A thread for Serbia

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 18 December 2011 01:23.

The publicity machine for Angelina Jolie’s directorial debut, In the Land of Blood and Honey, has cranked into gear.  The line is that this love story across the ethnic and religious divide of the Bosnian war is stirring passions among those who lived through its three pitiless years.

Murat Tahirovic, who heads an association of ex-prisoners of war, added: “This film is deeply moving for the victims who experienced all of these things.

“It is completely objective and it really tells the facts of what happened during the war. She succeeded in telling the story of the whole war in her film and to show… situations that detainees faced - mass executions, rapes, [being used as] human shields and all the other horrors.”

But Branislav Djukic, who heads the Bosnian Serb Association of Camp Prisoners, had a very different reaction after seeing a trailer. He said that the film “is showing lies” as it depicts only Serbs as rapists during the war and called for it to be barred from cinemas in the autonomous Serbian half of Bosnia. “We’ll do our best to ban the film,” he said.

A commenter on the (at present, very short) thread writes:

A Croatian friend said something that made me think when I was over in Zagreb this summer, whilst discussing the conflicts he said “There are no good guys in this region.”

There is a sense in which the appreciation of the Serb role in the conflict as “no-good guys” but also as victims marks the break-down of the Establishment narrative.  Jolie is still telling it, of course, and she will win all the usual plaudits and probably an Oscar or two.  Coincidentally, another false narrative had an airing on BBC2 this evening.  But the “evil Serb” may not prove as enduring as the “evil Nazi”, and one small light on that may be thrown by the Telegraph comment thread.  So far, it’s hearteningly balanced.  I shall watch it with interest.



Posted by bundy on Sun, 18 Dec 2011 03:36 | #

This is basically just propaganda for Jewish imperial policy of promoting Muslims against Slavs in the Balkans.

The Jews running the British Empire did it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_Disraeli#Imperialism

And the Jews running the American Empire do it as well.


Posted by jamesUK on Sun, 18 Dec 2011 06:12 | #

Julia Gorin at Republican Riot covered this last year where the story is likely based on Bosko and Admira who were fleeing Bosnian Muslim to Bosnian Serb territory when they were killed by a sniper. 

”Gee! I wonder where they got that idea — perhaps from [an Oct. 1994] report out of Japanese TV [about “Sarajevo’s Romeo and Juliet”], which states, “The Japanese State Television NHK said Friday that a Muslim-Serb fiancé couple was murdered by Bosnian Muslims rather than Serbs on Sarajevo’s Vrbanja Bridge in May 1993. A 50-minute documentary containing both Bosnian Serb and Muslim testimonies collected by Japanese reporters, said Muslims were responsible for the murder of Serb Bosko Brckic, 25, and his Muslim fiancé, Admira Ismic, 25, whom western media has nick-named ‘Sarajevo’s Romeo and Juliet’.

“The documentary contained testimonies by the couple’s parents, Bosko’s best friend Misa who has found refuge in Belgrade and notorious Sarajevo paramilitary leader called ‘Celo’ who said Bosko and Admira had left Sarajevo’s Muslim-held section aiming to cross the Vrbanja Bridge on to the Serb-held section. They said the couple was prompted to do so because the Muslims had beaten and tortured Bosko and threatened to kill him.
“The couple finally decided to leave after Muslim authorities told Bosko he would be drafted into their army and threatened to send him to the frontline to fight the Serbs and then kill him there.

“Before leaving Sarajevo, Bosko and Admira had assurances from both the Serb and the Muslim sides that they would be allowed to cross the bridge safely. Bosko’s pre-war friendship with [Celo] was his ticket out. Both Serb and Muslim testimonies in the documentary showed that the Muslims would have done anything to have Bosko shot because he refused to fight against the Serbs.

“The embraced bodies of Bosko and Admira had been lying on the bridge for days as no one, in fear of sniper fire, dared remove them. Bosko and Admira were buried side by side.”



