Charlene Downes - a murder too far for the MSM The BNP website has a post on the truly macabre fate of fourteen-years old Charlene Downes. You can be sure they would not do so if the mainstream media was doing its job. Charlene was last seen by her family on 3rd November, 2003. She had walked from her Blackpool home to the North Pier, and never returned. For more than two years the police pursued their enquiries diligently, categorising the case as a murder investigation as well as a “missing persons”. Some 3,000 men were DNA-tested during the course of the investigation, and an appeal was launched on the BBC’s “Crimewatch”. A few days ago the breakthrough came and this brief report appeared - though originally in which paper, regional or national, I have not yet discovered.
Well, try googling for Iyad Albattikhi. You will find no shocked national reportage of how an English child was slaughtered, her flesh rendered for burgers of all things and her bones for tile grout. You will find no claims that she was “academic”, nor that she had “high hopes” of a “bright future” when her “studies” were complete - she is not African, after all. Actually, you will find literally nothing. One day in ten, fifteen, maybe twenty years, her abuser and killer will walk from his cell into the gentle, misty light of north-west England. He will be free and will, under English law, be considered to have repaid his debt to society. Neither in the shameful failure to report the end of the police investigation now nor in the eventual punishment of the killer does our effeminated, debt-paid society honour her aright. What are the liberal arguments for that, again? What is the argument for press censorship on crimes against whites? And what is the argument for keeping murderous animals - any murderous animals regardless of you-know-what - alive and breathing the fart-filled air in our prison system for a couple of decades? Comments:2
Posted by Amalek on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 15:38 | # Some of Britain’s most revolting food is served on the Golden Mile at Blackpool, but *this* is a blood libel against the Religion of Peace;-) 4
Posted by labantall on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 21:53 | # I think you’ll find this isn’t the first mysterious food-related disappearing woman incident in North West Lancs. 5
Posted by Calvin on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 22:05 | # What does an ethnic have to do to make the headlines? One swift axe blow to the head is enough to get white kids saturation media coverage for months. Our two bisto coloured chums murder (rape?) dismember and feed a fourteen year-old to the public and they fail to get a mention in the mainstream media. Making pies of his victims earned Sweeney Todd notoriety across the generations. Sweeney Todd was, of course, white. It’s shades of Kriss Donald all over again. Outstanding ethnic criminals plumb new depths in crime and yet still fail to gain the attention of the national media. When will the media end its racist reporting and give Blacks, Albanians, Muslims and Africans some credit for their outstanding achievements in criminal depravity? 6
Posted by labantall on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 23:03 | # I don’t think it’s quite as simple as that. You’d have thought the pie factory story would also have been big news - yet it sank without trace, as did the unfortunate victim. I do think it’s probable that a native committing such a crme would get a lot more coverage. They don’t want to frighten the horses. 7
Posted by starimomak on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 23:07 | # Really, I would like to see more proof of this. Of course, proof might be covered up. But it does seem really incredible in the literally sense of the word. BTW someone slurred Jeffrey Dahmer on this thread. Its one thing to kill ‘em and eat ‘em yourself. It’s another thing to feed non , what Kosher, Halal , what , meat to unsuspecting customers. Do you think this will come out in the trial—are trial records public in England? 8
Posted by Lurker on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 23:39 | # The records are public but dont expect the MSM to report them. 9
Posted by Dave on Thu, 16 Mar 2006 20:40 | # It was in the local manchester metro paper but not put on-line 10
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 16 Mar 2006 20:51 | # Thanks for letting me know, Dave. But how disgusting and immoral that this poor child’s passing doesn’t interest our own nationals because the pig who killed her is brown-skinned! 11
Posted by s on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 23:36 | # i must say that this has been going on for some time now. i have heard that blood spatter has been found at the take away but even us locals are kept in the dark. 12
Posted by Karen Palmer on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 10:48 | #
Right well I live in Blackpool and it’s no wonder that I keep myself to myself. God only knows why these two, well sicko’s, did this to a carefree 14 year old. Yeah, she may have been no angel but excuse me for saying what 14 year old is? I hope these two people, AND THEIR FAMILY, never have to go through the loss that Charlene’s family have had to go through. Her poor Mother must have been devistated to find out that her daughter hadn’t come home, 3 years on and still no trace to find that it’s now a murder investigation….I can’t even say how she must have felt. For a parent to lose a child, and I am only saying what I see to be possibly the most minute of feelings as I have never experienced these awful feelings, must be one of the worst feelings in the world but when a body is found you must expect the cuts and bruises of some discusting thug. To think what your child must have gone through and knowing that in the coffin won’t be the body of your child must be more traumatic than words can possibly express. I hope these people suffer for what they have done and I hope that Charlene’s Mum concentrates on the happy memories of the days that passed when both her and Charlene smiled and laughed together. One day they will meet again. 13
Posted by Barry on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 00:09 | # I stopped eating in places owned or operated by people who are not European a long time ago - The risk is too great. When you eat in a fast food outlet you are trusting the people who operate it with your life. - even just from a hygeine point of view! Don’t do it!!! - make sandwiches and stay away from dodgy food outlets - Remember - every Kebab purchased contributes to another immigrants airline ticket to the U.K. 14
