Buchanan’s Book Hammering the Wedge Into the GOP’s Fault Line It looks like not even the Lansky mob bringing in hot Hollywood whores for Jim Robinson can tackle the problem facing freerepublic.com these days. Buchanan’s book, at present #1 in the Amazon top 100 most popular books: “State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America” is sledge-hammering a wedge into the fault-line of the Republican Party around immigration. What good are your hot Hollywood whores going to do you if you don’t even know what to tell your puppets to do? Used to be Robinson would just ban anyone who questioned open borders or said anything positive about Buchanan’s stance against open borders. Now if they try that there are web sites that just might take over FreeRepublic.com’s natural monopoly position and then what would the neocons do to control the thoughts of the online “conservatives”? This is a microcosm of the GOP, make no mistake about it—and it is coming to a head in the next couple of months leading up to the election. Comments:2
Posted by On Holliday on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 11:09 | # I cannot emphasize enough the importance of politically punishing pro-immigration Republicans in the upcoming - and future (eg. 2008) - elections. It is time to disrupt the status quo. Things will *never* change as long as racially/culturally aware whites, even the Buchananite mainstream paleoconservatives, continue to vote for anti-white, pro-immigration, pro-diversity Republicans as the “lesser evil” compared to Democrats who are no worse on those issues. Given how close the typical election is (no small part due to the demographic shifts that the GOP promotes), particularly on the national or state (Senate) levels, a shift of a few percentage points can ensure that no kosher conservative pro-immigration Republican can win. Those who despise the Bush-McCain-Hagel GOP consensus on race and immigration and yet who continue to vote for such filth because they are “good rightists” vs. “bad leftists” (rah! rah! rah! go team! - regardless of a lack of any real difference with respect to actual racial policies) have no one to blame but themselves. What incentive does the GOP have to change if they know they are going to get the white vote by default? It’s time for a challenge: force the GOP to pick beween white paleoconservatives and the coloreds/neocons. Do not give them the easy way out of automatically getting the paleos votes. What’s the worst than can happen - Hillary in 2008? If anything she is no worse than McCain, and maybe even a bit to the right on immigration. Do not misunderstand - Hillary will be a disaster for America as President and a disaster for white Americans. But, so will McCain. There is no real difference. The only difference is that if the GOP politically crashes due to immigration, some lesson *may* be learned. If the Manchurian Candidate wins despite his La Raza stance on America’s future, forget forever about the GOP *ever* drifting toward a white direction Why should they? 3
Posted by ben tillman on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 14:25 | # ...our local Senator George Allen is a fake-Southern rich boy clone of GWB…. Fake indeed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Felix_Allen “[Allen’s] mother, Henrietta Lumbroso, was a Jewish immigrant of Tunisian/Italian/French background.” “[She] emigrated from French Tunisia, and ... according to Allen, was imprisoned in a Nazi concentration camp during World War II.” “According to [George Allen’s sister Jennifer], their mother ‘prided herself for being un-American. ... She was ashamed that she had given up her French citizenship to become a citizen of a country she deemed infantile.’ Allen’s father was of Dutch-Irish and Scottish descent.” 4
Posted by Bo Sears on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 19:04 | # Let’s not forget that Senator Allen was one of the few Republican senators to openly smear substantial portions of the immigration reform movement as racist. It was a gratuitous act of contempt for activists in policy issues in America, and deserves our contempt in return. 5
Posted by Matra on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 19:17 | # Senator Allen came out against the guest worker plan and told many a cable news anchor how much he cares about “securing” the border. I’m guessing his sudden conversion was based on recent polls. His opponent James Webb talked about the border problem long before the backlash to the illegal alien marches. Also in Webb’s book Born Fighting: How The Scots-Irish Shaped America he comes across as quite sympathetic to white Southerners during the segregation fight. He reserves just about all his criticism for well-off liberals from up north. Post a comment:
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Posted by Amalek on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 10:56 | #
Did Enoch Powell and Jean ‘Camp of the Saints’ Raspail get it right?
Pat Buchanan, America’s greatest political polemicist, revisits their prophecies: