A conversation with an Irish homosexual analytical empiricist anti-racist. I think. The most predictable consequence of proposing the survival of the white race in public places like the DT threads is that those who consider such argument to be “racism”, “prejudice”, et al will pour their bile upon one’s head from the greatest possible height. For many of them, that’s the gutter. But occasionally one who affects to know better will come along, and offer the fruits of a superior education. Over the last two or three days I’ve been assaulted, for want of a better word, by quite an educated fruit, an Irish homosexual with a bookshelf full of worthy analytical empiricism. His mission was not simply to put the argument for our race’s survival beyond use, but to fatally wound the arguer. The news that race-loyal white men are actually thinking about our existential crisis, and not just reacting conveniently as carriers of the mental disease of “racism ‘n hate”, required an immediate relegation of said thinkers back to the lumpen category. So our anti-racist hero - his handle is 90Lew90 - set about deriding my arguments as “derivative”, “strawman”, “bullshit”, etc, while informing me that, contrary to my understanding of race and genetics, there is no race but the human race, and anyway “when you breed for pedigree, you have to get sperm from all over the world”. He put his philosophical pedigree on the line twice, rather tragically. He confused method with methodology, and then wrongly appealed to the Naturalistic Fallacy. A few times he picked at terms I employed in the hope of demonstrating his superior understanding. But mostly, of course, he just stamped his feet and shouted abuse, like the worst anti-racist. The conversation sprawled over a large part of a very long thread and involved interventions from various friends and foes. I am not entirely sure what lessons to draw from it. Obviously, there is a lot of fear out there among anti-racists. I recall reading an exchange between a couple of Guardianistas two or three years ago in which our oft-made and somewhat triumphal but true claim that they cannot win debates with us was airily dismissed. I thought at the time that their confidence sounded very hollow, and they probably knew that there is something horribly strong and insurmountable in pro-white discourse. Lew offers an extended insight into that hollowness. At no time did he offer a positive argument for the dissolution of the white world, and each time his attacks on specifics were rebuffed he retreated. In the end all that was left was the ad hominem. In the end, all that will be left of anti-racism is a wholly visible white-hatred. Lew had anticipated an entirely different outcome when he sallied forth, as his opening remarks in one of our exchanges (which I reproduce below) show. I imagine that today he is, somewhere in his head, trying to rationalise his failure to himself, putting a spin on it, sharpening his axe for the next time. But we are developing our ideas all the time. The result for Lew will only ever be worse. Morally and intellectually, it is already too late for anti-racism. 90Lew90 Right Joe, I’m going to start one up here because I can’t keep track down through that maw, and Elijah, I’d be grateful if you would leave this thread to myself and Joe. 1) First of all Joe, I’ve declared my interest here, which is that I don’t care what kind of racist loon you are, but you appear to have been cadging terms from scientific language which have very specific meanings, such as “entropy”. 2) I would like you to define entropy for me, and then I would like you to tell me what in the funk it has to do with your racism. 3) Also, you said: “Discrimination is the basis of natural selection.” I ask you: How? Surely that can’t be too much of a challenge. I mean that is a very definite statement—you used the verb “to be”—Discrimination “is” ... Elaborate please. The reason I would like to further this discussion with you is because I suspect your ideas suffer from a dire paucity of thought, and it is a dead give away when you help yourself to scientific jargon to make your poor ideas sound good. So Joe, let’s have you. There are three requests which it really should be quite easy for you to meet, given that casual, slick way you provided me with the material to question you from. Look forward.
First of all, you have not declared your interest. I suspect your true interest is that you are a homosexual, and you cannot abide the genetic abnormality that entails. Solely because of that, you do what you can to genocide your own people by fighting the “racists” who want us to survive. So there, I think, is your moral worth. Entropy, for my purposes, is the energy of the disorganisation of systems, for example living organisms. Reproduction and fitness to environment are functionalities of Nature’s subsistence in the face of such disorganisation. Fitness requires trait-discrimination, Lew, otherwise the evolutionary process stops. But there is a secondary, interest-based argument here which we have not touched upon, which is that territorial organisms must discriminate against competitors. A people that chooses not to reject colonisation will lose the guarantor of its existence - its territory. That’s not an adaptive life choice. Racism is natural, normal, healthy, adaptive, moral and universal. It is not the racism of anti-racism, which is anti-white hatred and nothing more.