Posted by Dean Scott on Sat, 01 Apr 2006 10:17 | # Is there no justice in this town. After living on dickson road for a couple of years and walking past that takeaway of doom at least twice a day, i had to move the rage boiling inside me was too much,, when i think about that poor girl and what she must of went through, to have her lovely sweet life taken away..and her poor body will never be aloud to rest properly.. because of two BARBARIC, CREATURES,, THAT SHOULD BE GIVIN THE DEATH PENELTY… AND SHOULD NOT BE ALOUD TO WALK ON THIS PLANET AGAIN… BUT,,BUT YET THERE HELL HOLE OF A TAKE AWAY IS OPEN FOR BUISNESS AS NORMAL,,,,,,,WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?? WHERE IS THE JUSTICE?? CLOSE THAT TAKE AWAY DOWN… WIPE FUNNY BOYS OF THE MAP AND BE DONE WITH IT… AND GIVE THAT POOR FAMILY OF CHARLENES SOME LITTLE JUSTICE THEY DESERVE,, BECAUSE THERE IS NO SENTENCE THAT WILL BE LONG ENOUGH FOR THOSE TWO BUTCHERS… CLOSE IT DOWN ... GOD REST CHARLENES LITTLE SOUL… 15
Posted by charlotte stephem on Sun, 09 Apr 2006 16:51 | # oh my god!! this sick guy who runs the shop..few weeks back he asked me and my friend if we would go to his room!! how sickening! 16
Posted by kate on Fri, 05 May 2006 18:05 | # Does anybody know who else worked in this hell hole??what was the owner of take away known by??did he have knick name? 17
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 05 May 2006 21:30 | # Kate, Both men appeared briefly in court on March 9th. Mohammed Raveshi had his committal proceedings adjourned until April 10th. However, I think the hearing must have been adjourned again because I can’t find any news as to the date he will face trial at Preston Crown Court. Iyad Albattikhi, who is the one charged with Charlene’s murder, had his case sent directly to Crown Court. He will answer the charge on June 15th. 18
Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Fri, 05 May 2006 23:18 | # WHAT A SICKENING STORY-Idi Amin had more class.But,unfortunately,even here in the US,depredations by Blacks[Fucking niggers]‘Rag-heads,and illegals{Wet-backs],are consistently fogged over by the MSM.I seriously doubt this would have ever came to court a hundred years ago-justice is best served by the people.The system of law has become a traversity of indivdual ,God given rights.Place this SOB in a room with all her relatives and friends,lock the door,and return in six hours.Case closed[and at small expense to the taxpayer] As a humorous aside-Lurker—A vegetarian is someone who can’t shoot well. LOL 19
Posted by kate on Sun, 07 May 2006 19:01 | # thanks guessedworker,do you think other men were possible involved in this horrible case?this has really put me off completly now in going to buy food in take aways,i just dont trust them no more,they should go back to their countries and cook and sell for there own sort…. 20
Posted by kate on Sun, 07 May 2006 19:05 | # how come there has been no photos of these monsters in newspaper or internet?????????? 21
Posted by kate on Sun, 07 May 2006 19:13 | # Charlotte sorry to hear the scum bag invited you and your freind to room,that must of been terrible to think it could of been you,does this scum bag have a nick name,as i was told he used to have take away in st.annes,is he tall with pale white skin and does he have brother younger than him,what type of persion did he seem???was he alone when he asked you?what was your reaction??just goes to show we can never trust this type.i think lots of these late night take aways have dodgy things going on,its a shame that when this type thing happens it just puts you off all of them,they make me laugh they dont eat pork but yet they do all this type of evil filth, 22
Posted by kay on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 17:24 | # in response to your asking of people who worked in funnyboyz takeaway. I worked there in 2004/2005 as well as other female members of staff. most of the staff I knew there were decent people and the scary thing thing is eddie and rez seemed normal!!! At the time I got on quite well with them but after the endless police interviews ive endured I am now confident that these were not nice men and it really does make you think! Youre not safe anywhere you go or even with the people that you think you know. 23
Posted by kayleigh on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 17:28 | # In response to your question kate the man that has been charged with charlenes murder iyad albatikki was know to me as Eddie and mohammad raveshi was known to me as rez. Some other names you may have heard are mimo, abdulla, sam, ziko, tariq, chicco, danny, tommy, the list is endless. 24
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 17:44 | # Kayleigh, Thanks for posting. I am aware that Albattikhi was due to come before the court in June. But I have been unable to trace any reports of that, or of his subsequent fate. Do you know what the current status of the case is? 25
Posted by kate on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 01:03 | # Was it true that eddie had a take away in st.annes before called arfan spices?in this take away in blackpool was it just iraniansthat worked there,what about the take away in st.annes which nationalities worked there?i did hear that the owners dealt in drugs,but not sure if true,i carnt understand why there is nothing said about raveshi,i searched all the internet but no answer to his outcome of trial back in april, 26
Posted by martin on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 01:11 | #
Posted by steve d on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 23:57 | # i feel very sick,did they have take away in st.annes?was it an indian near st.annes square?it makes you wonder did they put human flesh inkebabs there,ive eaten plenty of them,that makes me a cannibal,i feel so sick,i just hope it isnt true,as the media sometimes aggarate things,and papers sometimes give you diffrent stories,who were the people that worked in funny boyz?where they gay?i mean with that type of name it looks possible,what nationalities worked there,was it iranians and english??????? 28
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 00:26 | # Steve D, everyone understands how sick you feel, but a young English girl was also horribly murdered. Butchered. Desecrated. And why? Because the English élites said these others had to be brought in to live amongst the English, and they absolutely refused to take “No” for an answer when decent ordinary English folk grumbled. Does any British political party care about the horrific, unmentionable fate suffered by this poor girl? or by Kris Donald? or by any of them we’ve all heard about? No ... none does ... Except for one…. One only .... You know which one that is, Steve. Vote for it next time. Vote for the BNP each and every election until the élites learn a richly-deserved lesson, that ordinary Englishmen won’t be pushed around any more. Let them know you’ve had it, yes, had it up to here. The BNP will set things to rights, count on it. But you’ve got to get them in office first. Resolve to do it. 29
