Culture Of The Hearth

Posted by Guest Blogger on Saturday, 29 August 2009 23:13.

by The Narrator

The question is asked time and again, “what can I do to save The West and defend my people?” The answers are generally (if at all suggested) of a broad scope encompassing political movements or counter movements, media presentation and so on. But as the expression, ‘life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans’ is so resoundingly true, it might pay to consider that we (individually) do not need grandiose blueprints to save and defend our people and culture. We simply need to affirm both to ourselves and before our enemies, that we, the Sons and Daughters of The West, are yet alive. For that which is alive celebrates its life. The West is a living entity, and we are its lifeblood. Therefore to celebrate The West is to celebrate our own being, our own existence. And as any wise man knows, true affection is not expressed in grand actions but in the everyday gestures, in the little things.

And that is not to suggest that grand visions should not be fostered and implemented, but rather that we should be careful not to keep our gaze fixed so intently on the future that we miss out on the present day-to-day joys and celebrations of Western life.  And as autumn, and the (decidedly European in nature) Holiday Season, is soon upon us, what better time of the year is there for the sons and daughters of The West to indulge in the glory of our culture.

Of all the seasons that encompass the cycle of life, I doubt none holds a greater fondness in the hearts of Whites, than Fall. Or perhaps, more specifically, that late September to late December time frame when the days grow shorter as the sun begins to sink earlier, leaving the evening world painted in gold and the sky a deep blue-fading to purple starlit twilight, before it sets. The leaves begin to turn and the air becomes cool, clean, refreshing and enlivening. The nights seem deep and misty, while dawn comes bright and silvery over the frost covered landscape. Even those leafless, seemingly lifeless, trees look like finely etched works of art against the fading evening light of a Fall Sky. Autumn seems to bring a million such images (memories) to mind that seem to heighten our expectation of the season.

Of course our anticipation/imaginings of this season and its events are most often more magical than the actual thing, when it arrives. This is generally because we do not take the initiative to be sure and mark those moments (when they are upon us) in memorable ways.

As I’ve grown older I’ve come to realize, in opposition to beliefs I once held, that what we commonly think of as rituals, customs and ceremonies are deeply important. It is through them that our subconscious thoughts are brought to the surface and manifested in the practicing/celebrating of the various aspects of our culture. They refresh our minds and keep us moored to that collective memory that lies beyond waking thought.  Who among us can deny that magical feeling that is conjured up in autumn, culminating in the mystical mythology and symbols of Halloween. Is it a mere commercially programmed expectation, or something far deeper in our collective soul? Or in Thanksgiving with its abundance of good (and favorite) foods and gatherings of family, with all its implied cultural memories of ancient festivals at the gathering of the harvest and the bounty of the food which kith and kin labored to grow. (It is a celebration of life. Family Life. Western Life!)

Or what of that warm and magical feeling we all get around Christmas time, with its images of snow and carols and family and gatherings and mistletoes and so on. December 25th is deep in the heart of Winter. Yet it is at this time, when the world seems the most lifeless, when the cold bitter winds can seem the most lacerating and spring an eternity away, that we children of The West find the most warmth of heart, peace of mind and contentedness of spirit. And this general ‘warmth’ is not found solely through wood and flame, but primarily through proximity to one another and in celebrating the “magic of the season”. That is no commercialized reaction. That is a deep and primal reflex stirred by a collective memory in our ancient subconsciousness.

So these events, and their seasons, quite obviously have a deep resonance within our very being. And the rituals and ceremonies with which they are celebrated keep our affection for them at not just the subconscious level (that ancient-derived mystical feeling we get around that Holiday) but the conscience one as well.

Many people are familiar with the biblical passage that states, “train a child in the way he should go and when he is grown he will not depart from it”. Some take that to mean that simply indoctrinating young people with points of dogma will ensure their adherence to it throughout their lives. But I think it means that if you immerse them in the customs and rituals of that faith (or culture –or both-) then it will, throughout their lives, stir their cultural (family/collective-tribal) memories and that they will hold, or return, to the dogma by virtue of their affection for and familiarity of (and thus comfort in) the rituals.

That’s why holidays such as Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas evoke such strong feelings in Whites. They are ancient and the sensations (and collective memories) they evoke, and the rituals associated with them, are ingrained in our DNA…in our Soul!

So, where do we begin?

With simplicity and discipline.

Our culture isn’t an abstract thing. It is We (with a capital W), past and present and future. And We just need the willingness to let it manifest through us and celebrate it.  And, obviously, take care not to overdue it one-way or the other. There is pleasure and joy to be found in restraint. Of having turkey only once a year at thanksgiving, or having a ‘Christmas Ham’ only on Christmas. Or even in having a cup of coffee only in the early morning. For therein is the presence of ritual and the positive associations with it.

As the family is the cornerstone of society, family-life is therefore the cornerstone which props up Western civilization and its culture. And as the acorn becomes the mighty oak, so to does the small celebrations of family/Western life becomes the greater consciousness of it and the desire to preserve and defend it.

I suppose it is memories of which I write. For if life can be said to have a purpose, then that purpose is to preserve memory, without which we have no identity individually or collectively. So foster memories of your people and culture, and use simple rituals and ceremonies to achieve it.


Star a family tradition of burning applewood for the first fire of fall. Or having your first hot chocolate in a toast to the first snowfall of the year. Plan for annual activities to gather and bind cornstalks for Halloween or to gather pinecones for Christmas wreaths. Make your own official family holiday. Name (for example) Oct 10th as the official mom vs. dad chili cook-off day. Instead of a calendar of saints, create a calendar of family, of grandparents and great- grandparents and/or European heroes whose actions defended and saved our people, or which helped to better articulate our consciousness of ourselves. Play Beethoven records around the house on his birthday. Quote Shakespeare to one another on his, and so on.

Have trees on your property? Get the family together and name them. Give them pet names reflecting a family event that happened near them. Give pet names to favorite spots around your hometown or out in the country where you spend time. Forming a connection to places and things through naming them (even if they’re silly names) personalizes your immediate world in a way that will, over time, resonate deeply. It creates a psychological bond to your “stomping ground” (as we say in America) and keeps invigorated that sense of having a personal stake in the place around you and what occurs there.