I have already said, graciously Joe, that you can throw whatever you like at me about being gay. It really is water off a duck’s back. I wonder what insight you have, though, into the genes involved in homosexuality, which enable you to describe that condition as involving a “genetic abnormality”. You just pulled that straight out of your head. Citation needed. There is no morality in nature. Entropy, “for your puposes…” Entropy “for your purposes” isn’t worth squat Joe. It might as well be “bisuits” for your purposes meaning all the rest of that utter trash you trotted out. Entropy has a very specific scientific meaning. My point is that you are wheeling out language you don’t understand to give weight to your stunted little head product. You are bearing me out quite nicely, thank you. “Fitness requires trait-discrimination…” That’s not what I asked you. You can’t wriggle out of a definite statement like the one you made: “Discrimination IS the BASIS of NATURAL SELECTION.” I want you to elaborate on each part of your statement, which should not be hard for you to do. Well, it wouldn’t be hard if it had any basis in truth, because you just pulled it out of nowhere, didn’t you Joe. That is more head product from you. Here’s why: The prevailing idea about creation until Darwin was that of William Paley, who supposed what LOOKS LIKE order in nature implies a designer. He used the metaphor of a watchmaker. This was all about questions of how God works in nature. The reason why Darwin had such impact was because his theory of natural selection decisively did away with the design argument because NATURAL SELECTION IS BLIND AND OPPORTUNISTIC. Sadly for you Joe, this means you can NOT invoke natural selection to back up your frankly stupid little ideas about “races”. There are no races Joe, you and I (unfortunately) and every person on this earth belong to one SPECIES. And if one were to invoke natural selection (metaphorically), you could say natural selection is the basis of migration. Now, I don’t accept that your notion of races has any basis whatsoever in fact, and since you are the person who claims there are races, the burden of proof lies with you. And you won’t be able to demonstrate that your notion of races has any basis in fact, because it is plainly, obviously bunkum. And you are one disturbed, deluded human being. Homo “sapiens” allegedly. As distasteful as you may find that your fellow human beings are all your brothers, another fact borne out by working, demonstrable science is that of the cousinship of ALL life on this planet. Now that is something I find quite beautiful. But I can see how a small mind like yours might see itself as inordinately superior to a mere fungus. You say: “Racism is natural, normal, healthy, adaptive, moral and universal. It is not the racism of anti-racism, which is anti-white hatred and nothing more.” You’re into evolutionary psychology here and you’ve made right bum of that too. What you call “racism” evolutionary psychologists call “kin selection” and again, it runs far more deeply than is convenient for you, because while infants will respond better to their “kin” while they need protection, when they come to adulthood to look for a mate, they will respond better (ie find beauty) in people who have roughly the same bone structure even. “Race”, such as you understand it, does not enter this equation. Now as any dog or horse breeder will tell you, when you breed for pedigree, you have to get sperm from all over the world, because by narrowing the gene pool you are making the pedigree susceptible to congenital defects and weakness to illnesses. We’ve been over this before Joe. Working on your idea of races would leave people susceptible, as the Native Americans were when the Europeans went there, to things like the common cold, or whatever other opportunistic bug happened to develop in an isolated race, which that race developed immunity to alone. On exposure, the other people with no immunity would most likely die. This is where you would have us. And Joe, when did the Spanish go to South America? You’re a bit behind the times, mate. Now Joe, tell me a bit more about Heidegger again. I pulled you on him—what was it, a week ago?—and you waded straight into that too. What a balloon.
