A conversation with a fellow nationalist. So he says. Paul Kingsnorth is an unusual journalist by Guardian standards. He claims to be a nationalist. Well, obviously, he’s not a BNP candidate for the parliamentary seat of I’m-Mad-As-Hell south. But he has written critically about Gordon Brown and Britishness and British “identity”, and even what it means to be English. He has a blog called ... wait for it ... Real England. He has published a book titled, erm, Real England. And, for all these reasons no doubt, he has been interviewed by something called Albion Magazine. So you might be forgiven for thinking that Paul Kingsnorth is someone who loves and believes in this little country and the people who made it. You would be half right. On Monday, Paul returned to what is evidently a favourite game of his: stomping Gordon Brown’s more ham-fisted than two-fisted attempt to engineer the English out of rejecting Westminster - and him - for a national parliament. Of course, that’s only part of Brown’s purpose. If he wanted to reconcile the English to the Union, he would appeal to something other that tolerance, fairness and decency. But, for reasons which shall become clear, Paul isn’t interested in challenging the multicultural aspect of Brown’s unity ticket. It’s just the slippery question of “identity” upon which he feels qualified to wiseacre in the public sphere (he even joins the CiF threads to do it). This, as far as I can see, is the sum total of his wisdom:-
Now, one of my favourite films is the incomparable Stanley Kubrick’s last offering, Eyes Wide Shut, in which the pivotal character for the entire plot, though it is only a bit part, is that of the blindfolded keyboard player, Nick Nightingale. And as luck would have it, Mr Nightingale it was who ventured upon the CiF thread to enquire of Mr Kingsnorth’s nationalist credentials. I shan’t burden you with the whole exchange. There was little or nothing that I said which most MR readers could not also say. The thread runs here, here and here. Paul had blathered about “identity”, on which he is so expert, and finished with the observation that:-
... and entered a link to his website as one deeply involved, of course, in “genuine English nationalism.” So a challenge to this seer and superior nationalist was kind of inevitable, though the keyboard player might have been a tad scolding.
What followed was the usual, slow-motion peeling away of the “nationalist” skin to reveal the “liberal” beneath. Paul grew more and more Godwinian as it went on. Quite suddenly, the tipping point was reached, and Paul could no longer conceal the race-replacer within, Quatermassian in his alien-ness to “English identity”. I have come across one or two provocatively anti-English statements in my time. I remember Perry de Havilland, who owns Samizdata, posting a jpg of himself kissing a daughter of prognathicity just to annoy me, and proclaim his committment to Popperism. But even Perry wasn’t this up-front:-
Paul, by the way, is a poet of the English language. Really, a poet.
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 17:13 | #
This person can find all that already in place among the “coloreds” in South Africa. They’re the mulatto group so classified under the former government: neither Negro nor white (“coloreds,” I believe the term was in English — please correct me). That’s what this individual wants to live among, neither Negro nor white. Or, more likely, just not white (whites have to be mixed, so none will be left — unmixed whites annoy this man in the extreme), leaving Negro as one acceptable group, and neither-Negro-nor-white as the other acceptable group. Just so long as there are no whites anywhere around him, this guy will be satisfied. All right, but just one question: Why doesn’t this specimen move to South Africa and live among the coloreds? Why does he want to force those demographics on Englishmen who may not want them? Answer: because he’s a totalitarian in the mold of Lazar Kaganovich, Josef Stalin, Pol Pot, Fidel Castro, and Robert Mugabe. That’s why. In a nutshell (no pun intended, I’m sure). 3
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 17:24 | # If everywhere in the world apart from one Euro enclave were Negro or mulatto I’d waste no time moving myself and my whole family into that one white enclave as fast as humanly possible. Why doesn’t this person, this Guardian writer, do the same in reverse? I have no doubt he’d be quite welcome in the already-existing colored enclaves around the world. Take Port Moresby for example — somehow I feel sure he’d love it there. Certain, in fact. Go, you! Go away! LEAVE! 4
Posted by dan dare on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 22:42 | # Nice job, as usual, GW. If you want another giggle, try this ‘debate’ on Open Democracy’s Our Kingdom site, which start off with Kingsnorth slagging off another ‘progressive’ author for lack of ‘spec for (his brand of) nationalism. http://www.opendemocracy.net/article/england-britain-and-multiculturalism-an-ourkingdom-debate If nothing else it will answer any lingering questions about Kingsnorth’s motivations in arguing so vehemently for an all-inclusive universalistic ‘Englishness’:
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 23:18 | # dan, Oh, thanks very much for that. I’ve seen the phenomenon of EGI transfer quite a few times before, most outrageously in an Irish guy called Frank McGahon. Paul Kingsnorth rang the same bell somehow, though he wouldn’t fess up to me when I asked him. There are a couple of avowed nationalists who read MR and occasionally comment here who have taken foreign wives, but still clung to their desire for their people to survive. I admire their tenacity, and their honesty for explaining their choices to fellow dreamers. I don’t object to people falling in love with non-natives. But I do object to them wishing genocide on their own people just to smooth the path in this world for their own offspring. It almost beggars belief that such harmfulness is possible. I’m sure JWH could explain the mechanism. Maybe if he reads this he will give it some thought. Thanks again for confirming what I suspected. 6
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 23:51 | # Apart from being married to an Indian and having racially mixed offspring, Kingsnorth says his own Englishness might in some quarters be questioned, based on his immigrant grandmother. He doesn’t say what ethnicity or race she was. But in his replies to Mr. Nightingale he said he was ethnically English. So this individual is being devious somewhere. It was also less than forthcoming of him to state he was of English ethnicity and leave it at that, in an exchange which he knew full well hinged almost as much on his spouse’s and child’s ethnicity which he kept hidden, as on his own. An honest participant who chose to say anything personal about ethnicity at all would’ve included disclosure of his non-Euro immediate family relationships. This extremely unpleasant man is not forthright, honest, or honorable. He’s to be disregarded, in my view: he has disqualified himself from debate, for lack of integrity. 7