Have European Day. The Sons and Daughters of The West Annual Celebration!

Make it a feast and festival in honor to and celebration of our ancestors, both recent and ancient. Design a family collage including images of Our People, with Alfred the Great next to a picture of grandpa.

It is a context that is a powerful psychological force in propounding to the young their connection to THEIR people and history.

Think of the impact and significance of telling the young stories about our peoples migrations from Germania and then into the new world. Tell the stories about the trials and sacrifices of OUR PEOPLE as they laid down the rich history that is the tapestry with which our own lives are interwoven (we have a rich cultural heritage that is ignored or lost to most). Stories of how we, the Saxons, Vandals, Goths etc… journeyed to new frontiers. Of Hengist and Horsa and so on.

Learn what you can about our, general, ancient history, myths and fairytales and fill in/embellish the rest. It is your right. You are part of a collective genetic history, the blood of which still runs in your veins. And your romanticized additions will not lack in credibility for there is a collective memory that runs through us, energizing us, like a river through a forest, nurturing and re-freshening the life therein. Our fairytales and myths all contain a general cultural truth. They reflect an unspoken, yet transmitted from one generation to the next, cultural memory that stretches back to the dawn of time and acts as guides and examples for us, for all times.

And Death and Sorrow.

We must set aside time to remember the departed. Not only in colourful tales, making merry their memories, but as a time to mourn and lament their absence. For death is a part of life and loss a grievous thing. We must not hide from it or cover it in a veneer of “closure” or a subtle transfer to just the “Happy Memories”. The ignoring or minimalizing of death and sorrow allows for the growth of apathy to all else that ceases or “changes”. Again, it is memory we are speaking of. Death is a physical departure. And though it leaves an emptiness in our lives of the present, our memories act as a monument on the fields of eternity (the hearts of the young). It is, after all, not called a grave MARKER for nothing.

And, on the other side, the same is true of birth. How many people really celebrate birth? Birth is something that should be met with riotous celebration of both the child and the mother and a congratulatory salute to the father as if he were a conquering king returning victoriously from battle.

For now, make this autumn more yours/ours than it has ever been. Gather together family and friends and begin (or perhaps better stated, begin again) the annual celebration. “Movie Night” or “Pizza Night” ain’t gonna cut it. There needs to be something deeper that celebrates a family (or community) unit as a living, breathing, (flesh and spirit) biological entity that is both past and present, with an ever watchful eye on the future.

Plan for an afternoon and/or evening get together in the backyard, or at the park, and make merry! Send the kids out to make a crown of leaves (golden, yellow and red) for mom or grandma and a scepter of oak wrapped with grapevine for dad or grandpa.  Make the adornments symbolic, of a historic nature and/or personnel one. On the feast table place a centerpiece made of holly and bramble and pine. Have each thing representative of something…..of life, family, history, the turning of they year or the eternalness of the blood (as in kith and kin). What do the various foods mean? What do they symbolize? (Study some and think it over). Make their representation simple but poignant. Bring out the baked breads, and fruits and berries and cakes and elderberry wine. Make up some riddles and songs and original verse and revel in your people and their culture. Toast to the departed and then to the yet to be.

Remember, our victory comes not at a single stroke on a momentary battlefield, for life itself is an eternal battlefield. No, our victory is assured through the simple act of showing up, of unabashedly celebrating our race and its heritage. Our adversaries, after all, are literally terrified of the weakest among us. Just look at the healthcare debate in America right now. A handful of White, (mostly) elderly gray-haired seniors, shaking their arthritic fists in defiance, sent the radical left (from the corporate media to the political ruling elite) shrieking in abject horror and retreating into the shadows, if only for the moment.

The power of our adversaries is a paper dragon and their seemingly assured victory over The West is all smoke and mirrors. Their only advantage right now is in their Wormtongue-like ability to convince many of us that the war is over and that they have won. They like to project the image of the Sons and Daughters of The West as lifeless bodies on the battlefield, yet if one of those bodies so much as twitches it sends horrified shockwaves through their numerically advantaged combined forces. And when they discover that life yet flows in those White bodies, they will recoil into the shadows once again and their decades long threat that seemed to be on the verge of completely annihilating The West will have seemed as no more than a passing cloud on a clear day.

So rise, and stand up again you Sons and Daughters of The West. And proclaim to our foes and to one another, “We are yet alive!”

Note: I realize that many are not in a position to engage in the idealized practices described above. The point, though, is to do what you can, where you are. Be it with a gathering of two or a hundred and two. If life can be said to be music, then Western Civilization if a grand symphony and we must each play our part. Be it a big or small part, a stand-alone note or a harmonized chord, each part ultimately contributes to the majesty of the whole.




Posted by PF on Sun, 30 Aug 2009 06:42 | #

As I’ve grown older I’ve come to realize, in opposition to beliefs I once held, that what we commonly think of as rituals, customs and ceremonies are deeply important. It is through them that our subconscious thoughts are brought to the surface and manifested in the practicing/celebrating of the various aspects of our culture. They refresh our minds and keep us moored to that collective memory that lies beyond waking thought.  Who among us can deny that magical feeling that is conjured up in autumn, culminating in the mystical mythology and symbols of Halloween. Is it a mere commercially programmed expectation, or something far deeper in our collective soul? Or in Thanksgiving with its abundance of good (and favorite) foods and gatherings of family, with all its implied cultural memories of ancient festivals at the gathering of the harvest and the bounty of the food which kith and kin labored to grow. (It is a celebration of life. Family Life. Western Life!)

Well said.


Posted by Frank on Sun, 30 Aug 2009 08:26 | #

Learn what you can about our, general, ancient history, myths and fairytales and fill in/embellish the rest.

But of course be honest where filling in is done - we don’t for example want to make up a Holocaust, and thus for our descendants to live a lie.

Judging by what you’ve said in here before, I strongly suspect you meant as I say; but I felt compelled to add that regardless.


Reg. the general article: many good points. A kinist had made similar suggestions to yours in the past - I’m gonna forward this to him, though he won’t like parts (he’ll prefer something more Christ-centered but otherwise the same).