I am telling you what I consider your existential angst to be about. I don’t have to cite anything. The problem is wholly inside your head, and the evidence of it is your race-treachery. There probably is morality in Nature, not systemically, of course, but as an evolved trait. Moral behaviour has been observed in higher mammals, and Man is only an animal anyway. Morality is explained perfectly adequately by evolutionary psychologists, so we can view it as part of our natural endowment. Entropy has two precise definitions, not one. But the point about this discussion of entropy is that you do not disagree with me on the facts. You only throw insults at me. Look at the hostility with which you try to argue against my championing of discrimination. You aren’t offering any information. You are trying to deconstruct one word - basis - in a single statement, and on that you are trying to bring down an entire argument that European Man has the right in Nature to (struggle for) life. Well, here we are again - and I won’t use the word “basis”, since it upsets you so much: without the instinctual ability to discriminate for fitness, humans could not have evolved to live outside Africa. Instinctual discrimination is, therefore, fundamental to human evolution, and the very meaning of natural selection in humans. Let’s take that on a little, using gene interests. A human population’s distinctive genes (its genetic interests) face extinction unless the population reproduces at or above the replacement rate relative to the fertility of other human populations in the same living space. Discrimination for distinctive genes at that rate is the pre-requisite for survival of the population as a distinctive human entity. So you see how the argument for life develops, and why anti-discrimination is actually a killing mechanism. It’s late and your wallpaper about “there are no races but the yuman race” is too vapid, too lengthy and too anti-science for me tonight. There are dozens of studies which confirm gene clustering at the continental level, and at the European national level. The plaint against our existence is, frankly, left-racism. You then appear to reify the lie of hybrid vigour. Let’s look not at horses but cornseed. The disadvantage of plant hybridisation is that the hybrid seed must be re-created every generation. Here is why. Let there be a single gene that exists in two versions, A and a; each individual has two copies of this gene. Therefore, an individual could be AA, aa or Aa. Let the beneficial genotype be Aa. If one crosses AA with aa, all first generation hybrids will be Aa. If the first generation hybrids breed among themselves at random, the ratio is AA:Aa:aa = 1:2:1 (i.e, the desired genotype is present among only half the second-generation hybrids). It is for this reason that farmers do not allow their plant hybrids to reproduce among themselves. Obviously, among humans this godlike control is impossible. Quite apart from the random nature of multiple-gene selection, which, on balance, greatly reduces the likelyhood of any additional vigour, breeding from the second generation on will certainly drastically reduce whatever gains might have accidentally arisen. And, in truth, we see that IQ tests of white/African Americans do not show a first generation increase in IQ above the white average, while the average for a general sample comes in at 92 - half-way between the racial averages of the parent stocks. You never answered me on existentialism in nationalism, btw. I won’t return to that now. But eventually, no doubt, I will try to help you understand how Heidegger influences nationalist thought, including how he wanted to influence thought among the NSDAP heavyweights when he joined the party.
The difference between corn seed and horses (and humans) is that corn seed are not mammals. And I see you’ve now taken to plagiarism; the book review of whatsit on a website called “majorityrights”. Are we struggling, Joe? You are cuckoo, my friend. Absolutely away with the fairies. Now, well you might want to try to argue that there are sub species within homo sapiens, I’m afraid that speaks for itself, and as you say, it’s late. I think my work here is done, and unfortunately I haven’t learned anything. Usually I like to be shown to be wrong so at least I get SOMETHING out of one of these exchanges. But you? You’re rollo. Finally, I asked you a simple question about Heidegger’s conception of “essence” and how essence precedes being, and you came back with “Essence of what?” With that you sank yourself. You’re a laugh. In fact, no you’re not. You’re a crying shame. I’m just glad you’re an inconsequential internet nonentity. But you keep wanking off there Joe. Just you keep wanking.
I own MR, Lew. That is my blog. There is no hybrid vigour in human populations. Full stop. “Vigour” is fitness in the evolutionary context. Incidentally, fitness is not an outlier thing, genetically. Gene flow towards fitness develops at the median, and its discrimination likewise. Thus, for example, the ideal of facial beauty is a composite of intra-population averages. You asked me an obvious leading question about Heidegger’s use of the word essence, and I asked you a question in the exact same spirit. It did not occur to you that you said “paper” and I said “paper”, not “stone”. But you assumed “stone” anyhow. You then promptly displayed your intellectual vapidity by telling me the stunningly ordinary news that human absence and human presence are not the same experience. To this I responded thus: “Classically, existence is delineated by the sacred formulation, “I am”. We are the existent (and, indeed, in episodic higher consciousness it is the “we”, the subject, difference itself, which is annihilated, and existence which is all).” I then explained that constructionism and constructivism cannot explain (never mind deconstruct) this classical approach to being because the thought-modelling on which they depend, and the ordinary waking consciousness to which they are restricted, are too limited and are silent on the matter. Anyway, I said, thought is not the only means by which the human brain experiences, and I then gave you one or two more direct forms of perception. I might add that instinctuality as it operates in selection is one such. Now, the purpose of this was to demonstrate that thought flowing from Heidegger’s offerings is not restricted to the postmodernists, as you appeared to claim. There are, obviously, paths leading into other, non-methodological existentialist analysis. In other words, not everything is a social construct, you klutz.
