Alternate Rights, T-Parties, 3rd Positions and about 700 million Third Worlders in a barrio near you by The Narrator This is an assessment (aka, a rant) of where America currently is, circa 2010, and where it is headed, save an asteroid strike. Europe, you’re only a step or two behind. The first thing to mention, of course, is that America has a black president by the name of Barack Hussein Obama. Let that sink in for a second. That, in and of itself, is beyond any possible conception of reality most Americans could have imagined in their most grim of nightmares just twenty years ago. Twenty years! That’s 1990! But then, just twenty years ago (1990!), America was still in the neighborhood of 70 to 75% White. Again, just twenty years ago. Equally inconceivable to Americans back then, is the notion that everything from customer service over the phone to the directions on a can of soup would be in Spanish as well as English. Of course some will point out that people were seeing such things in places like Los Angeles or New York and warning of the coming storm. And that’s true. But at that time the clouds on the horizon were not yet in range of 99% of Americans view (America is a big place). By the time they were, the proverbial rains we’re already pounding down. Besides that, the fact that some were warning of the coming storm twenty years ago (and even earlier) and, well, here we are never the less. It should give us all pause in our feverish excitement about some politician “voicing concern” or some new book explaining the direness of our plight. On demographics, it’s truly difficult to ascertain the real situation. Officially, America is still over 60% “white” (“white” being those of European, middle-eastern and north African heritage, as per the Census definition). Unofficially the percentages don’t match up with what you see with your own eyes. I’ve gone into this before here, so I’ll only add now that it would be perfectly understandable for a tourist to come to the conclusion that America is about 42% White and 58% non-White. And that’s keeping in mind that in 1965 America was around 90% White, and that all of this has happened without any opposition whatsoever. Not one single leader came forward to oppose the most destructive agenda in human history. Not one! Whatever the percentages now, it is equally astounding to realize that this was all intentionally engineered on purpose and with effort. This was no natural ebb and flow of circumstances. In short, the demographic transformation of America over the past 40 years is unprecedented in human history. And the reaction of average Americans to all of this has been grumbling acquiescence. The next point is on the reaction of the right against this engineered destruction of America. Among those laying claim to leadership (or would-be leadership) positions, the reaction has been polite, thought out, informative, reasoned, logical, mature, fact-oriented, measured, respectful, responsible, dignified and various other adjectives denoting a lobotomized personality and generally, if not specifically, attributed to the consistently losing and marginalized side. Facts are of little value in the face of a good argument. Ironically, this also describes the general approach of the fringe and “far-right” leaders as well. There’s American Renaissance, from which Jared Taylor gives polite, thought out, informative, reasoned, logical, mature, fact-oriented, measured, respectful, responsible, dignified and redundant speeches to, essentially other versions of himself and a few jews. Then there is V-Dare, Stormfront, Chronicles, Taki and other assorted therapeutic sites where confused or trolling Jews and a few Whites can come to vent-via-commentary and agree that “things sure are bad”. They function as a sort of electronic Prozac. Next up is Alternative Right, that pro-Western gathering place where you can read articles by jews, black women, Indians and Satan-worshipping homosexuals unabashedly discussing race. Then there are Tea Party gatherings, where upper-middle class White people come together to listen to lower-class black and Hispanic speakers lecture them on the importance of denouncing racism. Oh yeah, and too much government in finances, or something. This movement started off protesting the taxpayer funded ‘Bank Bailouts’ in late 2008. As of mid-2010 the bailouts have long since been instituted and the American government is openly and unabashedly controlling industry and manipulating markets, plunging the economy further into the abyss. And the Tea Party members are still despised and labelled racist by the establishment whose posterior they fight over for the privilege of kissing. Or, there is the American Third Position Party, which seeks for an equal chair at the table for Whitey. A table Whitey once owned, and which was seated exclusively by Whitey. They’re centered in California, where, I’m told, nearly one-third of the 8 White people who live in that state are members or considering membership. Their motto might as well be ‘Beggars Can’t be Choosers’. Then there are the illegal immigration protesters. If they succeed, all 50 million illegal immigrants will have to leave America ... then come right back in legally. For this group, the millions of legal immigrants and tens of thousands of refuges being dumped into the American heartland year after year is fine and dandy, even in the face of the ongoing economic downfall and thickening racial tensions. It’s the legality of the issue that concerns them, you see. The paper work, in other words. Having the mentality of anal-retentive bureaucrats, their objections revolve around whether or not every “T” has been crossed and every “I” (and lower case “j”) has been dotted. And yet these are the same people who mock and decry the justice system that lets a rapist or serial killer go free on a technicality involving improperly filed paperwork. Then there is the “patriot movement” in general. These useful tools spend restless nights on self-induced nightmares about “jack-booted government thugs” kicking in their doors even as Third World gangs are slaughtering and beheading people in their streets. These are the types who go on about a New World Order and listen to Alex Jones. They actually worry that the government is busying itself trying to conquer an already defeated and powerless people whom they’ve been bullying into submission for over fifty years. This group is also about 99.99999% White, but they proudly assert that race doesn’t matter and that we’re all Americans. Theirs is the “Everybody everywhere is potentially an American” meme. They are, ironically, the most ardent foot soldiers in the cause of a One World Global Order. It seems that what both ends of the right (far and center) has in common is their willing dependency upon a system that works to harass and ultimately destroy them. If the goals of Richard Spencer, Jared Taylor, James Edwards, William Johnson, Kevin MacDonald, Peter Brimelow and the rest are achieved, then the following is your future:
If the goal of an advocacy group is for Whites to have an equal seat within the same political institutions and social constructs as a few hundred million non-Whites , then I’d advise holding off on donations. You’ll need the money for survival gear. And don’t worry about old age pensions. You won’t survive. To put it bluntly, we will not vote our way out of this mess. The system is gone. The justice system is securely in the hands of our enemies. The economy is permanently ruined, which means the physical infrastructure of the nation (extending over three million square miles) is gone as well. Take a good look around. 98% of the roads, bridges, buildings, electrical grids, railways, water systems, waster management, police departments, fire departments, hospitals and so on are in as good a condition as they’ll ever be. From here on they will degrade and deteriorate until abandoned and Nature reclaims them. We may, however, vote ourselves out of the situation. But that depends on leaders leading and followers following. And by that I mean that advocacy and voting within America today is pointless and will not solve a thing. In fact it will make matters worse. When the Huns are already rampaging through the streets, only insane people go around carrying a ballot on fixing the potholes. No, the ONLY option is for Whites to vote themselves out of the empire, socially, politically and economically. Whites must separate and form their own nation, because the current one has already disowned them and has fallen too far to be brought back. That is the goal, the only goal, for which any struggle must aim for. So all of the authors, pundits, advocates and so on can go about such activities till their heart’s content, but if their agenda is to “Inform to Reform”, then they are simply wasting time and resources. And time is something we do not have. In fact we’re already out of time. The point of no return came and went about twenty-five years ago. What is needed from leaders is not slick looking websites, officially recognized third parties or more books. What is needed is, in the words of Yeats, “passionate intensity”. Something which, right now, is completely absent. We need leaders to get up on soapboxes and engage in passionate rhetoric. We need them fighting mad and we need them to work their listeners up into a frenzy, not throw a bucket of