye cups are slightly inverted but so were `der furher’s; it might be Chris’ larger than average frontal orbital. (I’m not a frenology skull taxonomy type; It is just that I know a little about everything. Not enough to get a job mind you ...just enough to be annoying at parties.) ‘We’ fight to keep vapid dopey—and cruel—avril lavien from being claimed by the [baltid] jews (though they don’t want her); but him we trade before the first pitch. [She is indeed a cute little neotenic type.] Then you wonder why people distance themselves from white “racists”... 86
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 01 Mar 2009 14:30 | #
Or the ultimate significance of its being red in tooth and claw isn’t what we think (isn’t, in other words, such as means God either must stop it or must not exist). 87
Posted by a Finn on Tue, 03 Mar 2009 15:13 | # In today’s world we are constantly bombarded with big claims, so I would like to question a little bit. Was the IQ test that Langan participated multiple choice test? Multiple choice tests are problematic especially at the highest IQ level, because they allow answering with imprecise answers. Participant might see that one of he choices is approximately the right one without the ability to answer it on his own, without the help of ready answer choices. At the highest IQ level I would require that participants produce all the answers, whole answers by themselves without any help or hints. Langan was claimed to be the smartest man in the world. Compared to whom? Who else have done that same test? Has there been representative sample of participants from the highest IQ people? How that Omni (?) supports it’s claim that their IQ test is the most difficult in the world? Is that mere ordinary hype? What is the level of studies that Langan has produced? In the end IQ tests are play, studies are tests of concrete real world ability. It is clear that Langan is intelligent, but the said things make his exact intelligence position uncertain. This reminds me of Jewish IQ, which should be deconstructed. Are their IQ results in the 110-125 range valid, representative of the average Jews? There are two main problems; test done in private schools and tests done in stratified public schools. Private schools often require high fees, which require high incomes from the parents. High incomes correlate with high IQ. In addition many Jewish private schools are culturally stratified to serve high IQ Jews (requirements of study). Many Jewish IQ test have been done in New York public schools. The problem with this is the zoning of New York public schools. They are stratified by income of the area in question, and the higher income New York parents fight politically to uphold the zoning, thus the correlation with IQ. There are other factors. Certain New York areas are known for their high proportion of intellectuals and people in jobs requiring intelligence, not all of them necessarily in highly paid jobs. These factors increase the average intelligence of certain areas, making them unsuitable to represent e.g. all the U.S. Jews. These could serve to lessen the proportion of the Jews in many pro-Europeans thinking, which is a good thing. This doesn’t mean forgetting them, because much can be learned from them. Our attention, energies and goals should be directed mainly to our improvement and change. Now there is often feeling that the Jews should change and we should stay the same. This is a mistake. Jewish change is not necessary to us, but our change is necessary to us. 88
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 03 Mar 2009 15:47 | #
Well said. If we changed, by the way, and stood up for once to the trouble-making Jews, there are plenty of Jews out there who don’t like the direction things are headed in, who would heave a huge sigh of relief and be happier than they’ve been in years. Unfortunately of course, the strongest Jews, the ones wielding the most influence and the worst influence, are very powerful and the ones pulling the strings. The others, the sane, decent Jews, feel themselves caught up in a maelstrom not of the making or liking. These kinds of Jews are waiting for us to act — act rationally, reasonably, morally of course, but ACT. 89
Posted by a Finn on Thu, 05 Mar 2009 15:59 | # Fred, I analyze a little bit what you said and at the same time explain my position further. When you say “If we changed, by the way, and stood up for once to the trouble-making Jews, ...” (referring to the Jewish “elite”), in other words you say there are conflicts of interests, which compel to standing up to Jews. Immigration, miscegenation propaganda, globalist policies, liberalism, extreme leftism, areal dispossession, affirmative action /work and study dispossession, etc. My goal is that we change in such a way and do such things that these conflicts of interests fizzle into minimum, almost to nothing. When we have our own communities, endogamy, areas, schooling/ studying, independent jobs, drop out of media propaganda’s influence and replace it with our own information sources, food and energy production, production of necessary things, our own exchange mediums and methods, interests free loans, community giving protection against losses and risks (secure place and work possibilities in community in case of e.g. bankcrupty or job loss), etc., we have a lot less conflicts of interests with the Jews. Whatever residue conflict is left we can use diplomacy, normal politics or benign confrontation. - Diplomacy is the art of letting somebody else have your way - 90
