The case for a conspiracy against Europe By David Hamilton 1. A WELCOME FOR IMMIGRANTS AND FOR ISLAM In a question and answer session with a group European journalists, and published in November 2008 by French magazine Café Babel, European Commissioner Jaques Barrot (mail him here) lifted the veil on the secret machinations of the EU rulers and their real views on Islam and mass immigration, and how they are trying to destroy Europe.
2. THE OBLIGATION TO INTER-BREED WITH BLACKS AND BROWNS On December 17 last year Nicolas Sarkozy, himself 25% Hungarian, 25% French, 50% Jewish, called with stunning frankness for métissage, meaning racial panmixia, in a speech to the students of the Ecole Polytechnique in Palaiseau:- Here is a translation courtesy of Galliawatch:-
3. TREASON AND LIES IN HIGH PLACES These following documents held in the UK national Archive expose the hidden agenda of bringing us under control in the EU totalitarian state. The law of treason was repealed but in fact we have been betrayed. When Minister of State for Europe, Edward Heath, visited Professor Hallstein, President of the European Commission in November 1960, his report noted that Hallstein emphasised that joining the EEC was not just a matter of adopting a common tariff but an introduction to a new statehood. It would be necessary, insisted Hallstein, for any new entrant to accept the principle that the EU was to evolve into something much deeper “some form of federal state”. PRO/FO/371/150369: In 1969 the Council of Ministers commissioned the Prime Minister of Luxumbourg, Pierre Werner develop a plan to bring full economic and monetary union to the Common Market. At this time a secret briefing note to Heath from Con O’Neill, our senior civil servant responsible for Europe, described “a process of fundamental importance, implying development towards the political union… going well beyond the full establishment of a common market.” The Werner plan was for “the ultimate creation of a European Federal State, with a single currency.” Basic instruments of national economic management - fiscal, monetary, income and regional policies - were to be transferred to the central federal authority within a decade. PRO/FCO/30?789: Heath lied to the British people. In the White Paper distributed to every house in June 1971, he stated:” There is no question of Britain losing essential Sovereignty”. In a Television broadcast to mark our entry into the EEC: “There are some in this country who fear that in going into Europe we shall in some way sacrifice independence and sovereignty. Those fears, I need hardly say, are completely unjustified.” The move to the Lisbon Treaty began in May 2000 when Joscha Fischer, then German Foreign Minister, and former Marxist extremist, called for a European constitution, a call endorsed by EU leaders in December 2001 at Laeken, near Brussels as a “constitution for European citizens.” Then in 2003 the constitution written by Giscard d’Estaing was passed to members governments. The Constitution was signed in Rome in 2004. This was resisted but Angela Merkel, German Chancellor, demanded an inter-governmental conference to propose a new text. This came out in October 2007 and was an old style “amending treaty” rather than a replacement of previous documents. This was an exercise in obscurantism and the chaos of cross-references, amendments, sub-texts, deletions and protocols are impassable. It was “The Lisbon Treaty” and described as “The Treaty amending the Treaty establishing the European Community.” It was ratified in Britain on 18 July 2008 but the public were not told till the day before. As usual, the Queen signed the instrument of ratification. We had been promised by Tony Blair that there would be a referendum on the original constitution. That promise was endorsed by Gordon Brown, and appeared in the 2005 Labour Party election manifesto. He said:-
But when it came down to it, Brown denied that Lisbon was in all significant respects the original constitution, and refused to give the country its chance to vote it down. The Irish referendum result should have ended the Treaty because it should be ratified by all 27 countries. Sarkozy told the European Parliament in July 2008:-
He suggested that the Irish have another referendum - and another and another until the right answer was given! The House of Lords didn’t amend the Treaty Bill to provide for a referendum. It refused to slow the ratification by debating the implications of the Irish vote on 11 and 18 June respectively. Giscard d’Estaing told the Irish Times on July 21st that the rejection had not finished the treaty as it should have done in law. Instead, he said:-
The substantive content of the Lisbon treaty is the biggest transfer of our power to the EU, and the politicians and media know it. Jean-Claude Juncker, Prime Minister of Luxumbourg, revealed the import to the Daily Telegraph 3 July 2007:-
Then European Court of Justice was model/ed on the French Conseil D’Etat and this set the precedence for the EEC’s legal procedures from 1964. In Costa V Enel (Case6/64) the judgement is that:-
This showed the E.C.J. to be an administrative law court with competence to rule on any legal issue linked to, or arising out of, administrative actions. It is now an arm of the government of the new state, the European Union. In 2008 the real nature of the contents of the Lisbon treaty was revealed by Michael Connarty, MP, Labour Chairman of the European Scrutiny Committee:-
Angela Merkel admitted to the European Parliament on 27 June 2007 that:-
Author of the Constitution, Giscard d’Estaing, chairman of the Convention, admitted on 17 July 2007:-
