Belles Lettres My friend Tadeusz Korzeniewski has suggested that we engage in an exchange of letters, by way of exploration of one another’s views. I have no idea what will come out of that, if anything. But it is too interesting a prospect to be neglected. So here is my opener, on the subject suggested by Tadeusz. Replies will be added to the page, not to the comment thread - that is for readers with their own thoughts on the matter at hand. Dear Tadeusz, Your suggestion is that we choose as our subject the appearance of a Polish diaspora in Britain. A brave choice. I certainly don’t have a great number of positive things to say about it. I don’t think you will find many patriotic Englishmen who do. But there are those among the bien pensant classes and, of course, the shrinking band of Europhiles and outright devotees of libertarianism and economism, as well as the usual haul of thoughtless little sleepers who parrot any media mantra, who will tell you that east European immigration (because, obviously, all east Europeans are Poles) is “not a problem” and even “a benefit”. Well yes, east Europeans are, at least, white and Christian (nominally, anyway). They seem refreshingly, unusually like us. And some of the girls can be very appealing. They drink and swear and dance, and then they can be laid. To the English ethnic sensibility, this is an understandable species in a way. They can “assimilate”, in a way. Obviously, as a matter of ethno-nationalist principle, it’s very different. All our peoples must live sovereign and free, and that means alone, on their own ancestral soil. Europe’s peoples must grant one another this most essential collective freedom, because sovereign possession of territory is, and has always been, the guarantor of life itself. We have no business in each other’s lands. Is not Polish history a long and painful testament to that? The present-day story itself is lacking in Polish tragedy, but it has its victims. The million-fold young Poles and eastern Europeans generally who, since 1st May 2004, have come to Britain, and travelled in even greater numbers to Germany, have deserted their own needy economies and treated ours like some low-rent, mud-free Klondyke. They have created enormous resentment in East Anglian towns such as Peterborough and Boston. They frequently live in gang-houses provided for them by migrant-worker agencies. Rumours abound that they sleep several to a room, and know nothing of the always rising costs of owning an English house and raising an English family. English workers simply cannot compete on the subsistence earnings the incomers are so willing to accept. It is said that local employers recruit directly in Poland, the jobs never being advertised to prospective English workers; and that whole workforces are recruited and actually paid in Poland, the employers exploiting loopholes in EU law to avoid employment taxes in Britain. The whole deal is topped off with constant praise for how “polite”, “hard-working” and “skilled” the incomers are, while the English men and women they have replaced are routinely dismissed as “lazy” and “uneducated”, and are left to rot on state benefits. The underlying narrative is that life in the old Soviet bloc countries of eastern Europe has remained economically harsh, and workers still understand what it means to do an honest day’s work for what, by Western European standards, is a pittance. They are only too grateful, we are told, to take up “the jobs British workers will not do”. British society, on the other hand, is written off as having become decadent and uncompetitive in the global economy. Our people have come to expect the good things in life without having to work for them. Europhile politicians and financial journalists, whose own jobs are not at risk in the new neoliberal universe, regularly reinforce this message. Some have the gall to lecture the English unemployed to the effect that if they don’t like it, they are always free to go and find work for slave-labour wages elsewhere in Europe, as if to be decanted from home and family into the life of a characterless economic cypher is an acceptable station for any human being. It is true, of course, that the eastern European workers are an economically productive cohort. Migration is a filter for IQ, and the quality of first-generation migrants is higher in all sorts of ways than the average for their country of origin. Higher, in this case, than the average for the natives too. But by the same measure the eastern Europeans have come with rather more than the average loading of competent criminal gangs. The least of it involves metal theft: stealing manhole covers, stripping lead from church roofs and power-cabling from railway lines. Multiple accident insurance fraud is another little game. Armed robberies of soft targets like petrol stations and jewellers are also a favoured pick and, naturally, the drug trade has benefited substantially from “skilled eastern European labour”. The very worst of it has been the smuggling and prostitution - sexual enslavement, actually - of innocent and brutally used eastern European girls hidden away in inner-city whore-houses. Undoubtedly the most novel and multicultural felony has been the provision of rather more willing eastern European “brides” for the purpose of a passport scam, usually involving Asian fixers and African “husbands” willing to part with a few hundred quid for a quick I do. Not the hardest work a hard-working eastern European girl could find to do in opportunity-laden Britain. The whole “hard-working” narrative took a bit of a knock from about the middle of the recession - well, perhaps not the “hard” part. We began to hear about penniless, unemployed eastern Europeans living rough in parks and public spaces, “skipping” supermarket bins and hunting the edible wild-life to extinction. The sight of regal swans gracing the urban river landscape has become a thing of the past on some East Anglian rivers. In contrast, alcoholism, at which eastern