Seduction of NFL Films, Appeal of L.A. Rams 60’s, 70’s, dodging legacy of sports-fan cuckoldry
I was not completely oblivious to the fact that he was black nor even entirely without trepidation for the long term implications of siding with blacks - just a few years before it was Malcolm X who said that blacks were going to rule me, which of course I did not want - there were the black riots which burned Newark and killed some dozens in 1967; and there were the “chocolate nurses”, whom I naturally did not identify with, and did not like, but surrounded me in the hospital when I was admitted for my tonsillectomy. Oh, perhaps I exaggerate the exhilaration, elation and importance of this moment of Monday Night Football, under the spotlights which gleamed off the Rams and Vikings cool, streaking helmets, but I think not - even though it was but one moment and episode among a mass of factors which would misguide me for a few teenage years into mis-identification. I was devastated that the Rams were stopped in that episode on the goal line against the Vikings - The Vikings, who had been to the prior Super Bowl. But I was now hopeful and determined that “we” could play with them - and furious that my parents made me go to bed; miserable to wake up to find the Rams lost. The Vietnam war, where men were expected to die, feminism, that blamed men for everything, my family’s communicologial craziness and what was already society’s (((the media and academia’s))) anti-White prohibition against White identity, its crowning of blacks as what we now call the “untouchables” and Jews as taboo to even wonder about, let alone criticize.. some context and quite difficult for a boy hard programmed to like girls: yeah, I was starting to like girls, but of course not wanting to be deterministically beholden, at this point, to this situation - with all this context going against my identity and the need by contrast to identify with people who were on my side and who’d fight hard; given the hostility of my family and society, I needed some socially sanctioned identity, on my side, with those who’d fight. NFL Films were a significant part of constructing a riveting identity, i.e., my entrancement into undue sports rooting in my teenage years.
Lets continue with the topic of sportsfanship, how we might illustrate and redirect the illusionary escape of illusionary observational objectivity and diversionary identity. It’s an important matter, leading to a cuckold identity if, as a habit, not broken (thankfully, I did). Furthermore, by examining the romanticizing and compelling role that NFL Films play in identity creation, we might be able to take a few of its ideas for the building of our own identity creation. Let’s examine the films then and a little more of what could lure one into sports enthusiasm during teen years and beyond. It is a fanaticism that we could rather use to fight on behalf of our own peoples.
In sunny California, Hollywood, manly battle took place in cool uniforms.. Snow (number 84) was one of my favorites ...they actually had White wide receivers in those days - they were good, too.
The timing had something to do with it, sure. As I’ve said elsewhere, the early 1970’s were a time when the Vietnam war was ending, the relaxed communal sense of Being being extended to White men was giving way to feminism - could be rabid, White man hating, feminism. My older sister was a cold feminist, when not a searing hot feminist, when not a disconcertingly light, breezy and trivializing feminist; my mother, when not having some sort of catharsis for herself through a breakdown and drinking, was usually hostile; if you knew my father, you could have some sense of why she was that way. I’m over that, and its not my point to complain, but to state the fact of why I needed some vicarious identity - which could neither so easily be had with my family nor with my (((diverse, multicultural society and its programs of forced integration.))) OK, so, I was ripe for some escapism and masculine aggressive identification - a quasi serious thing, treated seriously by adults. At the same time, through programs of school “integration”, by the school year of 1970 my homeroom teacher was black, and there were plenty of blacks in the integrated class of my local elementary school. But in 1971-72, the integration program bused me to Nishuane, a mostly black school - and a nightmare. Again, this wasn’t long after Malcolm X declared that “the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that the black man would rule” and not long after the black race riots in 1967 burned the nearby town where I was born, Newark; while it was taboo to take an identitarian stance against even saying anything about that, even then. I’ve already mentioned a Bobby Murcer home run in September 1971 and the compellingness, the soothing reliability of baseball statistics, but there was something even more immediately mainlining into the older parts of the brain of the sports thing - NFL films. I’m sure this kind of thing hooked many a kid, not just me. In this I got a program, maybe what we’d now call a site, to identify with the venting of my spleen, my rage, will to action, to run, to identify with a tribe, to bask in the glory and to identify with, well, actually, White guys…..and we could share in widespread appreciation that was not forthcoming, personally, i.e., whereas we might otherwise not be given much support in identity (((to say the least))). In this quasi-identity, with our masculine strength alone and mere uniforms distinguishing teams [the players did not even come from the towns that “they played for!”] we could at least assimilate fighting for an identity together, not against our own - quite unlike my family, my (((American society))) and my Europe. “The fearsome foursome”, Deacon Jones, Merlin Olsen ...the cool uniforms, winning ways, Roman Gabriel, exotic Los Angeles. I could identify fiercely with them. On Monday night, October 24 1970, my parents let me stay up late….almost..I got to see Kermit Alexander’s exhilarating punt return….the Rams were stopped on the goal line just before halftime. I was broken hearted, but optimistic that they could play the Vikings, they could win. I didn’t want to be torn away from the TV but my parents would not let me stay up..