Posted by becks on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 18:18 | # after reading charlenes story today in college i can say i am absolutly horrified!!!! how anyone can do such a thing to sweet looking harmless young girl i do not kno!!!! i hope it haunts those awful men for the rest of their lives. i also hope remains of charlednes body are found so she can finally rest in peice, bless her sole!!!!! 30
Posted by gemma on Sat, 16 Dec 2006 01:52 | # i think its awful that these men are named,and yet that they are not found guilty,what are the press going to say if not found guilty????.they have no proof that these men did this terrible crime,makes me wonder if its all to do with racism. 31
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 16 Dec 2006 11:25 | # Presumably there is DNA material in the DIY tile grout. Why mention racism, Gemma? Do you mean the normal instincts and responses of a people subjected to invasion? 32
Posted by gemma on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 11:02 | # I suppose that was a stupid thing i wrote,why would they put bones in tile grout?,knowing that the police would find the evidence?surely you would think they would cover any evidence 33
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 12:40 | # gemma, Killers are not evil geniuses, and Hannibal Lecter certainly wouldn’t have operated a burger dive in Blackpool. The real cover up is the complete lack of information in the media regarding the case. The BNP site hasn’t covered it for many months, so their local branch obviously hasn’t reported on it either. I want to keep abreast of the case, but there’s absolutely nothing for me to go on. 34
Posted by Steven Palese on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 18:25 | # Gemma, “i think its awful that these men are named,and yet that they are not found guilty,what are the press going to say if not found guilty????.they have no proof that these men did this terrible crime,makes me wonder if its all to do with racism.” What are the press going to say!? The point being made is that the press blacks out these events. It’s not that we expect the kind of total 24/24 live coverage that a white on non-white murder would elicit, it’s that we don’t expect a complete blackout. As to racism, the reason the press blacks out these types of crimes is because they discriminate against white victims in their reporting. This is dicrimination based on race. Since racism is discrimination or prejudice based on race, this is a clear-cut case of anti-white racism by the press. Is that what you meant by racism or are you using the politically correct definition, i.e. that racism is when whites claim equal rights to defend their group interests like everyone else? 35
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 21:46 | #
I don’t think the girl’s going to be found, Sue. I think she’s gone. Gone and disposed of.
Amen. And may God damn those who did this: Tony Blair and the Labour Party, as well as any other politician and political party complicit over the years in the unspeakable outrage of forcing this unwanted excessive incompatible immigration down an unwilling English population’s throat. May God damn their souls to hell, every one of them doing this! God damn those sons-of-bitch bastards! 37
Posted by Lil on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 21:03 | # Hi I am constantly disgusted by things that happen in this country. The way that they are Brazenly showing their dislike for us and that is just the government! As for those Monsters that have been allowed into this country all I can say is Damm then! Please sign this petition to fight to erection of the Mega Mosque Thanks 39
Posted by Lil on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 21:09 | # Sorry it won’t show up for some reason so anyone who wants to sign the petition against the Mega Mosque please head over to my site where the link is Thanks 40
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 09:22 | # “Tottenham Lad” reports: “If the rumours are true then the trial of her murderer due to take place in February 2007 may give rise to one of the potentially biggest murder stories ever.” ... those rumours, of course, being a leak or leaks from police sources about the disposal of Charlene’s body. So ... readers in Lancashire, please watch your local press for any news of the case. If it is reported locally but there is no reporting nationally, that would fit in with the “liberal MSM” charge. If there is no reporting locally either, that would suggest a D Notice - which is scarcely believable, given the non-security nature of the case. I suspect it will be reported across the MSM very briefly, once at the verdict stage. A fig leaf for them, and less grounds for our accusations of manipulativeness. As ever, any info that comes to light of a trial in progress this month, please report the fact on this thread. Thank you. 42
Posted by mick on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 22:51 | # has anybody heard the out come of the trial yet,i thought it was in the first or second week of feb,has anybody heard????????? 43
Posted by Kay on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 17:28 | # I was toldby the police just before christmas that the trial is towrds summer this year. I have been told I will be called as a witness so I will post a note when i find out. All I know as yet is that the trial will be at Preston Crown Court. 44
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 17:35 | # Kay, Yes, please do that. If, after the trial, you would like to pass on any of your impressions for general circulation please send them to me through the mail button. Many thanks. 45
Posted by dave on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 00:15 | # hi kay,do you have any evidence of this evil crime,did you know the men that could of been involved?was it just two men that they think did this crime?i heard that the trial was in preston in february 2207,thats what the papers said,i feel sorry for you that you have to be witness to this terrible crime,what you think?that the two iranians did this? 46
Posted by dave on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 00:19 | # what has happened to the two iranians that they arrested?are they loose on the streets?or locked up?i just carnt belive that this can happen in home town, 47
Posted by dave on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 00:26 | # kay did you know personally the young girl that has been missing for 4 years?what you think has happened to her?i remeber reading this last year,and carnt stop thinking about it,i feel so sorry for all the family and freinds of this young girl. 48
Posted by Jade on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 11:02 | # Right i think that it is so sick!! These are SCUM!!!!!!!! FOR what they have done to an innocent little girl !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 49
Posted by mish on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 11:11 | # I think this is disgusting an innocent 14 yr old girl murderd how many times will this have to happen? how come it didnt make world headlines….. [ hmmm maybe b.coz britain dnt wana seem racist, well its just tuff if britain and our goverment really needs to bang there heads together and sort some thing because the british wont put up with this for much longer ! 50
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 12:10 | # “Our government”, “our media”, “our educational Establishment” are not going to bang their heads together, mish. They all want what’s happening to the white working class - the English working class - to continue. They like it. It’s what they believe in. They DON’T believe in you. They don’t want you to own your own country. They are racial egalitarians, and it’s racial egalitarianism that they promote while ruthlessly demonising any normal feelings you have for your own kind and your own country. The only people who can change this is YOU. It’s up to YOU. Don’t turn your back on the problem and involve yourself purely in your own immediate concerns. You have a responsibility to our kids to sort this out. It’s big politics but it has to be done. 51
Posted by mish on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 13:19 | # looka all im trying to say how people feel look at our goverment they dont care if they bring ethnic people to this country, look at the london bombing they bomb there own country where kind enough to let them ova ere and they bomb us its about time the bnp got involved because all of this is going to get worse 52
Posted by tina on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 19:08 | # I am utterly disgusted by the death of this poor young girl, and it is about time life for murder meant life, like everybody thought it would be after they abolished hanging. 53
Posted by gail on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 19:19 | # when is the murder trial for this?i read in aily paper it was due this month,has anybody heard anything,whether they are found guilty for killing this little girl of 14 years of age, please comment if anybody knows.many thanks.gail 54
Posted by steve on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 19:40 | # gail i heard it was this month,but its wired that theres nothing on news or papers 57
Posted by steve on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 19:45 | # well today is last day of feb,and nothing at all in papers,they said the media that trial will be in february,and still no news. 58
Posted by terry davis on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 22:22 | # well if this is the take away i went to in blackpool opposite funny girls,well i just want to throw up,the thought that i could of eat human meat,i would never sleep now over this disgusting act,this is really satanic if the whole story is true,i read on internet that trial was due to take place this month also,i have searched every web page under the sun,but not found nothing about the out come of this trial,i read that they were due at preston crown court,another site said that the trial is in the summer this year,so really dont know do we??i am very intrested to find out if these evil guys did this,i belive a female freind of mine nearly worked there but the late mornings put her off,so glad she didnt otherwise she could be in a kebab.i honestly cannot get my head around this how an earth can anybody kill a young child,and by the sounds of it,its possible they sexed with her,and god knows what else,what dirty old men!thats if the outcome is true,excuse me if they are not found guilty,but it looks a chance they will be,with the evidence they have.i just hope that young people would not hang around these dirty take aways,because many of them also deal with drugs and all sorts of dirty things…these places should be shut down all over the country,or have early closing hours,so then it minamises these type of disgusting evil things happening.please comment if anybody has heard the outcome of the murder trial. 59
Posted by terry on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 22:27 | # where do these scum bags come from?how long has this hell hole been in blackpool?is there anybody else that went in there for eats? 60
Posted by Andy Wooster on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 22:57 | # Truly sickening.
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 00:16 | # The writing on the BNP website is mixed. Some is readable, though rarely stylish. Some appears to have been written by the kind of 1960s Dogmasaurus who reported the glorious struggle of the working man against his class oppressors. Most is that blogging anathematic: rather average. How did the exams go, Andy? 62
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 00:45 | # We can’t draw any conclusions until the summer, since Kay’s comment at February 18, 2007 at 04:28 PM makes it clear that a February trial was ruled out, and another set for maybe May or June. We shall see. 64
Posted by sue on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 16:55 | # i have just found out the trial is in may at preston crowwn court,they are both in custordy 65
Posted by kirsty fletcher on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 15:10 | # kay you two faced cow u were going out with eddie and if the rumours are true u knew exactly what was going on and how can u say they were nice people when it was no secret that they’d give drugs to young girls and bed them they did it to u for gods sake. neway i guess ill c u at the trial theres a few things i need to say to u anyway!!! 66
Posted by sue on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 21:39 | # kirsty do you know anything about these men?is it true they drugged up girls for sex?..was anybody else involved,or was it just these two men? i heard one was relesed,not sure who he was.who is kay?did she have anythingthing to do with the man who is up for trial? 67
Posted by sue on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 21:43 | # i heard these men also had take away in st.annes lancs,is that right?was it the one down st.davids road st.annes?.............i did hear that there was some drug dealers there,but cannot belive all that you hear,i also heard it was a shifty place..glad i never went to these take aways.please comment if you know anything else, 68
Posted by sue on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 21:50 | # what do you think kirsty/do you think the men are guilty of this evil crime?there dosent seem to be much in the papers about it,are you going to court as a witness?i really feel sorry for you that you have to be amongest all this,did you know the young school girl?did she hang around this funny boyz?when did she disappear,was it halloween night? 69
