Britain’s Camp of The Saints

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 29 August 2014 04:16.

                                                    - By Bill Giles

I think there is every indication that Britain has reached its Camp of the Saints moment, where millions of immigrants from every corner of the globe are now making their presence felt in so many negative ways, housing, jobs, overburdened institutions, social cohesion, lost of identity, crime, and not least, a national void and sense of foreboding.


Our elites are showing no sign of let up, the rip tide of humanity landing on our shores (and through our airports) is applauded by the liberal establishment, and yet still the majority of natives cannot understand the logic of it all. The tipping point looms nearer by each single day.

In Raspail’s story the liberal elites cave at every turn, until only Switzerland remains as an armed nation of resistance, only for them to crumble in the final hour in the full glare of liberal guilt, France is lost, western civilisation is lost.


There is no indication in Raspail’s thinking that the white race is under threat of existence from a deliberate attack by unknown dark forces or who would undertake such a dastardly plan.

Raspail’s tale tells us western civilisation had lost confidence in itself and in some way had no right to determine its tribe’s own future, like rabbits in the headlamp’s glare, whites are paralysed to act in their own defence.

Perhaps Britain is at this stage in the cycle of mass immigration, for there is no real sign of resistance from the mass of the people, still less as to what will galvanise them into any future kind of action.


Further, Raspail’s unfolding imagination does not extend to a narrative where Britain and America are engaged in fermenting a World war in which to bring about their New World Order, all of which throws Rumsfeld unknown-unknowns into immigration chaos.

As I have commented before, it seems when the elites have accomplished their goal, there is no plan B as to what will replace it.

How and when will we know when all is won or lost? 


An England that Bill remembers and loves



Posted by DanielS on Fri, 29 Aug 2014 15:19 | #

The Rotherham Pathology
August 27, 2014 — Kevin MacDonald

The horrifying scandal in Rotherham (previous versions covered copiously for TOO by Tobias Langdon) continues to unfold. A report commissioned by the city council stated that at least 1400 children were sexually abused over 16 years.

  It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that child victims suffered. They were raped by multiple perpetrators, trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England, abducted, beaten, and intimidated. There were examples of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone. Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators. This abuse is not confined to the past but continues to this day. … One young person told us that ‘gang rape’ was a usual part of growing up in the area of Rotherham in which she lived. …

  Within social care, the scale and seriousness of the problem was underplayed by senior managers. At an operational level, the Police gave no priority to CSE, regarding many child victims with contempt and failing to act on their abuse as a crime. Further stark evidence came in 2002, 2003 and 2006 with three reports known to the Police and the Council, which could not have been clearer in their description of the situation in Rotherham. The first of these reports was effectively suppressed because some senior officers disbelieved the data it contained. This had led to suggestions of cover- up. The other two reports set out the links between child sexual exploitation and drugs, guns and criminality in the Borough. These reports were ignored and no action was taken to deal with the issues that were identified in them.

The authorities knew about it but did not act because of fear of being labeled “racists”:

  By far the majority of perpetrators were described as ‘Asian’ by victims, yet throughout the entire period, councillors did not engage directly with the Pakistani-heritage community to discuss how best they could jointly address the issue. Some councillors seemed to think it was a one-off problem, which they hoped would go away. Several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.

And, this collective attempt to remove the ethnic element continues. As James Delingpole notes, the BBC’s report didn’t mention ethnicity until 20 paragraphs in. Delingpole continues:

  And even then, the embarrassing fact slips out only with the most blushing mealy-mouthedness:

  By far the majority of perpetrators of abuse were described as “Asian” by victims. [Another BBC report stated “The inquiry team noted fears among council staff of being labelled ‘racist’ if they focused on victims’ descriptions of the majority of abusers as ‘Asian’ men.” Majority?? Perhaps 51% It would be much closer to the truth to say they were all Asian.]

  Well hang on, a second. What this phrase seems to be hinting at is the possibility that the men involved weren’t “Asian” (note to US readers: Asian is UK PC-speak for Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, not orientals) but that the victims mistakenly took them to be so. Is that actually the case or not? …

  [It happened] because the kind of politically correct, left-leaning and basically rather thick people that local authorities like Rotherham Council tend to have working for them are so paralysed by modish concerns about cultural sensitivity that they have made an obscene judgement call: better to allow at least 1400 kids to be hideously abused than to be thought guilty of the far greater crimes of being thought a bit racist or accidentally offending someone.

  (And this isn’t an incident confined to Rotherham by the way. The same thing happened recently in Oxford, again involving men with decidedly un-Anglo-Saxon names, again over a long period of time because all the relevant authorities were scared of sounding the alarm in case they came across as racist)

When I told a friend about this, his immediate reaction was that White people deserve to go extinct if they allow this sort of thing to happen. Allowing industrial scale rape of your children by ethnic outsiders is simply inconceivable in a healthy society.

It’s hard to disagree with that. This is a pathology so extreme that it should really be considered a collective psychosis. And of course we see the same thing throughout the West — at its worst among northern Europeans.

In attempting to explain this, I have discussed the tendency of Europeans to form moral ingroups rather than kinship-based groups which are the norm in the rest of the world — a component of European individualism. It’s a very adaptive mechanism, resulting in high-trust societies relatively free of the corruption, nepotism and ethnically based strife so common in many parts of the world.

But when the reins of the culture have been captured by hostile elites that have decreed that multiculturalism is a moral imperative and massively incentivized their creation, it can lead to extremely maladaptive consequences as we see here.

Read full article at Occidental Observer..


Posted by Guest Blogger on Sun, 31 Aug 2014 04:59 | #

A veteran Conservative MP has claimed that Enoch Powell was right to warn against immigration in his controversial “rivers of blood” speech

Sir Gerald Howarth says Britain has suffered from decades of political correctness

Sir Gerald said that he stood by the letter and said his views had been reinforced by the child sex abuse scandal in Rotherham, where gangs of Asian men groomed and abused children.


He said that it is time for England to “fight back” against political correctness, adding: “If you don’t like it, go live somewhere else.”

He added: “For 40 years we have been subjected to a left wing political correctness which has stopped the British people from expressing perfectly legitimate and reasonable views. More than 1,400 children in Rochdale have paid the price for decades of political correctness and now people are speaking up.”

Mr Powell delivered his ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech in Birmingham in April 1968, calling for the “repatriation” of non-white immigrants and claiming that the increased diversity would lead to riots. There is no suggestion that Sir Gerald advocated repatriation in his letter to a constituent.

Mr Powell was immediately sacked from the shadow cabinet after his comments by Edward Heath, the then Conservative leader.



Posted by B.A on Fri, 05 Sep 2014 20:44 | #

I’m sorry to be depressive, but although I have not entirely given up hope, I do think that the point of no return has already been breached when it comes to demographic trends (and what the trends are in terms of future immigration and asylum and their impacts on this demographic trend in the future).

It is hard to come to any other conclusion that things are extremely dire. We have lost three of our cities to a non-native demographic dominance, with a fourth, Manchester, soon to be another in just a handful of years (if not already).

In the newspapers last week it was revealed that, with schoolchildren, they only have a matter of a few decades left in England before the white children are entirely in the minority. Where they go, the nation follows - and the dates in the newspaper projections seem to get shorter and shorter.

This is not least because, once again, net migration is up something like 143,000 on the previous year (which is no doubt already over 200,000 “net”) - including a rise in “non EU” peoples.

They are coming via Italy, Spain, storming their borders and shores with the aim of getting here. They are even coming via the Netherlands (in particular Somalians) and being counted as “European immigration”.

Tens of thousands of illegals a year are storming ferries and lorries in France - primarily Africans.

The TFR of the indigenous is around 1.2, where with some “minorities” like Somalians and Pakistanis are up to about 4.8. Family “chain migration” from Pakistan and Bangladesh (and more) continues apace.

We have hardened criminal gangs from all over the world treating the country as a playground of easy pickings. Pakistani males are sodomising, gang raping, beating, brainwashing our white girls and making them into drug addicts. We have mentally disturbed blacks beheading pensioners with knives on the streets of London.

Yet in the workplace, in canteens, in the pubs, most working class people are not discussing any of this, they are discussing how many millions of pounds a footballer has been bought for. Liberals are certainly not talking about it, and woe be told anybody they catch in earshot of doing so.

Those who actually are rumbling and stirring seem to delude themselves that UKIP will sort everything out….totally oblivious to what is already here, what it means for the future, irrespective of any more coming through the doors.

There is still an unease, a reluctance to really be a white advocate as they dance around the ‘housing shortages’ and the welfare state, the congestion, the schools, the hospitals and all the other arguments that have - for a fact - been tried and tested and have been a complete and utter failure for over 60 years.

I cannot think of a single piece of state apparatus that is not majority or wholly codified by leftwing ideas and idealism.

Where ‘heads might roll’ over the recent “grooming” scandal, there are sadly tens of thousands of the wider brainwashed public who will step into their shoes, because the problem is not just a rogue police commissioner here and a social worker there…, it is much deeper than that, it is wider society itself.

The media is laughably liberal in almost all forms. It feels like I cannot even tune into the radio without hearing subjects that manufacture white guilt, or without hearing discussions of leftwing academics, leftwing leaders in the last century, leftwing comedy sketches, leftwing book reviews, or how “much more” has to be done to make all our institutions have more “BAME” staff and management.

When it is not that, it is discussions of what are problems brought on by liberals - grooming, Islamic terror plots here in the UK, the fallout of their old policies that promoted fatherless families or soft touches to criminality.

You cannot escape the deluge, even in “escapism” of, for example, films and comics. It is relentless and all encompassing.

There is so much poison in the nation, in the way it is run, in the way it is organised (or rather, disorganised), the way the media works, the way politics works, the way the majority are apathetic, ignorant, or just burrowing away in work (and so on) to blot our having to think about anything serious because they fear having “wrong ideas” crop up in their minds.

If salt is the poison, the nation has been ingesting it for many decades and now it has made them perhaps irretrievably sick. The organs of our people are breaking down and not functioning how they ought to be any more. Many still fool themselves that they are not sick, or cling on to a kind of liberal-voodoo recipe that claims to be their elixir…...but is sadly made almost entirely of yet more salt. 

Not many who are sick can understand what the real problem is that is making them sick. They certainly cannot often see who has been spooning it into their diet - and would recoil at the mere suggestion of it.

Those who do write to newspaper comments citing their pledges to UKIP may well be right to encourage such a party to break the back of the political stronghold. I will probably be voting for them myself on this basis….. but it seems too many people are putting their trust in a party that will not be deporting anybody, that is not ethnocentric, and thus cannot and will not do anything about the demographic trends that are already in motion. They offer a salt-substitute that merely prolongs the agony.

The European continent as a whole is on the same trajectory. The way things are going, it is indeed the Camp of the Saints. Western Europe will, on current trends, become an outpost of Africa and the Middle East.

Can something be done about it? Well, I think it can. Although I see no real solution to this problem I am not willing to just roll over and die yet. I am not prepared to let the liberal-left and race-hustling blacks think they have won.

They go to a great effort to make us feel that it is all inevitable…..that is why even such small remarks that oppose their plans get such disproportionate magnification.

When you think of how hard it is they have to work at “community cohesion”, pushing “black male, white female” couples into almost every advertisement, stomping down on any dissent with such vigour because they fear their whole charade coming crashing down if people see it is just a wafer-thin front with little propping it up.

There are so many problems besieging the modern world (of which I have listed a few), including financial terrorism, the policing of our attitudes, our social lives, our thoughts - it is getting to a point where some kind of revolution or rebellion has to come. The liberals have had their way for about 60 to 70 years, there is little to “rebel” against now and they are getting old, tired, stale.

Things are ripe for change, and a change across the whole of Europe and the Occident. It cannot really carry on this way without some kind of counterforce popping up. They are losing control by the hour.

How this would manifest I cannot really be sure, if at all…..but there are tens of thousands of us, millions of us, who are against what is taking place…...and perhaps, if nothing else, these peoples and these efforts can be combined in the future to forge something for ourselves.

In England, the non-native demographics are already here. They are still coming every single day of the week. If nothing changes, the time to plan for how we are going to cope and protect ourselves is now.  If something does change, then all the better.

Events like Furguson or what some Jihadi is saying this week in the newspapers increasingly seems a distraction from this task. Yeah, we have to be aware of what is around us, we have to make sure we can bring people on side….but we also have to establish some kind of future in the context of the reality we have been presented with.

That’s why my advice, for what it is worth, is to start to focus upon what WE are doing as European peoples and for us to spend a little less time on what idiocy and affronts are happening around us. We seem to be sat watching whilst people steal our countries and the future of our people, instead of focussing our minds and attentions of what exactly we are going to do about it.


Posted by Guest Blogger on Sat, 20 Sep 2014 13:21 | #

Frank Salter on Red Ice, September 19, 2014


Posted by Guest Blogger on Sat, 20 Sep 2014 14:42 | #

“How and when will we know when all is won or lost?”

