Boston. Who? Why? It seems that four bombs had been planted. Two exploded at the finishing line, killing two and injuring one hundred. A third bomb at the finishing line did not explode. A fourth exploded in a library that was closed, causing a fire. Why bomb a library (if the report of a bombing is correct, of course)? Doesn’t seem a very bright thing to do. Did they think it was an IRS office? As for the marathon, Patriot’s Day does celebrate the freedom of the nation - a pretty hollow idea for a lot of people. So ... a “far-right” attack on a “melting pot event”? Not really. Three hours after the first of the elite athletes cross the line, most big city marathons are “implicitly white” events. Anyway, why bomb marathon runners instead of the government? A target for Islamicists, then? Looks like a lone psycho job to me. Of course, he will have “links” to far-right groups, probably a copy of Breivik’s manifesto on his hard-drive ... Comments:2
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 22:15 | # Well, brace yourself. This one’s going to be pinned on whitey down at the gun club. 3
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 22:24 | # That’s what Whitey gets for hanging out with Beaver Cleaver. 4
Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 16 Apr 2013 04:51 | # Who knows? I bet it’s some filthy Muslim. When I hear “Far Rightists” praising Muslims (allegedly because they are anti-Semites), I know to pump one of my shotguns. The Muslim is the eternal enemy of the West. We can make allowances for the occasional Western fool who decides to “go Quaranic”, but all real Muslims are enemies of the white man, and have no business in Western lands. The Bosnian traitors whose ancestors converted to Islam to avoid dhimmitude (ie, for the special privileges) must eventually be forcibly reconverted to the One True Faith, or face similar expulsion from Europe, along with their more recently arrived coreligionists. If only we had a genuine rightist leader in America, this event could be used to derail the treason amnesty bill set to be launched in Congress within a few days. Another reason NOT to allow any more nonwhite immigration. 5
Posted by Joe on Tue, 16 Apr 2013 15:59 | # Henry Makow on the Boston Marathon bombing, the Mossad, and terrorism : 7
Posted by Morgoth on Tue, 16 Apr 2013 16:58 | # These events are a fascinating time to study Western media outlets and their ridiculous bias. If its the ‘‘Far Right’’ we will have marches and stern speeches on ‘‘stamping out the hate’’ anyone to the right of Nick Clegg will be a suspect. As of writing all across the west the media are waiting to be handed the script which concords with the PC narrative. A year or two back a Muslim in France went on a Jew killing spree but the French Left were convinced it was a Nationalist and planned a march against racism and anti semitism. When it turned out it was a Muzzer they changed the march to a general march for peace and love. I believe the Guardian got caught with their knickers down on the issue. 8
Posted by Joe on Tue, 16 Apr 2013 20:09 | # @ DanielS Why Exactly is it “idiotic” to link to Henry Makow’s article about the Boston Marathon bombing? 9
Posted by Joe on Tue, 16 Apr 2013 21:34 | # Boston Marathon Bombing : There’s a video at “Northern Truth Seeker”, the Boston police at a press conference. The Boston cops told the crowd to remain calm even before the bombs went off. Top-Cop doesn’t answer the reporter’s questions as to why the Boston cops told everyone to remain calm before the bombs went off. Amazing. 10
Posted by Joe on Tue, 16 Apr 2013 21:51 | # Seems to me Makow is right-on-target : 11
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 16 Apr 2013 22:56 | # H/T to WRSA. RITR collects the collectivist media stories thus far on Boston and the evil right-wingers who did it. —
Posted by DanielS on Wed, 17 Apr 2013 05:00 | # ......... If they are not literally assets then Joe, Thorn and Haller are as good as assets in part of the same “operation” behind the Boston Marathon bombing. An operation to distract, harass and derail what they perceive as White “collective” efforts. They are valuable assets toward that end in particular as they embody and carry an evil virus that will do anything in its power to bury the truth of White/European people’s authentic interests for the virus’s false religion of Christianity - a religion that leaves you confused, obsequious, uncaring about your life and those most like you, ultimately defenseless, worshiping a Jew in preparation to its universal subjugation and eternal death.
