Challenging the Power of the Jewish Lobby: What Should Be Done?

Posted by Guessedworker on Monday, 02 October 2006 23:19.

My thanks to Bo Sears for unearthing this piece by James Petras, published last week at AxisOfLogic.  It lists eighteen ways, no less, to counter the Jewish Lobby, and in its conclusion is pretty upbeat - a novel discovery for some of us - about the prospects for success.

No question in my mind, btw, that Walt and Mearsheimer should be praised to the heavens for drawing a clear bead on the Lobby.  The activism suggested in the Petras article is but the natural follow-on.

I recommend you to read the article in its entirety.  But here are those 18 points of action:-

Pressure can be exerted to force the Pro-Israel lobby to register as an agent of a foreign power.  There is an abundance of evidence based on public documents, observation, testimony, interviews which demonstrate that the leaders of the Lobby take orders from the Israeli government, serve as transmission belts of Israeli policies into the US, formulate the legislation for the US Congress based on Israeli priorities, coordinate and transmit information from the US government to the Israeli government and have even engaged in espionage in the US for the Israeli secret police (Mossad).  If for example AIPAC is obligated to register as an agent of a foreign power, it can be expected that a substantial number of its members/supporters will resign or withdraw, and big contributors will hold back funding, weakening the activist and financial base of the Lobby.  Secondly, other members of the pro-Israel coalition will balk at allying with an agency of a foreign power.  Thirdly, elected and appointed officials will be more hesitant to follow the lead or share the platform of an organization identified with a foreign government because of the possible legal implications or at least unfavorable publicity.

Organize a campaign to withdraw investments in US companies which supply the Israeli regime with weapons of mass destruction, construction equipment to extend Israeli colonization of Palestine.  The boycott should include targeting military industries which contribute to Lobby controlled “think tanks”, State and Union pension funds which invest in Israeli Bonds should be pressured to reallocate to productive industries and social services which create jobs and health benefits for Americans.

Create a data bank on all the key political officials who have long-standing, primary commitments to the state of Israel and who have collaborated with the pro-Israeli lobby.  This data bank can focus on the role of the Zionist power configuration engaged in harnessing US policy to Israel’s expansionist policies.  The data bank can list all the major pieces of legislation fashioned by the Lobby for Israel; the total sum of US grants, and guaranteed loans, technological transfers secured for Israel through the Lobby; the number of junkets and visits organized by the Lobby for policymakers.  In addition, information should be collected on all levels of “consultation” between key lobby leaders, religious notables, and international Zionist organizations and the Israeli state.  The “information bank” can provide the bases for demonstrating how the Lobby serves Israeli foreign policy, distorts US domestic and overseas priorities and contributes to silencing and undermining internal democratic debate.  In other words, the anti-Lobby campaign can be an important part of the battle of ideas, and engage in the struggle to throw off foreign tutelage, and regain our freedom to openly discuss the role of Israel and the Lobby in US politics.

Support the worldwide boycott against scholarly and academic exchanges with Israeli counterparts and institutes which uphold and participate in the colonization and repression of the Palestinians.  In particular, psychologists and psychiatrists should pressure their association to reject all Israeli counterparts who engage in interrogation (usually accompanied by torture) of political prisoners.

Legislation should be passed barring individuals who hold dual-citizenship (Israeli-US), especially those connected with the military-intelligence networks from holding sensitive positions in the government or controlling the political party nomination process, as is now the case of the Democratic Party.  Numerous cases have emerged of Israeli-US citizens in the high tech field who have direct access to software affecting US national security, as well as high Pentagon officials with ‘dual citizenship’ promoting policies favorable to Israel at great cost in lives and money to the US.

Organize to eliminate Israel’s special privileges in tax exemption, trade, technology, and citizenship which burdens US taxpayers, increases Israeli competitiveness at the expense of US producers and facilitates Israeli emigration at the expense of other groups.  Above all, demand the elimination or drastic reduction of Israel’s $3 billion plus foreign aid and $10 billion in guaranteed loans a country with a $21,000 per capita income.  The funds which cover over 40% of the total US foreign aid packages, should be spent in covering health care for the 45 million US citizens who lack coverage, or at least allocated to countries in Africa, Latin America, and Asia whose per capita income is below $1000 dollars a year.

Support efforts to end the US embargo on goods, services and financial assistance to Palestine, recognize the democratically elected Hamas government.  Join with European Parliamentarians, Lebanese and most Middle Eastern governments and the great majority of the Third World in recognizing Hezbollah as a legitimate electoral party and social movement in Lebanon.  Here as in many other issues, the Lobby and its supporters are a small minority in the international community of nations and world public opinion.  Through their dominance of US policy on Lebanon and Palestine, the Lobby has contributed to the isolation of the US, provoked the ire of all the mainline humanitarian groups and given credence to the world communities’ belief that Washington is a handmaiden of Israeli policy-makers.

Raise the issues of bringing Israeli officials to the International War Crimes Tribunal, or to criminal courts on charges of violating the Geneva Conventions and the protocols of the Nuremberg Tribunal.  By having criminal charges in various courts of justice, Israeli military and civilian war criminals will be reluctant to travel abroad for fear of arrest.  Likewise civil suits can be initiated to impound Israeli bank accounts and assets to pay war reparations to Lebanese civilians for the 15,000 homes destroyed and for damages exceeding $10 billion dollars.  Families of assassinated civilian victims and UN peace keepers should be encouraged to seek compensation in the United States as well as in their own national courts.

Convert the issue of the US-Israeli claim of nuclear dangers resulting from Iranian uranium enrichment into a more consequential and general demand to turn the entire Middle East into a nuclear free zone.  Thus highlights the fact that Israeli possession of at least 300 nuclear bombs is the outstanding threat to nuclear war in the Middle East and elsewhere.  The Lobby’s campaign against Iran is directed toward maintaining Israeli’s monopoly of nuclear weapons as an instrument to intimidate any challenges to its expansionist goals.

Call for the International Atomic Energy Commission and other UN nuclear inspection organizations to investigate charges that Israel is manufacturing and storing nuclear bombs, and chemical and biological weapons contrary to the non-proliferation agreement.  The Lobby will clearly be on the defensive, having to defend Israel’s deception and secrecy regarding weapons of mass destruction.

Organize boycotts and campaigns to demand that local, regional, and national mass media outlets report and interview Israeli critics as well as its spokespeople.  Propose debates, round tables, and forums which include Israeli critics as well as its spokespeople; file legal suits against Jewish lobbyists making libelous accusations of “anti-semitism” against informed critics who suffer loss of career appointments or promotions.  Organize legal teams to challenge the impunity of the vicious slanderers and perpetrators of hate crimes among pro-Israel ideologues.

Demand that newscasters, analysts, and commentators dealing with Middle Eastern issues have their organizational and political affiliations clearly identified.  This will help focus the public on the extraordinary one-sided pro-Israeli bias in the media and weaken a key propaganda arm of the Lobby.

Legislation should be supported which bars individuals with dual citizenship and therefore dual loyalties from holding executive or legislative positions in the government.  As we have seen, numerous top policymakers with a strong commitment to Israeli interests lead our country to disastrous Middle Eastern wars.

Support legislation revoking the citizenship of individuals who enlist or engage in military activity for a foreign government.  The Lobby sends thousands of US Jews to Israel to engage in civilian and “security” activities alongside and integrated with IDF soldiers, creating “returnees” fully indoctrinated into Israel’s militarist worldview.

One of the vehicles used by the Lobby to influence or buy the loyalty of legislators and US officials are paid junkets to Israel, where they are indoctrinated and propagandized by a bevy of Israeli politicians, and advocates of the Zionist state.  Legislation to outlaw paid propaganda and vote buying junkets came before Congress but was stopped largely through the efforts of the Jewish Lobby.  Clearly this is an area where corruption and foreign control over our foreign policy converge and is strongly susceptible to a campaign to moralize public policy.

Since 9/11, hundreds of suspected Israeli spies have been deported, and several Lobbyists, US military and government officials have been charged with spying for Israel.  Yet no public statements or media exposure has resulted.  Campaigns should demand equal treatment and publicity of Israeli spies with non-Israeli operatives.  Israeli handlers operating out of their Embassy should be named and arrested, instead of allowing easy exits, as is currently practiced.

Legislation should be presented and veterans’ groups of all wars should be mobilized to demand Congressional hearings on the Israeli bombing of the US surveillance ship Liberty with prime witnesses among our naval survivors.  The Commission should investigate the subsequent cover up by the Johnson Administration and the role of the Lobby.

Support political parties and candidates who oppose Israel’s occupation of Palestine, its $3 billion dollar annual aid package and the Lobby’s pro-war Mid East agenda.  Support a pro-American policy of anti-colonialism, conversion of Israeli billion dollar handouts into rebuilding de-industrialized regions in the US and eschewing military intervention in the Middle East either for Israeli or imperial interests.

Tags: Activism



Posted by Andy on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 01:22 | #

My thanks to Bo Sears for unearthing this piece by James Petras, published last week at AxisOfLogic.  It lists eighteen ways, no less, to counter the Jewish Lobby, and in its conclusion is pretty upbeat - a novel discovery for some of us - about the prospects for success.


  When I read “counter the Jewish lobby” I was expecting something a little different than what I got.  I tend to think that Zionism and support for Israel are actually the least of our Jew-related problems.  Other than saving some taxpayer money, I fail to see a a lot of benefit in opposing Zionism.  My primary interest is in securing a viable white future, primarily in the Anglosphere and secondarily in the rest of Europe.  I think that this can be accomplished with minimal attention payed to the affairs of the Middle East.

As far as the points the author makes about the Palestinians, all I can really do is shrug my shoulders.  In all honesty, injustices perpetrated on the Palestinians are only a peripheral concern to me.  Furthermore, I’m not even sure that they don’t deserve as much or more blame than the Israelis do. 

  Can any of the anti-Zionists out there explain how opposing Zionism will aid whites in North America, Europe, or Australia? Why should I care about Zionism?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 02:15 | #

I agree with both GW and Andy:  the Mearsheimer & Walt paper was a landmark accomplishment by a pair of first-rate academics of high integrity (the publishing of which was extremely brave), and papers such as this present effort by James Petras meet a crying need for clear, cold analysis of practical ways in which the Israeli lobby can be taken down a few pegs and put in its proper place; on the other hand, I fail to see where zionism is the adversary of those whites who are concerned first and foremost about today’s crisis of race-replacement of traditional white populations across the West.  Zionism and that are two completely different issues.  How would forced race-replacement be halted and reversed by the Chomskyite left’s getting its way and bringing Israel to its knees?  Israel is not what is forcing race-replacement on us.  Plenty of Jews and Jewish organizations certainly are among the worst culprits in that regard, but not the state of Israel.  Is this author concerned about race-replacement?  If he is, he shows not the slightest sign.  For all we know, he’s for it.


Posted by Count Dooku on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 03:10 | #

I agree with the above two comments. I don’t see how Israel is the problem. In fact, its existence as a fiercely protective ethnostate actually serves our purposes as a role model.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 07:35 | #

The Zionist aspect of Jewish self-advocacy is the bright side of the moon.  But the whole body - that which shows itself and that which does not - exerts its gravitational pull on our world.  Don’t expect AxisOfLogic people to take issue with the dark side.  Not yet.  It will need a Walt & Mearsheimer Mark II to come along and draw the same unerring bead as the first guys.