In this discussion, Frank Salter suggests that when the laws regarding immigration are changed to favor native peoples such that those who have betrayed those laws, such as Tony Blair with his immigration policy, are criminalized, put on trial and prosecuted for treason.


Posted by Camp of the Demons on Sun, 01 Mar 2015 07:31 | #

Compulsory Diversity News: 1000 Posts Later by Adrean Arlott

Today’s post is my 1,000th since I started this blog in 2006. I would like, if I may, to share with you something I have been kicking around in my mind for quite some time.

Has it ever occurred to you that we may be in Hell together, you and I? Not the deepest part of it ... not yet. But if you wanted to punish a reasonable, White, Western person who loves his/her people, wouldn’t the world today be a good place to send such a person? Certainly, White people have faced much worse calamities - marauding Asiatics from the steppes, slave-raiding Corsairs on the coasts, Islamic invasions of the Balkans and Spain. But always there was an effort to fight back, to drive out the threat and punish the offense.

Now the gates are opened - everywhere - simultaneously. The descendants of our tormentors are replacing us as surely as if their ancestors had defeated our own. What is worse is that the vast majority of our people don’t care. And what is truly horrific is that such a significant number of our people not only welcome it, but facilitate the end of White Western people.

When I read Jean Raspail’s The Camp of the Saints, I was both appalled and stunned. Certainly some of the characterizations were too absurd (which I found appalling), but the fundamental truth was there (which stunned me). The West, and the White race by extension, will die by a combination of its good intentions and its lack of will to defend its existence. All the violations and infamies that follow will be the price of weakness.

But why? Do you ever ask yourself why it has to be this way? Don’t go for a mechanical answer and pin this on a scapegoat. Don’t dismiss such questioning as defeatism. Consider this spiritually and ask what kind of God permits over two millenia of Western Civilization to end in suicide? My answer would be one who wants people to suffer. But which people? The people who commit suicide end their suffering. The people who don’t care about the suicide will not suffer at all. What is left is those of us who despair when we see our people killing themselves. We are the ones God is punishing, and this is our Hell.

A picture from London, taken in 2010 ...


Posted by swarms at Calais on Sun, 09 Aug 2015 06:20 | #

Britain’s migrant invasion summer: Traitors and incentives for treason

August 8, 2015 - Francis Carr Begbie

What do you do when a story gets so big that you can ignore it no longer — you police the language around it by deploying those tried and trusty weapons; shame and demonization.

Prime Minister David Cameron learned this lesson the hard way on the unlikely location of the roof of the Stock Exchange in Ho Chi Minh City when he was finally cornered into saying something about the growing deluge of illegal immigrants, traversing the English channel on the back of lorries and trains, overwhelming Britain’s flimsy border defences and disappearing into the English countryside.

  “Look, this is very testing, I accept that, because you have got a swarm of people coming across the Mediterranean, seeking a better life, wanting to come to Britain because Britain has got jobs, it’s got a growing economy, it’s an incredible place to live.”

Then the world tumbled in on him.  The Refugee Council, the leader of the Labour Party and many others fell on him like jackals on a wounded antelope — all because he used the “dehumanising” word “swarmed.”


The “Jungle” is a refugee camp near Calais called Jungle 2 which is now home to thousands of displaced Middle Easterners and Africans in transit to Britain and it is the scene of frequent riots and gang fights such as when knife-wielding Eritreans clash with Sudanese, for example. A sympathetic portrait of the place is made in this BBC documentary which still cannot conceal the fact that most of these “refugees” are fit, well-nourished, young males.

There is no big mystery about what is happening here — it is an attempt to suppress free speech by labelling it as “hate speech.” By rigorously policing what can and cannot be said, the left have been able to demonize any opposition as “far right.”


The UN’s Special Representative for Migration is Peter Sutherland (see also Tobias Langdon’s recent TOO article) who is also head of something called the Global Forum on Migration and Development. The BBC and the Guardian gave this unelected figure a platform to say that “Anybody who thinks that by erecting borders or fences in some way a particular state can be protected from alleged ‘floods’ — which are anything but floods — of migrants is living in cloud cuckoo land.”

You could rely on the British media never to remind people of Mr Sutherland’s previous pronouncement on immigration when the former Goldman Sachs banker (who made £125 million from the Goldman IPO) said that the EU should do it’s best to “undermine the homogeneity” of its member states.