Posted by Lurker on Sun, 18 Dec 2011 06:42 | #

he Muslims would have done anything to have Bosko shot because he refused to fight against the Serbs

My memory of the fighting in Bosnia is that the official narrative was of a plucky multiethnic/religious nation (Bosnia) resisting the heinous Serbs. I realised this was a gross lie at the time. And back then I was still a clueless liberal in most respects, so it sounds really hollow now..


Posted by Graham_Lister on Sun, 18 Dec 2011 09:45 | #

In war, truth is the first casualty.

And as the old song goes…“Burn Hollywood burn”.

And as my favourite old Anglo-Norwegian duffer Sir Arthur Streeb-Greebling has said “One hates to see L.A. go up in flames unless one has a camera rolling.” 

But the 99% of trash culture from Hollywood is just the wonderful product of the ‘free-market’, yes? If there is demand there will be supply. Or is it more complex than that; can a particular demand be generated by those that would wish to supply it?


Posted by danielj on Sun, 18 Dec 2011 10:12 | #

Stop it Graham. It’s beneath you.

Have you seen Trainspotting?


Posted by uh on Sun, 18 Dec 2011 16:08 | #


grahmy wammy goes to war ...


Posted by Graham_Lister on Sun, 18 Dec 2011 17:10 | #


Well what can I say…that is a truly remarkable effort!


Posted by Zastava on Sun, 18 Dec 2011 17:24 | #

I remember during the Yugo War a bunch of muslims actually signed up to fight for the Serbs for a piece of the action.  And then there was that Arkan guy who got popped by his own people.  But good luck with the “evil Serb” BS.


Posted by jamesUK on Sun, 18 Dec 2011 23:00 | #


The security services of Europe openly allowed radical imams and Muslim organisations to recruit Muslims in mosques in Europe sometimes with the assistance of foreign intelligence like British MI5 allowing the Pakistani ISI to recruit and train British Pakistani Muslims who would also go and fight in Kashmir one of which was the 7/7 mastermind to go and fight in Bosnia.

Little embarrassing for the Empire after 9/11 when all the major leads started to go back to Bosnia as well as all the major terrorist attacks in Europe which includes direct financing of the 9/11 attacks and KSM and Atta having Bosnian citizenship.
I even think the Hamburg cell was originally recruited to fight in Bosnia.

At least it would have been if the controlled media covered it and the subsequent Milosevic trial instead of sticking to the official narrative which they somewhat modified in Scandinavian countries to include western support for Islamic terrorism against the Serbs but justify it sticking to the Serbian genocide narrative.


Posted by J Richards on Mon, 19 Dec 2011 00:39 | #

<h2>The Serbian issue, in a nutshell</h2>

When the time of Communist rule was up and the former Yugoslavia was in the process of breaking up, the Serbs had an opportunity to build the nation they wanted, leaning toward nationalism and Christianity.  When they started heading in this direction, unsurprisingly, Jewry got alarmed and set out to do what they usually do.  The region had religious diversity that could be exploited, and soon there was a low-key conflict, nothing that would require external intervention.  But the mainstream media put a massive spin on it, making the Serbs look like monsters and the rest is history.  More:



I see you’re still mocking the free market when the movie isn’t an example of one.


What the hell are you talking about [@9]?  Muslims had nothing to do with 7/7 :


And Muslims had nothing to do with 9/11:



Posted by Graham_Lister on Mon, 19 Dec 2011 03:19 | #

I wasn’t mocking the free-market as such but I do mock the banal, boiler-plate, unsophisticated and unthinking ‘free-market’ ideology so common in these parts.

Mr. Richards why is one Hollywood movie not a product of the free-market but others are? I don’t understand your logic on this point. Are you suggesting the mainstream products of Hollywood are not (in toto) the products of a market based process in which profit maximization is key? Hollywood can hardly be accused of being unconcerned with the bottom line and given over to exclusively producing ‘difficult’ and unpopular high-art cinema.