To make it possible to expose the dark aspect, the anti-white, anti-Christian aspect, of Jewish self-advocacy from the mainstream is absolutely the job of guys like us.  We have to speak our truths over and again in a responsible and intelligent, well-informed way that does not cause revulsion among tender minds.  We have to attempt to seed the political mainstream with knowledge not only of the dark aspect of Jewish self-advocacy but of the normalcy of white self-advocacy and of the rights of the majority to speak freely and be heard.  Then we just have to hope for it (the mainstream) to develop the courage to take up and pursue the argument.

I have pretty much shelved the third part of my American WN triology.  But its essence was that leadership will not come from the present ranks of WN.  It will come from the mainstream. 

The present ranks are, if they did but know it, water-carriers.


Posted by Jethro Kull on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 07:50 | #

“My primary interest is in securing a viable white future, primarily in the Anglosphere and secondarily in the rest of Europe.”

Andy, I would flip the primary and secondary around here—I’m afraid that there’s something intrinsic about the values and historical perspective of the “Anglosphere” that’s doing far more to kill us as a civilization than the non-Anglosphere countries.  In fact, I would wager to say that today, it’s the United States, Britain and Australia, and the deadly toxic brew of their multiculturalism and “free market” open borders lobbies, that’s endangering the whole of Western Civilization in general.  In my experience, it’s the *non-Anglosphere* countries that provide the best prospects for preserving our White civilization.

I’m certainly not happy about this and this fact depresses me more than you can imagine, but I’m just calling it as I see it.  I’ve worked in over a dozen Western countries, and I’m telling you, there’s something about the fabric about the non-Anglosphere countries that gives them much more backbone in resisting the Third World tide.  No other Western country has gone nearly as far as the Anglophone countries in the self-destruction sweepstakes.  Already in the USA, over half of all kids in the primary school set are non-White, and it’s only getting much worse very quickly.  Australia and the UK are not far behind.  I’ve seen upsetting scenes on the Continent, to be sure, but they haven’t gone nearly as far.  Not even the Dutch, Belgians and French have gone to anywhere near the same extent in swamping out the native White populations, who are still very much the majority among the school-age populations, and the non-Anglophone countries have clamped down hard on Third-World migrations in the last year alone.  After Austria, France is (bizarrely enough) now the toughest nation in prohibiting Third World entry.

This is especially true in Central Europe, where Austria, Germany and Switzerland have not only put their foot down in resisting immigration, but are starting to rise up again as the chief defenders and exponents of our civilization.  They’re not perfect themselves, but I was pleasantly surprised in my conversations with young people there—most of them despise Germany’s speech-muzzling “hate speech” laws and are furious about the BS Holocaust lobby, obscuring this country’s vast and great history (while obscuring the crimes of so many other countries), while starting to re-explore their countries’ historic connections to Christianity. 

Again, I’m not saying that I like the current state of affairs, I’m a proud American who desperately longs for the days when the US was the beacon of great Western civilization both in our Constitutional structure and in our technological prowess.  I’m just saying—there really is something toxic and even suicidal in the Anglosphere that’s not there in other Western countries, and unfortunately, the self-destructive powers in the Anglosphere are far too powerful at this point to be confronted. 

If I had to guess, it’s in part due to the royally screwed-up historical perspective we have here.  The British like to pat themselves on the back as having had a “global empire” that was “multicultural and inclusive”—forgetting that the British Empire itself was definitely not multicultural, it was very much a Western imperial entity with Western values and Western culture, and the British did everything they could in their imperial domains to distance themselves from the Third World masses.  They had no desire to politically unite Britain with its Third World colonies!  Yet this fact is lost for good in the collective mind of the powerful in Britain, and “globalization” with “diversity” reigns.  What makes this worse, is that the liberals who push this nostrum in Britain are united with the “conservative” free marketeers who delight in having such an ample supply of cheap and exploitable brown labor.  Same for the US and unfortunately, Oz too, for different reasons.  The US is stuck in the idiot rut of thinking that we’re “open to the world” and that our Constitutionalism can embrace everybody, forgetting that the US and our people are fundamentally Western in nature!

In direct contrast, Central Europe for example has never had this illusion.  Germany only united politically in 1871, and so never had the sort of overseas Empire that Britain built up from the mid-1700’s—instead, Germany’s sphere of interest (and that of Austria and Switzerland) has chiefly been elsewhere in Europe, especially toward the east and north.  Same with Italy, the proud seat of ancient Rome and a nation that unified around the same time as Germany, therefore unburdened with the bungling fantasy of being a global multiculti marketplace, and with more of an interest in Greece and southeastern Europe than the Third World. 

Other imperial Western European countries like France, the Netherlands and Belgium do have a shade of the “British disease” in which they’ve opened themselves up to the Third World due to their self-regard as global collecting places, but not nearly to the same degree.  They have a strong attraction to their own ancient European cultures and see their dilution with the Third World to be a disastrous prospect—which has pushed the elites in Amsterdam in Paris to do the unthinkable in the Anglophone countries, i.e. to sharply restrict Third-World immigration.  Such an embrace of one’s “historical values” is considered un-hip, passe and quaint in the Anglophone countries, but the other ex-imperial Western European countries know that this is the fiber of their very civilization.

Only Sweden and Norway may prove an exception to this, as they lack much of an overseas imperial history but seem to have embraced some of the worst of the multi-culti stupidity in recent years.  Still, these two countries haven’t gone to nearly the same degree as the UK in the sheer numbers of non-Whites they’ve taken in, and there’s already a backlash with teeth developing, as there has been in Denmark. 

