Genocidal criminals, their deceptive arguments behind EU immigration policy called to account Comments:2
Posted by Nick Dean on Sat, 15 Mar 2014 12:31 | # You’ve already conceded an awful lot when you start to think talk about Zionist-supremacism is plain speaking, GW. 3
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 15 Mar 2014 13:52 | # Don’t you chaps have some elections upcoming? Are UK nationalists going to vote en masse for UKIP, or maybe for Paul Weston’s party? BNP? 4
Posted by DanielS on Sat, 15 Mar 2014 14:09 | # Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 15 Mar 2014 16:35 | # That exchange between Nick Griffin and Ana Gomes (what a NASTY piece of work she is!) could not illustrate any clearer the differences between the righteous forces for white preservationists and that of the vile name calling we’ve come to expect from the “anti-racist” multiculturalists. Unfortunately the demographic damage has already been done against the native people of Western Europe—especially England. Nothing can be done to reverse the situation as long as there is a ruling class firming in charge enforcing a pro-immigration pro-multicultural agenda. Couple that with a relentless propaganda campaign directed against the native white population. A propaganda campaign designed to make any dissenters an object of hate, ridicule, and persecution (I call it coercive intimidation). Moreover, the race-replacers have added several layers of deception surrounding their agenda. That being the anti-nativist message is operating the banners of “anti-racism”, tolerance, inclusion, social justice and many other liberal memes; thus it has been effectively insulated from direct criticism such as sound bites or talking points. Criticism of race-replacement requires a lengthy and complicated explanation of why it is so evil. But the masses, having the short attention spans they do, is the main reason why they aren’t receptive to anti race-replacement counterarguments. Of course the pro race-replacement activists use that lack of attention span to their great advantage. Bottom line, Add it all up, and as Mr. Griffin stated, it spells ethnocide. It’s really no more complicated 6
Posted by Morgoth on Sat, 15 Mar 2014 16:50 | # Leon, yes we have the Euro elections coming up and Griffin will very likely lose his seat. Possibly to this UKIP candidate.: ‘‘Shneur Odze, a prospective MEP for the North West of England, has told party members his Orthodox Judaism forbids him from physical contact with women other than his wife. Some party activists say they are offended by his stance, which threatens to alienate half the electorate. But senior officials have rebuked these activists as “rude” and “wrong” for refusing to respect Odze’s beliefs. Fred McGlade, a Ukip regional organiser, has already resigned from his post in protest at the decision to include Odze, 31, on the party’s list of top MEP candidates.’‘ And I’m not sure what Weston’s Party actually amounts to beside a website, which is sad because he has such potential. I will say one thing, if the rumour is true that Griffin is some sort of MI5 agent then getting up in the EU Parliament and calling out Zionists and Bankers and the EU itself as being responsible for the ongoing genocide of Europeans is surely a sign that he isn’t on much of a leash !
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 15 Mar 2014 16:55 | # Slightly off topic but I bet ethnocidal slimebags like Ana Gomes must smile ear-to ear-when reading stories such as the following:
Only Muslims or a sick twisted Islamophilic liberals would find the aforementioned offensive.