It can be argued that ‘free-market’ ideology is fundamentally rooted in the broader nexus of individualistic liberal theory. I doubt anyone can seriously maintain otherwise – collective agency/identity of whatever sorts is at odds with the rhetorical notion of being an individual entrepreneur, worker, consumer etc., seeking to maximize one’s utility in an ever expanding pool of possible contracts/exchange etc. That ‘methodological individualism’ is not a neutral ‘value-free’ starting point to understand ‘the social’ but rather distorts as much as it illuminates should be obvious to anyone.

I’d go further – the logic of the market, the logic of commodity when taken to be cultural value above all others does ‘hollow-out’ forms of collective identity and social capital. If everything must be measured by and subsumed within market logic and processes what then is not ripe for change (if profits await)?; who as an individual (or what community) is not ultimately fungible under such dynamics?

Clearly beyond idiots and their boiler-plate rhetorical commitments to ‘freedom’ and ‘free-markets’ everyone that is sane acknowledges that the market is an imperfect human institution (as indeed are all human institutions). Socio-cultural and physical externalities can (and are) generated by market mechanisms – market mechanisms have their positive benefits but they also have some downsides. Even the most rabid anarcho-capitalist has some form of values or ‘political goods/ideals’ to which he is committed to prior to ‘the market’, even if he feels that the market is best possible vehicle for the expression of his values.

So really the sensible debate is about two things: (i) what nexus of prior values/moral commitments/practical concerns should limit the operation of market logic? and (ii) in understanding the key issues of liberal modernity how central are the ideas and socio-cultural dynamics associated with hyper-individualism, mindless consumerism, the undermining of all forms of traditional, non-market derived, identities etc., as expressed and carried within the nostrums of a globalist Neo-liberal political economy/ideology?

Ultimately how can we get what is good about markets whilst minimizing the bad aspects and what are the trade-offs to be made? That question is properly to be thought of as one of political economy – economics really is politics by another name.

Or I’m being ‘ignorant’ again by raising these questions…?


Posted by jamesUK on Mon, 19 Dec 2011 03:50 | #

@J Richards

Muslims had bnothing to do with 7/7 or 9/11 LOL!

Then please explain the fact in regards to 7/7 the video tape matyrdom confession of the mastermind or the German BND warning prior to the attack?

The explosives used where from his connections to Kosovo with explosive removed from a Chinese warhead.


As for 9/11 there were multiple warning from various foreign intelligence agencies including the FBI in the US warning about Muslims training to fly planes and attacks against the US.


Posted by J Richards on Mon, 19 Dec 2011 04:51 | #


Of course you were mocking the free market.  I didn’t say that one Hollywood movie isn’t an example of the free market whereas the others are.  Hollywood isn’t about the free market or else you’d see plenty of Christian-themed family movies [plenty of demand for them], movies about Communism, etc.  This isn’t an example of undermining the bottom line, but of having the greater goals in mind. 

If you’re interested in undermining Christianity, you’d lose profits in the beginning if you’re not producing Christian-themed movies, but undermine Christianity far enough and the demand for these movies goes down… end up controlling the movie industry and bored consumers will watch whatever’s offered.  Then there are other negatives associated with getting people to ask questions about Communism, such as who was behind it.  Keep the greater goals of these people in mind.

How can we get what is good about markets whilst minimizing the bad aspects and what are the trade-offs to be made?  Start with having money created debt-free and controlled by an elected government: http://www.majorityrights.com/money


Posted by J Richards on Mon, 19 Dec 2011 04:59 | #


So I need to explain one thing each about 7/7 and 9/11.  Very well.