IOW, I’m far more confident in the Western future of the non-Anglophone countries than I am in the Anglosphere.  I obviously don’t think that we in the Anglosphere should give up the fight—I’m just saying that I’m not confident that we can win it here, since we’re up against the extremely powerful and entrenched forces encouraging our further dilution, both from multiculti leftists and free market rightists.  There’s a different perspective outside the Anglosphere that, IMHO, is much better for the advance of our civilization. 

In fact, a number of my own old friends have already emigrated from the US to Austria, Germany and a few neighboring countries.  I always used to consider this an extreme step and it’s not for me, but one of my old buddies made a good point that’s stuck with me since then—why pay taxes to the US government which is so hell-bent on seeking our destruction as a White civilization and, just as bad, at disseminating this anti-White madness to the rest of Western civilization via our mass media?  Better to work in and pay taxes to a White nation that’s proud of being and determined to stay White in all its most fundamental aspects.


Posted by Steve Edwards on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 09:43 | #

The problem with the Anglosphere was definitely one of imperialism - which all too often morphs into globalism. The Core has been captured by the Periphery. I think the key in Europe is not only Germany, but France. When the French begin to grow a spine (which they have definitely shown in the past), I think Europe can blossom once more.

Europeans can still foster and nurture a genuine nationalism based around self-determination and secession, rather than Anglo-style imperialism. If they do so, and quickly, then they can discredit the globalist project to the distant future, and perhaps even spark a rethink in the Anglosphere. But it is agreed that Continental Europe will have to move first - after that, Sweden (which is probably further gone than Britain), and the UK can follow.

The question is - if Europe seriously did look like reviving, would the United States try to put an end to it? Perhaps another Kosovo-style campaign under President Hillary will be in the pipeline?


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 11:04 | #

The reaction of America to regnant European racial survival is certainly worthy of consideration.  One must, of course, understand that survival = repatriation of aliens.  It won’t be secured by a moratorium on immigration alone, since the ethnic interests of those aliens already resident in Europe will continue as before.  Their presence in anything more than tiny numbers - say one-third of one per cent of the population - is a slippery slope for the native ethny, with only one eventual outcome.

So how would multiracial America react to the sight of firmly negotiated repatriations?

Well, obviously political and corporate America is internationalist and fully committed to an hegemonic mode of global expansion.  That model is dedicated to, and possibly dependent upon, ending mono-ethnicity in the white world.  It is mighty difficult, in the absence of an American white electorate of the kind that sustained isolationism up to Pearl Harbour, to see how that objective could change substantially.  Quite apart from anything else, the 21st century challenge from China will keep America fretting over its interests on the global stage.  But there is also the possibility of the “Eurasionist” Moscow-Berlin-Paris axiality challenging American hegemony in Europe.  Russian interests are well served by European detachment from America in the pursuit of racial survival.

So the dynamics of American geopolitical objectives and European survivalism are in profound conflict.  What will America do about it?

Well, nothing military perhaps.  As has been discussed on James’ Newsweek thread, fatal wounds to neocon ambitions may well be inflicted in the Middle-East.  So Washington may be much more wary of military adventurism overseas in future, and even privately less than confident about the performance of its own European-origin soldiers in an open European engagement.

In that event the main anti-European thrust would doubtless be political, with highly vocal support from New York and Hollywood.  That support would be fed through all the usual financial, corporate and media channels and those non-governmental organsations that we know so well.

Would it make much difference?  I don’t think so, personally.  Not if the majority in Europe understand that the value of survival exceeds by several degrees of magnitude the joys of immediate prosperity.

And there is the clincher, perhaps.  Will America and the nostrums of free trade remain a guarantor of prosperity - or, anyway, a best economic bet - for Europe?  Because if not, what besides naked power has America to offer by way of consolation to a dying Europe?


Posted by Jethro Kull on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 11:33 | #

Great post Steve.  The core being captured by the periphery—couldn’t have said it better.  This is a very insightful and productive discussion on this essential topic, and IMHO it’s important for our strategizing in the coming years. 

And I agree, France is they key to our civilization’s survival in addition to Germany.  Germany I’m more confident about b/c of their history and lack of an overseas empire, and b/c of their toughness and pride as Germans.  When I was last there, the young people were joking that the new immigration policy was a “No Trespassing” sign to the Turks, *and* the Turks are finally getting incentivized to leave—at least, the non-European cohort.  (Some of the “Turks” had been rediscovering their Greco-Slavic roots as Byzantines while in Germany, they were more likely to stay.)  The mini-Christian revival up in parts of the Northwest is also crucial, this was the birthplace of Protestantism after all. 

And France, like I said I still have concerns about though now I think they’ll be OK.  It’s hard to overstate the importance of their recent immigration law, one that has real teeth (a rarity) *and* has even given legal sanction to big-time deportations of the North Africans.  I don’t like Nicholas Sarkozy in most ways, but one has to give him due credit for pushing that law through—even if, in truth, it was more of a political calculation on Sarkozy’s part, motivated largely by the courage of Le Pen in forcing the issue in the first place.  I’m still not sold on them yet, but the law, combined with France’s toughness in blocking the Turkish EU accession, makes me think they’re finally summoning up their historical backbone again.

I wouldn’t worry too much about a President Hillary prospect at this point—she’s even managed to incense her own party, the Dems are furious about her Iraq War boosting.  Plus, she’s venomously abhorred by almost anyone else.  I know people who are practically brought to vomiting by the sight of John McCain, and even they would hold their nose and vote for McCain if Hillary of all people were on the Democrats’ ticket, if for no other reason than to preserve some remaining vestige of dignity for the country. 

