Our football coaches weren’t Marxists imposing black integration

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 28 August 2014 04:54.

Our football coaches were not Marxists imposing integration with blacks.
Rather, they were objectivists imposing integration with blacks.
Consider “the great football coach”, Vince Lombardi, and his indignation with regard to “racism.”
Vince Lombardi was not a “cultural Marxist.”

Vince Lombardi’s Unprejudiced nature

In 1960, on at least one team, a color barrier still existed in the NFL. But Jack Vainisi, the Scouting Director for the Packers, and Lombardi were determined “to ignore the prejudices then prevalent in most NFL front offices in their search for the most talented players.” Lombardi explained his views by saying that he “... viewed his players as neither black nor white, but Packer green”. Among professional football head coaches, Lombardi’s view on discrimination was not de rigueur in the midst of the American civil rights movement.

  An interracial relationship between one of the Packer rookies and a young woman was brought to the attention of Lombardi by Packer veterans in his first training camp in Green Bay. The next day at training camp, Lombardi, who had a zero tolerance policy towards racism, responded by warning his team that if any player exhibited prejudice, in any manner, then that player would be thrown off the team. Lombardi, who was vehemently opposed to Jim Crow discrimination, let it be known to all Green Bay establishments that if they did not accommodate his black players equally as well as his white players, then that business would be off-limits to the entire team. Before the start of the 1960 season, he instituted a policy that the Packers would only lodge in places that accepted all of his players.


Forward 1986:                  “Hall of famer,” James Lofton

.. woman claims Lofton forced her into the stairwell next to the elevator at ground level and forced her to perform a sex act - L.A. Times

The same objectivist paradigm that flouts “equality” may insist on integration of “the best” on objective grounds.

Perhaps because I was never immersed in Marxist/Leftist literature, but rather was repulsed by radicals, their advocacy of non-Whites in particular, repulsed enough to be averse to embracing even their better critiques, I never saw “equality” as an issue one way or another.

But even though it may have had something to do with not circulating among Marxists or immersing in their literature, I never really heard many “leftists” or anybody, for that matter, talking about wanting “equality.”

It has been rightists who have been overusing opposition of this term, adopting this paradigm and its blueprint for disaster - setting matters into false comparison and necessary conflict/dominance-subordination, whereas our concern for separatism is to be negotiated* in qualitative terms of differences that make a difference (qualitative non-sameness, paradigmatic incommensurability as opposed to inequality).

*“Negotiation” more in the sense of ‘negotiating an obstacle’ than in trying to reason with people, though we will do that too where our interests are yet to be violated.

Coming back to “the point of the day”, objectivism and its most pointed corollary of turning issues into quantitative comparisons - equality/inequality - is what our football coaches were going by - not cultural Marxism - when they considered it unthinkable that blacks should be kept off the football team and eventually, that the cheerleaders should not cheer them on…and couple with them:

                  Interracial marriage proposal flaunted at 2012 Super Bowl half-time

Runaway objectivism, its “rational” blindness flouting “equality,” is a load of race mixing poison that our right wing brings to the equation. This part of the blame derives disproportionately from a susceptibility of our ranks, not only or even mostly from Jews, though they have exploited it from the days of Christianity through the Enlightenment’s prejudice against prejudice, to “civil rights” and anti-racism.


What inspired this post was a realization that came about from a cursory glance at my high school football team’s history.

I might have supposed that Montclair Highschool’s “legendary coaches” Clary Anderson and Butch Fortunato…


...were merely rolling with the tides of civil rights and cultural Marxism. This was, after all, mere high school football. What precedence could it have over the Jewish media’s hallowed black sports figures who smashed open borders? Saint Jackie Robinson only entered into professional baseball in 1947. More broadly, Jewish Marxism’s gate opening legislation over public issues of so called “Civil Rights” (1964) and non-White immigration (1965) did not occur until a little after I was born - but on time to blame “the sixties” and consumers of rock music for opening the flood gates and unleashing a tidal wave of savage brown masses on Whites.