Do you know how easy it is to obtain a martyrdom video confession?  Recruit a gullible jihadist, get him to produce this video, supply him with a toy explosive [fertilizer bomb], and whether this patsy gets to detonate anything or not, you’ve got a confession video and can proceed with causing the carnage, blaming it on the patsy.  In another option, you kidnap someone because you happen to have someone who’s a look-alike on your payroll.  The kidnapped person’s executed, the video “confession” is made by the lookalike, and the official story’s that the kidnapped victim died in the suicide blast.  You can also place a gun in the mouth of someone’s daughter and have him make a confession video, then kill this person and say he died in the suicide attack.  So many ways… the imagination is the limit.

Your evidence is seen for what it is it.  The kind of evidence you need is that placing the alleged suicidal maniacs at the scene of the crime, and the official “evidence” is a joke.  In the case of 7/7, there’s a still from a video showing the alleged terrorists caught on CCTV, but the video’s not released.  Why?  It’s easy to doctor a picture, not so easy to doctor a video.

So where’s the evidence placing 19 Arabs at the airports on 9/11?  Not a single CCTV clip showing the hijackers and the passengers of the ill-fated planes at the airports where the ill-fated planes took off from has been released 10 years after the event.  The best you can come up with is pre-9/11 warnings about a possible Muslim attack, which proves nothing as the people who did it would want to prepare others for a possible Muslim attack so that when the attack occurs they have an easier time convincing others that Muslims did it… look, we’ve been warning you. 

The links I gave you address a large number of holes in the official fairy tales.  You better address them, too, if you ask me to address a few things.


Posted by Sleboda on Mon, 19 Dec 2011 09:02 | #

@J Richards

What about Kim Jong Il?

Did the Jews kill him too?


Posted by jamesUK on Mon, 19 Dec 2011 18:05 | #

@J Richards

For your first point yes they could do that but there is no evidence to support that thesis which in each case the terrorists have a history of being involved with Islamic militants and fighting in conflicts abroad.

“So where’s the evidence placing 19 Arabs at the airports on 9/11?  Not a single CCTV clip showing the hijackers and the passengers of the ill-fated planes at the airports where the ill-fated planes took off from has been released 10 years after the event.”

9/11 was part of western intelligence and the CIA running terrorist operations to train and finance fighters to fight in Kosovo and Chechnya including training in camps inside the US who are affiliated with private security firms like MPRI so they would want to keep the identity of the real hijackers the five or so who used false passports a secret.

“The best you can come up with is pre-9/11 warnings about a possible Muslim attack, which proves nothing as the people who did it would want to prepare others for a possible Muslim attack so that when the attack occurs they have an easier time convincing others that Muslims did it… look, we’ve been warning you.” 

These were secret warnings/memos between agencies in the CIA, FBI and foreign intelligence most noticeably French.

What about the risk of someone actually acting upon the warnings and discovering the plot before it happens? 

I don’t believe the official 9/11 narrative but I do believe there were hijackers on the planes.


Posted by J Richards on Wed, 21 Dec 2011 01:20 | #


I’m not aware of the circumstances of Kim Jong-il’s death.


For your first point yes they could do that but there is no evidence to support that thesis

I don’t have to come up with the evidence.  The burden of proof is on the claimant.  If you blame Muslims for 7/7 and can’t come up with credible evidence placing them at the scenes of the crimes, that’s it.  If you go into tangentials and start discussing martyrdom videos, I’m justified in stating alternative plausible possibilities without having the burden to prove any of them.

Whereas you say that the alleged terrorists have a history of being involved with Islamic militants and fighting in conflicts abroad, this doesn’t make what I said implausible as I already covered the recruitment of gullible Jihadists and the assignment of toys [fertilizer bombs] to them, which may or may not go off, while the real carnage is caused by military-grade bombs placed in select locations.

On the topic of 9/11, you asked “What about the risk of someone actually acting upon the warnings and discovering the plot before it happens?”  Who would act on the warnings/discovery of the plot and thwart 9/11?  The Federal Bureau of Israel?  The Central Israel Agency?


Posted by jamesUK on Wed, 21 Dec 2011 02:57 | #

@J Richards

!I don’t have to come up with the evidence.”

Yes you do if you are going to make a counter claim.