Nevertheless, I do agree with your overall point—that the US and Anglo-US imperalism in general are not only liable to, but quite likely to try sabotaging the prospect of Europe for the Europeans, and the preservation of Western culture in general.  The prospect of a strong, ethnically united Europe is a great threat to the coaltion of Socialist/Leftist pressure groups and fascist/corporatist imperialist entities that now control the USA, including both major parties and the media.  That’s why the US was pushing so hard for Turkey to enter the EU, why the US saturates Europe with MTV and other media that push massive Black-White miscegenation and encourage massive Third World immigration and the loss of ethnic identity, in intellectual and popular currents.  It would foster a bigger exploitable class, which at least Continental Europe, warts and all, has finally managed to stand firmly against. 

That’s another reason why so many of my friends have left for Central Europe, they seem to have seen the battle lines much earlier than I ever figured out myself, and they don’t want to contribute so many tax dollars (especially as entrepreneurs and technical workers) to the anti-Western, corrupted imperialist menace that the Anglo-American countries have become. 

I’ll be honest, I see almost no prospect for the US to recover, it’s already too late here—we’re stuck in a really nasty vicious cycle.  This country is committed to massive Third World immigration into the US, which in turn drives our population up fast way over 300,000,000, which in turn boosts our consumption and makes us even more dependent on foreign oil imports, which in turn forces us into more imperialistic resource wars like Iraq, which in turn reinforces our imperialistic tendency and the bitter (often terroristic) response of exploited nations, which increases the power of the executive, which in turn further serves the network of entrenched pro-Third World invasion special interests, which pushes us even further in the same direction.  It’s a sort of catastrophic self-reinforcing process that we’ve completely lost control of, and one that’s also seemed to infect Britain and Australia for analogous reasons.


Posted by Daedalus on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 11:51 | #

A quick point: the toxic brew of nihilistic self hatred and cultural relativism emerged out of postwar French philosophy in the fifties and sixties.


Posted by Jethro Kull on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 12:00 | #

“Quite apart from anything else, the 21st century challenge from China will keep America fretting over its interests on the global stage.  But there is also the possibility of the “Eurasionist” Moscow-Berlin-Paris axiality challenging American hegemony in Europe.  Russian interests are well served by European detachment from America in the pursuit of racial survival.”

That’s a very interesting and insightful perspective.  I’ve actually started to wonder, in a somewhat paradoxical way, if it may actually be a good thing for China to soon take on the mantle of #1, and firmly so—so that the US stops indulging in this idiotic and suicidal imperalistic fantasy of being the top dog. 

It’s true that China has an imperialistic history of its own, but with a major difference—that history stretches back thousands of years and grew slowly, and as a result, China has managed to largely maintain its ethnic homogeneity even as it became a great power.  The US is trying to rush the process, but in so doing is effectively replacing the White founding population entirely. 

California, N.M. and Arizona are just about unrecognizable—they’ve become so non-White, and so vicious in their policies against Whites that one can hardly stand another day there anymore.  They’re harbingers of things to come for the US as a whole, most likely. 

China by contrast is an old hand at this, and their ethnic homogeneity is a plus.  If China really does firmly become the top power, then perhaps the US can finally toss off this stupidity of striving to be a globalist imperialist and killing our culture and ethnic solidarity in the process.  I’d happily trade in the false promises and ruinous snake oil of globalist imperialism, for the solidarity and community strength of a nation that may not be #1 as a superpower, but is still regionally strong and respects itself as a Western nation. 

I just feel like it’s too late for that in the US, for reasons that you mentioned and that I noted in my post just above—we’re stuck in a vicious cycle.  And you’re right, not just a moratorium but active deportation and repatriation is needed.  Europe is already doing that—when I was in France, I was amazed at the level of deportation of the North Africans who kept committing crimes and running their mouths, despite the whining of the Leftists.  Germany’s stiffened up and being doing that with the Turks and Arabs.

By contrast, in the USA we have the worst of both worlds—a complete inability to deport, *and* a continuing wave of massive Third World immigration.  IOW, we’re up sh*t creek w/o a paddle and being carried even further downriver everyday.  Historians in barely 20 years will be scratching their heads, shocked at the way the US so rapidly and suddenly committed national suicide, all for the sake of lining the pockets of a few well-placed special interests and corporations.


Posted by Jethro Kull on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 12:05 | #

“A quick point: the toxic brew of nihilistic self hatred and cultural relativism emerged out of postwar French philosophy in the fifties and sixties.”

Well, the catastrophe of the Hart-Celler immigration act, was almost contemporaneous and very much homegrown American.  Also, this toxic coalition of Left Wing pressure groups and free market open borders business interests, was brewing much earlier within the US itself. 

It had one of its ugliest manifestations in the push that brought the US into WWI in 1917, basically blocking any prospect of a (somewhat) equitable, fair and “malice towards none” armistice—with all sides burned out from the war—and instead ensuring that Europe continued to tear itself apart, while enabling the Bolsheviks to win in the Russian Civil War.  All for the sake of lining the pockets of the globalists and internationalists like the deluded Woodrow Wilson and his corporatist arms-dealing buddies.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 12:11 | #

Well, not the philosophy of native, heterosexual French folk, Daedalus.

Actually, M. Foucault is very popular just now with those who want to nativise the culturally harmful stuff.  Anyone would think his mentor, the wife-killer Althusser, or Jacques The Gymnopedist hardly mattered at all.  And as for the bespectable little prisoner of Turi gaol or the Frankfurters, well, all good men and true, and never a word spoke they against their beloved hosts.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 13:10 | #

GW’s analysis of 10:04 AM was nothing short of brilliant.  First-rate stuff from start to finish, that comment. 

Jethro Kull and the others in this thread are also, of course, doing a magnificent job of telling us what we ought to be hearing every evening on network news and reading every morning in the newspapers but aren’t, not one word.  The whole Western world is playing shuffleboard on the deck of the sinking Titanic, leaving only folk like us to man the lifeboats.


Posted by wjg on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 15:44 | #

Excellent comments by all.  I agree that Zionism should not be a concern EXCEPT to demonstrate Jewish hypocrisy; they want a homeland exclusively for themselves while at the same time they fight with all their talent and energy to deny us the same.  Others seem to have become anti-Zionist because nihilism is more “acceptable” than nationalism.  That is, if we can’t have a homeland neither can the Jews.  Our Race is about building, not destroying, so Jewry is best served with their own home just as we are.

JK says…

“By contrast, in the USA we have the worst of both worlds—a complete inability to deport, *and* a continuing wave of massive Third World immigration.”

I don’t know which countries and/or regions most here are from but let me describe the scenario in my area.  When I graduated from High School in eastern Fairfax County Virginia (just outside Washington DC) in the early 80’s, my class was easily 90% white.  Not Arab “White”, or Turkish “White”, or even Slavic White but Nordic (Anglo-Saxon Celtic) White.  I have lived within 5 miles of there ever since.  Now, when I drive from my house to run an errand and go 2-3 miles in almost any direction the demographics are completely reversed.  Who I see riding the busses, walking the streets, driving the cars, in the shops, is 90% non-white.  Of these, roughly 1/3 are Asian (Chinese, Korean, Viet), 1/3 are African (mostly the American hybrid, some pure), and 1/3 are Mestizo.

So in 25 years my area has been almost completely ethnically cleansed.  The area is not yet a slum because many of these foreigners are first generation and are hard workers.  Wait till their kids are “Americanized” (i.e. made into lazy consumers) and the slum will follow.  The area probably has a 10 year window before the residual whiteness will have largely worn off.  By then me and my family will be out of there.

What I see is clearly worse than the official demographic reports but I must also concede that anecdote is not always a reliable measure either.  To top all this off most of the Whites I talk to our clueless and craven.  Others have posted of the returning spirit of our kindred in Germany and France.  It is largely vacant from America.

THIS is the power of the Jewish Lobby; both the poisoning of the minds of our people so they are unable and unwilling to defend themselves and the opening of the floodgates.  Israel don’t mean squat other than being another hole down which our extorted wealth is flushed.

Anyone from any area that has been better “cleansed”?


Posted by Daedalus on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 16:48 | #

The Hart-Celler Act of 1965, while racially destructive, was very much in line with the naive optimism of the postwar years. It was widely believed at the time (in certain parts of the North) that America, having vanquished Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, and the Great Depression, was capable of accomplishing anything. The period can only be understood in the backdrop of the unprecedented economic prosperity, military strength, international influence, and cultural confidence of those years. The “War on Poverty” and “War on Drugs” are two other legacies of that era. The U.S. would have its own “crisis of confidence” later in the Vietnam, but Europe was far out in front in this respect.

Europeans emerged from the rubble of the Second World War in a very different mood. Much of Europe had been devastated. Millions were dead. Even the “victors” of the war were largely bankrupt. Colonies were in rebellion. Europe, around which the world had revolved for centuries, was now partitioned into U.S. and Soviet zones. The postwar period was a time of deep cultural pessimism and self criticism, especially in France, which had been trampled on first by the Nazis and later by their American “liberators.” It was a very humiliating experience for the “grand” nation, especially for the literati who felt the sting more than anyone else. The defeat in the Second World War was followed by defeat in Vietnam and Algeria.

In France, unlike America, public intellectuals have always played a more prominent role in shaping the general culture. French intellectuals still often appear on television and attract large audiences. Jean-Paul Sartre, for example, was a celebrity in his day. GuessedWorker attributes Foucault’s relativism to Derrida, but Foucault and Derrida disagreed on many important points like deconstruction (which in turn goes back to Heidegger’s philosophy of being). That’s another story, though. The general mood of cultural pessimism goes back to Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir who were already supporting third worldism in the fifties before Frantz Fanon published The Wretched of the Earth in 1961.

Postmodernism, out of which multiculturalism evolved, emerged first in postwar France before migrating across the Atlantic to North America in the late sixties/early seventies where it found a receptive audience amongst the radicals in the antiwar movement. It became increasingly influential during the eighties, but never really penetrated popular culture in the way that it ultimately did in Western Europe.


Posted by Matra on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 17:37 | #

Not even the Dutch, Belgians and French have gone to anywhere near the same extent in swamping out the native White populations

The US has more non-whites because its blacks gave it a considerable head start. The second largest Anglosphere country, the UK, was 7.9% minority according to the last census. It went up considerably from the previous census because mixed race was (correctly) lumped in with ethnic minority. The bulk of them are concentrated in a few areas leaving large sections of the UK mostly white. In the Netherlands the minority population is 9%. In Belgium’s largest city, Brussels, Mohammed is the most common name for baby boys, with Ayoub #3 and Bilal and Mehdi also in the top six. France has more minorities as a percentage of the population than any country in Europe. Belgium, France, and the Netherlands also have more restrictive “anti-racism” laws than most of the Anglosphere (including Canada) that prevent much of the information getting through to the public. (Though the harshness of such laws may actually lead to a more virulent backlash in such countries than we’re likely to see in the Anglosphere). Also the willingness of the state to protect the citizenry from violence perpetrated by minorities is much greater in the US and Canada than in Belgium and parts of France and Holland. Belgian public transportation is very dangerous. Societies that can’t muster the will to protect themselves from violent criminals don’t fill me with confidence.

