2014 European Parliament election in Britain – what to look out for

Posted by Guessedworker on Thursday, 22 May 2014 06:04.

The polls are open.  Today, the electorates of all the member states of the EU will elect their 751 members of the talking-shop which is the European Parliament.  The performance of Front National, Golden Dawn, Jobbik, Vlaams Belang, and Gert Wilders’ Freedom Party, among others, will create much interest for nationalists.  In Britain, too, the politics of dissent is the chief talking point of an increasingly desperate and totally unprincipled press.  There is a sense that the electorate has handled the smears maturely and, by and large, has not been swayed.  The pollsters report a settled feeling that, in England, at least, something big is about to happen.

Something so big, in fact, that I thought I might jot down some observations together with a very few markers for how we might assess it:

The turn-out

The daily workings of the EU are an arcane matter for the European public.  They elicit little interest or understanding at the best of times.  The European Parliament, of which UKIP Nigel Farage is a star turn for his merciless ragging of the Commission elite, has no power to initiate legislation, and is regarded generally as a weak and pointless body – albeit one offering its members very generous expenses.

In most European Parliament elections the turn-out for UK constituencies can struggle to exceed much above 25%.  A stronger turnout tomorrow across the country tomorrow, ie, anything above the 30% mark, would provide some indication of the depth of public dissent - the political meaning of all those who go to the polls specifically to register their disgust and rejection of mainstream party politics.  The postal vote, and its openness to fraud, may be a factor in a higher turnout, of course.  But then the weather:

Rain across much of England and Wales will move northwestwards, spreading to eastern Scotland through the morning. Brighter weather will follow from the south-east, but heavy thundery showers will spread to central and southern parts of England and Wales.

… may dampen voter numbers, with particular effect on those (generally mainstream party) voters who are less motivated to make their point.

It’s all about UKIP

There is only one story: by how much will UKIP top the poll.  Party activists have reported massive support on the doorstep.  After all, the European elections are the classic opportunity for the protest vote.  So are the pollsters getting the whole picture?  Are they correct in their sampling and weighting methods?  For example, do they have the capacity to forecast the return of long-term non-voters, which has been much spoken of?

If the pollsters have it right, then a UKIP national vote of about 31% is to be expected.  The official line from the political class will already have been fashioned to ride such a knock-back.  The (supposedly temporary) protest element will be talked up.  The voters’ (supposedly inevitable) return to the party mainstream likewise.  But what if the public censure is greater than anticipated – 35 to 36%, say, the sort of vote at which general elections are won these days?  At what level of humiliation does the political class and the metropolitan elite from which it arises, and whose attitudes and values it expresses, finally take the pill?  Probably, there isn’t one.  Probably, the lesson of these elections this time next year, as we prepare to cast our votes in the general election, will be that the public cannot affect change on the grand issues, cannot change the underlying political values just by a single protest vote.  It has to live by its convictions and keep voting as it will today.  It has to desert the political class completely.

And that will require an uncommon degree of voter insight and resistance to being bought by a few handouts and vague promises.

The beginning of the end for the r-word

One bonus from the campaign against UKIP has been the massive over-use of the word “racist” and the widespread and deeply satisfying derision that has earned.  The power of moral punishment is being broken by the zealotry and sheer promiscuity of the punishers.  Those who are still using it look like (and are) wicked and/or emotionally damaged.  The mainstream politicians who still scramble for cover at the first syllable of the word are going to look very weak from now on, which is what they are anyway.

It only remains for the anti-racist organisations to be routinely publicly identified as the violent, plausibly deniable wing of the Establishment which founded and funds them for shame and isolation to come home to where it truly belongs.

The nationalists

When Nick Griffin and Andrew Brons were elected in 2009 it appeared that nationalism had broken its bonds.  Today it has just two councillors of the fifty who then represented it, and is expected to poll no more than 2% in the North-West, where Griffin is again standing.  He needs 5% to secure his re-election.

We should all be aware that the success which UKIP will certainly experience today should have belonged to the BNP, as the true party of dissent in this country.  Yes, it is harder for a working-class, basically Old Labour style operation to break through in a time when the nominal right is in power.  Most electoral dissent drains away to the mainstream left.  But this is the time of anti-politics – a unique opportunity - and it is a rank disgrace that British nationalism is effectively absent from the field.

Spare a thought for the brave Paul Weston, who rang the national media’s bells when he was arrested for reading from Churchill’s The River War.  At the very least we will see the value in votes of such publicity (and I mean generally sympathetic publicity of the “political correctness gone mad” variety, not the relentless smear campaign that Nigel Farage has endured).  Paul is standing for the party he leads, Liberty GB, in the South East England constituency.  I like the man.  I have reservations about his party.  But I hope he receives the encouragement from his electorate that he deserves.

The results

One of the most annoying aspects of these elections is the elite’s vain insistence that there is some validity to its internationalism.  As a result of that, no announcement of the results can be made in any European country until Sunday because gains for socialists, say, in one country may be met with a rush to the polls by conservatives somewhere else that happens to be voting later!  So we have to wait.

There are, however, elections in 161 English councils today, including for all 32 London boroughs.  Results for these will be announced tomorrow, and that will give us a pretty good pointer for the outcome of the Europeans.  Few people will vote UKIP in the locals and not also in the Europeans.  Some may do so the other way around.



Posted by Morgoth on Thu, 22 May 2014 08:47 | #

One of the advantages that UKIP have over the BNP is that the BNP largely came from the Working Class and UKIP largely from the Middle Class. This means that the Kippers are more educated and savvy, they are capable of fighting back. I remember about a year ago I came across a discussion on Hope Not Hate where the Anti Fash were discussing the merits of an all out assault on UKIP, many were rather intimated by the idea. Here is a blog which has been set up by UKIPers with the sole purpose of firing back at the Anti Fash:

There are others too.

Despite all of this UKIP are ideologically a mess, and the BNP has a far richer and deeper mine of political philosophy and thought to fall back on. One can only wonder what it would be like if the ‘‘kippers’’ were able to use their skills with Nationalism as their ideological foundation and not the shifting sands of Civic Nationalism.

I have noticed on the threads that many UKIPers are now talking about ‘‘my people’’ and ‘‘Anti Whites’‘, starting to realise that we can cut through the enemy with ease utilizing Nationalism where they are left to flounder by trying to ‘‘define your culture’‘.
This leaves them split, they can win the debates if they admit to race realism, but that isn’t permitted by their Party. I don’t think we are very far away from the time when it will be though.


Posted by DOGGIE's Coat & Badge on Thu, 22 May 2014 15:48 | #

Like all bureaucracies, the first law of the political class is its own survival.
Forget about all the sanctimonious blather of ‘values’ and ‘principles’ etc, in the final analysis, their own survival is all that matters.
Simply put, UKIP are the difference between winning and losing the big boys of LabCon. Whoever can steal the UKIP vote is assurred of winning and winning big time in May 2015’s General Election.
  Now, it’s just plain sheer commonsense that UKIP are merely an anti-immigration protest vehicle with an anti-EU message and a political party attached. If either Lab or Con want to win next time round, they should pull their heads out of their arses, stop denying and realise this, but don’t hold your breath - thet, particularly the Tories are just too dumb and chicken-shit to do this, even if it means their demise. Anyway, because of their lies and deceit over the ages, no one really believes them anymore.


Posted by Bill on Thu, 22 May 2014 20:05 | #

One cannot view to-days May 22nd 2014 European election in isolation, for me its primary function is as a taster, a bellwether, a precursor if you like to the events of Britain’s 2015 General Election.  The ramifications of today’s election will reverberate right through to 2015.  In fact 2015 will be a continuance of the immigration referendum. 

To-days British EU election is generally being acknowledged as a referendum on the vexed question of immigration into the British Isles.  This, in the eyes of many voters is its primary function, to probe the consensus of opinion of feeling among the British people.  Since 1948, this is the first time such an emphasis has emerged to bring immigration into the public arena big-time.  For over 60 years our political elites have successfully stifled debate by every means at their disposal, it beggars belief that such a feat of suppression of freedom of speech could have been carried off with such consummate ease - without nary a protest in fact.

Those days have gone and one thing’s for certain, things are never going to be the same again, there’s no going back, this is the final curtain call for the remnants of a Britain I used to know, although in reality, December 31st 1959 was the last taste of Britains summer wine - it’s been a long farewell.

Farage has picked up a number of blogosphere sayings lately, one no more apt than his oft repeated warning the Genie is out of the bottle, the Genie of modern politics is truly out of the bottle and nobody is going to put it back.  I suppose the term Genie conjures different visions to different people, for me it is the total sham of the post democratic political system, how on earth did they manage to fool all of the people all of the time.

I still say 98% of the electorate have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes, or even what they’re really voting for or against.  Yea, sure they’re as mad as hell like Mr Beale but precious few know what it’s all about, most know there’s something terribly wrong and view things in their lives as being upside down crazy.

As we all now know, Mr Farage is not going to tell them how deep the hole goes and I’ll wager he never will.

But you all exclaim why should he take the risk of laying all bare when he’s doing very nicely thank you as it is.  Why indeed?

Farage is a libertarian, is there such a thing as a libertarian nationalist?  Why is he placing all his eggs in one basket by concentrating on the EU and the tsunami of job seeking immigrants, rarely mentioning the slow takeover of our country by third world non-whites.  His claim is to stop or reduce EU immigration, better still, get Britain out of the EU altogether.

Try this for size. EU migrants are white, what better way to stop adding to Britain’s white population than to stop them migrating to Britain.  I suspect that when Britain became an EU member the architects never envisaged hundreds of thousands of white Europeans adding to a multicultural Britain.

Unintended, consequences perhaps?

Libertarian Farage is cool with third world migration, in fact, like all the rest he goes out of his way to bend his knee to present his multicultural credentials to the liberal elite.  Of course he gets no credos for is trouble, only a swift kick in the nuts.

Throughout his coming to prominence I’ve blown hot and cold on Farage, is he the real deal or is he a blatant (or clever) fraud?  Is he in on the deal and if so what’s his game plan? 

The plot thickens.

I have to leave you now, time for me to vote, to place my surf-like illiterate cross on a piece of cardboard.  What a pathetic joke it all is.  Let’s go direct democracy Swiss style.

Go Nige Go.  If only to find out what comes next?


Posted by wobbly on Fri, 23 May 2014 04:36 | #

All opposition is controlled opposition until it gets too big. Fingers crossed.


Posted by Bill on Fri, 23 May 2014 07:47 | #

Thorn @38 Diversity is code word for White Genocide.  Marine Le Pen on Muslims and Nigel Farage

Oh for an English Le Pen, what a beautiful language.  Formidable.

No bending the knee to the BBC, no deference, no accommodation, no sh*t from the EU mouthpiece, no retreat.  Le Pen’s spirit shone through as unconquerable,  This is the first time I’ve seen a BBC interviewer struck silent by sheer steely eyed determination.  Zero tolerance to the destroyers of our civilisation.

Viva La France.

Nice one Thorn.


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 23 May 2014 08:49 | #

Thanks for this informative post, and good comments after it.

The Tories sound like US Republicans, basically an Establishment ‘safety-valve’ for the dispossessed majority to think they’re making progress. Unlike the US situation however, in which the rise of third parties is electorally all but impossible (I’ve heard from political consultants that there are incredible barriers to entry for new parties, ones that have been erected by Democrats and Republicans collusively, but I still can’t say precisely what those are ... am thinking about reading a book on the subject ... might have something to do with access to public funds, though I don’t think that’s the whole story at all), in the UK you could actually destroy a party, and I’m wondering if it wouldn’t be better for England for the Tories to be finally annihilated. Any thoughts from the natives?

After all, the Tories seem inherently “so yesterday”, relics from the age of chivalry, or at least aristocracy and hereditary hierarchy. Those days are basically gone, right? So if the Tories, who historically were thought to speak for the nation’s interest (as purportedly embodied in the Lords), as opposed to that of a particular class (like the bourgeoisie or proletariat) or region, won’t speak out on behalf of the core nation against the dark hordes of foreign savages colonising the UK, then what exactly is their raison d’etre? If Tories no longer represent conservative stability (and allowing millions of aliens into your geographically well-defined and limited homeland is the very opposite of any authentic conservatism, whatever its specific policy emphasis), then what do they stand for, and why should any rightists at all back them?

Also, which party are nationalists being urged to support: UKIP, BNP or Liberty GB? Will each of these (and all other parties) be fielding candidates to these EU elections?

And, GW, what are your reservations wrt LibertyGB? I think if I were English I would support Paul Weston’s outfit.


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 23 May 2014 10:57 | #

On another note: on June 3 we have a primary election here in California. I hope I don’t need to remind everyone to support Tim Donnelly, a true, if moderate, conservative (definitely not even implicitly WN, however - he’s got a Filipino wife and 5 mud kids), against nonwhite Hindu neocon and former Bush Administration Wall St. TARP-bailout toadie Neel Kashkari.

As everyone (perhaps even as far as England) knows, no Republican is going to win CA ever again (nor America, if the Amnestyites get their bill passed). We are America’s most populous state, one that used to be heavily Republican, and yet today we have not a single statewide Republican elected official. This change was due solely to the nonwhite immigration invasion which has perfectly overlapped my lifetime.

Our current governor, Democrat Jerry Brown (son of former Democrat Gov Pat Brown), was governor before, from 1975-83. He was a douchebag liberal then, and is a slightly less liberal douchebag today. What’s ironic is that the Gov Brown of the 70s created the conditions (eg, first legalizing public sector unions - everywhere a great conspiracy against private sector taxpayers - in CA) for the fiscal mess that today’s Gov Brown has had to deal with in office.

Jerry Brown is incredibly popular out here in Cali-Douchebag-fornia. Don’t ask me why. White liberal ‘eminence grise’, perhaps? Who cares. He’s going to TROUNCE his Republican opponent. Even though November might be another GOP ‘wave’ election like 2010 (God, let’s hope so!), CA is in ostensibly better fiscal shape than when Brown took over (though only because he jacked up all manner of taxes, along with insisting on some ‘cuts’ to a truly over-the-top-socialist Democrat Legislature [they had a legislative supermajority here until recently, when 3 Democrats got arrested on various criminal and corruption charges] state budget, in order to close our formerly awful state deficit), and the state economy seems better than when he was inaugurated. Combine that with his lack of personal gaffes or embarrassments this time around (the 70s were another matter); his lack of any Democratic gubernatorial primary opponent; his tens of millions of dollars in campaign funds dwarfing the accounts of either Republican; Brown’s vastly greater name recognition, as well as decades-long career in CA public service; the near-impossibility of any Republican again winning the governor’s office; and the pathetic stature and name recognition of the two main Republicans battling for their party’s primary win, and it is a forgone conclusion that Brown will win another term as CA governor.

So why am I writing on this? Only because the election still matters in terms of the national direction of the party. ALL the bad guys (including, alas, Mitt Romney, and even, ALAS, former CA Gov (and formerly staunch anti-immigrationist) Pete Wilson, who won his come-from-behind 1994 reelection bid on an anti-illegal immigration platform), have come out against Donnelly. And why have they done so, despite Donnelly’s impeccably conservative voting record, good family values (one wife, five kids - and nonwhite, too!, so a ‘bonus’ in the eyes of the Establishment), and small business background - as against Kashkari’s Ivy League, Goldman Sachs investment banker, government crony capitalist, divorced, no kids background? Not to mention Kashkari being pro-gay marriage and pro-abortion, as well as rather tepid in his support for gun rights (big no-no’s to US conservatives)?

You guessed it! Kashkari, besides the “advantage” of being nonwhite himself, supports “immigration reform” (Amnesty) - a “path to citizenship” for America’s 40 MILLION illegal aliens. Donnelly, OTOH, not only strongly opposes Amnesty, he was early involved in a big way in the very un-PC anti-immigration Minuteman movement, a private group which made a show of guarding the US/Mexican border themselves. For this I have heard Establishment Republicans, like Jeb Bush (brother to GW, and former Florida Gov) and talk-show airhead Larry Kudlow (if there is one American Graham Lister would hate above all others, it is Jew-turned-militant-Catholic, pro-corporate capitalist, pro-Wall St, open borders Amnestyite Kudlow) refer to Donnelly as “a bigot [a “bigot”- for wanting to enforce US immigration law!] who would like to call out the National Guard for house-to-house deportations of illegals”.

Need I say more?

The Estab. desperately wants to neuter the anti-Amnesty impulses of the Tea Party, which is as much about implicit WN as it is about low taxes and less debt. People like Donnelly are a clear threat precisely because they speak to and for real (white) Americans. We need many more like him. Electing him in the primary sends a clear message that the dwindling CA GOP still has spirit, and that stopping immigration is key to our survival, as a people and a party.

VOTE DONNELLY for CA Gov! Spread the word!


Posted by Bill on Fri, 23 May 2014 11:32 | #

UKIP’s explosive good fortune has not been mirrored in London, the reason being it’s the educated stupid!

Clamour the intellectual pundits.

It could be the ethnic demographic is kicking in, but you won’t hear any such comment coming from the experts, not even from Farage himself.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 23 May 2014 12:23 | #

Bill @5


No doubt that BBC reporter was well schooled in the slime-ball art of liberal-racism; she threw every slime-ball tactic she had in her bag of tricks at Le Pen but Le Pen wasn’t having any of it.

There were many great exchanges in the interview; one of which was Marine Le Pen’s rejoinder to one of the BBC interviewer’s slanderous assertions: “You seem to be more interested in the questions you’re asking than the answers I’m giving.”


I came away from that interview knowing Marine Le Pen has steel in her spine.


Posted by Morgoth on Fri, 23 May 2014 16:30 | #

Watching the results coming in last night on BBC I was witness to a little scene that was like a live action version of an Occidental Observer entry. The BBC panel consisted of a Liberal, The Chairman of the Conservative Party called Grant Schapps, who is a Jew, and a Half Caste for Labour called Chuka Ummuna. As the results came in showing huge support for UKIP news began to filter through of Conservatives suggesting a ‘‘Pact’’ with UKIP. Schapps, who has been at the heart of the ‘‘modernization’‘of the Conservative Party was not having it. We were then zoomed to Somerset where Jacob Rees-Mogg, the very picture and sound of an English toff put forwards his argument for a Conservative/UKIP deal that would deliver a massive win for ‘‘small c’’ conservatism in England. He had a point, the bottom of the screen was flashing with statistics from the UKIP push. Rees-Mogg pointed out that around 1915 Lloyd George had also made gains from such a pact. Amazingly as he spoke the sound of laughter was clearly audible and we were zoomed back to the studio where Schapps and Ummuna were giggling like two school girls, Schapps quipped ‘’ I can just picture Jacob Rees-Mogg standing right there with Lloyd George’’ joking about the antiquated and thoroughly outdated upper class English mannerisms and language of Rees-Mogg. 

The fact is Schapps may well be the Chairman of the Conservative Party and Ummuna a Mulatto Labour man but they both had common interests totally at odds with those of Rees-Mogg, indeed, the very last thing Schapps would want would be to facilitate a conservative revolution in England, even when the very studio he was sitting in was ablaze with evidence of how fruitful this could be. Schapps has far more in common with Ummuna than either does with Rees- Mogg. Surely if I can identify this problem then so can well paid politicians.

This morning Cameron came out and made it clear ‘‘we don’t do pacts’‘. The modernization will continue, and they will be destroyed, it’s a safer bet than letting the ethnic interests of Middle England come too closely to the surface.


Posted by Dude on Sat, 24 May 2014 00:30 | #

‘‘we don’t do pacts’‘ except with LibDems

Wilders does badly.


Posted by Trainspotter on Sat, 24 May 2014 03:27 | #

Thanks to guessedworker for the interesting commentary, and I’ll certainly be looking on with great interest.  In the United States, I no longer believe that it is possible for the existing political system to address the existential crisis that we face and, therefore, the solution will have to come from outside of the system.  I’ll admit that I believe the same is likely of Europe, but there at least it may still be possible for some meaningful gains can be made within the parameters of the existing system.  Certainly there is tremendous potential for symbolic victories within those parameters, even if real substance and salvation can only be achieved by other means. 

In any event, I wish genuine and authentic nationalists across Europe the best.  Much is falling in place and coming together, it would seem.  If things go well at the polls, then we take the benefit.  If things don’t, we condemn the system as unworkable and corrupt.  The survival of our people comes first, last and in between, no matter the results of a particular election.   

Morgoth: “I have noticed on the threads that many UKIPers are now talking about ‘‘my people’’ and ‘‘Anti Whites”...”

That’s very important, not to mention very encouraging.  Certainly the term “anti-white” has made great inroads over the course of the last few years, and conceptually it is quite important and useful.  I employ it liberally and often.  It’s been said that a lie can travel around the world before truth can get its boots on, and clearly our opponents are masters of this.  But the right terminology can elegantly and effectively defeat those sorts of dishonest attacks, and instead rapidly convey a fundamental truth.  The term “anti-white” is an important tool in that kit, and the increased use of it is wonderful to see. 

But it is not enough to merely define and attack an opponent.  One must also define and support his own side.  To have something not merely to fight against, but also worth fighting for.  The use of “my people” by whites is a big, big step in that direction, and should be very much encouraged.

I’ve been using it myself, consciously and intentionally, for the last several years.  I’ll admit I felt a little uncomfortable with it at first (on non-WN sites).  But it worked, and now seems like the most natural thing in the world.  Whereas early on it felt a bit awkward, now it feels perfectly normal.  Whites have been denied a meaningful and coherent identity for so long that it is a wonderful breath of fresh air to reclaim it, even just a little bit.  To be a people again, if for now only in the mind and in language.  Yet that is precisely where it must begin.  Well, really, the heart. 

The BUGSers have been tremendously effective at pushing the term anti-white, so perhaps at some point they will look at “my people” as something similarly worthy of development.  In the meantime, I push it wherever I can, and I suggest that others do the same.  Whether in an online discussion or private conversation, I consider it a victory if I work it in, however casually, and it is accepted without remark.  If it becomes simply normal. 

My people.  Your people.  Our people.  Of course. 

A people has legitimate interests to defend and promote.  It has a past, a present and a future.  It has a shared destiny.  Atomized, deracinated individuals have none of these things.  They are mere Burkean flies of a summer, the disappearance of which is both inevitable and of no great consequence or concern.  It’s obvious how the anti-white system wants us to think of ourselves, and it’s equally obvious why we must counter their malicious intent at the source.   


Posted by Bill on Sat, 24 May 2014 09:02 | #

Breakfast a Tiffany’s - The rise and rise of UKIP.

The similarity of the meteoric rise of UKIP’s leader Nigel Farage and ‘I Agree With Nick’ liberal leader Nick Clegg is to me, pretty striking.

The creation of Nick Clegg by the BBC (media) as a fomenting star after his performance during the three party leadership televised debate in the run up to the 2010 general election, lead directly to the media influenced coalition of the Conservative party and the Liberal party to form a government.

Clegg became Deputy Prime Minister.

This pattern of exposure was repeated for Farage after UKIP’ victory in the Eastleigh by-election.  Immediately doors began to open for Farage to fashion and cement his credentials to the British public at large.  This last week UKIP and Farage have dominated the media to saturation.

Enter Farage on the world stage, another coup for the BBC.  Farage like Clegg, is a BBC (media) creation (as also was Cameron - think back to Cameron’s speech with ‘no notes’ at the Conservative leadership debate).

My heart sank when first I learnt Farage had breakfasted at Tiffany’s.

Farage and UKIP are now simply an extension of the political establishment.

Since Farage has emerged under the glare of Britain’s political spotlight I’ve percepted sudden and not so subtle strategy in Farage’s presentation of UKIP.  Gone is the biting edge we saw earlier, he has become less strident in his criticism of the political class, deference has crept in, he’s become accommodating, touches his forelock in the direction of the same old-same old.  It all reminds me of Mit Romney during the last presidential election.

It looks to me that the media’s former nationalist bogeyman the BNP was unceremoniously dumped as being labelled not wanted on journey and replaced by UKIP.  As the old saying goes, if UKIP didn’t exist they would have to have invented it.

Can the media ride the replacement tiger they have created?  Things are a-changing at lightening speed, the era of the BNP has long gone already,

Cameron, like Blair and Brown before him, have served their raison d’etre.  Cameron and Clegg will spend their remaining days continuing the formers scorched earth routine.  They even passed legislation that they could not be replaced until the full fixed term of the five year parliament had expired.

I won’t go into my usual tirade about the media’s incalculable devastating part in bringing England to its current malaise.  The media is Britain’s standing army of occupation.

We have, at long last, reached the point of inevitability we all knew was inevitable For me, right from the beginning it was obvious you could not hide millions of people among you who don’t look like you, it is impossible.

Over the years our people have watched all of what has happened in disbelief, despite the BBC spelling it out to them almost minute by minute as to what their future was

Can the media ride the new tiger?  Will UKIP go the same way as the BNP?  Are we pushing on an open door? 

All the plates are spinning.

I’ve said before, what we’re witnessing has long since gained a momentum all of its own, where it is it all going is anybody’s guess.  Millions have at last smelt the coffee, we’ve seen nothing yet, the snowball has only just started to roll.. 

We shall see, the Internet is on the case.  Stay tuned.


Posted by Bill on Sat, 24 May 2014 09:23 | #

My comments.

My keyboard is playing up, I think it is well past its sell-by-date. (Like its owner)  It’s been a nightmare to use and takes an age to keep correcting.  Must get a new one.

Sorry for typos etc.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 24 May 2014 10:05 | #

So what’s the bottom line right now? How did UKIP do? How about BNP and LibertyGB? I’m seeing conflicting reports, with some saying UKIP has done very well, others pointing out Labor as the night’s big winner.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 24 May 2014 11:02 | #

So, to answer the questions raised above, how did the local election phase of voting go?

Very well for UKIP, but not uniformly so.  London, Coventry and the county of Warwickshire were the areas where it did not make progress.  In London, particularly, we may be seeing the emergence of anti-English politics, as the capital steadily separates itself ethnically and socio-economically from the rest of country.

Of course, when one looks at the overall vote share - UKIP seems to have won around the 19-20% mark - it is necessary to remember that they did not stand candidates in every council ward.  The base voting statistic is not therefore applicable.  Their share in the seats where they did stand will doubtless come to light shortly.  But that, too, is a bit deceptive.  It takes time to build a local election machine, and UKIP came into these elections having only two councillors in place.

Also, bear in mind that only about a portion of all English council seats were up for grabs - all 32 London boroughs, all 36 metropolitan boroughs, 74 local district authorities, 20 unitary authorities and various mayoralities.  The seat distribution and gains/losses were as follows:

LAB   2101 +338
CON   1359 -231
LD   427 -307
UKIP   163 +161
GRN     36 +16
OTH   125 +23

As for the BNP it was very nearly a total blank.  Brian Parker was its only councillor elected, clinging on by six votes in Pendle, Lancashire.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 24 May 2014 11:25 | #

After reading the article Dude linked to, I asked myself: Why has the EU’s ruling class made Marine Le Pen its main target for vilification?

Well the answer is simple: Her message poses the most dangerous threat to the EU project. It goes straight to the heart of the EU’s main objectives.

In the following piece, if you replace Israel and Jewish state with European ethno-nationalists, it clearly illustrates what’s talking place in Europe and what the future holds: obliteration of nation-states and the blending away of their distinct cultures and gene pools.

Why the European Union Treats Israel With Scorn

February 19, 2013 by Joseph Puder

Israel is the forward outpost of western civilization, or what we consider as the West.  On its borders, Israel is directly facing the brunt of the anti-Western forces, namely Islamic fanaticism and intolerance, undemocratic authoritarianism, chaos, illiteracy, and economic backwardness.  And yet, it is democratic Israel, with its western values of religious freedom, civil and human rights, technological inventiveness, a vibrant culture, and a successful economy that is being scorned by the Europeans and increasingly by the Obama administration.

The reason for this scorn can be traced to the aftermath of World War II.  As the Western European nations calculated the damage rabid nationalism inflicted on the Continent, they decided that the cause was the divisiveness inherent in the nation-state structure in Europe.  According to their reasoning, the separate entities, based on ethnic identifications, religious particularism, capitalism and colonial competition, led to conflict and war.  As the European elites see it, the nation-state concept had outlived its usefulness, and what they deemed as necessary for peace and progress was a more comprehensive and universalist structure, namely the Common Market, which has evolved into the European Union.
  (emphasis mine)

For Jews however, WWII and the Holocaust, in which six million Jews were murdered by Europeans simply because they were Jews, led to a different conclusion.  Lacking a national home to protect them from the ravages of anti-Semitism, Jews felt impotent and vulnerable.  They needed their own state in order to live in safety and to pursue their own destiny.  Israel, thus, became a state, not merely by a 1947 UNSC vote on the partition of Palestine, but by the sacrifices made by its sons and daughters in the battlefields of Palestine.  With the passage of time and especially in recent decades, European elites (and to some extent the English speaking Western states of the U.S. Canada, Australian, New Zealand, and Britain) have become more dedicated to the notion that the nation-state had to be replaced by a more universalist structure (The EU and the U.N.).  Israel, to those elites, has become an anachronism, if not an affront.

Public opinion surveys in Europe point out that the Jewish state is despised, and it is considered, according to the EU survey as reported by the Guardian newspaper (November 3, 2003), as a threat to peace.  The European Commission poll claimed that “60% of Europeans see Israel as the greatest threat to world peace.” 7,500 people in 15 European Union countries said that Israel was a bigger threat to world peace than Iran, North Korea and the U.S.

Responding to the survey, Nathan Sharansky, the then Minister for Diaspora Affairs stated, “The fact that the majority of Europeans sees Israel as the main danger is additional proof that behind the ‘political’ criticism of Israel stands pure anti-Semitism. The EU, which shows sensitivity on human rights issues, would do well to stop the rampant brainwashing against and demonizing of Israel before Europe deteriorates again to dark sections of its past.”

The European Union elitists’ knack for employing moral relativism in addition to its cherished adoption of multi-culturalism is at the core of its scorn for Israel.  The Continent that expounded racist theories is now committed to the belief that all humanity is the same.  That also explains why Jewish particularism so disturbs the Europeans. Israelis, at least a majority of them, celebrate their differentness and choose to follow their own heritage rather than the putative universal culture the West has adopted.  It is why, in the EU states, churches are being replaced by mosques, and it gives credence to the claim that Europe will be Muslim in a few decades.

The Telegraph reported (on August 8, 2009) under the headline “Muslim Europe: The Demographic Time Bomb Transforming our Continent” that “Britain and the rest of the European Union are ignoring a demographic time bomb: a recent rush into the EU by migrants, including millions of Muslims, will change the continent beyond recognition over the next two decades, and almost no policy makers are talking about it…the numbers are startling.  Only 3.2% of Spain’s population was foreign-born in 1998.  In 2007 it was 13.4%.  Europe’s Muslim population has more than doubled in the past 30 years and will have doubled again by 2015…  In Brussels, the top baby boy’s name recently was Mohamed…  Europe’s low white birth rate, coupled with faster multiplying migrants, will change fundamentally what we take to mean by European culture and society.”

Israel’s success at holding off their hate-filled Arab-Muslim hordes militarily and its economic success in contrast with the EU’s economic trouble, added an additional dimension to the disdain Europeans feel toward Israel.  The multi-cultural experiment in such EU states as Belgium, Norway, and Sweden, to name a few, has been a dismal failure.  Crime rates have skyrocketed where almost none existed a generation ago. Sweden, for instance has “The highest rape rate in Europe” author Naomi Wolf said on the BBC Newsnight program recently.

Europe and the EU states long infatuation with dead-end social and philosophical fads have become costly.  Unfettered socialism has already bankrupted some EU states.  Communism chained Eastern and central Europeans and deprived them of freedom.  In time, there is hope that the people of Europe will recognize that a universal type structure is no substitute for a national culture and the nation-state.  Israel represents the argument that the nation-state is not a fad, but rather an ancient and still compelling vision of humanity, albeit, at the moment, Israel is scorned and abused by its Western “friends” for not conforming to the EU’s double-faced version of human rights and pretentious future of humanity.

The Wall Street Journal article by Gerald Steinberg (May 6, 2008) suggested that “some of the recent friction results from hidden EU funding for anti-Israel civil society organizations.  While supposedly promoting peace and coexistence, these groups often preach division and confrontation.”  Steinberg added, “The EU was also one of the funders of the infamous NGO Forum of the 2001 Durban conference.  Designed to fight racism, it turned into one of the most despicable displays of modern anti-Semitism.  The Forum accused Israel of ethnic cleansing and genocide, and called for a policy of complete and total isolation of Israel as an apartheid state ‘through boycotts, divestment and sanctions.”

The vote by key EU states to upgrade the Palestinian Authority status on November 29, 2012, was indicative of the EU’s hostility toward Israel, using Palestinian human rights and political status as an excuse.  The inherent contradiction in the EU position is obvious. While seeking to supersede the nation-state in Europe (and despising an ethnic Jewish state) the EU is advocating an Arab-Palestinian nation-state.

The EU political, economic, and demographic decline is contrasted by a flourishing Jewish state. The multicultural and supranational union known as the EU is a failure.  On the other hand, the ingathering of the exiles in the Jewish homeland produced a rich and uniquely Israeli culture that only a nation-state can provide.  Israel is a success story despite the scorn with which the EU treats it.


Posted by Bill on Sat, 24 May 2014 11:40 | #

One must remember these results are for local elections only, the EU results will be announced this week end.  Whether this pattern of voting will be mirrored in next years General Election I don’t know.  I suspect they will, although the scale of voting will be much higher in a general election.

London is a very good indication of how ethic communities will skew the the national pattern of voting.  Heavy concentrations of ethnic communities in the larger cities will no doubt be of a similar nature to the London pattern.  London-Birmingham-Leicester- Manchester- Bradford- Bristol- and a host of large and mid sized post industrial towns and cities across the Midlands and the North of the country.

Th New Labour project chickens are coming home to roost. (Fruition)


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 24 May 2014 13:15 | #

Apparently, the average UKIP vote where they stood candidates was 27%.  Many of these will have been first attempts or attempts based on perhaps only a 2% or 3% prior performance.  There is much more to come, particularly with the additional donors and the development of proper local parties (national membership is about 38,500 today and climbing at about 1000 per month).

Time for the next question, perhaps: how does nationalism take advantage of these developments?


Posted by Bill on Sat, 24 May 2014 15:58 | #

GW @ 19

Time for the next question, perhaps: how does nationalism take advantage of these developments?

Caviat.  Without thinking too much as my tea is ready….

What is a nationalist?  What is nationalism?  I think the time has come.

I’ve been commenting here for some years now but when I saw GW’s question above my mind went blank, I couldn’t think of anything, I was taken aback by my lack ideas, I then I asked myself what is nationalism?  Furthermore, I asked myself, what is a nationalist?

If I was a candidate standing as a nationalist and a casual bystander asked me what is a nationalist?  I would be stumped for an answer.  Sure I could say the usual stuff, a nationalist loves his country, a nationalist is patriotic and would defend his beliefs and way of life.  I would tell the bystander a nationalist is someone who is proud of his identity, proud of the tribe who are his kith and kin, I suppose an ardent nationalist would claim he and his fellow tribesmen were superior to all others.  Do I personally feel superior to others?  Now that is a tough question (should it be a tough question?) I bet it’s not a tough question for Mr Ardent Nationalist.

Is my life more important to me than any of your lives?  Of course it is.  Is my life more important to me than some anonymous human being the other side of the world?  Yes of course it is.  The same goes for my children and my family, the the same goes for my tribe.  My bystander questioner may identify with my reply or may not,  would I be satisfied with my simple definitions? I suspect not, but without going into greater detail eventually entering into the realm of philosophy, (of which I have no knowledge) my bystander would have to be satisfied.

Would you be satisfied with my definition of Nationalist/nationalism?

I Suspect an awful lot of Ukippers might be interested.


Posted by wobbly on Sat, 24 May 2014 16:19 | #

Time for the next question, perhaps: how does nationalism take advantage of these developments?

The more successful UKIP are the more hostile the europhile elites will become and the more likely their mask will slip.

That’s the key thing imo - getting people to realize that the elites are hostile.



Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 24 May 2014 18:06 | #


Long before nationalism is supremacist and Nazistic (or, come to that, Judaic) it is existential.  It draws its water from who the people are in their very being, that is to say, from their facticity as a way that Life flows on this earth.

You need not concern yourself with questions of superiority/inferiority.  They are interesting in the sense that human difference is a truth, and all forbidden truths are interesting for what they tell us about the age in which we live.  But they are not key to the struggle to live, of which nationalism in the broad (and collective) sense is the political expression.  That struggle is the first, the fundamental struggle for nationalists.  It is Nature’s sole imperative.  All individual men and all their ethnic or kinship groups are virtuous when they engage in it, and lacking in virtue when they do not.

For the sake of clarity, a possible (I think pretty accurate) definition of nationalism is: the politics of collective genetic interests.  If your bystander doesn’t know, even instinctively, that he or she has ethnic interests, then something less specific would suffice.  Perhaps saying “nationalism is the politics of the people’s life” would hit the spot.


Posted by Bill on Sat, 24 May 2014 20:33 | #

GW @22.

Every comment made by me here on this blog has had the intended purpose of trying to inform those who come by this way of what I know or think I know, how successful I have been I will never know, if only one person has gone away from here with knowledge gained from me and has propagated and multiplied then I shall rest in peace.

I watched a BBC interviewer thrust a microphone in the face of a little old lady in some shopping centre, asking what were her prime concerns affecting her political feelings, she replied firstly the EU, giving here reasoning that England should be for the English and not run from abroad.  The interviewer further asked if there was anything else she was concerned about, she paused a moment and struggled to say - with trembling lip - immigration,  the interviewer played the old trick of a reply of silence, the old lady, visibly trembling, said, barely audible and almost in tears, we’ll say no more.  The camera cut away.

That lady somehow summoned the courage from somewhere to deny her fear of what these people had inculcated in her, to her it was an ordeal but By-God she managed to say what she thought, my heart went out to her for such courage.  With people like that how can we be defeated?

I return again to Jonathan Bowden’s idea that nationalists have got to step over an through the lies, and vile taunts and guilt.  I think this already began last week and can from now on only increase.

Perhaps we’ve reached the tipping point, or maybe the beginning of the tipping point, Farage is playing his part, whatever that part is none of us know.  With or without Farage the scene is being set for a showdown at the OK Corall.

Inevitability means that as the white herds perceive themselves being cattle prodded to extinction survival instinct will kick in, they will gravitate to their own group for protection.  Let’s hope it’s sooner rather than later.  We must keep pounding the message in whatever form it takes, our people must shake off the lies and walk tall again.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 25 May 2014 00:57 | #

For the sake of clarity, a possible (I think pretty accurate) definition of nationalism is: the politics of collective genetic interests.  If your bystander doesn’t know, even instinctively, that he or she has ethnic interests, then something less specific would suffice.  Perhaps saying “nationalism is the politics of the people’s life” would hit the spot. (GW)

For the man in the pub, why not just say that “nationalism aims to end the financial exploitation and racial and cultural bullying of the (Old Stock or native-born or just ethnic) English in Britain”?


“Nationalism is the philosophy which holds that England should be governed exclusively by Englishmen, for the sake of future generations of Englishmen.”

Or, one could go negative:

“Nationalism wants to end the non-whitening of Britain.” “Nationalists want Britain to be exclusively white again.”


“Nationalism rejects both multiracialism and its child, multiculturalism.”

Thinking about the matter of ideology, it really isn’t easy to define any ideology. What is conservatism? What is Labour’s ideology?

Political parties are defined by their policies. What does a nationalist party want?

1. An end to immigration (recognition that IMMIGRATION = INVASION).
2. Deportation of all illegal aliens, along with more extensive border patrols.
3. Eventual re/expatriation of all nonwhites from British soil.
4. Supremacy of English/British culture in Britain (thus, no respecting Muslim religious or cultural “sensibilities” in their pre-expatriation period of continuing residence in the UK).
5. National control over national finances (thus, perpetuation of the pound).
6. National sovereignty (thus, exit from the EU).
7. Removal of multicultural teaching materials in schools.
8. Eventual removal of Jews and Roma from Britain.
9. Britain First! foreign policy.

These seem to be the specific areas of nationalist concern. Beyond these, I suspect nationalists will fissure along more conventional Left/Right lines (eg, NHS, military spending, taxes, trade, policing, environment, etc).


Posted by wobbly on Sun, 25 May 2014 01:14 | #

For the sake of clarity, a possible (I think pretty accurate) definition of nationalism is: the politics of collective genetic interests.

yes, the political science of nationalism is biology




Posted by Lurker on Sun, 25 May 2014 02:46 | #

That’s the key thing imo - getting people to realize that the elites are hostile.

- Wobbly

Thats good, I think thats what a lot of the online discourse is really about.

Besting the pathetic trolls on the DT and elsewhere is as much about that as anything. It shows they’ve got nothing, that the elite arent ruling by consent or from some morally superior position. Its just them saying “We rule, you do as you’re told” The more they do that, the more its just naked power and thats not popular.


Posted by wobbly on Sun, 25 May 2014 03:20 | #


Yes, I see that as unlocking the door. Most people won’t listen to an alternative ideology until after they’ve decided to ditch their current one but if people are convinced the elite are hostile then they’ll ditch the elite’s ideology automatically.

Once people are open to alternatives then nationalists can offer whatever alternative they personally favor. In my case this would be biology as nationalism makes perfect sense at a genetic level.


Posted by Bill on Sun, 25 May 2014 05:02 | #

David Cameron draws up immigration laws to foil Ukip


It so happens I’m working on something (incomplete) which touches on this subject. 

Can a modern liberal society limit immigration from any source?  Is it permissible for liberalism to limit immigration of any kind or is it a no-no on the grounds of discrimination?  I ask because there is a permanent bidding war here in Britain between the political parties as to who can reduce the most numbers coming here.


Posted by Bill on Sun, 25 May 2014 05:26 | #

Reading this morning’s Telegraph the political crisis I’ve been warning is now upon us.

Janet Daley weighs in with London-land can’t ignore this Ukip protest


Skimmed though a few overnight comments.  Much vitriol.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 25 May 2014 07:57 | #

Interesting to note what can still be seen wrt class in Britain.

Considering Cameron, Clegg, Farage and Miliband, they are all within 5 years of each other. Cameron and Clegg, from a white-LA/CA perspective, look their ages (mid/late 40s), but healthy and well-preserved. Must be upper class, I would think just by their pictures.

I was shocked to learn that Farage was born in 1964! I would have guessed ‘54.

And Miliband? What’s to say other than how is it possible that this utterly repulsive looking nonwhite (I initially thought his picture was of someone else, some Hindu or Muslim) is possibly going to be the next UK PM?! That guy is too freaky weird looking to represent a European nation ... I hope.


Posted by DOGGIE's Coat &Badge; on Sun, 25 May 2014 08:03 | #

As I said earlier, in general people are reading too much into UKIP and the UKIP phenomenom.
  Yes, Nigel Farage is a gifted and charismatic leader, of the type that emerges perhaps only once a century. Without Farage and Farage’s energy, determination and sheer grit, I doubt UKIP would ever have risen above the lunatic fringe of UKIP politics - remember the ill-fated Robert Kilroy-Silk debacle?
  As I see it, UKIP are basically a massive, popular anti-immigration backlash rooted in the soul of the English people, of the type we saw, abortively, after the 1968 Powell speech ie the dockers and meat porters marching in the street. These people provide the roar, UKIP is merely the mouthpiece.
  UKIP are an anti-immigration movement with an anti-EU label and a political party attached. How many of their voters really know or care about the rest of their policies?
If nothing else, they have broken the log-jam, shifted the tectonic plates of the old liblabcon immigrationist stitch-up, where lip service was paid and nothing actually done.
  Put it this way, the outward explicit and unabashed immigrationism of New Labor from 2000 to 2010, (you can like it or lump it, as they said), is now utterly unthinkable.
  Isn’t that achievement enough?


