A flat chested woman is infintely better than with implants
...and tattoos don’t do a thing for ANY woman’s femininity.
Posted by jamesUK on Sun, 07 Sep 2014 04:43 | # Are you going to have any more Majority Rights Radio interviews in the near future? 3
Posted by DanielS on Sun, 07 Sep 2014 05:20 | # First question: Sure, and she has a nice ass too. Actually, she is one type, Jackie-O could be another. Second: Yes, we will be having interviews. There should be a few this month.
Posted by Guest Blogger on Sun, 07 Sep 2014 20:18 | # DNA evidence points to Kosminski as Jack The Ripper
“The Juwes are not the men who will be blamed for nothing.” - written on wall near Eddows murder. Garment secured from the scene was analyzed for said DNA evidence.
Posted by jamesUK on Sun, 07 Sep 2014 20:43 | # @DanielS You could interview John DeNugent and his beef with David Duke and his whole alien Ayran theory. 6
Posted by DanielS on Sun, 07 Sep 2014 22:17 | # Surely you understand that he is not MR fare on two counts straight away - Hitler rapture and highly speculative (nutty) theories. 7
Posted by jamesUK on Mon, 08 Sep 2014 01:08 | # @DanielS Hitler rapture? Why not he is a white nationalist who has run for political office in the US numerous times and has his own political movement. There might even be some validity to his UFO theory. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7kcWt02fnk&list=PL54952C23C765D3F4 He will be an interesting guest to interview and a true 21st century WN leader. 8
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 08 Sep 2014 05:01 | # John is sincere and has some worthwhile things to say. His talks with Metzger speak well of him. On the other hand, he speaks of himself as a reincarnated Nazi and with ongoing admiration of Nazi Germany - whereas we are establishing a niche in decided reprieve from that…UFO’s don’t help either. If we reconsider talking to John it will have to be after a few others we have in sight. Nevertheless, your feedback and concern is excellent JamesUK, thank you! 9
Posted by jamesUK on Mon, 08 Sep 2014 15:51 | # @DanielS Who do you have planned interviews with? Is Norman Lowell one of them? Seeing how most nationalist parties are anti-EU and Norman thinks that a coalition with nationalists parties within the EU parliament could enact European wide policies it would be interesting to see what his opinion of the current trend towards and the Ukrainian crisis that pits Ukrainian nationalists against Russian backed separatists. Not relating to MRR but it would be good if you did a post critiquing the far right nationalist movements and leaders.
Jean-Marie and Marine Le Pen George Lincoln Rockwell John Tyndall Nick Griffin Jarod Taylor Don Black David Duke John DeNugent Tom Metzger Norman Lowell Golden Dawn Jobbik And any other high profile organisation or individual you can think of that I did not mention. 10
Posted by Eikos on Mon, 08 Sep 2014 22:52 | # Please ask Simon Sheppard on. He’s doing audio interviews now. 11
Posted by DanielS on Tue, 09 Sep 2014 09:32 | # JamesUK, Regarding Norman Lowell, you probably know that he has been interviewed by MR (Soren did a good interview with him and remains in contact) and might be again, though it would probably only happen if GW or Soren would like to do it again. Perhaps you know that he gave an inspirational address to Jez Turner’s audience recently… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ox4AKi3th9Q Unfortunately it amounted to a pep rally commending AH. That flies in the face of unifying Europeans. Despite that serious reservation, which casts a further shadow on his suggestion to do away with National borders (it can be a clandestine way for one nation to take land from another), I have tended to like Norman’s work as inspirational and unifiying of European peoples in a grand way. In fact, I proposed to interview his companion Alrette Baldacchino but did not hear back from her. It was prior to the EU elections, so perhaps she was busy. As for your suggestion of a review of “far right” nationalist movements and leaders, I think it is a good one (though calling them “far right” is a decidedly Jewish designation and an even farther-off misnomer in some cases). I would be eager to add William Pierce to the list among others.. While there may be some round-up reviews of these people circulating (one alleged, attributed to Harold Covington is infamously slanderous), it may be best to post with the suggestion that commentators provide the bulk of discussion about these people. We might have something like that posted before too long. ........... Eikos, I heard Simon’s recent interview and he is a more amiable and sincere gentleman in his commitment than I might have expected. However, while MR is taking the angle of not considering the “Holocaust/Shoah” imperative to discredit in order to defend ourselves (even to the extent that it is true, Whites of this generation clearly should not be punished/penalized for it; and to the extent that it could be true it begs the question as to what the Jews might have done to provoke such animus), we may as well enjoy the benefit of being relieved of the persecution that that project (unnecessarily, in my estimation) brings to its champions. That said, it was interesting that Simon’s skeptical pursuit began with feminism. However, I would say that the term “right-wing” does seem to apply to his angles. If GW or Soren wants to interview him, fine, but I think he is hot to handle and not for the best prioritized concerns. 12
Posted by jamesUK on Tue, 09 Sep 2014 14:14 | # @DanielS Yes I know about the previous interview on MRR that where I first heard him discuss the EU parliament elections. Thanks for the YouTube link.