Posted by ukn_leo on Wed, 17 Apr 2013 06:33 | # I have learned so much from reading Leons posts Dan. As someone with natural conservative leanings, bought up in a Christian household, I see much sense in what he has to say. The same applies to Thorn and even the much maligned Joe. I do not agree that their contributions are distracting or derailing. Maybe raw IQ power does not equate to mental strength? To character? Are we (MR readers and regulars) that easily swayed and distracted? The pathetic, childish internal bickering is infinitely more offputting and upsetting. Speaking as a representative of the MR Less Learned and Lurkers Cooperative we understand that you super boffs have zero people skills. This is all too painfully clear. Can’t you just ignore posts or posters that you dislike or disagree with? That is what normal people do. 14
Posted by DanielS on Wed, 17 Apr 2013 07:52 | # /. Posted by ukn_leo on April 17, 2013, 01:33 AM | # I have learned so much from reading Leons posts Dan. Well maybe you have learned some things from his posts, but it is certain enough that, deliberately or unconsciously, he is giving horrific bum steers along with any cogent advice - i.e., Dr. Lister is essentially correct. As someone with natural conservative leanings, bought up in a Christian household, I see much sense in what he has to say. I have naturally conservative leanings as well and went to Catholic church and Sunday school on Sundays. I was compelled by circumstances to see that what answers that Catholics may have are not simply theirs as a result of their Catholicism. I don’t like taking on Christianity, but it is becoming more and more clear that it is fundamentally a Jewish ruse. Its purpose is to disarm gentiles, to exploit them through whatever weakened associations they may form - e.g. to get them together for the purpose of sending them to war on behalf of Israel or for taking their wealth away ultimately on behalf of Jews Thorn tries to say that I dislike success - ha! The same applies to Thorn and even the much maligned Joe. Thorn is far less flamboyant than Joe, but he is one who leverages the likes of Haller and this Joe thing, against what he calls “pseudo - intellectualism” - that is, against applying thought and intellectual apparatus to the solution of our problems. I do not agree that their contributions are distracting or derailing. You are mistaken and in Joe’s example it could not be more clear. ukn_leo, when you try to discuss the truth of the matter, and are forced to add, every step of the way that Christianity is nonsense at best, and you get a horn blown in your face every step of the way as you discuss non-Christian ideas, it is a distraction and a derailing yes. Those who are that determined to enforce the anachronoistic religion of Christianity over European people’s interests should have to go to a Christian site, yes. The pathetic, childish internal bickering is infinitely more offputting and upsetting. It is deadly serious. These people do not respond to rationale. I do not attack but will talk to people who are reasonable, who do not try to disrupt and misrepresent what I say. It is not super boffs, it is deliberate and directed toward those who deserve it: there is no point to having people skills for those who act inhumanly, the likes of Joe in particular; and I am afraid not much point with Thorn, because he is just going to bring that sort here to try to tell every one not to be “pseudo intellectual” i.e. don’t say anything that isn’t Christian. Dr. Lister had to leave because this sort does not respond to reason, they only imperviously impose Christianity. Can’t you just ignore posts or posters that you dislike or disagree with? Can’t they? Obviously Not. That is what normal people do. Joe is not a normal person, he is a more virulent form of what Thorn (“I got an anti-Semite on my heels”...while he attends to the “important business” i.e. of false conservatism) and Haller (if the Mexicans were not imposing upon his assets, he would walk away from European advocacy - he said so. Money and Christianity are what matters to him - it’s a Jewish syndrome that he has) are trying to do, to interrupt secular thought and impose Christianity. UkN Leo, recognize for your own interests that Dr Lister is absolutely right. These commentators are not worth it. You can learn the things they have to say without their impositions on secular thought. I do not go to Christian sites to harass and try to impose secularism on them. By the way, our interests are not so secular as they take on transcendent aspects. 15
Posted by DanielS on Wed, 17 Apr 2013 08:58 | # ///\ Do you know what “Dasein” and “MidtDasein” mean ukn_leo?
That is, it directs attention outside of you, out there - that attention is inextricable to your concern and being. It is a term that Heidegger coined to undo the destructive (Cartesian) habit of Europeans to absurdly direct attention to a point inside your head ad infinitum (you would have to be in two places at once) and perhaps a corollary beyond nature. That is to say, it is a simple, good idea. But an important corrective for Europeans. MidtDasein even better: There-being amongst one’s classification of people. Again, a Heideggarian corrective to the absurd destruction of Cartesianism. (I would have preferred that you see this in the context of my first essays on “miscegenation as equivalent to rape and pedophilia”, as it makes the point more eloquently, I think, but Joe’s ego could not stand for that) These are plain, simple, but important corrective ideas for European people, men in particular. That’s all they are. Joe wants to tell you Dasein is some evil mystery cult. He wants to demonize it, trivialize it, anything but for you to have it… except perhaps as it may come laced with his poison ego, his poison motives and poison religion. No, “he” is not maligned. “He” is maligning. That “he” would come here with this bullshit makes it clear that his motives are not good, he does not want you to be able to think. “His” concern is not particularly for European men and women. Its is a vast and destructive ego. 16
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 17 Apr 2013 09:40 | # Tough luck Boston. For many years in many pubs and clubs the collection plate was handed round for IRA funding, the result of which is well - documented in the annals of England’s terror attacks. 17
Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 17 Apr 2013 10:43 | # DanielS, Let me note that I do not criticize those who merely reject Christianity - though perhaps I ought to, and the fact that I do not is more of a blight on my character than something to admire. I most definitely am not “preachy”, and my reason for avoiding preaching is simply that I do not truly believe that human actions on the part of others can interfere with God’s judgments on individual souls. I believe Christians should defend the Gospel, and should never renounce it in pursuit of worldly goods (including ideological goods), but I think the idea that anyone who is of good moral character, but not Christian, is damned for that reason alone, vitiates and therefore offends the goodness and majesty of God. Thus, while I respect the Great Commission, and practice it in a (very) quiet way amongst my own acquaintances (about half of whom are Christians, the other half being either Jews or hard-partying secularists, along with a couple of WN atheists - and all three of the latter groups are frankly prickly about Christian assertion), I just don’t feel the need to inject my faith into all discussions, especially where it is not directly warranted, and contrary to your insinuation, I rarely do so here at MR. I do, however, feel a moral obligation to defend Christianity when it is being either slandered or misrepresented, as has been all too frequently the case here at MR (far more than at many other race-honest places, like amren or vdare or occidentaldissent). Counter-currents is virulently anti-Christian, too, but the intellectually insecure editor there has banned me for being insufficiently