Destroying our Youth Through Popular culture

Posted by Guest Blogger on Tuesday, 27 January 2009 01:33.

By David Hamilton

One of the weapons used to destroy our young people is what is known as the Culture Wars.  Modern, popular music transmits raw uninhibited energy, emotion and excitement, often with tunes that are catchy enough.  But is negative and corruptive. Those who doubt this need only listen to, say, Heavy Metal or Rap, and then, perhaps, some Tudor church music, and compare the feelings and images that are aroused.  The first produce the desire to hurt or mistreat others, the second, an uplifting spiritual sense and a good feeling towards God and others.

The state of a civilisation can be assessed by its art.  There are deep similarities between our collapsing civilisation and the collapse of Greece and Rome, and we need to use their historical example as guides to correcting our own folly.  The modern manipulators are leading us into degeneracy through popular culture.

In the TV series, I’m a Celebrity Get Me out of Here, an annual show made by Granada Productions, simple people, described as Celebrities, are so degraded as to eat live worms and stick insects.  There are several levels to this degradation.  There is the cruelty it licences towards lower animals.  There is the encouragement to children to eat insects and slugs in the garden.  There is the nihilistic invitation always to indulge in further degradation as nothing more than a means of fun and entertainment.

Literally anything goes.  On one “reality” programme the appropriately named Rebecca Loos, a woman who is “famous” for an alleged affair with David Beckham while employed as his personal assistant, masturbated a pig.  On another show she fried and ate Kangaroo testicles.  This can only degrade our people and our culture.

Many think that the presentation of certain lifestyles in T.V. programmes is innocent.  But they are arranged to be presented sympathetically, and thus to challenge and slowly break down people’s natural attitudes.  The Soaps, for example, are particularly used to promote “gay” lifestyles. This is social engineering.  It does not happen by serendipity.  It is planned in meetings, and is, in fact, not very complex or difficult to plan.  The “Goodies” are shown sympathetically and glamorously … every character they want us to imitate is attractive and cool.  The “Baddies” - those they want us to hate - are thick and unlovable.  It does not occur in a vacuum but in tandem with other developments, and helps to manipulate acceptance for the Government plans to equalise the sexual marriage laws.

Contemporary art is used to degrade us by destroying notions of the Sacred.  Every year these time-warped artists stage a ritual by setting up an ordinary member of the public.  The script goes like this: an elderly person takes a youngster, say a grandchild or niece, to an exhibition and is shocked by something on display, like an unmade bed or something that requires little imagination, and complains to the press.  Then the curator is quoted as saying, “Art is to make people think, and to provoke feelings”.  This hackneyed response has been used on each occasion for the last 30 years.

I once went to the Ikon Gallery in Birmingham, which is financed by taxpayers’ money confiscated by the Government, as well as funding by companies.  The young gulls there soon refused to speak to me when I explained they are mass-produced artists all doing similar stuff.  To get a grant they have to do what the Art Council wants.  The liberal middle-classes follow the tastes and standards set by elites such as Saatchi.

At the beginning of the twentieth century the modernist movement set about destroying the form and grammar of traditional art, and thus the content, and made it both unintelligible and uninteresting.  In the 60’s, cultural Marxists of the New Left became the avant-garde in the art word as they became the elites in almost all the avenues of culture.  They hated our culture and traditions, and they have been destroying them and our young people ever since.

Aristocrat rulers had a sense of noblesse oblige towards the working-classes, and a sense of responsibility to posterity.  But the new elites were driven by their hatred and personal gain to corrupt them.

The Discrimination Act of 1975 cautions people against using degrading language in respect to certain selected groups.  But our elites continually degrade working-class people and our young, whom they mock as “chavs”.  Our people rarely see themselves affirmed as human beings of value in adverts or on TV.  Only the dark-skinned without English features are accorded a sympathetic treatment.  The worst of it is the frequency with which our women are shown to the world as whores.

It is simply not intended that we should identify with ourselves.  Why, then, would the elites have any conscience about bringing immigrants here to undercut our wages and take our jobs, and push us out of our communities?  They consider us worthless.

The television programme makers are on the lookout for something to laugh at but we are now the targets and this is done to us before the rest of the world. It is conveyed by images as well as words which are read as body language and semi-conscious messages.

Whites are presented as fat and over-weight, while ethnics are bright and clean.  One Channel 4 programme, How clean is Your House, has two women visit couples homes to instruct them on how to keep the house free of grime.  Another, Supernanny has a woman visit inadequate parents to tell them how to bring their children up.  They select lower-class inadequates but never tell an inadequate Muslim couple how to bring their children up.  One of these programmes is shown in 47 countries!  This sends the message to potential “asylum seekers” that we are inadequate and weak, and they can come here and take everything off us, including our women.

What are the effects on everyday life of this constant debilitation of our people by the elites?  Ordinary people lose contact with the culture and the civilisation into which they have been born.  They become disorientated, lost, suffer from a kind of bereavement, and become depressed.  They do not know the riches that should be theirs.

Our culture is still amenable to the elites, but our manipulated young and those from a de-culturalised background give up and do not bother.  They cannot take refuge in a smaller cultural world like the elites, who live in large houses in posh areas of London, or perhaps in beautiful English villages where they can indulge themselves in the role of country gentlefolk.  The lost lose all heart and, having nowhere to go, descend into vices and viciousness.  They are no longer civilized and do not know how they should behave.  They become prey to amoral meritocrats who use and exploit them.

The papers devote pages to the drugged and drunken antics “celebs” and footballers, while the celeb magazines and radio stations promote the creatures who have degraded themselves on Reality TV shows.  They show the women leaving nightclubs drunk, and like to question whether they are wearing knickers or not.  The people who make these programmes and write the magazines are educated and intelligent people, and have only a professional interest in their subject matter.  So they know full well what they are doing to our young people.

It is done not just to degrade our own people, but to redress the balance with the behaviour of ethnic communities.  The other day I came across the covers of two celeb magazines.  One stated, “Posh is looking tired and stressed. Is it too much partying?” … the other, “Britney and Paris’ wild night out”.

We are being deprived of self worth and seeking it in drink and drugs. There is a trend in drinking amongst people as young as 10 -15.  We see them all over the country in subways, on recreation grounds, schoolchildren drinking cans that they have been sold illegally by shopkeepers.

Our young people do not understand their loss of identity, the loss of the sense of who they are and loss of self-worth. What are the consequences? The degradation shows in their social lives when they try to escape from themselves.  A 20 year-old told me how she and her cousin go on.  “We were so drunk,” she said beaming, “we couldn’t stand.”  They could not remember how they got home.  I asked if they like getting drunk.  “It’s social”, one replied; the other, “It’s good fun.”  It is acceptable now, like sex and skimpy dress.

Some politicians claim stopping “Happy Hours” would stop drunkenness but there are ways of getting drunk quickly and cheaply like “drinking glasses of water while drinking alcohol because it reacts in your blood and you get drunk quicker.”  There is also a trick of gulping air down while you drink.  I asked who originates these tricks. “Probably, the breweries,” the girl replied.

Though they have been educated to see themselves as equal to men, in practice women’s vital organs are not as strong as men’s, and they have a greater chance of liver and kidney damage as well as permanent brain damage.

Children are selfish, but become civilized as they grow older and take responsibility for the world around them.  This is becoming adult.  However, the new culture prevents them from growing up and keeps them immature, which is what’s causing so much uncivilised behaviour.  Bar owners and the drinks companies play on the weaker part of people’s nature rather like a sales scam would play on, say, someone’s greed.  It is preying on the young’s need for fun and adventure - offering only unhealthy adventure, of course.