Europe has always excelled, has become a rather more commonplace feature of town-centres. Now we are told the recession is over. But nine out of every ten new jobs is being taken by immigrants of one hue or another. Our kids struggle to enter the workforce at all. Only half of graduates find non-menial work. Of the others many are serving internships - generally without pay, just to have a chance of a permanent job at some point in the future. It is, of course, an utter betrayal of the young, to add to the long, long list of betrayals we have suffered in the grand cause of maximum corporate freedom. The politicians, together with the businessmen who have wallowed in its profits and the liberal Establishment which has found it so convenient and personally inexpensive, can never make amends for what they have done. Tumbrils and old maids with knitting needles will not make amends. Only mass repatriation, ruthless and complete, will make amends. As for the eastern Europeans, they do not escape without a cost to their humanity. Like all new migrants, they have brought upon themselves and their children a ceasura they do not yet understand. The subtle rewards of peoplehood, of life among kind, of natural belonging and warmth and understanding have been replaced in them by becoming a stranger in another man’s land, and by the coldness and disinterest he feels for them. This is the true wage that the neoliberal system pays its migrant workers. Its materialism has become theirs, and its power to commodify human lives has commodified them. Until they go home they are merely labour, another commodity to place alongside goods, services, and damned capital. Yours, GW Comments:2
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 23 Mar 2014 21:37 | # FWIW, I think GW is solidly on the right track. I say this not being English BUT I as an Americano, I’ve been greatly influenced by English culture; not only because England is the mother country of the USA and we speak English, but due to the simple fact I grew up on listening to rock bands from England. That may sound trivial but I’ve always judged English rock bands to be superior to their American counterparts; thus, I intuitively came to the conclusion the English have something in their DNA that made them superior in some ways to us ethnically mongrelized Americanos. Therefore I think it would be a great travesty if the English too were mongrelized—even if it were done with Polish people—who BTW have a rich culture in-and-of-themselves. If this continues, the native English peoples would forever lose what makes them unique in the Euro-sphere. A little bit of adulteration here and there in the English population is tolerable, but adulteration on a mass scale in unconscionable—especially if it is occurs with genetically distant populations. 3
Posted by Bill on Sun, 23 Mar 2014 22:24 | # GW. EU immigration into Britain is like everything else we’re faced with, it’s a smokescreen to fool the masses, even Farage is exploiting this scam, what is his game? One can only guess it is less racial going the EU route. I should imagine there are no reliable figures with regard to ratios of non white immigration to EU immigration but I would wager it is in favour of non whites. The BBC is happy to keep reinforcing Farage’s assertions, telling us it is the Poles who are swamping the country. We’re getting a serious shafting of a double whammy, EU and Third world immigration combined, I’m amazed the country is still functioning. I keep repeating the whole thing has got to collapse, and that’s not including talk of financial melt down and signs of World War III. It’s crazy, absolutely bloody crazy. Headlines in the Times today tells me that Conservatives and Labour are neck and neck in the polls. And still our peoples are not fazed. We’re in a Race War. 4
Posted by uKn_Leo on Mon, 24 Mar 2014 06:42 | # Benefity UK: (Translation) Hi all! More or less for I plan to arrive in Scotland on a permanent basis. Trying to prepare and hence my questions. I know that these topics there all the time on the forum, but each of us is different and please help in answering my questions, for which much thanks. I am a single MOM (after a divorce), I would come to Scotland with 2 kids (14 and 10 years), of course I will be looking for work, but I don’t know how fast I can find something. Apartment plan on beginning of rent with 2 bedrooms. My questions concern the benefits - if I did try to immediately after arrival (NIN) and that I can apply and apartment - what help I could count? Best regards Dorota I have to know all the benefits. Well, next year I want to bring to everyone the rest of the family. his brother and parents, I would like to ask what benefits do I claim I or my parents. I would add that they are both after the 70-tce, and I download tax credit.S yszałam that there is such a thing as a pension credit. align retirement. But if my parents may not apply if you have never worked in England please answer. Hello I am the mother of 3 children plans within a month to join her husband in the UK, at the moment I am unemployed person. At this time, the husband gets on a daughter’s oldest CHB another 2 waiting for decisions. Upon arrival, he wants to lease a small apartment and apply for benefits, I do not know where to look for help and information. If someone can give me information where I can call for advice. Thank you to all the benevolent Benefity Treasury Islandy UK: This provides something of a public relations headache for our Polish brethren in the UK. We have enough benefit chavs already. The last thing we need is more. We want to be your friends, partners and allies. In that regard we could be most generous. Voluntarily. But this is not the way you treat your friends - come into their house, eat their children’s food, block the toilet (and probably fix it again, fair enough - we’ll give you that), steal from their wallet, pitch your tent in the garden and eat their Goldfish and cat. Personally, I quite like the Polski.
