Civilization Takedown: The Revolt of the Vikings

Posted by James Bowery on Friday, 12 November 2010 16:28.

Although I, personally, have been feverishly working to prevent the Malthusian reckoning for nearly 3 decades, I have to recognize that conditions are increasingly favoring Søren Renner’s prophecy “Billions will die, we will win.”  There are militarily sophisticated optimists, such as John Robb who, based on fourth generation warfare theory, are holding out for a newly decentralized global economy that bypasses massive organizations.  However, these optimists don’t seem to understand that once you accept group authority over individuals, you doom yourself to mass warfare as these groups are, in essence, asexually reproducing organisms that don’t die as do sexually reproducing species, but merely compete with other asexual organisms in their ecological niche, and without limit, for mitotic resources.  These organisms will doom the planet unless a dramatic expansion of carrying capacity and reduction of ecological footprint are achieved soon.  I continue to work toward this end but pragmatism increasingly dictates evaluating Malthusian options. 

Civilization Takedown is the only Malthusian option that retains the human species.

Civilization itself can avoid mass warfare only by uniting the world in one mass organism which is inherently intolerant of individuals.  In this, civilization’s end-point is to eliminate the human species as we know it—at best, breeding for a eusocial species.  Mass warfare between these asexual species will increasingly become warfare against individuals—indeed against human sexuality (except in perverted expression)—within the mass organisms. 

The Indo-Europeans understood this but were progressively bogged down in India by the Dravidians—expressing in the Hindu and Buddhist traditions, and in the Mideast thence Mediterranean by the Semites—expressing as Judeo-Christianity.  The last hold-outs of the culture of individual sovereignty were the Vikings.  Therefore, as the Malthusian crisis emerges, it becomes increasingly likely that some phenomenon like the Vikings will re-emerge.  A future post will provide a more viable Malthusian option, but for now I’ll settle for advising against the—ultimately unsuccessful—Viking strategy.  Below the fold is an incisive description of that era related in the chapter “The Revolt of the Vikings” of the book “Human History Viewed As Sovereign Individuals Versus Manipulated Masses” from the Valorian Society.


Opposing cultures cannot be mixed.  The opposition between them is mortal and eternal.  The culture of mass manipulation drove the last remnant of the individual sovereignty people, who had avoided involvement, into hideouts along the northern coasts.

Denmark, Norway, and Sweden afforded the best areas for their resistance.  They took to the sea in long boats from inlets (inlet = Vik) and were called Vikings.

Within the confused chaos that was now Northern Europe, the Vikings recognized that their major enemy was the Catholic Church.  It was the underhanded tactics of the Church, not the open force of the Roman Empire, that had done such vast damage to their culture.

Beginning about fifteen hundred years ago they went every place that was available to their long black boats with about fourty men each.  They launched raids in areas where the Church dominated the people.  With indignation and contempt they killed those who had been faithless to themselves and their own culture and accepted the enemy.  They, of course, made a special point of burning the monasteries and nunneries and killing monks, nuns, and priests.

They freed great areas in England and Northern France (Normandy) from Church control.  They went as far as Greenland and America searching for new homelands.

They were making a valiant stand in defense of their culture.  They were already badly outnumbered.  But they were strong-willed, steadfast in their comradeship, and of unexcelled courage when facing their enemies.

They held out for about six hundred years.  But gradually, one leader after another met some kindly priest, who was sincerely struggling for a buried truth about Jesus underneath the falseness of the manipulators.  One leader after another glimpsed what the sincere priests were seeking.  They allowed the anti-Christ “Christianity” to come in.

The priests, nuns, and monks were allowed to teach little children the twisted words of the Church.

Rollo set up a Viking power in Normandy strong enough to continually raid Paris, but he joined the Church and was accepted as part of the overall power in 912.  He was given a “position” with the title of Duke.

Gorm set up a protected individual sovereignty area encompassing all Denmark which lasted until his death in 940.  Then his son, Harold Bluetooth, was baptized and allowed the Church to take over in Denmark.

Harold the Fairhaired consolidated all Norway into a resistance against the Church in 872.  His great-grandson let in the power of the Church in 1020.

Sweden held out for almost another hundred years but finally lost the battle against the mass manipulators.

The children were then all sent to schools where they were taught nothing about the all important conflict of cultures.  Instead, they were taught that their ancestors were “barbarians” and the “fortunate” children would now have the great privileged of building a “modern civilized” group entity.

The Church’s practices of selectively breeding for mass manipulation were rapidly put into effect.  But the products of a culture that had long been breeding in the opposite direction did not provide much base for selective breeding in a diametrically opposed direction.

Also, fragments of the old cultural practices persisted.


*  *  *

Aside from flesh and blood individual sovereignty people who came from countless centuries of selective breeding by their culture, and aside from the disjointed fragments of the old cultural practices that have persisted, the thing about the Western World that distinguishes it from the Orient is the memory that the culture of mass manipulation does not have to be accepted as “the way things are.”

In the Western World, there is still a cherished knowledge that once a fully functioning culture of individual sovereignty existed.  And it is well remembered that such a culture made for a life enriched—beyond the conceptiuon of manipulated masses—by a deep abiding love and joyful comradeship.

For more milleniums than there exists any historical record, that culture was maintained against the encroaching culture of mass manipulation.

That memory has not yet been fully destroyed.

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Posted by Wandrin on Fri, 12 Nov 2010 18:24 | #

Underlying logic + martial arts momentum + human nature = win for now followed by vikings in space.

1) The underlying logic and human nature are fixed.
2) By martial arts momentum i mean momentum aimed not at the tip of the enemy nose but 2” inside their face.
3) Momentum is the only part of the equation we can influence.

So the question is how to create martial arts momentum.


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 12 Nov 2010 20:27 | #

Yes, but in the Western tradition.  My next post will address the place of formal individual combat with desirable biological hence ecological consequences during Malthusian Civilization Takedown.


Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 12 Nov 2010 20:35 | #

The Indo - Europeans may well have “understood this” and as a result they miscegenated themselves out of existence, leaving only the racially hybridised Brahmins as a reminder of their existence.


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 12 Nov 2010 21:33 | #

The Hindu caste system belies your analysis, Al.  What the Aryans failed to understand was that “Opposing cultures cannot be mixed.”—not even segregation via a caste system is enough in the long term.


Posted by English Patriot on Sat, 13 Nov 2010 04:59 | #

India and Camp of the Saints

From BNP email list:

Revilo Oliver on India:

“[India probably was] a territory that was…conquered by the Aryan invaders and ruled by them…. The inevitable result was miscegenation, both biological and cultural. The consequence of the long and intimate association of the dominant Aryans with their subjects of a different race…was that “a spirit alien in nature,” corresponding to the dilution and hybridization of the racial stock…. What happened, in other words, was a kind of spiritual mongrelization that, in all probability, largely preceded and certainly facilitated the biological mongrelization.” 

~ Revilo P. Oliver, “Ritual and Aryan Worship”

Recent genetic research on Indians:

“The latest evidence of modern genetic research indicates that the peoples of both north and south India are of mixed Mongoloid/Australoid/Caucasoid racial ancestry, consisting of an autochthonous sub-Gangetic base which has been gradually combined, through a series of population expansions and the historical migrations of various immigrants, with west Eurasian and East Asian elements.”

Most of the major Indian populations are so racially admixed that they exhibit membership in multiple gene clusters and are therefore homogeneous genetically on a subcontinental level

Bhasin (2006), in the study Genetics of Castes and Tribes of India: Indian Population Milieu:

India has been peopled by human groups carrying a diversity of genes and cultural traits. We have almost all the primary ethnic strains Proto-Australoid, Mediterranean, Mongoloid, Negrito and a number of composite strains. It is homeland of over 4000 Mendelian populations, of which 3700 endogamous groups are structured in the Hindu caste system as ‘jatis’.

In short, the older view that north Indians are mainly Caucasoid whereas southern Indians are mainly Australoid is incorrect. Indians, both from the north and the south, seem to be a racially admixed population with each individual genotype exhibiting membership in multiple gene clusters, albeit in varying degrees in terms of Caucasoid/Mongoloid/Australoid admixture ratios. South Asian populations consist of an indigenous Australoid base combined with both Caucasoid and Mongoloid racial elements; Indo-Caucasoid (Indo-Aryan speakers and Coon’s hybrid Mediterranean strain) peoples tend to be concentrated in the east and west of India, Indo-Mongoloid (Tibeto-Burman speakers) seem to be concentrated in the north eastern region of the country, and Proto-Australoid/Indo-Dravidian peoples (Austro-Asiatic and Dravidian language speakers) are mostly found in the south, with peoples of full Australoid or “Negrito” origin located on the archipelagos (e.g. the Great Andamanese and Jarawa) surrounding the southern tip of the subcontinent.

To repeat, most of the major Indian populations are so racially admixed that they exhibit membership in multiple gene clusters and are therefore homogeneous genetically on a subcontinental level.”





The dangerous threat of the growing Indian Lobby in Western countries:



English Woman Speaks Frankly About Difficulties of Having Mixed-Race Baby with Man from India

Lowri Turner

Daily Mail, UK, 13 July 2007

“She’s getting very dark, isn’t she?” This is what one of my friends recently said about my much adored - 12-week-old daughter.

She didn’t mean to be rude. But it was a comment that struck me with the force of a jab to the stomach.

Immediately, I was overwhelmed by a confusion of emotions. I felt protective, insulted, worried, ashamed, guilty, all at once. The reason? My lovely, wriggly, smiley baby is mixed race.


I am white and I have two sons from my first marriage who are both milky complexioned and golden haired. My twin sister, who I spend a lot of time with, has a Danish partner. As a consequence, she has two boys who are also pale skinned and flaxen haired.

Into this positively English next generation, I have now injected a tiny, dark-skinned, dark-haired girl. To say she stands out is an understatement.


The truth is, whatever the label, the fact there is a label proves that my daughter’s conflicting parentage matters.


But when I turn to the mirror in my bedroom to admire us together, I am shocked. She seems so alien. With her long, dark eyelashes and shiny, dark brown hair, she doesn’t look anything like me.

I know that concentrating on how my daughter looks is shallow. She is a person in her own right, not an accessory to me. But still, I can’t shake off the feeling of unease.

I didn’t realise how much her looking different would matter and, on a rational level, I know it shouldn’t. But it does.

Evolution demands that we have children to pass on our genes, hence the sense of pride and validation we get when we see our features reappearing in the next generation.

With my daughter, I don’t have that. Do black fathers who marry white women and then have paler-skinned children feel my sense of loss? Or maybe Chinese mothers or Middle-Eastern grandparents grieve when they see a child they know to be their own, but whose features don’t reflect that?


Even admitting to having mixed feelings about her not being blonde and blue eyed, I feel disloyal and incredibly guilty.

I know the obvious comment is that I must have known how a child of our union would look when I married an Indian man, but it is a wise woman who thinks that far ahead when she falls in love.

I didn’t think about any of this before I got pregnant. I wanted to have a baby. Her colour and culture were immaterial then.

But self-flagellation is not useful. I have more pressing concerns. I am now the mother of a ‘black’ child, even if she is more the hue of weak tea than espresso.

This is a role for which I am utterly unprepared. Part of me thinks I should be playing sitar music to her in her cot, mastering pakoras and serving them dressed in a sari, but that would be fantastically fake coming from me.

When she was born, pale but with lots of dark hair, I asked the midwife if her eyes would stay blue. ‘Asian genes are very strong,’ she said in what I took to be an ominous tone.

No more Brady Bunch kids for me. The midwife has been proved right and every day my baby’s eyes get a little darker.



Posted by Graham Lister on Sat, 13 Nov 2010 08:57 | #

War is God

“Modern nation-states which masquerade as embodiments of community are always to be resisted. The modern nation-state, in whatever guise, is a dangerous and unmanageable institution, presenting itself on the one hand as a bureaucratic supplier of goods and services, which is always about to, but never actually does, give its clients value for money, and on the other as a repository of sacred values, which from time to time invites one to lay down one’s life on its behalf; it is like being asked to die for the telephone company.”

Alasdair MacIntyre


Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 13 Nov 2010 09:47 | #

Alasdair McIntyre’s Semitic Supernatural beliefs which masquerade as philosophy may be all very well for the Niggers and Pakis of that former Polytechnic, London Metropolitan University, wherein his Jesus - loving hat hangs but for serious people, no thanks.


Posted by Graham Lister on Sat, 13 Nov 2010 11:40 | #

I think you misunderstand - do you really think the present day USA or UK are worth dying for? More fool you I say.

And I actually quite like virtue ethics - isn’t Judge Holden of “Blood Meridian” a superb example of one formulation of them in action?


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 13 Nov 2010 12:43 | #

do you really think the present day USA or UK are worth dying for?

Do you really think saving the race from the present day USA or UK isn’t worth dying for?

More fool you I say.

More fuckwit you I say.


Posted by Graham Lister on Sat, 13 Nov 2010 12:59 | #

Captainchaos - Seemingly you are hard of reading. I make no mention of race - rather than a fantasy version of those societies I mentioned, I was making a comment about them as they exist in reality. Both are ontologically liberal in formation and outlook and both are deeply corrupt. Are those ‘sacred values’ in your mind? Is this the way you argue - to place words into others people’s mouths…really it’s not big and not terribly clever.


Posted by Graham Lister on Sat, 13 Nov 2010 13:23 | #

We have to acknowledge that we are in the era of Nietzsche’s ‘Last Man’.  Can anyone seriously doubt that for the average European or Euro-American the highest possible values are those of shopping and fucking? In fact for most they are the only possible ‘goods’. Sure there is a lot of vapid noise about issues, values etc., in the media but really it’s all so much piffle that signifies nothing.

Nietzsche saw that nothing great is possible for the ‘Last Man’, and it is Nietzsche’s contention that Western civilization is moving in the direction of the last man, an apathetic creature, who has no great passion or commitment, who is unable to dream, who merely earns his living and keeps warm.

One of Nietzsche’s greatest fears was the creeping banality and mediocrity brought about by democratic “freedom”. In my view this process is further facilitated by our increasingly very very stupid culture and mindless consumerism. Societies run on the idea that everything has a price but in which we know the value of nothing.


Posted by Lee John Barnes on Sat, 13 Nov 2010 13:40 | #

The idea the Vikings were defending their ‘culture’ when they went out ‘Viking’ or raiding is absurd.

They were looking for loot, slaves, rape and vandalism, they were not defending their culture or the cultures of Europe.

If they were defending ‘their’ culture, then they would have stayed in their territory and kept the church out.

If they were defending their genes, then they would not have kidnapped slaves and bred with them. 

The whole thesis is therefore nonsense.