Young people tend to drink either drinks that have pretty colours and fruity flavours - like soft drinks but are about 6% alcohol - or pretty, pleasant tasting cocktails.  At the same time, the hypnotic music pounds away disorientating them.  There are often TV screens all around showing sport, pop acts or models on catwalks.  The bar I visited had a couple of bouncy castles upon which customers bounced gleefully, mindless that outside their bubbles of pleasure there is a dangerous, hostile world.  Recent bomb attacks were outside London nightclubs.  A cool bar is unreal and like being in a dream.  There is also the use of the hallucinatory effects of drugs in adverts.  I saw an advert for vodka shots, which was a square of undulating shades of blue light.  You do not see these colours by drinking vodka, gulps of air or not.  You see this by taking ecstasy.

On a normal evening in every town and city you see young women collapsed on the pavements, usually being attended by paramedics and stretchered away comatose or with cracked heads.  Is that all our young women are worth?  They walk up to cars waiting at traffic lights and ask for lifts and often just open the door and get in.  You see them staggering around the streets at 2 to 4 am lobbing their boobs out to stop passing cars for lifts. They are perfect victims for ethnics and asylum seekers who drive up and down the entertainment streets imitating private hire cars.

No wonder others have no respect for our women when they have no respect for themselves

People from other countries and the ethnic groups already here have no respect for our corrupted women, who they see as only good for one thing.  Many are raped every weekend and either do not know it or who did it, as they usually cannot remember how they got home.  Later, they might want an abortion or find they are HIV-Positive!

This preying on our degraded women hit the news last November in a spectacular way:-

HIV illegal immigrant ‘may have infected more than 400 women’

An illegal immigrant may have infected hundreds of women with HIV in a string of one-night-stands, it has emerged. The infected Jamaican reveller prowled nightclubs to pick up women and then spent almost a year unchecked in hospital where he looked for sex with vulnerable patients.

Health officials have written to more than 400 women to warn them they might have the deadly virus after having unprotected sex with him.

The immigrant, who arrived in the UK on a visitor’s visa in 2002, has admitted he cannot remember how many woman he has slept with. He told doctors he had sex, which was often unprotected, with women he met in two nightclubs in Leicester - the now-defunct Dark Club and the Burlington Club.

Last December, he was admitted to the Brandon mental health unit at Leicester General Hospital where he slept with fellow patients - possibly even in the unit. Doctors were told in May that his visa had expired and he was living in the UK illegally but the HIV danger only became known in the last few weeks. A married patient confessed to sleeping with him, according to the Sun, and he then told medics about his other sexual liaisons.

A source told the paper: ‘It’s literally panic stations.’

The Times of August 11 2007 reported on “growing concern” at the attitudes of some Asian men towards young white girls, which campaigners for women claim few people wish to address.

Grooming of white girls for sex is exposed as two Asian men jailed

A hidden world in which Asian men “groom” young white girls for sex has been exposed with the jailing yesterday of two men for child-abuse offences. Zulfqar Hussain, 46, and Qaiser Naveed, 32, from east Lancashire, were each jailed for five years and eight months after exploiting two girls aged under 16 by plying them with alcohol and drugs before having sex with them.

Both men pleaded guilty at Preston Crown Court to abduction, sexual activity with a child and the supply of a controlled drug.

… The trial came amid growing concern at the attitudes of some Asian men towards white girls which campaigners for women claim few people wish to address. Parents have complained that in parts of the country with large Asian communities white girls as young as 12 are being targeted for sex by older Asian men yet the authorities are unwilling to act because of fears of being labelled racist.

Ann Cryer, a Labour member of the Commons Home Affairs Select Committee, has been at the forefront of attempting to tackle the problem after receiving complaints from mothers in her constituency about young Asian men targeting their under-age daughters.

Although campaigners claim that hundreds of young girls are already being passed around men within the Asian community for sex, she said that attempts to raise the problem with community leaders had met with little success, with most of them being in a state of denial about it.

Pop stars are arbiters of taste and behaviour and must take personal responsibility for the harm they have done to young people by creating degenerate images to make themselves millions. Young people identify with them, and are beguiled by their rebellious and exciting images while in reality they live in mansions, employ gardeners, maids, cooks and butlers, and send their children to the best schools.

The man who destroyed old America, and undermined the western world, Elvis Presley, has a religious devotion 30 years after his death, and his home Gracelands attracts worshippers on the scale of Lourdes or Mecca. These pop idols have replaced religious and national icons for millions of people. They are hypocrites who pose to corrupt and make money. Madonna in real life tried to live as an English country lady while in public she pretends to be a rebel effing and blinding and snogging Britney at award ceremonies. This degraded old thing is no longer influential but did a lot of harm, especially by promoting S&M.

On internet “Social Networking” sites for young people to meet others, our young women present themselves as tarts and most say they “like getting drunk.” Their clothes and poses show them as anybody’s meat. They are imitating people on TV talent shows, and think they will be spotted, or slappers who have made fortunes displaying their silicon boobs!

Our elites promote these specimens as role models for our young people, but only promote honourable and worthy people as role models for ethnic minorities.  If you walk around an inner city school or community centre the walls are festooned with heroes from the histories of ethnic groups, like Gandhi, Marcus Garvey or Harriet Tubman.

On an entertainment street some bars are used for pills and others for cocaine and most door staff are pumped up on steroids. The drug goes with the music. The coke-heads are hyper and constantly making a sort of chewing motion.  The staff of these bars put Vaseline on lavatory cisterns to try to stop customers doing lines of coke on them but the owners are usually on it themselves, and door staff are often dealers.

Another mode of destruction is Clubbing on Ecstasy.  It is a special occasion like going to church on Sundays.

There is an unfinished part of us that is reaching out to become satisfied or whole and this gives a temporary and artificial substitute.  A common feature of ecstasy clubbers is a need to escape from themselves, which in a healthier age would have led to a mystic journey in solitude as eremites counting their beads and communing with God.  In our degraded times they are prey for the hard-headed business people who use any fashion to make money out of their own people.

A young woman explained to me: “It heightens the music, makes it more epic.”  In common with others it helps them to dance longer, but the important effect is that “It fills you full of love towards those around you … if a girl is being sick in the toilets you pull her hair back for her. I have only seen two fights in eight years of clubbing.”  She compared this with aggressive pubs when people are drunk and violent fights ensue.  It is a response to the betrayal of the needs of our young people by our Christian leaders, and has fuelled artificial communities and the illusion of transcendence through drugs.

The importation of cheap labour is justified by blaming us: “Eastern European Workers Shame Lazy Brits” scream the tabloids.  It is quite incredible, but our elites apologise for historic slavery while encouraging wage-slaves to immigrate here from the Third World.  On top of “asylum seekers” and spouses and families coming here, Eastern European immigration makes a total of 1,000,000 per annum.  Nurse graduates, for example, cannot find jobs.

The elites see only good in ethnics but find fault in us.  The latter are “essentially good,” while we are essentially bad.  Unfortunately, many immigrants keep letting them down by shooting and knifing people, grooming our young girls and planting bombs.