“The burden of proof is on the claimant.”

That would be you.

“If you go into tangentials and start discussing martyrdom videos, I’m justified in stating alternative plausible possibilities without having the burden to prove any of them.”

Martyrdom video is admission and motive by the hijackers themselves.

“I’m justified in stating alternative plausible possibilities without having the burden to prove any of them.”

Which run counter to the facts.

“Whereas you say that the alleged terrorists have a history of being involved with Islamic militants and fighting in conflicts abroad, this doesn’t make what I said implausible as I already covered the recruitment of gullible Jihadists and the assignment of toys [fertilizer bombs] to them, which may or may not go off, while the real carnage is caused by military-grade bombs placed in select locations.”

There has never been a single case where Muslims recruited into jihadist groups or movements have done so by being threatened or cohered as they would be to hard to control having to travel abroad and make contacts without raising suspicions.

“On the topic of 9/11, you asked “What about the risk of someone actually acting upon the warnings and discovering the plot before it happens?”  Who would act on the warnings/discovery of the plot and thwart 9/11?  The Federal Bureau of Israel?  The Central Israel Agency?”

Any numerous field agents or intelligence agencies in fact that is what happened with whistleblowers like Coleen Rowle.

The no Muslim terrorist conspiracy is far more complex and convoluted than the official 9/11 narrative.


Posted by J Richards on Wed, 21 Dec 2011 05:02 | #


The discussion of possibilities regarding the martrydom video wasn’t a counterclaim and so I don’t have to prove it.  On the topic of counterclaims, I originally gave you one link each on 9/11 and 7/7.  The one on 7/7 isn’t really about a counterclaim but exposes the government claim for what it is.  The one on 9/11 makes a counterclaim and documents it with evidence aplenty, which you haven’t addressed, apart from failing to cite any evidence placing the 19 Arabs at the scene.

You claim that the “Martyrdom video is admission and motive by the hijackers themselves,” but you need to prove that these are the hijackers in the first place, which you haven’t.

You claim that “There has never been a single case where Muslims recruited into jihadist groups or movements have done so by being threatened or cohered,” in response to my statement on recruiting gullible jihadists.  Nice try but a digression as I never claimed that the gullible jihadists are coerced.  In addition, how do you know that none of those placed into jihadist groups has been coerced?  Some of them were recruited from prison and didn’t have much of a choice between long-term incarceration if they didn’t cooperate or do as they’re told and get out of prison.  This is documented in the case of Ahmad Ajaj: http://www.majorityrights.com/911.who
So now you bring numerous field agents of intelligence agencies who could’ve leaked or exposed things.  But what outlet would’ve they used?  The higher-ups in the Federal Bureau of Israel and the Central Israeli Agency would sit on the information.  And it wouldn’t gain any traction with the mainstream media because the same community controls them.  And the would-be whistleblowers would know of the risks they face. 

To illustrate, look at what happened to CIA agent Susan Lindauer for her attempts to expose the knowledge she had of upcoming attacks on the twin towers: imprisonment over a phony mental illness; she had no luck with her CIA superiors and no luck with the mainstream media.  What you cite as whistleblowing instead, the Coleen Rowley case, is a sham where the FBI took a little flak for an argument reinforcing that Muslims did 9/11, and unsurprisingly, Rowley received laurels for the “whisteblowing” by none other than TIME magazine. 

Another example is of FBI agent John O’Neill, who immediately knew that something was wrong about the claim that Muslims were behind the U.S.S. Cole bombing.  Here’s his story:

In the late 1990’s, FBI special agent and terrorism expert John O’Neill had become very attuned to Israel’s involvement in many terror operations.

When it was time to investigate the U.S.S. Cole bombing, O’Neill wasn’t permitted to interview Yemenis who witnessed the Cole explosion. O’Neill wasn’t permitted to examine the hat worn by one of the bombers in the boat nor was he allowed to examine the harbor sludge for evidence.

Madeline Albright (Jew) and Barbara Bodine (Jew, Ambassador) panicked as O’Neill’s investigation pointed to Israel.  Albright complained to the upper echelons of the FBI about O’Neill.  Bodine wanted O’Neill to drop his bodyguards and he became suspicious of a Mossad assassination.  Bodine and Albright finally went to FBI Director Louis Freeh (Jew) to remove O’Neill from Yemen.

Then January 2001 came, and O’Neill wanted to go back to Yemen. But, Ambassador Bodine wouldn’t give him clearance.

In February 2001, after Yemen’s Interior Minister made a statement that there was no evidence linking the Cole bombing to Al Qaeda (“Investigations have not so far proved, either to us or to the Americans, any link between Osama bin Laden and the Cole bombing.”), the U.S. government showed no desire to find out who actually bombed the ship.

Disillusioned, John O’Neill resigned from the FBI in July 2001.  He was offered a job by Larry Silverstein, 19 days before 9/11.  O’Neill had been missing for 2 days on 9/11, and his body was found in the WTC wreckage.

This is the reality, whereas your contentions about field agents exposing what they know are B.S.

Look man, I don’t want to play word games.  If you have evidence placing Muslims at the scenes of the crimes on 9/11 or 7/7, cite it or let the matter go.


Posted by Patton on Wed, 21 Dec 2011 22:08 | #

And the vilification of the Serbs continues… Now we’re supposed to be taking history lessons from a Hollywood degenerate and NATO harlot who knows jack about what’s going on in the world, has no credentials whatsoever, and admittedly does not even understand the conflict. It remains to be seen how eager people will be to watch this film and base their opinions of the conflict on it, but I suspect the average Joe who’s likely to already have bought into NATO’s pro-Albanian, Serb-demonising propaganda will be all too gullible to accept its narrative. Already we’re being reminded of that purported massacre of Srebrenica every single year while Serbia’s plight and its fight over Kosovo for centuries against the Ottoman aggressors is dutifully ignored by NATO’s janissaries.


Posted by J Richards on Wed, 21 Dec 2011 23:58 | #

Patton: Now we’re supposed to be taking history lessons from a Hollywood degenerate and NATO harlot

Angelina Jolie is merely an actress, and a fine one at that.  Trashing her as a degenerate and harlot misses the point.  She isn’t the script writer or producer.  And considering how they attempted to trash her character not so long ago, chances are it was an attempt to warn her of the consequences of potential activism injurious to the community from which the Hollywood lords come from.  Someone having her fame, prominence and activist nature is a risk and she has to know firsthand a few things about Hollywood and the community controlling it that isn’t common knowledge.


Posted by danielj on Thu, 22 Dec 2011 01:19 | #

Angelina Jolie is merely an actress



Posted by jamesUK on Thu, 22 Dec 2011 01:45 | #

@J Richards

“The one on 9/11 makes a counterclaim and documents it with evidence aplenty, which you haven’t addressed, apart from failing to cite any evidence placing the 19 Arabs at the scene.”

You posted evidence that some of the hijackers were still alive and that senior Jewish individuals were in positions of power.

So What?

We know that the CIA and Western and allied Gulf countries were training and arming Islamic militants to fight in Bosnia, Kosovo, Xinjing and Chechnya who were running a terrorist trafficking scheme through Turkey involving forged passports. 

The mastermind of the Istanbul bombings in 2003 Louai al-Sakka who was running a Chechen terrorist training camp in the North of Turkey admitted that he sent 4 terrorist who were originally sent to fight in Chechnya via Georgia but denied entry to the US to carry out 9/11.