Posted by the sangha on Fri, 06 Mar 2009 05:26 | # I found the videos very interesting, and I must say that Chris Langan strikes me as both witty and overbearingly arrogant. He believes only the most “fit” should reproduce, unaware that some might question his obesity and thus lack of temperance, his lack of ambition or initiative to become a “productive” member of society, as well as his psychological state given his lack of success despite his purported super-high IQ Like many highly intelligent individuals with no other notable qualities, he overstresses intelligence: “Sure, make me the king of the world, so the most beautiful women can breed with me, because in real life I am a douche bag bar bouncer who witnesses on a constant basis the hottest women leaving with jacked alphas of average or below-average intelligence.” This is the thinking of the physically frail psychology professor steeped in theoretical nerddom. Even Chris Langan is blinded by self-interest, despite his claims to clear thinking. Then again, while the world would be less attractive with more Chris Langans—and physical attractiveness appears more strongly correlated with mate choice than “superior intelligence”—it would likely be more peaceful. It is Chris Langan’s views on metaphysics and ethics that are most interesting to me, and where I think he could make a genuine contribution to society. Chris Langan should not be bashed simply because he is a bar bouncer. Many people have found the corporate world to be a vacuous and spiritual wasteland. He should be bashed, in my view, for his lack of temperance, discipline, and arrogance in thinking a world with more fat bouncers from Montana would necessarily make for a better world. : P 91
Posted by Libertarian on Wed, 22 Apr 2009 20:12 | # WHAT A BUNCH OF PREJUDICED COMMENTS. I’ll bet 99% of the people commentating here do not reach a third of this guy’s IQ…. even if all IQ’s were added. Whites, blacks, chinesse, jews…. can’t you invent a new form to classify human beings, at least a little more original than what was used 100 years ago. Jupiter, here’s a tip… stay in Jupiter!!! 92
Posted by National Socialist on Wed, 22 Apr 2009 20:56 | # Libertarian, We need not be original in our classification because, 100 years ago they did a reasonably good job. Why invent the wheel again? Shit smelled bad in the 17th century, in the 19th century and still smells bad today. I hope you do not use shit as perfume because it is the 21st century as you wish to do everything in a different way from your ancestors for the simple reason that it is the 21st century. I suggest you live in a parallel universe because your insane ideology will never be successful in this one. This universe is a harsh National Socialist universe where the most successful group or individuals survives at the expense of the other. You are just born in the wrong universe. 93
Posted by danielj on Wed, 22 Apr 2009 20:56 | # I’ll bet 99% of the people commentating here do not reach a third of this guy’s IQ…. even if all IQ’s were added. What a ridiculously prejudiced comment! I’m aghast! 94
Posted by Libertard = Jew on Wed, 22 Apr 2009 21:30 | #
Hey dickhead, prejudice was the natural way of things before you jews brought your pinko nonsense into our lands, and we’re sick and tired of you constantly brow-beating us with your stupid, ill-considered, and not to forget bigoted ideologies. I swear, whether it’s liberals, neocons, or libertarians they all spout the same commie “race-blind” nonsense. So much for your vaunted “individualism”, right Libertard? 95
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 25 May 2020 21:44 | # For the ontology project, the self-simulation principle may be adequately accessible. It relies on QMM which relies on the metaformal system: 2020: THE REALITY SELF-SIMULATION PRINCIPLE: REALITY IS A SELF-SIMULATION 2019: INTRODUCTION TO QUANTUM METAMECHANICS (QMM) 2018: THE METAFORMAL SYSTEM: COMPLETING THE THEORY OF LANGUAGE As for the ad hominem: here’s Langan:
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 27 May 2020 00:29 | # SM wrote:
In virtually all non-primate species the size of nerve cells gets bigger along with body size. Whales have the biggest neurons of all, so their big brains don’t have many neurons. Vocalizing birds (song birds, parrots, etc.) are exceptional. Cephalopods would be interesting to research, but there is little doubt that for primates, increasing brain size increases neuron count extraordinarily fast. 97
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 20 Jan 2021 19:29 | # Remember The White Stuff for a day like today. 98
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 21 Jan 2021 01:24 | # Hey Jim, what did you think about the movie, assuming you viewed it, First Man? Post a comment:
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Posted by Jupiter on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 19:10 | #
Langnan is originally from Long Island. Lived in a little hut-the type the wet backs live in with their five offspring- in the town of East Hampton. Feynman’s IQ was well below Lagnan’s and well bellow the lady who had the highest score ever. For tactical reasons I stay away from the IQ debate. Completely unneccesary to the goal of getting rid of Post-1965 non-whites. A discussion of IQ scores in a big public debate will with 100 percent certainty sidetrack a discussion about the harmfull consequences of importing Steve Sailer’s master race of asians. Of course this must be the reason why Sailer moved back to California. Hoping to get the two Sailer boys to blend the Sailer geneline into asian “mster” race geneline.