The main advantage continentals have over the Anglosphere is that it is harder for non-whites to integrate into their nations. This is especially true in smaller nations with languages and cultures that are less universal.

Because of the non-quantitative aspects (willingness to fight, sense of nationhood, the characteristics of each nation’s minorities) I don’t see how one can say Western European countries are better off than the Anglosphere. I’d say we are all equally threatened but the fight back will probably occur in Western Europe first for the simple reason that there’s limited space thus making it much more difficult to find a long term escape from the problems associated with diversity.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 19:13 | #

It’s a good point Matra. Wales and Scotland are still almost entirely white, despite the mounting assault by such Scottish films as Ae Fond Kiss. [Stealing from Burns to promote this tripe is blasphemous.] The Welsh I speak to voice a greater concern about migrant Polish workers, undermining wages at employers like British Steel, in Port Talbot, than any vismin threat. However, it is noteworthy, that the recent conviction for hatespeech by a BNP member was in Wales, if memory serves. It’s bizarre, however, not unlike the Scots, the Welsh hate the English, more than any other, though they may be more polite about it. In Scotland you see graffiti telling the English to ‘fuck off and go home’ and in Wales you see similar scriblings telling the English to “please” fuck off and go home. Which may, as Matra alludes, be the origin of the Anglosphere’s sickness; it’s bicultural origins. Anglo/Celtic, black/white, French/English conflict [with the possible exception of the Ozzies & Kiwis, although they too had significant numbers of aboriginal to assimilate] left the Anglosphere particularly susceptible to liberalism’s unrepentant largesse.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 20:46 | #


I attribute Fuckall’s problems to his homosexuality and his love for Althusser’s, erm, mind.  Derridoodah, happily deconstructed at only 74 years of age before he could do any more mischief, might have been said to have influenced Fuckall, I suppose.  But that would imply certain assumptions based in ontologies that careful textual analysis will reveal as mythologies of the so-called normative Western mind, whereas in fact neither normativeness nor Westerness can truly be said to be ontologically sound, thus leading to the inescapable conclusion that Fuckall could not have been “influenced” at all but was, therefore, an entirely original being.  Or, better yet, not-being, ontologically speaking.  Or not.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 21:04 | #


The Scots and Welsh bear such deep-seated animosity against the English they cannot focus properly on the vismin threat.  It is as if the only filter available to them is the hatred they feel for us Englishmen, and whilst that can flow in full measure where we are concerned it can’t where the vismins are, for left-political reasons.  They are all bloody lefties.

The (working-class) English can focus perfectly well on vismins without recourse to such archaic means as their Scots and Welsh neighbours.  They have a chance, at least, of putting together a coherent political objection through the BNP.  The Scots and Welsh don’t, I fear - although the BNP faithfully persists in calling itself a Britain-wide party.


Posted by Matra on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 21:57 | #

The Scots and Welsh bear such deep-seated animosity against the English they cannot focus properly on the vismin threat.

The English are the dominant nation of the UK. The Scots are about 10% the Welsh (I’m guessing here) 6%. It doesn’t matter how over represented the Scots in particular may be or their disproportionate share of public money they will always resent the larger identifiable Other. The situation in Canada is not much different with Quebec nationalists concerned primarily with Ottawa and English Canada rather than the ethnic vote that cost them the last referendum.

The minority nation within a country carries a permanent chip on its shoulder and it’s often the petty things that annoy them most about the dominant nation. In Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland a biased English football commentator or slightly negative stereotype on a soap can cause an emotional response that overrides everything else.

The smaller and more homogeneous the political unit the easier it should be to focus on real enemies. I tend to support secessionist movements or partition based on ethnic demographics just about everywhere.


Posted by Matra on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 22:06 | #

Speaking of Welsh nationalists -

“Presiding officer Lord Elis-Thomas has spoken of his anguish at the lack of ethnic minority representation in the National Assembly.

In an exclusive interview with the Western Mail, he said it was essential all communities of Wales are represented.

He said, “When I sit in my chair in our new debating chamber, I am ashamed when I look out and see before me a sea of white faces.”


Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 22:56 | #

Even Michael Rienzi will assert that the Welsh have the right to defend their EGI and it appears [Laban is just full of good stuff] that it is the English who are the main perpetrators of the destruction of the Welsh culture.

Migrationwatch chairman Sir Andrew Green in the Scotsman.

“In England, the numbers have simply got out of hand. In Scotland, the reality is that immigration is largely irrelevant. Why? For the very simple reason that immigrants usually do not come to, and certainly do not stay, in Scotland.

Taking first the picture in Britain as a whole, not many people realise that until the early 1990s, more people left than arrived. That picture has changed dramatically in the past decade. Net migration has climbed rapidly to more than 150,000 a year. These are just the legal immigrants. An estimated 50,000 people were detected last year attempting to enter Britain illegally; nobody knows how many succeeded.

The picture in Scotland is quite different. In most years there has been a net outflow. Over the period 1992-2001, net immigration to the UK totalled 875,000, while there was a net outflow of 41,000 from Scotland. Thus, if experience is any guide, David Blunkett’s suggestion that massive immigration into Britain will help Scotland’s “problem” must rank among his less impressive contributions to the debate.

So where have all these immigrants gone? The short answer is London.”

I’ve blogged afore about the death of Welsh culture. Here are some sad testimonies from the front line. English refugees from crime and immigration, plus a few scallies bringing the former, aided by the A55 and M4, are destroying Welsh-speaking Wales. The retirees, and those seeking a peaceful place to raise children, are destroying the very culture that made the places peaceful.