Posted by TERRY on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 01:12 | # I DONT GET IT,WHATS WITHALL GOT TO DO WITH IT?????????????????????????????????????????????/////// 72
Posted by deris on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 22:17 | # lets hope they catch these evil men that did this,anybody know these men in blackpool? 73
Posted by lorna on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 10:51 | # i read about this last year,but there dosent seem to be any more mention of it since,in papers nothing,i read last year trial to be taking place february of this year,but didnt hear any out come of it,anybody else know?has the girl never been found? 74
Posted by terry on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 02:06 | # no lorna they have never found the body,they belive that she could of been put in the burgers and fed to the public,mind you this we dont know,you can never belive everything that you read in the papers…............................just feel so sorry also for the family,and what a lovely family they are too,i dont know them personally,but i have heard from a freind of a freind that they are a lovely family,and they dont deserve this,well nobody deseves this,its so difficult to understand how men can sex girls so young,she was a little girl of 14 years age.its so disgusting to think that these men could of done this..they are worse than animals,its so pervert.just hope that these young girls have learned a lesson from this and to stay away from these type of places,and these type of men.the other girls that knew the goings on should of gone straight to the police and they would of sorted the animals out straight away.but its too late now….just hope that all the truth will comwe out in may this year,so keep your eyes open in the local news,or world news as it will make the world news,as its just s a horrific crime,just cannot except it,if it is these animals hope they send back to where they came from,why should we support them in prison,it really gets to me how the people in our country are treated so well in prison,colour television games room etc,it just is sickening,should be eye for an eye,like they did years ago,then perhaps they wouldnt do this type of thing the same….......trial is in may 2007 i read earlier,,no doubt it will bwe on the local news,north west,no doubt it will be world news…any more iinfo please comment….....does anybody know this take away?funny boyz blackpool.did anybody know these animals? 75
Posted by terry on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 02:08 | # what is all this about vote in red letters????????????? i dont get it,all this about politics dont get it,whats all this to do with a murder case?????????????????????????????// 76
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 03:26 | # Terry, there’s a link between this crime and unneeded, unwanted, excessive, and incompatible immigration, immigration the British people don’t want but are getting anyway because the government insists on it over their opposition. The government, which has been forcing this sort of immigration on the people for purposes of its own is, in a sense, complicit in this girl’s murder, if only through what amounts to a kind of criminal negligence on its part. A vote for the BNP will help remove the government whose criminal negligence (as manifested in its insane immigration policy) got that girl killed. 77
Posted by scot over sea on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 18:49 | # i have also heard the same type of thing,i think that place was jusy bait for young school girls,they supplied drugs for sex 79
Posted by susan wilkins on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 18:32 | # I am amazed at all I have just read, I knew of Charlenes dissapearance in 2004 after being contacted by the police enquiring of her Grandfathers whereabouts, I could only assist with a telephone number, the police did not give me any information, her Grandfather is my uncle, her Great Grandfather was my Grandfather so you can see I am very interested in the outcome of this case, the only thing that puzzles me is they must have evidence somewhere or how can they charge them with murder? And you are all right if not only these but many many more just come to live in England with fake passports, who knows there past. It makes me laugh fight for your queen, king and country what of all the men who have gone to war and died for their country 1000’s upon 1000’s “NOW TELL ME FOR WHAT” THIS IS JUST A LEGAL TAKE OVER SO DISCREETLY DONE. Please email if anyone finds out in May if justice has been done, I live in the Midlands so do not receive Blackpool news. 80
Posted by sue on Wed, 09 May 2007 12:00 | # all i can say is if the courts are using kirsty fletcher as a witness god help us, this is a lass who got out of prison in december 06 for kidnapping a girl and beating her up ( you will find the story in THE KEIGHLEY NEWS arcives ) 81
Posted by Donna on Fri, 11 May 2007 10:40 | # i have just red the statements what u put on here, 82
Posted by Donna on Fri, 11 May 2007 15:59 | # If Nick Griffin and BNP di there job then Charlene Downes wouldnt o die. 83
Posted by Bud White on Fri, 11 May 2007 17:04 | # “And what is the argument for keeping murderous animals - any murderous animals regardless of you-know-what - alive and breathing the fart-filled air in our prison system for a couple of decades?”-GW The murderer(s) of Charlene (God rest her soul) deserves nothing less than to be “accidentally” dropped into a swimming pool containing a school of starving piranha. 84
Posted by sue on Fri, 11 May 2007 18:45 | # i live in nelson lancs need i say more, ifyou are assaulted by an asian n report it nothing seems to be done yet the other way around and all you hear is another racist attack etc one rule for us and another for them, nelson is now a dump totally run down by all the immigrants etc and every other week a new mosque- there even buying churches to convert- what a piss-take 85
Posted by Donna on Sun, 13 May 2007 17:17 | # hey fred, 86
Posted by donna on Wed, 23 May 2007 22:07 | # the trial started on 21st may 2007 at preston crown court 87
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 23 May 2007 22:23 | # Donna, Thank you very much for this information. There appears to be no press coverage on-line, even of the Blackpool, Preston or Lancashire locals, and certainly nothing in the nationals that I have seen. The way things are, nobody will ever know about Charlene, and that is completely wrong. Does your mum know if there are any press reporters covering the trial, or is it just low-key? 88
Posted by Donna on Thu, 24 May 2007 18:48 | # i dont think my mum nos about the press reporters 90
