Ed Balls’ confession of systemic anti-white racism

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 22 February 2009 02:14.

I don’t do much in the way of copy ‘n paste posting.  But this story, following on the heels of the BNP’s fine showing in yesterday’s four council elections, is politically interesting.  It appears to represent something of a breakthrough in that government has admitted not only that racist attacks by foreigners are committed in our schools, but also that school, police and legal authorities try to look the other way.  In other words, they are institutionally racist.

Swindon school faces inquiry after brutal ‘racist’ attack by Asian teenagers

It has taken two years, a sustained lobbying campaign and an exhausting round of letter writing for Liz Webster to get some justice for her 17-year-old son.

In January Mrs Webster, 44, met schools secretary Ed Balls, who recommended an inquiry into the savage attack, on school premises, on Henry Webster by a group of Asian teenagers.

It was January 11, 2007, when Henry, then 15 and a ginger-haired star rugby player, popular with his class mates and with no history of being disciplined for poor behaviour, arrived at the tennis court at The Ridgeway School in Swindon to settle, “one on one”, an argument with a fellow pupil. Only it was a baying mob and not a single opponent waiting for him.

What happened next, witnessed by more than 100 pupils – and even filmed by one on a mobile phone – was an ambush so vicious that, at the subsequent court case, the judge described it as a ‘‘savage and sustained attack”.

It was, said Judge Carol Hagen when she passed sentence on 13 boys and young men who set upon Henry, a ‘‘miracle’’ that Henry had survived.

Though the 13 Asian teenagers and young men who attacked Henry – all members of a gang who called themselves the ‘‘Asian Invaders’’ – were given sentences of between eight months and eight years for grievous bodily harm and conspiracy to commit GBH, no independent inquiry into how Henry was brutally assaulted, while at school, in an attack that was described in court as ‘‘something out of a Quentin Tarantino film”.

During the trial, Judge Hagen was highly critical of the school, asking why there were no staff present in the tennis courts at the end of the school day, since it was known there had been trouble earlier in the day.

For the past 14 months Henry’s mother has battled for a full inquiry and, after gaining support from the Government, has now won the right to a Serious Case Review on the attack.

The inquiry, which does not seek to apportion blame but to investigate what happened and evaluate what lessons can be learned, is expected to last four months and will, for the first time, lift the lid on alleged racial tensions within a school.

‘‘I’ve fought hard to find out all the facts,’’ said Mrs Webster, who is also suing The Ridgeway School for neglect. ‘‘And it’s been an excruciating wait.

“The school might say otherwise but the fact is that the attack on my son was a racial one. The school knew there were tensions – there have been numerous similar attacks before but nothing was ever done.

“Everything was swept under the carpet. Neither Henry or I am racist. But I feel my son was badly failed by a school that believes racism is only ever something that is carried out by white pupils.”

It took a sustained campaign before the review was instigated by Mr Balls, the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families.

After a meeting with Mrs Webster he wrote to her saying that it was ‘‘unacceptable that there has not been any full investigation of such a serious incident which left your son with permanent injuries”.

Henry was repeatedly kicked, punched and battered before being beaten on the head with a claw hammer, fracturing his skull in three places and leaving him with permanent brain damage.

The Swindon local authority referred the case to their Local Safeguarding of Children Board, which has now sanctioned the review.

The headteacher of The Ridgeway School, Mr Steven Colledge, has said that he welcomes the investigation.

The case has highlighted the extent of racist incidents in our schools and, in particular, the reluctance on the part of some to treat attacks as racist when they are carried out by minority cultures.

Mrs Webster was not aware that, when those who carried out the crime came to court, it was up to the prosecution to cite the attack as racist.

Had that been proved, the sentences meted out – especially to Wasif Khan, 19, described in court as ‘‘the hammer man’’ and who was jailed for eight years for wielding the weapon that fractured Henry’s skull – may well have been much stiffer.

What is particularly worrying, however, for parents in Swindon, is the light the case has shed on the number of racists attacks in the city’s schools and how such incidents escalate.

Between November 2006 and November 2008 police dealt with 337 crimes – 137 of them violent incidents – at Swindon schools.

The highest number of those attacks, some 58, occurred at Churchfields school while 52 were recorded at Ridgeway school.

In the past 12 months, admittedly, perimeter fences and bans on mobile phones has helped the school reduce its number of violent crimes.

Henry, bleeding heavily from his head, was taken to hospital and, within 35 minutes, police had rounded up several of the gang members. It was Joe, Henry’s younger brother, who telephoned his mother.

He had been standing at a bus stop when a passing pupil told him Henry had been beaten up. ‘‘You can’t imagine how it feels to see your son soaked in blood,’’ Mrs Webster said, tears threatening.

‘‘I just couldn’t believe that no one from the school had called me to say there had been trouble earlier. All the pupils knew something was going on.

“When I was with Henry at the local hospital’s accident and emergency unit one of Henry’s friends telephoned me to say the same thing had happened to him some time before but he had managed to get away.

“All the children knew that these ‘Asian invaders’ were terrorising white pupils.’‘

For Mrs Webster the Serious Case Review will, she hopes, give some insight into how such a violent attack happened on the school premises.

‘‘As far as I can see there was no control and no discipline,’’ she says. ‘‘Bullying and violence were rife when Henry was attacked and I want the school to admit that.’‘

Mr Colledge, the headteacher of The Ridgeway School, was unavailable for comment.



Posted by exPF on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 03:04 | #

Perhaps more telling than the fact that Asians beat up whites in school, is the fact that 100 pupils (some large fraction of whom must have been english) stood by and watched it happen.

How much does young men’s morale have to be destroyed, before they indifferently look on to the beating of their racial kin by a group of foreigners , administering hammer blows to his skull?

Every young white male who stood by and watched that happening has received the spiritual equivalent of that same beating from the culture they were brought up in.

And I’m sure they looked on in confused, paralyzed fear, brimming with self-contempt that they couldn’t do anything, as they struggled to get their still-soft and developing minds around the
horrible reality.

what a clear example of individualism being violently trumped by the tendency to collectivism.