Posted by Bill on Sun, 25 May 2014 08:47 | #

Hello @ 31

Put it this way, the outward explicit and unabashed immigrationism of New Labor from 2000 to 2010, (you can like it or lump it, as they said), is now utterly unthinkable.
  Isn’t that achievement enough?

I find little to disagree with in your comment, you have described fairly accurately where UKIP is at this moment in time.

To me Farage is an enigma, a lot of people say, what you see is what you get.  I don’t buy that.

Britain has never been here before, we have a fifth column political class that has declared war on its own people, in effect Britain has been decapitated.  On top of that there is an imported enemy within the gates getting stronger by the day.

The architects of Britain’s plight are studying with more than casual interest at what is going on, it would be folly to think that such circumstances had not been foreseen and counter measures thought out well in advance.

I think its time to look ahead, the permutations on offer are mind boggling, these people mean business, they’re deadly serious in what they’re doing, deadly being the operative word.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 25 May 2014 19:19 | #

Marine’s FN advance:


Marine Le Pen wins record victory for Front National in French elections
Marine Le Pen’s far-Right Front National party has scored its highest ever percentage of the vote, exit polls in France show

France’s far-Right Front National has topped the polls in elections to the European Parliament, with a record score of around 25 percent of votes cast according to exit polls.
The initial results were published as ballots closed at 20:00 (1800 GMT). The result is the highest score ever obtained in a nationwide election by the anti-immigration, anti-EU party led by Marine Le Pen.
Marine Le Pen, the party’s leader, said the result translated a “massive rejection of the European Union”.
“Our people demands one type of politics: politics by the French, for the with the French. They don’t want to be led anymore from outside, to submit to laws,” she said.
“We must build another Europe, a free Europe of sovereign nations and one in which cooperation is freely decided. Tonight is a massive rejection of the European Union.
“If Germany has become due to the incompetence and weakness of our leaders the economic heart of the European Union, France has been and will be the political heart of Europe. What is happening in France prefigures what will happen in all European countries, the return of the nation.”
And she called for the dissolution of the French national assembly, when asked if President Francois Hollande - whose ruling Socialists were well behind in third place - should dissolve the national parliament.
“What else can the president do after such a rejection?” Ms Le Pen told reporters at FN headquarters.
“It is unacceptable that the assembly should be so unrepresentative of the French people.”
Florian Philippot, the FN’s vice president, said: “The French people have said that this Europe is over”.
Ms Le Pen, 45, was so confident of victory that she made grand plans for a triumphant rally in Nanterre on Sunday night.
On the EU, Miss Le Pen has stated her aim as to make it “collapse” by bringing down the “Berlin wall of Brussels”.
“We will block this liberal Europe that continually acts against the interests of the French people,” she said last week.
Hoping to win up to 20 seats up from her current three, Miss Le Pen plans to forge an EU parliamentary group called the European Freedom Alliance with the Dutch Freedom Party, or PVV, of Geert Wilders, along with the Austrian Freedom Party, Belgian Vlaams Belang, Italian Lega Nord, Slovak National Party and Sweden Democrats.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 25 May 2014 19:22 | #

They’re Danish conservatives, and they don’t understand the metapolitics, but ...


Danish People’s Party biggest in EU elections

The populist Danish People’s Party may have beaten PM Thorning-Schmidt’s ruling Social Democrat party, 23.1% against 20.5%, a Danmarks Radio exit poll shows. The Liberal party is third with 17.2%. The Danish People’s Party has confirmed talks with the UK conservatives on forming joint a political group in the EP.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 25 May 2014 19:33 | #

Meanwhile, the opinion pollsters are back to their usual labours for today’s papers.  The high point for UKIP:


... there was a new Survation poll for the Mail on Sunday. The fieldwork for the Survation poll didn’t start until late on Friday, so unlike the YouGov and Opinium polls most respondents will have had a chance to see the local election results. Topline figures there, with changes since Survations last pre-election poll, are CON 27%(-1), LAB 32%(-3), LDEM 9%(+1), UKIP 23%(+2). Survation show some of the highest UKIP scores anyway, but the 23% is a record high for UKIP even by their standards – the first in what I’d expect to be many polls showing a post-election boost for UKIP.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 25 May 2014 21:20 | #

The first declaration ... Sunderland, Labour heartland, just three Parliamentary seats to allocate:

Independence from Europe (the false UKIP party) 13,944

BNP 10,360 ... 2%, down 9%

Conservative 107,733 ... 18%, down 2%

English Dems 9,279

Greens 31,605 ... 5%

Labour 221,988 ... 36%, up 11%

Lib Dems 36,093

UKIP 177,660 ... 29%, up 14%

Labour win two seats, UKIP one.

UKIP up 15 points in Pembrokeshire, up 12% in Gloucester, up 14% in Poole.

Newark, where there is a by-election in a couple of weeks: UKIP on 32% lead the Tories by a couple of points.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 25 May 2014 21:31 | #

East Region, important because Farage has promised Westminster seats in Essex - seven seats to allocate:

UKIP: 35% + 15%; win 3
Conservative: 28% - 3%; but win 3 seats
Labour: 17% + 7; win 1


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 25 May 2014 21:56 | #

Doncaster - Ed Miliband’s Westminster constituency - UKIP beat Labour by one point.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 25 May 2014 22:08 | #

The current picture in France:

FN: 25% + 19%
UMP: 20% - 8%
Socialists: 15% - 2%

FN win 24 seats, UMP 19, Socialists 13.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 25 May 2014 22:15 | #

In Greece, Golden Dawn are in third position on on 9%, up every one of them!  Syriza top the poll on 26%, New Democracy on 23%.  The Syriza vote is up 22%, ND down 9%.  PASOK, the governing party with ND, is down 29% to 8% in fourth.

GD win 3 seats.


Posted by Morgoth on Sun, 25 May 2014 22:21 | #

I’m not very impressed by the way the UKIPers are shunning Le’Pen, I never realised they were so hostile.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 25 May 2014 22:42 | #

According to preliminary results in Hungary, the conservative Fidesz wins 12 seats, down two.  Jobbik are second, maintaining three seats.


Posted by Morgoth on Sun, 25 May 2014 23:20 | #

Worth mentioning that the British Conservative Party set up a mildly Eurosceptic block in the EU Parliament, between the UKIP zone and the standard Conservative zone. It consists of just British Conservatives and a few Polish MEP’s. If they are gutted that whole block would fold due to complicated EU rules, thereby forcing them either into the standard camp or the Eurosceptic camp.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 25 May 2014 23:31 | #

The poison words of Teresa Griffin, comfortably topping the poll for Labour in the North-West: “The BNP has left the building.  No longer can a racist, fascist party claim to represent the communities ...”

Nick Griffin is out as expected, his party polling just 32,826 votes across the region for 2% of the total vote (down 6% from 2009).

The UKIP vote was 481,932, over 100,000 behind Labour.  Nethertheless, Labour and UKIP each win 3 seats, the Conservatives 2.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 25 May 2014 23:48 | #

Liberty GB polls just 2,494 in the South East England vote.  A pity it wasn’t a lot higher.  UKIP weighed in with 751,439 for four seats.


Posted by wobbly on Mon, 26 May 2014 00:30 | #

I’m not very impressed by the way the UKIPers are shunning Le’Pen, I never realised they were so hostile.

Yes. Even if it’s necessary to keep arms length for tactical reasons there’s no point trying to appease the media by overdoing it. It just reinforces the media’s power to judge and that is the most important thing to break.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 26 May 2014 00:41 | #

In a pretty static contest in Germany, the new, UKIP-style and racial-integrationist Alternative for Germany party has won 7 seats.  But ... the NPD has also won one seat at least, to add to its two state assembly representatives and four hundred local counselors.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 26 May 2014 00:46 | #

On Farage and Marine:


EU elections 2014: ‘toxic’ Marine Le Pen blamed for Geert Wilders defeat
EU election defeat for Geert Wilders blamed on his decision to link with French Front National rather than Nigel Farage

A disastrous European Union election vote for the Dutch far-Right has been blamed on a “toxic” Marine Le Pen and is seen as vindication of Nigel Farage’s refusal to work with the French Front National.
The result is a blow to Miss Le Pen and will be widely seen as the consequence of her failure to break from the Front National’s extremist past, a legacy embodied by her father Jean-Marie who remains an MEP and honorary president of the party.
His close alliance with Miss Le Pen is seen as the key factor in the unexpected defeat of Geert Wilders and his Freedom Party (PVV) on Thursday night after Dutch exit polls put him in fourth place behind all the pro-EU Dutch political parties.
As Dutch voters went to the polls, Mr Wilders faced questions over Jean-Marie’s Le Pen’s claim that Ebola, the deadly virus, could solve the world’s population explosion and France’s immigration problems “in three months”, a row that recalled his past convictions for Holocaust denial.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 26 May 2014 00:50 | #

Returning to the council elections, the BBC has this to say about UKIP and race:


UKIP’s vote has gone up less since 2009 in places where there is a relatively high proportion of people from a non-white background. In those councils where at least 75% of the population is white UKIP’s vote has risen on average by 13 points, but in those where less than 75% is white the UKIP increase has been only 10 points. This is a strong indication that UKIP’s advance in London will be less than in the rest of England when the result is eventually declared.

In contrast, Labour’s vote is proven to be strongest in those council areas with a relatively high non-white population.


Posted by wobbly on Mon, 26 May 2014 01:28 | #

In a pretty static contest in Germany, the new, UKIP-style and racial-integrationist Alternative for Germany party has won 7 seats.  But ... the NPD has also won one seat at least, to add to its two state assembly representatives and four hundred local counselors.

Given the psychological pressure in Germany is much higher than elsewhere I’d say that was the most significant result of the night.


Posted by Bill on Mon, 26 May 2014 04:16 | #


Can they ride the tiger?


Posted by Bill on Mon, 26 May 2014 04:25 | #

Political class claiming this is an anti EU vote - not anti immigration.


Posted by DOGGIE's Coat&Badge; on Mon, 26 May 2014 07:15 | #

It’s the interesting to note that London is an outlier - no UKIP there, but rather a surge for Labour.
  Of course this fact is not unconnected with the fact that there are hardly any Englishmen left in London.
  My support for the view that in the future British politics will bifurcate on racial and not class lines, with Labour fighting for the immigrants and UKIP standing up for the English, with the Tories exiting from the political scene.


Posted by Bill on Mon, 26 May 2014 08:21 | #

Most people are totally unaware they are being goaded into a race war by using limitless immigration backed up by post modern liberal anti - racism which is the new religion for the 21st century. (Replacing Christianity).