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 00:25 | # There’s something else: this man is guilty either of 1) the fallacy of ignoratio elenchi or 2) setting up a straw man, when he goes on about whether or not any specific individual, such as his mother- or father-in-law, wife or daughter, is a problem. No specific individual is, and acting as if any is evades the issue: the issue is race-replacement. No individual immigrant is capable as an individual of replacing the race, therefore is not, as an individual, a problem in this regard (he may as an individual be a problem if he’s a thief, drug peddler, pimp, or what-not, but he’s not a problem in regard to race-replacement). Race-replacement is a problem of numbers, not individuals. Let five Nigerians in, no problem. Let five million in, problem. Those first five may be problems in other regards, or they may not — may all be model citizens. But whatever they become in other regards, they won’t be a problem in regard to race-replacement. The five million will, however. Kingsnorth waxing righteous and resentful at the (supposed) insinuation that his wife and daughter as individuals are less British doesn’t address race-replacement. We on this side all feel certain that his indian parents-in-law, Indian-race wife, and mixed-race daughter as individuals are perfectly fine, lovely folk and good British subjects, and has, each of them, his contribution to make to society, the same as anyone else. We’re just as sure that welcoming forty million Subcons will leave a population that is less British, and that large-scale immigration of the racially unlike is wrong, especially when the population hasn’t been honestly consulted, and we oppose it with every fiber. Race-replacement: it’s about numbers, not individuals, and anyone who tries to turn it into a debate about individuals is setting up a straw man or is ignorant of what is being debated. We don’t care about individuals other than wishing them well. We care about our race. 8
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 01:21 | #
No Paul, how about you fucking off to someplace like Papua-New Guinea and leaving us in peace? Things are moving slowly toward your side’s ultimate undoing, likely a reason you’re so testy: knowing your side’s going to lose in the end’s a bitch, isn’t it, Paul. We’ll see “who” fucks off to “where” after all the dust is settled. 9
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 02:01 | #
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 02:18 | # “I don’t object to people falling in love with non-natives.” -GW Really?!? “Non-native” Whites is one think, but “non-native” non-Whites is another. What about that new anti-liberal, ethnocentric philosophy you’re cooking up? Shouldn’t connubial “love” be legitimate within the context of that philosophy (a moral code perhaps?) ONLY if it propagates our sacred gene line? Don’t exceptions to the rule weaken the rule in the eyes of the masses? Maybe I’m missing some subtlety here, but it seems pretty simple to me: Mudsnorth is a race traitor. 11
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 02:52 | #
The real race traitors of course are the people who run the Guardian (what ethnicity, btw? — anyone know?), who pay him to spew his vomit. 12
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 13:08 | # I’ve just re-read Kingsnorth’s quotes and, I’m sorry, he’s just a bit too Ziv-like: anyone happen to know if he’s a (fill in the blank) _______ ? 13
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 15:28 | # In any event, Fred, they’ve left the Nightingale to sing, while Mr Kingsnorth - who, let it be remembered, authored the lead-in article - has suffered the final ignonomy of:-
My thanks to dan dare and, of course, to the ever-vigilant Western Biopoliticist for bringing this engagement to a successful conclusion. Frankly, I am a bit stunned that the Guards mods didn’t blow away everything I said. Just not in character for them. 14
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 17:11 | # cc, There is a line that an authoritarian is willing to cross, and it would take quite an authoritarian to ban mixed-race relationship by law while more than one race was occupying the territory. I would want to see a nationalist government in my country declare that the presence of other races was now temporary, and work begin in earnest to reduce the non-native presence in a humane and generous but unbending way. I would welcome the return of traditional, overt social costing for mixed-race entanglements. But that’s it. I would want to see no laws, no people in uniforms bouncing around quoting government statute at some poor, silly girl, and threatening her with due process. I guess, at bottom, I want to see my people trusted by their rulers to rediscover and express their own souls. I believe that this is the proper relationship between rulers and ruled in the European context. We are individualistic people. We do not welcome authority. It needs to tread carefuly across our lives if it is to be tolerated. In other words, I am saying the people must choose their king, and choose when to nail him to the tree. 15
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 17:44 | #
They need to start getting a hammer and nails ready and picking out a few good trees then, because now’s the time, right now. 16
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 19:33 | # The Guardian thread was an object lesson for me. It more or less crystallized some ideas that have been bouncing around in my head. We saw Mudsnorth screaming hysterically like the unmanly, “poor, silly girl” that he is when he was trounced in argumentation - just like Lester Jones: an effete, liberal, would-be elitist who in the end holds nothing higher, not honor, not steadfastness, not love, than the gratification of his own impulses. What pathetic mush. What pansies. Then there is Skimmer -an appropriate name- who basically says, “I agree with a lot of what you say Nick, but all that talk about Nazis and gas chambers has upset my delicate stomach. Please do try to say what you have to say but with more euphemisms so I won’t be forced to think of Nazis and gas chambers.” Pansy? This is something that I believe people grasp instinctively: that National Socialism or something close to it WOULD be the most muscular resistance to the ultimate extermination of our race if implemented. Now, I don’t want National Socialism nor endorse it, but…as far as a character study goes, if given ONLY the choice of National Socialism or shuffling off quietly toward the grave like good little pansies should I suspect they would choose the latter and not the former. What does that say about their character, which I equate with love and loyalty to and for their people? At this stage I guess that it is prudent to keep from ‘spooking the lemmings’? Skimmer is an object lesson. I decided to inject a little White Nationalism in some threads over at Takimag and was told that I was poisoning the water and that we White Nationalists need to step back and let them speak to the pansies in a language that they are comfortable with: euphemisms. But will that actually work in time? The consensus on this site seems to be no. It seemed to me that one tactics used against Mudsworth was ‘scare the lemmings straight’ (as opposed to the ‘spooking the lemmings’ phenomenon I described above) tact. IOW, “There will be hell to pay when the low IQ muds take over!” But how to ‘scare the lemmings straight’ without ‘spooking the lemmings’? Or is love of kind a sufficient motivator to spur our people to action in the political realm before time runs out? Its like “Nick” said in the thread, when the time runs out, who does Mudsworth think our people will turn to? Not to pansies and their euphemism-speak, thats for damn sure. The Nazis were rough, tough, gruff dudes (yes, and often times immoral brutes, I get that); they were not pansies. If we want to avoid some very nasty things happening we had better find a way to thread this needle. When ‘time runs out’ our people will DEMAND that ‘rough, tough, gruff dudes’ go to the front and ‘pansies’ go to the rear. 17
Posted by snax on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 21:33 | #
People LOVE hip-hop and sit-coms, and HATE their mothers: it’s as tacky a tack as the rightly rejected ‘Identity’ - the same in fact. The one thing everybody craves except those easily painted as subversive anti-socials is, of course, social peace. Peace is the pivot. When the chances of the Establishment maintaining peace in the face of crumbling consensus are once-and-for-all-dead, that is when things begin to pay-off for us. Until then it’s a workaday job preparing and waiting role for the ‘thinkers’ - prepare people with reasoned argument to embrace racialism (AMREN, Sailer, GW, JWH, Salter - as well as the Dalai Lama and Gandhi and others), and wait for the rest to NEED to be racialist - situation pending. For the ‘doers’, already out there among and working with the convinced it’s also a waiting and preparing job - waiting to see precisely what kind of situation our enemies deliver us to, and preparing us for it by capturing the infrastructure and resources to support us (GT, Soren, James Bowery). It’s practical isn’t it rather than metaphysical, or religious - at least in the fight for survival, ie. where we are now? The deep philosophy and spiritual stuff follows, but are rather redundant issues beyond the fact it needs saying that we will essentially be free to be ourselves - or ourself - if we want to take it so far (I prefer to). I think it was Wintermute and I think it was here - he said good government, or government suited to us comes naturally to us: its basics were pretty much established formally by [Greeks] [2-3, maybe 4?] thousand years ago. All we need do is kick out the Jews, establish an honest money system, and start to respect our ancestors. I’m vague on the specifics but broadly I KNOW he’s right. 18
Posted by snax on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 21:50 | #
Make that JWH on a good day. http://westbiop.blogspot.com/2008/08/filth-dies-81408.html Saying the woman is “filth” and a “freak” and should “burn in hell” because she was inclined to help kids who are fat, ginger, wear glasses, or are ugly, feel a little better about themselves, and persuade the kids who bully them to ease off is astonishingly cruel. I’ll make a bet JWH has no kids, was a bullied kid, and “feels inside” that he looks like Bassou. Poor lamb. 19
Posted by Darren on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 00:39 | # snax: Given that he tagged it with “Diversity and Multiculturalism”, he was probably going with the idea that she was trying to promote multiculturalism. I don’t really know the lady, so I can’t comment on the appropriateness of the criticism, but I don’t think he’s going after her for trying to make fat ginger kids with glasses feel accepted. Normally JWH is pretty good, this was just not a particularly great entry. We all have our off days. 20
Posted by snax on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 01:39 | # Agreed, Darren. GW, Mr Kingsnorth’s posts from the latter half of the thread he started have almost all been removed - his mental unravelling and increasingly hateful rhetoric revealed rather too much. 21
Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 01:47 | # No, the conservative movement should not be preserved. It fact, if our people are to have a viable future, it must not. It is a false opposition that drains off real struggle into a useless direction. It is said that we must talk about culture and not race because such candid talk ‘spooks the lemmings’. Yet no serious thinker honestly believes that our culture is not a product of our unique genetic endowments, as Sam Francis observed and was fired for. We are bid to speak in euphemisms and yet I think it is plain that most of our people are not listening. Most probably don’t have the brains to ‘read between the lines’ (in fine Straussian fashion) anyways. They are too anesthetized by their creature comforts and our degenerate, masochistic pop culture to give a damn. All the while our people sleep the system lurches forward to third-world squalor and brutality if not out right collapse. This is the point of Buchanan’s oeuvre: no White race (this includes a mongrelized “White” race), no Western culture, no first-world standard of living. The light will have gone out in the world. Anyone who doubts this isn’t ‘reading between the lines’ and just doesn’t have a clue. But if the only way to get our people to listen is to speak to them directly of the importance of preserving our blood and we are disallowed from doing this what hope is there? And why is it that we can’t speak directly to our own people about matters that rightly concern us and no other? Why must we live in fear? Why is it that candid discussion of such things automatically has the effect of ‘spooking the lemmings’? Could it have something to do with an over powering, alien influence in our mainstream media that has pathologized any plainspoken expression of the interests of our people? Yes, any serious thinker knows this is true, and yet we can’t say it for fear of being crushed by our enemies. Richard Nixon and Billy Graham knew of what I speak and said so to one another on the Nixon tapes. They, too, sold out our people out of abject fear just so they could preserve their careers (careers that were ONLY made possible by the collective efforts of the White masses)and keep the system lurching forward for a few more decades. You see, its that media control that’s the thing, that is the head of the snake. That is the opinion manufacturing mechanism that pathologizes (with filthy smears and lies that say more about the accusers than the accused) any honest attempt to peacefully defend the precious, precious life of our people. We say we want to head off this looming disaster, a disaster that will force us to defend the life of our people by force of arms, yet we are bidden ‘play the game’ all the while the game is hopelessly rigged against us. ‘Conservatives’ have been playing the game for decades and look where it has gotten us. Precisely no where. I am truly at a loss. All I know to do is speak the truth and fear no man. Not play squalid little games. That and not bend the knee, EVER, not for any price. Posted by Captainchaos on Aug 14, 2008. Probably something like this, a comment made in response to comments made by Jupiter. Posted by Nathan P. Origer on Aug 14, 2008 22
Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 01:56 | # GW, Mr Kingsnorth’s posts from the latter half of the thread he started have almost all been removed - his mental unravelling and increasingly hateful rhetoric revealed rather too much. Posted by snax on Friday, August 15, 2008 at 12:39 AM Dr. Kingsnorth and Mr. Mudsnorth: pansies both. These race traitors have no real convictions, no real character. 23
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 12:29 | # Yep, his emotional deterioation has been completely expunged from the record. But why didn’t they remove my stuff, too? L’il Paul, meanwhile, has retired to his Real England blog, where his wounds are ouzing blood all over the page:-
