A journey home to a foreign land

Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 05 January 2011 01:06.

Yesterday I had to drive my daughter the forty miles or so to her university halls in central London.  The journey took me through the southern outskirts of the London I used to know, and where I spent twenty of my first twenty-one years, and on through the dark heart of Africa.  It’s a journey I made in September too - for the same purpose - and, as then, I arrived at the river in a state of deep misgiving, even though I knew in my mind what I would find.

But it’s when one encounters Africa and Asia in person in the places one knew intimately as a child that the term “race-replacement” is revealed in its starkest and most uncompromising reality.  My secondary modern school had over six hundred white-skinned pupils between the ages of twelve and sixteen.  There were a handful of Jews among them, who I did not notice or pay attention to.  But there were no Africans or Asians at any time while I was there.  In six years of representative football, cricket and athletics matches with the other five secondary moderns in the district I came across one black lad.  My old stamping ground looks to be 25 to 30% vibrant now, though it’s much more than that, of course, as one travels northward up the London Road.

There is, though, something very evident that no one in the mainstream speaks about, and that’s the de facto racial segregation that forces itself onto one’s consciousness as the ribbons of shops and shoppers go by.  White couples, white friends, white families walk together.  They do not mix with other races.  Asians do the same.  Blacks do the same.  The In-Betweens who, in South London, are overwhelmingly the products of black male “cross cultural fertilisation”, would seem to disappear into the black groups.

There were vanishingly few multiracial groups visible on both journeys.  I don’t doubt that where social mixing across the races takes place it is negotiated without too much in the way of problems.  But a preference for social mixing, if it is there at all, is manifestly avoided when people go outdoors!  The anti-racist strategy, exercised as it is by the presumption, itself racist, of an original sin of white skin, appears to have failed - if, of course, we accept that its goal was panmixia rather than white suppression.

If it was just designed for suppression, it’s been a startling success:

Poor white boys score worse grades than deprived black, Chinese and Asian classmates

Three-quarters of white boys from the poorest families fail to achieve five good GCSEs - a significantly worse performance than poor children from other ethnic groups - according to the latest analysis.

By the age of 16, only 23% of white boys eligible for free school meals achieved five or more GCSE exams at grade C or better, in subjects including English and maths.

This was a significantly worse success rate than for all other poor pupils on free school meals, among whom 34% achieved the target of five good grades, which is regarded as the benchmark for further study and employment.

Across state schools in England, 55% of all pupils achieved five GCSEs at grades A*-C, including English and maths.

The new analysis of Government data, released by the Conservatives, showed that 61 per cent of the poorest Chinese boys and 42 per cent of Asian boys on free school meals achieved the GCSE target last year. Among black boys, the figure was 34 per cent.

This story of white working-class educational woe does impinge on liberal awareness, even quite frequently.  It is “unfortunate”.  But these are liberals, and they are politically unwell.  So, for example, one report on the matter authored by a couple of Bismuthian figures named David Gillborn & Alison Kirton concluded that when working-class boys with white-skin explain their educational failure in terms of racial victimhood, thereby identifying multiracialism as anti-white racism, that is itself white racism.  Not their fault.  It’s the system.  But it’s inadmissible.  Just so you understand:

… we reflect on the views of white working class boys, a group that has recently been identified by policy-makers and the media as especially at risk of educational failure. These young people recognise the educational disadvantage they face on a daily basis, made explicit in a tangible lack of resourcing and institutionalised through selection systems (like banding and setting). These injustices are re-worked through the students perspectives, taking cues from national and community racist discourses of white victimhood. In this way the white students view their educational and class disadvantage as a race issue. We conclude that this is an important but largely unrecognised way in which racism continues to work through a system that, despite changes in rhetoric, refuses to engage with the reality of racism as a deeply rooted and defining characteristic of the education system.

Alternatively, there is “equality campaigner” Karamat Iqbal, a son of Pakistan, who can’t wait to consign his English host to the status of one insignificant strain among many.  “Let’s face it,” he says, writing in October last year, “in many of our larger cities, the white working class will soon be an ethnic minority.”

He has come up with a list of characteristics of white educational failure:

White working-class pupils:
? are the largest underachieving ethnic group across the country
? fall behind from the early years
? suffer from some of the worst levels of attendance and exclusion
? are more likely to be Neets (not in education, employment or training) than other ethnic groups
? tend to have the lowest aspirations
? often attend schools that face additional cost pressures
? tend not to be included in discussions on diversity and identity
? lose out on some opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities, missing their educational and general benefits.

Like Gillborn and Kirton, Iqbal assumes that “disadvantage” - social class - explains the educational underachievement of working-class whites.  He does not ask questions about their actual educational experience.  It never occurs to him that special circumstances attend dispossessed Europeans whose culture is attacked, whose existence is denied, and whose value as a people is measured by how much they “celebrate” their own misfortune.  Instead, Iqbal’s big idea is to visit upon failing white youths the high-frequency attention normally reserved for blacks.  But he does not mention that blacks also have a rich narrative of victimhood and struggle to which they can look and from which they can abstract meaning and pride, and he does not mention that the villain of that narrative is the racist white oppressor.

Of course, he can’t.  The oppressor of the white working-class is himself, basically, both as immigrant and member of the anti-English Establishment.  Were it not so, there would be an addendum to his article listing not the characteristics of white failure, but the active measures required to end the racism at its root.

For example, in “partnership” with the British Board of Deputies, the National Union of Teachers has delivered itself of not one but two reports into the, of course, very harrowing racism and anti-Semitism nobly suffered by young Chosen People in the British education system.  If one changes names and re-contextualises a little bit, these are the bullet points that one gets:

? examine the connections, similarities and differences between Judaism, Islam and Christianity in the context of Jewish and Moslem prejudice;
? understand discrimination experienced by the English and the impact that discrimination has had upon their young people;
? challenge anti-English racism within the broader framework of anti-racism, equality, fairness and social justice. Encourage pupils to challenge their friends who display anti-English behaviour;
? find out some basic facts and figures about the English crisis in many English towns and cities today.
? understand the English by rejecting the official stereotype of white racism;
? use the example of Palestine to illustrate to Moslems the consequences for the English of Moslem racism in England;
? engage critically with anti-white stereotypes in Hollywood films and music videos, especially rap and hip-hop videos; and
? challenge anti-English prejudice in whatever form it presents itself. Schools should also reiterate to pupils and all staff in the school their policies and procedures for tackling anti-English racial harassment.

Unless it is during the repatriation process following a successful nationalist accession to power, we may never see a list like that.  But why should Jews be accorded such protections now while whites are thrown to the dogs?

As I mentioned here a couple of years ago, there are one or two people outside nationalism who understand that the white working-class is not so culturally-confident or so indifferent to its fate that it can withstand the modern-day equivalents of Colonial Mentality and Cultural CringeHere are the words of one of those people, the brave Philip Beadle telling it like it is to a roomful of NUT members in 2008:

Difficulties about taking the subject on involve being explicit about race, which can be uncomfortable.  You cannot have a properly functioning multicultural educational system when the needs of one social and ethnic group are completely ignored.  I’ve sat through whole rafts of assemblies about Nelson Mandela, Rosa Parks, and Jessie Owens, where the only white person mentioned all term is Adolf Hitler.  And I’ve watched the white kids squirm with guilt and embarrassment and shame as they are force-fed a daily diet of the doctrine of their own obsolescence.

How is it possible to reverse generations of ambivalence particularly towards education if they only rarely see images of themselves in school, and most of these are negative?