The one who brought totalitarianism and oppression into our legal system with the Campaign for Racial Equality, in the 1976 Community Relations Act, was Roy Jenkins. Biographer, John Campbell (Weidenfield & Nicolson.1983) tells us, that he believed, “That immigration was good for Britain and if people resisted they should be socially engineered into accepting it.” Commonwealth immigrants, like previous waves of immigrants from the Norman Conquest, to the refugees of the 30s, could help overcome “our natural Island lethargy”.

The practice has been our degradation. We need to re-introduce Grammar Schools or even found new public schools to impart traditional values like honour, duty and service; others must consider Home Schooling networks to give our young the standard of education the state schools are denying them and to instil self-worth and a sense of belonging instead of teaching them to give up their country to outsiders and to become sexual perverts.

We must revive local fairs and festivals and develop our Folk music traditions by taking traditional forms, but using modern words and modern tales to express our sufferings under the elites.  These are not rationalist formulae but suggestions for our creative young people to develop in practice.  By these means they will be able to forge natural, emotional bonds with their own people, their traditions and civilisation.



Posted by danielj on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 02:38 | #

One of the weapons used to destroy our young people is what is known as the Culture Wars.  Modern, popular music transmits raw uninhibited energy, emotion and excitement, often with tunes that are catchy enough.  But is negative and corruptive. Those who doubt this need only listen to, say, Heavy Metal or Rap, and then, perhaps, some Tudor church music, and compare the feelings and images that are aroused.  The first produce the desire to hurt or mistreat others, the second, an uplifting spiritual sense and a good feeling towards God and others.

Yeah Henry VIII was reeeeeealy spiritually inspired by Tudor church music. So inspired he needed a whole harem to discharge all the inspiration.

Heavy metal can be a White man’s war whoop. It can be destructive, but it can also be beneficial. Punk rock used to have a huge respect for free-thinking and d.i.y. ethics and these positives enabled me to move from left to right. I couldn’t have done it without the music.

I’m not trying to be contrary. I enjoyed and agree with most of the substance of your post but take exception to this one idea.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 03:53 | #

“The one who brought totalitarianism and oppression into our legal system with the Campaign for Racial Equality, in the 1976 Community Relations Act, was Roy Jenkins.  Biographer John Campbell (Weidenfield & Nicolson, 1983) tells us, that he believed, ‘That immigration was good for Britain and if people resisted they should be socially engineered into accepting it.’ “  (—from the log entry)

In a properly-run society this man Roy Jenkins might face the gallows for that, for conspiring to commit genocide.  The laws are already on the books; the Nuremberg precedent already established.


Posted by cladrastis on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 05:39 | #

I don’t think there’s anything degenerate about eating insects or kangaroo testicles, but you might successfully argue that such behavior is degenerate insofar as it is offered as “entertainment”.

I had a long discussion with a friend a few nights back about whether modern art should be considered degenerate, and if so, where one draws the line.  Was it degenerate when Monet began painting his haystacks or when van Gogh painted his Starry Night?  How about the works of Gauguin, Picasso, Bosch?  How about Jonathan Bowden’s art?

My own opinion:  most art is crappy art, but every age has its masters.  The key to being a master is genius, which is reflected by the ability to innovate in one’s field.  Given that, realism in art is desirable BECAUSE most art is crappy art; it will be produced by those who are incapable of innovating.  Thus, is it not more desirable to be surrounded by art that has some aesthetic value (though it may be flat, stilted, or otherwise “boring”) than by alienating, abstract, expressionist, minimalist, or pornographic “art”?  We need geniuses in art again - those who can translate the new discoveries in science and mathematics into visual and auditory media. 

Also, I disagree with your assessment of drugs; some drugs - those that are commonly called entheogens - can and should be utilized by thinkers and mystics, because they DO reveal another level of consciousness to those daring and curious enough to explore it.  The way “back to” God (or the gods?) may come from our increased knowledge and experience with such substances.

Overall, nice essay GW.


Posted by Torch on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 09:27 | #

Everything which Jews manage eventually goes sour -

And yet they remain in charge of America’s economy.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 10:32 | #

Whoops, I forgot to put David Hamilton’s name on it when I scripted it.  Corrected that now.  So not mine, Cladistris.

Daniel, David’s point is that you would have been less likely to be estranged from the truer part of yourself had our art and music remained so.  The role of Heavy Metal and Punk as channellers of vivifying ideas would carry more weight if the life-style, excesses and, obviously, appearance of its high priests were not its primary focus.


Posted by danielj on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 11:27 | #

Daniel, David’s point is that you would have been less likely to be estranged from the truer part of yourself had our art and music remained so.  The role of Heavy Metal and Punk as channellers of vivifying ideas would carry more weight if the life-style, excesses and, obviously, appearance of its high priests were not its primary focus.

It wasn’t the art and music that led me astray initially but I understand your point. I still believe it can be used as an outreach tool.


Posted by Bill on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 11:32 | #

Modern liberal freedoms pander to the base instincts of humans.  Sex, violence, narcissism (plus many more) have been used as weapons against the West since the sixties.

The intriguing question is why Conservatism and Christianity could not resist this assault on our civilisation?  I lived my teenage years throughout the fifties, during which time, Conservatism (noblesse oblige) and Christianity was still very much alive.  Looking back, it astonishes me the speed at which the counter culture revolution took hold, for by the end of the sixties the edifice of my world had started to crumble.

It could be said that nineteen fifties Britain was the final curtain call of a once proud homogenous, nation at ease with itself; indeed it was the burning embers of a once great Victorian society.  Numerous relations of mine were Victorians whose values and ethos were still very much in evidence.

The relaxing of the reins of social discipline commenced in earnest during the sixties, with this relaxing, the constant chipping away at the very foundations of our way of life continued unabated, the writing was on the wall.  (But who was doing it?) 

Funny thing is, at the time I never noticed the incremental degradation, as the whole thing was so insidious it went almost unnoticed.  With the benefit of hindsight of course, it is shockingly obvious.

I suppose it is no coincidence that the emergence of television facilitated the waging of the culture war in earnest, without which, the war could not have taken place.  The war’s architects have proved themselves to be past masters of opportunity; the arrival of television was the ultimate weapon with which to control the minds the peoples of the world.  1984 here we come!

The culture war has been handsomely won by the left; but it was a no contest really, what with television and barely any resistance from the exiting old establishment, poor Mrs Whitehouse and Britain stood no chance.


Posted by Armor on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 15:37 | #

Elvis Presley, Madonna, Britney

I think what’s wrong is that they receive so much promotion from the media, and there is no alternative media. Although Britney Spears has talent as a singer, she is really a creation of the media. She was practically raised by them, which is not exactly the right kind of education. She is clearly irresponsible and she’s being used. Other young singers are being used too. Instead of calling them white trash, as the neocon editorialists will do, I think we should blame politicians and media owners for being pimps. It seems they want normal white girls to turn like Britney Spears. The case of Madonna is somewhat different. She has been more scheming and active in her self-promotion.

About Heavy Metal and Rap: Heavy metal would still be popular without the media, because many white people have fun doing that kind of loud noise. Even if the music is not very good, it has social value, it is a pretext to do something together, and listeners can discuss who is the worst band. It is the same as when you listen to classical music performed live. The music itself is only part of the pleasure. But rap, it seems to me, is mainly black non-culture advertised by the media with an anti-white agenda. It has no legitimacy.