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 15 Mar 2014 21:44 | # Thorn@5 I wish 100-200 million other whites would make those commonsense observations. Of course this is genocide against the white race! Someone needs to write a lit-crit article analyzing modern multicult-speak in the “thought-terms” (eg, “doublethink”) of Orwell’s 1984. I started saying in the early 90s that “immigration is the characteristic form of imperialism in the postwar (esp post-Cold War) world”. I WILL be writing a book on that topic, grouped with similar others, like financial/fiat money imperialism (simple title: Modern Imperialism). [I wish I hadn’t procrastinated going back to grad school for so long. I spent my prime years partying and making money - and fulminating privately about the immigration invasion and our racial decline (though I did do anti-immigration work on the side, both with FAIR (which is kind useless), and with the successful 1994 Prop 187 (CA anti-illegal alien ballot initiative) campaign in OC - “successful” until overturned by a Paki Federal judge).] Why do you think I keep emphasizing the ethical element in the intellectual defense of WP? GW thinks we need to change the very “philosophical air” we breathe in order to ensure WP. Perhaps that is true over the longest historical term. But it had better not be true in the short run, or the race (in both senses) is already over. Metapolitical change takes a long time, and given the rate at which the West is being genocidally colonized by aliens, thereby (as I have previously pointed out) rapidly changing our struggle from a political to an eventual military one, we simply don’t have that time. In the short run - which will decide if we have a long run - ontological nationalism is worse than useless: it is a redirection of our (intellectual) forces from where they are potentially most useful - exposing the moral flaws in race-replacement theory within the currently hegemonic Occidental metaphysical paradigms (whether liberal-individualist or Christian) - to a recondite area cognitively accessible only to a privileged few, most of whom are perfectly capable of recognizing the genocidal contours of the multicult and have already chosen to embrace it. In other words, the chief theoretical task of WPs is to outflank the multicult by end-running the overwhelmingly self-corrupted intellectual class and going directly to the white bourgeoisie, conservative journalists and white politicians (not the white masses - reaching them is the task of this second group), using our superior mental powers to address their concerns at the level and in the argot they can understand: WP intellectuals—-> White opinion-moulders and political agenda-setters—-> white masses The problem with onto-nationalism is that it consists in merely one group of WP thinkers addressing other WP thinkers, and producing nothing which the influential second tier can repackage for mass-consumption. And while onto-nationalists are philosophically navel-gazing, the West burns ... 9
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 15 Mar 2014 21:55 | # Morgoth@6 It is appalling that, in Merrie Olde England, there even exists such a creature as a “Shneur Odze”. My question is really over whether racial nationalists in the UK are going to support UKIP, or some other option, and what that alternative might be. I like Paul Weston’s approach (as I understand it) very much. He seems to have coopted the best of the BNP while jettisoning the most politically objectionable baggage. 10
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 15 Mar 2014 21:58 | # The long article on French politics I posted in its entirety over on the “DT hostility” thread is really well worth the 15min or so it might take to read it. There are all sorts of interesting nationalist angles there. 11
Posted by Morgoth on Tue, 18 Mar 2014 12:00 | # Griffins speech given 2 days ago to the BNP faithful. *European Nationalism within the EU. * Golden Dawn, soon to be ‘‘National Dawn’‘. *Russia *Globalists * UKIP * The Labour/ BBC axis. Leon, I honestly couldn’t say, it seems to be a time of flux, it’s all a mess. I personally do not like UKIP very much but they are the party that is making the headlines and driving the discussion. In the video I have linked here Griffin has a rather convoluted argument about how UKIP are a creation of the BBC to stir up trouble for the Conservatives and according to Griffin, now that UKIP are taking Labour votes they are going to be crushed, and that this will somehow create an opening for the BNP. Like I said, it’s a bit of a mess. Nevertheless, Griffin is rather good on European Nationalism in general and we can expect a surge in Hungary for Jobbik, who are now polling at 30% and of course, Golden Dawn who are set to be banned but will then morph into ‘‘National Dawn’’ are also set for a big win. 12
Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 18 Mar 2014 15:44 | # I have to get somewhere, but will try to remember to watch the Griffin vid tonight. 13
Posted by UKIP sack Coudenhove-Kalergi outer on Sun, 15 Feb 2015 13:50 | #
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 05 Feb 2018 14:13 | # It is clearly one way of systemic correction if people won’t control their populations deliberately by means of ethnonational delimitation and management. Post a comment:
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Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 15 Mar 2014 08:15 | #
I hope Nick Griffin carries forward this effort, and builds up some detail across his speeches. Of course, there is little that one can really say in only one two minute speech, a problem with which those of us who debate via bite-size newspaper comments with leftists little different from Ana Gomes:
... know only too well.
That said, it has taken Griffin an awfully long time to approach the replacement argument. I note he is returning to mentioning “Zionists” and “banks”, and I wonder whether this is a product of his contacts with Golden Dawn and other plain-speaking nationalists or its just pressure from UKIP on his constituency at home.