Posted by Donna on Thu, 24 May 2007 18:50 | # i dont know if my mum knows about the press reporters. 91
Posted by Simon on Sat, 26 May 2007 08:13 | # This is obviously a sickening case but the worst thing is that even if they do get convicted you can bet money on them being out within 5 to 10 years, if that! I agree with abolishing the death penalty, not only on the grounds that it lowers us to their level, but mainly because even if executed they are given a humane & pleasant death, which is a joke. If we were going to keep the keep the death penalty then it should be a long, drawn out & painful death & if possible, similiar to what their victims suffered. Sorry, i know thats abit off topic but i just want to illustrate how its a multitude of problems that this country now faces. And we’re meant to be a developed country!! lol! 93
Posted by Donna on Sat, 26 May 2007 14:57 | # we wasnt talking about all the iraqis ppl and i aint fuking racist. 94
Posted by ben tillman on Sat, 26 May 2007 16:01 | # General Shabb, it is perhaps a good thing you are 4,000 miles away. If you said what you said about Charlene in my presence, you would most likely not live to speak again. ...and about the BNP political bullshit fuck the BNP i fuckin hate them they should burn in hell fuckers!!! the way i see it everyone is equal in this world no one is more superiro then anyone…. “Racism” has nothing to do with superiority. It has to do with whites attempting to keep what is theirs (like England) so they can continue to live into the future. “Anti-racism” is about taking what belongs to whites and giving it to other races so that whites have no future. In other words, “racism” is right and good, and “anti-racism” is genocidal and evil. 95
Posted by susan wilkins on Sat, 26 May 2007 17:23 | # If you read in the Mirror page 23 on 25/05/07 there is a small report on the case and in the sun 25/05/07 there is even a piture the case has been adjourned until ? I do hope that they have enough evidence to commit these two people for a very long time, although none of this will ever fetch charlene back and the fact that her family have a life time sentence. 96
Posted by Donna on Sat, 26 May 2007 20:25 | # this is ment to be about charlene nothing else 97
Posted by Makran on Sun, 27 May 2007 10:08 | # People, 98
Posted by Lurker on Sun, 27 May 2007 14:04 | # USSR - I think you will find there are a lot more ‘issues’ between Poles and Russians than between Brits & Poles. Still, you know best I suppose. 99
Posted by Donna on Mon, 28 May 2007 21:41 | # ffs will u ppl grow up this i ment to be about Charlene 101
Posted by Donna on Mon, 28 May 2007 21:57 | # i dont know whats happening to raveshi 102
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 28 May 2007 22:55 | # Maybe the CPS decided that they couldn’t bring a prosecution against him until they had a guilty verdict against Albatikkhi. That would make sense. If Raveshi walked in a separate trial before Albatikkhi faced the court, that would wreck the case against him, ie the main culprit. 103
Posted by Polar Bear on Tue, 29 May 2007 01:22 | # Wake up gentlemen. They are having sex with our children. They are murdering them. They blow us up. They openly lie ot us. The sell us drugs, they steal and rebirth our cars. They can do this becuase we are not Muslim. We are lower then animals. Its time to end this madness. The fight is not in Iraq and Afganistan. Its here, and its now. Fight back or die….. 104
Posted by Davey Daniels on Tue, 29 May 2007 14:08 | # “Actually, you will find literally nothing.” Not true. I first saw it in the Daily Telegraph. They made a big deal out of how teenage girls would meet blokes from the takeaways and were involved in sexual activity. There is where you find why there’s no big media palaver. The constant front pages about Madeleine even though there’s no news (she’s still missing…) are different. Yet both Maddy and Charlene are white. Are you really saying if Maddy’s found dead and the killer’s non-white the media will all but ignore it? The difference is, as anyone who’s watched a horror film knows, girls who have sex ‘deserve’ whatever happens to them. Had Charlene been 8 years old, and especially if she’d been from a posh family, there’d be a lot more fuss. That’s why Holly & Jessica got so much attention too. We have a sick idea that if the 14 year old skips school and has sex then she’s got less of a right to life. As people get older or poorer, they slide down our league table. It’s about class, it’s about tabloid headlines. Race is a non-issue in the coverage. “walk from his cell into the gentle, misty light of north-west England.” Have you *been* up here? Pissing with rain is a lot more common than ‘gentle misty light’. 105
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 29 May 2007 16:47 | # Davey, Google for the Daily Telegraph link, and post it here. Race is always an issue for the liberal media - the issue being to excise it from their coverage of non-white racial crimes. Look, click here and read the questions I pose for the media. Then see if you can extrapolate the classic Marxist diagnosis you are attempting to now. 106
Posted by Donna on Tue, 29 May 2007 19:09 | # well my mum wrote a letter to me today saying that in the gazette it says ‘I killed her…I was just angry’ 107
Posted by Donna on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 16:37 | # I wana no why they dont have pics of these 2 men what killed my darling sister 108
Posted by Lurker on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 02:35 | # Davey - I cant prove the media will ignore the racial profile of criminals and victims when its white victim/non-white attacker but I very strongly suspect its the case. Anthony Walker, Stephen Lawrence - those names mean anything to you Davey? They should as the media informed us from day one that their murders were racially motivated. Mary Ann Leneghan, what about her? At what point did you realise anything about the racial profile in that case. Probably not until the trial, I could have bet (and won money) about the identity of the killers from the first few hours the story was first reported precisely from what was not reported. And it turns out of course by some happy accident that the crime there was not racially motivated. So much so that as far as I can tell at no time did anyone in the MSM ever even vaguely speculate that there might be one. If, God forbid, Madeline turns up dead and the killer turns out to be non-white I would willing to bet that there will be no speculation in the media about any racial angle whatsoever. The issue will not even be raised, not even to dismiss it! The media will be left bitterly regretting they had ever publicised the case so much though. Watch them back-pedal faster than a clown at the circus. If Charlene was black/muslim and her killers white then stand back, we would never never hear the end of it and we certainly wouldnt be spared any hand-wringing about the racial angle, none whatsoever. Or maybe you think that’s not true. You have to shoehorn the facts into your Marxist analysis as you go along I suppose. 109