Authors of modern art are no different from Madonna. They are shams. But the real problem lies with the media, politicians, and art institutions, all of them perverted by the radical left. In the USA, much of modern art is subsidized by foundations controlled by the left. I suspect in Britain, museums and festivals receive a lot of public money. In France, city mayors are required to spend some public money on street art, and they are the ones responsible for buying modern works of art that they would refuse to have in their own backyards. I don’t know how they are persuaded to do so. It seems they never stand for their personal opinions and tastes. The “artists” themselves are only guilty of making phony artwork and taking the money. They have to earn a living after all. They don’t force anyone to buy their “art”.

In the end, I think what we need is independent newspapers, radio and TV stations, with no Jews, no non-whites, no loony leftists, and an explicitly pro-white and anti-genocide outlook. But we are not allowed to have that.


Posted by Gudmund on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 15:47 | #

Those who doubt this need only listen to, say, Heavy Metal or Rap, and then, perhaps, some Tudor church music, and compare the feelings and images that are aroused.

Rap, yes.  But metal?  Metal is White People Music.  Many metal bands are concerned with philosophy, history, politics, etc, so perhaps Mr. Hamilton should do a little more research before he attacks something he knows absolutely nothing about.  Many metal fans are also devotees of the European classical traditions and other, “more civilized” music - myself for instance; I am a classically trained pianist.

Varg Vikernes, the imprisoned BM artist, has often said that metal attracts non-conformist personalities interested in, say, Romanticism or paganism (= ancestral European culture!) and only becomes a negative when it is excessively commercialized and permeated by the brain-dead rock ‘n’ roll “culture.”  I agree, it can be a positive for our side.

Otherwise, Hamilton’s article was great and I agree with most of his points.


Posted by AlmostMusicPhD on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 16:25 | #

I found the comments about this absolutely brilliant article, to be as indicative as any, of the lack of interest in culture from the supposed ‘conservers’, who still want their ‘cake and eat it, too.’

Contemporary culture did not appear overnight in the 1950’s with Elvis. There was a concerted effort starting with the Jewish Bolsheviks in the 1920’s (remember the 1920’s?) to break down the barriers between race, class, culture, and perversion. (I include adultery of the heterosex kind as much as the sodomite kind here) Josephine Baker’s striptease ‘art’ was prohibited in the USA, (because it was vulgar, and she was a Negro) while lauded in ‘liberated, tolerant’ Germany and Austria to a lesser extent (because it was KINKY, vulgar, and she was a Negro). WHY? Because JEWS ruled over much of the culture-disseminating organs at that time. See Christopher Jon Bjerknes ‘St. Einstein’ for corroboration on that.

Indeed, the VERY SAME CULTURE DEATHWISH that ruled over post-Belle Epoque/WWI Europe, now rules over the USA. And the VERY SAME REASONS exist NOW, as did THEN, that brought about the rise of the National Socialist Party- a fear, and a disgust that the Jews had OVERREACHED THEIR HAND in CONTROLLING THE GOYIM.

Likewise, the abolitionists and the Jews of the Upper East Side of NYC joined forces after the Civil War, during the “Reconstruction” to utterly eradicate the genteel culture of Amerian music, mores, and morals- Scott Joplin’s ‘rags’ began their lives in bordellos, and the “Tin Pan Alley” crowd were ALL JEWS, to a man.

One recent post you fellows had here, generated over 100 posts. That there are only ten here, clearly shows that you don’t ‘get it’ when it comes to culture. The one poster who tried to put his ‘contemporary spin’ on Henry VIII and Tudor music, MISSED THE POINT ENTIRELY. If it hadn’t been for the intransigence of the Pope, Henry would probably have continued married, but for AN HEIR. Something commoners don’t understand, because they are not heads of Dynasties.

I believe Henry was used by God to help keep England (and thereby the USA) safer from the ravages of the most rabid excesses of the Papacy, in giving us Elizabeth I, the BCP, the KJV, Cranmer, and TUDOR CHURCH music of Anglicanism.
(Yes, I am a traditional Anglican) I say, I’d rather more of THAT culture, than the saxophone-toting Jew-manipulated eight years of a Clinton…or an Obamination, who has not even lasted ONE WEEK of his ‘honeymoon’ with the American people.


Posted by Rusty on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 18:29 | #

Speaking of popular culture , check out this video I discovered through M.R. Johnson’s site, concerning liturgical chaos: 

Wow, I had no idea it had gotten this bad.


Posted by Bill on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 19:28 | #

(remember the 1920’s?) asks AlmostMusicPhD January 27, 2009, 03:25 PM

I’m too young to remember the 1920’s, I’m of the next decade vintage.  My parents were in their teens during the ‘20’s, they talked about the Charleston and the Black Bottom and all that heady stuff from the movies of that era.  My parents were of decided working class, so they would be talking about the local Town Hall dance on a Saturday night or church social.

If anyone out there could tell me what negative cultural influences my parents were unconciously subjected to (In Britain in the 1920’s) I would be most interested.  My parents were Edwardian, (grandparents Victorian) my Father doffed his hat to the ladies, he gave up his seat on the omnibus, he walked on the roadside of the pavement when walking with my Mother, My Father didn’t seem any different to his peers.  Like most of his class, he had an innate sense of values and dignity.

In other words, my parents generation were probably among the first to be tested by the culture emanating from across the Atlantic by way of film and sheet music.  Britain has been subjected to American culture ever since.

It is interesting that the people of wartime Britain came face to face for the first time with American youth culture in the form of the military.  My childhood memories of ‘Don’t sit under the Apple Tree’  ‘In the Mood’ the ‘Andrew Sisters’ chewing gum, Glen Miller and his band, still remain to this day.  Later, in cinema newsreels, it was jitterbugging and the ubiquitous Jeep, Yankee know-how and brashness.  It all took Britain by storm and we never really recovered.  Thousands of our prettiest young ladies were carried off to America as trophy brides at the end of the war.

The British summed it all up rather unkindly by, “They’re over paid, oversexed and over here.”

After the war, (in the ‘50’s) it was my turn.  I was enthralled by American culture in the form of the cinema (movies) some of the finest films ever made were shown on our screens, I soaked it all up like a sponge, I still haven’t a clue how much it all degraded my culture but as I haven’t anything other than the fondest of memories of those films, then I guess not much.

Then along comes Elvis! Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis, Buddy Holly, Fats Domino.  For me and a whole generation it was ‘Honey lay off those blue suede shoes.’ the Genie had been let out of the bottle, from that moment on - it was never the same again.

The rest as they say is history.


Posted by danielj on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 21:41 | #

The one poster who tried to put his ‘contemporary spin’ on Henry VIII and Tudor music, MISSED THE POINT ENTIRELY.

T’was a joke.

Lighten up.

People were just as filthy and crude in the middle ages as they are now and any attempts at romanticizing the past without first considering that fact are for naught. I’m not saying I don’t believe in the simple fact that civilizations decline, but it isn’t necessarily a failure on the part of the artist, but rather, the masses that eat it up.

The Bible doesn’t permit divorce and Henry VIII was just a wicked sinner like the rest of us. The Anglican church hasn’t held out any better against modernity than the Catholic despite having better doctrine.


Posted by danielj on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 21:44 | #

I say, I’d rather more of THAT culture, than the saxophone-toting Jew-manipulated eight years of a Clinton…or an Obamination, who has not even lasted ONE WEEK of his ‘honeymoon’ with the American people.

There is nothing inherently evil or incapacitating about the saxophone, watercolors or television (contra McLuhan). It is all what we make of them.


Posted by Joe of the Mountain on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 22:32 | #

The degredation began in earnest after the mid-1800s here in American and perhaps in Europe but for different causes.  I call it the “Joe of the Mountain Peasant Theory of Everything”.  It explains all.

The Liberty Gene is recessive.  It must be bred and cultivated.  Due to geography, Britain accumulated a large portion of the Liberty Gene—although it did accumulate elsewhere, but in lesser amounts.

After the US civil war, the children and grandchildren of ‘76 were killed, tkaing the Liberty Gene with them.  To replace these native sons, millions of European peasants were imported…  wholesale.  But neither US soil nor magic spells (i.e., oaths and pronouncements) can turn a peasant from a 1,000 year line of peasants into a free man, let alone into a Victorian gentleman or English-descended aristocrat.  It was only a matter of time before the peasant, through homeostasis, returned to his peasant roots and behaved in the evolutionarily selfish manner one might expect of a peasant.  Ergo, we have this mess today because this is the natural state of the peasantry, unleashed and given an amount of power.

Yes it’s ugly.  Mainly because it represents a gross failure of our own leadership which broke down completely over the course of the 20th C.  Is it reversible?  No… our genes are recessive and now we lack the manpower to impose our will on a much larger population.  Retreat to the West was the classic answer but there is no longer a West.  What to do????

We can start by keeping our own children pure.  And I love Tudor church music too.  I never listened to Metal but I recognize it is popular with lower-class whites who possess the Liberty Gene but lack the cognitive gifts to act on it.  We must reach out to them and lead as the aristocrats we are—by our very blood.


Posted by Dasein on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 22:38 | #

I would like to second Loriver’s note of hope.  I spent my teens years listening to Public Enemy (It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back- don’t laugh!!).  Real-life experiences with Negroes changed my view of them.  The combination of those experiences, finding out that we are being lied to about the scientific findings on race, and discovering the inherent morality of our position (thanks to sites like this) woke me up.  The liberal project is falling apart, as it had to.


Posted by Help I'm a Rock on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 23:14 | #

“I spent my teens years listening to Public Enemy”

Hahahahahahahahah…....  hahahahahhahahahaha!!!!!!! Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.

Don’t feel too bad, Dasein. It could be worse. Allot worse. Imagine if you’d listened to Amy Winehouse singing a Barry White anthology? Now that’d have been degenerate. LOL!

Anyway, Zappa had it right in the 70s with “I AM THE SLIME”:

I am gross and perverted
Im obsessed n deranged
I have existed for years
But very little had changed
I am the tool of the government
And industry too
For I am destined to rule
And regulate you

I may be vile and pernicious
But you cant look away
I make you think Im delicious
With the stuff that I say
I am the best you can get
Have you guessed me yet?
I am the slime oozin out
From your tv set

You will obey me while I lead you
And eat the garbage that I feed you
Until the day that we dont need you
Dont got for help…no one will heed you
Your mind is totally controlled
It has been stuffed into my mold
And you will do as you are told
Until the rights to you are sold

Thats right, folks..
Dont touch that dial

Well, I am the slime from your video
Oozin along on your livinroom floor

I am the slime from your video
Cant stop the slime, people, lookit me go


Posted by Dasein on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 23:29 | #

In my own defense, I would like to add that it was not all, or even most, of my teen years smile  Maybe a year and a half?  I was soon into Grunge.  Hmm, I think I need to go down now and root through my old CD collection (PE was on tape, but I think I bought a CD version, anticipating a moment like this…).  Cool lyrics to the Zappa piece; now I have a better idea why some of my older friends were big fans.


Posted by danielj on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 03:00 | #

The whole idea we are trying to get across here is not thought out well. I retract my previous statement about the value of this blog piece.

Think about traditional Irish music and how Flogging Molly and Dropkick Murphys play those songs. They are only able to adapt them because they are adaptable. Classical music (a la Beethoven) and popular music have always been two different things with an unbridgeable gulf between them.

“Classical” music has suffered its own “de-highbrowification” as well. Think about what happened at the Rite of Spring premiere.

Someone needs to rework this whole piece.

And my point about Henry VIII still has merit despite being jest.

PUBLIC ENEMY kicks ass. So does NWA. Black people listen to, absorb and reinterpret White music all the time and their is nothing wrong with us doing the same thing. It is just cultural exchange and it is perfectly acceptable.


Posted by danielj on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 03:12 | #

Sorry. I’ve been drinking.

The idea the author is trying to get across in this piece has merit. A degenerate popular culture is capable of rendering our populace ineffective at maintaining ethnic solidarity and incapable of defending Western Civ against the postmodern onslaught. However, I’m afraid I must retract my previous statement about the value of this blog piece. I’m not sure now that it was thought out well enough.

One example I find myself returning to is traditional Irish music. The current players of said music are informed by two differing traditions. One tradition is the perennially declining world of popular culture and music we are all forced to reside in and the other is their traditional culture. The songs they play are a mixture of the two, or if you like, an adapted tradition. They are only able to adapt them because they are adaptable, as a healthy tradition should be. That is how Christianity came to be European.

The problem with blindly praising classical music is that classical music is not “of the people” in any meaningful sense. Everybody could afford Finnegan’s Wake, but not everybody could afford the Moonlight Sonata. I’m not denying the value of elitism, but there are two standards. One for the weak and one for the strong.

Even“classical” music has suffered its own de-highbrowification. What happened at the Rite of Spring premiere. That was in 1913 so perhaps the hysteria of war raised the temperament of the people to fever-pitch but I doubt it.

Both the upper and lower classes can be degenerate in synchronized or unsynchronized fashion. What makes our situation so desperate is that we are simultaneously degenerate.

Someone needs to rework this whole piece.

My point about Henry VIII still has merit and stands despite the fact that it was made in jest.

PUBLIC ENEMY kicks ass. So does NWA. Black people listen to, absorb and reinterpret White music all the time and their is nothing wrong with us returning the favor in reverse. It is called cultural exchange and it is perfectly acceptable behavior for a budding White Nationalist. It is simply a form of proselytizing and it is highly advantageous. Somebody made the point that we “don’t get” culture here and that is true to some extent. We come off as “stuffy” and that makes us easy targets for comedy and eventual rejection.


Posted by danielj on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 03:15 | #


I did it again…

*there* is nothing wrong with us returning the favor.


Posted by Dasein on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 12:56 | #

Daniel, I agree with your point about cultural exchange.  Depending on what aspect of the culture is being exchanged.  When another races’ norms for promiscuity and violence are being glorified, this is not good.  To be fair to PE, they were pretty tame in those departments (NWA is another matter).  What I find embarassing (or funny), looking back on it, was my belief that there was truth to what PE was rapping about or that Professor Griff had an IQ over 90.  Oh well, I am comforted by that quote from Churchill (grotesque fool that he was).  Perhaps rap would have a less pernicious effect on the attitudes of White youth if performed only in Bantu dialects.


Posted by Dasein on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 14:02 | #

That should be ‘grotesque fool though he was’.  No excuse there, I am not drinking smile


Posted by Glyn Roach on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 14:40 | #

That is a reasonable attack on the status quo and we should take it as a whole not cherry pick isolated sentenced to get upset about.I ws brought up on rock music, wcky acky amd LSD but I grew out of it and do not think young people should be cortrupted by it. It was popular music that brougjht about this cultural Marxist -PC world we sare in.  John Lennon and people like that.  Michael Foulcault wrote about Sado Masochism to normalise them but it was Madonna who turned people on to it.