My family has a book on an eccentric family member which I’ve been getting relatives to read, haha. And another has taken to wearing a kilt at formal occasions, though I’m not up to that yet. Were I to truly rise up, I’d gather my extended kin (most I’ve never or hardly met) from the area for an annual gathering. At some point I’d like to do just that, and I suspect others in here similarly have such extended kin about.

One thing: there’s mention of Beethoven (classical) but not of folk music! Some folk music will stir your blood like little else. I only have a vague appreciation of what stirs the soul so: a sense of manliness, of honour and valour and virtue, of the wild sweetness of life or of battle for some code of ethics, of the glory of God and celebration of folk, of the security of country simplicity and community belonging… they all stir together into an ecstasy verging of sin (overwhelms master of self, and more generally: lack of moderation breeds weakness).

Btw, in Ingo there’s a reference to bagpipes, so Germans may enjoy them without guilt! They’re not my favourite (I prefer the flute), but I like them. There’s also mention in the same story of a sort of German Olympics, which would be a wonderful rekindled tradition - Highland games have become popular in parts of the US for example, and a similar or even affiliated German games might have an impact. The Olympics were only for the Greeks and have now become global… we need something more distinct from the global, not to say I don’t admire the Greeks but their games have been overtaken. Also, the German and the Celtic are closer to home than is the Greek.


Posted by Frank on Sun, 30 Aug 2009 08:33 | #

My reply grew wordy - even if you skip the rest, read that last paragraph of mine.

Maybe that’s something widely known, and I certainly expected it though I didn’t expect to find evidence; but it’s the first mention I’d actually seen of such games.


Posted by Counter-SEmite on Sun, 30 Aug 2009 09:24 | #

The solution to our racial problem is to get rid of the very races that have caused this disaster: the Jews and the British (and the descendants of the British in America, otherwise known as WASPs).

No Jews, just right.

No Anglos, even better.

German pride world wide.


Posted by the Narrator... on Sun, 30 Aug 2009 10:01 | #

But of course be honest where filling in is done - we don’t for example want to make up a Holocaust, and thus for our descendants to live a lie.

Judging by what you’ve said in here before, I strongly suspect you meant as I say; but I felt compelled to add that regardless.

Posted by Frank on August 30, 2009, 07:26 AM

I had a longer intro to that paragraph but it was too convoluted, so I dropped it and simply added the words ‘general’ and ‘ancient’ as qualifiers before the word history.
I was thinking more along the lines of playful or moral exaggerations/innovations such as tales of King Arthur or Roland. Or along the lines of Alfred the Great letting the old lady’s cakes burn or George Washington chopping down a cherry tree.
The idea being, to establish ownership of the history in the hearts of the young. These historical tales are, after all, family stories/history.

One thing: there’s mention of Beethoven (classical) but not of folk music!

Posted by Frank on August 30, 2009, 07:26 AM

Yes! Obviously folk music.
That’s why I thought this article might be constructive because even though its point is obvious, it offers the opportunity for others to offer up a hundred different, better, ideas.



Posted by nonus on Sun, 30 Aug 2009 13:57 | #

Also, the German and the Celtic are closer to home than is the Greek.

Abandon Greek civilization now, eh? A narrow-minded folly not even the most rabid German nationalists would’ve made.


Posted by Frank on Sun, 30 Aug 2009 14:27 | #

Abandon Greek civilisation? You should reread what I’ve written, for it is not as you say. I made it clear I admire the Greeks, and I made it clear why I was proposing the games.

Were you familiar with my views, you’d know I rely heavily on the Greeks. It’s the Romans I don’t like, though they have their good points too.


Posted by Frank on Sun, 30 Aug 2009 21:27 | #


Here’s what a Greek, Taki, had to say about the Olympics:

So here’s my blueprint to save the bloated, cheating, corporate games: First and foremost they have to return to their original site, Olympia, in the northwest Peloponnese, where their spirit lives on. Shaded by olive, pine, and poplar, scented by oregano and thyme, the games would be restricted to track and field, wrestling, boxing, swimming, and equestrian events. Nothing else. No tennis, no football, no baseball and other invented sports. Greed, corruption, and commercialism would be eliminated at a stroke. Only amateurs need apply. The pros have their own world championships and other drug festivals. The Olympics will remain pure, and the winners will enjoy eternal glory.

Sounds grand to me.

The games, after all, were started because the ancients believed it made their soldiers fighting fit.

And the same with the Scottish Highland games and presumably the German games as well as every other similar competition.


Posted by Frank on Sun, 30 Aug 2009 21:30 | #

I’ll add to that: I’ll speculate that English as a universal language has its negatives. We of Anglo-centric societies might do well to learn another language just to have one exclusively our own. Gaelic, Welsh, and Icelandic look promising to me, though perhaps German or even Old English would be good too.


Posted by Counter-SEmite on Sun, 30 Aug 2009 22:02 | #

By defeating the Third Reich, the British and all Anglo-Celtic descended peoples deserve whatever is coming to them. If that means they will be submerged in the tide of Third World immigration, then so be it - I don’t give a rat’s ass. The only good Brit is a dead Brit. And the only good WASP (or American Southerner - also of Anglo-Saxon stock) is a dead one, as far as I’m concerned.


Posted by Frank on Sun, 30 Aug 2009 22:39 | #

Germans calling for the death of Nordics. I’m sure the fuhrer would be proud.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 30 Aug 2009 23:05 | #

A troll, Frank.  Let him be.


Posted by WP on Sun, 30 Aug 2009 23:44 | #

Counter-SEmite:“The solution to our racial problem is to get rid of the very races that have caused this disaster: the Jews and the British (and the descendants of the British in America, otherwise known as WASPs).  No Jews, just right.  No Anglos, even better.”

Curiously, earlier today I just happened to read a bit about some various similarities between Jewry and the English (not the British as a whole…just the English) in a book by the anti-Jewish-yet-ethnically-Jewish-Austrian-convert-to-Protestantism-who-committed-suicide-in-Beethoven’s-death-house Otto Weininger...whew!  He had the following to say about some similarities between Jewry and the English in his book Sex and Character:

I may now touch upon the likeness of the English to the Jews, a topic discussed at length by Wagner. It cannot be doubted that of the Germanic races the English are in closest relationship with the Jews. Their orthodoxy and their devotion to the Sabbath afford a direct indication. The religion of the Englishman is always tinged with hypocrisy, and his asceticism is largely prudery. The English, like women, have been most unproductive in religion and in music; there may be irreligious poets, although not great artists, but there is no irreligious musician. So, also, the English have produced no great architects or philosophers. Berkely, like Swift and Sterne, were Irish; Carlyle, Hamilton, and Burns were Scotch. Shakespeare and Shelley, the two greatest Englishmen, stand far from the pinnacle of humanity; they do not reach so far as Angelo and Beethoven. If we consider English philosophers we shall see that there has been a great degeneration since the Middle Ages. It began with William of Ockham and Duns Scotus; it proceeded through Roger Bacon and his namesake, the Chancellor; through Hobbes, who, mentally, was so near akin to Spinoza; through the superficial Locke to Hartley, Priestley, Bentham, the two Mills, Lewes, Huxley, and Spencer. These are the greatest names in the history of English philosophy, for Adam Smith and David Hume were Scotchmen. It must always be remembered against England, that from her there came the soulless psychology. The Englishman has impressed himself on the German as a rigorous empiricist and as a practical politician, but these two sides exhaust his importance in philosophy. There has never yet been a true philosopher who made empiricism his basis, and no Englishman has got beyond empiricism without external help.

None the less, the Englishman must not be confused with the Jew. There is more of the transcendental element in him, and his mind is directed rather from the transcendental to the practical, than from the practical towards the transcendental. Otherwise he would not be so readily disposed to humour, unlike the Jew, who is ready to be witty only at his own expense or on sexual things… -


Posted by jamesUK on Mon, 31 Aug 2009 00:41 | #

Movies and TV have a more influential impact on western societies than anything else.

There was a good Google video called Hollywoodism how Hollywood film studios changed changed the perception of what America is and what it means to be American and by America’s domination of international film industry and TV western trends.

People blame Star Trek for multi-cultural image of utopia but I think actually its cartoons who usually have a mix cast of characters like GI Joe and the X Men.

X Men is the best example.

Just a thought but the Mel Gibson movie The Patriot would you consider it a pro or anti European film?


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 31 Aug 2009 01:17 | #


The Jews who run Hollywood, and most others who are a part of organized Jewry for that matter, want to see our race genetically annihilated.  For someone who obviously has such a strong dislike of Jews, and their civilization destroying activities, it seems odd that you would downplay the importance of race, which plays into their hands.

Just a thought but the Mel Gibson movie The Patriot would you consider it a pro or anti European film?

In the balance pro-White, though anti-English, though Colonel Tavington was played by a Jew.  We know Gibson is pro-White (his father attends Barnes Review conferences) and anti-Semitic (“The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world!”).  He is the father of eight White children.


Posted by jamesUK on Mon, 31 Aug 2009 02:32 | #


The Jews who run Hollywood, and most others who are a part of organized Jewry for that matter, want to see our race genetically annihilated.  For someone who obviously has such a strong dislike of Jews, and their civilization destroying activities, it seems odd that you would downplay the importance of race, which plays into their hands.

Read what I said in responce to Frank in INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS REVIEW

I can’t really remember the film or it plot although in real life most of the fighting against the US colonies were German Hessian mercenary troops payed by the Rothschild on hire from Germany to aid the British.


Posted by Dan Dare on Mon, 31 Aug 2009 06:13 | #

If the implication above is that the Rothschilds financed the deployment of the Hessian mercenaries who participated in the Revolutionary war on the British side, then that is incorrect.

Instead, what actually took place is that payments from the British government to the Landgrafschaft Hesse-Kassel (which incidentally operated a thriving business in leasing its surplus manpower across Europe for military purposes) were handled by the Rothschild operation in Frankfurt, who were the preferred financial intermediary for the local rulers. Cie Rothschild et Fils were not acting in this transaction for the British government.

Rothschild Cie did not open its affiliate in London until 1811.

It is also incorrect to claim that ‘most of the fighting’ during the Revolutionary War was done by Hessian mercenaries. At no time time did such German mercenaries (who were also drawn from other German states besides Hesse-Kassel) comprise more than a third of British forces in North America.

This might all seem ‘pedantic’ in the view of some but in such matters it is better to err on the side of historical accuracy than to drift off into realms of fantasy merely to make a dubious political point.


Posted by Counter-SEmite on Mon, 31 Aug 2009 11:12 | #

I never meant that we should exterminate Anglos or Jews. That would be immoral in the extreme. What I mean is, through their own actions and policies, Anglos and Jews are ensuring their own destruction. The Anglos are submerging themselves in the tide of Third World immigration. And when we take into consideration all the damage that the Anglos and the Jews have inflicted on the Western world, why should we stop them? As a German whose grandparents lived in the Third Reich, why should I feel any sympathy for Anglos or Jews - the very races who destroyed my civilization? I don’t give a rat’s ass if the Anglos destroy themselves through Third World immigration, or if Jews destroy themselves through Moslem immigration. In fact, I look upon it with eagerness.


Posted by Ghost of Scipio Americanus on Mon, 31 Aug 2009 11:17 | #

England! awake! awake! awake!?Jerusalem thy Sister calls!?Why wilt thou sleep the sleep of death?And close her from thy ancient walls???_??I will not cease from mental fight,?Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand?Till we have built Jerusalem?In England’s green and pleasant land.

- William Blake

Scipio Americanus

01-08-07, 02:04

In “WS and the Rise of Bolshie’s” he dedicates a whole chapter to the “so called” Jewish conspiracy. I think the English are the least able to deal with race. David Irving even referred to some of his American audience as bigots.

I agree with your assessment. There seems to be some kind of mental block, especially with the Anglo-Saxon branch of our own race, that precludes them from seeing the obvious. The author William Gayley Simpson in his massive treatise Which Way Western Man comments on this too. In fact, he had face to face conversations with Anthony Sutton regarding Jewish influence on the state of Western affairs but was not able to persuade Sutton of the threat. David Irving is another example, although he is now well aware of Jewish power and influence. But it sure took a hell of long time for him to figure it out and given his knowledge and intelligence, one would think that he would have come to this conclusion long ago. ??

