David Duke’s undying committment to Adolf Hitler Talk at Storm Trooper Radio is that there should be “honor” among White nationalists. “Honor” is a term that those with numbers and military on their side would try to invoke. What honor is there really in people who will never denounce Hitler’s policies, no matter how obviously and utterly disrespectful those policies and beliefs may be to European peoples? There is no honor, and that is why Duke and Anglin are not treated with honor here or anywhere with thoroughgoing intelligence. Do we really need to elaborate? Elaboration may be necessary for those in attendance at Storm Trooper, but not for those with any sense. Soren is here asking a riddle. I trust that he is not here to distract from human concern - that Weev and he are not giving support to Anglin and, by proxy, to the likes of the cardboard Duke, to those who would fellate Hitler - and so I might ask him…what do you need Hitler for? Is it really so hard to see the utterly stupid, arbitrary destruction and total disregard of real concern for Europeans that these right-wing idiots coddle? That is the riddle, Soren. Is it not enough, for you, that we are all for Germans and German nationalism, but are against Hitler, for ridiculously obvious reasons? You seek to gain allegiance with those who are SO STUPID as to get behind Hitler and Himmler - HIMMLER!?
Posted by DanielS on Tue, 08 Sep 2015 19:30 | # We’ll see. The prevailing WN hypothesis, ridiculous though it is, is that we can’t let a little thing like Hitler worship get in the way. To a person with a normal perspective on Hitler, that would be the obviously divisive position. Sadly, Duke, the Bugsers, storm troop people, Red Ice, Daily Stormer, Trad Youth, Renegade, etc.etc. and so on, can’t cope with that. 3
Posted by Eric Jordan on Tue, 08 Sep 2015 19:59 | # “Hitler worship” is a misnomer in the majority of those cases. You can’t really apply that to anybody who disagrees with the consensus (“normal perspective”) on Hitler and refuses to jump on the bandwagon demonising him. I bring it up because I haven’t seen any nationalist take an authoritative position against Hitler that wasn’t the result of appeasement. Yes, it is divisive issue, but usually only between Jew-wise ethnonationalists and kosher pseudo-nationalists. Since I’ve only ever associated this site with the former, I was a bit surprised to see this tact being taken. 4
Posted by JoshuaSinistar on Wed, 09 Sep 2015 00:40 | # Anybody who believes Hitler was wrong at this point is just ignorant. What about they want you dead is hard to understand? Whites being a minority in America and Europe is just White Genocide. How did helping your enemies against Hitler work out? Do you like the Anti-White laws and the open hatred and demonization of your race? 5
Posted by Just Sayin' on Wed, 09 Sep 2015 00:49 | # There is a non-trivial probability that Hitler represented the last chance for Western European man. Things aren’t looking too good. 6
Posted by DanielS: As a brother on Wed, 09 Sep 2015 02:19 | # Hitler worship was a misnomer, yes. But in each of these cases (we can add more to the list: might-is-right network, WWS, Daily Shoah, Daily Slave etc) Hitler is looked upon as fundamentally good, excuses (if not lies and distortions, ranging from minor to vast) are rendered on his behalf and/or he is at very least not rejected for what should be the obviously dubious and divisive positions that he held. If one listens to Table Talk and his position on Ukraine and Ukrainians, for just one example, and does not reject Hitler as destructive to the WN cause, then one has to be either blinded by desperation and their ideology, or not be a WN at all, but a vicious German imperialist. If one looks upon Hitler’s attitude toward war and spilling blood as quite near the be-all-pre-condition of life itself (add to that his predisposition toward non-Germans and liebensraum at their expense) and presents him as just another, inoffensive White ethno-nationalist brand name, as opposed to a militaristic imperialist with a vicious outlook toward much of Europe and its nations, then one is not dealing with reality. In a sense, I am informing all of these sites and peoples, as a brother, as to how it looks from a position of those to whom Hitler did not have a kindly, kindred perspective and how one naturally reacts when Hitler is lorded: I know how I feel and respond when I see Hitler held up, excuses made for him. I know that I am not alone and I don’t want you all to find out too late that it is not anti-Germanism and certainly not an anti-White position to be repulsed and respond with intense aversion to Hitler. Let’s use your term, that these sites do not “demonize” Hitler. They should, for the sake of WN cooperation, demonize him: not “tone him down” for the sake of public consumption (the bugser line). Yes, explain him where he had logical reasons for his actions but reject him, and reject him clearly on balance, for those positions where, and because, he was fundamentally off in some important respects - offensive to many Whites, who are offended by him for very good reasons, as he promoted epistemological errors disposing Whites to hubris, a tactless, hostile and imperialistic disposition to others - Whites being our fundamental concern. It is certainly possible to be Jew-wise and to reject Hitler. That is the position here, strived-for anyway (being “wise” ranks almost with “worshiper” as a sketchy word), but you know what I mean. We hold a clear position against them and a keen eye on them. They are not White, they are a biological other who are antagonistic and destructive to Whites as a pattern - which must be separated from. And they have disproportionate if not predominant influence in (at least) 7 key niches: finance, media, academia, religion, business (international etc), law/courts, politics. You say,