cold water on them. We need them to call on their followers to grab their torches and pitchforks, not scorn them into putting them away. Since the 1960’s there have been moments when Whites were ready to take to the streets in righteous indignation and yet, every time, our Wormtongue-like “leaders” have counseled calm and “rational” behavior (read, apathy) lest our adversaries on the left label us bigoted and reactionary. And civilization has free fallen into chaos and savagery as a result of heeding such advice. A war of annihilation is currently ongoing against us. We are not only being physically assaulted, even the very notion of our existence and our history is being attacked and swept away as well. Simply begging for scraps, via application, in our own house is contemptible and will only bring on another lashing from our usurpers. Yes, we need thinkers to steer the ship. But we first need to get the thing in the water and moving! We need leaders upfront who are belligerent, bullying, aggressive and assertive and, above all, unapologetic. They should never let phrases such as, “this isn’t about hate,” or “we just want a fair deal like everyone else,” pass their lips. They need to address us, not talk over us and to our enemies in search of approval from them. We need leaders who will spark a fire of indignation in us and send a chill of terror down the spines of our adversaries. We need leaders who will call on us to take to the streets, shut down the cities, close the interstates, storm the capitals and pull our money from the banks. On that last one, I’d venture that if, say, 25 to 30% of White taxpayers would remove their money from the banks and take it permanently out of circulation (ensuring that that share stayed out of circulation), the Beast would be slain, almost literally, overnight. America is teetering on the brink right now. A well placed nudge would push it on over. The welfare state, and all that it subsidizes, would be inevitably wiped out. Everything from lobbyist groups and activist organizations such as the ADL and NAACP to strong-arm enforcement alphabet agencies, would be, for all intents and purposes, gone. The congress and the courts could pass affirmative action, anti-discrimination or whatever legislation they wanted all day long and it wouldn’t matter. They would have no money, and thus no power or ability to enforce any of it. They’d be ignored and unacknowledged as they quickly withered on the vine. The current system/regime would be dead. The center would not hold. The UN, the EU, the IMF, all of it, would soon follow, because they are all creations and dependencies of the post-1945 American Empire. We would then have a fighting chance, and a chance to reclaim our own civilization. Could something worse follow the current system? No. The current system and where it is rapidly headed is as bad as it gets. When you assess our situation as it currently is, it is clear that one way or another, we will live or we will die by the motto ‘All Or Nothing’. Comments:2
Posted by Rollory on Mon, 09 Aug 2010 05:18 | # No, that is not the first step. That is the same entirely pointless crap that has gotten nowhere for decades. “Building awareness” does not do anything. If people want to know what is going on, they are capable of asking the appropriate questions and looking in the appropriate places to find the information. If they are not doing so, it is because they do not WANT to. They WANT to be not-racist. No amount of “building awareness” or “naming the Jew” will make the slighest dent in that, any more than a homosexual man explaining to you why the gay life really is happier and more fulfilling will make the slightest dent in your view of the matter. It’s radioactive. The eventual resolution of these matters will be military; nothing short of that will suffice, and nothing else will work until there are enough people feeling pushed into a corner to make it happen. What I would suggest is tribe-building. Build up family ties, build up friendships, practice things like paintball or spend time at the range, get a network of people you would be willing to have at your back in a life or death situation. They don’t need to know why or what your thinking is; as long as they want to be not-racist, it will only cause pointless arguments. Practice disregarding the law in assorted matters - secession and rebellion aren’t possible if you’re not willing to do lesser things, like throw rocks at fragile government property. Appealing to the people at large will not work, because the people don’t want to hear it. Instead the nuclei of a successful force need to be put in place so that when they do decide they’re willing to hear it, there are people and organizations in place ready to exploit that change. 3
Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 09 Aug 2010 10:43 | # (OK, I should have posted this here, instead of where I did ...) Just wanted to note here, after a cursory examination of some past years’ posts, that the cognitive quality of the site seems to be ascending, in terms both of the posts and especially the comments. It would seem that a genuine intellectual community of the Far Right is coalescing around MR. Many excellent insights have been proffered, albeit unsystematically. At some point it might be worthwhile to try to tap that community formally to develop some sort of ideological manifesto for what is clearly a growing global New Racial Right. I would be interested in hearing from others whether this has been done (at least in recent decades). One problem our movement faces is, I believe, this lack of a formal document describing our political aims (this is especially true in the US, insofar as we lack any nationalist political movement or party; rather ironic, given that the masses of our (white) people are more broadly rightist than at least West Europeans). There are now many excellent scholarly resources (eg, Race, Evolution and Behavior, On Genetic Interests, Why Race Matters, The Culture of Critique, The Occidental Quarterly, 20 years of American Renaissance, etc), not to mention a proliferating number of race realist websites, from the more intellectual, like MR, to the more plebeian, like Stormfront. What is needed is a work of scholarship which can act as a movement unifier, or at least ideological baseline which can then serve as the foundation for a political program, and activist agenda. Think of the American conservatives. For decades (perhaps even now), if one wished to know what a conservative was, the intellectual could be pointed to The Conservative Mind, the common man to Up From Liberalism or maybe The Conscience of a Conservative. Kirk’s book, despite its veritable baroque eschewal of ‘ideology’, nevertheless did serve as the springboard for the creation of modern conservatism, and it did so less by offering up its own original philosophy, than by serving up digestible summaries of the thought of famous (as well as forgotten) conservatives from history, out of which various (alleged) core conservative principles could be discerned, upon which in turn a political agenda could be (and was) fashioned. We do have one great synthetic work that I’m aware of: Wilmot Robertson’s The Dispossessed Majority, a magisterial tome way, way ahead of its time (pub 1972). [I hope to God everyone here has read it - if not, do so, even if the book must by now be a bit dated; my edition was from the late 80s, which meant, however, that the Cold War was still a big issue.] From what I remember of my reading of it, nearly two decades ago, it is very much focused on the racial situation in the US, however, containing long discussions of which ethnic groups were assimilable to America’s Nordic founding majority, and detailing how virtually every major institution in American life had by that time (1972!! - same year I think that The Camp of the Saints was published - another book to rank high in the estimation of any true conservative/Occidentalist/nationalist) been turned ‘anti-majoritarian’ by an unholy combination of white race traitors and minority racists. But we need something like these books now. Or, really two things: first, a major work of nationalist political philosophy, equivalent to The Conservative Mind, one synthesizing the moral, political, and historical justifications of nationalism with the relevant findings of the modern life sciences; and second, an ideological racialist tract or manifesto detailing our grievances, goals and perhaps strategies, in language accessible to common persons. The MR community is wonderfully suited to carrying on the conversation(s) that can form the basis of at least the latter project. I think the site owner should start something like a separate area of the site devoted just to developing such a manifesto, perhaps located within the “Of Note” area (upper left-hand side of the screen). After, say, a year, I bet there would (or could) be a sufficient volume of responses to enable someone culling through them for optimum insights to obtain the basis for just such a tract, which in turn could constitute - who knows? one thing I’ve learned from the Jews is Think Big - the first volume from the forthcoming Majority Rights Press. 4
Posted by fellist on Mon, 09 Aug 2010 10:57 | # Leon Haller, I think of Yggdrasil’s site as being very much an update of Robertson’s TDM and at one time Ygg talked about a book project.