Posted by Armor on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 15:58 | #

It was popular music that brought about this cultural Marxist -PC world we are in.  John Lennon and people like that. (—Glyn Roach)

I wouldn’t mind occasionally having to listen to that kind of music and to the phony, rehearsed, leftist, hypocritical, politically correct “rebellious” attitudes that go with it on radio and TV. The problem is we are not allowed to hear much else. The media owners are trying to stifle normal, grass roots society. I agree that John Lennon was horribly annoying, but we should blame the media, not him, for airing his song “imagine” about one million times on each radio station. The solution would be to have our own media, consciously white, Jew-free, and anti-anti-white.

listen to, say, Heavy Metal or Rap, and then, perhaps, some Tudor church music, and compare the feelings and images that are aroused.  The first produce the desire to hurt or mistreat others, the second, an uplifting spiritual sense and a good feeling towards God and others. (—David Hamilton)

I’m not against some Tudor church music to cultivate our good feelings. But I also think a counteroffensive is needed. I suggest the use of rock’n roll music with rewritten anti-leftist lyrics. Hopefully, it will inspire normal people with the desire to hurt and mistreat the anti-white riffraff.


Posted by danielj on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 16:58 | #

Daniel, I agree with your point about cultural exchange.  Depending on what aspect of the culture is being exchanged.

I should have made that qualification myself and regret failing to do so.  I am unable to find and provide any specific examples, but I’ve heard that Russian youth utilize hip-hop much the same way disaffected American White males use heavy metal and hardcore punk.

When another races’ norms for promiscuity and violence are being glorified, this is not good.

I agree, but if you did a fair amount of research about underground hip-hop you would find that the White artists are reflective, self-effacing, philosophical and generally opposed to violence and promiscuity. They tend to be left-wing, but we could change that by properly assimilating the tradition.

We aren’t losing the culture war because of some inherent immorality contained in the popular culture, we are losing it because we are two steps behind. Nationalists are the Bill Gates in the fight, relevant only as joke fodder and for commercial exploitation by a superior company. Steve Jobs is the “left wing” and it is obviously the future minus some galvanizing of the right and the regaining of control of the popular sphere. We must capitalize on popular developments by keeping our “ear to the streets” and if we are successful, then we can rise to a position to dictate the terms of the game. As of now, we are sidelined due to our inability to properly engage the culture in any realm outside of computer programming.

To be fair to PE, they were pretty tame in those departments (NWA is another matter).

Public Enemy had the ever ubiquitous and greasy finger tips of the uber-jew Rick Rubin firmly planted in their enterprise. Rubin is excellent at what he does. He is polished and he passed that talent onto the superior Chuck-D. (Carlton Douglas Ridenhour) Chuck probably has a much higher I.Q. than either Dr. Dre or Easy-E. The Jew, Gerry Heller, who co-founded Ruthless Records and managed N.W.A. was involved in too much other commercial crap to truly care about the gangsta-rap genre. I think he was just cashing in and this gave N.W.A a much freer hand to act like the fools they were.

Ultimately, the problem is that the Jews control the record labels. This is now very regrettably, very true of punk rock and “indie” music as well. What started out as a movement that dreaded excessive consumption, rejected consumerism, stood against artifice and the artificial, sought truth and the free exchange of ideas has been stolen by the Jews. Punks make easy converts because they are more natural allies of the reactionary right but the vitality of the movement has been drained and what was an implicitly White genre has been infused with political correctness and the music has resultantly become heavily laden with White guilt.

<blockqutoe>Here is What I find embarassing (or funny), looking back on it, was my belief that there was truth to what PE was rapping about or that Professor Griff had an IQ over 90.</blockquote>

There is some truth in it because we have failed the Black community in a certain respect. We kept their families intact before the civil rights movement but we gave them too much control over their own lives and brought this awful mess down upon them.

They aren’t lying in those records. I’ve lived and worked in those neighborhoods they are rapping about.

Don’t feel taken. You know how the saying goes: If you aren’t a liberal when you are young, you have no heart and if you aren’t a conservative when you’re older, you have no head.

Oh well, I am comforted by that quote from Churchill (grotesque fool that he was).  Perhaps rap would have a less pernicious effect on the attitudes of White youth if performed only in Bantu dialects.

White’s do with rap, exactly what we did with gunpowder.

Atmosphere, Sage Francis, Eyedea et al are perfect examples.

Never underestimate the creativity of an intelligent White male and what we can do with minimal materials. Reminds me of this:

MacGyver Friend: “Hey man, we’re out of papers man.”
MacGyver Smoker: “Alright, then get me a toilet paper roll, a cork screw, and some tin foil.”
MacGyver Friend: “We don’t have a cork screw.”
MacGyver Smoker: “Alright, then get me an avacado, an ice pick, and my snorkel. Trust me bro, I’ve made bongs with less. Hurry up.”


Posted by Dasein on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 20:08 | #

If I’m not mistaken, the saying is a quote from Churchill.  Eningmatic fellow.  He had some of the best insights into the age, yet he did perhaps more than anyone to get us into the mess we’re in today.


Posted by danielj on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 20:19 | #

If I’m not mistaken, the saying is a quote from Churchill.  Eningmatic fellow.  He had some of the best insights into the age, yet he did perhaps more than anyone to get us into the mess we’re in today.

I’m not entirely sure it was intentional but I haven’t read enough about the man.

I do like this critique of him: Schoolboy Churchill


Posted by danielj on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 20:25 | #

Actually, turns out the original saying was: Not to be a republican at twenty is proof of want of heart; to be one at thirty is proof of want of head by Francois Guisot (1787-1874) which was later changed by Georges Clemenceau (1841-1929) into: Not to be a socialist at twenty is proof of want of heart; to be one at thirty is proof of want of head.


“Conservative by the time you’re 35”
“If you’re not a liberal when you’re 25, you have no heart.  If you’re not a conservative by the time you’re 35, you have no brain.” There is no record of anyone hearing Churchill say this. Paul Addison of Edinburgh University makes this comment: “Surely Churchill can’t have used the words attributed to him. He’d been a Conservative at 15 and a Liberal at 35!  And would he have talked so disrespectfully of Clemmie, who is generally thought to have been a lifelong Liberal?”


Posted by Svigor on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 00:37 | #

And the VERY SAME REASONS exist NOW, as did THEN, that brought about the rise of the National Socialist Party

This question fascinates me, maybe in part because even WNs don’t seem to talk about it much.  Seems to me that we’re recycling Weimar Germany here in America.

The obvious difference is we’re no Weimar-age Germans, the media is far more powerful now, etc.

Anyone got any good analysis on this?


Posted by Svigor on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 00:59 | #

The gulf between classical and metal is small to a Metallica fan.  Degradation?  Maybe, but degrading high culture by introducing it to millions seems an odd way to go.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 03:26 | #

I read Kaufmann’s book [“The Rise and Fall of Anglo-America”] several years ago. If I recall correctly, he elaborates in some detail on the Jewish contribution to the cosmopolitan reinterpretation of America’s national identity, specifically through the agency of Felix Adler and the Ethical Culture movement and later through the New York Intellectuals of the 1930s. He also traces another line of radical egalitarianism from Tom Paine to the abolitionists and liberal progressives. (—Observer)

I accept that Jewish intellectuals gave a certain inflection to the American national character.  What I believe is absurd and anti-Semitic is to blame cosmopolitanism and egalitarianism “solely” on them.  (—Ian Jobling)

But Ian, we don’t blame it solely on them:  putting 99.99999999999999999999% of the blame on them isn’t putting it “solely” on them — there’s still that 0.000000000000000000001% chance someone else is doing it.


Posted by Darren on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 04:26 | #

Hilarious. Ian’s tracing of American cultural history to avoid Jews is like looking at a gerrymandered political districting map.


Posted by Svigor on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 06:19 | #

I accept that Jewish intellectuals gave a certain inflection to the American national character.  What I believe is absurd and anti-Semitic is to blame cosmopolitanism and egalitarianism “solely” on them.  (—Ian Jobling)

The language of a man more concerned with Jewish causes than European ones.

Anti-Semitic?  It isn’t used with a straight face by WNs.


Posted by Svigor on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 06:29 | #

What Ian can’t admit, is that western cosmopolitanism and egalitarianism are the traditions through which we are being exploited.

You can tell Joe everyone’s out to murder him, day after day.  Maybe one day Joe snaps and kills everyone in his immediate vicinity.  Is his “sense of survival,” a “very old trait of his people,” to blame?  Jobling would seem to think so.  In fact, Jobling would probably blame lots of things, other than the guy who poisoned Joe’s mind, like Joe’s gun, Joe’s sense of survival, Joe’s propensity for violence, etc., but Jobling wouldn’t admit that without the brainwashing, Joe wouldn’t have gone nuts.

Ian’s so busy preaching to the choir (trying to get it to change its tune), he seems to have forgotten that the whole utility of his mission is reaching the lemmings, not the players.

Joe probably blames little old ladies taken in by con men for their “weakness” or “gullibility” or some such.  Unfortunately, all of western tradition is aligned against Joe in assigning greatest culpability to con men, and not their victims.


Posted by Armor on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 06:56 | #

1) I accept that Jewish intellectuals gave a certain inflection to the American national character.

2) What I believe is absurd and anti-Semitic is to blame cosmopolitanism and egalitarianism “solely” on them.

Sentence #1 is a bit of an understatement. What kind of inflection did “Jewish intellectuals” give to the American national character? A good one? Is it over now? Do they no longer have an influence? By the way: Should the SPLC agitators be considered as “intellectuals”?

Sentence #2 says that we cannot put 100% of the blame on Jews. It sounds like an admission that they bear a huge responsibility in the immigration disaster. That claim won’t go down well with Jewish readers of Jobling’s website, even though he uses delicate words like cosmopolitanism and egalitarianism instead of “forced race replacement”.

Jobling’s position sounds both dishonest and crazy :

Dishonest, because practically no one says that only the Jews are to blame. For example, Fred Scrooby thinks there is a (not completely inexistant) chance that non-Jews may share some significant responsibility.

Crazy, because it doesn’t matter whether the Jews bear 99% of the responsibility or only 33%. In any case, we must ask them to stop their race-replacement activism, or better, we must get them out of government and the media. Why is Jobling obsessive about avoiding criticism of the Jews? Why does he stoop to using the anti-Semitic charge, as if he was Jewish? Does he believe in thought crime? Why the pretense of rebelling against absurdity, when what he really objects to is any pressure specifically directed at the Jews? Why is it wrong to ask the Jews to behave? Is he afraid we may hurt their feelings? Ending the Jewish overrepresentation in the media and in government will have a huge effect on freedom of speech and on our ability to publically oppose race replacement. We can achieve that by making people realize that the racial attack against them is mainly a Jewish thing. What other method does Jobling suggest could be used? Should we try to meet every white person one by one and try to convince them that something must be done to reverse immigration? But most of them already agree with us on that point. What’s needed is some free, non-Jewish media that will reflect popular opinion. I haven’t read Jobling’s website closely. Does he even try to give a reason why the Jews should not be held to account? Jobling’s claim that holding Jews to account is “anti-Semitic” (!?) sounds like an admission that he can’t give any argument that make sense.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 09:26 | #

Why is Jobling obsessive about avoiding criticism of the Jews? Why does he stoop to using the anti-Semitic charge, as if he was Jewish?

Who is he funded by?  Who is whispering in his ear about a future for whites and Jews together, and perhaps of a “leadership role” for him in that future?  Who did he marry?  What religion are his children?  His grandparents?

Questions, questions.  But somewhere there is an entirely logical answer for his galloping judeophilia.  We’ll get it eventually, I expect.


Posted by Bill on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 12:28 | #

Britsh Jobs for British Workers

I don’t know whether this post is appropriate here but an interesting situation has blown up in both France and Britain within the last 48 hours or so.

First, in Paris, crowds estimated in the hundreds of thousands took to the streets in protest at what seemingly are seen as anti Sarkozy in nature, in short, very similar to the riots in Greece.  Reports suggest that the protests were mainly peaceful but with minor skirmishes of violence.

More interesting for the British reader, hot on the heels of the Paris demonstrations, a spontaneous outbreaks of lightning strikes have spread across Britain in protest at the affirmative action being afforded to EU workers.  The strike was initiated at a construction refinery plant in Lincolnshire on the East coast.

The beef is, Italian workers have been shipped in to provide the workforce for the project at the expense of the British worker.  This immediately resulted in strike action by several hundred British workers outside the plant’s gates.

The news of this protest spread rapidly across Britain and within hours supporting workers rallied in defence of the Lincolnshire depot.  By the end of the day several thousand workers throughout Britain were picketing similar establishments.

The BNP soon entered the fray with a support team joining the Lincolnshire workers.

Mainstream media was soon on the scene, this was breaking mega news big-time, a whole can of worms had exploded, one spark and British workers are seething.

The whole furore is centered around open borders and free movement of labour and capital and how it is impacting on the nation state’s workers in a time of deep recession, the globalists (in Davos Switzerland at the moment) have been caught on the back foot and Gordon Brown is reeling from the sudden blitz from the grass roots.

I could go on, but the intrigue here is, where is all this leading?

Striking workers have promised to return to the picket lines on Monday with threats of more support.

I can’t help but detect the establishment is getting rather nervous - and so they should, for this business has struck a raw nerve.

Watch this space!

PS.  What a pity the workers and (populace) cannot see that this is not the real threat, read this.


Posted by q on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 12:43 | #

Who is he [ Ian Jobling] funded by?

At present, he uses his own funds. 

Who is whispering in his ear about a future for whites and Jews together, and perhaps of a “leadership role” for him in that future?

I think he came to that conclusion on his own; he genuinely believes that openly attacking Jews is counterproductive to the “cause”. 

Who did he marry?

He’s not married.

What religion are his children?

He has no children.


Jobling is on a fool’s-errand, IMO.


Posted by Armor on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 15:12 | #

From Bill’s link:
The total number of Muslims in Great Britain:

The Muslim population in Britain has grown by more than 500,000 to 2.4 million in just four years:

2004: 1,087,000

2005: 2,017,000

2006: 2,142,000

2007: 2,327,000

2008: 2,422,000

How do you get from 1 million (or half a million) in 2004, to 2.4 million in 2008?


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 16:08 | #


It’s a product of chronic undercounting in the past - but a chosen policy, nonetheless, and a plain enough statement of what government wanted to achieve (race-replacement), and how (by stealth).

The Labour insects have now owned up to their policy on immigration control and number-counting, Hazel Blears saying just a couple of weeks ago that “‘Initially it was a kind of free-for-all with a lot of people coming as economic migrants, but through the route of asylum seeking.” 