worshipful (of him, not Him), so I can’t respond. Interestingly, I’ve also been banned at several Christian or religious conservative sites, including First Things and Chronicles, not for being too Christian, but too racially honest (as one would expect a true Christian to be). My position, however, is the same everywhere: I defend Christ and His church when they are attacked, and I equally defend Western Civilization and the white race when they are attacked. The problem you have is that you hate Christianity. This has been a besetting sin of the Racial Right for at least a century. The hatred is born of various reasons and misunderstandings. Part of it arises from modern atheism’s undermining of the case for God (note this does not mean ‘disproof’), which in turn dramatically subverts the case for Christianity, especially among high-testerone racists and nationalists. Whether Christianity is in fact good or bad for the white race (as Islam clearly is good for Arab tribal power) is a very difficult question to pronounce upon definitively. My opinion is that in its contemporary modal incarnation, it is almost certainly bad for white EGI. Unlike you, however, I don’t think that the modern Christian ‘ethics of race’ is correct; that is, I certainly don’t think that Christianity has to be bad for the white race, but is so because secular liberal heresies of various kinds have seeped into Church doctrine. Your ‘solution’ is to jettison the faith; mine is to purify it and take it back. The notion, for example, that all men are (potential) brothers in Christ in no way implies that races must interbreed, or live next door to each other, or that national traditions must be discarded in favor of One Worldism. Why would anyone think this? Our ancestors were at once more Christian and more racist (without, however, being genocidal Nazis or proto-Nazis) than our generation. The Christophobic WN, in common with the modern liberal, seems to think that being Christian requires adherence to liberalism, that Christianity is a kind of theistic liberalism (or that liberalism is, at base, Christianity minus theism). Such a view betrays the most risible ignorance (actually of both Christianity and liberalism). This is really a topic for an essay (or thick book of scholarship). I suppose if I did not think Christianity metaphysically true, I would not support it for ‘instrumental’ reasons, at least in its current incarnation. However, because I am Christian, I cannot allow it to be attacked without rising up in defense. But when it is not part of the conversation, I do not artificially bring it up. I do think WNs who attack the faith are behaving stupidly, needlessly attacking potential allies. I also think that the extreme heterogeneity of the white race is one of its major glories, as well as an existential fact which must be taken into account in formulating nationalist strategy. Whites as a race have many religious, philosophical and ideological subdivisions; we accordingly need to focus on those policies which unite the greatest number of us. I have suggested ending nonwhite immigration has the obvious nationalist ‘lowest common denominator’. If we can’t even stop the invasion, the rest of our agenda is moot. 18
Posted by DanielS on Wed, 17 Apr 2013 10:47 | # Leon, I will read your book, er, I mean comment, later.. I’m sure there are some doozies er, I mean gems, tucked in there.. 19
Posted by DanielS on Wed, 17 Apr 2013 11:48 | # ..... Leon, this is from your first comment on this tread:
Everyone knows that you are talking about Christianity when you talk about “The One True Faith” And you have the nerve to say that you don’t impose it? Moreover, it is not only Christianity that you impose, but so many of the typical right wing corollaries, the false conservatism (hear that ukn_leo?) of misian economics, falsely attributing Marxism to those who differ from that and Christianity. This is the obfuscating muck. You go on to say: Counter-currents is virulently anti-Christian, too They hired Matt Parrott, a Christian, to an integral position. but the intellectually insecure editor there has banned me for being insufficiently worshipful (of him, not Him), so I can’t respond. I think that he banned you as he realized that you were liable to clog up the discussions with Mises, Christianity and false accusations of Marxism. My position, however, is the same everywhere: I defend Christ and His church when they are attacked, and I equally defend Western Civilization and the white race when they are attacked. The problem you have is that you hate Christianity. No. I do not consider Christianity seriously anymore (that is different from hating it). I am done with it. I appreciate that these folks are seeking a moral order. They may not realize that Christianity is not the only moral order nor the best one for Europeans. I do not go out of my way to attack Christians. But I do hate it/Christians as they have come here to disrupt the application of secular thought so that they may divert the threads toward Christianity (in its obsequious self destruction).
No, it is not a hard question Leon, it is clearly bad. I certainly don’t think that Christianity has to be bad for the white race, Leon, the text is ambiguous enough so that clever individuals, sometimes outright charlatans, can impose even White serving interpretations on it temporarily. but is so because secular liberal heresies of various kinds have seeped into Church doctrine. No, it is so because that is the strong, underlying pattern of the texts - self destructive liberalism that ultimately serves Jewish interests. The notion, for example, that all men are (potential) brothers in Christ in no way implies that races must interbreed, or live next door to each other, or that national traditions must be discarded in favor of One Worldism. Why would anyone think this? As I said in the two lines above. Your ‘solution’ is to jettison the faith; mine is to purify it and take it back. “Purifying it” will bring it back to its texts. . Many have tried this, many always do, that’s part of its ruse, “the true Christianity.” It comes back to its antiquated, liberal, obsequious, Jewish texts However, because I am Christian, I cannot allow it to be attacked without rising up in defense. But when it is not part of the conversation, I do not artificially bring it up. I would not talk much about Christianity were it not foisted upon me - But if you are going to insist upon foisting it, I must defend the vast majority who recognize it for the evil, nonsensical, deception that it is. I am supposed to sit by while some retard suggest that we are “Daseinist” ??? (as if anybody even knows or cares what the fuck he is talking about) ... as if we are from some kind of ancient cult, because we care about European people? We will defend ourselves against your “defense” of Christianity. Whites as a race have many religious, philosophical and ideological subdivisions; we accordingly need to focus on those policies which unite the greatest number of us. I have suggested ending nonwhite immigration has the obvious nationalist ‘lowest common denominator’. If we can’t even stop the invasion, the rest of our agenda is moot. No, the common ground is the DNA Nation. Not everyone has assets that they will lose to the Mexican invasion. There can be no cogent defense of borders until there are cogent people recognizing their common interests, the reward for participation and the danger in non-cooperation in defense against non-Europeans. 20
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 17 Apr 2013 14:44 | # Third attempt to post. After scrolling past Danny’s comments I stopped to post this. It is yet another example (by my count it’s example # 954,365,873) of the media’s anti-white bias. Look how this slimy Jew turns reality on its head by cleverly infering white males—as a unique sub-group of Americans—are as much of a dangerous threat to society as the non-white Islamic Jihadists. He, Mr. slimy jew, claims the difference in treatment is solely due to (drum roll please) “white male privilege”.