Those tough prior generations were from such innocent, straight shooting times, times of real men like Clary and Butch, who’d never take crap from blacks or marginal freaks.

Clary Anderson surely presided over pure White teams, his unbeaten Montclair aggregates (of 1946, ‘47) had integrity, unsullied by the fawning enlistment of fast twitching muscle fiber - Negroes who did not know their place was to twitch elsewhere.

Indeed, Buzz Aldrin, second man on the moon, was our center in 1946. That’s wholesome White American spirit and quest.

Buzz Aldrin, Montclair class of ‘47, Apollo 11, first moon landing, second man on moon.

But of 11 starters integral to the Montclair football team in that fall of 1946 campaign there were already four or five blacks - looking every bit as confident and menacing among them as the blacks on our class of ‘79 squad - by when the team was half black.

So what is going on here? I thought all the problems started with me?

I looked back to the teams of the very early 60’s, just before I was born and they already had a large percentage of the supremely confident ones. Even going into the 50’s…

                      Mythical Clary Anderson and a couple of the brothers in 1957

On Clary’s early 50’s (viz., ‘50 - ‘52) squads there was “the great” Aubrey Lewis, named in 1999, “New Jersey’s offensive player of the century” by the Newark Star Ledger (in addition, he went on to be one of the first blacks recruited into the F.B.I.).
My eyes glazing-over when I heard coaches and others describe him as “great.”

... into the 40’s, as we’d mention with Aldrin’s class, but other classes from the 40’s as well…well into the 30’s, in 1930 in fact, there were blacks on the team. You pretty much have to go back to the 1920’s, when Clary himself was playing, to see consistently all-White teams (though even on the ‘28 and ‘29 teams there were one or two).


This is an important realization among other reasons, because the generations which set these changes in motion had a better sense of why this was happening. Again, it was not Marxism in any direct way that influenced who Clary Anderson took onto the team. Subsequent generations were simply overwhelmed.

...and Montclair is a mostly middle class White town, with some extremely affluent neighborhoods, featuring lavish estates:

Harrowing black throngs from adjacent East Orange and Newark seep into Montclair’s mainstream..have been, well before the 1960’s and Frankfurt school hegemony.

Here is the 2014 Montclair team - State Champions! Oh boy!


...Montclair High School graduation 2014

In a word, the cooperative and anti-war sentiments of those Whites who grew up in the sixties are too heavily blamed in WN discussions. The pugnaciousness and win-at-any-cost objectivism of prior White generations deserve far more blame than they get.




Posted by DanielS on Sun, 31 Aug 2014 08:02 | #


*“Negotiation” more in the sense of ‘negotiating an obstacle’ than in trying to reason with people, though we will do that too where our interests are yet to be violated.


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 05 Sep 2014 18:30 | #


Ohio’s Luke Witte was elbowed in the face by Minnesota’s Clyde Turner while attempting a layup; then another Minnesota player, Corky Taylor, pretended to help Witte up so that he could knee him in the groin; finally, another Minnesota player, Ron Behagen, stomped on Witte’s face while he is down:


Ron Behagen

Brawl with Ohio State

On January 25, 1972, Behagen was involved in one of the most serious on-court incidents in college basketball history when he and several teammates attacked Ohio State University’s Luke Witte. According to the Big Ten Conference’s review of the game film, Witte appeared to elbow Minnesota guard Bobby Nix as the two teams headed to their locker rooms at halftime. As the game progressed, Ohio State established a 50-44 lead with less than a minute to play when Minnesota’s Clyde Turner flagrantly fouled Witte during a layup attempt, knocking Witte to the ground. Corky Taylor of Minnesota helped Witte up, then kneed Witte in the groin. A melee between the two teams ensued, and Behagen came off the bench to stomp Witte in the head, leaving him unconscious.[4] Ohio State coach Fred Taylor described it as “the sorriest thing [he] ever saw in intercollegiate athletics.”[5] Behagen and Corky Taylor were suspended for the rest of that season,[6] though Witte did not press charges against either.[7][8]