I did not help the enemies of Hitler. If you are talking about the nations that fought against him, they were more or less left with no choice (depending upon the nation). The “anti-racism”, the laws that demonize our race, the Whites cowed by cultural Marxism to go along with these Jewish laws and notions are among the reasons that I have always hated Hitler/Nazi Germany. Because he/it was so tactless and over the top as to leave us all susceptible to this PC absurdity, lest we be painted with the same brush and appear as if we were going to act in that way again. Yes, the Jews are our enemies. I don’t have a problem saying mortal enemies. But to say that it’s either Hitler or the Jews is a false either/or that a White Nationalist - one who does not seek to demonize other Whites, or have them respond, necessarily, as enemies - will not commit. Again, I am informing all of these sites and peoples, as a brother: If you were to change and to sincerely say, “hey, I get it, Hitler is not someone we can hold up as a hero, a guiding light and expect cooperation and good will among WN, among White advocates. That is not the same as taking the side of the Jews or helping the Jews (quite the opposite)” then I would respond, hey, wonderful! Not, l necessarily need another reason to oppose you. On the contrary, though we reject Christianity and scientism here too, we are not looking for reasons to fight with WN, we are looking for ways to cooperate and say, lets get down to the business of working together to fight on the same side and defend ourselves. Do you see? I am not being gratuitously contentious. It is not a little, superficial thing, and I do not have a hostile disposition toward these people just because they are-who-they-are from the ground-up. On the contrary. It is primarily for this one serious issue, an issue that they should be able to put behind them - and no, “they are going to call you a Nazi anyway, so may as well be one” doesn’t cut it. 7
Posted by Jimo on Wed, 09 Sep 2015 05:08 | # Hitler wax the European paladin. Misunderstood, century ahead of his time. 8
Posted by off by a century (only) on Wed, 09 Sep 2015 05:22 | # A century ahead of his time? Pretty bad judgment of context if he was a century off of the mark. 9
Posted by sly on Wed, 09 Sep 2015 11:08 | # Could DanielS please reign in his ego when interviewing some of the more pre-eminent people in our movement? I hear Greg Johnson is reluctant to do another interview, due to the lack of professionalism/common courtesy displayed in the previous attempt. 10
Posted by Is that what you heard? on Wed, 09 Sep 2015 11:12 | # Is that what you heard, Sly? Am I doing this for reasons of “ego”? And tell us, Sly, about professionalism, courtesy and discretion.. 11
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Thu, 10 Sep 2015 03:54 | # I’m not sure how this approach might work out, Daniel. I mostly agree with you, and I also say that these people, Andrew Anglin, and David Duke, and the others should be criticised strongly for their ideological errors and deviations, and that the negative effects of their vulgar-Nazi activism should be discussed with all exits barred in advance. However, I think that what they want is they want that you would get into an argument in this very directly confrontational style that you’ve used, so that they could then feign having ‘the high ground’. Don’t give the chance to play that too often. Andrew Anglin is not an old wolf that can viciously fight with experience, he’s actually a young wolf pracing around baring his fangs at everything and appealing to the lowest common denominator with his poorly-written and poorly-planned narratives. Anglin is riding the coat-tails of 4chan trolls who may even be trolling him, and this has never ended well for anyone in the history of ever. And I say that as someone who is not even antagonistic toward 4chan, I’m neutral toward 4chan because it is just a message board modeled on the original Japan-based 2ch board. 4chan will end up being the thing that controls Anglin and someday brings him down on a whim if he doesn’t accept the reality of what 4chan is and is not. 4chan is not a personal army, it’s a group of anonymous posters from around the world who post things. Scraping ideas from 4chan and reposting them is not a media model that can last, because why even read the Daily Stormer when you will just be getting the re-heated microwaved version of 4chan’s /pol/ subforum with less anonymity and less security and more vulgar-Nazism? Notice also, how Weev’s contribution to the Daily Stormer—so far—has been only to find ways to defend Anglin from attacks, but he has done nothing yet to assist in basic levels of privacy for the people who visit Daily Stormer. This does not create a stable feeling of trust at all. These are the things that I think they would not want to be attacked for, and we should be attacking them on those things all the time, until such time as they learn to behave properly. 12
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 10 Sep 2015 05:53 | #
I don’t know what you’re getting so worked up for, Daniel. The modern day European man has been has been turned into such a beta-ized pussy by the cradle to grave nanny state that his “white nationalism” would probably amount to little more than “deport the muds and then back to our social-democracy.”
Careful, pretty soon she might bind your feet and have you garbed in a kimono. LOL
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Thu, 10 Sep 2015 06:21 | # Well, keep in mind that I am not telling Daniel what to do at all, I’m only saying that it may be that Anglin is trying to provoke a direct confrontation for a reason, and that everyone should be careful in how they handle that issue. Regarding foot-binding, Japan did not have foot-binding as a tradition, because foot-binding was a tradition of the Chinese fuedal system. The Empire of Japan deliberately abolished foot-binding in all territories that it annexed to its control at the late 1800s to early 1900s. It was in fact the Japanese government which abolished foot-binding and brought in mandatory education for all women in Taiwan after it annexed that territory. It was also Japan who sponsored the creation of ethnicity-based village councils and guilds in Fascist Taiwan during the Second World War. Japan was—on balance—a progressive force in that regard, not a regressive one. 14
Posted by DanielS on Thu, 10 Sep 2015 10:08 | #
I am not as worked-up by fear of White power as you and Soren may think. Nor do I dislike you and Soren as Soren may think. I like you both and am always glad to see you here. I am neither trying to chase you nor Soren away (how do you make the average WN’s I.Q. equal to Soren’s? Fold his in half). I wish for both of you to be here. I am, however, trying to chase Hitler to other sites - at least to the extent that he is brought here as a generally positive figure to rally behind in unanimity. You know what I am saying - it is Hitler that I don’t like. And not only do I believe that it is a mistake to hold-up him and his as if representatives of White interests, not only is that piss-poor representation of Whites held among most of the most prominent and popular White nationalist sites, but now Duke is joining Stormfront, Trad Youth and Ganucci in trying to normalize and institutionalize Daily Stormer - its Hitler idolatry (which includes lying, if necessary, to cover up its perfidy; or trying to say that’s just merely their irreverent humor) as the standard bearer of WN. I have been accused of “reacting” to them because I am “living in the past.” But that is a projection. I am not the one reacting and they are living in the past. No, you think that I am worried and worked-up. I am not. What I am concerned to do is mark the distinction. Those who want to idolize Hitler can go to such places and have their experiment and their “sense of humor” ...and those people who do not find Hitler appealing, are not comfortable with his world view (and don’t find much of the humor of those sites particularly funny - some is, most isn’t) do have a place to come - here at MR. Nevertheless, as the immigration crisis has begun to make big news and the Hitler sites were able to gobble the lime light, Duke has begun to kiss Anglin’s ass and Stormtrooper has disingenuously claimed that WN’s should have honor among one another. This was frustrating to me as Kumiko got delayed by work from putting up the latest she had pending and so I saw this as perhaps the time to put up something that I have been meaning to post for a while: David Duke’s undying commitment to Adolf Hitler. Now, if that is not Duke’s position let him say so. Or let him live with it. No, I am not worked up in fear (disgust a bit, yes), I am marking a difference here, seizing the opportunity for those who are (rightfully) disgusted by his pandering in cardboard unanimity to Nazi propaganda and outworn traditions. MR can be for those who don’t think Hitler is funny and was joking around, don’t think Christianity is serious and represents them, don’t see them and some attendant traditions as necessary to endorse and redeem. The purpose is not reactionary fear, it is rather to drive a wedge and distinguish MR from the Hitler people, or those who cannot leave him in the past, respecting, recognizing the obvious, really, that he cannot be a unifying figure in WN - quite to the contrary. I don’t want to stop people who love Hitler, Duke and the stormtroopers, from going to Anglin’s troth. So, there you go. But here is a place for those who are not into that shit and can see the sense in a finer means of cooperation among European peoples and finer critical analysis of how to handle the J.Q. and other non-White affronts. Examining Hitler, looking at whatever good ideas he invoked and being critical of his bad ideas does not mean that where he erred was merely in failing to win in his battle objectives.