Posted by Donna on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 16:40 | # does ayone knows what is going on with the trial 110
Posted by Donna on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 12:06 | # does anyone no whats happening with the trial 111
Posted by Lucas Albion on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 16:25 | # Dear Donna, I feel so sorry for you. You must be suffering so much. I also hear you asking why there are no pictures of the people who have been charged with the murder of Charlene. I think I wll be able to answer your quiestion. Although the answer may shock you very deeply as it did me. I first came across what happened to Charlene in March 2006 whilst reading the BNP website. I was deeply shocked by what happened and also wondered why there was no media ( TV, radio, newspapers. ) coverage of what had happened. It seemed to me that the various branches of the media were working together to keep this story out of the public domain. I then set about finding out who controls the UK media. The information I found was deeply shocking to me. If you really want to know why what happened to Charlene is being kept out of the media type into your search engine, jew watch +uk media. This site tells you who controls the UK media. I have been telling people about this information for over a year now and I have become the local wierdo for telling it. Nobody I know wants to know what I have found out. I have lost respect from a lot of people and been called a rascist, natzi and anti semite. I am none of these things, I am just someone who came across what happened to Charlene and asked a few quiestions and searched for the truth. I hope your family get some kind of justice for what happened to Charlene and I will carry on telling people what I have found out. Yours, Lucas Albion. 112
Posted by Donna on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 11:53 | # ty lucas, 113
Posted by Lucas Albion on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 10:27 | # Dear Donna, I am at college at the moment and have arrived early so that I can reply to your posting. Thankyou for saying that you do not think I am a wierdo. In fact not so long after I read your posting I printed it out and showed it to a more open minded friend. I did this as I was concerned about you thinking that it is stupid for you to miss and feel so empty because of losing your sister. I asked my friend wether they thought it would be appropriate of me to give my personal opinion on you thinking that it is stupid for feeling the way you do. They said that I should reply and that it was admirable of me to support you at this time. I personally don’t know but I do believe that if I can help someone then I will. As far as I am concerned it is not stupid to miss and feel empty etc. when you lose someone close to you. It shows that you love that person and that they meant a lot to you. The last person that I loved who I lost, I cried my eyes out for ten days solid and I am a male. I consider anyone who tells another that they are stupid for grieving to be lacking in emotional intelligence. I pity them, they have a lot of growing up to do. Be proud of your tears they are symbols of your love for your sister Charlene. If you would like to discuss any of the information contained on the website that I recommended to you, feel free to make a posting on this website. I read it pretty regularly now that I have found it. It helps me to get my head round what is going on in this this society of ours. I don’t know why but finding out what happened to Charlene was like a bomb going off in my head. I can only imagine what you must feel like. Anyway Donna I must finish this posting now as I have college work to do. Keep your chin up, be strong, keep going on and be proud of your tears. Yours, Lucas Albion. 114
Posted by donna on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 22:03 | # Dear lucas, Im at home at the moment so that I can reply to u love donna 115
Posted by Lucas Albion on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 14:04 | # Dear Donna, thankyou for your reply. I am sorry I have not been able to read this site for a while, I have been really busy with my college work. Well some of the local people round here have read the articles in the Metro and Times and are showing me a little more respect. However they will not take my advice and read the website that I recommended to you. I suppose that it is just too much for them to accept at the moment. I hope these people find some courage from somewhere or this country is going to see some serious trouble in the future. Glad you appreciated my personal opinion and that you are going to keep your chin up. Nice one Donna, don’t let the miscreants who control the system grind you down. That is what they want! Be strong and determined in your quest for justice for Charlene. Anytime you feel like writing on this blog to me, do so. It may take me some time to reply as I am so busy but I will keep on returning to see what is going on. Take care Donna, don’t forget that good old British stiff upper lip, and keep your chin up girl! Take care, yours, Lucas Albion. 116
Posted by donna on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 22:03 | # Dear lucas, thank you for your reply. 117
Posted by donna on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 16:22 | # the trail is starting in january so i have been told 120
Posted by captainchaos on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 23:16 | # In America (in some states) at least these sacks of shit would get the death penalty. But there is a silver lining to this dark cloud - he will get out of prison one day. When white men who are sick of seeing subhuman towelheads slaughter their children get their hands on him he will wish he got the death penalty. Justice is coming Iyad! 121
Posted by --- on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 05:36 | # The wait goes on for Charlene’s family. Fingers crossed for April. Charlene: New trial date By Paul Fielding Charlene vanished in November 2003 after waving goodbye to her mother at a town centre bus stop. She was then aged 14. Iyad Albattikhi, 30, the former owner of Funny Boyz kebab shop on Dickson Road, Blackpool, is charged with murdering Charlene. His business partner Mohammed Reveshi, 51, of Hornby Road, is accused of helping dispose of the St George’s High School pupil’s body. Both deny the charges. At a trial held last year the jury could not reach a verdict on either man. A retrial was expected to begin on January 21. But that has now been set back to April 2 to allow Albattikhi’s defence team more time to prepare. Det Sgt Jan Beasant of Blackpool Police said: “The trial has been delayed to allow the defence to do more preparation with their witnesses. The family have been notified and are aware of the new trial date.” A spokeswoman for the Crown Prosecution Service said: “The date has changed because Mr Albattikhi has secured a new legal team who wanted more time to go through all the evidence.” The investigation into Charlene’s whereabouts was the biggest missing person hunt in the history of Lancashire Police. 122