That moment set off an adrenaline rush as lights gleamed off streaking helmets, followed by the frustration of losing to the Vikings, a threatening team in uniforms just as cool as the Rams. From the cold north, men in Viking helmets came to play men in Ram helmets. Fascination set in.
I would remain fiercely loyal to my side and could not tolerate losing, fairly bad though Rams records were compared to the late 60’s and what was to come in the 70’s; even though the Vikings just about always got the best of them in the playoffs - and in excruciating manner. In the 1974 playoffs, not only did White Rams fans suffer the indignation of having their team headed by one of the first black quarterbacks (And I didn’t like it. Quarterback, the helm leader, was always a firmly White position), but they snatched defeat from the jaws of victory against the Vikings, again thwarted at the goal line.
In 1976 the Rams got thwarted on the goal-line in the playoffs against the Vikings once again.
While in 1977 it had been meteorological frustration, surprisingly, on the home turf…
I plead innocent besides - how was I to know who Kermit Alexander was and what he could come to mean to us… why should I believe that adults would let this happen, when what was happening by way of blacks was so obviously bad in terms of their hyper-assertiveness. Who’d want to live with these people who burned Newark, made things so ugly, but nevertheless had the nerve to say that they’d rule us? Unbeknownst to me, this was the football season following the Super Bowl (IV) played by the first majority black team - The Kansas City Chiefs. That is to say nothing, of course, of my nine year old awareness (lack thereof) of the (((egregious forces and purposes))) behind the 1964 Civil Rights Act, The 1965 Immigration and Naturalization Act, and the 1968 Rumsford Fair Housing Act…
By 1972 the war was ending and feminism, no longer constrained by the double standard of the (male only) draft and with it, the background need to grant some leeway to male protest for Being, came unhinged. I needed vicarious male identity more than ever.
N.F.L. Film’s style captured attention with Yoshi Kishi’s innovative editing, John Facenda’s deep voiced, stern narration and Sam Spence’s riveting music: With slow motion, fast motion, varied shots, bustling action and music, music of burly combat, “Sunday with soul” - that music so compelling to the emotions of a kid who wants his identity ultimately dramatized, ranging from the toughest, the most earnest quest, manly American quest, epoch exhilaration to dark, grim, wide ranging venture, and heartbreaking sympathy, “the game that got away” - while husky voiced narrators, John Facenda and Pat Summerall in particular, embellished the seriousness of it all. The music here, during minute 1:12 - 2:20, as background to a Redskins - Eagles game, is particularly intriguing: here it is by itself - “undercover man” - one of my favorite among these Sam Spence and William Loose tunes. “The Horse” was not included among NFL film songs, but was/is a marching band staple along the sidelines of high school games that achieves much of the same sentimental effect. And there was that Monday Night Football intro music. ...another compelling tune to add to the collection - starting second 017. If GW wonders what Hitler had going for him to excite a stadium and crowds in the street, well he certainly had something going for him, he must have, because he didn’t even have war action going on at the time, let alone some of the things that the NFL has to draw-in and compel mass allegiance.. But while NFL Films served to seduce, corrupt and divert my identity for some time from better pursuits, it is also worth talking about how we might perhaps use some of its techniques to deploy to our cause. At least it was something that people were paying attention to. It was not merely the moment when Kermit Alexander’s fast twitching muscle fibers sprinted toward the end zone was that and much more..
There were massive stadiums packed with fans, pageantry, marching bands, cheerleaders…
Here they were, the L.A. Rams - an opportunity for the requisite, more objective identity for me: they were from far away Los Angeles, with a team that was coming out of the 1960’s with great records and an awesome manly reputation. My older brother told me that they had the “The Fearsome Foursome” - their defensive line featuring Deacon Jones, Merlin Olsen ..later Fred Dryer and Jack Youngblood ..with their cool names, add quarterback Roman Gabriel to that regard. They had the coolest uniforms too.
Roman Gabriel, a very cool name for the quarterback playing for the Rams in The Los Angeles Coliseum..
Now let’s step away from the Pattern, the Relationships and come back to the Episode and the Kermit Alexnder Moment…
The Episode in 1970 - actually two episodes in succession: punt return; and then goal line stand.
..and see how the Relationships and Patterns of White objectivism unfolded, especially in (((context)))... The legacy of sportsfanship (the costume fan images come from this site):
Peterson is also the father of Ashley Doohen’s murdered mudlet.