But let’s face some unpleasant facts. The British were warned about this explicitly by their own 19th Century Jewish Prime Minister and leader of the so called “Conservative” Party Benjamin Disraeli in his political novel ?Coningsby. While everyone has heard of the famous quote from that book: “So you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” few have read it in the proper context. Here is the full context of the quote that mainstream paleoconservatives apparently are too damn cowardly to state in public:??

“A few years back we were applied to by Russia. Now, there has been no friendship between the court of St. Petersburg and my family. It has Dutch connections, which have generally supplied it; and our representations in favor of the Polish Hebrews, a numerous race, have not been very agreeable to the Czar. However, circumstances drew to an approximation between the Romanoffs and the Sidonias. I resolved to go myself to St. Petersburg. I had, on my arrival, an interview with the Russian Minister of Finance, Count Cancrin; I beheld the son of a Lithuanian Jew. The loan was connected with the affairs of Spain; I resolved upon repairing to Spain from Russia. I traveled without intermission. I had an audience immediately on my arrival with the Spanish Minister, Sefior Mendizabel; I beheld one like myself, the son of a Nuevo Cristiano, a Jew of Arragon. In consequence of what transpired at Madrid, I went straight to Paris to consult the President of the French Council; I beheld the son of a French Jew, a hero, an imperial marshal, and very properly so, for who should be military heroes if not those who worship the Lord of Hosts?... ??The consequence of our consultations was that some Northern power should be applied to in a friendly and meditative capacity. We fixed on Prussia; and the President of the Council made an application to the Prussian Minister, who attended a few days after on our conference. Count Arnim entered the cabinet, and I beheld a Prussian Jew. So you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” ??

So you see, the British have no excuse. Anthony Sutton has no excuse. David Irving has no excuse. American paleoconservatives have no excuse. They are either moral cowards with not an ounce of integrity who are afraid to take a courageous stand or are just brain dead and stupid. Regardless, they are effectively worthless and their feeble political efforts will come to naught. When Disaraeli wrote about the hidden rulers who controlled events from behind the scenes, it is clear that he was writing about JEWISH rulers.- Scipio Americanus??

PS: I would like to thank “Maguire” of FAEM.COM for this astute observation.


Posted by Rehol Doommace on Mon, 31 Aug 2009 16:46 | #

Curiously, earlier today I just happened to read a bit about some various similarities between Jewry and the English (not the British as a whole…just the English) in a book by the anti-Jewish-yet-ethnically-Jewish-Austrian-convert-to-Protestantism-who-committed-suicide-in-Beethoven’s-death-house Otto Weininger…whew!

Never had heard before that the Great Weininger had made that comparison!  excaim

It is pretty well known that he compared femininity with Jewish-ness and I have come to believe that when it comes to the negative attributes of female-kind such an observation is apt!  (lets see: Materialism, jealousy, reduction of everything to base sexuality…)

Too bad that guy offed him self, he is sort of a ‘Western Mishima’ perhaps.   cool smirk


Posted by the Narrator... on Tue, 01 Sep 2009 08:34 | #

Here is what happens to childless White couples with a nice home but no true fellowship with their kindred,

DALLAS - They’re not criminals. They’ve broken no laws. But they’re being held against their will by the State of Texas. Why? It’s a tragic story about what can happen when you are alone in the world and lose control of your rights, your money, and your ability to complain.


Michael Kidd and his wife Jean have been living out of a tiny room for months. They have lost control of their money, their home, even their car. They say they’ve been robbed of their dignity and their voice. And who do they say is responsible? The State of Texas.

Michael Kidd worked as an engineer at KDFW for 23 years. He retired in 2001 with a pension, retirement account, and social security. Last month, he called the station for help. The Kidds have no children or relatives nearby. In November Michael fell and broke his hip. He was taken to a Plano hospital and into surgery. After a few days, the hospital called the state Adult Protective Services to report Jean had been in the waiting room for days and wasn’t eating. What happened next is a complicated, legal tale told in hundreds of pages of documents filed with the Collin County Probate Court.

Caseworkers paint a picture of two incompetent old people, age 67 and 70, suffering from dementia. Reports say the Kidds have mismanaged their finances and used poor judgment, that Michael is verbally abusive and even attempted to assault Jean. Michael says Jean has memory trouble but denies everything else. A judge determined the Kidds were incapacitated and unable to care for themselves. The state took over the Kidds lives, sent them to the Countryside Nursing Home in Pilot Point, and is now burning through their money to pay for their care.

“You have no idea how much money you have?” Oliver asked Michael Kidd. “None at all,” Kidd responded. “I know what my income was and I know it was more than enough to take care of my bills. Now, I am deteriorating instead of getting better,” Kidd continued.

The monthly tab for a couple at Countryside is about seven thousand dollars. Court records show, for five months’ care, the guardian paid eleven thousand dollars out of the Kidds’ accounts. The state’s Medicaid program kicks in the rest. “I could be at the Hilton for this kind of money,” Kidd told Oliver.

The state appointed a financial guardian in Greenville to manage the Kidds money and pay their bills. When they asked for an accounting, the state refused. Representatives for the state stated the Kidds did not have the mental capacity to even ask for their own financial or medical records. Yet, much of their personal information is public record. The state tried to get a temporary restraining order to stop FOX 4 from reporting the Kidds’ story, saying the couple does not have the authority to consent to an interview and that our report will cause them irreparable harm. Judge Weldon Copeland ruled against the state. He said he would welcome a neighbor or family member to serve as a guardian but no one has come forward. The state is the last resort.

“We have to buy this out of our own money,” says Michael. The state gives each of the Kidds a measly sixty dollars a month of their own money. They use it to keep a small refrigerator stocked with healthy food. Jean has lost twenty pounds and two teeth and says no one has seemed to notice. They have no personal belongings in their room other than the television. All of their remaining possessions sit in their house in Richardson.

Bob Graham lived across the street from the Kidds for 21 years. He is furious about what the state is allowing to happen to their home. The yard has been neglected. The power was shut-off last spring and food left spoiling in the kitchen. Graham says the state even left the doors unlocked. “What irritates me is the gross negligence in handling their financial affairs,” Graham told Oliver. There has got to be a better way of handling this than just coming in, in a totalitarian fashion, and taking over people’s lives against their will with no advocate to speak for them,” Graham continued.

Bob Graham’s wife Aline was one of Jean Kidd’s closest friends. She says Jean was having some memory problems but she too questions the state’s heavy handedness. “They needed some kind of help but it is frightening to realize how totally helpless and without resources they are going to be,” Aline Graham told Oliver.

The Kidds did have court-appointed representation from attorney, Bert Starr. Starr would not comment but court records show he billed their account for ten hours of legal work.

The state has the responsibility to make sure the Kidds are safe.
And the followup story on them,

DALLAS - The state is playing hard ball with an elderly couple who claims they are being held against their will. Michael and Jean Kidd just want to get out of the nursing home and back into their house but Fox 4 has learned the home may not be around if the state follows through with its plan.

The Kidds lost their freedom and now it appears they may lose their greatest asset, their home. A trustee’s deed filed in mid August shows the Kidd’s Richardson home is scheduled to be auctioned Tuesday.

I commented on this at my blog in a manner that might help illustrate a racialist talking point to those who might be a tad bit angered at the treatment of this couple.



Posted by Frank on Tue, 01 Sep 2009 09:55 | #

Ghost of Scipio Americanus, thanks for posting that.

digital version of Coningsby


Posted by Frank on Tue, 01 Sep 2009 10:00 | #

“In fact, I look upon it with eagerness. “

There have been other wars, even among Germans… where suffering and death took place.

You sound like the Irish who are still furious over Cromwell… The Jews are foreign while the Germans and English are of close kin stock. The royal family is even German… WWII was a war where Germans in the true sense of that word fought on either side.


Posted by Counter-SEmite on Wed, 02 Sep 2009 11:41 | #

No Jews, just right.

No Brits, even better.

Period. End of story.


Posted by Frank on Wed, 02 Sep 2009 16:14 | #

“No Jews Just Right” is crap. A decent slogan would be “Just Whites”. It’s not about who is excluded but who is included.


Posted by Counter-SEmite on Thu, 03 Sep 2009 08:36 | #

Jews and the British hardly qualify as “white” anyway. According to recent genetic studies, the Brits and Irish belong to the aboriginal pre-Aryan peoples of Europe, even though they adopted the Aryan languages. Since “white” is equivant to Caucasian PLUS Indo-European ancestry (thus excluded Arabs and Jews), the British, by definition, do not belong to the white race.


Posted by Frank on Thu, 03 Sep 2009 16:41 | #

First off Nordic is not the only white race, it’s simply the only remaining unmixed white race. The Brits unlike much of mainland Europe are a mix of white races. Going by a blond hair map, Germans aren’t too Aryan either…

I have light blue eyes and blond, straight hair; and such is relatively common in the British Isles, along with fairer skin than most parts of Europe. Relatively swarthy Iberian Celts did make their way into Britain, but a degree of mixing has happened all over Europe, and these Celts were nevertheless white, albeit not Nordic. Even in Scandinavia you have part-Asiatics in the north. And you have the Huns in central Europe. Mongoloids aren’t white…

I don’t exclude the Nordic areas of Europe as somehow alien from Britain, but at the same time I’m doubtful their heritage is more pure than that of Britain. At best you’re a German who wishes to feel superior and at worst you’re a divide-and-conquer troll seeking to tear at the WWII divide of Europe.

The Celts like the Aesir were white Asian invaders, but the Celtic languages are not Germanic based.


Posted by Frank on Thu, 03 Sep 2009 16:43 | #

A clarification: I’m an American of mostly “British” stock. While I don’t exclude northwest Europeans from being white, I wouldn’t want a large migration of fellow Nordics into Britain lest those nations be lost.


Posted by Frank on Thu, 03 Sep 2009 17:10 | #

The blue eye map puts Germany on much better Aryan standing, and reveals where the Iberian Celts settled in Britain.


Posted by Frank on Thu, 03 Sep 2009 17:28 | #

I wonder somewhat about the degree of genetic invasion that took place in pre-Roman Europe as a whole… As you say, it’s said the genetic change in Britain was little - only the culture and identity was spread so completely. What if the same happened in Europe? We see today the Brits look very Nordic, so perhaps Europe itself is part of the Aryan homeland. There’d be skeletal evidence of course - that’d be interesting to look at.

It’s difficult to explain how Scots are both primarily aboriginal and Nordic looking, eh? Ruddy, German-featured (Roman definition of “German”) Scots are far too common.

I’ve read and other sources, so I’m aware of the mainstream claims. But I’ve also lived long enough to know “official knowledge” is often suspect. The skeletal records would be what to primarily base the Aryan invasion theory on I suppose, and any preserved “mummies” would be helpful too. It’s surprising how perfectly preserved Aryans are found all over the world…

Not only the Odinist and Celtic religions (in the diverse bits we’ve retained), but the Christian religion too is based on an “out of the East” origin. So, I wonder if this didn’t influence archaeology somewhat.


Posted by Lurker on Thu, 03 Sep 2009 17:30 | #

At best you’re a German who wishes to feel superior and at worst you’re a divide-and-conquer troll

I agree with Frank.


Posted by Counter-SEmite on Thu, 03 Sep 2009 20:47 | #

“First off Nordic is not the only white race”

You are setting up a strawman argument. I never argued that “Brits are not Nordic, therefore not white”. I argued that they are not the descendents of Aryans (Indo-Europeans), therefore they are not white. “Aryan” is not synonymous with “Nordic”. Brits and the Irish, along with the Basques, are the descenents of the indigenous PRE-ARYAN INVASION population of Europe, and therefore they do not belong to the white race, if you define white as a Caucasian specifically of Indo-European ancestry and heritage.


Posted by Frank on Fri, 04 Sep 2009 03:56 | #

That’s a white race. Another remnant racial strain is thought to be the Alpine subracial type. It’s also said the Finns have a unique subracial type of their own absorbed within, and I don’t mean reference to the Mongoloid. Finns are said to be closest related to cro-magnons.

Nordic features are associated with the Aryan racial invaders whether or not such fits in with a German racial mythos. People who look similar are often… closely related. You cannot have sharply dissimilar people and expect close relation especially relative to others with a closer resemblance…

The Basque are a remnant race that survived outmixing by the Romans. They should be proud of having preserved their heritage, though obviously some mixing did occur and even today they claim identity along language rather than race. Interesting that while Franco attempting to ethnically cleanse them away, he utterly destroyed the Canary Islanders who are apparently a remnant race more Aryan than the Germans, even with their own small step-pyramid. Though under Franco their ethnicity was banned, and now many alien immigrants have flooded their lands…

Blond hair, blue eyes, and ruddy skin are the mark of the Aryan invaders whether or not you wish to acknowledge it.

White has never been exclusively in reference to the Aryan invaders. There have always been other subraces acknowledged as white due to the close relation. And Germany is not the most Aryan of nation-states, though it is certainly one of the whitest states as is the UK, even if such violates German racial myth. I’m dealing with reality not myth here…


Posted by Counter-SEmite on Fri, 04 Sep 2009 07:24 | #

WHite Race = Caucasians of Indo-European ancestry.

Brits are non-Indo-European Caucasians - and therefore, by definition, nonwhite.

Jews are nonwhite, even though they may speak German or English, and even though they are Caucasian.

Whiteness is defined by Caucasianness PLUS Indo-European ancestry.

End of story.


Posted by Frank on Fri, 04 Sep 2009 07:59 | #

Judging by your second previous reply, you must be of the Alpine phenotype. Going by your own definition, that would make you nonwhite.

I on the other hand am predominantly of the Nordic phenotype, though I have some distinctly British features as well. So, I’m perhaps more Aryan than you.

End of story.


The Aryans do have the most alluring mythos, which is greater than even you are probably aware, however the Old Europeans were not savages. And judging by the diversity of native European populations today they weren’t homogeneous either.


Posted by Counter-SEmite on Fri, 04 Sep 2009 20:36 | #

I never said they were savages. I said they were nonwhite, since whiteness is identified with Indo-European heritage. Brits and Irish are nonwhite, so are Jews and Arabs.


Posted by Darren on Fri, 04 Sep 2009 21:08 | #

What a clown.


Posted by Frank on Sat, 05 Sep 2009 20:36 | #

The Narrator:

Ode To A Dying People (youtube video)

Also: The Mysterious German Professor (TOO article)

And, just for the heck of adding it:

“Then to sum up: This is the point to which, above all, the attention of our rulers should be directed,—that music and gymnastic be preserved in their original form, and no innovation made. They must do their utmost to maintain them intact. And when any one says that mankind most regard ‘The newest song which the singers have,’ they will be afraid that he may be praising, not new songs, but a new kind of song; and this ought not to be praised, or conceived to be the meaning of the poet; for any musical innovation is full of danger to the whole State, and ought to be prohibited. So Damon tells me, and I can quite believe him;—he says that when modes of music change, the fundamental laws of the State always change with them.” - Plato.


Posted by the Narrator... on Mon, 07 Sep 2009 08:18 | #

Thanks Frank.

It’s interesting about the music and what effect it has on the listener.

One thing that always strikes me about music history is that the music that would seem to be the most “revolutionary”, Hard Rock/Heavy Metal, is the music that the left and the music industry itself seemed to be working overtime to overthrow. One obvious reason is that it appeals almost exclusively to White working class males.
I’ve also heard that there are structural parallels between some heavy metal songs and classical music.

Led Zeppelin has sold over 300 million records worldwide, yet pretty much every single album they released was originally trashed by the critics. The same critics who would turn around and praise punk bands like the Sex Pistols or The Clash. In fact it is to the point now that there is an astounding bit of revisionism taking place on Punk music’s appeal and influence. The truth is punk was never big. At its height (between 77 and 83) Disco and New Wave ruled the airwaves.
And of course Hard Rock/Heavy Metal endured. AC/DC’s 1980 album Back In Black has sold more than every single punk album released during that 77 to 83 period.
Naturally, like all rock and roll, the media today tries to suggest that HR/HM sound was founded on blues tunes and thus “black culture”. And of course they neglect to mention that blues music was just blacks attempting to copy White folk music.

A lot of it is politics. Punk was basically a movement engineered by producers. The music was rudimentary, if not downright bad, but the lyrics were generally, if not specifically, leftist in nature. It never appealed to non-Whites and really only appealed to very few Whites. It was basically beloved by the music industry elite who saw it as the vehicle to cast down heavy metal.

HR/HM didn’t really carry a message one way or another, but it’s appeal was selective, event though some band members were hardly what you would call White Nationalists.

Influential and early Punk bands like The Ramones and The Clash had jewish members, whereas influential and early HR/HM bands like Zeppelin and Black Sabbath were all gentile.

Of course there are “righteous gentile” bands like The Stones, The Beatles and U2 who, being technically average to below average instrumentally (particularly U2), were/are praised to the heavens by the music industry insiders and critics because they use their music to attack and deride Western Society.
The Heavy Metal bands could not only write good riffs but could also dazzle on their instruments, turning 5 minute album songs into 20 minute epics live on stage. (see the Led Zeppelin DVD for a good example).

In the early 90’s the elite finally got their way and Heavy Metal was overthrown via Nirvana and the “Grunge” sound, which was just neo-Punk. And with Heavy Metal sidelined “rap” moved into the forefront and pop music has degenerated back to standard 3 minute synthesized studio created crap.

Still, AC/DC’s last album has been one of the most successful releases in the past 12 months. And that is with an all White band, three of whom are in their mid 50’s and the singer is 61!

There is an interesting effect in Led Zeppelin’s song Stairway to Heaven. It’s at the end and it is in the vocals.
Here are the lyrics.,

There’s a lady who’s sure all that glitters is gold
And she’s buying the stairway to heaven.
When she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for.
And she’s buying the stairway to heaven.

There’s a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure
‘Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.
In a tree by the brook, there’s a songbird who sings,
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven.
And it makes me wonder,

There’s a feeling I get when I look to the west,
And my spirit is crying for leaving.
In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees,
And the voices of those who stand looking.
And it makes me wonder,

And it’s whispered that soon if we all call the tune
Then the piper will lead us to reason.
And a new day will dawn for those who stand long
And the forests will echo with laughter.

If there’s a bustle in your hedgerow, don’t be alarmed now,
It’s just a spring clean for the May queen.
Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
There’s still time to change the road you’re on.
And it makes me wonder.

Your head is humming and it won’t go, in case you don’t know,
The piper’s calling you to join him,
Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind.

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul.
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold.
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last.

When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll.

And she’s buying the stairway to heaven.

The interesting part is the line I bolded. The vocal there, on the song, is layered so the singer’s voice is overlayed two or three times.
The thing is, that it sounds like one of the overlays is singing something different from the other. And it sounds like one is singing, “And if you listen very hard, the jew will bother you a lot.”

It’s probably just an effect of the recording process, but its interesting never-the-less…



Posted by Racialist on Tue, 08 Sep 2009 06:01 | #

LMAO @ the notion of Heavy Metal being a desirable element of Western “culture” and comparble with classical music. Only a philistine would say such a thing. Are you people out of your mind?

Rock music, and all derivatives therefrom, is plebian trash that deserves to be banned.


Posted by Lurker on Tue, 08 Sep 2009 10:05 | #

Punk itself is/was an all white niche in terms of practitioners and consumers in much the same way as HM.

Apart from a few random individuals obviously.

Also touted as a genuinely working class phenomonen - complete bullshit of course. The usual suspects pop up all over as managers, label owners.


Posted by Frank on Thu, 10 Sep 2009 15:32 | #

the Narrator,

Sorry for the late reply, I was searching for a relevant thread on Jews in pop music. Led Zepplin doesn’t make the Jewish list. Little surprise the priestly merchant tribe would be well represented among mystic rockers.

I’m not as knowledgeable about pop music as I’d like to be, though I listened to the full spectrum growing up (so I’m as guilty as anyone).

It’s interesting how the more corrupt metal bands like Metallica (Satanist band leader - Satanism btw was begun by a Jew) are (I think) more readily promoted. I want to say there were clear Nordic and German references in older metal, and now today “folk metal” has become popular which is strongly Eurocentric.

That’s a funny Led Zepplin reference. There’s a song I wanted to link to, but it’s not showing up in my searches… The dang Internet is not organised.


As an end result, metal wouldn’t be ideal; but it’s a potent vehicle and competitor against the alternatives. You should look into one band that will blow away your doubts: Blind Guardians. Read the lyrics to Valhalla - brilliant! That band is clearly traditionalist. And there are other bands that are more overtly racial, for example the Saga song I listed.

Show of Hands (a folk band) released a popular CD not long ago with some great songs, but it was forced to integrate in some modern sounds to gain popularity.

I’m admittedly not a fan of much classical music though I suspect it is the most virtue-strengthening music so far as the music itself goes. I do listen to a lot of folk though, and I try to appreciate classical. The only time I listen to folk metal is when I’m working out - for the energy. Otherwise I can’t do stationary cardio - too boring. However, if I’m fighting the Yankees or the English or the Romans or Tolkien’s Orcs etc in some noble battle, cardio becomes a lot more fun…


Posted by Frank on Thu, 10 Sep 2009 15:38 | #

Though I dont’ have cable, I occasionally find myself and the tube together at others’ houses. Adult Swim on Cartoon network has been running a series on corrupt Metal rockers, Metalocalypse. That’s a very corrupt channel, and it targets a similar audience to Linder’s I imagine, which includes maturing college students and high schoolers (who could both later become more) I’d imagine. So, Adult Swim even though it’s at a very low level, it might well reach future members of the elite.


Posted by Frank on Thu, 10 Sep 2009 15:48 | #

Ah, that’s significant because it’s an example of metal being undermined.

Lest racialist misses just how great Blind Guardian is, take a look at this performance: Valhalla. The song is about a magician who promises progress if a people will simply give up their gods and old ways. Only after everything has been destroyed do they realise they need their gods and old ways. And there are other songs just as good. There’s an entire CD done on Lord of the Rings, and it’s a very good CD. The lyrics actually make sense and aren’t throw away trash, and the live performances are better than the recorded versions. It’s also “sing along metal” meaning the crowd sings along (rather than merely watching like zombie followers of some cult leader), and it increasingly integrates more folk into the music.


Posted by Dasein on Thu, 10 Sep 2009 19:53 | #

Supposedly, Led Zeppelin got it’s first break in the US because of a (righteous) Jew (Aaron Russo).


Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 11 Sep 2009 06:16 | #

Led Zep’s US break was more likely to be the result of their manager, Peter Grant’s selling of the band’s potential to Ahmet Ertegun, a Turk,but possibly a Donmeh (Crypto-Jew) who founded (with a Jewish partner) Atlantic Records.


Posted by the Narrator... on Fri, 11 Sep 2009 18:25 | #

I’m sure Zeppelin “rubbed elbows” with jews in the music business, yet it doesn’t seemed to have helped them with the media, at the time. Most of their albums received poor to lukewarm reviews (as best I can tell) and they only had one top ten hit, ‘Whole Lotta Love.’

There is even an old interview of them back in 69 or 70 where they made reference to the fact that the music media basically held Hard Rock bands in contempt.
In fact the media gave them such a hard time that they rarely gave interviews even at the height of their fame (among the general populace).

I think it had more to do with who those bands appeal to, rather than the bands themselves. Basically hard rock appealed to young White males almost exclusively.

Zeppelin’s sin was probably that they didn’t mix overt lefty politics into their lyrics.

Anyway, I just find it interesting how the media attacked Hard Rock. From satire such as Spinal Tap to hearings in the 80’s on its “dangerous influence.”

And in point of fact, as long as Hard Rock was a dominant force in music, MTV and other modern music media was predominantly White. As soon as Hard Rock “fell” in the early ninties, rap was pushed into the forefront.

It’s not exactly a critical subject, but it is interesting.


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