Far Right for a lack of a better term although I would say it does apply to some individuals in the US like William Pearce who was connected to right wing extremists like The Order and wrote inflammatory books most noticeable The Turner Diaries. There are more points but this is how I would clarify the WN movement especially in the US that I could go into detail on each point. 1) Jew obsession
Posted by DanielS on Wed, 10 Sep 2014 03:15 | # “right wing extremists like The Order” On the whole, the Order wasn’t right wing - not its principle members, Bob Mathews and David Lane. David Lane was explicit in rejecting the right wing.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bezdany_raid ...there are parallels with “The Sons of The Revolution” as well, those guerrillas who fought the British for independence. That is, naturally, revolution and the taking or re-taking of a nation can entail “extreme” activities according to the status quo and powers that be.
I never read it. When we interviewed Metzger, I had hoped to have him say some things about Pierce. He does not like The Turner Diaries, citing nukes in particular as a bad solution. Pierce supposedly called Metzger “a bolshevik” because of his leftism. My concern with Pierce is for his rightism indeed, but focuses a bit more on insufficient historical understanding in some places, probable scientism and corresponding with that fact is that people who couple Hitler and WN almost invariably seem to come through his school of thought. “There are more points but this is how I would clarify the WN movement especially in the US that I could go into detail on each point. 1) Jew obsession
1) Jew obsession Maybe some are, but the truth is, even if we wanted Jews to identify with us, most of it would be disingenuous. They see themselves as a separate people. While we state our agenda as separatists, not Nazis who seek to eliminate them from the earth, we have the moral high ground; and if by chance, we are off-the-mark or exaggerate their causative agency in certain problems, we have not enacted something that cannot be corrected. That said, I am satisfied that we need to return to them as often as any problem for us, though turning to other problems we should. I agree that focus on them alone as antagonistic is a mistake - some have gone so far as to take the position that we ought to drop everything else until we depose them. The argument is valid - they have a line of limitless credit for themselves and can readily buy people off as they have with The US Congress and Senate, as they have in co-opting Ukrainian nationalism. But we should not chase the red cape of Judaism, in what may not be a goal achievable on time (viz. removing them from all power positions) but we should rather center our focus on our functional autonomy from them; and turn to our various problems accordingly.
Rather, Jewish interests would use this kind of incitement (of “victimization”) to distract from the nepotism of theirs and others (such as Muslims) and the deceptive tactics they have used to gain power.
This criticism sounds Jewy. On the contrary, we are about reconstructing the legitimacy of characteristic patterns and discrimination on their basis, as opposed to the liberal hegemony of being forced always to judge every individual on “their own merit.” At first blush, to criticize stereotypes seems to introject a Jewish PC criticism provided to sophomores. Perhaps you need to explain more the problem. Certainly there are those who draw vulgar stereotypes, but the legitimacy of stereotyping strikes me as central in what we need to do. Thus, you probably do need to refine this criticism. There is some of that, sure. And I would agree that it is characteristically right wing.
Definitely. I am sick of hearing about WWII; how wonderful Hitler was, how perfect NS Germany was, how they were only victims and everyone who opposed them was on the wrong side. It is hindsight, and if hindsight is to be invoked then why not lament the fact that an inter European war was initiated at all? Present day Germans do not want guilt trips and that is fine, they should not have guilt trips and penalties put upon them, but these revisionist types turn around and want to lay guilt trips and perhaps penalties on everyone else. Enough. 15
Posted by Flat-chested star on Fri, 15 Dec 2017 02:54 | #
Posted by Taylor Swift on Sun, 24 Dec 2017 16:11 | # Taylor Swift is apparently flat as well: no complaints. Post a comment:
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Posted by jamesUK on Sun, 07 Sep 2014 04:40 | #
So in other words this is the type of women you are interested in.