Posted by Englander on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 03:36 | #

According to wiki, Swindon is 95.2% white, so it is very unlikely that Asians make up more than a few percent of that school’s pupils.
In fact, looking at the school prospectus, (which contains many photos which if anything probably overstate the ‘diversity’ at the school) it’s hard to imagine that enough Asian pupils attend the school to form a gang capable of behaving in that way.


Can you imagine such a gang facing off against a 1950’s British schoolboy in full view of his classmates? I can’t.


Posted by Lurker on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 04:02 | #

Out of 100 people, a gang of 10 can defeat 90 individuals.

There is our problem right there. If any whites co-operate they will then be identified as a racist gang, the full force of the law will deployed against them immediately. Teachers, educational bureaucrats, MSM, police, politicians local & national will line up to attack them. Never mind the usual race hustling suspects.


Posted by Bill on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 12:35 | #

The elite’s proxy army is doing its job.  Pleased the boy survived.

Do you think some Guardian readers are getting the message?

Is the BNP is upping its game?



Posted by danielj on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 12:36 | #

Asian Invaders

Don’t you dare use that term though.

In the past 12 months, admittedly, perimeter fences and bans on mobile phones has helped the school reduce its number of violent crimes.

Hmmm. I can’t see how this helps. All it does enable to school to contain the damage within its grounds where it can be easily covered up since nobody can record the attacks anymore due to the suspiciously convenient mobile phone ban.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 15:18 | #

Labour tinkers with immigration rules to try to stave off union protests and the advance of the BNP.  But the country is already far too overcrowded, and the one solution they cannot spiritually or politically contemplate is the only one that will have any effect.


Posted by exPF on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 16:56 | #

hey all,

I’m off again. I read GW’s backlog of essays (most anyway) and the comments, you guys are as brilliant as ever. Captain chaos is a great addition, the narrator as well. Svigor seems to get better with age, ever more humorous and incisive.

I don’t feel that I have intellectually that much to contribute as I decided a while ago to go whole-hog into practical matters of dealing with my own life rather than philosophy/history etc., and as you all know it takes a mind long-steeped in these things, with great intellectual discipline, to be able to constructively participate in these top-shelf kind of discussions. (except in the case of Desmond Jones, :0 ). Also the problems of race replacement are so massive and significant that if I allow myself time to contemplate them daily, I begin to contemplate them compulsively and to the exclusion of the trivial matters which make my own little life progress. Its this compulsive tendency which forbids me from participating casually in the blog.

Very proud to see Soren organizing a conference by the New Rigth in London, thats fabulous. Soren’s speech was also great. I can actually believe in the coming intellectual ascendency of this group. The other side stopped thinking a while ago.

Fom what I can gather, there is every indication that ‘Inevitablism has legs’ and we may not all be considered criminally insane for the rest of our days. I see the ‘pseudonym-turnover’ at some rightist websites I’ve lurked at is large, site statistics rise very significantly in the last year, the comments at MSM sources blogs become more sympathetic. And I think Western prosperity of the kind we saw growing up is really at an end. So, no more endless music, food, and porn for the masses. Who knows, they might have to go on their own search for meaning, like the search each of us must necessarily have embarked on in order to be able to bob up at this distinguished blog.

thanks to everybody, stay strong, keep in the fight!


Posted by Asian Supremacy on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 18:32 | #

In another post the history of the term White Supremacy was explained as the label for efforts to defeat Negro Supremacy (as black Americans were known in mid-19th Century), which was the label for black efforts to defeat White Supremacy.  New players in the 21st Century for supremacy will be Asian Supremacy, as this example shows.

This is not just bad behavior or racist behavior, these are the racial outposts of terror in the battle of Asian Supremacy to destroy White Supremacy (or English Supremacy in England).  Unfortunately, Euro-Americans and Europeans do not understand the full dimensions of the hatred and vitriol directed against them.

It’s not a tea party.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 18:46 | #

The BNP piece by Joe Priestly which Bill linked above is quite good.  Here are some excerpts:

Over the past sixty years or so the liblabcons have been spinning a web of lies to justify the destruction of British culture and the genocide of the British people.  Their common purpose is to remake Britain as a society consisting of peoples and cultures from every corner of the earth. [...] The establishment is ideology-led and has convinced itself that nature can be moulded to fit its plan [,...] a lie so monumentally absurd that it’s spent all its life lurking between the lines and only ever appearing as hint and suggestion. 

Stripped of all its camouflage the bare-faced lie is that the genocide of the British people is good for the British people [...].  It was necessary also for them to rework every aspect of society to discourage dissent and to encourage the British people’s acquiescence in their own genocide.  It worked for a long time and that and the booming economy encouraged the liblabcons to think that the good times would last forever and that their transformation of Britain would proceed unnoticed.

[...] What they said would be utopia looks increasingly like chaos — and that’s before the lights start going out.  The consequences of the lie are beginning to be felt and it’s dawning on British people that the reality of the lie is their destruction.

[...] Politicians, power brokers, celebrities, and mainstream-media types have staked their reputations (read fortunes) on their sick lie and its bastard child multiracial multicultural Britain.  The maintenance of the lie is all that separates them from ruin; without it they’d be irrelevant.  They are the status quo and everything they do is aimed at holding that position; they have no choice but to maintain the lie.  But now the spend fest is over.  The cupboard is bare and winter approaches; the liblabcons have run out of the means to shield the British people from the consequences of the lie.  The reality of mass third world immigration is upon us.

[...] The establishment lost the argument years ago [...].  The theft of a nation from under the noses of its people isn’t something that can go unnoticed forever.  The British people are waking up to the liblabcons’ crimes.

Having distorted the facts for six decades the British establishment is in no position to face them.  Facing facts will expose the lie and their world will come crashing down.  Britain is a multiracial multicultural society because the establishment ignored the facts; in spite of the fact of the chaos of third world multiracial multicultural societies, Britain’s political and media elite facilitated the importation of millions of third world aliens into our midst as part of a plan to make Britain into such a society.  Now the predictable is happening; multiracial multicultural chaos is playing on our streets.

[...] The liblabcons continue the charade of the multiracial multicultural society as utopia — in the face of growing evidence to the contrary.