Bernie Aherne, Irish PM, told the Irish Independent on 24 June 2007:-
The EU elites are deceiving European people. 4. NATION-KILLING IN THE SERVICE OF THE NEW SOVIET UNION The articles show how we are being subsumed into a totalitarian EU state by the Lisbon Treaty. Article 4(2) was added to the Treaty protocol and gives the EU the legal powers to influence the UK into participating in EU plans to control our legal system and to comply in areas of justice and home affairs. Article61(4) allows the EU to put pressure on us to recognise judicial decisions of other member states. This called the reciprocity principle and is to lead to harmonisation of civil law and constrain our common law and statute. Article 69D(a) gives the EU Euro-just arm the power to bring criminal investigations and to instruct national authorities the power to bring proceedings. Article69E(4) makes provision for a European public prosecutor with the power to override decisions by the Crown Prosecution Service and for mandatory co-operation between the police forces of member states. This includes the exchange of information, training, research methods and investigation techniques. Article69G will expand the powers of Europol making it the EU police force. Article 68(3) gives Brussels power to impose identity cards on us and the Treaty allows the EU to assume control of our asylum and immigration policies. We lose control of immigration to the EU as Article 63(b) states we must help pay for asylum seekers on other4 EU states if their economies are not as sound\as ours. Article 62(1)(a) removes controls on persons crossing internal borders - uncontrolled immigration from EU countries goes on. Article63(1) gives the EU the power to decide on who and for how long residents of non EU states can stay in the UK. That the EU is really a state in its own right is proved by article Article46(A) as it confirms that the EU can sign international agreements that will be binding on the UK The following film features Valdimir Bukovsky explaining the similarity between the methods of the EU and the old Soviet Union (Bukovsky was punished for his dissidence with 12 years in Soviet labour camps and psychiatric units). Further, Bukovsky told the Brussels Journal:-
Another man who sees what Bukovsky sees is Czech President Vaclav Klaus. On 20 February 2009, he likened supporters of greater European integration to the Soviets. Addressing the European parliament, he said:-
5. THE NEW CRIMES OF RACISM AND XENOPHOBIA Muslims marched through our streets chanting for Jews to be gassed … Hizb ut Tahrir recruits on campuses for the Jihad against Europe … an Asian Labour Lord issues a veiled threat of violence unless a member of the Dutch Parliament, Geert Wilders, is refused entry to address a private meeting of British MPs. It is perfectly plain that things have got out of hand. The Home Secretary who banned Wilders told the News of the World on 13/04/2008 that security forces are investigating thirty terror plots which threaten Britain:
But she but banned Wilders! Bukovsky predicted oppressive EU laws against people the elites label negatively:-
On 20 April 2007, the Council of EU Justice Ministers in Luxembourg reached political agreement on a Framework Decision on combating racism and xenophobia. This concluded the negotiations at the European level, held since 2001:-
But Muslims are exempt. Bukovsky added:-
6. THE PLAN FOR UNITING EUROPE, NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE-EAST In his Brussels Journal article The Eurabia Code, Fjordman draws from Bat Ye’or’s book of the same name to reveal the full extent of the conspiracy:-
Here are further issues raised by Bat Ye’or in her book. In 2002 Louis Michel, then Belgian minister of foreign affairs and today a member of the European Commission, told the Belgian parliament that the EU will eventually encompass North Africa and the Middle East as well as Europe. What has happened since is that European leaders are increasingly open about the idea of enlarging the EU to include the Arab world, although they do of course not present this as surrendering the continent to Islam. They consider their people to be defeated and irrelevant. After the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty/European Constitution, the people no longer have a say and can safely be ignored. Open plans for a Mediterranean Union or Union for the Mediterranean, which will include all EU member states, Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, the Palestinian Authority, Lebanon, Syria and Turkey, were launched in mid-2008. At the same time plans were laid for a north-south co-presidency and a permanent secretariat as well as the definition of a ‘‘short-list’’ of priority projects for the region. The European Commission proposed the creation of a co-presidency between the EU and a Mediterranean (Muslim) country, chosen with consensus for a two-year term. Brussels is drawing the institutional profile of what will be called “the Barcelona Process — A Union for the Mediterranean. 7. THE REAL WELCOME LAID ON FOR ISLAM Writing in an Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, former Italian President Francesco Cossiga in 2008, admitted that the government of Italy in the 1970s agreed to allow Arab terrorist groups freedom of movement in the country in exchange for immunity from attacks. The government of Prime Minister Aldo Moro reached a “secret non-belligerence pact between the Italian state and Palestinian resistance organizations, including terrorist groups”. According to the former president, it was Moro himself who designed the terms of the agreement with the foreign Arab terrorists.