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 24 Mar 2014 07:01 | # Fair enough uKn_Leo, Of course The UK shouldn’t have to put up with that. It is tragic that it has had these policies which have attracted the most socially unconscientious (and also not good that it has had to take significant numbers of even good quality non-native folk). Social benefits in Poland are apparently quite low, as are salaries. Poland has not signed the “Lisbon Accord” with its obligation to “human rights”, which translates to the EU forcing a European nation to provide housing and welfare to non-natives. So far, these things have kept Poland not only White, but Polish. I’m sorry that the UK has attracted Poland’s dregs and just as sorry that it has siphoned off so many fine women.
Voluntarily.” 6
Posted by Mike on Mon, 24 Mar 2014 14:25 | # It’s refreshing to see such a volatile topic handled so amicably. That’s something we don’t see very often these days. No doubt the globalist project will continue to send shock waves through traditional societies for decades after it has been exposed and rejected. But you know, every generation has its battles to fight, and this one’s ours. 7
Posted by wobbly on Mon, 24 Mar 2014 20:30 | # Tactically I think it’s important to remember that: 1) The people behind mass immigration are not the immigrants themselves but the hostile elite. 2) The aim of the hostile elite is firstly divide and rule and secondly white genocide. 3) The hostile elite turning criticism of non-white immigration into crimethink has pushed people into mostly complaining about white immigration. This can become too much of a habit and makes it easy to forget who the main enemy is. 4) Criticizing EU immigration is a means to attack the entire basis of *mass* immigration in relation to the preservation of peoples and to attack the hostile elite who are imposing mass immigration. It’s not a thing in itself. 8
Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 24 Mar 2014 23:37 | # England appears to be Poland’s lebensraum. The danger of European immigration to the UK is that there are no visa requirements. In addition potential immigrants from outside the EU face significant visa fees, even if a spouse is British. There are also financial requirements that are not imposed upon EU immigrants. Visa fees may be 800+ GBP and visas are readily rejected for any small discrepancy, leading to the retaining of an immigration lawyer, another 800+ GBP and a re-application for an additional 800+ GBP. Biometrics (finger prints and photo) are also required, plus courier fees etc. etc. All this for the privilege of spousal settlement in the polyglot that is the UK. It appears divorce is a more viable option. And while some consider Albion ruthless in its day, it is doubtful that the English will ever perpetrate a repatriation plan that will return England to a pre-1948 demographic. 9
Posted by soaralba on Tue, 25 Mar 2014 01:04 | # A good post summing up a lot of the situation. In Scotland, we have large numbers of Poles and other East Europeans, personally I don’t mind them at all. What I suspected happened when Poland joined the EU was that certain pro White or at least non anti White business groups saw the chance to short circuit Labour and the EUs then plan to use the excuse of a ‘labour shortage’ to flood the West with yet more muslims and negroes. Poles were allowed visa free entry to only three EU nations. Ireland, Sweden and the UK. The latter two were top targets and now even Ireland is facing an African flood. I am convinced the plan was to have White demographics destroyed by this point. There is a downside, a serious one as the author points out. I have been personally affected by it, having been laid of from my job with a building company, only to find a Polish guy directly recruited from Poland now working at the company instead of me. I was taken on later for a few weeks temporary work and got to meet my replacement. I resent it of course, and as the Poles make around 4 times the salary in the UK for an equivalent job in Poland, they are laughing all the way to the bank. However, on balance I do think the situation has gone as well as it could have, given the outright attack on the White race we are now experiencing. Social corrosion is deep rooted in the UK and not least Scotland. I grew up in a 100% White town, and I can assure any Americans dreaming of Scotland, it came as no surprise to me the country is now full of race mixing whores and criminal pond life. The majority of Poles I have met actually still believe in starting a family and having a conventional life. The majority of working class Scots, that idea is a novelty. 10
Posted by Lurker on Tue, 25 Mar 2014 02:04 | # Ive met quite a few Poles working over, they dont strike me as the dregs. Most of the guys are polite, like a laugh, easy going, they seem pretty well adjusted all round (see soaralba above). Most of the women seem alright too and pretty without being slutty. 11
Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 25 Mar 2014 10:16 | # Good post, and good comments. My query concerns the very point of this exchange, as in, what is it? Is Mr. Korzeniewski unclear as to how an English nationalist might feel about masses of Poles crowding into England? Is the Polish gentleman any kind of nationalist himself? Or is the idea behind the choice of topic that reflecting upon Polish immigration, insofar as doing so removes the usual racial angle, better allows us to capture the essence of what nationalism is, or at least what it is we fight for? In the US, we have an anti-immigration organization called NumbersUSA. This group is rigorously non-racist, but nevertheless is well-run and useful in the fight against the Third World invasion(s). They advance many non-nationalist arguments (though not, imo, always the most effective ones) for why immigration harms (native-born) Americans, mainly focusing on the unjust wealth transfers from working to professional/upper classes that ineluctably follow when countries artificially (and usually substantially, as in this case) expand their labor pools [I call neoliberal immigrationism a form of “economic cheating”.] It’s hard for anyone who is not a ‘cultural Marxist’, rabid neoliberal apologist, or nonwhite nationalist to refute them. If there were a NumbersUK, this new “Polish Question” would fit their “concerns profile” perfectly. No need to deal with nasty racial or cultural or dysgenic matters; stick with economic fairness. How is the average Englishman made better off by importing lower wage Polish labor? How much in taxes do such newcomers pay, and what is the value of any state services they receive? What are the ecological (‘carrying capacity’) costs of adding this number of persons to the British island? My point is that, in contrast to overwhelmingly genetically/culturally alien and behaviorally undesirable Muslim, African and Gypsy immigrants, EU mass-migration forces European patriots to decide exactly what it is they are fighting for, as well as against. There is no hiding behind the former’s real racial inferiority. Even the issue of higher-IQ Asians is less problematic, as Orientals are still visibly racially alien, even if not necessarily civilizationally degenerate, and thus accepting them as a legitimate part of the British national community cannot but dilute that community’s longer-term cohesion, itself formed out of shared history and shared ancestry. But Poles? They are white, no less Christian than Brits (and usually far more so), and an historically identifiable and distinct part of our common European civilization. I think Poles in the UK could assimilate to “Englishness” over a few generations (that is, their grandkids would look and sound more or less like their indigenous peers). If Polo-Brits a few generations down the line were to still retain a distinctive sense of Polish identity (or, apart from self-identity, ethnically distinctive mannerisms or behavioral patterns), that would certainly constitute the final nail in the coffin of the idea of immigrant assimilability. Beyond assimilation, this Polish diaspora also raises the issue of the nature and value of ethnicity. The English don’t want Pakis or Africans imported into their midst because the latter are culturally, socially, and economically undesirable in themselves, and ultimately threaten the military security of England. Their presence is a permanent ‘fifth column’ in the UK, a perennial existential threat which must be monitored by the authorities at great cost, in both expenditures and inconvenience, to the indigenous. The Poles pose no such threat. I doubt Poles are more generically crime-prone than contemporary Brits (though the Polish diaspora might be; I don’t know the stats). Polish workers certainly don’t pose any military or terrorism concerns. So, beyond the economic hit imposed upon the UK workingmen (and this should not be minimized: Britain is their country, their home-land, the land of their fathers’ sacrifices, and thus there is no just reason why they should be forced to earn less, just so a few can reap higher profits - what entitles the neoliberal landlords to have their preferences for cheaper workers satisfied over the preferences of native workers for higher wages?), is there some deeper reason - something to do with the value of the health of the larger community to the life-satisfaction of the individual - why mass immigration even of racially-related peoples is still inherently objectionable? I think exploration of that latter question is the direction this exchange ought to take. 12
Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 25 Mar 2014 10:42 | # Speaking of the sickness of immigrationist/race-denialist seepage into the conservative mind (or what passes for it these days), I can’t resist calling my fellow Americans’ attention to this pitch-perfect neocon now running in the Republican primary in New Jersey: First, the endorsement in Neocon Central rag The Weekly Standard:
Note that last paragraph re “legal immigration”, being “where Obama Democrats are on the wrong side of voters”. Now here is candidate Bell’s “issues profile” on his own website:
Read those two paragraphs, and wonder: is this man (a professional writer and published book author) a complete idiot, or is he a sellout? To whom is he selling out? Or is this what he considers “populism”? And then there’s this:
Statehood for PR is a major issue for New Jersey Republicans and independents?? Lastly, my emailed response to this goofball:
This is the kind of nonsense American “conservatives” spout. No wonder the real conservative cause never goes anywhere. 13
Posted by Mick Lately on Tue, 25 Mar 2014 11:44 | # soaralba @ #9,
There’s compelling evidence of YKW executive involvement in all three cases: and it was from ~1997 in the UK and Ireland that the mass immigration began. I think that you’re right: To put some tweak on it, I thought that the plan was slow, sly genocide by race-replacement of the English and the Swedes and that the alien replacement-population would then violently enslave/exterminate the Irish for reasons of carrying-capacity and food security.
Posted by Mick Lately on Tue, 25 Mar 2014 12:00 | # I think that it takes ~15 years to do the demographic damage, e.g.: From 1965 to ~1980 in the U.S.A. By the time Reagan came in the brown sun was peaking over the horizon. 1986 (Amnesty) and 1991 (see Alien Nation by Brimelow) are further damage dates. From ~1997 to 2012 in England and Ireland. The job is done. Mass repatriation the only way to undo it. It was more gradual in Sweden (nation wreckers, pace Kevin B. MacDonald) and France (Hitler warned of it in Mein Kampf). Both countries are lost and must be regained. The rate of demographic change we whites are witnessing now in our countries is, paradoxically, both too fast and too slow which, I think, causes a kind of mental paralysis in our peoples which plays a part in inhibiting organized resistance. 15
Posted by wobbly on Tue, 25 Mar 2014 19:18 | #
Stealth genocide by immigration is the same whoever the immigrants are but the critical thing to remember is the people responsible for this attempted global genocide of White Europeans aren’t the immigrants themselves.
The economic and demographic trends all lead to a dramatic drop in carrying capacity.
Bear in mind any children they have will grow up with the UK’s poisoned media and education system. 16
Posted by Nick Dean on Tue, 25 Mar 2014 19:25 | #
Hmm ... yeah. Cheers, Mick. It’s not often you come across a new idea reading the nationalistnet (and according to google I just coined the term, nationalistnet) 17
Posted by Gogol on Tue, 25 Mar 2014 19:29 | # Being from London, and being relatively young, I’ve worked with Poles all my working life and it’s true that they’re a hard working people. However, I and other Englishmen too would work hard in menial jobs if we were able to save up and buy a property with our money - something that the Poles can do with the money they earn in England once they bring it back to Poland; and something which is virtually impossible for our generation, especially those living in the South of England, to do. Moreover, despite the stereotypes of maintaining tradition, they, especially the women, are very susceptible to multicultural propaganda. Considering that its taken our people generations of indoctrination in the media and academia, a lot of them have swallowed it. For example, where I used to work, over half of the Eastern European girls: Polish and Lithuanian, were dating non-whites. Their way of thinking has in a short amount of time become frightfully liberal. I remember one day talking to a Polish girl at work, who had only been living in England for two years, about the inherent differences in IQ between the races. The shock that that covered her face was akin to your general, foaming of the mouth, anti-white. I don’t want to bash Poles, or align them with non-whites, because I like them, but there are far too many of them in England. Many don’t give a damn about England or its people. They see our land as an economic zone. If English nationalism threatened their livelihood in this country, they would side with the non-whites, I have no doubt about it. A few years ago, I asked a Polish girl at work whom she voted for and her answer was Labour. Now, she was a nice, hard-working, pleasant girl to be around. I asked her ‘why’? Her answer was that it was the most pro-immigrant political party in England. I said to her, ‘don’t you see that by voting Labour you are diminutively assisting the genocide of the English in their own land’? She just shrugged her shoulders in indifference. And that sums it up, really: Poles and Eastern Europeans are indifferent to the extinction of the English.
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 26 Mar 2014 13:54 | # The damage caused by America’s addiction to KWAism:
Posted by DanielS on Wed, 26 Mar 2014 18:58 | # Gogol, I understand and support a native English England, native Scotland, Wales, Ireland etc. However, in response to…. A few years ago, I asked a Polish girl at work whom she voted for and her answer was Labour. Now, she was a nice, hard-working, pleasant girl to be around. I asked her ‘why’? Her answer was that it was the most pro-immigrant political party in England. I said to her, ‘don’t you see that by voting Labour you are diminutively assisting the genocide of the English in their own land’? She just shrugged her shoulders in indifference. And that sums it up, really: Poles and Eastern Europeans are indifferent to the extinction of the English. I do not believe that the example you gave of a Polish girl who shrugged her shoulders over the prospect of native English genocide sums it all up. She represents an incredibly ignorant section of Poles and a liberal world view that seems to be common among modern western women - it is shocking, but not endemic of Poles alone. I have told the story of walking around Paris with a lovely Anna Thompson only to have her respond to my question, “what if England is overrun by blacks?” with, “well, so what?” Moreover, despite the stereotypes of maintaining tradition, they, especially the women, are very susceptible to multicultural propaganda. Considering that its taken our people generations of indoctrination in the media and academia, a lot of them have swallowed it. For example, where I used to work, over half of the Eastern European girls: Polish and Lithuanian, were dating non-whites. Their way of thinking has in a short amount of time become frightfully liberal. You are on to a pattern with women being frightfully liberal - but it seems to be a generic woman thing, and one which is in a pandering / inciting relation with corrupt elites, whether native, Jewish or other. While Poles do not belong there in appreciable numbers, lets not let these elites incite us to a poor man’s fratricidal war for their rich man’s interests. Lets work it out another way. You are smart enough to make it happen.
Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 26 Mar 2014 21:18 | # The political view of a Polish woman matters not. The very presence of large numbers of Eastern Europeans in England poses an existential threat because of the genetic distant as measured by Salter’s table of child equivalent loss. Extinction is extinction regardless of whether by Pole or African. 21
Posted by DanielS on Wed, 26 Mar 2014 23:15 | # Anna Thompson’s indifference matters not either. Great Britain should be more than 97 percent of its native own. Citizenship and green cards should be revoked from non-natives. Some reasonable notice given. Free travel provided back to homelands. Some compensation for whatever property they might have had after a given period out of Britain. Internment camps for those who will not go voluntarily and then put on transport back to homelands. Work permits rarely given to foreigners thereafter. Residence, never given to non-natives. Travel Visas * granted perhaps on the basis of an essay written in view of proctors, an interview by committee and a fee. * I would still like to see Britain one day, but to sight-see, museums, monuments, cities, castles, country, pubs, not to live there. Still, I am not eager to visit, as I suspect I would experience it as a great tragedy, as I did Paris. The times I planned to go to England the hand of fate kept me away; I suspect fate knows my temper and was good to me I’d have to get in the right frame of mind to bear the science fiction nightmare of pestilence, a plague being visited upon the native European population. International travel is actually one of the major reasons why many indigenous species are dying, even some of the staunchest and oldest survivors. Thus, even travel Visas should be issued with precaution indeed. ..................... 23
Posted by DanielS on Thu, 27 Mar 2014 05:15 | # Yes, sure. I might have been a fraction more clear in my agreement had I made a change that I had considered making to the comment - viz., having to brace for the sight of a native population being subject to the plague. That would have taken the just any-ness away from the native European population under discussion. I left “the” figuring it was clear enough and being too picky. Anyway, yes, the genetic distance is noted and scientific proof that it augers genocide: Poles and English are a different people. Nobody with a modicum of thought should permit of the English being merged away with Poles or anybody else. Its particularly bad tact on the part of Poland to put such stress on England. Britain is owed help and I rather hope Poles will start to help more to make up for this by being part in assisting the repatriation (of Poles and the rest of the non-natives), both through policy efforts and public activism. 24