The whole article is nonsense.


Posted by Wandrin on Sat, 13 Nov 2010 14:14 | #

If they were defending ‘their’ culture, then they would have stayed in their territory and kept the church out.

It was in response to this setback that Charlemagne at the Blood court of Verden ordered the beheading of 4,500 Saxons who had been caught practising paganism after converting to Christianity

There’s a theory that the viking raids started as a reaction to the forced spread of Christianity in northern europe under Charlemagne hence their initial focus on attacking religious sites.

The theory may or may not be true but it is useful as a short-hand to decribe an idea.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 13 Nov 2010 14:21 | #

The whole thesis is therefore nonsense.

Bowery is a creative guy.  As smart as they come.  Perhaps one day he will come up with something lucid.  (There is no hope for you in that regard, Barnesy.)

I suppose the sound wisdom that “What is bred to the bone breeds true in the flesh” is yet no hindrance to his fear that civilization will not inevitably lead to the dysgenic atrophying of our genitals.  (Lord in heaven, if I were to hold that line Potential Freud would never let me hear the end of it!)


Posted by Lee John Barnes on Sat, 13 Nov 2010 14:46 | #

” There’s a theory that the viking raids started as a reaction to the forced spread of Christianity in northern europe under Charlemagne hence their initial focus on attacking religious sites.

The theory may or may not be true but it is useful as a short-hand to decribe an idea. “

= There may be a theory but - its also total bollocks.

The reason why the Vikings targeted the Churches and Monasteries is the same reason Henry The Eighth targeted the monstaries - as they were the ones with all the gold, wealth, food and money hidden in their store rooms.

After the Dark Ages the wealth and lands of the nations of Europe was taken by the churches. Therefore hitting churches in a raid was the equvalent of robbing a bank today.

Its not rocket science is it.

” Bowery is a creative guy.  As smart as they come.  Perhaps one day he will come up with something lucid.  (There is no hope for you in that regard, Barnesy.)  “

Anything ‘political’ that sounds ‘lucid’ to you Chaos, would sound to anyone sane like the ramblings of a demented lunatic.

Your lucid is everyone else Nazi bullshit.


Posted by Wandrin on Sat, 13 Nov 2010 15:22 | #

The viking raids started soon after Charlemagne’s campaign. It’s entirely plausible they *started* as anti-Christian. Obviously once people realised how much gold and loot was involved the motivation would change.

Either way the idea works as a short-hand for what i think Mr Bowery is getting at.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 13 Nov 2010 15:42 | #

I’ll preface the following scathing remarks by noting that I think you are a good guy, as far as it goes, Barnesy.


I listened to that interview you did with GW.  Good lord, Barnesy, you sounded like a lunatic.  A cursing, frothing, twitching nutter.  I could tell, you just wanted to scream, “It really is all the Joos’ fault!  Hitler was right!  Now let’s breed the Great Ones!”  I know, Barnesy, believe me I do sympathize.

would sound to anyone sane like the ramblings of a demented lunatic.

Pot.  Kettle.  Black.  Barnesy.  You nutter. 

The English here have accused me of being everything but serial killer in an attempt to shame me into stop talking about “Krauts”.  But thankfully never of having “Asperger” or being “Autistic”.  What they really think of you, they do not say, cuz you’re English (well, sort of, you Mick), and a (self-styled) “politician”.  Life does have its small mercies.

In fact, your “political” “talents” are so highly thought of that on your “Democracy” forum one “Henry Palfrey” gravely noted that the only hope for Engerland was for nutionalists such as yourself to take a two year break - I don’t know, maybe in Australia. 

I say these things not to wound, only because they are true, Barnesy.


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 13 Nov 2010 18:29 | #

Wandrin writes:

The viking raids started soon after Charlemagne’s campaign. It’s entirely plausible they *started* as anti-Christian. Obviously once people realised how much gold and loot was involved the motivation would change.

Money corrupts more than “power” because it is more fungible—less dependent on biological honor and love of comrades.  In this sense, hoards of gold (or more generally, monetary authority such as the Federal Reserve’s control of the world’s reserve currency) may be seen as a biological weapon targeting humans—a weapon created by group organisms that use money for coherence.

Notice the “civilized” redefinition of “nobility”, that a “noble” challenged by a “peasant” to formal individual combat to the death may “honorably” answer the challenge by paying the appropriate amount of blood money.  This redefinition of “nobility” and “honor” required the elimination of the traditions of individual sovereignty which were based on the lawful killing of any coward (one who refused to answer a challenge to individual combat to the death)—killing by anyone or any group in any manner at any time, although if Tacitus is to be believed, the preferred method of execution of such shames to the community as cowards and “sodomites”, was to “press them down into the slimy bog”.


Posted by torgrim on Sat, 13 Nov 2010 18:36 | #

The Viking era, comes down through the filter of their enemy, the Culture of mass control.
I mostly side with the initial reasons for the attack on the monasteries, as one of pre-emptive warfare. I have come to this conclusion years ago, but I must say that I have a prejudice in this, as my ancestor was the chieftain that attacked Lindnesfarne.

With that said, the main point of James’ post, is about how we are to deal with the mass maniipulators of our day.

James B. ....“that once you accept group authority over individuals, you doom yourself to mass warfare as these groups are, in essence, asexually reproducing organisms that don’t die as do sexually reproducing species.”

It may be that the reason that death of the life cycle,  is selected for among sexually reproductive species, is due, to the death of life, itself, that is inherent in asexually reproducing species, exhibited by mass warfare.


Posted by torgrim on Sat, 13 Nov 2010 19:25 | #

A bit off topic;

This is just one of many examples of the, “filter of the enemy, the Culture of mass control.”

A land claim,.. as the Stone was found at the headwaters of three great water systems in N. America. Yet today, the scientific evidence is ignored, by the mainstream and critiqued by the usual suspects.
Obviously, Vikings looking for a land far from the mass manipulators, or possibly the mass manipulators finding those that had fled to Vinland and are now “red with blood”....


Posted by Lee John Barnes on Sat, 13 Nov 2010 22:01 | #

In fact, your “political” “talents” are so highly thought of that on your “Democracy” forum one “Henry Palfrey” gravely noted that the only hope for Engerland was for nutionalists such as yourself to take a two year break - I don’t know, maybe in Australia. 

I say these things not to wound, only because they are true, Barnesy.

= Thats okay Chaos, the day Nazis like you are cheering me is the day I know I have lost the plot.

As for Henry, GW to be exact, I do not doubt in any way his sincerity, just his ability to see outside the goldfish bowl in which he swims. He is a prisoner of his own ideological fixations.

A bit like you mate really.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Sat, 13 Nov 2010 22:13 | #

If Tacitus is to be believed, the preferred method of execution of such shames to the community as cowards and “sodomites”, was to “press them down into the slimy bog”.

Wow! Now I understand why so many people gave up the “bogeyman” in order to fear something safely abstract like the Lake of Fire.

The bog treatment is truly chilling, and to make matters worse, it could really happen.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Sat, 13 Nov 2010 22:24 | #

The bog treatment may offend the Aryan sensibility in the same way cremation offends the Semitic.

I think that may be the core offense of the holohoax. It wouldn’t have mattered how Jews died, cremation would have made it a capital offense. That’s perhaps why we here more about the “ovens” than about the “gas chamber”.

That, and the fact that the “ovens” really existed.