All all those opposing are the enemy, zero tolerance to the right has resulted in today’s anti immigration backlash.

The war is just beginning to simmer, people are subliminally choosing sides,  circling the wagons you might say.

It’s not rocket science is it?


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 26 May 2014 10:35 | #

The final score-sheet:

UKIP: 27.50% (+ 10.99%), 23 seats (+ 10)
Labour: 25.40% (+ 9.67%), 18 seats (+ 7)
Conservative: 23.94% (- 3.8%), 18 seats (- 7)
Greens: 7.87% (- 0.75%), 3 seats, (+ 1)
LibDems: 6.87% (- 6.88%), 1 (- 9)
BNP: 1.14% (- 5.1%), 0 seats (- 2)


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 26 May 2014 14:35 | #

Looking forward a little:


Ukip’s Newark by-election boost after European triumph
Ukip battle to win crucial by-election less than a fortnight receives boost after party wins European election in council area covering Newark

Ukip has won European election in the council area covering Newark less than a fortnight before a by-election in the parliamentary constituency.
Roger Helmer, the parliamentary candidate for Newark, told Sky News that the public is “sending a hugely powerful message to the political classes” and said he “relishes the opportunity” of beating the Tories on Thursday 5th June.
David Cameron has made the by-election a priority and ordered all Conservative MPs to make at least three visits each to the constituency. He has already made two visits himself.
Ukip won 32.4 per cent of the vote and the Conservatives 31.2 per cent. Downing Street sources, however, stressed that the constituency for the European elections did not cover the same area as the constituency for the parliamentary elections.
Mr Helmer told Sky News: “Britain is sending a hugely powerful message to the political classes tonight and I think Newark will relish the opportunity of reinforcing that message on Thursday week.”


Posted by wobbly on Mon, 26 May 2014 15:11 | #

Looking forward a little

It’s a big ask (and probably too big) but UKIP winning would have a pleasing effect on TV pundits.


Posted by Lurker on Mon, 26 May 2014 15:35 | #

I was amazed by the Scottish result. The media have been telling us that UKIP were completely beyond the pale in Scotland yet they polled more than 1/3 of the SNP vote almost out of nowhere, just over 10%. That wasnt in the script.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 26 May 2014 23:27 | #

A few days old but relevant

The specter haunting Europe

Memorial Day will likely bring alarmist headlines in the elite media about a populist fever raging in Europe, and manifest in the shocking returns from the elections for the European Parliament.

Marine Le Pen’s National Front may run first in France, and Nigel Farage’s UK Independence Party first in Britain.

What is happening in Europe?

In his unpublished “Leviathan and Its Enemies,” my late friend Sam Francis wrote of the coming crisis of the “soft managerial state,” of which the European Union is a textbook example.

Oswald Spengler used the word “Civilization” to describe “the terminal phase of a cultural organism,” wrote Francis. In 1941, Pitirim Sorokin described the characteristics of a Spenglerian “Civilization”:

“[C]osmopolitanism and the megalopolis vs. ‘home,’ ‘race,’ ‘blood group’ and ‘fatherland’; scientific irreligion or abstract dead metaphysics instead of the religion of the heart; ‘cold matter-of-factness’ vs. reverence and tradition and respect for age; internationalist ‘society’ instead of ‘my country’ and state (nation); money and abstract values in lieu of earth and real (living) values; ‘mass’ instead of ‘folk’; sex in lieu of motherhood … and so on.”

Between the managerial state and the civilization and culture that preceded it, the polarities are stark.

Yet they mirror the clashes of today as the European Union of Jean Monnet and Robert Schuman’s vision exhibits unmistakable symptoms of disintegration and decay.

In a way, this is remarkable.

For undeniably the rise of the EU has coincided with an unprecedented rise in the standard of living for the hundreds of millions from the Atlantic to the Baltic and from the North Sea to the Mediterranean.

Still, though Alfred Lord Tennyson’s “Parliament of man” and “Federation of the world” captured the imagination of 19th-and 20th-century one-worlders, the dream has proven incapable of capturing the hearts of European peoples. Who would die for the Brussels bureaucracy?

What are the identifying marks of these populist parties that have sprouted up now in almost every European country?

There is first the rejection of universalism and transnationalism, and a reversion to patriotism and its songs, symbols, holidays, history, myths and legends.

To peoples such as these, the preservation of the separate and unique ethnic and cultural identity of the nation supersedes all claims of supranational organizations, be it the EU or U.N.

This sentiment is reflected not only in fierce resistance to further integration within the EU, but in visceral hostility to further immigration from the Third World, Islamic world or Eastern Europe.

These people want to remain who and what they are.

Even the Swiss last winter voted for an initiative of the People’s Party calling for reintroduction of quotas for immigrants from the EU.

A second telltale sign of the new populism is traditionalism and cultural conservatism, reverence for the religious and cultural history and heritage of the nation and its indigenous people.

That victory in the recent Eurovision contest of Conchita, the bearded transvestite drag queen who performed in a gown, though celebrated by much of the European press, sent a message to millions of traditionalists that this is no longer their culture.

Another aspect of the rising populist right, as the New York Times notes, is a grudging admiration for Russia’s Vladimir Putin.

Why? Putin not only publicly rejects the moral relativism of the West, under his guidance Russian social legislation is being consciously rooted in traditional Christian concepts of right and wrong.

Putin is the anti-Obama, moving to occupy the cultural-moral vacuum left by America. As we celebrate multiculturalism, LGBT rights, and abortion on demand, Putin repudiates Hollywood values.

When Western politicians and media rail against his annexation of Crimea as a violation of America’s rules-based New World Order, Putin invokes patriotism and nationalism in his defense: Crimea belonged to us for 200 years. Most of its people are Russians. They wish to return to Mother Russia. Our warm-water port is there. Americans do not dictate to Russians where Russia’s vital interests are concerned.

In the anti-American precincts of Europe, they are applauding.

Yet another specter is haunting Europe: secessionism. Scots, Catalans and Venetians wish to declare independence and become again the countries they once were.

As for the epithets used on the populists, that they are racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, fascist, overuse has caused them to lose their toxicity.

The Eurocrats have cried wolf too often.

How serious is this right-wing populism?

At the least, as the Tea Party has pulled the GOP to the right, these parties are likely to pull center and center-right parties in their direction all across Europe.

Then there is the real possibility not only of a breakup of the EU, but of the breakup of the United Kingdom, the loss of Scotland after 300 years, England’s secession from the EU, and the collapse of the Tory Party into Europhiles and Europhobes, all on David Cameron’s watch.

Like materialism, consumerism and socialism, transnationalism suffers from the same fatal flaw. It feeds the body and starves the soul. And eventually bored people hear the old calls again.

Patrick J. Buchanan is the author of “Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?”


Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 27 May 2014 02:40 | #

Of course there will be race war in Europe. I have been predicting such for 30 years. Only recently have I come to the view that there may not be enough white patriots left in Europe to wage that war, and that it will get started not by fed-up indigenous patriots, as I had once supposed, but by Muslim/nonwhite rioting-cum-guerrilla warfare spiraling out of the authorities’ control.

Many WNs have long thought there would also be a US race war, and who can really predict the future? I can’t, but I tend not to think there will be. More likely ever greater geographic and genetic integration for those raceless whites who want it, coupled with greater geographic ingathering for those whites who do not. Gradually, those whites who remain genetically pure will also be ideologically WP (if not outright WN).

I see this all the time. California really often is the harbinger of wider American cultural and social trends. There is so much race-mixing happening now (one can’t look simply at overall miscegenation stats, but at the behavior of the under-40s) that increasingly those whites who do not miscegenate (and it’s becoming ever harder for those of us whites who wish to remain racially loyal actually to find dating partners of our race) are persons who, whether for WN reasons, or just as a matter of personal or cultural taste, intentionally (ie, not merely by happenstance) choose only white partners. This trend will only intensify over time.

The upshot is that the (genetically untainted) white American community will, over time, both diminish (in absolute as well as relative size), and become ever more race-conscious psychologically, and WN-oriented politically. Eventually, white purebloods will come to be nearly as predictably rightist as blacks are leftist. At some point along that progression, there will be serious campaigns for white racial secession. How that will play out will be very interesting. We WPs must lay the groundwork for eventual successful separation.


Posted by DanielS on Tue, 27 May 2014 04:37 | #

There is basically one useful service which the Thorn and Haller tag-team provide: to tell us how our enemies want us to think in order to render us into the same controlled opposition that they are. They are servicing the likes of Ilana Mercer, Unamusement Park, etc. to promote the hapless conservatism of Pat Buchanan, his suicide meme, Christardianity among a myriad of perfidy: Pat - “the sewer of multi-culturalism” (i.e. we should be English speaking Christians integrating with non-Whites) Buchanan; Pat - black V.P. - Buchanan; Pat - catholic disease - Buchanan; Pat - “the unnecessary war”, pandering to Irish/German demographics of America (and not to say yes, Hitler should not have started the war) - Buchanan; Pat - literal suicide meme - Buchanan. With Haller’s prescribing fatalism under the pretense of descriptive forecast he is sounding as mechanistically Hegelian as a Marxist. Notice how determined he is to keep referring to race loyal Whites as right-wingers (leftism, that’s only a black thing to do, said the Jewish master, you Whites don’t want to do that, yeah sure). In any way that Thorn and Haller overlap White interests you can bet that it is to ingratiate themselves as the controlled opposition that they are.

Speaking of controlled opposition, Nigel Farage’s anti-EU stance seems to be a strategy of our enemies similar as “End The Fed” was for Ron Paul - they will bait voters by proposing one big concession while screwing Whites on other issues. These two seem to represent the objectivist (in their cases, rather Ayn Randian, yes) yin of the White-screwing yin-yang: they know how to control that, the passive scientism upon which objectivism rests as they do the passivity of Christianity.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 27 May 2014 10:36 | #

Of course there will be race war in Europe. I have been predicting such for 30 years. Only recently have I come to the view that there may not be enough white patriots left in Europe to wage that war, and that it will get started not by fed-up indigenous patriots, as I had once supposed, but by Muslim/nonwhite rioting-cum-guerrilla warfare spiraling out of the authorities’ control.

That’s a very similar fear Paul Weston expresses in the following video:

Preventing White Genocide



Posted by Trainspotter on Tue, 27 May 2014 13:36 | #

Leon Haller: “California really often is the harbinger of wider American cultural and social trends.”

I realize this may not be the thread for it, but I’m always interested in on the ground reports.  Tell us more, Leon, both of what you see and what you predict.  Do you see the potential of a more or less racially-conscious white minority in California that intentionally mates only with its own?  If so, care to speculate on what percentage of the white population will “save itself,” and what percentage will seep away into the mud?  Let’s use a time frame of two to three generations (in the long run, we go down if we don’t achieve our own sovereignty). 

The answers to these questions are important, as they will tell us much about our fate, as well as potential choices that we might have as the demographic tidal wave sweeps over us.  If a meaningful white community can survive in the racial morass of southern California, or even the Valley or Bay areas, then I consider that to be significant.  Especially since that region is filled with all sorts of mystery meat and off-whites, of the sort that don’t set off the racial alarm bells as strongly as the blacks.  If a racially conscious community of meaningful size can survive there, that would really be saying something.