Black History Month is controversial among the white working-class - not in that they don’t recognise the right of black people’s celebration of their own culture and history, but the fact that there is no single event through which they may investigate their own culture, and how they come to be here.”

But then, if Power does not care where you go from here, why would it care how you came?

I went to school with some kids like those Beadle is talking about.  But that was over forty years ago when this land belonged to them and the old working-class tradition of labour was still in tact.  I look at their world today and, even though I know what to expect, its ineluctable foreignness shocks me.  What must it be like … how must it feel, how empty, how hopeless ... to stand in their shoes now?  Sometime someone must be made to pay.

Tags: Education



Posted by Frank on Wed, 05 Jan 2011 04:11 | #


I’d thought you were my junior somehow, but clearly that’s not the case.

This brings to mind my shock at going to a “Southern” university full of very unSouthern people. I had no idea the South, let alone America, was so diverse.

My experience growing up was lazy, violent, dim blacks; and whites (most Southerners) with a very, very few Asians mixed in. I’d traveled, even to diverse cities in the US; but the level of diversity somehow never hit me until college. And with that they taught us Darwinism, fully explaining the case, and separately how man can be viewed as a soulless machine.

It sure leaves you empty. Those British school kids are being put through the same thing but at a very young age. Everything that gives value and meaning in this world is sucked away.


Posted by Hail on Wed, 05 Jan 2011 05:15 | #

when working-class boys with white-skin explain their educational failure in terms of racial victimhood, thereby identifying multiracialism as anti-white racism

A very important point.

One one hand there is open-hostility to “whiteness” in academia. But more importantly, there is this: “[Dr. Putnam] found that ethnic diversity doesn’t create conflict, nor does it foster increased trust of outsiders. Instead, it is associated with anomie —a condition in which individuals become increasingly socially isolated and purposeless.”

As you state, the most robust possible explanation for why poor whites in Britain perform worse on these school tests than blacks (if I read that correctly), it must be connected to the findings, summarized above, from Putnam and co. from Harvard on Diversity.

If one feels “purposeless”—and the target of the sociopolitical-apparatus—why would one care about passing some test at age 16?


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Wed, 05 Jan 2011 05:17 | #

Someone sometime must be made to pay.

Well dun, GW.


Posted by Andrew Neather on Wed, 05 Jan 2011 10:36 | #

‘Sceondary Modern’ and not a ‘Grammar School’ or even ‘Public School’?

One is surprised : )


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 05 Jan 2011 10:57 | #

I went to all three, Andrew.  Privately educated to the age 11, but having rejected education as superfluous and teachers as manifestly cruel and thick I promptly wound up in a sink school where the most useful thing I learned was how to swear.  Still got pushed into Grammar School at 16, though.

Frank, I was born in 1951.  So, I’m 34 - the same age as James Bond, but not a cowardly fag like him, obviously.


Posted by Frank on Wed, 05 Jan 2011 11:42 | #

I’d have been humbler when corresponding with you (here in the comments) had I realised this. It’s not a big deal, but sometimes the anonymity of the Internet is a pain… Even seniority isn’t respected.


“So, I’m 34”


Btw, you might not want to post your birth year, if that’s not part of the joke as well.


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 05 Jan 2011 14:07 | #

Fanks, Jimmy.  I done wot you said cuz I don’t want you to fink I don’t care nuffink abaht grammer.

Don’t want your humility, Frank, just your ideas.


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 05 Jan 2011 17:15 | #

GW writes: “Sometime someone must be made to pay.

Restitution from a virus?


Posted by Hail on Wed, 05 Jan 2011 17:30 | #

“Being told that you belong to a group that does very well on a test tends to let you do better than if you’re told you belong to a group that does poorly; the latter floods you with cortisol, while the former gives you the wherewithal and dopamine surge to keep plugging away.” Newsweek


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Wed, 05 Jan 2011 20:12 | #

Restitution from a virus?

Of course the idea is ridiculous from a practical standpoint, but there’s something subversively attractive about a dunning campaign for reparations, because it is a huge connotation play which begs the question of our displacement.

It feels almost Jewish.


Posted by martin_uk on Wed, 05 Jan 2011 22:34 | #

The white working class do not value education and the boys do not believe that GCSE’s are relevant to their future, because they expect to be working with their hands and using their wits. Their parents will encourage them to learn a trade, where paper qualifications are perceived as irrelevant for jobs such as plumber and electrician.

They are right and they understand the real world far better than sociologists and non-whites do. It is precisely because so many blacks/Asians are outside the mainstream of industry and work that they take so many useless courses, such as “business studies”. Useless because they have not the intelligence to ever be put into a position where they will have the opportunity to apply what they have learnt. They wind up collecting trolleys at Tescos.


Posted by Anonymous on Wed, 05 Jan 2011 22:38 | #

I’m of the mind that Mr. Blair’s strange, seemingly unwilling foundational efforts would benefit from side-by-side textual exegeses, as a sort of jumping off point.  The Biblical and Koranic versions of the story of Jacob and Esau, juxtaposed, come immediately to mind.



Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 06 Jan 2011 00:26 | #

Restitution from a virus?

That’s not what you do with viruses, is it?


Posted by Gudmund on Thu, 06 Jan 2011 00:45 | #


Poor white boys score worse grades than deprived black, Chinese and Asian classmates

Is it impossible that we’re seeing grade inflation here?  Because frankly this is hard to believe.  Here in America lower class whites almost always trend above blacks and browns of the same class in school performance.  Now I’m not saying that these results are not genuine but it is a bit surprising, and what’s more I have personally witnessed large-scale grade inflation to help “minorities.”  Just for example, black athletes are often given grades far above what they earn so they can continue their performance in peace (since minimum GPA is required for athletic performance).

Granted, Hail’s explanation seems plausible enough - assuming the data is not being manipulated.

If one feels “purposeless”—and the target of the sociopolitical-apparatus—why would one care about passing some test at age 16?


Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 06 Jan 2011 01:58 | #

As to grade inflation, you’d be appalled at what goes on in the elite universities in the US. I had a friend of mine in college who was a physics/computer science double major. I once asked him how a certain black of our acquaintance was possibly making it through physics (every person I knew in hard sciences at my school had an astronomical quantitative SAT score, with one exception, a prize-winning chemistry major, who was brilliant, but a poor standardized test taker - I know this, because I beat him substantially on the math SAT, although he, a good friend, so dominated me in advanced calculus that I frequently repaired to him for impromptu tutorials). This black did not seem very bright, relative to his student peers (though, like the overrated Obama, he was probably smarter than most whites in the general population; say what populist shit you will, but the Ivies do have very smart kids overall).

My friend, a moderate but honest conservative (and thus Hard Right compared to the standard liberal douchebags populating America’s top schools - and these liberals are not always, or mostly, Jews, either, I regret to say - just brainwashed Aryans), told me he was pretty sure that the professors were adjusting this guy’s grades. I was floored. Humanities essays sure (I saw some things pertaining to gross grade injustices in my field that enraged me for days on end); but how do you “adjust” objective physics tests?

My friend knew I was one of the leading campus rightist activists, and had a bad (politically incorrect, though this was before the actual term had been coined) reputation as an ‘extremist’. He refused to give me any further details, but only said that he had proof that this black’s grades had been changed administratively. I stress my friend was a typically white “nice guy”, not too political, and the type who was way into computer programming (he’s a wealthy Silicon Valley techie now), and didn’t care to start ‘rocking boats’.   