[...] Our economy and our society aren’t working because they’re founded on an ideological fallacy, universal equality and the theory of the interchangeability of man.

[...] Their world view is in meltdown, and yet it looked so good on paper — or so they used to say. [...] Even establishment media persons are shuffling their feet away from liblabcon egalitarianism.  The lie is being found out and every time an establishment mouthpiece attempts a cover up they succeed only in shoving their foot further down their throat.  Everything they do is founded on a lie and the lie is being undone by its own contradictions.

British society today is a manifestation of liblabcon equality ideology [which has] survived to this point, since WWII, on a combination of bullying, bullshit, and brass neck.  It’s bullied, bullshitted, and brass necked its way to intimidating the rest of us into going along with its world view.  But in spite of the power of its “followers,” equality ideology has never convinced more than a committed few. [...] The majority of those that go along with equality ideology do so because it’s the path of least resistance.

[...] the liblabcons sanctioned the free movement of labour and in so doing signed away this country’s right to favour its own workers on its own soil over foreign workers on its soil — surely the most treasonable act ever committed.

[...] Consider the gaga they offer in explanation for the statistical over-representation of ethnic minorities in prisons and in secure mental health institutions. [...] For them the problem is not the equality idea but opposition to the idea. And so every explanation they offer for any of society’s problems must always be tailored to protect the easily bruised equality idea. [...] All their roads lead to “racism.”

The “racism” accusation began as a tactic, it developed into a strategy, and now it looks increasingly like a last ditch effort.  You can tell they’re no longer comfortable with it, it’s like they’re suddenly aware that British people are sick to death with the accusation and contemptuous of its argument.

[...] They’re taking the only option open to them, they’re burying their faces in their comfort blankets and singing nursery rhymes about joy and diversity. [...] They’re in meltdown.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 18:52 | #

“Pleased the boy survived.”  (—Bill)

Yes but it says he has brain damage:  what defects has he been left with?  Praise also goes to his mother who refused to let matters rest where the Jewish-and-communist-backed race-replacers wanted them to rest.  She wouldn’t take no for an answer, brave woman!  God bless her!


Posted by Bill on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 19:00 | #

Stroking the keyboard on a Sunday morning

MR has played a goodly part in my awakening, but it was in the earlier years of this new century when things racial began to ping off my radar, I kept asking myself the question where had all this stuff come from?  What was it all about?  What the heck was going on?  It was this stirring of awakening that set me on a journey that several years later, landed me here at MR. 

Up until Blair and new Labour came on the scene, (1997) things racial in Britain had maintained at a fairly low key, (unless you lived in an enriched area) but it was soon after Blair’s arrival that immigration, political correctness, camera surveillance, politicised police, hate crimes, all took off and became, within a few short years, a way of life.

In short, Orwell’s 1984 had arrived, all without a peep from anyone.  Press, media, neighbour, politician, wife, brother, golfing friend nobody!  All was silent, it was the Invasion Of The Body Snatchers.  I still can’t get my head around how smoothly the elite’s coup was accomplished.  It was sheer balls out genius, now your free now your not.  Thanks Tone.

With hind-site, all it would have taken is a massive protest in London and I’m sure it would have delayed the race replacement agenda for years to come.  The elites must have been rubbing their eyes in disbelief at their runaway success.

So, I’ve been following MR here for a while now and it is most interesting to see how different geographical locales posting here, perceive their respective situations and remedies to the problem that afflicts us all, namely the survival of the white race.

It was clear to me from start of this culture war (in Britain) that the cross-hairs of the architects of the war were especially trained on both America and Britain, this intrigued me, why was that?  Why was Britain, along with America, being specially singled out and targeted for destruction?

We in Britain have been and still are being deconstructed (a post modern word?) by a hubris that knows no bounds and has to be experienced to be believed.  I can only assume Britain and America have been singled out for special treatment because of our naughty past behaviour, plus the fact that both nations are the backbone of the capitalist system, not to mention co champions of globalism (NWO)

OK we haven’t got the gulags yet (maybe we have, see US detention camps) but I shouldn’t hold your breath.

Equally noticeable is the significant contribution of posters here from the United States, supported by a lesser number which by and large is a fairly representative slice of Western civilisation.  But unless posters specifically declare their home stamping ground origins then one has to hone one’s detective skills to pinpoint (and not always then) the poster’s home territory.

There seems to me, different nations have different perceptions of their respective problems and remedies best suited to tackle those problems, but it is mainly the differences between here in Britain (maybe Europe?) and the United States I would like to focus on.

Though the threat is common to both nations, there appears to me a divide in each others perception of the problems and the remedies required for survival.  In the main, there are two differences, one being the physical size of our two nations and secondly the composition and make-up of our populations.

It is these differences I would like to say a few words.

Why would I wish to undertake such an exercise in the first place you may ask? - For basically, the problem is surely the same for all of us.

To me, the $64000 question is this - will white America survive sufficiently intact to come to the aid of suppressed whites elsewhere, especially here in Europe?  If white America goes under then it is curtains for the rest, it’s that simple I think.

The sheer physical size of America highlights the contrasts in the type of problems we each face, here in Britain (and Europe) there is no hiding place from the aliens and it’s getting worse by the day to the tune of up to 1500 immigrants per day, resulting in a net ball park figure of around 300,000 a year, plus the added birth rate of course.

It is worth noting at this point that I have always thought immigration has not been a natural random happening, I’ve always been of the opinion immigration has been meticulously planned, allocated and logistically carried out.  Otherwise we would have a permanent Camp of the Saint’s moment.  Ok, we have had our moments (of chaos) here in Britain, but once our government had sorted itself out (if you can call it that) then the inflow of migrants has stuck to the UN? Schedules.

The other substantial difference between our countries is the composite mix of population, for up until the 1970’s, America was a nation consisting of an established long term mix of immigrants, made up of majority Europeans and black communities.  Since that time, (I have learned here) due to changes of immigration policy, (1965) America has received and continues to receive further large flows of non white third world migrants.

America is now a nation of 300 million people, where whites are soon to be a minority. 2040?