So come on, own up. Who’s the naughty boy who followed him back to his layer, and bit him on the arse? 24
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 12:44 | # cc, Would you please check that Takimag thread again? Their home page shows that 34 comments have been posted on the “Saving Conservatism” thread. There are only three coming up on my browser. What’s going on? 25
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 22:12 | # Ah, OK, got 44 comments now. Takimag is deserving of a thorough shake up. Who is “Jupiter”, btw? Anyone know what board he is connected to? 26
Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 23:32 | # As far as I know Jupiter is a free agent. To my knowledge he isn’t associated with any WN sites. He definitely seems to be of a WN frame of mind, though. 27
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 23:45 | # A good guy. If I see a tempting thread at the rich little Greek boy’s blog I might give it a blast. I am sure we could do something there in harness, cc. 28
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 00:10 | # Jupiter, I encourage you to check: You seem like a smart guy who is capable of thinking outside the box. Thats what “majorityrights” is all about. This is not your father’s WN. Posted by Captainchaos on Aug 15, 2008 29
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 01:17 | # I just browsed that Taki thread a little. Jupiter was excellent on race and immigration and quite good on some other stuff, not all. His main thing seemed to be strenuous support for keeping abortion legal (a subject I for one don’t get into much because I’m strictly a race-replacement guy, though I have my strong views on it). That thread’s best comments by far? CC’s (followed by Jupiter’s, mainly his race, demography, and immigration comments). 30
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 01:20 | # They have a feature there appended to the end of each comment, which says, “Report this comment for being abusive.” They need one that says, “Report this comment for being idiotic beyond belief”: my mouse-click finger would’ve gotten a work-out in that thread. 31
Posted by Lurker on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 02:37 | # There was a Jupiter who was very active at Steve Sailer’s - until comment moderation was imposed. 32
Posted by Lurker on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 02:42 | # Ive popped over to Kingsnorth’s blog to leave a comment but this was only after GW posted the address here. Funnily enough he hasn’t posted my comment, maybe it was something I said? 33
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 09:10 | # Lurker: “Funnily enough he hasn’t posted my comment.” I’ll probably pop back to “Real England” in a month or two to see if he thinks he is in the clear now, and can switch moderation off. I will certainly read any further article he writes at the Guardian with a view to a kill. The guy is a genocidalist. He should know he hasn’t been forgotten and he isn’t free to spread to his poison. 34
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 23:18 | # There’s got to be a post in that, Svi. How about an evolutionary angle: a pursuit of individualism entailing more and more maladaptive choices tends to amorality and dillusion. The wages of sin and all that. 35
Posted by Paul Kingsnorth on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 11:07 | # Oh, don’t worry. I’ll be back at Comment is Free, and then all three of you can have your fun. I might write an article about the importance of genocidal liberal ethno-suicidal race-replacement. I’m sure you’d enjoy that. As for dishonesty, honour, etc : come on ‘guessedworker’ - you and ‘Nick Nightingale’ are one and the same. Why too cowardly to admit it? I may be degenerate, but at least I’m open about who I am. My articles have my name on them. What’s yours? Or do you prefer to hide behind nicknames, threatening violence. Very brave. Very honourable. But not very English, old chap ... 36
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 11:33 | # “But not very English, old chap ...” -Kingsnorth, a rare wit (and a poet too) Quick, lets breed all Pugs and Beagles together. To do less would be un-caninely (universal dog values that all mutts [when ‘we’ get done, haha!] should embrace). Left to their own devices they would do it anyway. ITS THEIR CHOICE! 37
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 12:30 | # Welcome to the Land of Light, Paul. Why did all those comments of yours get blitzed? Was it at your request, or did the mods decide that something had to be done to hide the trainwreck? The reason I can’t post at CiF using my handle is because, Paul, they don’t always allow me to do what I did to you. By the way, I hope you notice that MR has no need to censor its commenters. Argumentation is always preferable to, and more convincing than, censorship. You should try it. 38
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 13:43 | # BULLETIN: Hijinx and Hilarity; Fun and Frolix…at Takimag, a nice place to visit but you wouldn’t want to live there. Come one, come all. See the lemmings get hammered.
“I think Dinesh D’Souza’s…” D’Souza wrote a very naughty little book (actually a freakin’ tome) where he made the case for genetically based differences in average group intelligence. Then at the end he says in ain’t true because he don’t want it to be true. Tsk, tsk. Kinda hard to unring a rung bell, buddy (HaHa!). That’s the problem with the old ‘Straussian’ bait-and-switch: it only works on half-wits. (Side-note: I congratulate the ‘Straussians’ on graduating from pilpoling over that rubbish book of primitivisms that shall remain nameless and moving on the real books - ‘Great Books’. [read: books written by White men - double HaHa!]) D’souza, I read your book and it was instrumental in my racial awakening, thanks buddy. Oh yeah, D’souza has a White wife. So, he has an interest in ensuring the continuation of the multi-cult. He needs a high IQ population in which to maximize his potential and to pave the way for his hybrid off-spring. Good for his Ethnic Genetic Interests but not good for ole’ whitey’s. Not that he gives a rip about whitey. Yeah, him and the neocons extended phenotype, Ponnuru. Lets open up those borders, yee-haw! “A great man and a true American.” Posted by Maciano on Aug 20, 2008. Eh. Not so much. The Founding Fathers (I thought paleos followed the FFs in all things?) would not have granted him citizenship. They respected whitey’s Ethnic Genetic Interests and all, quaint and old fashioned I know, but still… Personally, I prefer Farrakhan. Enjoy the Kool-Aid. Posted by Captainchaos on Aug 21, 2008.
Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 22 Aug 2008 07:05 | # “Paleo-conservatives” have not the native wit to realise that they are fighting over the right to continue replacing the European people, and not the native energy to resist it. Looking to foreigners (or “Great Americans”, oh sweet Jesus) to properly articulate and represent the ethnic interests of we Europeans is utterly decadent. D’Souza can be perfectly relaxed with the elites’ ultimate goal of replacing us with a mongrelized and deculturated population of mindless consumers. His cognitively advantaged, non-white, half-Indian off-spring will flourish. Posted by Guessedworker on Aug 21, 2008.