Posted by jgjifh on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 04:16 | # The guilty cleared on instruction of the guilty. Police plead for our sympathy - for the incompetent police. Another domino falls. 123
Posted by donna on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 22:27 | # i just found out that the 2 men have been cleared 124
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 23:01 | #
A day will come when the men ultimately responsible for this won’t be cleared. A day will come when we will get justice. That day approaches. 125
Posted by donna on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 19:59 | # i wish the justice will come soon for my darling sister charlene 126
Posted by floyd1 on Sun, 20 Jul 2008 14:54 | # this is the uk iraqi killing a kid ..and raping ..should expect the full wrath of the british courts ..expect at least 120 hrs community service ..and still be allowed to stay here and collect benefits ...fuck your human rites ..lets get tougher 127
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 20 Jul 2008 15:25 | # We’re under lockdown, Floyd. Our own élite classes are collaborating in it. We’ve got to break these chains first (peacefully through things like elections and peaceful street demonstrations, not violently), then things can be set right again. Any Brit, if that’s what you are, needs to seriously consider 1) voting for the BNP and only the BNP until things are set to rights, and 2) spreading the word to others to do likewise and vote only for the BNP until sanity is restored. That’s the least anyone can do, the absolute least. Each individual in the U.K. who either doesn’t vote or votes for a party other than the BNP loses all moral right to complain about what’s going on. 128
Posted by donna on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 21:04 | # well we had a memorial service for Charlene on the 15th september 129
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 22:15 | # I hope the family finds some peace of mind through that, Donna. They should know, too, that their loss has been felt by many people they will never know and never meet. Thank you very much for keeping us informed over the last two and a half years. 130
Posted by donna on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 00:07 | # well i dont want ppl to slag charlene off and ive seen so many websites bout her and they got horrible things and ppl say cos shes not from a decent or important family no body gives a shit. but we all love her so much and miss her, it upsets me so much. i couldnt go to the memorial service i had other personal things to deal with but i wished i went now to say bye to her. i can never forget her, she will always b in my heart 131
Posted by donna on Wed, 04 Mar 2009 16:41 | # hi Guessedworker 132
Posted by Englander on Wed, 04 Mar 2009 17:08 | # Donna, just make sure you get out there and vote for the right party at every opportunity you get. There’s only one way to end this. 133
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 04 Mar 2009 19:50 | # Seconded, Englander! Donna, no party in the U.K. but the BNP will end this immigration nightmare for Britain. If people don’t vote for it, it can’t end it. It’s that simple. If you are of voting age, you have the opportunity, by voting, to do your bit as one individual. Vote for the BNP in every single election where they run a candidate. Don’t mind what anybody says about the BNP, it’s all lies. The BNP are the only party that genuinely gives a good god damn about what happened to Charlene. 134
Posted by donna on Sat, 21 Mar 2009 10:52 | # i do vote for the BNP and im at the age i can vote 135
Posted by donna on Mon, 25 May 2009 14:24 | # i just thought i will let u now 136
Posted by Ross on Fri, 17 Jul 2009 20:13 | # The evidence is weak at best. Some guy makes a joke, and he may well have been kidding. Yeah, it was a sick joke, and very innapropriate. Is there any evidence that he (specificaly him) was sleeping with younger girls? Let alone running a sex ring? No. There may have been underage sex going on, but there is no evidence this man took part. Is there any evidence that she was actualy murdered? No, there is none. Ask yourself this. If he was a white man, would a public investigation even have taken place? 137
Posted by Rebekah on Wed, 05 May 2010 19:47 | # My sympathy to Donna and the family. It doesnt amaze me that the foreign scum have stooped so low - they are inhuman. It does however, amaze me that the press have kept it quiet. Why?? It should be on the front page of the national papers. Has anyone gone to the Sun about this conspiracy? Donna, just give it a thought, for Charlene. 138
Posted by Anonymous on Sun, 10 Apr 2011 00:11 | # 139
Posted by eib on Wed, 27 Apr 2011 01:35 | # Revelation 20. 140
Posted by John Fulbright on Sun, 15 May 2011 16:38 | # Rise up England, for only a true Englishman is prepared to fight the good fight against the pale socialist bureaucrat who hides behind many smoke screens in order to feather his own nest at the expense of his own country. Just as England faced many threats over the centuries, this one is no different apart from the fact that the enemy exists within…either you fight now to regain control or you allow your country to sink into the abyss. 141
Posted by curry maker on Sat, 13 Aug 2011 23:03 | # LOL @ “majority rights” last time i checked, whites were the minority on this earth. 142
Posted by Lurker on Sun, 14 Aug 2011 01:00 | # Did anyone say otherwise retard? Go back to licking the window. 143
Posted by trish on Mon, 02 Jan 2012 11:58 | # as this is my brothers kid i can tell u that the men got let out with compensation but the police did not add to the court a tape with them laffing about how they did it i swear if i ever get holed of them i will…... well i know u can fill in the space!!!! 144
Posted by donna on Tue, 31 Jul 2012 22:27 | # hi Post a comment:
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Posted by onetwothree on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 14:04 | #
This received 14 hits:
While this received 165:
Oddly enough, many of the hits in the second link refer to something called “The Untold Story of Emmett Louis Till”. I wonder what the untold story is.
The motives of the ruling class are trivial and will be left as an exercise for the reader.