A fashionable young media person leathers “lazy racists, sexists and Islamophobes”

Posted by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 24 May 2005 22:28.

There is a certain, not very fatal fascination in watching the left try to grasp who we are and why we think as we do.  They tend not to get very far with it.  They veer off into ham-morality at the slightest challenge to the old auto-think.  John Ray is not wrong when he says that in public lefties need a regular fix of high-octane Feelgood Factor X.

Oddly enough, these creatures were once human, much like us really.  Alright, they were wearing terries then.  But a vestigial something might survive somewhere.  I do remind myself of that as I strive to listen to the liberal mind.  For one thing, I’m getting pretty close now to being able to grant them a complex inner life ... the capacity to love others, to have real opinions culled from real life, etc.  It’s a struggle every day of the week but one does one’s best, you know.  And then, biffo ... along comes a knockout example of otiose left-speak like this from today’s Guardian.  Game over.  Back to the political semaphore.

Without the “e” Marcus Brigstocke would be a good, solid name, the sort of handle one might attach to a bluff, tweed coat ‘n cap farmer or a Tory MP-cum-professional Yorkshireman.  But, sadly, it has that damned, give-away “e” on the end.  “E” for holier than thou.  “E for archness, pretention, lightness of being.  “E” for bloody terrible political judgement.

Sure enough, Brigstocke with an e” attaches to a passing Gruaniad person and culture politics enthusiast.  He is, I would say, not overly long out of uni.  He is metropolitan, perhaps metrosexual.  He is, I think, this person here.  This Marcus Brigstocke with an “e” fancies himself as a comic.  He has made a BBC sit-com and some light documentaries, been the voice of DJ Dee Klines on a record and been described by Time Out as someone for whom “Fame clearly beckons”.  On top of all that he has a groovy website.  So, political journalism?  No worries.

In any event, when you haven’t had enough time on Earth to work out the difference between political conviction and received opinion there really are no worries.  Politics is a breeze.  Thus, the big idea for Marcus’ Big Day in Journalism is:-

... so would the straight, white, able-bodied, Christian, PC-phobic majority just shut up for a bit?

Impressive, I know.  I wish I could write with that searing sense of mission, that economy and power of expression.  He follows it up, too, with this incisive analysis:-

Challenging PC has become a game of chicken for bigots - daring each other to run out into the busy PC motorway and say something stupid before dashing back for cover. Who will dare to go the furthest without actually invading Poland? The Tories? Ukip? The Daily Mail? An excellent comic by the name of Chris Addison has said, “You can tell people who read the Daily Mail because they follow every stupid thing they say with the phrase ‘... but I suppose that’s not politically correct’, and think that makes it OK to say whatever they want.”

So this uncomical commentator does not think we should be free to speak as we wish.  There are, you see, things which only bigots say (bigots having unfashionable received opinions as opposed to people like Marcus who have fashionable ones).  And since any bad word said about our sacred minorities could only be spoken by a bigot it’s OK to:-

... stifle the incessant noise of those who flap their careless lips without a thought about those they might offend and why that might be important.

Actually, it’s always fun to see what, precisely, offends minorities.  Why, after all, should they ever feel offended?  Brigstocke with an “e” does not venture an answer to that, of course.  But even if he was struck down by some new communicable disease that made him as profound as he once was shallow, he couldn’t come up with one.  The awful secret is that sacred minorities don’t feel nearly as offended as they crack on.  They have learned to feel offended because they are rewarded for feeling offended.

They are, however, not nearly as important to cultural marxists as they think themselves to be.  They are merely a tool.  Political Correctness bears upon them incidentally, and then only because its function is to destroy the cultural hegemony of native Europeans in their own homelands.  And you can’t do that without a few pliant client minorities.

And Marcus?  A lightweight nonentity favoured by the Gruaniad because he is a hip, young, Pee-Cee-credible media thing of whom it has been said, “Fame clearly beckons”.  One would not expect his opinions to be other than shallow.  They are not his anyway.

So why bother with him?  Why make him the focal point of this article?  Because he is close to being the bed-sit norm in our cities, and getting closer every day.  Because he is culturally emptied out.  Because the endless hammering of Political Correctness has so far distanced him from his race and, if he likes girls, his sexuality, that he has lost himself in a sea of fake opinions, fake morals, fake equality.  Because he is, to all effects and purposes, not really white any longer, except that his skin happens to be a very pallid colour.  But that pallid colour holds no particular connotation for him.  His heritage is discarded.  His obligations to his people and their future are delegitimised.  His unquestioning, snap-to-attention acceptance of the “values” of Culture War, his rush to condemn those still stubbornly white bigots, sexists, homophobes, racists, Islamophobes, people in wheelchair phobes, people who laugh at Marcus phobes ... all that utter crap, that inability to think freely, all that is

the default setting for future native Europeans.

I exaggerate, perhaps?  If only it were so.  Here are the concluding paragraphs of a fine article by B.K.Eakman in last month’s Chronicles (thanks, Geoff).  It is titled The Final Solution: the hostile takeover of America’s schools.  It focusses on the exploitation of sexuality and homosexuality in the written word to disrupt white (or European-) American children’s normal, healthy, beautiful process of enculturation.  But sex is just a tool, too, to grown-up Culture Warriors.  There are, as we know, plenty of others.