Say much more than the 14 words in an American context and a similar but ethnic formula for Europeans and you only invite division. 5
Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 09 Aug 2010 14:05 | # Outstanding rant, Narrator! At once hilarious, and depressingly (mostly) true. How you must hate my post immediately above! But I (and GW, Jared Taylor, etc) am/are right, and you are wrong. Just plain objectively incorrect, not, I hasten to add, in your macro-prescription - the need for a white racial state carved out of the dying America - but in your belief that what is needed are street agitators (it would be better if they had access to major media) willing to risk their all (eg, jobs, incomes, status, value of degrees received, portfolios, homes, etc), as opposed to the slow, patient cultivation of a new awareness of racial reality among our people. I have posted here before (actually, someone else posted some comments I had written at takirag) on the matter of why the last whites will face extermination, not amalgamation. I have also commented here extensively on the need for white immigration conquest of a foreign, sovereign polity as the last hope to save our race (I can’t say my argument was met with overwhelming approval, or even notice). I’m not going to repeat myself. What you fail to understand is that revolutions are rarely effectuated apart from horrible physical conditions, which simply do not (yet) obtain in the US, and will not for some considerable time, and that when they are, as in the case of the American Revolution, the groundwork had been patiently laid for a long preceding time. The PC cult has been growing for many decades, originating in the civil rights movement (and the general postwar revulsion at Hitler and the Holocaust), and solidifying its hold through a confluence of factors, from mass immigration to free trade/economic globalist ideology to the continuously growing influence of Jewry. The anti-PC movement is also growing, but absent blood in the streets situations, how could it grow more rapidly? I, too, often think of 1990 as a baseline to compare how far matters have declined. And yet, there has also been a huge growth in that period in the intellectual sophistication of the Racial Right, not to mention mass awareness of the anti-white nature of the oppressor regime. Obviously, you think that counts for nothing - but it does. Compare two amnesties: 1986, and today. I remember ‘86. The idiot Reagan passed the amnesty with very little opposition, either from Republican politicians, or the conservative grassroots. Now consider today. There is huge anger against the very idea of amnesty - and though you may think this is all of the “we love LEGAL savages, just not illegals”, you’re reading the situation wrong. Just below the surface is enormous hostility to ALL immigrants (and today, in people’s minds as well as reality, that means non-white immigrants). This is because of a lot of patient work done by anti-immigration intellectuals and journalists. Where you are correct is not in your amusingly overwrought description of what life in non-majority America will be like, but rather, in your implicit observation that America is racially too far gone even for a semblance of white civilization to be preserved through “within-System” methods, like voting, reformism, etc. White civilization will not survive within a non-white America, and, given the non-white population already present, the only hope to preserve white America is through racial secession - and that secession obviously requires a radical politics. But without the patient elaboration and dissemination of the facts of race, and the ethics of white survivalism, to large numbers of our people, such a politics is doomed to marginalization, however prominent the soapboxes, and loud the megaphones. 6
Posted by Fr. John on Mon, 09 Aug 2010 14:26 | # Great post, especially the scenario from ‘midwestern Iowa.’ I am sending this column to a college professor in Iowa who is a) white, b) heterosexual, c) married, d) Christian, e) has a pair, and yet…. is still working toward tenure, cannot speak his mind on the homosexuals in his department; must always tippy-toe around the diversicrats in the university; and cannot find a church already infected with either female pastorettes, or shoddy theology, or both in his small Iowa town! It’s not much better where I am, either. I would GLADLY follow someone who would exemplify the characteristics of our former USA generations- a sense of manifest destiny, a love of family, American civic values, and traditional Christian morality, with a sensible view of the world….....someone on the lines of Charles Lindbergh, perhaps….. But there are no such men around! We either have the John de Nugent types, who fear traditional Christianity, and are looking at some sort of ‘Solutrean homeland’ for the whites they will choose as the ‘Master race,’ or we have imprisoned men of conscience (I think of Edgar Steele and the recently released Ernst Zundel, for two) and the ‘let’s keep him on the sidelines, lest he actually get somewhere’ Dr. David Duke…..and those are some of the ‘best’ of the fringe, that I can think of. Ron Paul is too old, too milquetoast (in short, too ‘Methodist’) Tom Tancredo is running for Governor in Colorado right now, while AZ SB1070 is causing an influx of ‘undocumented workers’ fleeing the wrath of Jan Brewer, while the Obamanation thinks over all this, that he’s ‘Emperor Jones’....... and yet- there are those who say Tancredo’s cojones stop at either mass shootings of all illegal aliens, or the forced removal of them from our soil; and Sarah or Jan are both women…. So, no Leaders there. Meanwhile, those who want to ‘effect change’ by becoming “Black Regiment Pastors” still love their 501(c) 3 state-granted exemptions too much to call the populace in their pews to arms, and Chuck Baldwin (in typical Baptist fashion) and the ‘Reformitards’ (as calls them) are running as far and as fast as they can from honest Racial Reformed thought, while denying all the while their own ancestor’s worldviews. And all the ‘race realists’ in Reformed thought ( are waxing rhapsodic about gap-toothed redneck Southernors, while doing NOTHING toward eradicating the fallacy that hillbilly stubbornness is a positive quality…. while the confessional Christian groups (Anglicans, LUtherans, and American Catholics) are splintered, castrated, or homosexualized.. (which is the same thing, anyway). And those of us who WANT change, who LONG for change, who CAN lead, and who are in a position to do so, find that EVERYONE wants to be a General, and NO ONE wants to take orders! (at least in a churchly sphere) So, the fallacy of ‘equality’ has nullified the very leadership we need, by making everyone believe THEY are leaders, when neither age, ability, or education has done so in the genetic realm!!! So, Narrator, while you raise a series of good questions, what are we to DO? Who will submit to sanity in rule, when the Deicides control your mind, the Sodomites control your [corporate] Body, and the Devil wants to control the last organ left to a thinking white man… -i.e., his soul? The only solution is mass armed uprising against the Feds. Everyone knows this, everyone is ready for it (why else, are the sales of guns, and ammo at an all time high, once his Obamaness was ‘deified’?) But NO ONE is willing to actively DIE for his country and his nation - for, in giving up Christ, we have given up the honor of martyrdom, frankly. And a ‘nation of cowards’ is exactly what the NWO, Holder, and the Obamanation are COUNTING on, to bring to pass your scenario!! Besides, who wants to face the might of an American Military at home, UNLESS THEY KNOW THEY ARE GOING TO HEAVEN by doing so, anyway?! (And, to top it off, there are those that will quote ‘obey the powers that be, that are ordained by God’ IGNORING the fact that the American War for Independence patriots had NO issue with seeing BOTH as normative! So, who shall rise up and lead us? THAT is the question I am still waiting to hear the answer to…. 7
Posted by Sam Davidson on Mon, 09 Aug 2010 15:24 | # If people want to know what is going on, they are capable of asking the appropriate questions and looking in the appropriate places to find the information. They don’t ask questions because they’re not aware of the problem. Since the 1980s most of the middle class Whites have moved into suburbs away from non-whites. This was a direct response to racial integration forced upon America by federal courts. The result is that today’s youth has no idea what non-whites behave like in large numbers. Plus, these same middle class Whites are being educated by a Jew-run public education system that deliberately misinforms people about racial reality, and force-feeds them pro-“diversity” brainwashing. The result is that middle class Whites are the most insulated from reality. And, to quote Orwell, the proles are animals. What I would suggest is tribe-building. Build up family ties, build up friendships, practice things like paintball or spend time at the range, get a network of people you would be willing to have at your back in a life or death situation. I agree. They don’t need to know why or what your thinking is; as long as they want to be not-racist, it will only cause pointless arguments. And what happens when one of them wants to bring a non-white friend into your paintball club? Do you say, “Sorry, this is actually a racist club and I was waiting to tell everyone until later. We’re actually in training for the coming race war.” Hilarious. Appealing to the people at large will not work, because the people don’t want to hear it. There’s a difference between making “appeals” and laying down the facts. If my race knows all the facts about their own displacement and chooses to let it happen then so be it. But it would be criminal to watch these people march towards an abyss and fail to warn them. 8
Posted by the Narrator... on Mon, 09 Aug 2010 16:15 | # These are good follow up posts. Leon, I appreciate the thought out reply. I’ll offer the following counterpoints to the ones you made to further the discussion.
I wasn’t so much thinking of street agitators. Rather, I was thinking of leaders stepping up and saying to Whites, “Over here! This is YOUR government. Here is where you’ll vote. Here is your society. Here is civilization.” I believe the best, the only, tactic is to act in the conviction that non-Whites simply don’t exist politically, philosophically, socially and so on. They aren’t relevant to us or our future. Yes, they are a physical obstacle and a threat in that sense. But so are Timber Wolves, Grizzly Bears and Mountain Lions.
The American Revolution wasn’t a grassroots movement. Most revolutions aren’t. The elites of the American colonies gathered together and decided for the colonists. And I believe that most colonists were initially against the revolt. And I’m pretty sure colonists at that time had a better quality of life than their European counterparts. But they simply had no choice. Once the elites decided on a “meme” the social institutions and its leaders followed suit. Suddenly, independence was being taught in universities and preached in the pulpits. We may not like to admit it, but people are politically and philosophically malleable to a large extent. Leaders will have followers. And as for the horrible physical conditions in the US, that depends on where you are and your age demographic. Gated communities don’t exist for no reason and Skin Heads don’t pop up in Mayberry. How many Whites do you see in urban and, increasingly, suburban, areas who look like they eat boxes of steroids, are tattooed head to toe, own a couple pitbulls and walk around with a paranoid frown on their faces 24 hours a day? They are a walking testimony to a dramatically diminished quality of life and a belief that tragedy can, and will, befall them at any second.
The question is, what is causing the anti-PC sentiment? Books? The anti-PC sentiment has not grown due to to philosophical arguments. It’s likely that sentiment won’t be harnessed by such either.
As I said it the piece, at that time most Americans were completely ignorant of the situation.
Do you really believe that? I think it has more to do with the average American coming face-to-face with a swarm of Mexicans on their streets every day. Just six or seven years ago the immigration problem was still off of most people’s radars because it hadn’t really (literally) hit home, even then. The PC multi-cult pushers never have made a compelling or even remotely coherent argument for their regime/ideology, because none exists. They simply imposed it upon people, bluffing them into compliance. Most people know the PC stuff is horseshit. They set back and do nothing though, because no one else is standing up and doing anything. I mean, there has to come a point when a battlefield general finishes with the pep talk and finally says, “CHARGE!!!!” First, we need a general. In the words of Abagail Adams, “We have too many high sounding words, and too few actions that correspond with them.”
As I wrote above, with the economic downturn and increasing numbers of third-world neanderthals running around, we’re more likely to lament the absence of “the Feds” in the coming years. ... 9
Posted by PF on Mon, 09 Aug 2010 17:04 | # Sam Davidson wrote:
It is hilarious. And yet a very real statement about the conundrum we are facing: (1) build implicitly white circles/friendships/clubs/societies, while realizing that (2) many people are still going to be ideologically profoundly anti-racist. So what do you do? Chew out all your friends who don’t acknowledge group differences? Have one-by-one the ‘difficult discussion’ with everyone you know? If they have any residual attachment at all this puts the brakes on a friendship. Fine, says the committed WN. But so much the smaller your circle. The thing is, we can’t afford to ‘vet’ if we want large numbers of white friends, because the ‘air’ out there is still anti-racist. And I have been able to subtly influence several who I could never have had ‘the difficult discussion’ with at the beginning. But still, where does it leave us? I think I have studied all the angles, for a white man in 2010 in North America, there simply is no easy way out. (Strictly speaking, anti-racism is the easy way out). 10
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 09 Aug 2010 17:33 | # PF:
You attach a moral cost to their behaviour. 11
Posted by PF on Mon, 09 Aug 2010 18:00 | # GW, Good point. Morality and shaming - probably the quickest way to control a white person. 12
Posted by Wanderer on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 00:43 | #
Exactly. A point all need to take to heart. Most younger-whites are clueless (they can afford the “luxury of liberalism”) for the two reasons Sam Davidson mentions. 1.) Suburban sprawl insulates them… which lets them fall for #2 In whatever “evangelism” you do, keep those in mind. It’s not their fault that they are so aracial, they are a victim of circumstance. 13
Posted by Armor on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 02:12 | # Sam Davidson’s tactic :
My own list : 1. be explicit about race and white advocacy 2. explicitly name the Jew 3. explicitly tell white people that their government basically wants to kill them 4. publicize racial demographic predictions + facts of race (IQ + atrocities against Whites) — 14
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 03:17 | #
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 04:01 | # Link for the above map: . 16
Posted by Matra on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 04:55 | # Morality and shaming - probably the quickest way to control a white person. Highlight differences between ourselves and non-whites that may appeal to morality sensitive whites. For instance animal cruelty, something only whites, especially north Europeans, care about. Many immigrants come with cruel cultural/ religious practises that are older than England itself and thus unlikely to change.
Halal-only school dinners slammed by animal lovers “We are neglecting our responsibility to the vulnerable animal kingdom that has shared this land with us for centuries and is to some extent a part of our collective inheritance. It would be immoral and shameful for us to condemn them to future suffering and some to extinction due to our unwillingness to change our immigration laws of today”. 17
Posted by Gussie Fink-Nottle on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 06:02 | #
Pointing out that Muslims are commanded by their religion to hate dogs is a great way to reach any dog owner. If Mexicans felt the same way, I would be right now commanding an army of angry SWPLs at the southern border. 18
Posted by Dan Dare on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 06:07 | #
I don’t wish to be argumentative Fred, but what is the basis for this claim? 19
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 06:24 | # “I don’t wish to be argumentative Fred, but what is the basis for this claim?” (—DD) A pair of functioning eyes, Dan. Oh and a few working brain synapses are of great help as well. Essential in fact — two’ll do. Maybe three or four at the absolute outside, you don’t need much for this, thanks for asking. Mystified as to how it’s done? Get an IQ-boost, you’ll see how the rest of us do it. Why am I snidely sarcastic and obnoxious? Because I see you as being, in your stubborn denseness, your unwillingness to admit the blindingly obvious. That’s why. Why don’t you open your eyes, man? Or are you actually just not that bright? 20
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 06:30 | # Dan still thinks there are “8 to 12 million illegals” in the United States because the government says so. No other figures are written down anywhere, you see. There’s no other paper trail, so 8-12 million it is. Don’t try to connect the dots, you have to have it on paper or shut up. Try upwards of around forty-five million, Dan. It’s called opening your eyes to the blindingly obvious. 21
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 06:38 | # On immigration Dan is one step away from JamesUK. He’s going to fight tooth-and-nail against the blindingly obvious every step of the way. What relatively modest progress he’s made to date he’s had to be dragged kicking and screaming into, bitterly resenting every single second of the process and he’ll be damned if he’ll permit himself to be dragged one millimeter further. Try your best, his heels are firmly dug in against you. 22
Posted by Dan Dare on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 06:40 | # By your olympian standards, perhaps not Fred. My powers of transatlantic vision are clearly inferior to your own. But I would still be interested to learn how statistics that show that less than 1% of white British women are involved in relationships with non-whites can be parlayed into a claim that half of the white mothers in London and Birmingham are, as you put it, ‘are bearing the baby of a vibrant father, not a white father.’ Unless you can produce data that substantiates your claim, then you are guilty of issuing a vicious and wicked slander against British women who have done you no harm, and would probably have your guts for garters given half a chance. 23
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 06:44 | # He’s also keenly, I would say broodingly, anti-American (for all the wrong, stupid reasons and very few of the right ones) so this stuff coming from an American is simply beyond the pale, simply makes him dig in his heels all the more. At the very least it has to be a Brit telling him this stuff, he’ll never acknowledge a word of it told him by a Yankee, not one word. End of story. He’d die first. 25
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 06:54 | # What percentage of the British white women having babies specifically in Northwest London, the 9.4 percent self-identifying as white there, are pregnant by vibrant boyfriends/husbands would you estimate, Dan? Your estimate is one percent of them? How’s that possible when your less-than-1% national figure averages in regions like Northumbria, County Durham and Darlington, and North Devon which are at the opposite end of the scale? 26
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 07:03 | # Let’s have estimates from Londoners reading this: of the Northwest London females self-identifying as white who are giving birth today, who amount to 9.4% of the total females in that NHS trust who are giving birth today, what fraction are pregnant by vibrant men? 27
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 07:12 | # In other words, does the figure of 9.4% white women delivering babies in that particular London NHS trust (the rest of the women delivering babies there, 90.6%, being vibrant) mean 9.4% of babies delivered in that trust are white? If a fraction of babies born to those white women in that trust are not white but vibrant, estimate the size of that fraction. 28
Posted by Dan Dare on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 07:20 | #
I’ve no idea Fred, you’re the expert. Even though you’re resident in Hooterville KY, can’t you deploy your transatlantic X-ray Spex to enlighten us poor benighted Brits as to what’s going down? But don’t confine yourself to NW London, give us the bigger picture as well. You’re real good at that, dot-connecting and all. It must be a gift, wish I had it, life and the universe would soooo much simpler to deal with when absolute certainty comes so naturally. 29
Posted by Anonymous on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 07:38 | # Things are very bad in America. But surprisingly they are even worse in Britain.
Unlike Britain whites aren’t predicted to become a minority in America until 40 years from now. Also, unlike Britain less than 50 percent of all live births in America are from non-whites. 30
Posted by Angry Beard on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 07:41 | # I’m sorry DD, I have to give Scrooby his due. 31
Posted by Anonymous on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 07:43 | # France and .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) are disasters as well. 32
Posted by Anonymous on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 07:47 | # Fixed Russia link: 33
Posted by the Narrator... on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 10:36 | # ”......immigration via the womb…..”
Yes. And you can also (still) legally organize and take to the streets and march through the capitals and cities, effectively shutting them down, if only till your permit expires. Think of all the things we can do legally and without the fear of imprisonment or state martyrdom, but don’t. I mean we are currently free to write about how we are loosing our right to write about loosing our right to write.
I believe that guesstimate was moved up to 2041, or about 30 years from now.
That’s (somewhere in the neighborhood of) 12 to 15 million you can subtract from the 198 million “white” Americans. Plus the numbers of illegals are considerably more than the official 8-12 million the government counts. For years now the the numbers have been thought to be closer to 30 million. By now, it’s over that. So you can figure that America’s population is about 345 million. Out of 345 million, about 183 million are ACTUALLY White. That’s 53% of the population in 2010. One thing rarely talked about in regards to Amnesty, is chain-migration, aka chain-Amnesty.
This was on drudge today, ‘U.S. electricity blackouts skyrocketing’ .
. 34
Posted by John on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 11:01 | # Fred:
In America, some of the rats are jumping off the Neocon ship and trying to infiltrate the paleocon/traditionalist right. They remind me of a heroin addict who steals your wallet, then offers to help you look for it. 35
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 13:01 | # “don’t confine yourself to NW London, give us the bigger picture as well.” (—DD, Aug 10, 6:20 AM) But in my comment I had referred not to “the bigger picture,” but to those two London and Birmingham districts appearing on the map, earning moreover from you the accusation I was “guilty of issuing a vicious and wicked slander against British women” for so referring. I did not intend to refer to other districts because I judged those particular types of ones to which I referred by name to encompass proportionately way more miscegenating white girls and women than lots of other types elsewhere. I nowhere estimated that UK-wide, half of births to white women are vibrant. I said in those districts, and for a reason. You don’t use the intelligence you possess, Dan, because of two defects that cloud your thinking and your judgement: you’re at bottom what is known as a liberal, and you harbor keen and brooding anti-Americanism for 90% the wrong lefty reasons instead of the good solid righty ones which God knows there are enough of. I dislike clashing with you but you know, I’m heartily sick of your nitpicking disputaciousness every time an impression is registered — especially if by an American — pertaining to the magnitude of the problem if it’s not backed by paper evidence. I’m sick and tired of it. Please stop. Were your brain not clouded by liberalism and lefty-type dumb knee-jerk anti-Americanism you’d accept that where facts on paper aren’t available (for the precise reason, in the case of the immigration/race-replacement crisis, that the government doesn’t want them known because its conscience isn’t clear) people make good surmises, form educated impressions, and connect the dots. Do not try to force us to accept as the whole picture only the lies and deliberate omissions handed down by enemy-occupied government. 36
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 13:25 | # Regarding one of the links posted above by “Anonymous”: I didn’t know Arthur Kemp had a blog. I’m no “nordicist” and don’t get into the north-south thing (except when south types like Silver, Dienekes, and “Uh” richly deserve to be taunted northstyle, as punishment for when their southness becomes especially idiotic, annoying, and harmful to the race) but will I be reading Kemp’s blog regularly, now I’ve discovered it? God damn straight. 37
Posted by Dan Dare on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 15:29 | #
The 1% figure comes from the source that was cited in the earlier thread, the one which you asked to carry over into your new one. I can’t find it right at the moment. Before responding to your 4% claim, I need to look at the source you used for births by ethnicity. The link doesn’t work. Before taking anything the Mail says at face value, I would also want to see their source as well, they are notoriously sloppy. 38
Posted by Dan Dare on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 15:49 | #
This has already been debunked. It’s pure enemy propaganda (and I believe the figure claimed was 10%).
I’m sure this is very likely to be the case, the percentage of white British remaining in those London boroughs is likely to be just as small, and the number of ‘traditional’ white families even smaller. Such areas have been subject to dramatic demographic change in the last 30 years and have experienced mass white flight. Most of those whites remaining are likely to be elderly, poor oor seekers after alternative lifestyles.
Yes that is broadly correct. The ruling Conservative party was deeply divided on the issue as well as on the Irish Question. But we have to probe a little deeper and ask ourselves why the introduction of a colour bar had become so objectionable and remained so for so long. 39
Posted by Dan Dare on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 16:56 | # The first link still doesn’t work for me, brings up a 404. I see the second (Table 7 on p. 15) but this doesn’t really enlighten us as to the % of mixed births. The difficulty I am having with the 4% figure is that it doesn’t really gel with the total mixed popn figure of 1.5%, or with Coleman’s TFR of 1.89 mixed vs 1.72 for whites. If Coleman is correct you’d expect say 1.75% not 4%. The other difficulty is that we’re comparing two independent datasets, one from the ONS (based on the census and the LFS) and one collected by individual NHS trusts. I’ve been trying to find out how the NHS performs its ethnic monitoring and as far I can tell it’s done on patient admission under the ‘16+1’ scheme. The online system for registration of births does not require the reporting of ethnicity of mother, father or child, merely the country of birth of the parents (see Annex 1 here. I don’t know how ethnicity of children gets recorded in the system (I suspect it doesn’t). 40
Posted by Wanderer on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 17:40 | #
The Census Bureau does claim to count illegals, but most likely it uses the deflated 10-million-figure. Assuming there are really 25-million means adding 15 to the supposed total mid-2010 population of 310 = 325. The number of “whites of non-Jewish non-Hispanic European descent” is a bit below 190-million, you’re right. The number of Hispanics who are genuinely unmixed whites is hard for me to guess at, but must be many millions…even if only 15% that is still 7 or 8 million. In conclusion: The white share of the population of the USA is still a bit over 60%. In certain areas it is way below this and others it is way above this. It’s not like 4 in 10 people in every community from Portland Maine to Portland Oregon are nonwhites. Let’s not forget that. 41
Posted by Wanderer on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 17:40 | # It’s also true, though, that share of births in the USA in which both parents are white has been under 50% for years now. It has now dipped under 45%, I think. 42
Posted by Wanderer on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 17:49 | # RE The OP histrionic presentation of the supposed reality of an Iowa town in 2020, a mix of early-Sept.-2005 New Orleans and Somalia. Hyperbole for effect. But it presupposes—or seems to—that the only (or main) reason to support racialism is fear of nonwhite crime, or something similar to that. From a strictly racialist perspective, much worse would be if all the immigrants were stereotypical “model minorities”. Peaceable Integration—> Mixed-marriages—> The Hawaii-ization of the USA. The End of European-Mankind in North-America. 43
Posted by Dan Dare on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 18:53 | # @Dasein - found it. The NN4B system (NHS Numbers for babies) records the ethnicity of a baby, as defined by the mother. Although your source above does note that:
So while some murkiness remains, we now know at least the 4% for total mixed derives from. But then how to reconcile it with Coleman’s TFR numbers? On that basis ‘mixed’ as a group are even more fecund than Asians and Blacks, which seems counter-intuitive. And why are Bangladeshis so low? Coleman has them out-rutting everyone, even the Pakis. 44
Posted by torgrim on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 19:44 | # from the Narrator; “Our electricity comes to us via a decades-old system of power generators, transformers and transmission lines—a system that has utility executives holding their collective breath on every hot day in July and August. (snip) Many great public works projects of the 20th century—-dams and canal locks, bridges and tunnels, etc..even the Eisenhower Interstate System are at or beyond their designed life span.” That’s right, and then add the burden of uncounted millions, upon million of immigrants, siphoning off the tax monies for welfare/housing, food stamps, immigration via the womb, health care, and you have what has become of California. The last major dam project was finished in that most remarkable year of change, 1968, the year that set the standard for the rest of the century. Here is a dam project that my uncle drove heavy equipment on, started in a better time 1960 and completed in ‘68…The project says a lot about the way California, and now the rest of the US, changed during the 60’s. This Project has basically made California the exporter of food to the world, especially to the Orient, as rice is a major export commodity, from the water stored at Oroville Dam. Of course the men that can do this kind of engineering and construction were White men. Not much has been done in the way of major projects since, again, 1968, in California. Does this correlate to the dispossession of what we built, no question. 45
Posted by the Narrator... on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 20:13 | #
I assumed there were about 35 million plus. About five years ago various people (including The Heritage Foundation I believe) estimated the number at 30 million. And more have come in the half a decade since. Considering they’ve overrun California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California and can still be spotted in every town, city and Home Depot from Maine to Alaska, would suggest their numbers are very much north of 30 million.
You’re right, it’s impossible to know how many are un-mixed. I’d guess the number is very, very small. Irregardless, those of Latin American descent are irrelevant to the discussion. They pretty much “went native” centuries ago. They don’t consider themselves White, but rather, “white” or pale or what have you. And they have nothing but animosity for those of the Anglo-Saxon persuasion. Western Civilization really doesn’t extend south of the Rio. For those actual Whites in Central and South America, I wish them luck. But they pretty much exist in another universe apart from our own. Always have, for various reasons. Mostly of their own choosing.