Affecting piece, btw, GW. This kind of writing, sociological, but ethical at bottom, does much more for our cause than abstruse philosophy, which goes round in circles, and which the majority of our kinsmen will never grasp anyway - or care about personally.


Posted by MarkMuses on Thu, 06 Jan 2011 04:51 | #

Just a quick thanks for an evocative article.


Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 06 Jan 2011 07:22 | #

Well whatever we do, we must ensure that the Bismuths can laugh heartily with utter impunity at any of these stupid young white men if they engage in some ridiculously atavistic behavior like challenging our illustrious and aged (yet still blue-pill coed-ready) philosophers of diversity, to single combat to the death in the Kings Forest, or we might have a dysgenic situation on our hands.

There surely must be better ways to deal with the populist discontent surrounding immigration!

Anyway, what are the guys who didn’t issue the challenge (guys who merely learn of Bismuth laughing at such a Monte Pythonesque display of impotent male rage) going to do?  Act invisibly, individually, without communicating or telegraphing in any way their discontent and simply kill Bismuth, in an unobservable manner, for being a coward?  I mean, seriously, where would they find Bismuth alone and unguarded?  In their pub after they’ve downed enough brew to overcome their fear of bashing his brains out in an alley somewhere on campus?

Dream on…


Posted by Adam on Thu, 06 Jan 2011 09:48 | #

I’ve seen the report suggesting that ‘WWC’ children are under-achievers appear recently and I’ve yet to come to a conclusion as to the validity of the report’s premise.

My question for GW or anyone else…

The definition of ‘White Working Class’ is a bit vague. Apparently it’s a label given to White pupils who are entitled to free school meals.

Do any of you know what percentage of ‘White British’ (I absolutely hate this classification, btw) children are entitled to free school meals in relation to other ethnic groups? I suspect that ‘White British’ children are far more likely to be in households with parents who are in some form of employment. If there is a sizable disparity in the rates of eligibility, then the entire notion of underachievement is false. Lets say 25% of Pakistani children are entitled to free school meals (I suspect this percentage is higher), while only 10% of White British children have the same status, if you compare them against each other, you’re effectively comparing the bottom quarter of an ethnic group’s examination results to the bottom tenth of another.

I accept that there’s a neglected, oft-forgotten native underclass situated mainly in post-industrial towns that receive fuck-all support from the government and probably don’t have any educational aspirations anyway, but I believe that any data attempting to portray a sect of white children performing worse than blacks has to be viewed with some caution.


Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 06 Jan 2011 12:09 | #

Re Kanye West: Remember the ridiculous way Obama “denounced” him after that music awards embarrassment in 09? Yes, Obama did chide West, but oh so gently, taking him and his “music” seriously, instead of denouncing him as a ghetto savage and (at least) embarrassment to the black race. If Obama had even simply said that West disgraced black Americans, I might have a scintilla of respect for him.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 06 Jan 2011 15:50 | #

Re Kanye West: Who in America can forget when a deeply wounded G.W. Bush recently intimated to the world with tears streaming down his face: “The lowest point in my presidency was when Kanye infered I am a racist.”

Oh BoooooHooooooo!!! Kanye called me a racist. Kanye accused me of not caring about black people. Whaaaaaaaaaahh…..........whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

What a wimp! It’s no wonder why we’re in the sorry state we are in especially when we have to endure “leaders” like Dubya.


Re Grade inflation. Nothing new there. It’s been going on since the advent of affirmative action (40+ years now). and it’s only getting worse.

Robert Weissberg wrote a good article documenting the fraud involved in closing the achievement gap. He reveals the not-so-new trick many egalitarians are engaging in. What it is is to graduate blacks from colleges irrespective of their REAL academic achievement. Simply issue diplomas to them and viola! the racial achievement gap is solved. Equality is achieved! Of course it’s all based on pure BS.


BTW, Here in America,  nearly all studies’ data reveals poor white kids consistently outperform wealthy back kids on standardised tests. In England, I suspect there are other variables at play.


Posted by Jawake on Thu, 06 Jan 2011 18:34 | #

downer The educational establishment no longer seems to be affable to White boys and men. All the White male intellectuals I respect these days, seem to be anti-school and anti-educational establishment. Very few laud their schools and their higher degrees; if they have any.

White males have deserted the humanities in higher education, unless they are an effeminate but heterosexual liberal (increasingly disappearing) or the homosexual. I suspect they implicitly understand they have no future in those pursuits. White males seem consigned to computer science and other engineering majors on the university campuses. (Though these schools like to recruit Asians to be professors in these subjects.)

When a White male conservative, libertarian, or nationalist intellectual describes their journey, their only praise is generally for other dissident intellectuals and scholars who are either outside or exist on the margins of the educational establishment.

Being someone with both a J.D. and a M.A. in History, I recall my formal, establishment schooling as some of the most miserable times in my life. Despite my work ethic and my enthusiasm for learning, there always seemed to be a central force in the schools that was extremely indifferent to my ambitions, or overtly hostile to them.

I suspect that the alone-ness I felt on my educational journey has been shared by many and that many White working class males feel the indifference as well.

They are rejecting the educational establishment not because they are dumb, but rather because there is nothing in it for them. Hard work and especially artistic creativity is not rewarded to White men. Instead, they are signaled that their task is to be the high-tech servants of females and minorities who will be doing the managerial/creative work of the future.


Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 06 Jan 2011 23:36 | #

GW writes:  “My old stamping ground looks to be 25 to 30% vibrant now

What percent of the 70 to 75% hideously white unvibrant would so strenuously object to the unthinkable loss of vibrance, were the vibrant to return home to their heavenly paradise, that they would risk their lives in single deadly combat to retain the Gift in their neighborhood?


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 07 Jan 2011 00:26 | #

What percent of the 70 to 75% hideously white unvibrant would so strenuously object to the unthinkable loss of vibrance, were the vibrant to return home to their heavenly paradise, that they would risk their lives in single deadly combat to retain the Gift in their neighborhood? (Bowery)

Give the man a hammer, the world becomes a nail.

What is this obsession with “single deadly combat”? It’s starting to be funny.

I reiterate at nauseam: the West is running out of time to save itself. Every year, due to births, deaths, and mostly immigration, we become less white, both demographically (physically), as well as culturally (and even, we might say, historically). Every year, multiculturalism and ‘diversity’ establish themselves as the norms of the West. Every year the nationalist agenda becomes more remote of fulfillment.

If we are going to win this struggle, we, like another great fighter of old, need to “put away childish things”. We need to take brutally realistic stock of the exact correlation of racial forces, which very much includes the regrettable facts of widespread multiculti brainwashing and its considerable apparatus of (false) intellectual justification. We then need to develop a realistic and realizable racial nationalism free of traditional prejudices and irrelevant obsessions.

Aiding this project is the task I have set for myself. It would be helpful if someone of Mr. Bowery’s intellectual sophistication and alleged cognitive superiority would do the same.


Posted by cosgrove on Fri, 07 Jan 2011 06:23 | #

Give the man a hammer, the world becomes a nail.

Actually I think this is the strength and beauty of the concept.  I’m still new to the idea and thinking about it and so haven’t arrived at a final judgment or conclusion, but the idea does seem to have a clarifying effect that cuts through the vague cloud of endless stream of words that never seems to lead anywhere and gets to the heart of the matter.


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 07 Jan 2011 08:41 | #

I don’t know where Leon gets his self-esteem from but it sure as hell isn’t his intelligence or wisdom.