The physical size of America subdues the perceived effects of the direness of threat from the other, and provides those who have the means to decamp and move elsewhere, usually to be with their own kind.  This phenomena is known as white flight.

There are several cities in England where the phenomena of white flight has taken hold, cities such as London, Birmingham and Leicester are not far from becoming white minority cities.

Another important difference to ponder on is the existence in Britain of a now established resistance to our pending extermination, (let’s don’t bandy words here) namely the British National Party, (BNP) whose increasing support is in direct proportion to the injustices meted out by our elites.

America, as far as I am aware, has no such comparable political party but does have a huge gun owning populace which could even things out a little.  Britain of course, has no such ownership of firearms.

One thing I cannot understand is why do our all powerful enemy allow Britain to have a resistance party such as the BNP?  If the elites are so all powerful why don’t they simply ban them?  Same goes for the Internet - is it a sort of demonstration of liberal tolerance? (LOL)

An article appeared in the Guardian recently to the effect that Britain’s politicians could resort to forming an emergency cross party government to destroy the BNP – I give credence to this story as the establishment must be getting skittish.

The bulk of the British people are (as I suspect are the American people) still sedated with bread and circuses, such is the mastery of the media.  The people (who do not realise yet) will, in the fullness of time and by the very nature of the threat, flock to the BNP in droves, as the BNP is all there is between the people’s salvation and eventual extinction.  What I find heartening is - the BNP are starting to tell it as it is. or more like it is perhaps I should say.


Please allow me to enter the realm of fantasy for a moment.  Let us assume that in the coming struggle whites emerge triumphant and intact, what would liberalism do then?

I think liberals see the world in similar terms as Africa and apartheid.  Liberals see today’s world in apartheid terms, the South being non white, the North being white.  To the liberal mindset this natural state of affairs is an abomination and an assault on the senses.  Race replacement in the form of third world mass migration into white nation states is the moral thing to do.  From this moment on I suspect liberals will never tolerate an all white nation or community.  But as I said, this is the realm of fantasy.   

Meanwhile Obama’s advisors have Russia and China in their cross-hairs (according to the ‘net) as both are perceived to be the final bulwark of resistance to the NWO, all of which begs the question; will Russia survive to be the last refuge for whites? 

These are the loose canons that are rolling around the global deck.

To sum up, I’ve lost count of the number of times I have assured myself that at last I have fitted the final piece of this jigsaw, only to find the big picture keeps changing with unfolding events.

Perhaps that’s why I keep my nose pressed up against the window here at MR.  Thanks GW.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 19:14 | #

“Can you imagine such a gang facing off against a 1950’s British schoolboy in full view of his classmates?  I can’t.”  (—Englander)

But then, 1950s schoolboys hadn’t been subjected to the post-‘60s brainwashing that now drills into every white schoolboy’s brain from the tenderest age that he’s a filthy racist.  The technique as practiced on this side of the Atlantic (I’m quite sure it must be basically the same technique over there) is depicted in the fourth video below (these are the videos Soren’s log entry is about):

1.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TC0AuhogixQ&feature=related
2.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeU_5YmS_9E&feature=related
3.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wgrysv9Xa_Q&feature=related
4.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_NUGl2lZao&feature=related

When the post-‘60s white boy has had drilled into his brain what a filthy racist he is from birth, it’s not surprising he might not know how to react when, together with a hundred of his white schoolmates, he witnesses Pakis doing attempted murder on one of his friends by taking a carpenter’s hammer to his skull.  Did his friend deserve it for being a racist?  Will he himself and the 99 others be all the more racist if they intervene to help the white victim?  Aren’t white males all racist?  Don’t they perhaps deserve a hammer to the skull?  There’s also that if he stirs to help he’ll surely be arrested later for lifting a finger against a person of color, which qualifies as “hate,” “racism,” “xenophobia,” and all the rest, guilt being assumed, and innocence requiring proof.  Only thirteen years old himself, he’ll nevertheless be led away in handcuffs, brought to jail, his parents called, forced to pay lawyer’s fees they can’t afford, the whole modern set-up aimed at genociding his race will then confront him and his family.  He’s just a boy himself — what can he do when every adult authority figure from the cradle up has assured him he’s an evil bastard from birth and had just better watch his step lest he get the punishment he richly deserves from birth for being a racist xenophobe anti-Semite?  He’s paralyzed.


Posted by blah on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 19:21 | #

“Neither Henry or I am racist.”


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 19:35 | #

Yes, “Blah,” we all saw that and what of it?  She was required to say that by the current dispensation — boils down, ultimately, to the fact we instead of Germany won the war.  Had Germany won, mothers whose sons had been mauled about the head by a carpenter’s hammer wouldn’t be required to preface every expression of anger over what happened with the disclaimer, “Neither of us is racist, but ....”


Posted by Armor on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 20:00 | #

I don’t feel that I have intellectually that much to contribute as I decided a while ago to go whole-hog into practical matters of dealing with my own life rather than philosophy/history etc. (—exPF)

The decision to attend to your own life is a valid reason to interrupt your participation, but I disagree with the idea that we should only post carefully prepared messages that contain deep thinking. We probably need lighter stuff too, to keep the conversation going and invite more participation.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 20:09 | #

Bill: “To me, the $64000 question is this - will white America survive sufficiently intact to come to the aid of suppressed whites elsewhere, especially here in Europe?  If white America goes under then it is curtains for the rest, it’s that simple I think.”

There are around 200 million Whites on the North American continent, with a birth rate near replacement level, most of them of northwestern European descent.  That is a sleeping giant.

“The sheer physical size of America…”

North America is too valuable to give away vast swaths of it to non-Whites.  Even a racial partition, if anything other than to buy time for a reconquest, is intolerable.  Give parts of it away so those relinquished sections can be turned into Mexico North and Zimbabwe West?  LOL!  No, tens of millions of non-Whites will need to be removed. 

So long as the American regime commands the loyalty of a sufficient number of Whites to project its military and economic power abroad our race will never be secure, where ever they are.  That loyalty having been shattered, we will have nothing to lose, and everything to gain, by taking it all back.

“America, as far as I am aware, has no such comparable political party but does have a huge gun owning populace which could even things out a little.  Britain of course, has no such ownership of firearms.”