Later years

On January 3, 2012, Behagen was sentenced to three years probation and ordered to pay restitution after pleading guilty to stealing money from a 68-year-old Atlanta woman suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and dementia. According to the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office, Behagen received the woman’s ATM card from her caretaker, Valla Rider. Behagen withdrew $7,140 from the woman’s bank account in 40 transactions between April 2011 and June 2011; all of the transactions were recorded on bank cameras. Rider had pled guilty to financial transaction card fraud in August 2011.[9]


Minnesota Coach, Bill Musselman:

“The Minnesota coach, Bill Musselman, was blamed for fostering a thuggish Gopher atmosphere—for instance, he had his team perform dunks and slams during pre-game workouts. Musselman denied that he ordered his team to play dirty or to initiate fights. Despite losing two of its key players, Minnesota went on to win the Big Ten championship with an 11-3 record.

Following the incident, the NCAA banned the practice of players performing dunks and slams during pre-game warm-ups when officials are not present. Witte chose not to pursue legal or any other avenue of retribution against his attackers. Instead, he has extended forgiveness and tried to achieve reconciliation.”


Posted by Buzz Aldrin Middle School on Sat, 17 Sep 2016 07:47 | #

This young astronaut in Montclair, NJ is a little young for Buzz Aldrin Middle School but she’s ready for launch.


Posted by Grace, Lombardi and N-Ball on Sat, 08 Sep 2018 06:24 | #

Kevin Michael Grace gushes over the life and book (about) A Life of Vince Lombardi - Lombardi is the man who gave ‘racists’ in pro football the back of his hand, treating racism as ‘all nonsense.’ What we need to do is win football games dammit!

Related at Majorityrights: Seduction of NFL Films, Appeal of L.A. Rams 60’s, 70’s, dodging legacy of sports-fan cuckoldry


Posted by Vince Lombardi. Objectivist taskmaster. on Sat, 06 Oct 2018 16:22 | #

Ridiculous article at Occidental Observer.

Occidental Observer, “Vince Lombardi. Italian taskmaster”, 5 Oct 2018.


Posted by Vince Lombardi on Tue, 23 Oct 2018 20:35 | #

The over the hill gang


Posted by DanielS on Tue, 05 Feb 2019 11:43 | #

I’ve corrected this paragraph from this article to how it is written now (below), because I was placing too much blame sheerly on Whites for our objectivism, while not enough blame for Jewry for taking advantage of it as they have (through Christianity, the Enlightenment’s prejudice against prejudice, subsequent exploitation of civil rights and anti racism):

Runaway objectivism, its “rational” blindness flouting “equality,” is a load of race mixing poison that our right wing brings to the equation. This part of the blame derives disproportionately from a susceptibility of our ranks, not only or even mostly from Jews, though they have exploited it from the days of Christianity through the Enlightenment’s prejudice against prejudice, to “civil rights” and anti-racism.



Posted by Al, Joe, Chuck and Larry on Sat, 11 May 2019 11:19 | #

Lately, when I need a diversion into something light, I’ve been watching “Daze, with Jordan the Lion”.... he goes around, mostly in Los Angeles, doing video pods on the various homes, workplaces, hangouts and last redoubts of the famous and infamous..