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 13 Nov 2010 22:26 | #

Lee John Barnes, I attempted to get guys like you to save civilization, but apparently you abhor dispensing with the political class so greatly that you prefer to turn down control of all the parliaments in Europe and leave them in the hands of our enemies.

There is a special place in the slimey bog for folks like the BNP and the other “new right” politicos that reject such wisdom and power handed them on a silver platter.


Posted by lee john barnes on Sat, 13 Nov 2010 23:16 | #

If Tacitus is to be believed, the preferred method of execution of such shames to the community as cowards and “sodomites”, was to “press them down into the slimy bog”.

= I think you will find that Tacitus, as an enemy of the celts and a roman, was lying.

The Bog Men were shamans and warriors, most of whom were from the elite in celtic society offering themselves as sacrifices to communicate with the dead and the gods .

Try reading Warriors of the Wasteland -

Its a superb book.

James mate, we live in a democracy that requires people to vote political parties into power.

Your plan in that article would be about as popular to the voters as smallpox.

There is a special place reserved for purists, ideologues and demagogues that think we as a people and nations can tolerate any more of their rhetorical bullshit.

We have wasted long enough on the nazi shite - and such people are to be frank a total liability.

Grow up.


Posted by Gorboduc on Sun, 14 Nov 2010 00:22 | #

I suppose it’s this sort of tendentious and unsupported nonsense that discourages me from wishing to play any sort of part at this site any more.

This and the adolescent drivel about the irresistable power of hate from Mr Murros the uniform fetishist ...
Anyone ever read CS Lewis’s Prince Caspian? About how the right side is offered and properly rejects the help of Hags, Witches and Werewolves? THEIR especial power was the strength of their hate, but to have collaborated with them would have been like Gandalf using the Ring as a weapon.


The theory may or may not be true but it is useful as a short-hand to describe an idea.

if applied elsewhere on MR ( or to ontology, or to Nietzsche - Darwin et al.) will easily reduce the whole thing to a pile of clotted nonsense.

I REALLY don’t think I’ll even bother to look in any more, not even if Norman “Imperium” Lovell offers us more “poetry”.

Hate to say it, but LJB is probably right about the Vikings.

Like Silver on other matter


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Sun, 14 Nov 2010 01:47 | #


I REALLY don’t think I’ll even bother to look in any more

Please reconsider.

During your absences, a great deal of futile effort goes into maintaining a working definition of a “crank”. Your intermittent appearances provide us with a much needed gold standard.

In this way, you make a positive contribution despite yourself. Of course, to an old crank like yourself, that’s probably a disincentive, but we all like you anyway. Neener! Neener! Neener!


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 14 Nov 2010 02:49 | #

Who would deny there is room to expect, as conditions deteriorate, a modern era phenomenon in which rural men follow, without compulsion, a rural leader into the cities to kill the de facto priests, nuns and monks of Holocaustianity? 

Who would deny that some of these—oh let’s not call them “Neo-Vikings” because as we all know from reading the accounts of trusted historic authorities such as monks (unlike that lying slime-ball Tacitus) that Vikings had no moral purpose in mind—these “Neo-Nazis” would find themselves in possession of interesting spoils such as the gold hoard of the New York Federal Reserve Bank?  Heaven forbid that these most worthy of men—these “Neo-Nazis” might become corrupted by such wealth!  And heaven forbid that the priests, nuns and monks of Holocaustianity might portray these events in a manner that was in any way less accurate than an enemy of the “Neo-Nazis” that saw something to respect in their type.  Such respectful accounts would merely be like the pure mendacity of Tacitus.

In other words, to those who place the historic records of monks above those of Tacitus, hence find my viewpoint risible—please DO go.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 14 Nov 2010 02:51 | #

According to Barnesy, Bowery is a “nazi”, and GW has his head up his ass, er, can’t see beyond his goldfish bowl.  This is your next Prime Minister, England.  I wish I could say you deserved better.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 14 Nov 2010 03:00 | #

LJB writes: “Your plan in that article would be about as popular to the voters as smallpox.”

Such comments do little to change my viewpoint because it hardly matters that the BNP and general European new right leadership are less moronic than you, LBJ.  That they do not immediately drop whatever they are doing and pursue the single plank platform offered in that article is all anyone needs to know about them.

PS:  Those who think this position is “extreme” are going to have to recalibrate their terminology when they see my next post on “Civilization Takedown”—which is a direct result of the failure of the new right to do anything that might be considered sane by folks who are serious about preserving of Western Civilization.


Posted by Grimoire on Sun, 14 Nov 2010 06:44 | #

            I hope you reconsider and honour those of us who appreciate and look forward to your remarks.


Posted by Lee John Barnes on Sun, 14 Nov 2010 10:13 | #

” Who would deny there is room to expect, as conditions deteriorate, a modern era phenomenon in which rural men follow, without compulsion, a rural leader into the cities to kill the de facto priests, nuns and monks of Holocaustianity? “

See what I mean. Insanity. This sort of rhetorical tripe is the preserve of fruitcakes.

” This is your next Prime Minister, England. ” - Sorry mate, no chance. About as interested as that as taking up a pitchfork and going looking for Holocaust scholars.

“PS:  Those who think this position is “extreme” are going to have to recalibrate their terminology when they see my next post on “Civilization Takedown”—which is a direct result of the failure of the new right to do anything that might be considered sane by folks who are serious about preserving of Western Civilization.  “

The true tragedy is that the Americans have lost through their internal fratricidal wars over the century their most precious gift from us British folks - the irony gene.

James is a true example of this.

If he had a sense of irony, he would realise that expressing the belief that rustics with rusty pitch forks will rush into the cities seeking to impale Holocaust scholars is about as nuts as you can get.

If he had the irony gene he would know that believing that people will vote for ethnic cleansing is nuts.

I think I understand what happened.

Long ago in his ancestry this sort of scenario must have happened.

Imagine a scene in the American civil war.

A young soldier called Bowery is in the ranks.

A general rides up. ” Which one of you fine fellows wants to go forward on their own and carry the flag towards the gatling guns, artillery and sharpshooters of the enemy “.


Young Bowery looks around. Nervous shuffling of feet, eyes downcast on everyone.

Bowery speaks up.

His voice drips with sarcasm and irony, ” Oh Yes sir, we would all just love to to do that. What an honour”

Unfortunately the generals ancestors lost the irony gene generations before.

Hence they won the battle, but the Bowery family lost the irony gene.


Posted by Lambert on Sun, 14 Nov 2010 11:31 | #

Who would deny there is room to expect, as conditions deteriorate, a modern era phenomenon in which rural men follow, without compulsion, a rural leader into the cities to kill the de facto priests, nuns and monks of Holocaustianity?

Would the jihadists be analogous to this?


Posted by Lee John Barnes on Sun, 14 Nov 2010 11:51 | #

Not Jihadists.

More like the Dingles from Emmerdale so incensed after watching David Irving’s Hitlers War DVD that they decide to leave the farm, head for the big city and kill all the Holocaust Scholars in London ( after milking the cows of course ).


Posted by Lee John Barnes on Sun, 14 Nov 2010 12:55 | #

You know what the real tragedy is.

There are many, many people of good heart who genuinely care about their people and racial group interests, but they have been sucked into thinking politics is the method by which they will gain what they want.

They are taught to think that race is a matter for politics.

Then their energy and work is utterly wasted.

They follow fools into the political wilderness whilst ignoring the simple reality that all other racial groups have NOT tried to develop their community and social interests via politics.