It is ironic that the liberal seeds of the destruction of the American nation that lie in its founding documents may also prove our salvation.  Americans have been raised from the cradle to believe that firearm ownership and freedom of speech are their birth rights.  It says so in the first and second amendments of the freakin’ constitution!  Once our enemies start grabbing guns and jailing people for ‘hate speech’, that is when the real fun starts.  Will White Americans stand for it?  I don’t believe they will lie down.

“Another important difference to ponder on is the existence in Britain of a now established resistance to our pending extermination, (let’s don’t bandy words here) namely the British National Party, (BNP) whose increasing support is in direct proportion to the injustices meted out by our elites.”

The BNP may be the only lifeline Brits have to grasp; but make no mistake, it is only a lifeline, not salvation.  America in the hands of the anti-White genocidalists would certainly crush it if it came to power - like they smashed the Serbs.


Posted by Armor on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 20:55 | #

One thing I cannot understand is why do our all powerful enemy allow Britain to have a resistance party such as the BNP?  If the elites are so all powerful why don’t they simply ban them?  Same goes for the Internet - is it a sort of demonstration of liberal tolerance? (LOL)  (—Bill)

That is because our enemies are not all that powerful. They have no detailed plans for the future and most of them don’t even understand what they are doing. They are a piecemeal coalition that can be vanquished, thanks to popular reaction and the faults in the system.

Let us assume that in the coming struggle whites emerge triumphant and intact, what would liberalism do then? (—Bill)

The question is what liberals would do, not what liberalism would do. I think many of today’s white liberals (or their political offspring) may ferociously turn against non-whites. Of course, we’ll have to stop them! Liberals are crazy, and there is no telling what they will try next. We’ll have to create special TV programs for them, so as to channel their energy into something not too destructive: scoutism, environmentalism? Of course, the case of “Jewish liberals” should be considered separately.


Posted by Bill on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 21:54 | #

Armor on February 22, 2009, 07:55 PM

“That is because our enemies are not all that powerful. They have no detailed plans for the future and most of them don’t even understand what they are doing.”

Yes, I’ve read this before on MR.  I find this statement incredible, I can’t get my head around it, if they don’t look beyond the destroy part then what’s next?  I suppose they think anything is better than what is, so it has got to be good.

I once posted, (in a rash moment) that when push came to shove we might find ourselves pushing on an open door.  Hmmm.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 22:06 | #

Bill, none of us knows what’s going to happen to the United States.  If the Jews succeed in turning it into Brazil it will be unable to help or to threaten any still-white country in Europe.  It’ll be militarily insignificant, like Brazil.

As for why the Jews haven’t yet banned internet dissent in the States, Armor is right:  they don’t have the power yet.  But they’re working on it and will do it as soon as they can.  Jews do not believe in freedom of speech, only Euros do.  That concept is totally alien to the Jewish mind, an Asiatic, not a European, mind.  These people are indeed a different race.

I don’t understand in what way the Jews think Israel’s situation will be better after the U.S. has been turned into Third-World mystery meat, Brazil-style.  Maybe they think with the U.S. gone down the tubes they’ll have a freer hand to force all in the Middle East to bend to their will, they’ll be able to expand their borders trememdously, kick all Arabs out of their land, and so on, without having to worry constantly about opinion in the U.S. 

As to why race-replacement is happening mostly in the U.S. and Britain:  as I’ve said, wherever the Jews have lots of political influence race-replacement happens because the Jews insist on it behind the scenes as one thing they absolutely require.  Jews may compromise on other stuff when they can’t get their way, but on two topics they WILL NOT COMPROMISE:  1) Israel’s well-being, and 2) an open-borders forced-race-replacement domestic régime.  The U.S., Britain, and France have lots of Jews and are the main victims of Jewish-mandated race-replacement, so that correlation certainly is borne out.


Posted by Jupiter on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 22:08 | #


I’m the “dummy” here. I keep it simple. The question “should Euro-Americans debate their replacement with post 1965 hinuds,sihks,mexicans,muslims,asians in general” is not up for debate and discussion.

WE oppose and will fight against it. IF this means a race war,so be it. The sophisticated discussion on this website and on vdare.com-THIS IS NOT MEANT TO BE A PUTDOWN!!-is completely reducible to this.

A warning should be sent to the enemy-non-white immigrants,Liberals, leftists-Alexander Cockburn, Noam Chomnsky.Ralph Nader- Neocons, Libertarians, fake conservatives-neocons again -and Lou Dobbs that when the catastrophes arrive…full bown…there will be a race war. A race war is inevitable. This is not advocacy of race war…it is a statement of the obvious:resources are finite and non-whites and Native Born Engish,Welsh,Scotts and White Americans are competing for these scarce resources. Something has got to give:either Eruopeans will be reduced to a racial minority in their territory and subsequently enslaved and murdered or Europeans will throw the asians,hispancs,afrocarribeans and post-1965 africans out of European territory.

The above underlies all discussion about immigrationn whether people want to admit or not. On majority rights, and vdare.com the posters discuss this in a somwhat roundbout-beating-about the bush way. And this is quite all right for the time being.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 22:20 | #

The Jews may also feel that as the U.S. goes down the drain racially, a significant fraction of the five to six million Jews in the U.S. will opt to return to Israel, which the Jewish nationalists would favor, as it would provide Israel with additional Jewish population for expansion.

Of course, one reason the Diaspora Jews want Euros racially transformed into something unattractive is so their sons and daughters will stop being attracted to them as potential spouses.  Euros can be seen by Jews as good catches; mulattoes and other race-mixed mystery-meat never.  That elimination, once and for all, of what has always been the biggest source of temptation for Jewish kids to marry out would warmly gladden the hearts of a great many Jewish parents.