He did venture to London for one, however, showing where, among other places, the “Shirlock Holmes” residence is, where the Beatles Abbey Road Studio is ...irritating me by adding that he wasn’t the biggest Beatles fan (while I especially like their earlier work very very much) and compounded this indignity by gushing over a place where Bob Marley had lived…

Even though Rastafarianism, the Haile Selassie cult and Marcus Gaveyism that goes along with it, advocates black separatism, there is still a black supremacism aspect to it which is repulsive to normal Whites and makes Whites who wear dreadlocks and adopt Rastafarian culturisms all the more repulsive….
Just today, this came up on Twitter:

Marina Amaral

Verified account

27m27 minutes ago
Bob Marley died #OnThisDay in 1981, aged 36. In July 1977, he was found to have a type of malignant melanoma under the nail of a toe. Over the years, his health deteriorated as his cancer had spread throughout his body

It occurred to me, however, that while he gushed over Bob Marley in his fame location tour blog, that my own birthplace had a marginal brush with rock supergroupdom:

I’m not exactly sure when it was, but some time in the late sixties or early seventies a large drum kit and electric musical equipment replaced our living room furniture for a few weeks - it was a very exciting display for me as for a little kid.

My oldest brother was friends with an aspiring rock band going by the name of “Red Bred”..  It’s lead singer, Blair Leonard, was the only one that would Not one day be a part of famous musical groups (despite having a great voice).

The drummer was Chuck Burgi, who would replace Phil Collins when Collins returned to Genesis and his solo career. Here is Chuck with Brand X on “Deadly Nightshade” ..before himself going on to other big name acts.

Charles Arnold Burgi III (/ˈbɜːrɡi/,[4] born August 15, 1952) is an American drummer and session musician. He is the current drummer for The Billy Joel Band. Born in Montclair, New Jersey, he has performed with many rock bands and musicians, ranging from local New Jersey/New York-area artists to international groups, throughout his prolific career.

After having performed on several album sessions, Burgi earned a spot with the jazz fusion band, Brand X after their original drummer, Phil Collins, returned to Genesis and his solo career.


The bass player and guitarist was Al Anderson, who went on to be the guitar player for Bob Marely and the Wailers on almost all of their most famous songs - No Woman No Cry; So Ja Seh, etc.

This file represents: Al_Anderson1978 - touring with Peter Tosh on the Bush Doctor Tour. Sophia Gardens, Cardiff, Wales.
Date 4 December 1978. Source Own work: Author TimDuncan

Al Anderson (The Wailers) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Associated acts Bob Marley & The Wailers, The Wailers Band, Peter Tosh, Black Uhuru, Lauryn Hill, Ben Harper, The Centurions, Traffic, UB40 The Original Wailers.

Albert “Al” Anderson (born October 11, 1950) is an American-born songwriter and guitarist.

Anderson grew up in Montclair, New Jersey and attended Montclair High School.

Al Anderson actually tried out for the Montclair High football team but couldn’t make to because of a deformed foot.

I listened to an interview of Anderson recently, and, unfortunately, he sounds like a nice guy (contrary to negative stories I’ve heard about him) ..he actually sounds kind of White, including in his sensibilities (black crypsis - lol).

And I believe Joe Walsh (Eagles, Hotel California, Solo, Rocky Mountain Way), a friend and jamming buddy to all of them, was there jamming with them too, even though he was already a known act with the James Gang.

Joe Walsh is famous for having been a member of the Eagles for all their big hits, notably “Hotel California” and for his solo hit, “Rocky Mountain Way”

Joe Walsh, Wikipedia:

Early life and education
Joseph Fidler Walsh was born on November 20, 1947 in Wichita, Kansas. Walsh’s mother was a classically trained pianist of Scottish and German ancestry, and Walsh was adopted by his stepfather at the age of five after his biological father was killed in a plane crash. In the 1950s, it was common practice for Social Security, school registration, and health records for children to take the name of their stepfather, but Walsh’s birth father’s last name was Fidler, so he took that as his middle name.[8]

Walsh and his family lived in Columbus, Ohio, for a number of years during his youth. When Walsh was twelve years old, his family moved to New York City. Later, Walsh moved to Montclair, New Jersey, and he attended Montclair High School, where he played oboe in the school band.