They have used lobby groups, legal groups , charities, community networks etc etc.

Not one Jewish / black/ Muslim/ whatever group has tried to create a political party and a political movement around their racial interests.

They realised that the way to power is not to form political movements, but legal and social movements.

Instead the racially aware whites want to be Hitler or follow a new Hitler - and then they are led nowhere by fools and morons more interested in making money off them than attaining power.

The lesson is simple.

Nazis stay the fuck away from nationalist politics.

Those who really want to promote their racial group interests should abandon politics entirely and concentrate on getting a degree in law and forming a civil rights and advocacy group for white community groups to use to take on legal actions against the government.

Not until the Nazis leave politics, the nationalist political parties stop taking money from nazis joining them and the intelligent nationalists concentrate on becoming lawyers, journalists, economists and community activists will our people become able to defend themselves and their interests.

All the nazi shite I read on this site is the counsel of fools.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 14 Nov 2010 13:21 | #

When I say “priests, nuns and monks of Holocaustianity” LJB reads “Holocaust scholars”.  This is a failure to understand both Christianity and its modern replacement Holocaustianity.  Alternatively, it could be extreme stupidity in analogic thinking.


Posted by Lee John Barnes on Sun, 14 Nov 2010 14:09 | #

Stop talking bollocks James.

Behind all the pseudo-intellectual cyber babble, your talking insanity.

Your theory that rustics armed with pitch forks will rush into the cities and slaughter anyone is as much bollocks as that crap about the Vikings and the crap about the Bog Men.


Posted by pug on Sun, 14 Nov 2010 14:31 | #


What of James Bowery’s proposed plan is not as indirectly racial—i.e., to your liking—as it gets?


Posted by Wandrin on Sun, 14 Nov 2010 16:16 | #

They follow fools into the political wilderness whilst ignoring the simple reality that all other racial groups have NOT tried to develop their community and social interests via politics. They have used lobby groups, legal groups , charities, community networks etc etc.

A lot of truth in that at least in countries without PR. Either way those kind of activities would provide a solid foundation for electoral politics as well as being beneficial in themselves.

Stop talking bollocks James. Behind all the pseudo-intellectual cyber babble, your talking insanity. Your theory that rustics armed with pitch forks will rush into the cities and slaughter anyone is as much bollocks as that crap about the Vikings and the crap about the Bog Men.

1) The priesthood of holocaustianity are the MSM, education system, mainstream politiicans etc.
2) Rural America is different from rural Britain. If the dollar collapses - which it will sooner or later - then there *will* be a battle between the non-white cities and the white countryside. The dynamic in Britain can’t be the same because there isn’t the rural mass that still exists in the central US states.
3) No-one knows the truth about the bogmen. The simplest explanation is criminals / sacrifice victims but no one knows for sure.


Posted by Lambert on Sun, 14 Nov 2010 19:52 | #

So would the jihadists be analogous to a certain extent here?  Presumably in their minds Holocaustianity is encroaching upon them and so they’re trying to attack the cities/capitals of Holocaustianity.


Posted by Wandrin on Sun, 14 Nov 2010 20:06 | #

So would the jihadists be analogous to a certain extent here?

I’d say so. One of the sparks was the development of satellite TV and the beaming of things like “Will & Grace” into muslim countries.


Posted by Wandrin on Sun, 14 Nov 2010 20:13 | #

To add to the above comment. If what is currently spewing from the MSM had been transmitted into the western nations in 1948 there would have been an instant jihadist type reaction also. In the west they slowly broke down resistance over the course of sixty years whereas with the sudden advent of global communications the muslim world got the full blast suddenly and without any preparation.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 14 Nov 2010 20:29 | #

I see jihadists as analogous to counterfactual “Christians” who haven’t been taken in by the “Jews are the apple of God’s eye” religious counterpart to Neocon politlcs—ie: who see Christ’s crucifixion as the supreme sacrifice of the innocent light unto the nations rather than the Holocaust as the supreme sacrifice of the innocent light unto the nations.  Such non-existent “Christians” conceivably could “Rise against the enemies of God”.  What the jihadists and the counterfactual “Christians” have in common is the recognition that if you do not kill those refusing to answer a challenge to formal single combat to the death, and you want to maintain something resembling human beings, you have to have patriarchal strictures (ie: “the rule of thumb”) that allow husbands to be seen as alpha males by their mates (wife or, in the Islamic case, wives).

However, the jihadists are not really necessary for Islam’s defeat of Holocaustianity (hence de facto “Christianity”) since Holocaustian dogma requires “tolerance” to the point that superior paradigms for civilization, such as Islam, can come in and replace it.  Pathetic attempts to resist Islam within the framework of Holocaustian dogma, such as anti-Islamists in the Netherlands, are mere aberrations.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Sun, 14 Nov 2010 20:40 | #


If what is currently spewing from the MSM had been transmitted into the western nations in 1948 there would have been an instant jihadist type reaction also. In the west they slowly broke down resistance over the course of sixty years whereas with the sudden advent of global communications the muslim world got the full blast suddenly and without any preparation.

Remember that our demise had a rather sudden technological onset as well with the advent of television. Only Germany had television prior to the war.

And while the Internet may be the undoing of Islamic culture, it may also provide the medium of our liberation.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed.


Posted by Dan Dare on Sun, 14 Nov 2010 21:44 | #

Per LJB:

... Not one Jewish / black/ Muslim/ whatever group has tried to create a political party and a political movement around their racial interests.

I take it that this remark is only intended to apply to such groups within western societies. In non-western societies, of course, racially-or ethnically-based political movements abound but in our countries they are as you state somewhat redundant since the mainstream parties are all too willing to accommodate such client groups.

In Britain the Labour Party has performed tis function since the mid-1950s and the Conservatives followed suit in the mid-60s.

But I do take the general point that for us, at this point in time, the creation of effective social and political pressure groups offers better prospects for success than a BNP-redux.


Posted by Lambert on Sun, 14 Nov 2010 22:40 | #

Are we sure that the internet and technology in general will save us from Holocaustianity?  The priests of Holocaustianity seem to be banking on using technology to strengthening Holocaustianity’s dominion over us and extending and entrenching it across the entire planet.

Holocaustian priest Jacques Attali (Jewish economist, banker, former advisor to Mitterrand) wrote a book back in 1990 called Millennium: Winners and Losers in the Coming World Order detailing a dystopic vision of how the internet and technology will go hand in hand with Holocaustianity.  He acknowledges that the Holocaustian World Order will be hellish for the vast majority of people.  And yet like a sick, twisted sociopath seems to think it is and will be good and has devoted his personal and professional life towards bringing it about and apparently continues to do so.  Some quotes from the book:

“These objects—whose embryonic forms, like the Sony Walkman or the laptop computer, are ubiquitous today—will help create a different human being.”

“The memory card will become the principal artificial limb of a person, at once an identity card, a checkbook, a telephone, and a fax machine—in sum, nomadic man’s passport. It will be a kind of artificial self. ?To use it will only require plugging it into the global electronic networks of information and commerce, the oases of the new nomads.”

“Middle-level nomads will stay in places that are impersonal, like the hotels that today ring airports throughout the world. Only the most fortunate rich nomads will have the means to become property owners in the large cities, which will be the magnetic poles for their brethren from all areas and regions of the globe.”

“Cities will be fortified, dangerous places, the tangled heart of electronic networks, a cabled field of dreams.”