Aw shucks, I got IP banned over at Takislag. I tried to play it straight but the lemmings were not listening. So…I thought some aggresive chiding might be in order. (See above post.) “Hey, lemmings, wake up, you stupid bastards!” Those fence-sitting faileo-‘tards make me sick. HEY KINGSNORTH! This one is for you, bro. You know why that filthy interloper D’Souza pulled all that sneaky ‘Straussian’ shit in his book? He wanted to have his cake (no, not his sweeeet white cup-cake) and eat it too. He wanted to: 1.) Humble low IQ, violence-prone minorities (e.g., negroes and mestizoes) by holding up a mirror to their swarthy faces. “Look, this is what you are. Be glad you get to ride on whitey’s coat tales.” 2.) Blunt and half-heartedly deny the full and clear implications of genetically based differences in average group intelligence so the message of #1 would get through but still keep the multi-cult circus on the tracks (violent muds are a seriously discredit the multi-cult in the minds of Joe and Jan Whitebread - got to keep those monkeys in their cages) so he could… 3.) Protect HIS Ethnic Genetic Interests (his hybrid off-spring and his co-ethnics) by getting more high IQ swarthy-faced Asian ‘cogelites’ into the good ‘ole US of A. Sneaky, sneaky, swarthy bastard! But you see, Mudsworth, that shit only works on half-wits. YOU GOT THAT, KINGSNORTH?!? 40
Posted by Paul Kingsnorth on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 19:12 | # Maybe you should ask the Guardian, ‘Nick.’ I expect you violated their talk policy again. Maybe they have some rule about racial abuse directed at children too young to defend themselves. Meanwhile: still no news on who you actually are. Surprise. What I like best about you, incidedntally, is your hilarious air of self-importance. I especially enjoyed your assumption that I had never come across ‘ideas’ like yours before, here in my liberal bubble. Your triumphing over my feeble defence. Your dangerous, brave, nationalist stand against extinction. Complete with nicknames and aliases. Very funny. My foreign coffee fair spurted from my nostrils. As an aside, by the way, you might want to point out to CaptainChoas, if he hasn’t been re-sectioned by now, that pugs and beagles only exist because people have been cross-breeding dogs for millennia. That’s why they’re not all still wolves. Dogs are inherently impure. Genetic freaks, all of then. I would suggest a programme of humane global putting-to-sleep, in order to save the remaining wild wolf populations from cano-genocide. Chin chin. 41
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 20:23 | # Paul, Consider for a moment your own explosive emotionality in our CiF debate. Where did that come from? A stable, tolerant, giving character? Believe it or not, people like you turn out to be violent, hateful creatures who want to physically harm that which they cannot defeat in political debate. Since I am a father, I choose not to expose those I love to the hatred of these sick minds. You would do the same for your children, were you also capable of love for and loyalty to your own people. That’s assuming, of course, that you desired to do what little you could in their cause, notwithstanding the desperately marginalised position which we lovers occupy. By opposing our people’s right to life for your own petty genetic interests, Paul, you have put yourself beyond contempt. It’s one thing to fall in love with a foreigner and start a family. It’s another to gear your whole professional life to destroying your own people because of it. I urge you to examine your motives. If you cannot help us in this hour of need, at least do not harm us. Do not be a traitor to us. 42
Posted by silver on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 22:19 | # Is kingsworth a miscegenator? That would explain it. He’s about as useful as Derbyshire, then. Another crumb-thrower. Scrooby, this is why Jews (most prominently, but among others) push for mixing so hard. Miscegenators are the elite troops—Janissaries, snatched with one purpose in mind—when it comes to defending ethnic ‘others’, which, naturally, includes Jews. Their interest isn’t in ultimately mixing you away (and a good many would probably deplore the loss); it’s in mixing you enough that your own people tie your hands, which is much more effective than an ‘other’ doing it (not that ‘others’ don’t do it, too). The ultimate mixing away, that’s just something that will happen all on its own from the mere presence of ‘others’, even if injunctions against it existed (a point understood by too few segregationists, it seems). 43
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 23:49 | #
No, that wouldn’t explain it, as implied in GW’s response to him, to the effect he has the choice, notwithstanding his family relationships, of either pushing the demographic annihilation of his race or not: his wife’s and daughter’s race don’t mean he must push it; he could still oppose it, their race notwithstanding, because race-replacement of England is the issue, individuals aren’t the issue, and race-replacement of England has to do with numbers, never individuals. Individuals may be of interest for whatever other reason (violent street crime [Negroes, Pakistanis], pimping/white slavery/milking the welfare system [Albanians], white slavery [Israeli Jews], Nobel Prizes [Subcons], providing good plumbing service [Poles], making great Chinese restaurants available in your neighborhood [Chinamen], sawing live people’s heads off [North-African and Near- or Middle-Eastern Moslem Arabs], making reggae music [Jamaican Negroes], making rap music [Negroes of West-African racial origin in general], etc.) but individuals are never of interest as regards race-replacement, only numbers. IQs, by the way, also are never of interest, only numbers of the racially unlike no matter their IQs or lack thereof: we don’t care about their IQs; we refuse to be changed into them.
No: the Jews aren’t behaving as if there’s an upper limit which, once reached, will prompt them to drop their advocacy. In any case, partial race-replacement is race-replacement. If the Jews turn the Flemish population from six million Flemings to three million Flemings and three million pieces of carne mysteriosum they’ll have perpetrated genocide by race-replacement.
Even given the presence of the racially unlike, there’s no telling to what extent “the ultimate mixing away” would happen, or with which races (or species, as the case may be), if the Jewish boot heel were pushed off the Euro windpipe and the Jewish claw pried from its death-clutch around the Euro neck: I refer to Jewish PC, Jewish media control, etc. But in any event, the expectation of the Euro peoples isn’t to leave the racially unlike in their lands lording it over them, but to send each and every one of them humanely back where he came from (after which all Euro collaborators in the genocide would of course be given fair trials on capital charges of genocide and attempted genocide). (When Charles II was restored to the English throne, every man still living who’d signed Charles I’s death warrant was hunted down and either hanged, drawn, and quartered, or imprisoned for life. Our modern-day traitors and collaborators will be .... given fair trials .....) We’re in a sort of Interregnum now, where the haughty Jews and their brazen collaborators are running riot. As did the Cromwellian one, this Interregnum will come to an end. Then will come the Restoration. Oh, did I mention the settling of accounts? Right, I forgot that ... Then will come the Restoration and the ..... .... settling of accounts ...... Oh the trials will be fair, don’t worry, and .... and the charges? ... The charges capital, of course .......... Goes without saying. 44
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 00:04 | #
Kingsnorth still has the choice, whether to do it or not. 45
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 00:16 | # Incidentally, what are Kingsnorth’s credentials that make it that he and not Guessedworker can write an op-ed for the Guardian? I want to see one by Guessedworker next. I demand it. Nothing whatsoever makes Kingsnorth superior; plenty, on the other hand, makes him inferior. 46
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 01:58 | # As an aside, by the way, you might want to point out to CaptainChoas, if he hasn’t been re-sectioned by now, that pugs and beagles only exist because people have been cross-breeding dogs for millennia. That’s why they’re not all still wolves. Dogs are inherently impure. Genetic freaks, all of then. I would suggest a programme of humane global putting-to-sleep, in order to save the remaining wild wolf populations from cano-genocide. Chin chin. Posted by Paul Kingsnorth on Monday, August 25, 2008 at 06:12 PM Yes, selective breeding to emphasize certain traits and de-emphasize others; dogs and wolves share much genetic coding in common yet what makes each breed of dog unique is the genetic coding unique to it. Distinct human groups were differentiated over time due to geographical separation with attendant varying selective pressures that selected for certain traits and selected against others: like IQ. That’s why all those muds are so dumb, Kingsfisher. Oh yeah, and the wild card of random mutation, just like with domesticated dogs. Essentially the same process, no? Unique breeds of dogs are a thing that many of us civilized people (read: White people) cherish, Mudsworth. Kinda like genetically distinct groups of humans. We wish to preserve all that because we are not nihilistic, genocidal swine like you. You set ‘em up and I knock ‘em down, just how I like it. Chin chin, douche-bag. P.S. Next time you see one of those “sneaky, sneaky, swarthy bastards” that you love so much give him/her my regards. 47
Posted by silver on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 02:04 | #
As I see it, the only real choice he has is to audibly approve of mixing (to “push” for it) or to remain silent. I don’t see how he could oppose it without seeming a hypocrite. But since you seem so certain that miscegenators do have the choice it’s worth examining the grounds on which they could base their opposition.