I will try to avoid that eventuality, CC. But you do have to have a warm and fuzzy for woman who talks this way:
Fortunately, as regards your concern that I might be foot-bound, she has a built in mechanism against such eventuality as she is such a hard ass that she would never accept such a beta male as would be pussy whipped remotely like that. Again, that’s what you’ve got to like about her.
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 10 Sep 2015 17:32 | # No worries. I’m not that thin-skinned. Besides, I have no problem accepting that Hitler’s Germany was a mixed-bag as opposed to utopia; as was any human society that ever existed anyway. In the future one takes the good and flushes the bad - as only prudence would dictate. 16
Posted by Just Sayin' on Sat, 12 Sep 2015 12:03 | # Look, even if you buy into the mainstream narrative of what the Nazis had in mind, it is no longer possible to maintain the position that the good guys won WW2. The destruction of Europe that is currently unfolding is the direct result of Jewish / Allied victory and the stranglehold it gave the Jews over the European soul for the ensuing decades. Unfortunately this does place Polish people in an awkward position, as the mainstream narrative says that they would not have had a good time if the good guys (Germans) had won WW2. It is also probably easier for the other allied nations to reject allied victory, because it is increasingly obvious that their societies are rotten to the core, in every respect, while Poland is still kind of sane. Polish people are just going have to deal with it somehow. Probably by embracing a revisionist narrative of WW2, but maybe by accepting that not everything is about them. It’s simply going to become impossible to pretend that allied victory was anything but an absolute disaster. It already pretty much is. Which is why the moderately to strongly Hitler friendly sites are hugely popular and this site has about 5 people commenting. Pro-white leftism is a valuable project, it should not be shackled to the ridiculous idea that the allied victory in WW2 was anything but an absolute disaster for whites. 17
Posted by DanielS on Sat, 12 Sep 2015 12:41 | #
No, it is a direct result first and foremost of a bad friend/enemy distinction drawn by Nazi Germany and their imperialist objectives from the onset, which betrayed cooperation with eastern Europe as allies.
No, it places Germans in an awkward position, that is why their leadership are reacting in such an overcompensatingly liberal way.
Though it is, and has been, your Nazi strategy to try to isolate and blame Poland, it is not only Poland, but all of east Europe particularly and all of Europe generally that suffered form Hitler’s ill conceived plans.
Its a false either/or. The Jews were not the good guys and neither were the Nazis “the good guys”, you would have to be as stupid as a follower of David Duke to believe otherwise.
No, the Nazi worshipers are just going to have to find a way to deal with that somehow.
I see. We are supposed to allow you to go on lying. Not a chance. Listen son, David Duke is just going to have to get this through his ignorant, theoretically bereft skull.. Take that to him. He is the charctarless creep who panders with that crap.
The Nazi handling of the war was a disaster.
The “moderately to strong Hitler friendly sites” are people who are in a bubble and not coming from places where they are forced to see the obvious. They are doing a terrible disservice.
Its a false either/or. Any semblance of NS German leftism ended with the night of the long knives.
Posted by "Mixed-race would be positive for everyone" on Thu, 17 Sep 2015 22:47 | #
Posted by rape of 7 year old exploited on Sat, 19 Sep 2015 10:21 | # Disgusting exploitation of the rape of a 7 year old German girl:
Why not tell the kid the truth? That She is not guilty nor are subsequent generations of Germans and other Europeans: but while Hitler had complicating circumstances and causes contributing to his motives, designs, policies and the results thereof, he was not merely the good guy as some of his devotees would suggest, nor were those who opposed him merely the bad guys. That he too, just like the communist leaders, the neo-liberal Allies (and the Jews, of course, on all sides they played) was a predominant factor in the perpetration of the hideous destruction of Europeans, which included acts as vile as what was done to you. That his poor epistemology was narrow, supremacist, overcompensating, destined to create negative reactions among surrounding peoples and to lose. 55 million European dead and vast destruction of Europe besides that, even - including the great shame that his tactlessness let our enemies take and use his aggrandizement and overreaction to become equipped for decades with daunting arguments to inhibit the natural defense of our people and nations from foreign imposition ranging from such unthinkably vile acts as the rape committed against you, to genocide by mass immigration’s genetic displacement. 20