“In the coming world order, there will be winners and there will be losers. The losers will outnumber the winners by an unimaginable factor. They will yearn for the chance to live decently, and they are likely to be denied that chance. They will encounter rampant prejudice and fear. They will find themselves penned in, asphyxiated by pollution, neglected through indifference. The horrors of the twentieth century will fade by comparison.”


Posted by Wandrin on Mon, 15 Nov 2010 01:11 | #

Are we sure that the internet and technology in general will save us from Holocaustianity?

Technology as you say is double-edged. If we’re saved it will be largely down to their greed trashing the western economy too soon.


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 15 Nov 2010 05:59 | #

The first link in the original post is to a 1982 paper wherein I stated:

There is a tremendous danger that careless promotion of deregulation will be dogmatically (or purposefully) extended to the point that there may form an unregulated monopoly over the information replicated across the nation-wide videotex network, now underdevelopment. If this happens, the prophecies of a despotic, “cashless-society” are quite likely to become a reality. My opinion is that this nightmare will eventually be realized but not before the American pioneers have had a chance to reach each other and organize. I base this hope on the fact that the first people to participate in the videotex network will represent some of the most pioneering of Americans, since videotex is a new “territory”.

The chance is upon us.


Posted by PM on Mon, 15 Nov 2010 06:52 | #


Maybe it is not so much the beaming of ‘Will and Grace’ into their countries itself, as an intuition that the kind of nation that would produce such things may be the kind of nation that is suseptible to terrorism?


Posted by Lambert on Mon, 15 Nov 2010 07:31 | #

My opinion is that this nightmare will eventually be realized but not before the American pioneers have had a chance to reach each other and organize.

So the global dystopia envisioned by Holocaustian priests such as Jacques Attali is inevitable?  If we’re ultimately powerless to stop it, what’s the point of organizing to try to stop it?  Is it to buy enough time to try for space settlement?


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 15 Nov 2010 07:51 | #

At that time, I saw no option to civilization and expected the best chance would be for expanding technological civilization to go heliocentric, with Earth falling under the domination, not of Holocaustians but of some sort of “sustainable civilization”—which would mean a homeostatic organism that gradually bred individualism out of the human species.  It could just as easily be Islam or Huxley’s dystopia.  I didn’t fully realize at that time this meant an organism—a genuine biological organism—mutilating human beings into asexual components.  I missed Huxley’s point about sexuality.

Now, however, I see an alternative to such a Malthusian homeostasis because I see an alternative to civilization, even in the absence of a frontier.


Posted by Hail on Mon, 15 Nov 2010 10:13 | #

This was an excellent piece by James Bowery. Thank you.

Who wrote the book quoted in the OP?

It echos points made in “The Myth of the 20th Century”: The Late Roman-Empire and then its successor the Roman-Church as universalist institutions innately hostile to European-Man. Although all Northern-Europeans did become nominal subjects of the Roman-Church by the 1100s, they never gave up the spiritual resistance. Note the Lollards, John Wycliffe, the Hussites, Albigensians, Waldensians, Meister-Eckhert and disciples, and so many others. The weak control the Roman-Church had in Scandinavia is evident: Scandinavian authorities refused to enforce Rome’s priest-celibacy law, one of its cornerstones of its power (lacking heirs, all priest property reverted to the Church). Then came 1517, and open revolt again, with great success. The Roman-Church never recovered.


Posted by Hail on Mon, 15 Nov 2010 10:18 | #

To those saying it is “absurd” to suggest that Vikings fought for anything but loot:

Sometimes people fight for things without knowing they are. The “Boston Massacre” of 1773 was precipitated by local troublemakers pelting British soldiers with snowballs and rocks. A handful of bystanders were killed. It ended up a major source of anti-British propaganda used by Samuel Adams and others. How many of those rock-throwers planned anything but mischief? They were actors in an historical drama, not really knowing the implications of what they do, as we all are.


Posted by Hail on Mon, 15 Nov 2010 10:23 | #

An extremely interesting post above by Lambert. Those predictions made in 1990 have come true.


Posted by the Narrator... on Mon, 15 Nov 2010 10:55 | #

Not one Jewish / black/ Muslim/ whatever group has tried to create a political party and a political movement around their racial interests.

They realised that the way to power is not to form political movements, but legal and social movements.

Posted by Lee John Barnes on November 14, 2010

Uh, yeah…..because politics is neither legal nor social. And never the twain shall meet, huh?


But sure, let’s go out an advocate for an equal seat at the multicult table in our own Goddamn countries.

Good plan!

Victory through surrendering!

Brilliant stuff there!



Posted by Wandrin on Mon, 15 Nov 2010 11:48 | #


Yes, could be. I came to this initially via honor killings and then anti-jihadist sites. As part of that i read a lot of islamic fundie sites from around the world and a big part of their initial motivation was western media suddenly becoming available through satellite TV. However once things get rolling and momentum builds up the motivation can switch in all sorts of directions.

So the global dystopia envisioned by Holocaustian priests such as Jacques Attali is inevitable?

The end point of any trajectory is inevitable unless something else acts to change it.

Is it to buy enough time to try for space settlement?

Buying time is good enough for me.


Posted by Rollory on Mon, 15 Nov 2010 21:47 | #

“Not one Jewish / black/ Muslim/ whatever group has tried to create a political party and a political movement around their racial interests.

They realised that the way to power is not to form political movements, but legal and social movements.”


Neighborhood outreach and social events and things young men can be involved in, providing them a context in which to do things that give them a sense of accomplishment and social approbation.

Until that starts (and it WILL start, by necessity and default if nothing else), the rest of this doesn’t matter very much.

“But sure, let’s go out an advocate for an equal seat at the multicult table in our own Goddamn countries.”

That’s the point.  They aren’t, any more.  They need to be taken back.  The current system is corrupted and there is no indigeneous base of power to prevent or reverse further corruption.  That is what needs to be built.

As for rustics rushing the cities with pitchforks, I dunno, in the USA it is not out of the question, once people start realizing just how completely the bankers have ripped them off - the media and politicians and authority figures in general are already thoroughly despised, except by themselves.  On the other hand, it’ll take a while and rather more economic disaster.  On the gripping hand, further economic disaster is baked in the cake.


Posted by Rollory on Mon, 15 Nov 2010 21:54 | #

btw -

“Søren Renner’s prophecy “Billions will die, we will win.””

When and where (and what’s his argument)?  That’s the first thing I’ve seen from him that is concise and making clear sense.


Posted by PM on Tue, 16 Nov 2010 02:07 | #


“But sure, let’s go out an advocate for an equal seat at the multicult table in our own Goddamn countries.”