Posted by Harry on Wed, 17 Apr 2013 22:44 | # “...worshiping a Jew…” DanielS, I take it you’re referring to Jesus. Perhaps reading the article below might help. was Not ‘Jewish’.pdf 22
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 17 Apr 2013 23:47 | # Perhaps this might also help : 23
Posted by john on Thu, 18 Apr 2013 00:58 | # “Not a very bright thing to do” - or a reasonably bright thing to do. 24
Posted by jamesUK on Thu, 18 Apr 2013 03:40 | # I knew people would claim it is a false flag and that it is a “lone gun man white nationalist patsy” not that there isn’t a long history to indicate a right wing suspect in the bombing with people who have carried out criminal acts influenced and connected to people you praise like William Pierce and the idiotic mantra you repeat with the 14 word of The Order terrorist member David Lane. 25
Posted by Joe on Thu, 18 Apr 2013 03:50 | # Here comes jamesUK to provide very contrived and very obvious didactic incitement. It’s too blatant and obvious jamesUK dude. Give me more of a challenge. Not all us us are meth heads. 27
Posted by Joe on Thu, 18 Apr 2013 04:05 | # Rock The Truth on the Boston Bombing, the US govt., controlled mainstream news, false-flags, etc.. Very informative. Contains a lot of links as well with even more information about the Boston bombing and other false flag attacks : 28
Posted by Joe on Thu, 18 Apr 2013 04:21 | # Looks like the Zionists are going with a Muslim/Islamic Jihadist patsy—and not a White patriot patsy after all : Search term : ” Frank Collins + Jew + Skokie Nazis” Was Frank Collins a donmeh Jew? I know donmeh Jews started the Muslim Brotherhood—The Islamic Jihadist Army—in 1928. Hitler played a role in starting up the Muslim Brotherhood : And so did British “intelligence” services. 29
Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 18 Apr 2013 11:59 | # This sciolistic Joe personage obviously does not understand that the term ‘donmeh’ is only applicable to Turkey and the late Ottoman Empire. 30
Posted by wobbly on Thu, 18 Apr 2013 16:48 | # on topic No idea who did it. Apart from all the usual reasons there’ll be more crazies as America balkanizes further simply because human beings are evolved to live in a more ethnically and culturally homogenous environment.
100% true Mr Sirota, hence why your article collectively denigrating White people as a group alongside the 1000s of others by Jewish journalists and pundits in the MSM is clear proof of the overwhelming nature of Jewish privilege in America. 31
Posted by Joe on Thu, 18 Apr 2013 19:27 | # @ Harry Thank you for the link about Jesus is NOT a Jew. Too bad the link doesn’t work. Here’s a working link to a truthful article about Jesus is NOT a Jew :—benjamin.html 33
Posted by Harry on Thu, 18 Apr 2013 21:29 | # Apologies for the link not working. Hopefully the correct one can now be found below. Found within will also be many corrections to the misinformed article by Al Ross. Here’s another that might be of interest. 34
Posted by ukn_leo on Thu, 18 Apr 2013 21:31 | # Posted by Lurker on April 17, 2013, 10:54 PM | # JamesUK - what’s the point of you exactly?