Full article at TOO


Posted by Ethnic Reconstruction on Thu, 11 Feb 2016 20:34 | #

A new approach to the multi-racial society -


Article 1: Repatriation Scheme

The introduction of a repatriation scheme to reduce the number of non-whites in Britain. The aim of the scheme would be to produce small, well-integrated ethnic minority communities – no more than one million in total – evenly spread in geographical terms across Britain, stable in age profile, spread across different social classes and occupations and reflecting the range of ethnic groups present here.

Those returning under the scheme would bring enormous benefits in terms of skills and capital to their home countries, which many of these countries so lack. This would aid economic development and thus, in turn, help to reduce migratory pressures.

Article 2: End to Non-White Immigration

An end to all but very small-scale non-white immigration. This includes abandoning the present system of asylum, and the strengthening and proper enforcement of existing laws against illegal immigration.

Article 3: White Immigration Scheme

The introduction of an immigration scheme to attract people of white European descent living outside Europe to settle in Britain. This programme would be aimed principally at those living in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.

Article 4: New Citizenship Law

The introduction of a new citizenship law to limit citizenship to people of British and other white European descent. Existing passports held by non-whites would be valid until their date of expiry, but would not be renewed. Those non-whites remaining on completion of the repatriation scheme would do so as resident non-citizens.

Article 5: Repeal of Race Relations Legislation

The repeal of all race relations legislation, along with the abolition of all race relations organisations.

Article 6: Government Apology

The making by the government of a public apology for the mass non-white immigration of recent decades, in which they should be joined by leaders of all political parties, the trade unions and other organisations which have supported, or at least failed to oppose, the creation of a multi-racial society in Britain.

This apology would serve as the official announcement of the death of the destructive ideology of multi-racialism and the beginning of a period of ethnic reconstruction. It would provide a valuable marker to indicate a turning point in British history.

Article 7: Recognition and Compensation

Official recognition of, and financial compensation for, those who spoke out against the creation of a multi-racial society in Britain and as a result became the target of government surveillance which, at the very least, seriously affected their ability to lead normal personal and work lives.

Article 8: Opening of Records

The opening of the records of the security services relating to those who opposed the creation of the multi-racial society so that these people may check details of the actions of the authorities against them and how the authorities purported to justify their actions.

Article 9: Prosecution

The prosecution of those who have been responsible for the mass non-white immigration of recent decades, and for the passing of race relations legislation designed to provide a legal framework for the multi-racial society and suppress dissenting views.

Article 10: Prevention of Recurrence

The introduction of legislation to make it a criminal offence to advocate large-scale non-white immigration or the passing of race relations legislation in any form.

Article 11: Ethnic Reconstruction Commission

The creation of an Ethnic Reconstruction Commission to coordinate the implementation of the above measures.

Article 12: European Union

Support for the replacement of the current European Union with a new European Union which would include all the nations of Europe other than those more properly belonging to the Middle East. Unlike the present EU, this new organisation would not be designed to evolve into a European state. It would not have a single currency and there would be immigration controls between nations.

Support for the introduction of policies in line with those contained in this charter across the new union, where those policies are relevant.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 12 Feb 2016 09:37 | #

Here’s one I baked earlier:

1. Leave EU, ending right of abode of EU citizens.

2. End immigration completely.

3. Enforce existing law on illegal immigrants.

4. Repeal all race legislation.  Restore full freedom of speech and association.

5. Licence some immigrants to remain and work in reserved occupations, until further notice.

6. ID register all ethnic minority respondees to the 2011 Census.  After a period of grace, non-respondees to the Census who do not come forward to be declared illegal.

7. Favour our own people in all public sector employment and in educational selection.

The stick:

Pass legislation to

1. Ban poligymy.

2. Ban animal slaughter without stunning.

3. Ban genital mutilation.

4. Ban mosque development.

5. End public funding of all non-Christian faith schools.

6. Retrospectively declare all post-war asylum cases illegitimate.

7. End welfare payments to UK accounts of non-indigenous claimants.

The carrot:

1. Offer short-term welfare and/or grants for re-settlement in any other country, collectable only in that country.

2. Offer training and development grants, again payable in that country.

3. Tie overseas aid budge wholly to structural development of receiving states, where required.

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Previous entry: Our football coaches weren’t Marxists imposing black integration

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Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Fri, 21 Feb 2025 18:23. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 14 Feb 2025 01:23. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 12:15. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Fri, 31 Jan 2025 15:40. (View)

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James Bowery commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Wed, 29 Jan 2025 18:30. (View)