That doesn’t seem to be working so well for Whites in South Africa. As for my Iowa 2010 scenario…... Yes, a little hyperbole. But not too much. I picked 10 years from now for a reason. 10 years is both far and near. Near enough that when it’s here it will seem like 2010 was yesterday. I honestly don’t think that Whites, even those who should know better, understand what is about to befall them. To be clear, I really, honestly, do believe that the majority of America will look like post-Katrina New Orleans in about 10 to 20 years. ... 46
Posted by Bill on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 20:36 | # For some time now I’ve been following a guy called Lynden LaRouche, I find him an odd character. He is pushing for a Roosevelt type new deal to be commenced to get the American economy going again. He also says that he and his merry band of followers are going to kick Obama out of the White House anytime soon. If anyone tells it like it is it’s this guy, he maintains that Obama is like Nero and has gotta go. Disclaimer. I understand La Rouche has been around the political block a few times and has accumulated baggage as they say, being a limey I can’t get a handle on him, so please don’t shoot the messenger. Anyway, LaRouche is pushing for a quick start on a project called NAWAPA, (North American Water and Power Alliance) It’s a project he says that will get millions back to work and will equip N. America for the future. He also maintains that America should do a JFK and go for Mars - all interesting stuff. Does anyone take him seriously? 47
Posted by Bill on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 23:23 | # Fred Scrooby August 10, 2010, 09:03 PM Fred. Thanks for your take on LaRouche, yes I’ve heard similar before. He seems to have a cult following of educated people (as lieutenants) and has a sophisticated far reaching set up (international?) what we could do (in UK) with something like that. I notice you finally called out DD. What’s he doing here? Regret to say (don’t know if you are following BNP events) but it’s getting worse by the day. Latest casualty in the week of the long knives is Lee Barnes - it could be the end. It’s a brave man who predicts where it’s all going to end. Deafening silence from establishment/MSM/usual suspects - sooner the devil you know I suppose. It seems to have gone pearshaped when Griffin won his place in Europe, no-one to mind the shop back home. 48
Posted by Dan Dare on Wed, 11 Aug 2010 03:35 | #
Seeking the truth Bill. Aren’t we all? 49
Posted by Bill on Wed, 11 Aug 2010 09:22 | # Unashamedly filched from Laurance Auster’s View from Right. LA replies:
This, IMO is where it all comes from, I’ve seen it with my own eyes, am I missing something somewhere? Where’s the British connection? Cock up, conspiracy or deliberately planned? 50
Posted by Dirty Bull on Wed, 11 Aug 2010 19:04 | # Slightly OT. 51
Posted by Rollory on Thu, 12 Aug 2010 13:57 | # “Hey kids! This is a great time for a learning moment! If anyone tells you to break the law you need to get away from the situation and tell a responsible adult right away.” This is a very very good example of what I was talking about. If Mr. Renner is not an advocate of breaking the law, given the laws we have here and now today, he is a slave, and useless. In the USA it is against the law to not hire numbers of non-whites sufficient to convince a court that the employer is not engaging in “discrimination” (in other words, “judgement”). Does Mr. Renner seriously claim that this is a law that should be obeyed, never tested, never pushed, that society and social groupings should not be brought to the point of considering utterly natural that such a law is permissible to ignore due to its being wrong? One does not repeal a law without first holding it in contempt. That is one example. My comment about throwing rocks is admittedly more drastic but equally valid. It is against the law to vandalize or destroy CCTV cameras; is it therefore a bad idea to do so? These are tools that will be used against whites and not against other races, because whites will be expected to comply with whatever authority attempts to impose. It is that habit and that expectation that must be shattered. Mr. Renner remains useless. The laws must be despised and broken. If you can not find it in yourself to do that, the idea of overthrowing the system is utterly laughable. 52
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 12 Aug 2010 14:20 | # Rollory maybe you read Soren Renner’s comment too fast? — he was using the rhetorical device of sarcasm to express a view similar to yours just above. 53
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 12 Aug 2010 14:30 | # A snapshot of just a few of the nuts & bolts of how race-replacement is proceeding apace in the U.S. thanks to the ringleadership of the U.S. Jewish community (thanks, Jews!) at the head of an alliance of Jews, non-Jewish white “liberals,” homosexuals, beyond-pathetic scumbag faux-self-abnegating Christians, etc., etc., etc., and of course the ever bolder and more brazen non-whites themselves:
That’s what’s happened to the U.S. thanks mainly to Jewish ringleadership (no, DD, it’s not “us doing it to ourselves”) — and it’s coming to European Man’s home continent but that’s OK according to, Gates of Vienna, and Geert Wilders because, you see, it’s nothing to do with Islam per se, just with race. Islam’s the only problem, you understand. There is no other. Surely not race. To Gates of Vienna, Baron Bodissey, Fjordman, Conservative Swede, and Paul Belien’s neocon line-up at, not to mention Geert Wilders’ organization, the kind of racial discrimination against whites and outright race-replacement of whites on display currently in the U.S. and worsening by the hour is perfectly OK because, you see, they’re not Moslems being brought in, only non-whites, and non-whites are welcome to move here into Euro-race lands absolutely without restriction or limit. It’s only when they’re Moslems that there’s a problem, it’s only the name Moslem that’s objectionable, race-replacement by any other name is great, just wonderful, it’s enriching, it’s vibrant, it’s not giving in to fear of change, it’s learning to let go, let go of the familiar, it’s embracing The Other. So Baron, Paul, Swede, and FJ, I salute you all on your honesty, clear sight, courage, and good sense, and especially your freedom from prejudice. You saw that you too could import the set-up currently raging in the States, and by golly you did your best to make sure there was zero opposition to its arriving in Europe! Congrats, men! Your motto is No Moslems! but Race-Replacement by Any Other Name is Fantastic. 54
Posted by Robert on Sat, 14 Aug 2010 00:48 | # The Census not only counts illegal aliens but also green card holders, foreign students, asylum seekers and any other foreign bodies who are on US soil. If you count people with actual US citizenship the number of non-Hispanic Whites is around 78 percent of the population. It is simply a matter of border enforcement, non-renewal of green cards and sending them on their merry way. Enough political will to make this happen will restore the demographics back to early 1980s percentages. 55
Posted by the Narrator... on Sat, 14 Aug 2010 11:01 | #
Do you have a source for any of that? Could you breakdown how you arrived at those percentages? ... 56
Posted by torgrim on Sat, 14 Aug 2010 22:04 | # @ Robert, Well I hope you are right. However, I need some way of how you came to these stats. Can you explain the White non-hispanic number of 78%? Maybe it’s just my experience living on the Left Coast with this human wave of legal and illegal immigration ,but my eyes are telling me your figures don’t include children under 10 years of age in your figures. 57
Posted by Fr. John on Sun, 15 Aug 2010 14:45 | # Scroobmeister- Listened to the Lubavitcher dude. No way, Jose. He says (in short) that because (in Heeb) the Divine Name [i.e., God’s Name] is four letters [YHWH] there MUST be four races on the planet at all times. Well, “MY” God’s name has FIVE Letters (or six) - IESOUS- Jesus. So, what’s a [sic] Goyim to do? Mr ‘Rabbi de France’ says that the four races are the black, white, red, and yellow. Hasn’t it been the “DZOOS” who were in the forefront in the USA for ‘civil rights’ and ‘gay rights’ and all the other heresies now afflicting us? Were they not from Brandeis on down, the ACTIVE DESTROYERS of the White Race? And where do the ‘DZOOS’ come in, AS a race? Are they (as they think, and their Talmud teaches) the ONLY ‘divine race’ on the planet? Do THEY consider themselves to be WHITE? For there are MANY, MANY Whites who do NOT consider them to be our equal. They killed Christ, remember? ‘His blood be on us and on our children.’ If Christ is the Second Adam (and He is, St. Paul says so) then those who kill Adam, cannot BE ‘Adam’s seed and David’s line’ as the great hymn says. So, thanks, but OY! No thanks. As Dr. MacDonald has said, they are an ‘ingroup’ mentality whose ONLY MEME is ‘Is it good…. FOR THE JEWS?” That is not altruistic, by any means. 58
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 18 Aug 2010 00:32 | # Fr. John, before replying I’ll post a translation of Rabbi Dynovisz’s video so non-French-speakers can follow what’s going on. In the meantime I just watched an excellent video linked in a comment over at Hunter Wallace’s which I’ll cite since it seems à propos of the theme of this entry: Dr. David Duke is apparently testing the waters with respect to his power to attract funding for a run for the presidency either as a Republican or an independent. I for one would not hestitate for a microsecond to vote for Duke for president or for any public office, although my preference would be to vote for him for the post of absolute dictator of America for life, with the power to name his successor-dictator-for-life in a binding one-man non-democratic decision process. Here’s Dr. David Duke presenting his views of what would be best for America at this juncture in history: 59