Yes, the idea of turning from politics to exclusively pursue the ‘community pressure groups’ route seemed like a strange one to me, too. Apart from the reason you have just given, this approach also completely ignores the fact that we are governed by an anti-white elite that will simply not accept our demands in the same way that they would listen to the demands of, say, the Muslim community.
The demands of minorities are (selectively) encouraged precisely because they match the desires of the elite—more immigration and dismantling of Euro-culture. Our demands would be the exact opposite of these.
Furthermore, the demands of black and Muslim groups are given more ‘muscle’ by their historic propensity to riot or engage in terrorism (rioting is black terrorism as far as I can see). This means community leaders can insist they must be listened to ‘or we won’t be held responsible for the consequences.’ But whites don’t race-riot or engage in terrorism for ethnic reasons, precisely because we see this as our land and are reluctant to create civic discord. Blacks and Asians have no such scruples about burning and blowing things up, because they feel no sense of responsibility. So the situation is different. A petulant protest-vote is about as much as whites are currently prepared to do.
Also, look at the kind of demands Muslims make, and ones they do not. They do not insist that we must stop gay-marriage legislation, for example, even though they must find it repugnant, because they realise that this legislation is not really aimed at them, and it would be fruitless to try and win such a battle with the elites, essentially for our sake, on something that they will not back down on. But where would, say, an English pressure group stand on such issues? How could we demand exemptions for ‘our’ schools or communities from pro-gay legislation, when we are the group that such legislation is entirely aimed at?! We would become a threat to the establishment in a way that Muslims simply will not be.
Besides, for minorities community groups are not a clever tactic, they are simply a recognition of the fact that their numbers are still currently too small to make political parties meaningful. And why would they need them anyway, when they get everything they want from the ‘mainstream’ parties and media anyway?
Furthermore, the elites know that minorities need them, in order to protect them from the possibility of the white-majority turning against them. The relationship is therefore symbiotic. But the elites would know that whites do not need them, are not looking to work with them, and wish to replace them, and every possibly put them on trial and hang them.
Comparisons between minorities and the white majority are completely asymmetric.


Posted by Wandrin on Tue, 16 Nov 2010 10:34 | #

Yes, the idea of turning from politics to exclusively pursue the ‘community pressure groups’ route seemed like a strange one to me, too.

There’s no need in countries with PR - although it might serve as a useful adjunct. In countries like the UK though there’s a problem in that you might get tacit support in an area up to 20% but you get far fewer actual votes because people don’t think you can win. And every time that happens it makes it harder. Personally i wouldn’t give up on electoral politics but i’d use the community stuff as the method of campaigning and make fighting elections a kind of added extra rather than the main thing.

Apart from the reason you have just given, this approach also completely ignores the fact that we are governed by an anti-white elite that will simply not accept our demands in the same way that they would listen to the demands of, say, the Muslim community.

They wouldn’t want to listen, true but in that case the activity devolves into helping to illustrate their double standards.

Comparisons between minorities and the white majority are completely asymmetric.

There isn’t a consciously “white” majority though. The comparison is between white, currently mostly working class, minorities being discriminated against in various areas with the collusion of the state.


Posted by Lee John Barnes on Wed, 17 Nov 2010 17:46 | #

Game set and match to me James I think.

The idea that the Vikings were preserving their genes or vulture by raiding is now proven to be total bollocks ;


Posted by torgrim on Wed, 17 Nov 2010 19:35 | #

As usual, the article mentioned, shows the lack of research, when dealing with Vikings.
Maybe, one would when writing this article, take some time and read the recent research from Norway.

This short piece tries in a few paragraphs to explain how Ameridian genes are found in people from Iceland by stating emphatically, that ” from the eleventh century Iceland was isolated”...From what source does this statement come? Hardly, was Iceland cut off from the West, from the eleventh century.
Many colonists from Greenland are recorded as moving back to Iceland in this same period. There is also, the trade that went on between Norway and Vinland from this time, too, that just doesn’t make it into the English speaking press.  All this shows is that the Norse and the Ameridians produced offspring….how does one make the leap to slavery and state that this is fact?

Sorry, LJB, no game set, and match on this one.


Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 18 Nov 2010 01:11 | #

The problem is more than the article’s tendentious portrayal of the Vikings—not unlike the tendencies that show up in the written accounts of monks who had been routinely slaughtered by the Vikings.

LJB is claiming the hypothesis about the Vikings I put forth is invalid because there was interbreeding between Viking men and Vinland women.

He thinks this invalidates the hypothesis set forth in the original post.

It doesn’t and no claim was made that miscegenation was the focus of Viking rage.  The Viking raiders were simply men who killed those for whom they had contempt.  They routinely spared women and children and clearly produced offspring with many of the women they spared.  Questioning whether they consciously saw this as spreading more individualistic genes or not is a red herring and even that smells less than LJB’s “killer argument”.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 18 Nov 2010 03:10 | #

n/a quotes:

Most surprisingly, we demonstrate that the Icelandic C1 lineage does not belong to any of the four known Native American (C1b, C1c, and C1d) or Asian (C1a) subclades of haplogroup C1. Rather, it is presently the only known member of a new subclade, C1e. While a Native American origin seems most likely for C1e, an Asian or European origin cannot be ruled out. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010.

Hail suggests:

~5% of Norwegians are East-Baltid, according to McCulloch, which means pure-Lappid genes could account for ~1% of the Norwegian gene pool. So a “Bjoerk” is bound to come around every now and then, the law of random recombination tells us.


Posted by anon on Wed, 08 Dec 2010 13:33 | #

Posted by Al Ross on November 12, 2010, 07:35 PM | #

‘The Indo - Europeans may well have “understood this” and as a result they miscegenated themselves out of existence, leaving only the racially hybridised Brahmins as a reminder of their existence.’

The EUROPEANS love to OVERPLAY and ROMANTICIZE NORTH INDIA- INDO-EUROPEAN/ARYAN CONNECTION.  The NORTH INDIANS themselves DO NOT ATTRIBUTE/ACKNOWLEDGE any such CONNECTION about themselves NOW or in the PAST at the LEVEL or DEGREE the EUROPEANS like to PAINT THE PICTURE. The TRUE or ORIGIONAL origions of the NORTH INDIANS have been MASKED by INTER-MIXTURE by the NUMBER OF RACES that have passed through NORTH INDIA. Some left a genetic imprint on them others may NOT have whatever the case there faces leave NO MISTAKE as to there TRUE ORIGIONS. They PROMINENTLY DECLARE they not of EUROPEAN/ARYAN origion. The ARYANS were a NORDIC LOOKING people. They looked NOTHING like the PEOPLE of NORTH INDIA in the PAST or TODAY. Today one would be hard pressed to find an Indian who looked NORTHERN EUROPEAN/NORDIC even with WHITE skin. Though you may find some NORTH INDIAN who have a EUROPEAN TYPE LOOK about them for example the famous BOLLYWOOD ACTOR HRITHIK ROSHAN: The STRAIGHT nose is EVIDENT.

But HRITHIK ROSHAN or the EUROPEAN TYPE is NOT THE LEGENDARY NORTH INDIAN LOOK. The TRUE ORIGIONS of the brahmins are EVIDENT in the name ‘BRAHMIN’. The Brahmins are a LEGACY of ABRAHAM. Abraham was a Brahmin (A-BRAHMIN)  his roots were from NORTH INDIA i.e KASHMIR. The BRAHMINS share racial heritage with the KASHMIRI MUSLIMS of NORTH INDIA. They are partly remnants of the LEGENDARY RACE of ‘KUSH’ HABIRU who formed the CHOOSEN TRIBE of ‘yah=weh’ based on the PRINCIPLES of FAMILY BLOOD RELATIONS.  KASHMIR is -‘KUSH’-‘MIR’. Its of HEBRAIC extraction LIKE THE ORIGIONAL people of the LAND. KASHMIR is where ‘KUSH’ began there JOURNEY FROM.


Posted by Jahan Pandit on Wed, 15 Jun 2011 15:59 | #

This is just retarded Neo-Nazi Proto Psuedo-Theory Rubbish. The Aryans were not at all Nordic. They were Indid or Indic.