“(Sakka’s) story is also one of a globetrotting terrorist in an organisation that is truly multinational.
The Chechens needed trained fighters. Sakka was telephoned by Ibn al-Khattab, the late militia leader controlling the foreign fighters against the Russians. Khattab requested that Sakka’s trainees should be sent on to Afghanistan for military training because “conditions are tough”.
One of Sakka’s chief roles was to organise passports and visas for the volunteers to make their way to Afghanistan through Pakistan. His ability to keep providing high-quality forged papers made Turkey a main hub for Al-Qaeda movements, his lawyer says. The young men came to Turkey pretending to be on holiday and Sakka’s false papers allowed them to “disappear” overseas.
Turkish intelligence were aware of unusual militant Islamic activity in the Yalova mountains, where Sakka had set up his camps.
Some of Sakka’s account is corroborated by the US government’s 9/11 Commission. It found evidence that four of the hijackers – whom Sakka says he trained – had initially intended to go to Chechnya from Turkey but the border into Georgia was closed.
Sakka’s lawyer said: “Just like there is money laundering, there is also terrorist laundering and Turkey was the centre of this.”

What exactly were the hijackers the ones confirmed by eyewitnesses and monitored by the FBI doing in the US?

“In addition, how do you know that none of those placed into jihadist groups has been coerced?  Some of them were recruited from prison and didn’t have much of a choice between long-term incarceration if they didn’t cooperate or do as they’re told and get out of prison.  This is documented in the case of Ahmad Ajaj”

He sounds like an informant hired to infiltrate militant Palestinian groups.

That would still indicate that Arab hijackers were involved in the 9/11 conspiracy that were infiltrated by Mossad assets which you said there were no Arab hijackers despite the fact that you said that there was no evidence of Arab hijackers.

Yes western intelligence does aid and recruit militants from prison to fight in there proxy wars abroad like the main pre 9/11 informant Aukai Collins who fought in Chechnya and lost a leg there describes in his book My Jihad how he was aided and abetted by US intelligence. 

You’re 9/11 article does not provide references so I can check the veracity of the claims citied as evidence.


She is also a CFR toddy like Clooney and his Darfur campaign which shortly after the Georgian conflict in 2008 a vessel with shipment of Ukrainian weapons on behalf of Israel were seized by Somali pirates intended for Darfur.

Our Balkan adventure against the Serbs is the pillar of the NWO which laid the foundation of the post Soviet for which we got 9/11 and through Albanian criminal gangs sex slavery and the Afghan heroin market into Europe and “humanitarian intervention” which gave us the pretext for the Libyan war and now Syria.

That is how I knew the war on terror was bogus when we were arming and training the exact same terrorists who had prominent ties to Bosnia which is well documented and about Jewish influence and power but because it involves various interests on the right because of Germanys involvement and support of Croatia and on the left the Bosnian Muslims who were being portrayed as Jews and Serbs as Nazis neither group will touch it and be largely supported of the official narrative.

Despite the predominance of Jewish individuals and organisations supporting actions against the Serbs really the only individuals who have written about this as it was happening during the 90’s have been Jewish.


Posted by J Richards on Thu, 22 Dec 2011 03:47 | #


If you’re going to ask “So what?” in response to some alleged hijackers who had to have died on 9/11 being found alive and on documentation showing Jews in just the right places to pull off 9/11, it isn’t possible to have a meaningful dialogue with you.

I invite the reader to observe what you’re doing by trying to make sense of the following passage by you [limited English skills isn’t the answer]:

That is how I knew the war on terror was bogus when we were arming and training the exact same terrorists who had prominent ties to Bosnia which is well documented and about Jewish influence and power but because it involves various interests on the right because of Germanys involvement and support of Croatia and on the left the Bosnian Muslims who were being portrayed as Jews and Serbs as Nazis neither group will touch it and be largely supported of the official narrative.

And whatever you do, don’t accuse me of not citing references for verification purposes in the 9/11 article as there are links to external websites, videos, pdfs,... I’m not going to cite every claim as all authors assume some background knowledge and leave some fact checking to the reader.


Posted by mcnally on Thu, 22 Dec 2011 05:41 | #

J Richards,

Where is that quote on John O’Neill’s story from? Do you have a link?



Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 22 Dec 2011 11:03 | #

Trashing her as a degenerate and harlot misses the point.

Eh, she was once apparently a self-loathing Goth chick who would let any piece of White trash fresh off the turnip truck do anything he wanted to her.  But…but…Billy Bob was an accomplished actor and director and blah, blah, blah…Bullshit.  Point still stands.  And too bad Uh didn’t catch her at the time.

chances are it was an attempt to warn her of the consequences of potential activism injurious to the community from which the Hollywood lords come from.  Someone having her fame, prominence and activist nature is a risk

Riiiight.  She wasn’t trying to earn enough Brownie points to get into Olam Ha-Ba by adopting those mud kids of hers and she’s not a pliable (oh so pliable, ask Billy Bob), gullible twat sucking up to fat kikes hanging out in smoke filled rooms.  Let me see here: three White kids of her own + adopted muds…lost child equivalents…carry the 1 = EGI calculator says “thumbs down”.


Posted by jamesUK on Thu, 22 Dec 2011 13:57 | #

@J Richards

“If you’re going to ask “So what?” in response to some alleged hijackers who had to have died on 9/11 being found alive and on documentation showing Jews in just the right places to pull off 9/11, it isn’t possible to have a meaningful dialogue with you.”

I cited the reason why “So what?”

We were/are running a terrorist network that involves trafficking terrorists using false documentation and passports as I cited the Istanbul mastermind and the US own 98 Defense intelligence report confirms this Afghan-Turkey-Chechnya network.


Senior Jews being in position of power during and in the lead up to 9/11 is not proof in of itself you need evidence to link them to the crime of 9/11 like the 5 Israelis caught on 9/11 by NYC cops then released by Michael Chertoff. 

”..because it involves various interests on the right because of Germanys involvement and support of Croatia and on the left the Bosnian Muslims who were being portrayed as Jews and Serbs as Nazis neither group will touch it and be largely supported of the official narrative.”

That comment was not addressed to you and was regarding the original topic of this thread although it is intimately linked to 9/11 and the “war on terror”. 

That was concerning the Greater Serbia conspiracy which was never proven during the comical and fraudulent Milosevic trial when we were arming and training Islamic militants to fight against the Serbs in Bosnia which the US was trafficking Iranian arms to Bosnian Muslims.




Posted by J Richards on Fri, 23 Dec 2011 00:21 | #


The excerpt on John O’Neill isn’t a quote from anywhere.  It looks like it because I was looking for a way to separate the details from the argument.  It’s actually a summary of material taken from different sources that I’ve had for a while but didn’t get around to post.  If you wanted to verify it, start with the wikipedia page on O’Neill, and you can be satisfied that the skeleton of the argument is correct.  The way I’ve added flesh to the skeleton is different from the Jewish manner at wikipedia, but you can start with asking a few critical thinking questions about the circumstances of O’Neill’s resignation from the FBI and his death and do some searches and I think you’ll arrive at the truth.


Whereas Angelina Jolie certainly doesn’t have an angelic past, Jews have trashed her.  On your note about her earning brownie points and sucking up to fat kikes, look at this way.  This is a famous woman who’s compassionate and motivated to act against injustice.  She will be considered a lose cannon by Jews, and they’ll warn her. 


I’m not interested in arguing with you as no meaningful discussion is possible.  You say that you’ve stated the reason ‘why “So what?”’ but I don’t see any.

You say we are running a terrorist network, whereas I don’t see “we” but Jews.

Senior Jews being in position of power during and in the lead up to 9/11 is not proof in of itself you need evidence to link them to the crime of 9/11 like the 5 Israelis caught on 9/11 by NYC cops then released by Michael Chertoff.

What a statement!  I included the 5 Israelis and much more.

In response to your passage that I quoted, you’ve said that it wasn’t directed to me.  Doesn’t matter.  Reasonable people can try to make sense of it and see what you’re doing.

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Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 12:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 03:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 01:28. (View)