Another load of garbage. “Non-methodological analysis”. I don’t often allow myself this, but, LOL! You tick a number of boxes for psychopathy. Delusions of grandeur not the least of them. What are you doing out in the community?
Postmodernism is about methodologies. Clear? But that aside, as ever you make no constructive response. Insult, bitch, insult is all there is with you. You are empty. Has it never occurred to you that killing a people is wrong, and any attempt, such as yours, to justify that killing is inexcusable? (And you have the gall to call me a psychopath!) Do you perhaps think that Martin Heidegger would have cheered on the gene-killing of his Volk because Derrida and the wife murderer Althusser said there are only representations to kill? Give up. You cannot handle this conversation. You have nowhere to run. You are checkmated, because your only remaining play is to explain that since the genocide of European humanity is “good”, the genocide of all humanity is “good” too - and you can’t because it isn’t. Comments:2
Posted by uh on Mon, 04 Jun 2012 13:08 | # The problem in debating Britons and Irish of any political coloration is that you’re all so skilled at hilarious ad hominem, and so self-convinced when you set about it, that it’s quite impossible to build a consensus that doesn’t already exist. It’s a very powerful weapon yielded with much deftness that manages to overshadow truth in every conversation of this sort. That or an abominably imperious superiority complex that manifests as the kind of bureaucratic insensitivity that provided the stuff of Kafka’s novellas. Good show as ever, anyhow. 3
Posted by Classic Sparkle on Mon, 04 Jun 2012 13:21 | # I’m glad you are out there GW, staying composed. The most polite, humble man in nationalism has delusions of grandeur!!! What a fucking moron. 4
Posted by Gudmund on Mon, 04 Jun 2012 15:48 | #
Yes. A concept can be ‘blind and opportunistic.’ What is this guy smoking.
But this is faith, not reason. Ideas like “brotherhood of humanity” are articles of faith which are no way implied by scientific phenomena. They are the result of moral and epistemological preconceptions. In any case, he makes an ass of himself by saying the burden of proof is on he who makes the claim. It didn’t occur to him that he made claims too, and didn’t bother to offer any evidence for them. All one species, for example, isn’t even true. We know now that Neanderthals were absorbed into the European genome, that primitive hominids were similarly absorbed in Polynesia, and that negroes, more likely than not, are hybrids of primitives and modern humans. Of course, he doesn’t know any of this, and would disregard it even so because it doesn’t support his beliefs.
This is hilarious. First he denies that there are races, then uses it in another paragraph in the exact sense racialists do. What a fucking genius. Also he doesn’t understand pathology and immunity, and their relationship to genetics, but that’s another issue. 5
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 04 Jun 2012 17:01 | # Daniel, So you know, Joe Piggott isn’t like his elder brother John, who, of course, was a kind and good soul, and it remains a mystery why he was despatched by the Telegraph mods. No, Joe is altogether more arrogant and abrasive, and has even been known to give back, insult-wise, every bit as good as he gets from the anti-racist dross. The object is always to generate a debate so the world can see what’s behind the curtain, and it doesn’t matter at all whether people like Joe or not. He will be banned anyway, and one of his cousins will step forward. They are drawing lots right now. Gudmund, There is a lot more of 90Lew90 on that thread, including some priceless attempts to establish his intellectual superiority over Joe. Worth a sort through DISQUS if you have a spare ten minutes. 6
Posted by Lee John Barnes on Mon, 04 Jun 2012 18:56 | # The argument has been won by us. I present you with irrefutable proof not just that the Out of Africa Theory is false but that vast racial differences exist between Europeans and Africans. Follow the link on the article to download the whole PDF. Remember that I provided you with the link to this information.