There was an indeed invasions perhaps from the Northern areas of Afghanistan. I find it really stupid how some pale German thinks he can claim Krishna, Rama & All the other great civilizations of the Vedic people just to show how jealous you are.

There is very thin, and I mean extremely thin to none at all evidence to show that ‘Nordics are Aryan’. The Aryans were Indid. The way the Vedas describes them is very Indid similar to that of Hrithik Roshan:

And to that person who said Hrithik looks European. They have not at all an idea of Indid Phenotypes. Hrithik look Indid, and NOT European. His long ears, forehead, nose shape is that of Punjabi of the Indic Phenotype. He looks similar to most Indics who are not mixed with Veddoid genes:

<< Because most Indians in India are very Veddoid (Very Dark Skinned) like these:

People ignorantly assume that all must look like that. And when they see someone like Hrithik they will think he is a Veddoid Hybrid who’s mother had an affair. Or even more ignorantly some people tend to assume the Indic types to be White European!

At the end of the day all this deluded distorted rubbish of trying to claim Indic civilization is not going to work, and does not change history or facts no matter how much you try to twist things.


Posted by anon on Sun, 25 Sep 2011 07:52 | #

osted by Jahan Pandit on June 15, 2011, 02:59 PM | #

‘‘And to that person who said Hrithik looks European.’‘

I did not state Hrithik ‘looks European’ you comedian.

I stated: ‘‘Though you may find some NORTH INDIAN who have a ‘EUROPEAN TYPE LOOK’ about them for example the famous BOLLYWOOD ACTOR HRITHIK ROSHAN: The STRAIGHT nose is EVIDENT’‘

Typical Indian clown mouthing before he’s understood.


Posted by anon on Sun, 25 Sep 2011 08:09 | #

Posted by Jahan Pandit on June 15, 2011, 02:59 PM | #

‘‘The Aryans were not at all Nordic. They were Indid or Indic.’‘’

Nordic or No-Nordic the Aryans were a European People who migrated to the region and no amount of clever word throwing ‘indid’  ‘indic’ ‘veddoid’ or screaming will change there biological make-up.


Posted by anon on Sun, 25 Sep 2011 08:21 | #

Posted by Jahan Pandit on June 15, 2011, 02:59 PM | #

‘‘At the end of the day all this deluded distorted rubbish of trying to claim Indic civilization is not going to work, and does not change history or facts no matter how much you try to twist things.’‘

Its about time you indian clowns woke up and smelt the coffee. You are NOT NOW what THEY 9the ancients) were BACK THEN and nor would THEY (the ancients) recognise you as so. The WORLD is sick and tired of telling you


Posted by anon on Sun, 25 Sep 2011 08:39 | #

Posted by Jahan Pandit on June 15, 2011, 02:59 PM | #

‘‘And to that person who said Hrithik looks European. They have not at all an idea of Indid Phenotypes. Hrithik look Indid, and NOT European. His long ears, forehead, nose shape is that of Punjabi of the Indic Phenotype. He looks similar to most Indics who are not mixed with Veddoid genes:’‘

There is NOTHING SPECIAL about either the Punjabis (including majority of south asians) or the Europeans. There are some South asians who if they had WHITE SKIN could pass for European anfdthere are some Europeans who with DARKER skin could pass for NON-EUROPEAN. There is not a great difference between human biological variation. There is in fact an overlap. So your trying to seperate the two as almost difference species is hilarious. You are not THAT UNIQUE! Deal with it.


Posted by Ann on Thu, 14 Mar 2013 06:49 | #

I’m rather confused after reading the story about the English lady. Half of Britons have brown hair and eyes. The original Britons where dark, like the Welsh. They came up the Iberian peninsula. I’m surprised the woman is talking about brown hair and eyes so much, as something horrid. I realize her child’s skin will be dark, but give me a break on her whining about brown hair and eyes. She could have married a Briton with brown hair and eyes and ended up with a child with olive skin and brown hair and eyes. The original Britons are related to the Spanish. Yes, her child’s skin is dark and to me Indians are related to Africans. They came out of Africa and went to India. Southern Indians are so archaic, they aren’t even related to modern Africans. Some mixed with a few Caucasians in the north. I’m of totally European ancestry and people in my family are of all different hair and eye color. All are pale, but even my girlfriend born in Norway has a family with a mixture of hair and eye color and she is pure Norwegian. Do you all hate the 15% of Scandinavians that have brown hair and eyes? Brown eyes are not black eyes like Africans. European brown eyes have half the melanin of Africans and was the first eye mutation of Europeans. Most brown eyed Europeans carry blue eyes recessive. If you got rid of all the brown eyed Europeans, you’d have less blue eyed people. Everyone has blue eyes underneath the melanin in the front part of the iris. They are developing laser surgery to get rid of that melanin and then anyone can have blue eyes. Blue eyed people can also carry a gene to turn back on the melanin in the front of the iris. Two blue eyed people carrying this gene can have a brown eyed child. I also have an Indian brother in law and no, it does not thrill me at all. My nephew seems mentally retarded. My sister in law was an idiot to marry him. She stopped after one child and had no more. I think she also regrets it all. I might have brown hair and eyes, but I have pale skin and I obviously carry blue eyes recessive, because I have a blue eyed child, a green eyed child and yes, a brown eyed child. My husband is European also. Danish with chocolate hair and green eyes. I’m a mix… northern (Finnish) and middle European or southern German. Our children are pale, but no one cares that my one child has brown hair and eyes. I had blond hair in my youth, but I choose not to dye it like most Scandinavian women do. You go there and the men have light brown hair and the women bleach theirs. Very few keep the blond hair for life. I don’t want to see Europeans mixing with outsiders and if Scandinavians want to stay blond haired and blue eyed, you’d better kick out the crown princess of Sweden. I don’t get this rant, other than, yeah, don’t mix with Indians. My brother in law is smart and educated as well as my sister in law… yet their kid has a questionable IQ. He’s a Brahmin, but one dark one at that. I question his heritage, as my nephew seems so backwards. The people of southern India are so archaic, I’m not sure who they are. The Brahmin think much of themselves, but they are spread all over India. Their heritage is totally questionable. So, stay Scandinavian and kick out anyone who isn’t blond haired and blue eyed for life. That’s your choice, but give the rest of Europe a break. That story was bizarre with her ranting about hair and eye color, except her child’s skin color and facial features aren’t going to fit in with real Britons. Okay, I’m done with my rant. I think Europeans should all keep their cultures in the end. To each their own.


Posted by anon on Sat, 26 Dec 2015 17:59 | #

Jahan Pandit ‘‘There is very thin, and I mean extremely thin to none at all evidence to show that ‘Nordics are Aryan’.
‘‘And to that person who said Hrithik looks European. They have not at all an idea of Indid Phenotypes. Hrithik look Indid, and NOT European. His long ears, forehead, nose shape is that of Punjabi of the Indic Phenotype. He looks similar to most Indics who are not mixed with Veddoid genes’‘

Sincere Apologies to Jahan Pandit. You are correct the Aryans were not Nordic and there is no evidence for that. A lot of what I had written at the time was out of ignorance, based on a lot of assumptions, heresay on the internet and not on any objective accurate information. Since then have learnt a lot more on the aryans and yes they were a south asian not european people. Also I did not mean Hrithak Roshan looked european. I said he had a european type look about him which meant that he looked similar to europeans in a general sense not that he looked like them. He doesn’t. I don’t think he could he mistaken as european. His features are completely different.

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