I suppose the real fork in the road is whether those areas simply become like large swathes of Latin America, with a vaguely whitish upper class, or whether a genuine white community remains distinct from the swarthy hordes.  One path is the route to destruction through amalgamation, the other to an independent state. 



Posted by Bill on Wed, 28 May 2014 10:08 | #

Last week’s election - 1950’ revisited - Where now?

There is nothing to remind me of the quiet revolution that took place here just a few days ago, the polling stations having returned to their raison d’etre, reverting to schools, community centres and the like, gone are the signs and notices giving us directions as to how and where to cast our vote.

The tents have folded the dogs are silent, only the distant rumble of rolling thunder reminds me of what has taken place here in England.

My visit to the polling station under a leaden sky, was a sobering experience for me, it was a journey back in time to another England, a different England, when Britain was the envy of the world, it was 1950’s England.

The innate responsibility on unmistakeable English faces.  What were the thoughts behind those English masks as they played out their role in this generations old ritual?

The administrative efficiency by bevies of quintessential English ladies, soberly dressed but undoubtedly attractive, scrupulous but pleasant in their directions, checking meticulously with pleasant countenance.  As I cycled the mile and half journey home in desultory rain, I reflected on a time when everyday life was like this.

I replayed the video as I fell asleep that night, what would the morning bring? 

Anyhow I digress.  Farage’s UKIP has changed the political landscape and has lit a fuse, the fuse to what I can only guess.  Last weekend’s EU results have come and gone, leaving the political landscape resembling a wartime bomber command after raid reconnaissance photo.

Surely we are entering a new phase.

Somewhere here I asked the question, Can ‘They’ ride the tiger?

The tiger is the unmistakeable fuse of awakening people’s resistance, ‘They’ are the liberal war planners and their propaganda arm the BBC.

It is easy to talk about tipping points and sea change, so I’ll use the term defining moment.  Yes, surely last week’s election was a defining moment in Britain’s post war political history.  Earthquakes, meltdown, and other catastrophic terms have been conjured by the sophist journalists in describing UKIP’s performance in giving the establishment a good kicking.  The political class now having retired hurt to lick their wounds and contemplate their new found plight.

It is here at this stage of Britain’s new found political circumstances I usually look into my crystal ball, to see what the future may bring, but my keyboard is still being tiresomely rebellious, so it must wait for another time


Posted by Dude on Wed, 28 May 2014 14:40 | #

Vlaams Belang after some years being a leader in post-fascist European electoral politics have recently had a political setback, where they lost the majority of their votes to a more watered down rival who removed the ethno-specific angle from the anti-immigration platform. They’ve therefore gone from 3 seats to two.

It may interest UK based readers therefore to know that one of their MEPs Philip Claeys will be the guest speaker at the annual Traditional Britain Group dinner in London on June 14th. He will be able to give his perspective on why this has happened and more importantly, what can be done to create a better political response to this downturn.

More info on the event: Facebook  Website

Background here:

Philip Claeys, MEP, has graciously accepted our invitation to be our guest of honour, and speaker, at the dinner. Philip was born in Ghent in 1965 and has been a Member of the European Parliament for Flanders with the Flemish conservative & nationalist party, Vlaams Belang (formerly the Vlaams Blok until 2004) for the past decade. He sits on the EU Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, and is a substitute for the Committee on Culture and Education and a member of the Delegation for relations with Australia and New Zealand. Since late 2010, he has been a board member of the pan-European euro-sceptic party European Alliance for Freedom.

Since 1995 he has been a member of the Vlaams Blok Party Executive; of its Brussels-Halle-Vilvoorde District Executive and Group secretary in the Flemish parliament (both till 2003). Since 1999 he has been Chief Editor of the Vlaams Blok magazine and from 1995-1999 he was Chairman of the Vlaams Blok youth wing. The party is very active in Flanders and Brussels and advocates the independence of Flanders. It wants strict limits on immigration and rejects multiculturalism: all existing immigrants would be obliged to fully adopt Flemish culture and language. In 2007 the Party won 17 seats in the House of representatives in Belgium’s Federal Parliament and 5 in the senate.

Please join us on the 14th June and purchase your tickets below. It should be noted that the Traditional Britain Dinner has always been held as a non-profit event and the ticket price covers our costs.

Pay online using a debit or credit card >>> http://bit.ly/1nGGGST


Posted by Dude on Wed, 28 May 2014 14:44 | #

Vlaams Belang after some years of being the European leader in post-fascist electoral politics have recently had a political setback, where they lost the majority of their EU votes to a more watered down rival who removed the ethno-specific angle from the anti-immigration platform. They’ve therefore gone from three seats to one.

It may interest UK based readers therefore to know that one of their MEPs Philip Claeys will be the guest speaker at the annual Traditional Britain Group dinner in London on June 14th. He will be able to give his perspective on why this has happened and more importantly, what can be done to create a better political response to this downturn.

More info on the event: Facebook  Website

Background here:

Philip Claeys, MEP, has graciously accepted our invitation to be our guest of honour, and speaker, at the dinner. Philip was born in Ghent in 1965 and has been a Member of the European Parliament for Flanders with the Flemish conservative & nationalist party, Vlaams Belang (formerly the Vlaams Blok until 2004) for the past decade. He sits on the EU Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, and is a substitute for the Committee on Culture and Education and a member of the Delegation for relations with Australia and New Zealand. Since late 2010, he has been a board member of the pan-European euro-sceptic party European Alliance for Freedom.

Since 1995 he has been a member of the Vlaams Blok Party Executive; of its Brussels-Halle-Vilvoorde District Executive and Group secretary in the Flemish parliament (both till 2003). Since 1999 he has been Chief Editor of the Vlaams Blok magazine and from 1995-1999 he was Chairman of the Vlaams Blok youth wing. The party is very active in Flanders and Brussels and advocates the independence of Flanders. It wants strict limits on immigration and rejects multiculturalism: all existing immigrants would be obliged to fully adopt Flemish culture and language. In 2007 the Party won 17 seats in the House of representatives in Belgium’s Federal Parliament and 5 in the senate.

Please join us on the 14th June and purchase your tickets below. It should be noted that the Traditional Britain Dinner has always been held as a non-profit event and the ticket price covers our costs.


Posted by wobbly on Wed, 28 May 2014 23:30 | #

Vlaams Belang after some years of being the European leader in post-fascist electoral politics have recently had a political setback

A lot of this is timing. Vlaams got ahead of the pack for a while so was easy to isolate. As other survivalist parties change the climate of opinion hopefully they’ll be able to bounce back.


Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 29 May 2014 08:45 | #


Let’s have this conversation this weekend. Busy week right now. I will add something to comments above in a day or two.


Calling me “controlled opposition” is idiotic. Who controls me? And if I am being “controlled”, WHERE THE HELL IS MY DAMN PAYCHECK??!


Please give us your thoughts on the meaning of the recent EP elections. Net plus for nationalism? Any disappointments (beyond Weston’s poor showing)?


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 29 May 2014 09:19 | #


Calling me “controlled opposition” is idiotic. Who controls me? And if I am being “controlled”, WHERE THE HELL IS MY DAMN PAYCHECK??!”

Howard Sterns (“where do all these powerful Jews go so that I can get into this club, so to speak, and really start controlling things?”) and David Pakman (“my question to you is, how can I get in on this, on this power, who can I talk to, where can I go?”) made the same contention when charged with working in concert with Jewish interests: viz., why am I not profiting and where can I profit from this conspiracy?

At best you are not fully conscious of serving Jewish interests, Leon, but it happens anyway, by means of the culture that you advocate. Just as you profit more by advocating it (that is where your “paycheck” comes from).


Posted by Mick Lately on Thu, 29 May 2014 09:45 | #

Did anyone see that sliver of a “debate” on “Racism” on Sky News last night?

A magnanimous mulatto (Stephen Bush of the Daily Telegraph) advocated a softly, soflty approach and some sour-looking anti-racist whose name I can’t be arsed hunting down talked of “fight” and the Race Relations Act 1965.

Also, there are a few threads on the Guardian on the go at the moment re: “Racism” and immigration.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 29 May 2014 10:42 | #


C’mon, Leon. No need to obfuscate. You get paid cash just as I do.

Busy week right now.

Yes, of course ... we both are. I’m really looking forward to collaborating with you at the Bilderberg meeting today.  wink



Posted by Trainspotter on Thu, 29 May 2014 10:45 | #

Leon, I’ll check back this weekend.  I don’t want to distract from the main topic of this thread, but I think it’s an important topic (ideally it could have a thread of its own).  Very curious as to what you are seeing, and how you would extrapolate that out over two or three generations.


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 29 May 2014 11:10 | #

Thorn, I don’t remember having accused you and Haller of being members of the Bilderberger group - though I have experienced Jewish obstructors of White advocacy making exaggerated accusations of others being such kinds of conspiracy theorist. The fact is, Thorn, you and Haller do advocate a Jewish inspired religion. Thorn, you have spoken of me furtively, saying that you have “an anti-semite on your hands.” You have brought Illana Mercer to bear against MR as if she is worth considering as anything but from the perspective of controlled opposition. You tried to assert that Jews are White, etc.

There will be more to say as need be.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 29 May 2014 11:27 | #

Trainspotter @ 72

I’m looking foreword to what Leon has to say too. 

In any event, did you view the Paul Weston video I linked to?

He provides the answer to your question; viz, what the future holds for white Europeans—two generations out —if current demographic trends aren’t halted and reversed.

Preventing White Genocide



Posted by wobbly on Thu, 29 May 2014 16:43 | #

@Mick Lately

Did anyone see that sliver of a “debate” on “Racism” on Sky News last night?

I’d stopped watching the MSM news completely but perhaps it’s time to take another peak.


Posted by wobbly on Thu, 29 May 2014 18:55 | #

FN’s political program, quite interesting.



Posted by Bill on Fri, 30 May 2014 05:50 | #

The coming race war.

Muslims and Jews Our communities can no longer afford the luxury of standing apart




Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 30 May 2014 10:17 | #

This is NOT my response to Trainspotter and Thorn, just something from vdare.com relevant to this post. Mr. Gabb would be an interesting interviewee for GW. Definitely my type of libertarian.

UKIP’s Warning To GOP Establishment: The Base Bites Back

Even the BBC is admitting that the result is “an earthquake”: [Eurosceptic ‘earthquake’ rocks EU elections, May 28, 2014] No one is now able, without lying, to claim there is any consensus in Europe for “ever-closer union”—the mantra of the European Union functionaries and their political puppets—or for continued mass immigration.

Background: The European Union has 28 member states and four central institutions: the Commission, the permanent bureaucracy; the Council of Ministers, a variable committee of elected officials from each member state; the Court of Justice, which rules on the meaning of the European treaties; and the Parliament of 766 members elected directly every five years. The Parliament has the least effective power. Its members are notorious for their idleness and pliability. If it were shut down, the EU would continue much as before. Shut down any of the other institutions—not that these are any more honest or competent—and the EU would stop functioning.