The question I posed to GW really does demand an answer—not from me but from those young men who are hamstrung by the lack of any means of acting in their self defense.  All of the so-called “leaders” around “the movement” have absolutely nothing to offer these young men.


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 07 Jan 2011 08:52 | #

cosgrove, it is precisely because we don’t have enough time to mess around with political solutions that it is necessary to cut through the verbal underbrush of civilization and start killing those who need killing.  The collapse is going to be sudden and if the proper ideas aren’t in place at that time, it will be too late.

It must be done lawfully.  It must be done honorably.  It must utilize the growing resource of young men who have nothing to live for.  It must utilize the growing resource of older men who have nothing to live for.  It must selectively target the global elites who command the protection of the invaders of our territories.

It is doable.  It is practical.  It is eugenic.  It is necessary.


Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 07 Jan 2011 09:14 | #

Bowery, do you truly not know that a White man who is not utterly morally deformed could not stand aside as his own beloved kin were slaughtered?  I for one could not stand aside.  I would not stand aside.  And that is where single deadly combat, for me at least, must be buried unmourned in a shallow grave.  All those here who have the truth I speak written on their own hearts, yet do not speak it, and in precisely those terms, any cowardice to be attributed is theirs.


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 07 Jan 2011 09:19 | #

Over the last 50 years people have stood by and watched their kin being eaten alive by civilization and have cheered it on, CC.  What’s the big deal?

Ultimately, those not morally deformed will kill their own kin if it is a matter of honor*.  Of course, if one has identified who was responsible for mutilating one’s kin to the point that they must be killed, it would not generally make sense to kill one’s kin before killing those responsible.

*And, no, I’m not talking about Sharia law but Natural law.  For instance, if you have a relative that is doing damage to your family and you don’t like them doing that, it is entirely consistent with Natural law for you to first admonish them and then demand they stop and then challenge them to single deadly combat—regardless of what any priest, rabbi, imam or lawyer says.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 07 Jan 2011 09:31 | #

A court has rejected a 60-year-old man’s attempt to invoke the ancient right to trial by combat, rather than pay a £25 fine for a minor motoring offence.

Leon Humphreys remained adamant yesterday that his right to fight a champion nominated by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) was still valid under European human rights legislation. He said it would have been a “reasonable” way to settle the matter…

Humphreys, an unemployed mechanic, was taken to court after refusing to pay the original £25 fixed penalty for failing to notify the DVLA that his Suzuki motorcycle was off the road.

After entering a not guilty plea, he threw down his unconventional challenge. Humphreys, from Bury St Edmunds, said: “I was willing to fight a champion put up by the DVLA, but it would have been a fight to the death.”


Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 07 Jan 2011 10:07 | #


Good to see you have decided to join us as a result of (or is it in spite of?) my decidedly gruff invitations to you over at TOO.  I see nothing to lose, and potentially much to gain, in having totally frank dialogue with Jews with regards to the issues which we are all very much aware.  It is because you are Jewish (of course you are, I don’t think there is anyone worth mentioning who doesn’t know it at this point) that this would at least be of interest.  Perhaps of interest to you as this is where intelligent White men and fully, genuinely racially conscious choose to gather on the ‘net.  Dialogue, and totally frank.  Wouldn’t that be the day?


Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 07 Jan 2011 10:56 | #

Desmond, perhaps given today’s enamourment of diversity Leon Humphries was fortunate that the DVLA did not take up his challenge. Old Leon might have been faced with an orally rude and murderous Maori tribesman or an irate Zulu warrior, not to mention a brain dead Muslim “ghazi” in search of 72 virgins (make them White please, Allah).



Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 07 Jan 2011 12:39 | #

I don’t know where Leon gets his self-esteem from but it sure as hell isn’t his intelligence or wisdom. (Bowery)


You are so far out to lunch, so divorced from reality, that hearing you try to pass judgment on, alas, I shall say it, your betters, is actually funny. Or pathetic. Increasingly fitting in these environs, however ...

Put aside your spectacular writerly verbosity, your utter inability to get your points across clearly and cogently. Put aside questions of comparative intelligence (though I’m quite convinced that there is no Single Intellectual Combat at which you would best me; I doubt your manly kind, either, but let’s keep it civil). You actually think you are wiser than I am? Are you kidding?

What is wisdom, but recognition of reality?

I restate my position from above:

I reiterate at nauseam: the West is running out of time to save itself. Every year, due to births, deaths, and mostly immigration, we become less white, both demographically (physically), as well as culturally (and even, we might say, historically). Every year, multiculturalism and ‘diversity’ establish themselves as the norms of the West. Every year the nationalist agenda becomes more remote of fulfillment.

If we are going to win this struggle, we, like another great fighter of old, need to “put away childish things”. We need to take brutally realistic stock of the exact correlation of racial forces, which very much includes the regrettable facts of widespread multiculti brainwashing and its considerable apparatus of (false) intellectual justification. We then need to develop a realistic and realizable racial nationalism free of traditional prejudices and irrelevant obsessions. (LH)

I have repeatedly fingered immigration as the great problem needing addressing. This seems obvious. Eventually, if the problem continues festering, the Western nations will have reached a tipping point, beyond which our race will face this dilemma: Revolution or Euthanasia/Extinction. There will no longer be a peaceful or even necessarily physically successful way to restore the proper connection between white peoples and white lands.

Which option do you think whites will choose? Unless whites are being comprehensively butchered in the streets (and the wise man, Bowery, understands that this mode of white extinction is infinitely less likely than what both Jefferson and Lincoln feared: peaceful miscegenation/ genetic absorption / amalgamation), are you really so unwise as to think that civilized and pacific white persons will prefer colossal economic destruction, mass impoverishment, and widespread battle deaths simply to prevent their having descendants resembling Tiger Woods?

Every reader at MR needs to recognize this reality, and then work and theorize within it (as I do). Many of you here (not all, certainly, but far too many) do not seem very well anchored to the real world. Accordingly, all manner of undisciplined racialist fantasies proliferate, and even get taken seriously. Such fantasizing is not helpful to our cause.

What do we want, what is possible, and what are the concrete steps to make it so?

[Coda: the West will be ancient history centuries before we see a return of Single Combat systems. But immigration reform is popular and possible, if patriots don’t get distracted.]


Posted by Silver on Fri, 07 Jan 2011 16:37 | #

I for one could not stand aside.  I would not stand aside.  And that is where single deadly combat, for me at least, must be buried unmourned in a shallow grave.

Why must it be to the death, anyway?  Can’t they just make it being pinned for a 3-count?

Or since it’s to take place out of plain sight in a “state of nature,” which always seems to mean a forest (the beach won’t do?), maybe they could the declare winner him who binds the hands of the other with the length of cord (for which there would then be some obvious use).

As for the loser, there could still be some civil penalty, even extreme penalty, like castration.  (Thus retaining such combat’s purportedly eugenic effects.) 

Far greater numbers might sign up if they understand that if you lose you don’t lose all. And what can people say about you?  Yeah, he lost, but at least he fought.  So he was bested in single combat in a state of nature by a man armed with a length of cord; no shame in that.

Alternatively, you could drop this all this combat nonsense and pursue something workable. 