Posted by danielj on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 22:57 | #

Alexander Cockburn

I think Cockburn is slightly sympathetic isn’t he?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 23:10 | #

Regarding Jupiter’s comment, violence, the worst of all possible outcomes and an outcome by no means certain to end in victory for our side (which is the main reason it’s the worst of all possible outcomes) is obviously possible.  If it breaks out, everyone involved will rue the day he was born because, as bad as civil wars always are, this one will be dirty like the world has seldom seen.  There is pent-up fury, indescribable fury, on both sides.  I feel that fury myself.  Millions here feel it, probably tens of millions.  If that pent-up fury explodes into a chain-reaction leading to outright civil war it’s anyone’s guess how it’ll end.  It’s what we all should pray will never happen.  The fury that makes people ready to pulverize their tormentors ought to be sufficient to simply get them to vote the right way in the privacy of the voting booth.  If things get bad enough, that’s what ought to happen before violence breaks out.  There are also “velvet revolutions” as Takuan recommend in his latest piece up right now over at BrusselsJournal.com.  Recall that the epoch-making anti-communist revolutions throughout Eastern Europe of 1989-91 were nearly totally non-violent.  We ought to be able to do something like that in the States before anyone starts pulling triggers.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 23:25 | #

On the subject of fury:-

Eric Holder is the Real Racist

By Ben L. Smith
Feb 21, 2009 - 8:48:20 PM

Attorney General Eric Holder recently condemned all European Americans, saying that they “have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards.”

Interestingly, there have been a couple popular chain emails floating around the internet that would suggest the opposite.

Email #1:

What Are Obama and His Friends Saying?

“We remain a hunted people. Now you think you have a destiny to fulfill in the land that historically has been ours for forty thousand years. And we’re a new Mestizo nation.”

“Our devil has pale skin and blue eyes…”

“We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him.”—Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez, founder of La Raza

“Around the year 2040, whites will become a minority in the United States and, believe me, it will be ‘payback time’.”—Pro-Immigration Activist, Jorge Sanchez

“And the one idea is, how we are going to exterminate white people because that in my estimation is the only conclusion I have come to. We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet to solve this problem.”—African Studies professor, Dr. Kamau Kambon

“Blond hair and blue eyes are a biological defect.”

“The white race is a disease, and the only cure is a bullet. The rule of whites is history. Soon they will be our serfs. It’s now the Age of the Brown Man.”—Hindu nationalist, Ramesh Sharma

“I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother’s white race.”—Barack Hussein Obama

“Al-Qaida is not merely for the benefit of Muslims. That’s why I want blacks in America, people of color, American Indians, Hispanics, and all the weak and oppressed in North and South America, in Africa and Asia, and all over the world.”—Al-Zawahri

“The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists. Make no mistake about it we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed–not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed.”—Jewish studies professor, Dr Noel Ignatiev

Email #2:

Barach Hussein Obama’s Declaration of War Against European America

Obama has supported:

  1. Reparations. Redistributing money from European Americans (whites) to blacks, mestizos, and Asians.
  2. Criminalizing white parents who refuse to let their children practice miscegenation.
  3. Using “hate crime” laws to silence any criticism from European Americans.
  4. Using Third World immigration to overwhelm European American majorities.
  5. Maintaining anti-white affirmative action programs
  6. Creating a mandatory “America Serves” community-service program to indoctrinate and deracinate young European Americans

From sociobiology email list: “Children of mixed, white-black, marriages identify 99% of the time as black and detest European Americans (whites). Why? They almost always look black (eye color, hair texture, nose shape, lips, skin color, etc.). Obama wrote: “I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother’s white race.”

We must ask ourselves: Who are the real racists?


Posted by Jupiter on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 23:30 | #


I think it might possible for Alexander Cockburn to come to his senses. This as far as I go with him.


Whether we like it or not-and I most certaintly do not like it-we are entering a dark age for the species. If certain Lefties are extremely fearfull of a violent White Backlash, they may potetnially support a complete shut down of post-1965 immigration policy in addition to mass deportations if the trade-off is a completely non-interventionist foriegn policy.

Also if asians,muslims and post-1965 blacks enter a state of extreme terror and fear at the prospect of a violent White backlash, they may actually self deport.

If the threat isn’t there or if isn’t serious,nothing will change


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 00:08 | #

I admit you make valid points, Jupiter.  (Isn’t it a huge crime that it’s finally come to that kind of talk, after decades of no one listening to reason!)


Posted by Dasein on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 00:14 | #

Whether we like it or not-and I most certaintly do not like it-we are entering a dark age for the species. If certain Lefties are extremely fearfull of a violent White Backlash, they may potetnially support a complete shut down of post-1965 immigration policy in addition to mass deportations if the trade-off is a completely non-interventionist foriegn policy.

What scares me the most is that one day the left will seek to occupy the niche identified by Murray in TBC (namely, conceding racial differences and implementing policies that take these into account) and couple this with a new-found love of science (more specifically, human genetics).  If and when we are able to routinely use gene therapy to introduce the alleles associated with, for example, high IQ, the left will be happy to start modifying Negro genomes in order to ‘make them just like us’.  Maybe they will decide to give us some Negro alleles to help us meet in the middle (like what Diamed wants to do with his mass-miscegenation event).  The left is this crazy.  If they would race-replace us, they will gladly transform us into genetic freaks.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 00:22 | #

GW yes, those Mexican, Jewish, and other anti-Euro comments you posted reflect the other side’s fury and are what I meant in saying there was pent-up fury “on both sides,” not just ours.  If actual civil war breaks out the U.S. Jews will side with the non-whites against the Euros and it will be extremely nasty: Jews are no push-overs and as WW II proved, are extremely vicious fighters, and they’ll see themselves as fighting for their lives, and North-American Euros, already armed to the teeth here, are also no push-overs and will also be fighting for their lives.  Euros fighting other Euros might for example honor a mutual agreement not to use nuclear weapons or poison gas, but Jews would honor no such agreement.  Any Jews in command would resort instantly to such weapons, agreement or no agreement.  So the other side would too, assuming it had a portion of military men on its side with access.  And so on.  It’s something one doesn’t even want to imagine, how bad a civil war here would be.