I live in a very small village, and even though villages like Abersoch and Llanbedrog were Anglicised about 10 to 15 years ago, it is during the last five years that the greatest effect has been seen on Garnfadryn. In the last 2 - 5 years the village has died on its feet in terms of the Welsh language and community spirit. In the year 2000 alone, four houses, where elderly Welsh people had lived until their deaths, came on the market. Small wonder that the houses went to retired English people. The shop has already closed and there is talk that the Chapel will go the same way. I believe that what has happened recently is that houses in Abersoch, Mynytho, and Llanbedrog have been filled by English people and that people are beginning to discover other houses in places like Rhiw, Garnfadryn, Bryncroes and Tudweiliog. Penrhos can’t help being such a beautiful place, but I feel that it will die as a Welsh community if houses are not available for young people. Anyone who has walked through Aberdaron on a winter’s day knows that the situation is a heartbreaking one.

While the Welsh political elite may preach the party line, the old sweats at the British Legion, are much closer to Enoch than Winston. Although to give Churchill credit it appears, according to The Macmillan Diaries: The Cabinet Years, 1950-57 (Macmillan, 2003), p. 382 he uttered the slogan “Keep England White”.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 23:05 | #

Anti-English sentiments are indeed harboured by some Scots and are very common among Catholic Irish-descended people who comprise about 15% of Scotland’s population. Despite this animus, voting patterns in this sub-group strongly favour Labour and any sentimental nationalism is reserved for ‘the ould country’.

Some Scots are unmoved by the anti-English hype and regard it as a bit of a joke. Anyway, Whitecraigs Golf Club which is situated in a leafy (and fairly Jewish) suburb of Glasgow boasts several English members but no Jews at all.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 23:21 | #

Anti-English sentiment, in Scotland, is actually suppressed anti-semitism! smile

Race concerns as schoolchildren’s attitudes towards English revealed


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 23:55 | #

“When I graduated from High School in eastern Fairfax County Virginia (just outside Washington DC) in the early 80’s, my class was easily 90% white.  Not Arab ‘White,’ or Turkish ‘White,’ or even Slavic White but Nordic (Anglo-Saxon Celtic) White.  I have lived within 5 miles of there ever since.  Now, when I drive from my house to run an errand and go 2-3 miles in almost any direction the demographics are completely reversed.  Who I see riding the busses, walking the streets, driving the cars, in the shops, is 90% non-white.  Of these, roughly 1/3 are Asian (Chinese, Korean, Viet), 1/3 are African (mostly the American hybrid, some pure), and 1/3 are Mestizo.”  ( — wjg)

I hope John Ray read that:  that’s race-replacement( * ), right before the reader’s eyes — it’s what so many of us are here to specifically reject — what we are here to absolutely, totally, non-negotiably refuse (and what John Ray always declined to view as a problem ... those times, that is, when he was willing to admit it was even taking place at all).  We reject any and all governmental policies which contrive our race’s extinction or, what is the same thing, its transformation into some other race.   

( *  And it’s not happening “by itself,” in any way “spontaneously,” or as some unstoppable “force of nature,” but is being forced on whites by government in what is obviously a policy of replacing the white race with non-whites.  That that is the policy of the ruling élites is simply beyond any possibility of dispute:  whites are to be race-replaced with non-whites.  Yes, it’s amazing.  Yes, it literally beggars belief.  No, never in our wildest dreams did we think we’d see the day when anything even remotely like this would be forced on us.  Yes, our jaws drop to the floor when we stop and contemplate what our governments are doing to us and not only doing, but at the same time effectively forbidding explicit protest against it on pain of being hauled into court for “hate,” and so on.  But it’s happening!  This is not some sort of dream, not some sort of nightmare.  This is for real.  We are being race-replaced for real.  For whites, “hate” now means questioning the necessity of subjecting one’s race to forced genocide.  No, excuse me — for whites, “hate” now means saying there is such as thing as one’s race.  For whites nowadays, “hate” means saying their race exists.  Say that — say your race exists, if you’re white — and you’re ipso facto guilty of “hate,” “hate-speech,” “Nazism,” “anti-Semitism,” “racism,” and “genocide” and you deserve to be severely punished.  Can there be any doubt — can there be any doubt — that this is part of a policy to drive the white race out of existence?  The answer is no:  there can be no doubtIt is time for white people everywhere to wake up.)


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 00:24 | #

Why are so many Jews getting away with labeling as anti-Semitic so many things that are normal?  We know, for example, that saying there’s a white race is considered highly anti-Semitic by a great many Jews, as I allude to in my comment above.  A very significant number of Jews consider the three “Lord of the Rings” movies to be anti-Semitic.  And so on.  Why is so much of this going on and why aren’t the Jews doing it being called to account? 

Why would they want to call normal things anti-Semitic in the first place?  (Is semiticness not normal?)  Why aren’t there more Jews like Rabbi Lapin and Rabbi Schindler to contradict these Jews when they do that?  Do these Jews doing it grasp its implications?  Do they see that if it’s true that so much of normalness is anti-Semitic, semiticness cannot be normal but must be degenerate?  Do they grasp that implication of what they’re doing?  Semiticness being normal, not degenerate, someone has to start shutting these Jews up, and it would be best if the ones who take up the task were Jews.


Posted by Boris on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 01:16 | #

I always ask myself, who benefits from White replacement? Then I ask myself, who can ACTUALLY carry it out? ie: It most be a powerful entity, by this line of reasoning I rule out:
Indians, Blacks, Hispanics…........
Would Whites actually want their own destruction? or, are they being manipulated like puppets?
The great campaign to rid Whites of undeserved guilt has never taken place, hence our predicament even amongst fellow White folks.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View)

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