In N. America you could get immigration done with “Sailer Strategy” and you could get separation done with umm…to hell with modesty…“Silver Strategy”—a legal separation pact agreed upon by various groups who see something in it for themselves.  Not “WN,” strictly speaking, but it’ll get the job done with a minimum of fuss, and at the very least secures existence (unless you believe, completely illogically, as you seem to, or have in the past, that The White Race in America cannot possibly continue to exist in perpetuity on anything less than 3,794,101 square miles).  A “land for peace” deal in Europe is a trickier proposition (less of it, more history etc), but at least my strategy would legally concentrate peoples in certain zones, thus making the job of eventual deportation (if it’s to ever be realized) that much simpler.


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 07 Jan 2011 17:16 | #

Leon Haller writes: “. Many of you here (not all, certainly, but far too many) do not seem very well anchored to the real world. Accordingly, all manner of undisciplined racialist fantasies proliferate, and even get taken seriously. Such fantasizing is not helpful to our cause.

Again and again I have asked this cretin to compare legislative credentials with me.

He has none.  I do.

His blithering about being “anchored in reality” is merely a pompous display that he is not.


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 07 Jan 2011 17:37 | #

Silver, there is nothing in the seven points of agreement between individuals that even implies a forest over a beach.  The conditions of formal combat are specified in 6.d:

Subject to the following provisions, the conditions of formal combat shall be established by a majority vote of all sovereigns of the community who assemble after three days public notice. The intent shall be to give challenger and challenged the equal opportunity they would have In Nature — if no human society existed. Terrain of the combat ground shall be varied and extensive enough to permit strategy and to give the physically weak the chance that Nature gives them. Combatants shall have equal weapons and clothing. Weapons shall be a sword or knife with a blade not to exceed 25 cm (approximately 10 inches) plus a 15 meter (approximately 50 feet) length of strong cordage. All previous agreements between challenger and challenged are automatically suspended during the period of formal combat. There shall be no rules within the combat ground. Challenged and challenger shall enter combat ground from opposite sides. No one but challenger and challenged shall be within the combat ground. No one shall attempt to aid, hinder or observe what happens. It Is intended that only one shall return alive from formal combat. When two return alive one shall forever be shielded by the other. The relationship must be announced jointly by them before they are permitted to leave the combat ground. Two are not permitted to return alive if one has been permanently disabled or disfigured by his opponent.

As for simulating death by some measure short of it, that is not only reasonable, but necessary if one were talking about a secluded community trying to protect itself from the larger society which would most certainly take effective action to destroy a community that had death as a required, or even acceptable, outcome.

When you are dealing with neutralizing global elites and their shielding of invaders of our nations, you obviously have no real answers.  People have been blithering about ethnostates since Jefferson and the powers that be have continued to provide every reason to believe they will use everything in their power to kill those who attempt to defend themselves.  Today we have the global elites who will not abide anything smacking of freedom.  Unless you have a practical way to neutralize them, you have nothing.


Posted by Cliff on Fri, 07 Jan 2011 19:58 | #

UFC Fighter Jacob Volkmann Challenges Obama to Single Combat, Gets A Visit From the Secret Service


UFC lightweight Jacob Volkmann, following his UFC 125 win over Antonio McKee, declared that he wanted to fight President Barack Obama for his next fight.

His words got him a visit from the Secret Service on Tuesday.

Volkmann, who is based out of Minnesota, told MMAFighting.com after his win over McKee that he wanted to face Obama because he disagreed with many of his policies.

After defeating McKee, Volkmann was asked who he would like to fight next. Volkmann first requested Clay Guida, then said “Actually, Obama. He’s not too bright … Someone needs to knock some sense into that idiot. I just don’t like what Barack is doing.”

That comment got the government’s attention, as just days later, the Secret Service came to chat with the fighter.


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 07 Jan 2011 20:08 | #

Reminiscent of the movie “Gladiator”, although we don’t want spectator sports made of the sacred rites of sex such as single deadly combat and the act of procreation.

At least he’s found an alternative to Islam for being an alpha male to the perception of his mate:

A third is on its way.


Posted by nadasurf on Fri, 07 Jan 2011 23:48 | #

Leon Haller,

What do you propose?


Posted by Desmond Jones on Sat, 08 Jan 2011 01:36 | #

A third is on its way.

An example of erocide?


Posted by Mike on Sat, 08 Jan 2011 02:02 | #

“They do not mix with other races.  Asians do the same.  Blacks do the same.  The In-Betweens who, in South London, are overwhelmingly the products of black male “cross cultural fertilisation”, would seem to disappear into the black groups.”

I remember visiting the UK for the first time in 1994 and noting the high number of black male/white female couples in London. When I returned to the UK a second time in 2002 I noticed that the total Black population in London had increased considerably, but the number of black male/white female couples had stayed about the same or declined. The exception to this was in Mancester, where I noticed a moderate increase in the black population and an increase in black male/white female couples (particularly between Eastern European females and African males).

My view is that there tends to be three phrases in native/immigrant interaction. In phase one, where immigrant numbers are low, immigrants try to keep a low profile and stick to themselves. In phase two, as their numbers increase they try to mix with the natives and become more politically active (this is the stage Blacks are at in the North of England for example). In phase three, as the immigrants become a large porportion of the population, both the immigrants and natives get sick of of each other and go back to socialising with their own kind (this is the stage Blacks have now reached in the South East of England).

I’ve noticed a similar pattern with white male and asian female interaction in Australia, where first there is reluctance to mix, then there is a period of increased mixing, before finally the novelty wears off, and the different races go their own separate ways.

The situation may not be the same with groups we groups which are racially more similar but are culturally very different. For example Muslim Pakistani’s in Britain have consciously made an effort not to assimilate and this stance hasn’t really changed as their numbers as increased.

Also I wonder, if the social conservatism of middle eastern muslims is partly due to a long held subconscious fear of losing their women to black males. While Islam is not explicitly racialist, contempt for blacks is at least as strong among muslims as among whites, and the control muslims have over the lives of their women, effectively stops middle eastern women from mixing with those from the ‘wrong side of the Sahara’. By contrast, Europeans have only been mixing on mass with Africans since the 1960s, so our culture hasn’t incorporated such racialist defences.


Posted by leon haller on Sat, 08 Jan 2011 03:52 | #

Again and again I have asked this cretin to compare legislative credentials with me.

He has none.  I do. (JB)

What are you referring to? I have no idea.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 08 Jan 2011 11:29 | #

Leon Haller,

What do you propose? (nadasurf)

I need to gather up past comments, and create a basic agenda piece, precisely so I needn’t keep repeating myself.

I don’t have time or inclination for a lengthy answer.

In brief, I propose:

1. The development of a minimum nationalist agenda that all or most WNs can agree on. Otherwise, there is too much philosophical dissension (Christian v anti-Christian, Nazi v anti-Nazi, capitalist v labor/socialist, etc) within WN ranks for us to develop into an effective political force. To me, that minimum is stopping additional nonwhite immigration, and developing an outline of how the current regimes now universal in the West victimize whites. If we can’t even stop new immigration (a huge task in itself!), how can we ever achieve any other element of the Racial State? No one here has a realistic answer or rebuttal to that, because none exists. Stop the bleeding, by any means possible, then press on for additional demands.

The purpose of the outline is to create a portable (or easily emailable) propaganda piece to explain and justify our position quickly. What exactly do we stand for? What do we give to pique the interest of someone just beginning to awaken to racial reality. We need a “gateway” piece, with some tailoring for different white cultures and political systems.

2. With the development of our minimally agreed upon ideology, we need less talking, and more doing. No more fantasy bullshit (cf James Bowery). We need to start up white clubs or associations across the white world. Basically, it would be an international social club, with chapters everywhere. These clubs would meet regularly, to socialize and educate; in a word, network. The purpose is for like-minded whites to get to know each other, and develop first social, later working relationships. We could find out who among us are lawyers, doctors, accountants, contractors, etc. We could then patronize each other’s services and businesses, and basically start helping our own (sound like any particular ethnoreligious group we’re familiar with?). The purpose is to build solidarity, as a prelude to larger political action down the road. Basically, we must everywhere become an alternate society within society (as are the Jews).

This proposal is not fantasy. I’ve been a part of one such group. It is not officially ideological, let alone racial, but there is a sub-rosa racial element, and it does network (and that network becomes a source of greater personal power). After all, whites in Southern California are a minority; why shouldn’t we get together and increasingly work and stick together?

I could elaborate further, if persons are interested. But I’ve left a lot of comments in the past, which were either ignored or not really understood.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 08 Jan 2011 11:40 | #

Note, too, how neither Bowery nor anyone else bothers to comment on my comments at January 07, 2011, 11:39 AM. Because I say what needs to be said, and there is no rebuttal.

Judge for yourselves who is serious, and who is not.


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 08 Jan 2011 18:27 | #

Leon Haller, you keep demanding that all available resources be invested in your legislative agenda—and agenda which you have repeated in various forms.  You claim that any “distraction” from that agenda is inimical to white interests. 

What experience do you have in getting legislation signed into law?

PS:  I’m going to keep asking this question of you every time I see you post from now on until I get a straight answer from you.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 08 Jan 2011 23:47 | #

What experience do you have in getting legislation signed into law? (JB)

Little to none. I have never been elected to office, though I have worked on (formally, not as a volunteer) and in some cases co-managed several CA ballot proposition campaigns. The only famous one which non-Californians might be familiar with was the anti-affirmative action Prop 209, but I was only a volunteer public speaker on its behalf.

I fail to see the relevance of this question, however.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 09 Jan 2011 00:52 | #

Since you don’t see the relevance of laws to immigration, I take it you support extra-legal measures to stop it.  Sorry, but you’re your own satire.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 09 Jan 2011 02:18 | #

Lord, you are obtuse!

Yes, I understand the concept of legislation, re immigration or any other matter. What I fail to see is what relevance my not having been a legislator, staffer, etc, has to either my ideological or political prescriptions, or to my criticisms of the pragmatic usefulness of your very extended theoretical forays into such arcana as resuscitating dueling.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 09 Jan 2011 02:41 | #

Speaking of obtuse.  Here’s what I actually wrote:

Posted by James Bowery on January 08, 2011, 09:27 AM | #

Leon Haller, you keep demanding that all available resources be invested in your legislative agenda—and agenda which you have repeated in various forms.  You claim that any “distraction” from that agenda is inimical to white interests.

What experience do you have in getting legislation signed into law?

PS:  I’m going to keep asking this question of you every time I see you post from now on until I get a straight answer from you.

You will notice, if it is possible for you to notice anything that disagrees with your view of the world, that I was challenging something very specific:  Your ability to guide a grassroots movement the purpose of which is to legislatively stop or even affect immigration.

Basically, you have no such ability.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Sun, 09 Jan 2011 03:17 | #

What experience do you have in getting legislation signed into law?

It’s a fair question, Leon.

What experience do you have in getting legislation signed into law?


Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 09 Jan 2011 11:32 | #

Speaking of obtuse.  Here’s what I actually wrote:

Posted by James Bowery on January 08, 2011, 09:27 AM | #

Leon Haller, you keep demanding that all available resources be invested in your legislative agenda—and agenda which you have repeated in various forms.  You claim that any “distraction” from that agenda is inimical to white interests.

What experience do you have in getting legislation signed into law?

PS:  I’m going to keep asking this question of you every time I see you post from now on until I get a straight answer from you.

You will notice, if it is possible for you to notice anything that disagrees with your view of the world, that I was challenging something very specific:  Your ability to guide a grassroots movement the purpose of which is to legislatively stop or even affect immigration.

Basically, you have no such ability. (JB)


1. Re before, I gave you a straight answer. I have never been a legislator, or ideological movement leader, though I do have fairly considerable experience in political campaign management.

2. The underlined portion of text does not in the least logically or grammatically follow from what you had written previously - which itself was irrelevant to my criticisms. I have criticized the usefulness of discussing dueling and related issues of no practical significance to the real issue of our time, stopping nonwhite immigration. Instead of disproving that contention, you ask me about my legislative experience. When I fail to see the relevance of that question, you wonder that I cannot see the connection between laws and stopping immigration (a huge non-sequitur) and so must support extra-legal measures (another non-sequitur) to end the invasion.

3. My experience or ability in grassroots movements is logically irrelevant to my claim about the greater necessity of stopping immigration as against other matters, like dueling or the JQ.

4. I never said anything to you about my personal ability to lead a grassroots anti-immigration movement, or even interest in doing so - merely that figuring out how to launch such a movement is more important than figuring out how to, eg, restore single combat.

5. However, all that said, my sense from the very poor ratiocinative quality that you routinely demonstrate is that my leadership of such a movement, or any organization, such as I have led, would be vastly more effective than your own. And, incidentally, you have no idea what my education or professional past or net worth might be.

6. What is your experience even to be challenging mine (again emphasizing that legislative experience is not directly relevant to the issue of strategic WN political direction, my point of discussion)?


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 09 Jan 2011 20:12 | #

No, Leon, your posturing is not comparable with mine.  If you look at my response to your first attempt to outline a comprehensive vision for “putting away childish things” you will notice that I did provide you with some cogent feedback to which you failed to respond.  I did so despite the insulting tone you took toward a dialog that had been initiated by others interested in one specific link I had presented among others for examples of clear proposals for action.

Here’s my original comment containing the range of links and the call for clarity of purpose.
Here’s the response by someone else initiating a dialog about one of those links that happened to choose the one containing single deadly combat.
Here’s your rather rude response laying out an almost perfect example of the kind of vague wish list posturing I was criticizing in my original comment.
Here’s my accommodating response to your rude, sentimental, fuzzy headed and really pompous posturing response wherein I offer you a specific legislative objective viable under prevailing conditions.

I’m no longer interested in discussing anything with you even if you, at this time, take the invitation I made to you at that time to discuss specific legislative remedies that are politically viable with current conditions and resources.

My primary fear of you is that you’ll receive support from the current regime.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 09 Jan 2011 22:28 | #

Yes, Mr. Bowery, I very much agree that this back and forth is a waste of time.

There are too many ‘generals’ in the WN movement, sowing too much confusion among an insufficient number of grassroots ‘troops’.

Matters remain as I have elucidated them, however. If the movement is to be useful at all, it must settle on some kind of minimalist agenda, and then start acting on it fairly quickly (in historical terms). The difficulty here is that WN is comparatively ill-theorized, especially in light of the meta-politics of the age, in which rejection of the equality of human populations is comparable to denying the existence of God in the Middle Ages or early modern period in Europe. Thus, the basic agenda of WN (for now, that means stopping immigration, the sine qua non of everything else) must be politically pursued even as the larger philosophical foundations of WN are being concurrently established.

But perhaps this is always the case. Intellectuals articulate certain dissatisfactions, movements arise in response to these newly felt needs, and then new intellectuals further refine and justify the original theory.

