Chinese Selling Shoulder Launched Thermobaric Capable of Downing 3-Story Buildings From 200 Meters
As I reported previously thermobaric weapons threaten to turn the gasoline supply of the world into a world-wide urban demolition bomb wielded by virtually any group of disenfranchised people. “Centrist” moaning will be worthless. Well the day of reckoning just got closer with the Chinese entering the arms market with their own highly effective shoulder launched thermobaric grenades.
According to Wired News:
The Chinese version, called the WPF 2004, looks to be just as lethal. According to Jane’s, it’s a “fin-stabilised rocket” with “a launch weight of 3.2 kg and becomes armed 35 m to 50 m from the launcher. Muzzle velocity is 89 m/s with an effective accurate range quoted as 200 m against a 0.45x0.45 m target.”
In other words, you can aim at a window and knock down a two or three story building from 200 meters away.
What they fail to point out is the potential I previously pointed out which is that thermobarics make perfect improvised explosive devices using ubiquitous petroleum products—yes like gasoline—and the US has already used thermobarics against the Iraqi insurgents. The Iraqi insurgents are already using RPG-7 grenade launchers—which are the logistic equivalent of the WPF 2004—lacking only a thermobaric grenade. When the IED “open source community” starts using thermobaric IED technology it will make its way back to the US via ethnic gang members who joined the military for urban warfare training which they can apply to US urban targets. The first likely targets: court houses.
As a nostalgic addendum to this post I’d like to present you with a medieval catapult designed with an open source system:

Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 05:20 | #
I suspect The Dome of the Rock will be hit by a thermobaric grenade before a US synagogue is. A “domino list” might be something like:
US uses thermobaric grenades against Iraqi insurgents (fallen)
Iraqi insurgents use thermobaric grenades against US outposts to humiliate US during its withdrawl
US goes psychotic using more powerful thermobarics against civilian Iraqi targets during continued withdrawl
Iraqi insurgents answer with larger petroleum-fuel thermobaric IEDs against withdrawing US outposts
Israelis go psychotic over US withdrawl from Iraq and:
Mossad detonates thermobaric IED in a liberal Synagogue in Israel.
Mossad launches thermobaric grenade against Dome of the Rock in “retaliation”.
US ethnic gang members return from Iraq with thermobaric IED technology for use against rival gangs such as the US governments at federal, state, county and city levels.
US Synagogue leveled by thermobarics and no one knows whether to pin it on Muslims or “Nazis”—- or the Mossad.