Walsh got his first guitar at the age of 10, and upon learning The Ventures’ “Walk Don’t Run”, decided that he wanted to pursue a career as a guitarist.[9] Inspired by the success of the Beatles, he replaced Bruce Hoffman as the bass player in the locally popular group the Nomads in Montclair, beginning his career as a rock musician. After high school, Walsh attended Kent State University, where he spent time in various bands playing around the Cleveland area, including the Measles. The Measles recorded for Super K Productions’ Ohio Express the songs “I Find I Think of You”, “And It’s True”, and “Maybe” (an instrumental version of “And It’s True”). Walsh majored in English and minored in music; he was present during the Kent State massacre in 1970. Walsh commented in 2012: “Being at the shootings really affected me profoundly. I decided that maybe I don’t need a degree that bad.”[10] After one term, he dropped out of university to pursue his musical career.[7]


Posted by Tell Buzz he didn't walk on the Moon on Mon, 03 Jun 2019 03:56 | #

Buzz Aldrin Verified account@TheRealBuzz
7m7 minutes ago

I’ve kept many mementoes from my childhood…knowing that the man I am today, began with the boy I was then. Savor those moments. @montclairhigh #undefeatedfootballstatechampions #year1946

Buzz Aldrin defends his honor against conspiracy theorist..

Bart Sibrel: “You (Buzz Aldrin)‘re the one who said you walked on the moon when you didn’t. ..callin’ the kettle black if you ever said I misrepresented”...

Buzz Aldrin: “Will you get away from me!?!”

Bart Sibrel: “You’re a coward and a liar, and a”....


Buzz Aldrin Slugs the crass moon-landing denier, Bart Sibrel.


Posted by Buzz on Wed, 12 Jun 2019 22:45 | #

‘One Giant Leap’ Explores The Herculean Effort Behind The 1969 Moon Landing

NPR, 12 June 2019:


Astronaut Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin Jr. walks near the lunar module during the Apollo 11 moon landing on July 20, 1969.

In 1961, when President John F. Kennedy announced a goal of “landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth” before the end of the decade, the mission seemed all but impossible.


Posted by Son of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar on Mon, 15 Jun 2020 06:07 | #

Adam Abdul-Jabbar

Jabber Stabber Son of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Son Of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Arrested In Stabbing Of San Clemente Neighbor

It is not clear who Adam Abdul-Jabbar’s mother is.

The victim, Ray Winsor, 60, said Abdul-Jabbar yelled ‘Shut your f**ing mouth, I’m gonna stick a knife through your teeth’ before he stabbed him seven times

DM, 13 June 2020


Son of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar arrested in O.C. stabbing

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s Son Arrested, Accused of Stabbing Neighbor - Abcs News


Posted by Patheticness of athletes & their fans on Wed, 22 Jul 2020 17:07 | #

This is why you should swear-off attendance to professional sports and revert to real tribal affiliation rather than being a pathetic fanboy for the mercenary, totemic impostor of tribal identity in sports team fan-ship.

Reds players kneel during national anthem

MLBNews, July 21, 2020:

CINCINNATI—When the Reds and Tigers stood on the lines ahead of Tuesday’s exhibition game for their first national anthem since baseball returned to play, four Cincinnati players took to one knee.

Amir Garrett, Joey Votto, Phillip Ervin and Alex Blandino showed their support for the Black Lives Matter movement.

“It’s certainly a contentious subject, but I wrote the op-ed and I wore the shirt because I feel like it’s pretty simply a human rights issue,” Votto said earlier on Tuesday, but not signaling he would kneel at that point. “I think I said those words and started chipping away at taking a stance because things seem unfair. Just aligning my support.”

Votto and Garrett have been vocal about racial issues in the wake of the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers and the deaths of Breonna Taylor (Louisville, Ky.) and Rayshard Brooks (Atlanta) by police, as well as the murder of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia.

In June, Votto wrote an op-ed for the Cincinnati Enquirer and vowed to do better at understanding the experiences of people of color. During a workout earlier this month, he wore a Black Lives Matter shirt on the field.

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