Civilization Takedown: Google Foreclosure Map
Although it doesn’t shed light on the trends in prime foreclosures, Google’s Map’s foreclosure feature is a fun toy—especially if you have money after all the scams of the last decade. Oh, that’s right—that’s the whole point:
Put more of the real estate into the hands of the banksters and their social networks before the Federal Reserve money trickles down to the rest of us and inflation hits.

Posted by Terry Bongers on Wed, 16 Feb 2011 23:03 | #
All the rules have changed in the last couple of months. Lending banks are now being held accountable for the trap they set, borrowing money they didn’t themselves have, while using loose and illegal practices in the process. The massive lawsuit against Wells Fargo / Wachovia, Indymac / OneWest bank, Citibank, Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, GMAC…...........can actually, not only put a stop to your foreclosure, but also pause your house payments with no loss to you….........