Posted by Gudmund on Wed, 18 Aug 2010 03:34 | #
Earth to Robert ... I live in one of the whitest regions of the United States and it is at most 2/3 white. Go out into the most rural areas and you will still find hordes of mestizos and Somalis living in subsidized housing. Time to lay off the painkillers or take the blinders off or quit whatever it is which has put you so out of touch with reality. America is rapidly approaching minority-white status as we speak, forget 2050 - it will happen in less than a decade at the rate we are going. 78 percent. 60
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 19 Aug 2010 14:41 | # Just to mention: this monrth at the invitation of a centrist organization in Japan a meeting took place between various centrist groups and centrist individuals in the West including centrist Jean-Marie Le Pen, a representative of the centrist BNP, and men representing several other centrist organizations: . (Hat tip: I happened to see this bit of news cited in a comment underneath this log entry by Eugene Girin: ) I mention it because that it took place is interesting and positive, and you never know but that something seemingly insignificant today will take root and flourish, becoming significant tomorrow. What’s going on of course isn’t a battle between such made-up concepts as “progressives” and “the far-right” — concepts moreover that, as used in today’s world, are incoherent — but an attempt by the shell-shocked center to regain its natural position as the predominant normalness base of human psychology and society whence it’s been dislodged by an alliance of sick twisted jealous hate-filled killers and exterminationists, nation-wreckers, normalnessphobic Jews, communists, crony capitalists, the criminally insane, and others all addicted to serial genocide and the snuffing out of whole civilizations assisted by their various bought men and assorted low opportunists — an alliance-from-hell that owes its success mainly to the advent starting some 90 years ago of clueless women in the Eurosphere voting booth without whom the Jews, this alliance-from-hell’s ring-leaders, could never have gained traction. Accordingly, where you see “far right” in articles like the one, linked above, reporting this meeting in Japan, it makes sense to mentally substitute “centrist.” That’s what it was, a bunch of centrists getting together for a meeting. 61
Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 19 Aug 2010 18:56 | # Whatever “the only way” turns out to be what they all have in common is that they need lots of people. Currently there aren’t lots of people. So…at this moment in time “the only way” is whatever wakes up more people. For example the Covington thing, it might be “the only way” but i don’t think something like even registers with people who aren’t already woken up. Because of that it might be right but it’s still wrong for the current conditions. The sort of thing that registers with people who aren’t woken up yet are things like the A3P, BNP or Matt Parrott’s community activist thing or various other things like that which involve communicating with unwoken people. That’s not to say these activities are the solution, just that they are vehicles for waking people up and if/when enough people are woken up then all the “the only ways” will seem more attainable. 62
Posted by Armor on Fri, 20 Aug 2010 02:59 | #
If you believe in the Zeitgeist theory, you may hope to make a difference by simply talking to lots of people. The internet makes the job easier. As non-white pressure becomes stronger, people will become more and more receptive to our point of view. But my view is now that the problem comes from a limited group of people who can be identified. I think the institutions have been hijacked by an activist minority of string-pullers. Today, popular opinion doesn’t matter any more. It is simply ignored by government. As people become more radical, maybe there is a threshold when it will become impossible for the government to ignore them. Until then, it doesn’t matter how many people think what. Most people are already against immigration. The Jewish media simply smothers the debate. Depending if you believe in Zeitgeist or in the existence of a minority who is blocking the democratic process, I suppose there should be a different strategy. If we are going to try to change the Zeitgeist, we need to wake up millions of people. (Most people are already half-awake, and it makes no difference at all). If we would like to get rid of a small group of string-pullers, we don’t need many troops to start protesting against the Jewish over-representation in key institutions. 63
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 20 Aug 2010 03:32 | #
That is the correct explanation. 64
Posted by Wandrin on Fri, 20 Aug 2010 04:38 | #
True. I was thinking more of things like secession. 65
Posted by Wanderer on Fri, 20 Aug 2010 05:20 | #
The best solution from a legalistic standpoint is declaring the 1965-Immigration-Act null and void and invalid (as it was passed under false pretenses [that it would not alter the racial balance], and was never put to a popular-vote). Anyone descended from someone who held citizenship on Jan.1-1965 retains U.S. citizenship. All others are made stateless and would have to apply for citizenship and/or residency permission anew. There is precedence for this. It happened in several of the ex-Soviet states that Moscow had been swamping with Russians for the previous few decades. They declared the USSR an illegal state and all its laws invalid, including its awarding of citizenships. Local citizenship passed to descendants of citizens on the day before Soviet invasion/annexation .e., local ethnics and not Russians). 66
Posted by Wanderer on Fri, 20 Aug 2010 05:48 | #
I also find it hard to believe. U.S. citizenships are given out cheaply now. 750,000 naturalizations have been handed out every year over the past 5 years, according to INS. Not to mention—Anyone born here is a citizen, thanks to a poor reading of the 14th Amendment. 67
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 20 Aug 2010 06:02 | #
That’s one of the best ideas I’ve heard in my entire life. On any subject. Just reading that makes you feel as if a great weight has been lifted from your shoulders. Merely having read it now will make me feel better for I don’t know how long — years, likely. Never in the history of the world was there a better idea. Many ideas have equaled that one in excellence; none has surpassed. May God grant it be done! 68
Posted by Armor on Fri, 20 Aug 2010 17:13 | #
Of course, from a non legalistic standpoint, what matters is that white people be allowed to live among other white people. We need to be able to separate from non-whites, whether they arrived before or after 1965. 69
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 22 Aug 2010 16:38 | # More of potential importance on the Jacksonian Club idea, posted this morning at OD:
This reminds me of the Sons of Liberty preceding the American Revolution. When men have had enough the revolution will start and then events will move very fast. 70
Posted by torgrim on Mon, 23 Aug 2010 20:06 | # From, the Narrator’s Essay; “The first thing to mention of course, is that America has a Black president by the name of Barack Hussein Obama. Let that sink in for a moment.” And look what happens when the Barrio, relocates to Yakima Washington and a place soon to be near you. 71
Posted by Unfashionable Observations on Thu, 09 Sep 2010 06:42 | # Dissimulator though he is, even Lawrence Auster has a better understanding of Glenn Beck and the Tea Party than does Hunter Wallace.
Wallace would do well to carefully read that last paragraph. Post a comment:
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Of Note MR Central & NewsCommentsThorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 18:40. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 16:12. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:25. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:11. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:06. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:06. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 13:40. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 12:20. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Fri, 21 Feb 2025 18:23. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'On an image now lost: Part 2' on Sun, 16 Feb 2025 13:23. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'On an image now lost: Part 2' on Sat, 15 Feb 2025 23:08. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'On an image now lost: Part 2' on Sat, 15 Feb 2025 21:08. (View) |
Posted by Sam Davidson on Mon, 09 Aug 2010 00:44 | #
The first step is building up our people’s awareness of the situation. This means we need to 1) publicize every atrocity against Whites, 2) Name the Jew, 3) Demonstrate how the people’s will has been betrayed (Border security, homosexual marriage, etc.) White Americans need to understand that this is no longer their government. And soon it will cease to be their country.
Most of us do not realize how little the average person knows.