WNs have a lot of very real grievances, and have extensively articulated them. Our movement goes nowhere, however, I believe, not because WNs have failed to justify their case empirically, nor primarily because our media, or if you will, the primary sources of propaganda, are controlled by ethnically and ideologically hostile elements (though this obviously plays a big role), but because most of our ‘revolutionary base’ (ie, normal, dispossessed white people) think our fundamental position - rejection of racial diversity - is unethical. More specifically, because, by definition, the masses are intellectually passive, what that means is that a very solid majority of the thinking persons within white societies believe that what we advocate is racist, and that racism is wrong.

The intellectual task I have set for myself is to demonstrate, within the Christian (Catholic) tradition, that the WN position (or, at least, my traditionalist conservative version of it) is not unethical - that it is morally acceptable for a Christian to seek to preserve Western civilization (understood as European civilization), and that doing so requires the maintenance of genetically (racially) pure whites in all-white, politically sovereign, territories. There are several empirical steps in my argument, but at bottom it is an ethical contention. White communities have the right to endure, and to resist the aggression of racial integration, which includes undoing the effects of past immigration/integration.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 09 Jan 2011 22:58 | #

My primary fear of you is that you’ll receive support from the current regime. (JB)

I doubt it! Or, we should be so lucky.

I was quite serious when I stated at one point that I intend eventually to “overwhelm and subsume” other intellectual tendencies within the racialist intellectual community (they will always exist, but on the margins), including your own. This will be accomplished not because I am especially brilliant, but because I am correct - perhaps metaphysically, but certainly politically.

My brand of moderate white preservationism, rooted in a realistic and conservative traditionalist intellectual and political framework (that is, a non-radical racialism, as opposed to the ludicrously impractical and therefore irrelevant excogitations frequently in evidence among many of MR’s “regulars”), has a real chance of actually winning converts over time, especially as social and economic conditions for whites deteriorate, and the Hitler years (and American Jim Crow era) recede ever further from personal memory.

I severely doubt that there will ever be some great explosion of blood and soil anger among the white peoples. Why hasn’t there been one already, at least at the voting booth? Just think back to the outrages. The LA riots did not produce a Buchanan presidency. The spiraling increase in violent crime in France (from immigrant nonwhites arrived very recently, unlike America’s blacks) did not elect Le Pen. The 9/11 attacks did not lead even the majority of grassroots Republicans to demand that Bush seal the US/Mexico border or stop Islamic immigration, nor prevent Americans from electing an African with a Muslim name to the White House. The London attacks did not elect the BNP. Geert Wilders’ party should be number one in Holland, but it isn’t.

I’m not gloating. I’m as befuddled and dispirited as anyone. There is something, or some combination of things, genes and memes, aberrant with our race that we should continue to respond to racial outrages as we do. No other race does so. Morality does not require that we do so. But those are the facts.

My long term goal for the remainder of my life is to become an American conservative public intellectual (a self-supporting one - no easy task), but one who will act as a bridge between historically traditional, Christian conservatism, and scientific racial nationalism. (I’m really in the tradition of the late Sam Francis, and Jared Taylor and his American Renaissance, though leavened with Christian traditionalism.) One part of this goal involves scholarship, the other, political activism.

I’m already in the opening stage of developing my pet dream: an American nationalist political activist organization (a real and respectable one, not a Klavern or skinhead front group). We are about 10 years or less away from what will be explosive growth in what Sam Francis long advocated: Middle American nationalism. This is basically a non-racist white nationalism. Perhaps that sounds contradictory, but it isn’t: it involves a positive white ethnoculturalism, a politics focused not on biological differences, let alone any radical cleavage from historic traditions, values and institutions, such as many WNs seem attracted to, but on racial injustices borne by whites, and their legislative remediation.

Hunter Wallace, whatever his foibles and inconsistencies, is right about the “implicit whiteness” of the Tea Party (I’ve known this in other contexts for decades). Within a decade the American Right’s current libertarianism (but one with a gratifying element of anti-immigrationism) will have worn out, and a “Real American” nationalism will be possible. My goal is to be an intellectual leader (or at least cheerleader) of that phenomenon, by having a dominant intellectual position within the American nationalist (implicitly WN) activist organization I and my partners are endeavoring now to create, and then expand over this decade.

Mr. Bowery (as well as various radical nationalists) will of course think nothing will come of this. Excellent! We shall see. My insight is that, in modern democracies, radical discontinuities are only brought about (outside of crises, usually military ones) incrementally, over time. The “mainstream” WN agenda is so far outside the actual political mainstream that it is reflexively dismissed. One cannot succeed in a democracy by being too far removed from the Center (hence my utter derision at discussions like Bowery’s of dueling, and similar hobbyhorses). The trick is to shift the Center in your preferred direction, a task to which I and my group will contribute.

We start with America First, and the wrongs and hypocrisies endured by white Americans - not by trumpeting scientific race differences, denying the Holocaust ... or advocating (hehehe) “Single Combat” systems.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Sun, 09 Jan 2011 23:21 | #

My primary fear of you is that you’ll receive support from the current regime.


What makes you think he doesn’t?

He certainly eats up enough bandwidth to be of some value to the establishment.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 09 Jan 2011 23:54 | #

Please tell me how to get that support! Or really, I’d be happy if the regime just stole less of my income.

No, the regime loves guys like you. You are foils they use to repulse the masses, and discredit WN. The regime is terrified by persons with education and polish like me.

Alas, it matters little. Every serious radical movement attracts its share of fools, weirdoes and unstable personalities. If the movement is to succeed, the marginal types get eliminated, either politically or literally. There is always a “night of the long knives”.


Posted by Trebuchet on Sun, 09 Jan 2011 23:57 | #


You do realize that your last few long-winded discursive responses only further support Bowery’s contention that all you have is “vague wish list posturing,” don’t you?  The closest thing to a concrete proposal I can glean from your responses is that you will be a “cheerleader” or “intellectual leader” of some kind over the next 10 years.


Posted by Trebuchet on Mon, 10 Jan 2011 00:16 | #


I suppose another concrete proposal you’ve made is that you will “demonstrate” that WN is compatible with Catholicism.  So are you going to write some sort of treatise and mail it off to the Vatican?  Or will you request an audience with the Pope to plead your case?  What if the Pope says no?  Will you be starting your own church?


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Mon, 10 Jan 2011 02:00 | #

Please tell me how to get that support!

Hmn. Over twenty years in the movement, and you still haven’t figured this one out?  oh oh

The first and most obvious step is to post your mailing address, so readers who wish to assist will know that you are a real person, and where to send their financial support.


Posted by Ivan on Mon, 10 Jan 2011 02:03 | #

Or will you request an audience with the Pope to plead your case?  What if the Pope says no?

Well, Trebuchet, me thinks it should be clear by now. If the Pope says no, Leon has to challenge him to individual formal combat to the death and state his reasons for doing so. The Pope is supposed to laugh at Leon, of course. Then, evidently, we have no other choice but ask James Bowery to kill the Pope in some manner - poison him or something.


Posted by Ivan on Mon, 10 Jan 2011 02:42 | #

What experience do you have in getting legislation signed into law?

And what precisely an answer to this question is supposed to be criterion for, James? Jews are known to excel in that kind of experience. Are you looking for some good jews with rich experience in getting legislation signed into law?

Btw, you haven’t answer my questions: Do you take medication like antidepressants or tranquilizers? Do you have a job? Are you on your wife’s support? If you’ve discovered, god forbid, that your wife is cheating on you, would you challenge your wife’s seducer to individual formal combat to the death with or without stating your reasons for doing so?