Posted by ekirtstrike on Sun, 13 Apr 2014 02:13 | # There can be no peaceful solution when the enemy (not the Poles) is fundamentally evil. 25
Posted by disturbing increase in Polish migrants expected on Tue, 21 Apr 2015 17:50 | #
Posted by UK forced to hire Polish teachers on Tue, 15 Mar 2016 23:18 | #
Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 18 Jan 2019 04:12 | # GW, you’ve stated in the past that you will not accept any permanent Polack admixture to the English gene pool. But what if Polacks will not accept these people of mixed Polack and English ancestry out of the same concern for the purity of their blood? This is where a claim to Nordic superiority will prove advantageous. The Nordic claim to protecting their purity can be adjudged to override the Polack claim BECAUSE Nordics are racially superior. Accepting Nordic genes could only uplift Polacks whereas the opposite would only lower Nordics. And of course no sane Slavic people should ever accept admixture from the quasi-Arab mongrels known as “Southern Europeans.” 28
Posted by DanielS on Fri, 18 Jan 2019 10:00 | # Captainchaos, first of all, these objections of yours have been addressed time and again with consistency. Nobody here is advocating for mixing the various European peoples. Ethnonationalism for all provides the basic premise in answer your conflict inspiring contentions. I leave your foul mouthed comment up because the question that you raise is valid: i.e., how to negotiate the growing number of mixed Europeans, where do they go without harming native populations in terms of their distinct and profound evolutionary structures? However, you posit an assumption that Poland would not take a certain number of mixed Polish/English and that others would not go elsewhere - like Australia and the Americas - still others would not be willing to abide by a rules based marriage and birth certificate system which would limit the numbers and kind of intermarriage (while still retaining citizenship) in serviced of human ecology. Now put your bad will aside in acceptance of this good will position based in ethnonationalism for all; then perhaps you can be of some help in negotiating the complexity of maintaining the purer European types while we figure out how to manage the mixed Europeans. ...or take your nasty mouth back to Carolyn Yeager’s dried-up old tit. P.S. Southern European migration is rare to Poland 29
Posted by Joe Dirvin on Thu, 22 Aug 2019 08:53 | # Brexit. Poles out. .............. Editor’s note. Judging by the IP location (Malaysia), “Joe Dirvin” is likely to be Al Ross, a worshiper of Adolf Hitler. Further, the comment was originally made on another thread where it was not relevant, indicating his generalized complaint in regard to MR’s platform (which doesn’t idolize Hitler). 30
Posted by Native English on Mon, 06 Jul 2020 11:12 | #
Shouldn’t necessarily want foreigners to speak English. Better that they maintain as many barriers to assimilation of the gene pools as possible. Post a comment:
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Piece by peace by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 19 March 2025 08:46. (View) Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) — NEWS — Sikorski on point by Guessedworker on Friday, 28 March 2025 18:08. (View) Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsGuessedworker commented in entry 'Sikorski on point' on Sun, 30 Mar 2025 23:59. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Sikorski on point' on Sun, 30 Mar 2025 23:34. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Sikorski on point' on Sun, 30 Mar 2025 23:33. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Sikorski on point' on Sun, 30 Mar 2025 22:52. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Sikorski on point' on Sun, 30 Mar 2025 21:43. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Sikorski on point' on Sun, 30 Mar 2025 11:38. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 28 Mar 2025 20:46. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 28 Mar 2025 17:52. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 28 Mar 2025 12:03. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 22:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 21:24. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 20:07. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 19:29. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 16:13. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 15:20. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View) Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View) |
Posted by DanielS on Sun, 23 Mar 2014 15:36 | #
I don’t really have much new to add to remarks that I have already made on this matter. I have always been against the EU. I am sorry for the inundation of England (and other countries) by Poles. I do not relish the thought of the two way street, either.