Technically, that’s a possibility. But it’s so unrealistic we can write it off immediately.
What qualities? I can’t see this one taking off.
Back when we (I) didn’t understand the effects of mixing, it was fine to engage in it. Those of us who mixed can’t be held responsible for our actions. But now that we do understand, it’s no longer fine. Others may wish to mix and look on us with envy and call us hypocrites, but we got here first, they’re not making any more ocean-front land, I’m afraid. </blockquote> This strikes me as the only real option. Every non-white out except those who managed to mix before the cut-off date is in effect the position you’d be advocating. I’ll come back to this.
No, they don’t seem to be at all. Of course, it’s not just Jews busily at work. There are legions of white liberals who continue to steadfastly believe negroes’ shortcomings are the result of white racism and only of white racism to the point they’re willing to promote anything and everything that rubbishes whites and glorifies negroes. So the Jews have a little monster they’ve created which can’t so easily be killed without clueing people in to their role in creating it in the first place, although it certainly could be done, and much more readily than a miscegenator ever calling his creation a mistake.
I’m going to have to quibble here. In the past, for emotionally understandable reasons, you haven’t taken too kindly to my quibbling. But this is an honest quibble, so pay attention. You go on to say:
Three million mystery meaters in Flanders the product of miscegenation with Flemings is genocide. But three million myster meaters in Flanders the product of immigration alone would be sent home. [I wonder if you have any idea how all this sounds to uninitiated ears. Except a silver 08/2007 should any respond.] Of course, they’re aren’t three million mystery meaters in Flanders the product of immigration. So it’s a question of numbers, too. Smaller numbers are easier to pack off “home” (would it be to a 4th, 5th generation?) than large numbers. But what to do with smaller numbers of homegrown miscegenation? It won’t do to classify them “individuals” as you do, since it’s the number of such individuals which is at issue. If the number’s too large, and it’s permitted to remain, you will eventually undergo the racial transformation which the whole point is to avoid. The only possible solutions are to deport them somewhere they’d fit in, which certainly won’t be “home” in any meaningful sense, which may require the creation of a racial territory, either on home soil or abroad. This brings me to again mentioning Richard McCulloch. It’ll give Rienzi a few more gray hairs to hear it, but I really think McCulloch has said everything needed to be said about the situation as it stands and what needs to be done to correct it, that being territorial separation in the US (and, though he doesn’t say it, potentially Canada and/or Australia, too) and deportation in Europe. His only omission (a stunning one, really, given his volume of output) has been to provide a plan for how such a thing could proceed. One realization he seems to have experienced is that no such plan will ever be carried out, or even come to be considered, for so long as white politics are based on hatred of others. I call it a realization because the contrast in this respect between his Destiny of Angels and The Racial Compact is enormous. The latter is a call for co-operation not only with the “course textured” Meds he so lovingly refers to in the former, but with all racial groups. His great failure with respect to Compact has been to grant due consideration to the role of civilization. In an AmRen letter replying to a Taylor statement that there were some non-whites in Europe who identified with the West and who should be allowed to stay McCulloch asked what they were identifying with, whites’ interest lying in the continuation of their race, which the existence of non-whites among them compromises, perhaps fatally, depending on numbers. McCulloch went on to say that if such option were available, all non-whites would claim the identification with the West, which would result in numbers racially unassimilible. It’s perhaps not surprising for someone who has spent as long as he has thinking about his race to speak as though whites live for no other reason than to lovingly admiring each other, which is why he can treat civilization so flippantly. But clearly if separation (when, Scroob, when!) is achieved, whites are going to want to do a whole lot more than simply sit there gazing in adoration at each others’ whiteness. Enter civilization and a letter I recently wrote to Larry Auster. I guess he read it, because he replied to a comment of mine over at Mangan’s blog as I asked him to. I haven’t checked whether he’s emailed me back yet, since he can be so combative and I’m weary of combat. I think I’ll post it here, with some editing, so that you can see, Scroob, I don’t comment here to undermine you or divert your energies. I really care about what’s going on, and I want to correct it, but I’m forced to operate in an environment where it’s not particularly easy for someone like me to speak forthrightly (and I’m sure I’m not the only one caught in that predicament). Talking about Larry Auster, he mentioned in his Mangan comment that he has some stuff on his blog regarding proper criticism of Jews. I went and had a read through a thread on how anti-semitism is to be discussed, which contained plenty of comments by you, posting as “unadorned.” You were much more reasonable in disagreement back then. It would be nice to see you return to that, despite whatever irritation you feel. Back to Auster. Whatever we might think of Auster, I think there can be little doubt about his attachment to the civilization the nation he was born in represents. His thoughts on that civilization are some of the finest work a popular blogger has produced. All of us who began with reading him can relate to the pain of seeing the certain way of life we call western civilization slipping away before us. Not wishing it to slip away, to be lost, perhaps for good, some of us have led investigations into the causes of that decline and how it might be prevented, and, more daringly, what would be required to reverse it and, more daringly yet, to sustain it and perpetuate it once reversed. Most daring of all, at least for some like myself, has been to provide straight answers to such questions. The most important—and, most importanly, straightest— answer of all, of course, is race. But importantly, not race alone, rather race as what it represents civilizationally, or as a “civilizational potentiality”—and an important part of that is love. Oh yes, there is plenty of room for hate, judiciously applied, but never to the exclusion of love. There’ll be neither a white civilization nor a white race come of hate alone. And that, for starters, should mean an end to references about “carne mysteriosum,” particular in the presence of those whom you’d recruit to your cause. 48
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 02:31 | # “As I see it, the only real choice he has is to audibly approve of mixing (to “push” for it) or to remain silent. I don’t see how he could oppose it without seeming a hypocrite. But since you seem so certain that miscegenators do have the choice it’s worth examining the grounds on which they could base their opposition.” -silver So, lets say a guy is a serial killer, but he condemns murder as morally wrong. Don’t listen to him, he’s a hypocrite. Keep casting those pearls before us swine, silver. Sooner or later we are bound to listen. 49
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 04:40 | # HEY KINGSNORTH! (one more time for old time’s sake - HaHa!) I work in a factory. I’m just an average Joe. I have not written much poetry, have not edited magazines, nor been a columnist for a ‘prestigious’ newspaper. I suppose I’m nothing but a little crumb, just so much dirt that scuffs the bottom of your expensive shoes, in your eyes. But, I do love my people, I want them to go on, for their light to not be extinguished. I love my people and I can do no other. I am one of the ‘little people’ that you have so much contempt for, the ones upon whom you wish misery and, ultimately, destruction. How dare you! I may be, in the existing status-hierarchy, indeed, nothing but a ‘little crumb’, yet, I am twice the man you will ever be. You are scum. Now, piss off, scum. 50
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 04:55 | # Silver’s post of 1:04: Basically, CC’s reply is correct. I don’t need to know why he married out of his race, nor do I care why. That’s strictly his business and strictly secondary. What I’m after is his endorsement, right now, Subcon wife and all, of calls for an immigration policy that doesn’t amount to JAENAG (Jew-assisted Euro national autogenocide).