...adopt 5 Haitians:
Posted by What the Cuck? on Thu, 12 May 2016 14:24 | # White fans pay huge money, pack stadiums and arenas to watch blacks lavished with all society might reward them with. 3
Posted by Erica's story on Thu, 12 May 2016 14:41 | # In 1968, (((CBS)) News began putting across a narrative that “black history was stolen” and that White people owed them.
Erica’s story in The Hunting Ground 4
Posted by After Superbowl 2012 on Fri, 13 May 2016 11:49 | # After victory in the 2012 Superbowl, Greg Jones proposes to his girlfriend, Mandy Piechowski Notice that the black booty to the left is not getting any Superbowl marriage proposal.
Background issues become foreground issues to White/European interests: not just fans, cheerleaders, bands, coaches, cameramen and security guards such as the ignored black booty to the left of the screen, but also the discourse of news reporters: Listen to what the White cuck news reporter had to say about it -
Also having remained in the background of this race replacement is black on White crime: She was found in a state of rigor mortis - naked, with her legs fixed unnaturally on both sides of her chest. 5
Posted by more cuck reporting on Fri, 13 May 2016 13:25 | # More Cuck Reporting After The Fact:
More cuck reporting: Investigative reporting from the perspective of White interests would never be satisfied to report on this surface level; it would be coupled with true intellectual quest to delve into causes and implications of the issues suggested here, to analyze issues kept in the background, including the influence of NFL Films, how they have served to glorify, normalize and institutionalize this beastiality - this destruction of 35,000 years of sublime co-evolution.
Not far removed from mainstream cuck reporting, Alternative Right’s Sports-cuck reporter, Andy Nowicki, maintains that we shouldn’t care...he likes to watch sports ...we should be ok with that.. and we should be ok with beastiality as well.
Posted by 2014 on Sat, 14 May 2016 01:35 | # 7
Posted by Sam Spence on Sun, 15 May 2016 16:30 | #
Posted by scientific reason men like sports more than women on Tue, 17 May 2016 19:56 | # (((Time Magazine))) says:
Posted by Yoshi Kishi, John Facenda, Sam Spence on Sat, 21 May 2016 15:38 | # N.F.L. Film’s style captured attention with Yoshi Kishi’s editing, John Facenda’s narration and Sam Spence’s music.
Yoshi was already a legend of editing, however. In fact, the film discusses the inception and crystallization of N.F.L Films dramatization..
Posted by Kishi also edited "raging bull" on Sat, 21 May 2016 18:12 | #
Note also the irony that the brunette actress who plays Joe Pesci’s wife was brutally stabbed by a stalker in real life a few years later. 11
Posted by People don't want Boateng as their neighbour on Tue, 31 May 2016 04:00 | #
Posted by stoic acceptance and the excremental on Wed, 01 Jun 2016 20:06 | #
Posted by 1 Sept. 1971: first all-black MLB line-up on Fri, 05 Aug 2016 15:48 | # Another indication of the 1970-71 time period being a tipping point for black representation (and thus White fan cuckoldry) in American professional sports:
Notes: The Pirates went on to win the World Series that year. Bill Mazeroski (White, of course) only had one plate appearance in the World Series, being in the twilight of his career; however, he had already won a World Series with a walk off seventh game home run against the mighty New York Yankees in 1960. He was among the best, if not the best fielding second-basemen of all time. He did not like the personality of his replacement, Rennie Stennett. Dock Ellis, the pitcher, once pitched a no-hitter while under the influence of L.S.D. The 1960 World Championship Pittsburgh Pirate team had just one black - Roberto Clemente 14
Posted by Rams return to Los Angeles not going well on Mon, 02 Jan 2017 04:41 | #
The NFL is majority black / its fans, who pay handsomely for tickets and broadcast access, are in vast majority White. 15
Posted by 2.66 BILLION dollar stadium for L.A. Rams on Fri, 11 Aug 2017 05:41 | # Ironguard1940, “St. Louis Rams move back to L.A., get 2.66 BILLION dollar stadium” Un. Fucking. Believable. I thought stadiums costing ONE billion dollars were beyond insane. Now comes the age of multi-billion dollar stadiums. There are numerous articles on this of course. I am just posting the Wikipedia article. Notmenomore Well, it does seem reasonable to locate big n-ball in a n-town. The stooge taxpayers will subsidize the whole thing, naturally. I see today that Commissioner Goodell thinks itz chust vunderfall that all his pet niggers are showing their ass for the National Anthem. In most cases an employee knocking down seven and eight figures would be expected to demonstrate just a little bit of public correctness? And to be certain, they ARE!! What is a jungle-bunny after all, if itz not showink its ass? Ironguard1940 According to Colin Kaepernick, San Francisco 49ers - $19,000,000 Six years, $114,000,000 total with $61,000,000 guaranteed-he is the 17th highest paid player in the