If I may borrow the following from you, James, and rephrase it just a tiny bit (to convert singles to plurals):

I’m going to keep asking these questions of you every time I see you post from now on until I get straight answers from you.


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 10 Jan 2011 03:47 | #

Please tell me how to get that support!(Me)

Hmn. Over twenty years in the movement, and you still haven’t figured this one out? 

The first and most obvious step is to post your mailing address, so readers who wish to assist will know that you are a real person, and where to send their financial support. (JM)


JB was referring to my getting support from the regime, not private donors. When it comes to private donors, I know all about how to go about it, worry not. It starts with big donors, a couple of which I have already secured.


Posted by Trebuchet on Mon, 10 Jan 2011 04:25 | #


So those “big donors” will be funding your concrete proposals to be a “cheerleader”/“intellectual leader” over the next 10 years and to beg the Pope to allow WN to be compatible with Catholicism or to start your own church?


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 10 Jan 2011 04:38 | #


You are yet another idiot on this site (I’m very sorry to see the mental quality of commenters declining, but there it is). My “longwinded” posts contain a great deal of wisdom, if understood properly.

And where are your serious comments? Let their brilliance shine forth, if it can! (I doubt it.)

Anyway, I’m not going to waste time responding at length to people like you. You know nothing of the history or structure of Christian or Catholic theology. MR is actually now worse than what happened with my old comments at chronicles and takimag, which at least elicited enough positive reader reaction to get me banned there for my white nationalism (I’ve been banned from other places, too, but the PC at those two sites was particularly disappointing).

It does not matter. A friend once was told by Jared Taylor that he started American Renaissance with the intention of producing a publication that informed American whites about racial truth, without being silly, stupid, needlessly offensive or evil, as were most previous racialist efforts. I really understand his wisdom now. Any coherent set of views too far outside whatever passes for a mainstream invariably attracts legions of losers. Such losers range from social misfits and outright perverts to ideological fanatics obsessed with their radical stances and ‘ingenious’ plans.

Leaders of such movements therefore need to be very careful about whom they admit into their councils. A good portion of leadership consists in judgment about people, to discern quality from the garbage that merely wastes time and lessens effectiveness.

Among political tendencies evident on this site, mine, at least for the US (Western Europe and the rest of the non-US Anglosphere are clearly descending to oblivion; whites may well survive in Eastern Europe and especially Russia, but I know too little about those areas to say anything definite), is the only game in town. Wail and whine, but the next few decades will bear me out. You will see. A WN which begins as an American nationalism, gradually evolves into WN, and has been intellectually ‘squared’ with Christianity, is the future. All other intellectual tendencies on the Racial Right will be marginalized, either formally or effectively.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Mon, 10 Jan 2011 04:51 | #

When it comes to private donors, I know all about how to go about it, worry not. It starts with big donors…

Jeese, Leon, I was hoping you were looking for support from the masses.

If you decide to be more generous to us poor denizens of the bowery, go ahead and post your address, so we can have the opportunity of contributing to something far greater than ourselves.


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 10 Jan 2011 04:55 | #



Thank you much for your hard work in putting together this site. You seem like a very decent and wise chap. I regret that your uncompromising atheism will keep your influence more limited than it could be, but I wish you the best of luck. England certainly needs more patriots like you, though I do fear that your nation is lost, incredible as that sounds in light of the UK’s glorious history. America may be further down the road to racial perdition in absolute terms, but we seem to have a larger core of racially realistic whites (esp in the South), as well as many times the number of “ruggedly individualist”, gun-toting conservatives, who may not be racialist - yet - but whose survival instincts will eventually push them in our direction. I think there will one day exist some type of white American ethnostate, whereas I expect the best of your people will continue to ‘stiff upper lip’ themselves into national extinction.

As I’ve stated, if Britain (and Europe) are to survive, it will only be through a white nationalism built on a tripartite foundation of national tradition(s), historic faith, and scientific race realism. Science by itself will not be enough.


I’ve enjoyed reading and conducting dialogue with Notus Wind, Dasein, Trainspotter, Sam Davidson, Wandrin, Gudmund, the Narrator, CaptainChaos, and perhaps a few others I am forgetting (along with the inimitable Fred Scrooby, wherever you are, comrade). Keep up your interests and enthusiasm, gentlemen!

I’m weary of casting pearls before swine. My future writing on nationalist topics will be in published form.



Posted by Trebuchet on Mon, 10 Jan 2011 05:07 | #

A WN which begins as an American nationalism, gradually evolves into WN, and has been intellectually ‘squared’ with Christianity, is the future.

This is what’s being referred to as “vague wish list posturing,” Haller.

The closest thing to a concrete proposal you’ve put forth to fulfill this vague wish list is the following:

1. Being a “cheerleader”/“intellectual leader” of some kind over the next 10 years

2. Trying to convince the Pope via written or oral arguments to allow WN to be compatible with Catholicism

3. Using monies provided by “big donors” to fund activities 1 and 2


Posted by Chris on Mon, 10 Jan 2011 12:34 | #

I am a South African. Here in our country there is also very little social mixing between races, despite mixed work places, schools and other educational institutions.
Confrontation between youth groups and political groups are increasing though.


Posted by Ivan on Mon, 10 Jan 2011 18:31 | #

If you decide to be more generous to us poor denizens of the bowery, go ahead and post your address, so we can have the opportunity of contributing to something far greater than ourselves.

Pardon my poor English, Jimmy. Could you clarify for me, please, what exactly do you mean by ‘us poor denizens of the bowery’? Do you mean ‘us poor denizens of the plantation’, or ‘us poor denizens of the Bowery (as in: a small street/county in New-York City infamous for its cheep bars and criminal citizens)’, or ‘us poor denizens of the bowery (as in: the followers of James Bowery’s cult of one-on-one battle to the death fanatics ‘, or still something else?


Posted by Thunder on Thu, 13 Jan 2011 04:11 | #

CC said,
Bowery, do you truly not know that a White man who is not utterly morally deformed could not stand aside as his own beloved kin were slaughtered?  I for one could not stand aside.  I would not stand aside.  And that is where single deadly combat, for me at least, must be buried unmourned in a shallow grave.  All those here who have the truth I speak written on their own hearts, yet do not speak it, and in precisely those terms, any cowardice to be attributed is theirs

Harsh but true CC.  And since I am a bit of an old fellow, having been born at least a year before GW,  I would avenge a kinsman’s death by whatever means at my disposal.  Even if others viewed it as cowardly.

I have often viewed this as a stumbling block in James scheme.  But I keep my mouth shut because I know I am missing much in these discussions and patience often reveals the information to me without jumping in with my foot in my mouth.  (or is that hopping in).  Is fear of embarassment cowardice?

Anyhow James scheme is at least elegant.  As pointed out by cosgrove above.  James contributions are often short but pregnant.  The kind of things I like to mull over with my evening drink (s).

Why must it be to the death, anyway?  Can’t they just make it being pinned for a 3-count?

A near pin is kind of like sorta virginal isn’t it?  Although my old featherweight days could give me an edge in that.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 13 Jan 2011 05:51 | #

a White man who is not utterly morally deformed could not stand aside as his own beloved kin were slaughtered?

It, however, was not slaughter which might otherwise result in a blood feud but codified in Norse law as honorable. Holmganga was ended, by the Norse, not because of defense of kin but because of it’s penchant to aid the criminally “berserk”. Theft occurred under the guise of single deadly combat and there was little Norse law could do to thwart it.

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Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View)

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