But it is undeniably devastating that the Europe-wide result of this election is a big increase in numbers for parties which are hostile to “ever closer union,” and even to the existence of the EU in its present form or in any form at all. [Farage: UKIP has ‘momentum’ and is targeting more victories, BBC, May 28, 2014.]

In Holland, the Party for Freedom, led by Geert Wilders, came second. In France, the National Front, led by Marine le Pen, came first. The Danish People’s Party also came first, as did the Flemish separatist party in Belgium. In Hungary, the conservative party, Fidesz, came first, followed by Jobbik, which is described as a national socialist party. In Greece, the leftist coalition Syriza (Euro-sceptic) came first, and the much-persecuted nationalist party Golden Dawn still came a solid third. In Finland and in Austria, Euro-skeptic parties did well, as they also did in Germany.

But it is the British news that most interests me. The clear winner of the elections was the UK Independence Party, led by Nigel Farage. Here are the results so far (7 am EST) declared:

UKIP topped the poll, winning 27.5 per cent of the vote. The Conservatives, who are currently in a coalition government with the Liberal Democrats, came third—though this is largely because of a strong Labour performance in London, where native British are now a minority.[ Labour doubles its MEPs in London, BBC, May 28, 2014]. Significantly, the Liberal Democrats, the most pro-European of the main parties, were almost wiped out, losing all but one of their seats in the European Parliament.

UKIP must now be regarded as one of Britain’s major parties. This a huge achievement—and a useful reminder to depressed American patriots that new parties can succeed.

UKIP’s key policies: to leave the European Union, to end mass immigration, and to strip Political Correctness out of law and administration.

For at least the past generation, the British political and media classes have treated dissent on these issues with contempt—where they have not simply ignored it. For the past year, UKIP has been treated to something like full-spectrum denigration. Every untoward utterance or possibly improper action by its people has been given full and hostile coverage. The universal cry has gone up that UKIP is a party of racists, sexists and homophobes.

This cry may have had some depressing effect on the UKIP vote—though arguably it encouraged many people to vote UKIP in the hope that the charges were true. But the campaign has failed. The people have spoken, and the Ruling Class and its various client groups must now take account of what was said.

The Roman Catholic Church, for example, ought to feel some embarrassment. Its hierarchy is solidly pro-European. It also believes in Open Borders and in Amnesty for illegal immigrants. (Sound familiar?) In these elections, its advice to the faithful was not to vote UKIP. (The Church of England has long believed in a united Europe, and is generally more interested in preaching Political Correctness than the Gospels.)

The BBC, which is supposed to report the news, tried throughout the elections to influence the outcome. Jasmine Lawrence, one of its senior news executives, showed her contempt for Euro-skepticism in a Tweet, saying: “#WhyImVotingUkip – to stand up for white, middle class, middle aged men w sexist/racist views, totally under represented in politics today.”

No doubt all these people will continue thinking and speaking much as before. But they can no longer claim that they are voicing the consensus.

It is good fun to look at the shocked faces of all the usual suspects. They are plainly upset, and whatever upsets them cannot all be bad. But of course UKIP has a long way to go.

It got just over a quarter of the votes in an election where only 36 per cent of the UK population voted. (To be sure, even fewer voted for the other parties.) It has won just 27 European Parliament seats in a total of 766. And Farage currently refuses to ally with the biggest Euro-skeptic parties, like France’s National Front, apparently out of fear of smear by association.

The 2015 general election is also a problem for UKIP. The workings of the British electoral system mean that the only choice many people have is between the party they hate and the party they fear. Consequently, minor parties have a history of doing well in minor elections, only to collapse at the general election. No one expects UKIP at best to get more than two or three Members of Parliament in 2015. (I note, however, that Simon Heffer, the biographer of Enoch Powell, suspects it may be different this time: For Essex man, the only way is Ukip, says SIMON HEFFER (who 25 years ago coined the phrase Essex Man), Daily Mail, May 23 2014).

UKIP is a party of dissent. It has not yet had to think too hard about what to do in government. What are the details of the UKIP plan to leave the European Union? Yes, it would hold a referendum (although bearing in mind the united pro-EU consensus within the ruling class, MSM and Big Business, and the divisions and poverty of the Euroskeptics, I would not risk one—and I have been a prominent Euro-skeptic for twenty years). Yes, if it did convincingly win a general election, it might be justified in skipping the referendum and going straight for repeal of the European Communities Act 1972 (as amended). But what then? What about the thousands of pages of EU law that currently apply in this country? What to do once we are out? NAFTA membership? A looser but continuing relationship with the EU? Unilateral free trade and gold money? A siege economy and competitive devaluation? Should we try to restore the Ancient Constitution? Or should we go for radical reforms that might include a republic?

Similarly, although even if no more immigrants were allowed into Britain, those already here now make up about a quarter of the population, and may become the majority within the next few generations. What does UKIP propose to do about this? [Haller: WOW!]

The Ruling Class has a policy: to keep the peace with the police state that it has deliberately made necessary. The radical nationalists have a policy: ethnic cleansing—though they have not, so far as I can tell, explained how this could be made to work.

UKIP is against both solutions. Beyond a few platitudes about “integration,” however, UKIP has said nothing about how a Balkanized population is to live in reasonable peace and freedom—an issue ultimately much more important than whether the UK stays in the European Union.

Talking of radical nationalists, the British National Party (also much-persecuted) got just over one per cent of the votes cast and lost both its MEPs, including its leader, Nick Griffin, elected in 2009. In Britain and America, many nationalists think well of the BNP and regard UKIP, with its Karl Rove-style pandering to minorities, as a decidedly inferior substitute. Radix’s Michael McGregor is scathing:

The formula for UKIP’s success is they actually believe the bulls**t they preach about wanting a normal liberal democracy with less immigrants living off welfare. That is not what we want and is incredibly foolish to demand that Identitarians stop promoting our own ideology and instead, advocate a non-racial political agenda that none of us actually believe in. [UKIP and the Sailer Strategy May 21, 2014]

And American Renaissance’s Brendan Rogers answers his own question Is UKIP the Answer? with a “no.”

This is understandable. Nigel Farage is a Thatcherite. He would have fitted seamlessly into Margaret Thatcher’s Cabinet c.1981. The BNP’s Nick Griffin is a sort of white nationalist.

But Griffin and his colleagues’ problem (among others) is that they used to be national socialists. I am pretty tolerant of ideological shifts. I have written at length about the folly of British involvement in both World Wars. I acknowledge that the Labour Party is filled at every level with people who used to be Soviet fellow travelers—the father of its current leader was a pro-Soviet Marxist. But these people control the discourse. No one can rub their noses in the slime from the millions of corpses their idols piled up. In contrast, Griffin’s now-abandoned national socialism turned out to be insurmountable.

To borrow a concept from the Labour Party’s Marxist former friends: the question is not UKIP’s subjective failings, but its objective meaning. It, and the other Euro-skeptic parties, show that when a political Establishment systematically abuses its base, the base eventually bites back.

GOP Establishment be warned!

Nigel Farage and his party deserve the admiration and thanks of everyone who is not in love with the current order of things.

Dr. Sean Gabb is a writer, academic, broadcaster and Director of the Libertarian Alliance in England. His monograph Cultural Revolution, Culture War: How Conservatives Lost England, and How to Get It Back and his novel The Churchill Memorandum and other works can be purchased through Amazon.co.uk.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 05 Jun 2014 22:00 | #

Via GalliaWatch

Thanks to the reader who sent this blistering interview with Marine Le Pen published by Spiegel Online.

Some excerpts:

SPIEGEL: You now intend to head to Brussels only to fight the system.

Le Pen: And why not? The EU is deeply harmful, it is an anti-democratic monster. I want to prevent it from becoming fatter, from continuing to breathe, from grabbing everything with its paws and from extending its tentacles into all areas of our legislation. In our glorious history, millions have died to ensure that our country remains free. Today, we are simply allowing our right to self-determination to be stolen from us.

SPIEGEL: In truth, though, you didn’t win the elections because of the EU, but because the French are furious with their economic situation and with President François Hollande. Have you thanked him?

Le Pen: No. Then I would have had to call Nicolas Sarkozy as well. France is in this situation because the conservative Union for a Popular Movement (Sarkozy’s party) and the Socialists (Hollande’s party) submitted to European treaties. These treaties promote German interests quite well, but they are poor at defending France’s interests.

SPIEGEL: Germany is to be blamed for France’s misery?

Le Pen: Whenever I hear people utter anti-German sentiments, I say: You can’t blame Germany for defending its own interests. I can’t blame Ms. Merkel for saying she wants a strong euro. I place the blame with our own leaders who are not defending our interests. A strong euro is ruining our economy.

SPIEGEL: Why would you say that the euro is only helping Germany?

Le Pen: For a very simple reason: It was created by Germany, for Germany.

SPIEGEL: It was François Mitterand who wanted the euro in order to contain Germany. In fact, it was difficult for the Germans to give up their beloved deutsche mark.

Le Pen: That’s another story. Mitterand wanted to push integration forward with the euro. But from an economic standpoint, the euro is German. Were we to return to our national currencies, the D-Mark would be the only one to appreciate in value, which would be a competitive disadvantage for Germany. Our currency, by contrast, would be devalued, which would give us a bit of room to breathe.


SPIEGEL: Do you really want France to leave the euro?

Le Pen: I have been saying that since the French presidential election campaign. It is a difficult issue and I have taken a big risk. I know very well that the political classes have spread fear among the electorate: Without the euro, the sun will cease shining, the rivers will stop flowing, we will enter an ice age …

SPIEGEL: An end to the euro would surely lead to an economic disaster.

Le Pen: I don’t believe that at all. It would be an unbelievable opportunity. If we don’t all leave the euro behind, it will explode. Either there will be a popular revolt because the people no longer want to be bled out. Or the Germans will say: Stop, we can’t pay for the poor anymore.


SPIEGEL: Is France actually suffering from a kind of depression?

Le Pen: There’s something to it. We used to be one of the richest countries in the world, but we are now on a path towards under-development. This austerity that has been imposed on the people doesn’t work. The people will not allow themselves to be throttled without revolting.


SPIEGEL: Front National is an anti-immigration party. Polls show that immigration is the issue of greatest concern to voters.

Le Pen: Yes, we support putting a stop to immigration.

SPIEGEL: Why such xenophobia?

Le Pen: Xenophobia is the hatred of foreigners. I don’t hate anyone.

SPIEGEL: In Germany today, there is far more immigration than in France. Despite this, there are no parties like yours.

Le Pen: We have millions of unemployed and cannot afford any more immigration. Where are they supposed to live? It is not viable.


Read the whole interview. It’s very bracing. She may be wrong about some things, but she is certainly in command of her senses. (I didn’t know Germany had more immigration than France.)



Posted by Callum Johnson on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 16:46 | #

Am I the only one who thinks that these elections are worthless.


Posted by CS on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 17:07 | #


I think the success of UKIP is a slight move in the right direction.

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