Posted by Harry on Thu, 18 Apr 2013 21:41 | # Apologies for the incorrect link. Hopefully the one below will work. Within the linked article will be corrections to some of the false assertions made in the article linked to by Al Ross above. 36
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 18 Apr 2013 23:19 | # Why would anyone commit utterly pointless seemingly random acts of terror, evincing pure nihilism, against benign events like the Boston Marathon? The Southern Poverty Law Center comes to mind as a contributing factor. Note: I’m not positing a “false flag” operation or anything of the sort. I’m rather positing a kind of infection of the human ecology that amplifies itself with entities like the SPLC as central control points. At some point the SPLC’s promotion of social pathology among whites (ensuring a continuous stream of “threats” upon which they depend for funding from wealthy Jews), by for example defining “poverty” as excluding whites, spills over into pure nihilism in the general population. 37
Posted by Joe on Fri, 19 Apr 2013 02:05 | # @ Harry Thank you for the links. Very interesting and compelling information. Thank you. 38
Posted by jamesUK on Fri, 19 Apr 2013 13:09 | # @Lurker I did respond but the MR dictators deleted my comment. 39
Posted by wobby on Fri, 19 Apr 2013 20:37 | # James Bowery
The general case is a large minority get to stage 4 but obviously only a very small percentage get all the way to stage 5. 40
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 19 Apr 2013 20:58 | # Yes and the SPLC is among the groups most vigorously enforcing thought control about the consequences of immigration—thought control that leads to this sort of human ecology disaster. You can’t even start a website like VDARE without ending up being banned as a “hate” site by web filters—and the political aspect of such web filters are largely a creature of the SPLC and ADL. Of course, we don’t even need to discuss mass media control. 41
Posted by Joe on Sat, 20 Apr 2013 03:28 | # “Boston Bombing Suspect Shot Dead” : 42
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 20 Apr 2013 08:23 | # I told you it would be a filthy Muslim (see comment #4). 43
Posted by ukn_leo on Sat, 20 Apr 2013 09:45 | # Two American Jewish commentators talking about how ‘the right’, Christians, Tea Party types - are now all potential terrorist suspects in the light of the Boston incidents (from Russia Todays Crosstalk show). This clip comes with a health warning - do not watch if you suffer from hypertension/high blood pressure. Chechen Muslims terrorize the US - all whities become terrorist suspects = Jewish logic! (pure evil mindset). 44
Posted by Joe on Sat, 20 Apr 2013 15:34 | # “Boston Terror : The Real Attack” ; Very informative and excellent article about the Boston Marathon bombing, and all the forces and dynamics behind the turmoil, violence, and terror. Go to #1 icon at “VT” to access article. 45
Posted by Morgoth on Sat, 20 Apr 2013 16:53 | # @ukn-leo A few years ago I would have watched that video and saw two idiotic Liberals, today I see two Jews lying to the world. I’ve noticed recently that Jews are sticking their heads above the parapet far more than usual and I consider this to be good news. Jews rely on white Liberals to carry all their water and the more obvious it becomes to white Liberals they are being duped the harder it will be for the charade to go on, the mask is slipping and I for one am doing everything I can to rip it off entirely, as are many others, more than ever, in fact. That is one of two pincers closing in on the Jews. The other pincer is the spread of Nationalist ideas,and they are spreading !. Watching that interview I was actually nodding my head in agreement with the Jewess ‘’ The Far Right have become very good at dripping their ideas into MSM’’ to which I say yes ‘Yes we are and we are getting better at it’’ Ironically one of the areas which is a perfect recruiting vehicle for Real Nationalism is the counter Jihad, another Jew fuck up. I grow of weary of the meme within the Nationalist community that Jews are these genius level Lizards who are simply too rich and too powerful. They spread deceit for their own ethnic purposes and need putting in their place, and that day gets closer every day. Seen from their point of view the future is daunting, the pincers are closing…. And that is why they are increasingly coming out, its panic. 46
Posted by ukn_leo on Sat, 20 Apr 2013 21:16 | # Aye Morgoth. Agree 100%. I love the smell of victory in the morning. And how very typically Jewish to turn against some of the most staunchly pro-Israel whites. American evangelist fundie Christian lunatics (terrorist extremists hehe). Well, the truth is all there, in that 28 min clip. We are correct. We have been all along. War has been declared on us and our people. Resist and you are a terrorist. Don’t resist, and you are effectively dead anyway. A shell. Soulless. Defeated. A slave. 47
Posted by Brett Stevens on Sun, 21 Apr 2013 02:09 | # The proposition nation gets confused. We’re supposed to all come together, but all we have in common is consumerism and a legal code. There’s no longer an American ethos, spirit, values system, etc. This is why we have events like terrorism. It’s a violent free-for-all out there and whoever’s ideology is the most unreasonable is gonna win. 48
Posted by wobbly on Sun, 21 Apr 2013 10:45 | # Morgoth
Yup. 49
Posted by Morgoth on Sun, 21 Apr 2013 12:44 | # The new cartoon from the white rabbits, ‘‘Anti Racist Hitler’‘ Putting the Barbara Spectre Lerner speech into the mouth of Hitler is sheer genius ! 50
Posted by Joe on Mon, 22 Apr 2013 01:49 | # About the root cause of Islamic jihad, terrorists, Al Qaeda, The Muslim Brotherhood—where it all started & who started Islamic Jihad terrorism in the first place : ” The Rothschilds, Hitler, Holocaust, Israel & Zionist World Government : 51
Posted by wobbly on Mon, 22 Apr 2013 15:23 | #
Brilliant 52
Posted by Circassian on Mon, 22 Apr 2013 18:54 | #
Don’t count your chickens before they hatch, GW. Whitey in the West is fucked up already. There is no need to frame him - one doesn’t waste time and resources framing a dead horse. The only obstacle with real potential in the way of scum of the globalism scheme today is renascent Russia under Putin.
That’s Leon’s wet dream. There is no doubt in my mind that the brothers have been framed ( Have you ever heard of Khasavyourt Treaty ( ). Secession of Chechnya from Russia was the first stage of this agreement a.k.a. the plan for dissolution of the Russian Federation, much in the same way as USSR was dissolved. After secession of Chechnya, the neighboring Dagestan were the next domino to fall but the train was stopped dead in its tracks by Putin shortly after he came to power in 2000. This bombing incident should be viewed in the context of banksters fight against Putin. 53
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 22 Apr 2013 19:21 | #
Oh yeah, that’s real convincing, Ivan. Actually it’s pathetic. Can’t you come up with any better evidence to back up your wild assertions than that? Geesh! Where’s J. Richards when you need him? 54
Posted by Circassian on Mon, 22 Apr 2013 19:58 | #
(1) I am a lone fighter, Thorn, remember. For that very reason I don’t need J. Richards, or anyone else for that matter, to back me up. (2) I hate to be disrespectful, but my wild assertion is that J. Richards has found better ways of making the best of his time rather than wasting it on futile quarrels with walls like yourself. 55
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 22 Apr 2013 20:19 | # Well Ivan, at least you’re not foolish enough to defend the utter crap you offer up as evidence that the two muzzie terrorists were framed. I’m willing to give you credit for that. 56
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 25 Apr 2013 13:29 | # ‘Angry White Dude’ grapples with the Jewish Question. “Is it even possible to refer to a specific “Jewish influence”, or are their influences upon society too myriad to be encompassed under any sort of umbrella term?” 57
Posted by J Richards on Fri, 26 Apr 2013 14:14 | # <h3>Ask and ye shall…</h3>
Speak of the devil, and…. Too busy to devote much time, but in brief… * Alastair Stevenson reports being told to keep calm before the bombings…: Probable conclusion: a [simulated] bombing drill was taking place. * pictographic evidence suggests partial staging of the event: * apparent fake blood being used: * fake bombing victim: * other theatrics * clear photographs of mysterious men, some in black backpacks, posted at 4chan and elsewhere:
[contrast with some comparatively obscure pictures cited by the FBI: … notice that the would-be bombers make no attempt to wear sunglasses, pull down their caps, and keep their heads down; they aren’t concerned with being identified and don’t act as if they’re doing anything wrong [probable conclusion: they were recruited to participate in a drill]]. Of course, it isn’t possible to fit a pressure cooker inside an ordinary backpack, and the backpack shown doesn’t bulge and sag as much as it should if it’s carrying a shrapnel-laden pressure cooker; one of the alleged bombers has a white backpack when both backpacks are said to be black: * FBI pictures, confirmed as authentic by the NY Times, show one of the Tsarnaev brothers with his backpack photoshopped out, giving the impression that he left it at the scene of the crime: * Family and friends of the Tsarnaev brothers shocked in disbelief; none saw any prior signs. Examples: [probable conclusion: the brothers are falsely blamed] * The brothers had won asylum and one had a domestic violence conviction that may have jeopardized the asylum. Therefore they had come to the attention of the Feds, who could’ve given them a sweet deal: residency, housing, money, etc. in assistance for their cooperation in reporting on radicals from their country. So one brother could’ve been sent abroad for spying and later recruited for a drill. Bingo! This would be enough to blame the bombings on him and his trip abroad could be portrayed as him attending “terrorism school”! * Hollywood fantasy story of the apprehension of the brothers: car chase, shootings, …! * Who benefits? Patriots are unlikely to kill civilians to turn the heat on the government they despise for trampling the welfare and rights of civilians. White nationalists or “right wingers” won’t target a predominantly white civilian population [marathoners] to pressure the government. Muslim terrorists would target government entities if they’re not too bright, Jews if they know better. They gain nothing by targeting predominantly white civilians. The Tsarnaev brothers, avid athletes, had no motives to attack American civilian athletes: So who’s left? No prizes for guessing! * The initial affidavit against Dzhokar Tsarnaev was filed by Mossad infiltrator Daniel R. Glenck: [conveniently, the Mossad had a regional office not far from the places where the bombs went off: ] * The official story involves the collusion of at least two agents, hence being a conspiracy. But the mainstream media quickly attempted to discredit “conspiracy theorists” by pointing to Alex Jones, one of the chief purveyors of disinformation online, and an agent of the Jews: . For the mainstream media to discredit via false analogy, i.e., comparison to Alex Jones, is to attack a strawman sockpuppet. * The surviving Tsarnaev has been placed under the “care” of apparently Israeli doctors, Kevin Tabb and Daniel Talmor, at the Beth Israel hospital. * There’s lots more. * Motives To further undermine civil liberties: To increase American support for Israel: To see how locking down a city to catch alleged terrorists goes. It could be used in the future to take out domestic resistance against JWO [Jew World Order] tyranny. 58
Posted by DanielS on Fri, 26 Apr 2013 14:28 | # It figures that it would be the brain dead Thorn that would be asking to bring you here to clog up the threads still more with conspiracy theory. As if Joe’s bullshit wasn’t enough. They’re really looking to bury any serious thought here.
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 26 Apr 2013 16:07 | # In addition to J Richards excellent and very informative post @57 Glenn Beck Exposes Saudi National Deportation Cover Up On Fox News Bill O’Reilly Confirms That The Initial Boston Bombing Suspect Is A Member Of The Saudi Royal Family (Click Link To See Video Clip) 60
Posted by ukn_leo on Wed, 01 May 2013 11:29 | # J Richards is back! Hello Mr Richards. A quick update on the latest at MR; DanielS thinks Thorn is a Jew Hmmm, I think that just about covers it.
Posted by DanielS on Wed, 01 May 2013 11:48 | # Posted by ukn_leo on May 01, 2013, 06:29 AM | # J Richards is back! Let’s hope not. He was a massive distraction from useful discusssion.
Rather, a misrepresentation of both the facts and of White interests.
It’s possible that he is partly, but more likely that he is just stupidly beholden to Jewish power. Thorn thinks DanielS is a fag
What halfway intelligent being could possibly care what Joe thinks? I suppose he does, but he is timid on the issue for good or bad personal and other reasons, I don’t know. I don’t recall him rendering that charge, but who cares? Joe is a disease, it is a-sexual. DanielS thinks Joe is a Jew I suspect that he is either a partial Jew or a Jew thinker, which amounts to the same thing. Everybody still thinks Leon_Haller might be a Jew
Matt Parrott thinks DanielS is a fag Well, Matt Parrott, he’s not a self interested straw man machine or anything is he? He is. I’ve never done anything gay, never wanted to and I see White women as a very strong motivation for all that I do. I just like them - do you know what I mean? DanielS thinks Matt Parrott is a queer I don’ think so. Maybe, who knows. But I do see him as a very obnoxious career girl, a highly obstructive bureaucrat (bordering on evil to Whites) and a straw man making machine,
Thorn’s opinion is right up there with Joe’s - worthless.
At least he is honest. He is far less harmful to this site than Joe, Thorn and even Leon. But probably not a fag. Who cares.
No, it does not. Inviting Richards and his conspiracy theories back is a bad idea.
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 01 May 2013 12:11 | #
HOW DARE YOU! . Of course I’m only kidding, ukn_leo . Your point is well taken ... and thanks for the clever humor. It’s much appreciated.
Posted by Joe on Wed, 01 May 2013 15:06 | # It’s true I called Graham Lister a Jew at one time. I’m afraid I was a bit inarticulate about that. This is the real situation : Daniel S is a total Jew, a Jew from the American South. Most likely Texas or Louisiana. Daniel S comes from the Southern Jew tradition of dreaming about and scheming towards, a Jew slave/opium Golden Circle Empire . It’s out of the scope of our discussion here to delve into Southern Jews dreams and schemes for a Golden Circle Slave/Opium empire. Daniel is, most likely, good buddy-buddies with Hunter Wallace, the wanna-be Judah Benjamin of the “Occident”. Daniel defends Tanstaafl [ or however the fuck you spell the jackassess’ name]. The one who banned me because I mentioned the Dasein “Messiah” Shitler was part Jew/part Negroid, deep in the blood/DNA : Just like any of your typical Donmeh Jews. Tan’s Jewish wife “Mary” has it out for me. “Mary” wants the “goyim” to think Shitler was an “Aryan”. Plus, she doesn’t want to see her fellow Jews suffer Cognitive Dissonance. Lots of Jews suffer severe Cognitive Dissonance, Mary or no Mary. Hence, Hymie-in-Afula, who is a die-hard Zionist, so proud of being a Jew, yet Hymie doesn’t sleep with women from his tribe—no Jewish women for Hymie, no sirre, that’s how much Hymie loves Jewish women. Hymie is a Race-Mixer. Hymie loves Asian poon : “me so hornee for hymie, me want fuckee-fuckee with izzy” : that’s what Hymie’s “immigrant Asian hottie guest worker ” says to Hymie in Afula when she soooo hornee. Graham Lister is what I call a half-n-half. Half -Jew/Half-“White” : most likely from die-hard Calvinist stock [ Calvin was a Jew too ]. Lister might as well be a Jew, and an intense Sabbatean Jew at that, for his extremely anti-Christian stance—very anti-Christ Lister is. I imagine Lister’s head has the consistency of a block of cement. He reminds me of “Momus”, in a way [ I rather miss Momus. Momus was thick-headed and unfairly critical like Graham, but at least Momus could discuss art and literature ]. Don’t you miss “Momus”, Lister? I miss discussing fine Dutch art with Momus. James Bowery is not a Jew, or a half -n- half. James Bowery is the goy-boy-toy for Daniel S and Lister. Bowery is most likely a die-hard Mormon Freemason from Utah, most likely : that’s why Bowery loves his fellow Mormon/Freemason [ Mormon, Freemason =redundancy ] Harland to kibble-and-bits. Probably loves John de Nugent also—the Hyperborean from Valhalla—and also yet another Mormon to kibbles-and-bits. James Bowery is a shit head. Mormons love Jews—especially Sabbatean/Donmeh Jews—to kibbles and bits, that’s ‘cause Joseph Smith studied Sufism and the Kaballah/Babylonian Talmud from his Jew teacher/masters in the Freemasonry Halls of early 19th century NY State. That’s why James Bowery is a shit head. Might as well be a Jew for all the bullshit he spews out, just like the half-n-half Lister, just like the Daniel S, the mystical crewe jew-boy from way down yonder in New Orleans. Majority Rights didn’t always suck dog shit. It was a good website at one time. JonJayRay, at least, knew what he was taking about : About Jewish behavior and Jewish MO : More about the fuckin’ shithead Heidegger : At one time, MajorityRights recognized “god is dead” [ anti-Christ ] societies lead to anti-White societies. Seems like there was some kind of coup d’etat at Majority Rights, considering how anti-White MR now is : Anti-Christ = Anti-White. Anyone tells you otherwise is a liar.