Race-replacement is not a question of individuals but of numbers. Regardless of what anyone thinks of his children, whether as angels in a Luca della Robbia relief or as something not quite so attractive, it’s wholly irrelevant to race-replacement, what constitutes it, how to avoid it, and how to halt and reverse it once it’s been set in motion by the Jews. His children can look like Quasimodo or like cherubs painted by Raphael, it’s of no interest to me and makes no difference to race-replacement. Don’t cast me in the role of attacking children, by the way.
The internet will do it.
The distinction is: member of our race or not. Use all reasonable, humane methods to restore the racial/ethnocultural homogeneities of Euro countries of fifty years ago. What to do where excessive numbers of the racially corrosive were, thanks to the Jews, born here will have to be pondered and humanely worked out. The first thing of course is don’t grant them citizenship whether now or to the Nth generation. Any dislocation or unhappiness that results sorting this problem out won’t be the fault of those rectifying it but of those who deliberately created it, thinking they could get away with it.
Both are genocide. Both can be rectified.
That’s an option.
I don’t know him, so can’t discuss him. I agree with North America’s formal balkanization. Don’t ask me to supply details of how that would work. Just put me in charge, and I and my hand-picked team will work out the details (in about five minutes).
If, all other things being equal, knowing more makes a person more reasonable, I’m more reasonable now.
You’ve “led investigations”? Whom did you lead? Are you an academic?
Race alone. Then comes the other stuff. The other stuff comes with race.
Sorry, I can’t end those references: in the blog world you have to be up-front and honest with the readership, otherwise they remember it and you get a bad reputation fast.
All our hate and none of our love is directed at the race-replacers. 51
Posted by Takahata Joe on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 06:00 | # I see the discussion here is as eloquent as ever. The Jewish conspiracy will never end until their leader, Jerry Seinfeld, is locked in prison, unable to communicate with the headquarters of the Zionist movement in Antarctica. 52
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 10:50 | # The Canadian Jap is back, as brilliant as ever. His contributions are going to get everything solved here, I feel certain. 53
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 11:13 | # When we say we welcome commenters here, Joe, we don’t mean we welcome scraping the absolute bottom of the barrel. Can’t you find some yellow Canadian site to go shoot your mouth off at? 54
Posted by Red Mercury on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 17:09 | # ‘“Three million mystery meaters in Flanders the product of miscegenation with Flemings is genocide. But three million myster meaters in Flanders the product of immigration alone would be sent home.” Both are genocide. Both can be rectified.’ Yes, that is a very important lesson. To combat the defeatist attitudes of some WNs, we need to shout it from the rooftops. The Race Replacement agenda is not inevitable and it is not permanent. It can be reversed. But, make no mistake, any effort to reverse the anti-white genocide and ethnic cleansing in the West will require our people to make decisions and perform actions that many of them, still operating under outdated ‘Judeo’-‘Christian’ ethics, may find highly distasteful. It is our job, I would say, to help condition our people to the instability and conflict that are coming, and to show them that when our very survival and dominance are at stake, anything and everything is justified. 55
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 17:34 | #
Whether it’s “justified” or not, if this keeps up and provokes a horrific reaction consisting precisely of “anything and everything,” the ones responsible for the debacle will be those who’ve deliberately brought the crisis about and arrogantly refused to listen to years nay decades of the people’s sincerest entreaties for redress of grievance, but turned them a cold deaf ear while sneering contemptuously at them. Prostrate victims whose faces the haughty stomp on over and over with their iron-heeled boots either die under the blows, or survive and remember who did it to them. Those are the two possible outcomes. 56
Posted by Red Mercury on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 18:57 | # We are not only surviving and remembering, but also taking names, for a reckoning. 57
Posted by snax on Wed, 27 Aug 2008 22:45 | # His follow-up: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2008/aug/26/labour.scotland
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 28 Aug 2008 04:37 | #
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 30 Aug 2008 15:52 | #
Here‘s the Mangan log entry Silver refers to (his comment is in the thread). It’s a log entry and comments thread which discusses Auster’s objection to an entry of Steve Sailer’s on the Israeli-Georgia connection. The comments thread further attempts to thrash out the topic of anti-Semitism (a topic I no longer deal in, by the way, it being largely a phantom concept originating in the minds of solipsistic/narcissistic Jews and used, in conjunction with certain aspects of public brainwashing assured by Jewish monopoly control of the mass media, mainly as a leveraging tool for overcoming ethno-political enemies). 60
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 31 Aug 2008 05:14 | # Paul Kingsnorth:
Mangan, two days ago, on the whys and wherefores of blogging under a pen name:
Posted by Alaric on Sun, 31 Aug 2008 07:05 | # GW is not a nationalist. He’s nothing more than a screeching, whining hack. A veritable nincompoop. 62
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 03:45 | # In the Mangan thread linked in my post three above this, a commenter signing as SFG said,
No, that’s not the reason. You’re never going to get Jews into WNism for the same reason you’re never going to get Germans into French nationalism, Russians into Georgian nationalism, Ulster Catholics into Ulster Prod nationalism, Palestinian Arabs into Israeli nationalism, Greeks into Turkish nationalism, Kosovars into Serb nationalism, Ukrainians into Russian nationalism, Hutus into Watusi nationalism, Chinamen into Jap nationalism, or Vietnamese into Cambodian nationalism: it’s not their nationalism. Jews want to come across as standard non-ethnic/non-denominational whites or standard non-ethnic/non-denominational Euros (or whatever the term ought to be), generally supportive of Euro interests and without conflicting ethnic interests of their own. But they’re not that, of course. They’re fervently opposed, for example, to the most fundamental Euro interest, Euro survival as a race (or as a collection of kindred sub-races), and act very aggressively to counter that interest, changing (i.e., destroying) Euros racially in the process. Jews living in Euro societies are an ethno-subracial group who see themselves as an ethno-subracial rival of Euros or