Re-Examining the “Out of Africa” Theory and the Origin of Europeoids (Caucasoids) in Light of DNA Genealogy Open Access Full Text(PDF, 736KB) PP.80-86 DOI: 10.4236/aa.2012.22009 Author(s) Anatole A. Klyosov, Igor L. Rozhanskii KEYWORDS ABSTRACT Seven thousand five hundred fifty-six (7556) haplotypes of 46 subclades in 17 major haplogroups were considered in terms of their base (ancestral) haplotypes and timespans to their common ancestors, for the purposes of designing of time-balanced haplogroup tree. It was found that African haplogroup A (originated 132,000 ± 12,000 years before present) is very remote time-wise from all other haplogroups, which have a separate common ancestor, named β-haplogroup, and originated 64,000 ± 6000 ybp. It includes a family of Europeoid (Caucasoid) haplogroups from F through T that originated 58,000 ± 5000 ybp. A downstream common ancestor for haplogroup A and β-haplogroup, coined the α-haplogroup emerged 160,000 ± 12,000 ybp. A territorial origin of haplogroups α- and β-remains unknown; however, the most likely origin for each of them is a vast triangle stretched from Central Europe in the west through the Russian Plain to the east and to Levant to the south. Haplogroup B is descended from β-haplogroup (and not from haplogroup A, from which it is very distant, and separated by as much as 123,000 years of “lat- eral” mutational evolution) likely migrated to Africa after 46,000 ybp. The finding that the Europeoid haplogroups did not descend from “African” haplogroups A or B is supported by the fact that bearers of the Europeoid haplogroups, as well as all non-African haplogroups do not carry either SNPs M91, P97, M31, P82, M23, M114, P262, M32, M59, P289, P291, P102, M13, M171, M118 (haplogroup A and its subclades SNPs) or M60, M181, P90 (haplogroup B), as it was shown recently in “Walk through Y” FTDNA Project (the reference is incorporated therein) on several hundred people from various haplogroups. [1] Cruciani, F., Trombetta, B., Sellitto, D., Massaia, A., Destro-Bisol, G., Watson, E., et al. (2010). Human Y chromosome haplogroup R-V88: A paternal genetic record of early mid Holocene trans-Saharan con- nections and the spread of Chadic languages. European Journal of Human Genetics, 18, 800-807. [2] Cruciani, F., Trombetta, B., Massaia, A., Destro-Bisol, G., Sellitto, D., & Scozzari, R. (2011). A [3] Klyosov, A. A. (2009a). DNA Genealogy, mutation rates, and some historical evidences written in Y-chromosome. I. Basic principles and the method. Journal of Genetic Genealogy, 5, 186-216. [4] Klyosov, A. A. (2009b). DNA Genealogy, mutation rates, and some historical evidences written in Y-chromosome. II. Walking the map. Journal of Genetic Genealogy, 5, 217-256. [5] Klyosov, A. A. (2011a). The slowest 22 marker haplotype panel (out of the 67 marker panel) and their mutation rate constants employed for calculations timespans to the most ancient common ancestors. Pro- ceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, 4, 1240-1257. [6] Klyosov, A. A. (2011b). DNA genealogy of major haplogroups of Y chromosome (Part 1). Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, 4, 1258-1283. [7] Klyosov, A. A. (2012). Ancient history of the Arbins, bearers of hap- logroup R1b, from Central Asia to Europe, 16,000 to 1,500 years before present. Advances in Anthropology, in press. [8] Rozhanskii, I. (2010). Evaluation оf the сonvergence оf sets in STR phylogeny and analysis оf the haplogroup R1a1 tree. Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, 3, 1316-1324. [9] Rozhanskii, I. L., & Klyosov, A. A. (2011). Mutation rate constants in DNA genealogy (Y chromosome). Advances in Anthropology, 1, 26- 34. doi:10.4236/aa.2011.12005 [10] Simms, T. M., Martinez, E., Herrera, K. J., Wright, M. R., Perez, O. A., Hernandez, M. et al. (2011). Paternal lineages signal distinct genetic contributions from British Loyalists and continental Africans among different Bahamian islands. American Journal of Physical Anthro- pology, 146, 594-608. doi:10.1002/ajpa.21616 Cite this paper Klyosov, A. & Rozhanskii, I. (2012). Re-Examining the “Out of Africa” Theory and the Origin of Europeoids (Caucasoids) in Light of DNA Genealogy. Advances in Anthropology, 2, 80-86. 7
Posted by Silver on Mon, 04 Jun 2012 22:25 | # GW, I haven’t read everything there, but as far as showing people what’s behind the curtain, a tactic too rarely employed against showy “intellectuals” like this Lew doofus is to point out that it has never been about facts, truth or logic for these people. It’s always been pure emotion and nothing but. Ask him whether, since he disagrees with your facts, would he change his mind about your position if it could be demonstrated to him that his facts and/or reasoning are wrong and that yours are true? That puts him in quite a no-win position. It’s incredibly awkward having to admit that no amount of reason could ever change your mind, so that leaves him having to argue facts, but leftard assholes are thoroughly