Schools justify these offerings by pointing out that sex-soaked fare is ubiquitous and, therefore, it is in the interests of students for schools to provide “accurate” information.  But government schools do not present accurate information.  If educators actually disclosed the particulars of homosexual activity and its consequences - internal bleeding, permanent incontinence, chronic diarrhea and incurable mouth diseases - most youngsters, no doubt, would be turned off.  So schools gloss over the gross parts and incite youngsters to experiment.

Just how government schools can “worry” about child sexual abuse while instructing adolescents in the techniques of perversion and instituting “gay clubs” (there are now some 3,000 nationwide) is a mystery.

Well, not quite.  It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that an increased demand can be created for pornography, sex-“enhancing” products, psychological-screening instruments and even psychotherapy through an aggressive campaign of legitimised sodomy and promiscuity cloaked in appealing packages as health, tolerance and diversity.

Moreover, under the cover of nonjudgementalism, diversity and the Establishment Clause a hostile takeover of our country is under way - a kind of “final solution” by the forces of the left.  If our nation’s leaders are too blind or corrupt to acknowledge the fact, then government education has surely outlived its usefulness.

Of course, by our new Gruaniad person’s lights Mr Eakman is another bigot, another member of the “phobic majority”.  And thank heavens for it.




Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 24 May 2005 23:13 | #

I’d just like to put on record that I definitely do not consider myself to be a “lazy racist”.  If anything, I am a very industrious racist.


Posted by Svigor on Tue, 24 May 2005 23:29 | #

I’m a lazy racist.  Then again, I’m also a lazy anti-Semite, homophobe, misogynist, and reactionary so maybe it all evens out in the wash?

So why bother with him?  Why make him the focal point of this article?  Because he is close to being the norm in our cities, and getting closer every day.

No, you don’t exaggerate perhaps.


Posted by John S Bolton on Wed, 25 May 2005 01:35 | #

Essentially all the majority are lazy racists by definition, from such a perspective; they don’t want to do all the work needed to take care of the naturally helpless third worlders. There is only nonsense to be used for verbal support of what the left wants to do, and one of the chief indications of this, is the automatic resort to smear approaches of the slippery slope kind. The use of government schools to promote deviant sexual practices seems dangerous for the left; what would they do if the majority decided to privatize them out of their position of cultural influence?


Posted by Stuka on Wed, 25 May 2005 01:43 | #

So why bother with him?  Why make him the focal point of this article?  Because he is close to being the norm in our cities, and getting closer every day.

Why bother, indeed? I couldn’t give a toss what these soul-less girly-men think. As you say, they are emptied out. Deracinated. Hollow men. The thoughts and opinions of the declared enemies of the West are irrelevant. These are the last people on earth who should have a say in how white society is run.

Frankly, as far as I am concerned, the time for debate & discussion with these savages is over, and the self-hating leftists, subversives, and assorted anti-white bigots can go eff themselves. Only war can change things now.

But I suppose that’s not politically correct.


Posted by john fitzgerald on Wed, 25 May 2005 03:56 | #

He does get work though - another comedian suggested attacking members of the BNP, as did billy brag a singer who I’d like to nominate as your typical vacant leftie. They are a boring lot.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 25 May 2005 04:37 | #

“It focuses on the exploitation of sexuality and homosexuality in the written word to disrupt white (or European-) American children’s normal, healthy, beautiful process of enculturation. [...] ‘Schools justify these offerings by pointing out that sex-soaked fare is ubiquitous and, therefore, it is in the interests of students for schools to provide “accurate” information.’ “  (—from the log entry)

In this context, look at <u>this Michelle Malkin column</u> (up tonight at <u>Vdare.com</u>), which has to be seen to be believed (like that article about the U.K. government’s plan to start training schoolgirls, mainly age 15 and under, to perform fellatio on their schoolmates so fewer will get pregnant)( * ).  No, this isn’t a school book ... yet.  As Michelle Malkin hints, it’s probably only a matter of time before this piece of porn-for-kids masquerading as a sex-ed tract, published by one of the major mainstream publishing houses no less, is considered a must-have for school libraries across the country.
( * No, I did not make that up.  Sadly, it’s true.  If anyone wants the reference I’ll go hunt it up.)


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 25 May 2005 04:40 | #

”[...] your typical vacant leftie. They are a boring lot. “  (—John FitzGerald)

If only that were all they were, John ...


Posted by Alan on Mon, 30 May 2005 22:15 | #

The same author of this febrile rant also stated in his next article the following:-

“If some greasy, lank-haired French lad called Didier came and stayed…etc…”

“If some piggy-faced blond boy called Heinrich came and ate everything in your fridge - a solid, Germanic..etc….”.

He obviously thinks that such stereotyping doesn’t affect white Europeans and would be aghast if he read a statement such as :-

“If some bloater eyed, black bearded, woman stoning Muslim came and stayed…..” 

Once you establish P C rules surely you should adopt a policy of ‘inclusion’ and this is where the lies of the politically correct liberal left are uncovered. It is OK to denigrate anyone with a white skin but people of a darker hue need specific laws to protect their feelings. What a prat.

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 18:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:34. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 04:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View)

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