Posted by DanielS on Wed, 01 May 2013 17:26 | # Anti-Christ = Anti-White. Anyone tells you otherwise is a liar. That is a lie. Joe is a filthy profaner of truth as it has female Jewish motives. Christianity isn’t true. It is a derivative, universalized form of Judaism. Joe is an extended phenotype disease of Jews that wants to replace your being with reverence to Jews. 65
Posted by Joe on Wed, 01 May 2013 19:48 | # Gosh. Perhaps today is not the right day to criticize Graham Lister, James Bowery, and Daniel S. It’s May First, after all, a Communist holiday. Communism is Dasein-based. Like all ‘god is dead” philosophies, anti-White to-the-core. Search term : ” Jews + Communism + Talmud + Mass Murder” In Dasein ” god is dead” Soviet Union, tensof millions of White Christians were slaughtered. “god is dead” “religions” lead to vehemently Anti-White societies, complete with mass murder of Whites. RLear what the “god is dead” Nazis did o the Polish people. Yes, the Nazis went after Jews, they ALSO slaughtered White Poles [ Catholics].The ‘god is dead” Nazis killed millions of Whites [Catholics]. I posted a link about this yesterday. Daniel S, Graham Lister, and James Bowery over-look all my points—all m points backed-up with solid source references. Anti-Christ = Anti-White. All the bullshit—Dasein bullshit or otherwise—in the world can’t cover up the historical fact that “god is dead” societies lead to massive death for the White Race. 66
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 01 May 2013 19:56 | # Daniel, I have banned Joe. It is clear that he cannot moderate his behaviour, and he has had more than sufficient warnings to do so. 67
Posted by DanielS on Wed, 01 May 2013 20:32 | # Thank you GW. I believe you did right in the service of meaningful discussion. I am sorry that I could not have been more decent and less vulgar in my responses to him. 68
Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 02 May 2013 11:55 | # FOR THE DAMN RECORD! I do have several Jewish friends, BUT I AM NOT A JEW!! Not any fraction (as far as I know - and I know going back for centuries). I am Catholic and Protestant, completely northern/central/Western European. As I have made clear, I am not a serious antisemite, though I obviously acknowledge the role Jews have played in the dissemination of antiwhite liberalism. But I happen to know several very conservative Jews (the loadstar for me being where they stand on nonwhite immigration). My focus has always been defensively on race. I have always been opposed to coercive racial integration, and especially nonwhite immigration. If we did not have ‘diversity’, I would basically be a standard, American “libertarian conservative”. I liked the Old American System - as long as it was kept white. As Sam Francis once noted, traditionally (in USA) conservatism and nationalism were enemies. I would have been a conservative. But, as Francis also noted (this was about two decades ago), the proper strategy today, ‘after diversification’, is nationalism. I agree. But don’t expect me to jettison all my conservative beliefs just because I oppose the multiracial disaster. 69
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 07 May 2013 15:09 | # White liberals; are they worth fighting for? I say NYET!!! Listen to the mindset of this nauseating libtard. It’s absolutely stunning! This is no joke; this ignoramus is for real!
Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 07 May 2013 20:44 | # Why is a USAF vet female? US females cannot serve in combat. Therefore, why in hell does she get an Arlington burial??! America and the West are lost, destroyed from within by liberalism (which is really nothing more than a white racial defect). The only hope is White Zion, the ‘last ditch’. 71
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 08 May 2013 13:05 | #
Leon, Her late husband was a combat VET and is buried in Arlington cemetery; thus, because of that fact, she is entitled to be buried there with him. 72
Posted by Mick Lately on Tue, 01 Dec 2015 18:35 | # Look at this link: Steve Badour is my enemy. “In 2014, Badour ran a relay across the US to raise funds for the 2013 Boston Marathon victims. In doing so, he qualified for the Boston Marathon, so he raced that as well – another act of support for the city a year after the terror bombings.” Reinforcing the staged Boston Marathon bombing for his masters. “What Badour wants is for the US to take in more refugees. “I work for a state agency. I understand extra screening and security. I’ve been here since 1987, and I come to LAX, I carry a badge and work for the police department and I still get secondary checks. I get it. But we can’t just block innocent people. They should be allowed to be checked and come in like everyone else in the past,” he said. “The Italians brought the mafia before. You cannot victimize everybody because of Paris. We have the resources to screen everyone.” My emphasis. Read that article and look at the photographs and tell me that this Steve Baldour guy isn’t a willing tool of ZOG. And ZOG has many fingerpuppets like this fake. 73
Posted by Mick Lately on Tue, 01 Dec 2015 18:52 | # The WaPo is a mouthpiece of the Langley-Lox axis and I can hear a Masonic apron burnishing a Menorah as they remind us that Rosa Parks was just an ordinary black woman who… 74
Posted by DanielS on Wed, 02 Dec 2015 00:26 | # Mick, we’re leaving these comments up to make a point for now - which is for you and others to be aware that if comments like this proposing conspiracy theories are taken down, don’t be surprised, it is nothing personal, but we don’t need the confusion and disinformation of that kind of speculation. 75
Posted by Mick Lately on Wed, 02 Dec 2015 11:41 | # DanielS, Fair enough, it’s a similar policy to the one that Kevin MacDonald has taken at The Occidental Observer, which - like Majority Rights - is a Jew-aware, high-brow, WN website. KMac shot on sight at any comments suggesting that the Churlish Heeb Dough shooting was a load of old Fannie False Flag, to channel Chris Spivey for a mohammad. The MSM are the ones spreading fear, confusion and disinformation. Post a comment:
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time by James Bowery on Wednesday, 21 August 2024 15:26. (View) — NEWS — Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsThorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:40. (View) Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:28. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 00:05. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 23:38. (View) Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:41. (View) Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 18:08. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 16:20. (View) Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 14:52. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 22:50. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 20:49. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 18:09. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 11:45. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Fri, 28 Feb 2025 02:00. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Fri, 28 Feb 2025 00:57. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 23:42. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 23:06. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 20:44. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 13:17. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 12:39. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 00:44. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 13:15. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 10:40. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 01:52. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 25 Feb 2025 23:19. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 25 Feb 2025 16:22. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 23:51. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 18:16. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 14:52. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 13:13. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 19:12. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 17:56. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 07:45. (View) |
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 22:10 | #
I’ve been in the audience for two Boston marathons, was very impressed to see the leaders not jogging but running still at the half way point of the race.
There was the 76 year old Johnny Kelly, who completed the marathon. Rozy Ruiz jumped out of the crowd near the finish line to claim victory for a day before she was discovered..
I don’t know who would bomb the Boston marathon. It is a strange target.