bereft of facts and they often know this, so they desperately avoid having to ever cross swords with well-informed racialists; the only remaining option is to make things up as they go along in the hopes of impressing onlookers, which is what your interlocutor is doing. (He’s far from the most egregious in that regard, either.) While you’ve certainly trounced him, the victory would be more complete by exposing onlookers to the fact that he is indeed making it up as he goes for the obvious reason that he does not wish to admit to his resistance to being swayed by reason. The “emotional argument” that his kind inevitably retreat to (in their minds) is amply sufficient for their purposes, and they need to be challenged (and hopefully vanquished) by emotional/moral positions of your own, but I think demonstrating the emptiness of their claims to rationality itself goes a long way to opening the door for racialist ethics (morals, emotions etc, it’s all rather interrelated). As always, though, “anti-white” is the best way to smash through racial programming. In this case, the perfect follow-up to a rational trouncing is to point out that it’s hardly surprising (given the rational thrashing) that some people wonder whether “anti-racism” is actually “anti-racism” at all or whether it’s just “anti-white.” (Posed as a question because if they’re subtle, you should be subtle. If they’re brazen, just call them anti-white.) 9
Posted by Lurker on Tue, 05 Jun 2012 02:45 | # I missed all the fun on that thread. Spent too much time on that other ‘Immigrants will make Britain boom’ thread. 10
Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 05 Jun 2012 07:17 | #
False. “Natural selection is the gradual, <u>non-random</u>, process by which biological traits become either more or less common in a population as a function of differential reproduction of their bearers.”
Posted by Hymie in Afula on Tue, 05 Jun 2012 07:27 | # the Left has ==succeeded== in monopolyzing the trope “white”. Hence, you can no longer hope to argue for White Nationalism ==using that term==. Any argument you make becomes confounded with the already-carved-in-stone negative connotations that the ACTUAL MAJORITY of your own people now hold. Y’alls need to re-name your movement. Remember, the first press release to hit the fax machine of the editor’s desk…. wins. Like to help ya’s, but we’re busy fighting the problem right here on our own doorstep: 12
Posted by Classic Sparkle on Tue, 05 Jun 2012 09:34 | # I would tread lightly when anthropomorphizing nature. It’s all, kind of, understanding by analogy when one does. Certainly no reason for the fag to have such a cavalierly cocksure attitude about it all. The conceited dismissiveness is quite disgusting. Only somebody totally safe from challenge can behave in such a fashion. 13
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 08:00 | # Silver, I tried your stratagem on this same thread. Maybe I didn’t get it quite right:
... but the character I targeted, whose handle is “Exit_pursued_by_a_bear”, just ignored it and carried on posting elsewhere in the thread. I will give it another try, perhaps in an extended duel where it might have more impact. 14
Posted by Dasein on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 12:21 | # Good points, Gudmund. It’s a religious issue with such people, and they’ll grasp at anything with a kernel of plausibility in order to justify their worldview. The idea of that restricting breeding to groups the size of any European ethny (let alone all whites) is some form of dangerous inbreeding is, of course, absurd. The rule of thumb for the required size of a founding population that avoids inbreeding effects is around 500 (mentioned by Cavalli-Sforza in Genes, Peoples, and Languages). 15
Posted by Silver on Thu, 07 Jun 2012 15:26 | #
Not to worry, there are plenty of bystanders it can impact. It’s arresting stuff. One would have to be moving through life at a ‘JamesUK’ level of cloudheadedness not to think to himself, “Now, why in the world isn’t that an excellent bloody question?” Maybe that’s harsh. I think even JamesUK could bring himself to admit it’s an excellent question. Or at least a fair question. (How about it, James, is it at least fair?) If it is fair/excellent, then the Jameses’ problem reduces to a simple inability to comprehend the logic involved. Not much you can do about that, you’ll always get those types. Anyway, yes, please give it another try (and another and another). For added encouragement, consider that old man Heidegger himself would have approved of the approach. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_vYz4nQUcs (4min mark and on). Post a comment:
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Posted by RHW on Mon, 04 Jun 2012 13:02 | #
Bravo Mr Piggott!
Some of your technical terms went over my head a little, but your opponent clearly lost because he had no answer to the question of why white people need to be stealth-liquidated.