If there is anything that I can do, let me know. I still believe that the Euro-DNA Nation provides a way of forming a parallel over-nation, with proper subdivisions to manage the resistance and retake the native states from the EU and other international monsters.
I am sorry for Poland’s loss of its good ones. And, as I have said before, I am sorry for the infliction of masses of good ones as well as the bad ones, of course, on England (and other countries).
Bad there must be among them - some incorrigible psychopaths, strong, virulent, nasty breeds festered for decades beneath stressful adaptation to communism, Jewish dialectic and Nazi attack. One can only imagine what kinds of insanity that might breed.
Regarding the good, honest and/or industrious ones, as I have said before, why should English men be happy for their mass presence, whether white or blue collar? As for the women who find it not easy being pretty or not pretty being easy (aren’t I just so happy that they can be “laid”), I can’t imagine English or other Western women being overly grateful for their presence either. Again, nor am I happy about that.
The only few places that I disagree with GW are here:
“Only mass repatriation, ruthless and complete, will make amends.”
I can understand and agree with complete mass repatriation to make amends. But brutally? Let that be reserved for the bad ones, which there must be.
More, I do not believe that the influx of Poles to England would necessarily represent the best of Poland. You’d get a percentage of very good people, no doubt; but I rather believe that you’d get a disproportion of criminal and morally degenerate types.
Coming back to the issue of woman, this is more personal. The EU has made the matter more difficult in terms of finding an appropriate mate. Whereas once I may have had an economic advantage, it is now apparently negligible in compensation for my ethnically incoherent background. Whereas those women who might be looking for something a bit different might find me interesting, now they can just go west. While those who stay here generally prefer the local fare. The same goes with the “conservative” ones (whom I might be interested in) - they tend to prefer the local fare; as other European countries, Poland can be like a snobbish, private club. On the other hand, the women open and interested in me tend to be liberal (and I cannot pretend to think Michael Jackson makes good art or that the USA is a dream rather than a nightmare).
The EU has made the process of finding the right match nearly as arduous and unreliable as in The US. True, there are almost no blacks and or other non-Whites in Poland and that is enough to make it tolerable on the most radical levels - it’s a profound difference - but it does not supply everything you need where Whiteness is taken for granted. There is the usual slowness of understanding the problem with blacks and “diversity”, etc - though travel is creating awareness to overcome that TV inculcated liberalism. However, for a normal life, you need women still less liberal and competitive in order to make a comfortable choice in a wife. The EU opens up competition further and renders accountability asunder in every which way.
If its any consolation, the biggest Jerks that I know here are the English guys (ok, there is an American Jew who takes the cake - in polite company, I cannot repeat explicitly what he said to mock me the last time I had the misfortune to encounter him - he shouted repeatedly that “you love BBC!” in front of everyone in a bar; yes, he’s that obnoxious). While passing by a bar, Brian, from Cornwall, invited me in for a shot with the other guys, from Birmingham, Canterbury etc, who get on just fine with Hymiewood Steve (the aforementioned American) and they went on about how they were thinking about kicking my ass for being a “racist”. I told them to try it, or rather go back to England if they wanted diversity. If that’s what they endorse, after all, what are they doing in a homogeneous country?
But really, I know these guys, and I’m sure you wouldn’t like them either. I was just mocking them for the PC dirt-bags that they are. I wouldn’t wish “diversity” on any European country.
At bottom, I am all for cooperating in resolve to maintain and retake our native European whole and its native parts. I have never been hypocritical on this matter. While I am not against people pursuing conventional and many other means of securing our European peoples in their distinct kinds, my own original suggestion is to go around the bureaucracy by forming the parallel Euro-DNA Nation. It has our separate and distinct categories of European built-in and looked after from the onset.