As Interior Minister, Cossiga said that he learned PLO members in Italy had diplomatic immunity as representatives of the Arab League.
This can only be seen as Jizya, and the practice has spread to the entire European Union, which pays the Palestinians tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of Euros annually, and seems confident that Al Qaida will never attack it.
What was thought of as Jewish banking is being taken over by Saudis. Gordon Brown and Business Secretary Lord Mandelson went to Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states in the first week of November 2008 to ask them to fund our faltering economies by putting billions into the International Monetary Fund and offered them some control over Britain and the West. The Saudi regime is behind Islamisation of the West. It is Saudi’s Wahhabi form of Islam which, together with the Shi’ites in Iran, aims to make Islam dominant in the world. Saudi money has financed the spread of Wahhabi mosques, preachers and educational institutions in this country promoting holy war and converting thousands of British Muslims. Saudi Wahhabism seeks to conquer the West through a pincer movement comprising violence on the one hand and cultural infiltration on the other and our Prime Minister is colluding with them. Mandelson stated the Saudis and other Gulf states would be given more influence in global institutions. Barclays Bank, has had almost £6 billion invested from Abu Dhabi and Qatar. Islamist ideas are also spread through Islamic study centres attached to our universities. Professor Anthony Glees revealed eight universities — including Oxford and Cambridge — have accepted more than £233.5 million from Saudi and Muslim sources since 1995, spreading radicalism and creating two separate identities and sets of allegiance. Now the education system is being used to brainwash our children to excuse and encourage Muslim terrorism. The elites showed their submission to the House of Saud, ignored the law and abandoned the bribery investigation into the arms deal between Saudi Arabia and BAE systems when the Saudis threatened that, if the case was not dropped “British lives on British streets” would be at risk - as explained by former ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles. These are the controllers of terror groups in the West that EU officials are colluding with against the European people!
Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 10:14 | # Thank you for providing the email address for this pointless person. I filled in the email contact forum and invited him to make a donation to a couple of Afrocentric websites, viz., niggermania and chimpout and in order to save him any trouble, I registered his name, as a prospective commentator on both. 3
Posted by Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi on Fri, 06 Mar 2009 16:28 | # This is the final implementation of my “Practical Idealism”: Europe must become a huge sea of brown workers ruled by a pure and superior Jewish elite. 4
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 17 Mar 2009 23:27 | # Media bombardment with PC hype about about Cleopatra being a mulatto is of course part of the “conspiracy against Europe” referred to in the log entry’s title: For almost 20 years this archaeologist, Hilke Thür, has been claiming this headless skeleton was Cleopatra’s sister. Here’s a paper by her from 1990: Arsinoe IV, eine Schwester Kleopatras VII, Grabherrin des Oktogons in Ephesos? Ein Vorschlag, ÖJh 60, 1990, 43-56. [ÖJh must stand for this Austrian academic journal: Österreichischen Jahreshefte] 5
Posted by Armor on Fri, 10 Jul 2009 15:18 | # A speech made yesterday on the island of the Reunion (near Madagascar) by François Fillon, the French Prime Minister (my translation) :
Source: François de Souche 6
Posted by Armor on Fri, 10 Jul 2009 16:19 | # a ‘parade of the races’ —> No, I am not aware of that! 7
Posted by Armor on Sat, 18 Jul 2009 00:31 | # A few weeks ago, Sarkozy reshuffled his cabinet and appointed the Jewish lawyer Pierre Lellouche – who is known to favor Turkey’s accession to the EU – as the Secretary of State for European Affairs. At the same time, Frédéric Mitterrand was appointed as culture minister. A few days ago, Mitterrand launched the “Turkey season” in France (400 cultural events over 9 months).
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 18 Jul 2009 00:50 | # the history that was started by François 1er and Soliman the Magnificent by achieving an alliance that was ... Well, it’s audacious. You have to give them that. They don’t care how clearly you can see the deliberate, planned attempt to destroy the French people. They think there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. Post a comment:
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Posted by Armor on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 04:11 | #
It is an interesting accumulation of facts.
A comment about point # 6 :
( the plan for uniting Europe, North Africa and the Middle-East )
I think Mrs Bat Ye’or should probably be ignored. It doesn’t look like European leaders have an Arab approach toward the United States and Israel. Our main problem is immigration, not islam, and it seems to me the main cause of immigration is Jewish immigration activism. Without that, Arab immigrants would probably be repatriated to North Africa.
But Louis Michel also would like to import 50 million African workers to the EU (accompanied by their families?). I doubt if he cares what religion they are.