Posted by pernicious troll blutundboden on Sat, 19 Sep 2015 11:39 | # While no fan of Veronika Clark’s work, her efforts to combat trolls who have been highly antagonistic to initiatives, including ours, to coordinate and unify European defense are appreciated: particularly in exposing “blutundboden’s” trolling and antagonism to European harmonization. Apparently “blutundboden’s” name is D. Watts and he also goes by the name of Richard Harbinger among several other pseudonyms. Blutundboden is a smear agent circulating at Renegade and Yeager’s, on their behalf: 21
Posted by Insignificant Albino Ant & Joshua Goldberg 1488! on Mon, 21 Sep 2015 23:12 | # Re: friends of “the insignificant albino ant” (lol) RAMZGLIN
Posted by crossbow sniper on Sun, 20 Dec 2015 07:41 | # Very entertaining. Thank you all for intelligent comments. Refreshing. A relief to find a site that does not worship Hitlerianity. [Assumption. I’m learning the art of cynicism]. As for ‘Weev’ = this thing is a Jew Serpent; theif, [prison, where he saw the light = $$]
Posted by DanielS on Sun, 20 Dec 2015 08:26 | # Though I obviously have some agreement with the first part of what you say, finding some agreement is, after all, a trolling strategy of necessity. I trust that you are basically a troll. As for Weev.. Kumiko has the skill-set and an honest analysis of Weev’s views on the back-burner. Hopefully we will get a serving before long. 25
Posted by crossbow sniper on Sun, 20 Dec 2015 08:53 | # What is ‘basically a troll’ in your world? Anything on Bob Tuskin? A Jew in the White Might Fight. 26
Posted by DanielS on Sun, 20 Dec 2015 08:58 | #
It hasn’t to do with my world, but rather my experience is that you are likely to be a troll as indicated by the approach you take. You might not be a troll but those are the odds in my experience. Of course it would be fine if I were mistaken, but we will see.. 27
Posted by Anglin/Duke: sand in the gears of Whites on Sat, 30 Apr 2016 08:30 | # Though I cringed a bit by taking a position that appears to align with our enemies when I made this post, I am now as glad as ever for having made the post, as it is both a false either/or (“the all good Hitler or siding with the Jews”) that these characters insist upon and a necessary distinction (right and left) that these right wingers try to do away with in order to insert their right wing bullshit. Either you accept Hitler/Jesus or you are against Whites. Of course this is part and parcel of Duke’s theoretical retardation (and monetary backing and popular American support) - his motivation to be against “racism” and for Jesus and Hitler. In important ways the man is an idiot, and by getting behind Anglin as he does in his past two shows just goes to show it:
The latest ploy of Anglin that Duke gobbles-up is that “older people (in their 50’s and 60’s) don’t get it” - what he (Anglin) is doing. Aha. Kids who grew up in an internet bubble know what it’s all about (they’re not circulating a bunch of bullshit and protecting it from reality) and those who had experience outside of that bubble and know reality beyond it don’t know what is going on. Yeah, right kid-o. Everybody just adores Hitler and Trump the way that you do. “Older people” don’t understand troll culture - that what you are doing in promoting Hitler and swastika’s and associating it with White advocacy is “funny” - everybody loves it, older people just don’t get it. Except Duke, he gets it: He finishes with the 4-28 show with a little tip of the hat to “Triumph of The Will.” ...oh, he isn’t serious. It’s a joke. It’s funny, not serious, right? People love it. Anglin, if your ugly head is blown apart by a sniper, that would be really fine. Your Internet bubble, which you call the “young people who get it”, will be blown apart by reality, but either way, you and Duke are just doltish right wingers, sand in the gears of White progress whose anti-White false idols (Jesus and Hitler) will be done away by reality. That will be the triumph of the White will and good riddance to you. ........................... Notes on Trump. If he is the better option for Whites then it is all the more important to maintain a critical eye on him. He has proclaimed himself the most anti-racist person - and walks that walk quite a ways. How is that being on our side domestically, Andrew? What good will it be to build a wall - around Whites and non-Whites together?... and make America work with its mixed race population? “Be a real Republican man” (bravely on your way to a mulatto future) right, Anglin and Duke? Why would some Jews get behind Trump? How about to stay ahead of popular White sentiment (along with his Jewish progeny), ahead of the anti-PC game, ahead of the foreign policy game and direct it as usual?
Posted by clint eastwood on Sat, 06 Aug 2016 23:33 | # How come you have not discussed your white nationalist leader David Dukes run for US senate? 29
Posted by Our / Are friends/enemies on Wed, 30 Nov 2016 12:19 | # David Duke is also capable of committing egregious typos, “our/are friends enemies”
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Posted by Eric Jordan on Tue, 08 Sep 2015 19:15 | #
Are articles like this that just contribute to movement drama really helpful to anyone?