This threat of serious violence is one reason it absolutely AMAZES me that the Jews won’t stop pushing race-replacement here or elsewhere in the Eurosphere.  They are either insane, or more vicious and evil than I thought, or bent on amageddon, or I don’t know what.  The Jews start off with non-Jews like me having nothing against them, then manage through their criminality and evil to turn them into potential enemies.  It boggles the mind.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 00:28 | #

In case of outbreak of civil war here, one can be certain Israel would militarily support the U.S. Jews fighting alongside the non-whites against U.S. Euros.  Israel would send certainly weapons, poison gas, tactical nukes, fighter pilots, maybe ground troops.


Posted by Svigor on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 01:20 | #

North America is too valuable to give away vast swaths of it to non-Whites.  Even a racial partition, if anything other than to buy time for a reconquest, is intolerable.  Give parts of it away so those relinquished sections can be turned into Mexico North and Zimbabwe West?  LOL!  No, tens of millions of non-Whites will need to be removed.

Think of partition/secession as a mental exercise.

1) shows that we aren’t supremacists or aggressive.  We just want to be left alone, to ourselves.
2) out-of-hand rejection shows that liberals ARE supremacist and aggressive.  They can’t stand anyone anywhere in the world not bending knee to their gods.
3) compartmentalizes the problem; we don’t need to take back all of America, or foment race war, or expel all non-whites in order to live for and of ourselves.

But as you say, white America is a slumbering giant.  If we wake the giant enough to get him to create us our own ethno-state, then he’s likely to just go for the whole ball of wax.

This is not to say that seeking secession or partition is a deceptive tactic; I’d be totally satisfied with that.  BUT, liberalism and you-know-who will have to be defanged first, and if we defang those two, what would be the part of partition?  We could just take back our country, set up a melting pot area for the five whites who genuinely love diversity, viable partitions for blacks if they want them, evict the mestizos, Jews, etc., and be done with it.  The two things that need defanging aren’t going to go for a return to a white America, or white ethno-states within America, or secession, or partition, or a whites-only book club for that matter.  They want us (white ethno-nationalists) rubbed out.  Period.  They couldn’t give less of a damn about what it is we want, or say we want.


Posted by Reloader on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 01:37 | #

A Civil War with an uncertain outcome is far preferable to our current course with its guaranteed outcome.  Of that I am certain.


Posted by Reloader on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 01:42 | #

Relinquishing territory is a tactical retreat, not a strategic defeat.  Give it up now for the sake of destroying the ZOG and getting the non-whites out of our lives.  Once that’s done, we can take it back with no problem.


Posted by Svigor on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 01:52 | #

Forgot about the original post.  smile

It’s a good sign for England.  At least someone thinks it’s worth dedicating some window dressing.

But whether they know it or not, they’re playing with fire.  They can’t afford to let this sort of thing become common, or widely internalized.


Posted by Svigor on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 01:56 | #

Bye ex-PF, glad you stopped by again.  Good luck until your next visit.

I can understand the obsession thing, btw.  I was just telling a friend that it’s hard not to harp endlessly because there’s so much to tell (he’s just learning this stuff).  It’s kinda like knowing a huge meteor is going to impact the Earth, and everyone refuses to believe or even listen.  How much attention to the problem is too much?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 02:01 | #

“The two things that need defanging [liberalism and you-know-who] aren’t going to go for a return to a white America, or white ethno-states within America, or secession, or partition, or a whites-only book club for that matter.  They want us (white ethno-nationalists) rubbed out.  Period.  They couldn’t give less of a damn about what it is we want, or say we want.”  (—Svy)

One-hundred-percent correct.  That’s the stark reality we’re dealing with.

I would say it’s certain that you-know-who already have formal basic war plans in conjunction with the Israeli military for dealing with any violence that may break out in the U.S. in opposition to the current entrenched globalist open-borders enforced race-replacement régime.  This is the same organization that just bumped off Haider.  It is active and watching everything closely both in the States and in Europe, and it is planning.


Posted by weston on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 02:02 | #

1) shows that we aren’t supremacists or aggressive.  We just want to be left alone, to ourselves.
2) out-of-hand rejection shows that liberals ARE supremacist and aggressive.  They can’t stand anyone anywhere in the world not bending knee to their gods.
3) compartmentalizes the problem; we don’t need to take back all of America, or foment race war, or expel all non-whites in order to live for and of ourselves.

  All good points.  The white-separatist versus anti-white racist supremacist distinction gives us the moral high ground.  And the value of the moral high ground in gathering whites to our cause can’t be overestimated.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 02:14 | #

Remember when Israeli military expert Martin van Creveld blurted out (surely by accident) a few years ago that Israel has Europe’s capital cities targeted with nukes.  He was being interviewed by a Dutch magazine, I believe.  I referred to his gaffe recently in a different thread.  He must’ve DIED the instant those words left his lips, realizing his mistake, but with no way to take it back.  Amazingly, no one has ever commented on that slip by him.  No one, that is, whose comment ever saw the light of day in any ...... mainstream media outlet ...............  (I wonder why that might be ................)


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 02:21 | #

Here’s the quote:


(Wikipedia being, well, Wikipedia, I’m drop-jaw amazed that quote hasn’t been deleted yet.)


Posted by Englander on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 02:51 | #

We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force…. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.

This shows a very vindictive mentality. Note he doesn’t seem to be talking specifically about destroying enemies. He would have everyone taken out; friend or foe. Reading that makes it easy to believe that Jews would want to flood the west with muslims just to give everyone else a taste of what they experience.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 03:04 | #

In a letter to Vdare.com a retired San Francisco fireman details some of the PURE CRAP white society is subjected to from Negroes — the kind of stuff diversitycrats in European countries (such as the U.K. people Joe Priestley talks about; see my comment of 5:46 PM) are certain their hitherto Negroless populations need to experience, and are making become a reality, through immigration policy:

I was born, raised, educated, and worked in another West Coast bastion of your cherished, but unworkable diversity — San Francisco.  As a 30-year firefighter I witnessed and learned of countless acts of violence directed at those of us entrusted with protecting life and property in my hometown, heaped on us by members of San Francisco’s diverse ‘hoods.

Beginning in the 1960s and continuing through the 1980s, some of us were shot at while responding to alarms in minority communities; two were seriously wounded.  Fire engine crews — responding to abandoned autos set ablaze by local “youths” — were often showered with bricks, rocks and canned vegetables thrown by members of minority communities hiding on surrounding rooftops.