NFL in 2016. Yeah, the bros are oppressed. Kneel fo’ Whitey’s national anthem. Most NFL QBs are White and QB is the highest paid position in the league. However, the league is 65-70% nigger so that means overall n*****s are making more money than Whites in the NFL. There is absolutely no justification for these athletes making the money they do. There is also no justification for a stadium that costs anywhere near a billion dollars much less 2.66 billion. As long as the White lemmings are willing to pay outlandish prices for tickets, food, parking, souvenirs, TV sports packages, etc., the price of everything will keep going up. A lot better uses for 2 billion dollars than a stadium that won’t even be used a lot. I’m from St. Louis and used to have Blues season tickets but stopped because the outrageous prices for the tickets, food and drinks, and $20 each game just to park was simply too much. Pro sports is simply out of control with the salaries and the cost of these stadiums. The Miami Marlins just got a multi billion dollar stadium and hardly anyone goes to the games. Just a big expensive building that is mostly empty on game days. Serves that multi cultural shit hole of Miami well I guess. 16
Posted by Half empty stadium for Rams/ 49ers on Fri, 22 Sep 2017 12:50 | #
Posted by Free tickets to Tampa Bay Cuck-Bowl on Mon, 03 Dec 2018 08:22 | # Predicting that the N.F.L. will “die” is a bit of wishful thinking, but the sentiment is well taken…. The Tampa Bay Cuckaneers are giving away tickets…
Posted by New England Patriotards on Sun, 03 Feb 2019 09:28 | # Since the time in the late 80’s when I prioritized racial interests over the entertainment of sports and music, when I do observe race mixed sporting events or statistics, I root for the individual performance of White players and against individual black players. Over at Amren, Paul Kersey entitles and article, “Root for the Patriots in the Superbowl” Although there is something to be said for the Patriots success while using White players in positions usually associated with black skills, as rather an expression of White selection and identity, betraying negrophila some along with its taken for granteds, the teams are still mercenary, not particularly representing a place or race. Thus, I can’t agree with his conclusion that Whites should feel ok about rooting for mixed race teams as it perpetuates the idiot cuckoldry of White fandom and support of the race mixing agenda through one of its most seductive means - visually exciting sports, adulation of athletic skills beyond merit, real world value and just reward, while ensconced in the deceptive, soothing pretext of passive objectivity. Kersey writes:
With that, he suggests:
He supplies one good reason NOT to root for the Patriots or any NFL team, here:
Posted by Yair Rosenberg on Fri, 13 Sep 2019 07:20 | #
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Posted by Superbowl 2016: homage to Black Panthers on Thu, 12 May 2016 13:55 | #
In the Superbowl following the 1979 Season, the Rams team was still exactly half White.
Rams QB in that game, Vince Ferragamo.
The Rams had finally surpassed the Vikings and other rivals, making it to the Superbowl, only to lose there as Ferragamo didn’t see a wide-open Billy Waddy positioned for the go-ahead touchdown, and Ram victory…instead he threw to the other side for an interception.
Teams becoming ridiculously black delivered a coupe de grace to my interest by the late 80’s….but even the embers of my identification were hosed as the Rams moved to Saint Louis in 1995. Los Angeles was a part of the tenuous identification that I had achieved and Saint Louis doesn’t have the same glamour as L.A.
By January 30, 2000 I had long since stopped paying attention except for one brief moment, when the now Saint Louis Rams led by (White) Cinderella story, Kurt Warner, defeated the Tennessee Titans to finally win a Superbowl.
Cinderella story Kurt Warner finally takes the Rams to Super Bowl victory.
Warner and the fact of having nothing else to do while I attended my dying father gave me an excuse after not having watched football for many years. I watched that one game on 30 January 2000; I told my father that the Rams had won as he sat in a hospital bed with tubes in him and an oxygen mask, looking like an alien elephant… barely conscious, but he heard that..and smiled: he had got me attending to football on TV in the winter of ‘69-‘70, he had witnessed the many tearful temper tantrums of mine as the Rams always lost along the way. He died the next morning.
They stopped the Titans at the goal line as time ran out.
The Tennessee Titans quarterback for that Super Bowl was Steve McNair (left) who went on to be murdered by his “lover” (right) in 2009.
By 2016 all teams were mostly black and the Superbowl half time show featured a homage to the Black Panthers and Malcolm X.
Super Bowl 2016, halftime show features homage to Black Panthers and Malcolm X
“The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said
that the black man will rule.”