worse (a mortal enemy of Euros) with interests at odds with Euro interests in many important ways (notwithstanding those interests of both which coincide), who will no more become Euro nationalists (white nationalists) than Japs will become Korean nationalists or Walloons Flemish nationalists. It will never happen: they don’t see themselves as “whites” or “Euros” in that nationalistic sense, and Jews will never stop behaving in certain ways that harm Euros and their interests, often considerably; in some ways mortally. The above isn’t true of all Jews, obviously (or its opposite of all Euros): Chaim ben Pesach and David ben Moshe of the Jewish Task Force, for example (jtf.org), while they also will never “get into WNism” for the simple reason it’s not their nationalism, don’t support the Jewish tribal-war strategy, passionately favored by nearly all Jews, of subjecting Euros to a process of gradual genocide by submerging their societies in an ocean of racially incompatible immigration (a strategy paradoxically also supported by many Euro élites, notably the Pope, Queen Elizabeth II of England, King Albert of Belgium, President Bush, President Sarkozy (who’s a quarter Jewish by ancestry), U.K. Prime Minister Brown, former French Presidents Jacques Chirac and Valéry Giscard-d’Estaing, the Kennedys, the late William F. Buckley, Jr., Joe Sobran, and many others of course, who apparently want their own people, their own races, genocided, extinguished, snuffed out). 63
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 17:24 | # In one of the exchanges above I said I wasn’t familiar with Richard McColloch so couldn’t discuss him. Here is the first of his writing I’ve ever read (read half of this article just now). I like what I’ve just read. People will get mad at McCulloch’s taxonomy. I don’t care about details in regard to defining or describing individual European races. Maybe that’s because I’m a mix, but I sincerely don’t care about that. What I’m after is simply preserving them, however they’re defined — I’m interested in halting today’s (Jewish-driven) destruction of Europe’s races, whatever their exact definitions. Let’s first thwart Jewish plans to genocide the entire spectrum of Euro races, then once that’s accomplished let’s go back and figure out precisely how they split, along what lines. When your house is burning you get all your family out. You can worry later about how each differs from the other. I’ll add that for me, “race” difference is the difference between Euro groups, and the difference between Euros and West-African Negroes is a species difference, not a race difference — it’s way too marked to be simply a race difference. 64
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 18:13 | #
That in no way means I think there aren’t distinct Euro races or that the preservation of each and every one isn’t crucial; quite the contrary. (I’m not David Stennett, in other words.) I’m just not particular about the details of, or controversies surrounding, the ways in which each is technically defined or anatomically described. I don’t get into that. I don’t care about it. I know they’re there; for the most part I know them when I see them and am among them; I leave that technical stuff to others. There are Germans, there are Frenchmen, there are Englishmen, there are Russians, there are Serbs, there are Greeks, there are Albanians, there are Spaniards, there are Malts, there are Finns, there are Dutchmen, there are Wallloons, there are Latvians, and I want none of their inborn distinctness as races tampered with by the Jews (tampering with Euro races to try to undo them is the Jews’ favorite pasttime), the communists, or anyone else. 65
Posted by Armor on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 18:39 | # ”...former French Presidents Jacques Chirac and Valéry Giscard-d’Estaing, the Kennedys, the late William F. Buckley, Jr., Joe Sobran, and many others of course, who apparently want their own people, their own races, genocided, extinguished, snuffed out).” You can add De Gaulle and Mitterrand to the list. Giscard’s father was simply called Giscard, until he decided to append “d’Estaing” to his name. Then, in 2005, Valery Giscard d’Estaing bought the castle of Estaing. It is surprising that such a man, who tried to invent a new historical identity for himself, would have let so many third-world immigrants into his country. 66
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 18:59 | # Not so surprising. He is an arch-elitist. That’s why he found it necessary to lay claim to nobility and, later, to buy a castle to substantiate it. I understand he can’t sell it now. He’s travelled the whole dustnace and is joining the ranks of the noblesse appauvrie. 67
Posted by Armor on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 19:35 | # “I understand he can’t sell it now” 68
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 21:29 | # JWH replies to my last comment. I have nothing further to say. I know what DS said. I’m not going to go back and look up the exact quotes. He had several chances to display right thinking and failed all of them. I have no fixation. I cite him as an example of one kind of badness. Instead of describing the kind of badness I cite his name which saves words. David Stennett doesn’t fight for the West. He fights for nothing. Zero. If you see no loss in the erasure of intra-Euro racial distinctness — and he doesn’t — you are a zero and are worth zero for our Cause. As far as I know, I have no quarrel with JWH. If JWH wants to defend this individual that’s up to him. 69
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 21:32 | # Those who expressed concern about the preservation of intra-Euro racial distinctness were referred to as “fucktards” by this loud, vulgar, obnoxious, know-nothing fucktard. 70
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 21:34 | # JWH gets the last word. I know what I saw, and I have no more perfectly good electrons to waste on this individual. Period. End of story. Post a comment:
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Piece by peace by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 19 March 2025 08:46. (View) Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) — NEWS — Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsGuessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 22:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 21:24. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 20:07. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 19:29. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 16:13. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 15:20. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View) Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View) |
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 16:47 | #
Well, now we know why the Guardian publishes this person: he’s degenerate.
Liberal? There’s normal — us — and degenerate — them. That’s about it, as far as I can make out. Where liberal and conservative fit in all that I’ve never really understood.
I stick with the basics, stuff I can understand. I’m an ordinary guy.