False alarms were set in non-white communities allowing local thugs to loot empty fire stations.

And paralleling what Mr. Garland described in Atlanta, certain San Francisco neighborhoods were and are still unsafe for whites any time of day or night.  For years white kids attending rock concerts held in the heavily black Fillmore District were fair game for roving gangs of blacks following the concerts.

I could go on, but by now you should get the picture. Your foolish position on the need for ethnic diversity and your whining note to Mr. Garland’s employer leave no doubt about your lack of intellectual maturity and your inability to accept or attempt to understand diverse opinion.

( http://www.vdare.com/letters/tl_022009.htm )


Posted by Svigor on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 03:06 | #

After reading some of Priestly’s writing, does anyone come away with the impression that Britain will explode long before America?  Britain has no room, nowhere for whites to fly.  Britain is extraordinarily densely populated relative to America.  Britain seems to have a proportionately bigger working class (correct me if I’m wrong), which means they’re a class more in play, rather than just Kulaks for media scum to vilify.  Brits are natives, not the descendants of colonists, and didn’t import alien slaves en masse.  Obviously Britain is waking up more quickly than America, at a much lower percentage of aliens in the population.



Posted by Svigor on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 03:33 | #

As for why Jews & co. keep pushing, look at American slaveholders.  How could they not see the enormous mistake they were making?  Because the pile of gold got in their way.

This is always the way of it.  Maybe next time ‘round, we’ll have them out of their beds in their jammies in the wee hours of the morning, as is right and just.  Instead of letting the bastards get away with it like they always seem to.

Like the slaveholders.  When slavery was abolished, the common folk should’ve either had them pay to repatriate the blacks, or taken the payment right out of their fat asses.  They always seem to get away with it.


Posted by danielj on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 03:33 | #


I think it might possible for Alexander Cockburn to come to his senses. This as far as I go with him.

That is all I meant as well. If he keeps any more company with Paul Craig Roberts it might happen before the collapse.

I think Gore Vidal might as well. (Lewis Lapham, Wendell Berry, et al)

They - lefties, homos, creeps, weirdos, etc. - don’t all have to be enemies, some are potential allies.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 05:50 | #

“I am sitting here seething about this.”  (—Thunder)

You’d better not read about what happened to young Kris Donald then, Thunder.  Or a number of others.  This boy Henry is damned lucky to be alive.  (Of course we still don’t know exactly how badly brain-damaged he is.)


Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 07:37 | #

Southern slaveholders need a little more consideration, Svigor. It appears, on the face of it, that their fellow Southerner was better served by abolishing slavery, however, there was the ever present concern of social control, or lack thereof, especially if repatriation was not ensured. The option for development of resources in a sparsely populated area are twofold; slave labour and free labour. Slave labour, initially, was incredibly cheap. However, as it grew more expensive it became apparent that free labour was more cost effective. However, to maintain a system of inexpensive free labour means constant mass immigration. The constant mass migration meant initially mass European Catholic and Jewish immigration, which has led to mass non-European Catholic migration. Christians, per se, may not embrace universalism, however, the Catholic church does. It’s simply a function of balance sheets.

If you examine the demographics of the Confederate states, they most reflect, of any place in the union, the founding demographics. In other words slavery, as an institution, served to preserve the American. In fact the South is the demographic that most identifies as “American”. Even if it was incidental, it can hardly be said it resembles the Jewish/Catholic church’s push for open borders/amnesty. It boils done to a founding people “want[ing] to live sovereign and free in [their] own lands, as [their] forefathers did.”


Posted by Tc on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 13:59 | #

“Recall that the epoch-making anti-communist revolutions throughout Eastern Europe of 1989-91 were nearly totally non-violent. “

Not one day passes by, when and each and every one of us doesn’t bemoan that lost opportunity: namely to cleanse our Nations of the garbage, the cancerous tissue, that has gotten pent up during the decades under the bolshevik thumb.

The fact, that the virulent cells have stayed within the body, made sure, that the disease continues in one form or another, to this very day - and will in the future, until one day the catharsis begins.

While You Mr. F.S. strike me as a gentleman and a scholar, this, I will not argue with anyone. It is a fight to the death this time - or no fight at all - as far as I am concerned. No compromises. I will give and take no quarters.

This is where I stand. Those, not with me, are expendable.

Yours Truly.


Posted by Tc on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 14:04 | #

Without making a judgment, I’d like to ask the participants here what would they chose to have, if only one of the options were available to them at a time:

the BNP

or a

defense firearm of their choice…

Just for some levity…:-)


Posted by hamid on Sat, 28 Feb 2009 20:18 | #

You white boys may write tough behind a computer but come down to the pakistani areas and we will make little girls out of you cowards you really are.


Posted by weston on Sat, 28 Feb 2009 21:31 | #

To paraphrase that old saying from the southern United States: Ten on one, that’s Paki fun.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 28 Feb 2009 22:11 | #

Yes, hamid means this:-


Posted by desis-are-born-randis on Thu, 05 Mar 2009 23:28 | #

Dear Hamid the maderchod, bhenchod and common randi,
Why don’t you get your Pakistani gang to Poland or Russia and try doing the same thing to a local White guy in full view of fellow native Whites who have not been brainwashed into hyper-individualism and anti-whiteism (not yet atleast) and you will soon be made to realize how smelly your hairy stinky vaginas are.


Posted by Arabdownunder on Sun, 15 Mar 2009 03:55 | #

Three paki racist rapists were giving a real good going over in goulburn jail here in NSW a few years back.Here i9s the link,Hope the pakis involved in this race crime get the same treatment in the can over there.



Posted by DoRight on Wed, 05 Jan 2011 04:17 | #

If anyone here is against racism, then I ask you to pull up youtube and search on ‘LCK being white’ and flag the video. If you are sick of the racist double standards against whites, or against anyone for that matter, flag the video, leave your opinion, and boycott the advertisers. We need to start with honesty and frank discussion, which the purveyors of this video tend to censor as it goes against their racist politics.

Here is an address: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG4f9zR5yzY

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)