There is no sense of wrong-doing or shame attached to this admission, of course.  They seem to expect us to accept that somehow “mistakes” were allowed to “creep in” to the system, but they have all been corrected now!  They are trying to avoid us nailing their policy as one of “Deliberate Uselessness”, and thence noting that if at any time they, the political class, had wanted to control the process of Third-Worldization and racial change they would have found the means to do it.  They knew what the (true) British people wanted - hence the fact they never asked them.  It was a deliberate betrayal.  They have no excuses.


Posted by Bill on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 20:45 | #

Into the realm of conspiracy anyone?

Is what we are witnessing across the White world to-day the culmination of an historic yearning to subjugate the World’s populations by the World’s elites?  The Conspiracy people say that it is exactly that, this ‘global’ economic meltdown is just one more stage in the taking down of White civilisation.

When Soviet communism collapsed in the early ‘90’s some declared it was the end of history, meaning that Western capitalism had won the ideological war against communism and as a result the West had nothing to fear from any quarter, they were king of all they surveyed.

Trouble was, the closet leftists throughout the West returned to the drawing board and came up with a cunning plan, just substitute culture for the economic in Marx’s theory of Communism and Hey Presto!

And it came to pass, somewhere down the road (can anyone here give me a potted history of when and how this alliance came into being) Left and Right concocted an understanding of how they could jointly run the world to the best advantage of both factions.  In other words, the Left could realise their Utopian dream of takeover of the world’s social sphere through Multiculturalism whilst the neo-Liberal Right could pillage the coffers of the world through their domination of the economic sphere.

Has this neat arrangement come to pass?  The conspiracy blogosphere is awash with what is euphemistically known as Globalism or New World Order.  As we can see, it is in the advanced stages of preparation.

Right from the get-go of this project, both factions new full-well that there would come a point in the proceeding when their intentions could no longer be masked from the public at large.  Throughout the formative years of this new century, the elites project has been cunningly masked in a myriad of ways, most of which we are only now too familiar - we, the people have well and truly been shafted - but now it seems this maybe no longer the case, resistance by the people is taking shape.

The elites have now entered the final phase of their scam, which to them must fill them with a sense of unease, no longer able to hide their intentions, they are now right in our face with what it’s all about.  In short, there is no longer any pretence as to their NWO intentions.

The Conspiracy people say that every conceivable combination of outcomes as to the behavioral response of the proles has been computed, and counter measures in place to deal with any foreseen insurrection - nothing has been overlooked or left to chance, such has been the meticulous preparation
of the elites.

So the clock is ticking, the stakes are getting higher, the people are waking up, there’s no doubt about it, this is 1938.  We’re witnessing the most incredible event in the whole of human history and it’s all unfolding on that screen in the corner of our living room.  (And here at MR of course)

Are the Conspiracy people right?  Hmmm?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 21:34 | #

Excellent comment by Bill.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 22:05 | #

Here’s how The Narrator in another thread put part of what Bill is talking about above:

”we’re all still (at the present time) afforded the luxury of watching these things as though we were spectators at a friendly sporting event between two competing sides, with each agreeing to a mutual understanding of set rules.  In truth we have been, are presently, and will continue to be, participants, not spectators, in Thunderdome, where the only rule is, ‘Two races enter, one race leaves.’ “

(For any who may not know, Thunderdome refers to the Mel Gibson “Mad Max” future-fiction movie in which two men must enter a domed cage and fight to the death, the crowd of spectators chanting “Two men enter, one man leaves!  Two men enter, one man leaves!  Two men enter, one man leaves!”)


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 22:39 | #

I found it on YouTube, for any who haven’t see it.  Here’s the crowd chanting:

Here’s the fight to the death (on bungee cords; no rules except “Two men enter, one man leaves”):


Posted by Svigor on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 22:58 | #

I think he came to that conclusion on his own; he genuinely believes that openly attacking Jews is counterproductive to the “cause”.

I don’t see that as sufficient explanation.  He evangelizes philo-Semitism to WNs.  That isn’t flying under the radar, it’s preaching to the choir to change its tune.


Posted by ex PF on Sun, 15 Feb 2009 23:35 | #

Indeed, the VERY SAME CULTURE DEATHWISH that ruled over post-Belle Epoque/WWI Europe, now rules over the USA.

I think that the parallel with fin de siecle/Belle Epoche central Europe up to Weimar Germany fits very well. This is a parallel that could be mined to produce a deeper understanding.

If you read about the culture of Berlin and Vienna in those days, Berlin was a haven for all kinds of pornographic experiments in burlesque art and dance, Vienna was productive of those towering theoretical intellectual movements going by the name of Freudianism/psychoanalysis and whatever else.

Its rather similar to the excesses of Hollywood and the obfuscating verbiage of East coast American academics today. Frankly, its the same people who created both of these cultures. Neither Germans nor Americans are wild enough by nature to require this kind of furious, self-destructive decadence in the name of - oh whatever is offered as justification. Reigning in these things and enforcing our own cultural norms would be - whatever, pick an unsavory adjective.

I agree that becoming acquainted with a western woman who shares your ethnic roots and finding out that she has modelled herself for years after slut-culture - finding out that she is probably promiscuous, has tatoos, doesn’t really believe in any ethnic identity - and still liking her for whatever visceral reasons, is painful. It then becomes clear: for the purposes of stable family formation, we have effectively lost this woman.

I can’t help but think of it as tragic. Im thinking of another red haired girl I’ve recently met.

Just because she was adventurous, trusting, outgoing, and improperly warned by her parents: our modern culture made a slut of her. It didn’t have to be this way.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 16 Feb 2009 00:20 | #

You’re going to the wrong places to meet girls, PF.  That’s your problem.


Posted by Tyler Lee on Tue, 30 Jun 2009 13:09 | #

“You’re going to the wrong places to meet girls, PF.” yeah, and wrong girls too)))


Posted by Grungy Pete on Thu, 26 Dec 2013 11:52 | #

As a teenager in the 1990s (yes I know im an ‘old man’ by many of you modern teenagers standards) We never had this corruptive crap that the current generation of 12-25 year olds have been force fed. Back then Us kiddos where despondent, sarcastic, apathetic. We donned flannel, ripped jeans and undercuts. We didn’t give a damn about what people thought about us or what we thought about others. “live and let live” was our motto - no time for hatin. Yes there was Rap Crap in our day but it was nowhere near as bad or anywhere near as violent as it is now.

We never had “reality TV” as teenagers, Just simple no-nonsense and unpredictable family sitcoms. No shows to morally and socially corrupt us teenagers back then. No Kardashian Slutbags on our screens to ruin the morals of society. In fact in 1993 the television was the centre of our lives.

We only ever annoyed our neighbours with our Hard Rock Music and Bands that we rehearsed in our parents garage, We never annoyed a train packed with 150 people in a carriage with our mobile phones blasting out this rap and R&B and pop crap .

The females didn’t dress in daisy dukes or short dresses - Back then They where labelled Prostitutes and slutbags & disrespected and alienated by all. So be it and serves them right.

I never expected that 20 years on society could be so immoral and corrupt. Being at the end of Gen X I find that the Gen Y girls are only after one thing - and it aint a serious stable relationship with view of marriage and 2 kids. To hell with them.

And TV is now such a load of trash, I threw mine out last week - cos there aint nothing ever on there but stupid 14-28 years olds desperate for there 12 minutes of attention and offers of a porn shoot. Pathetic attention seeking brats. I suppose daddy paid for you to be on TV ya spoilt rich bastards?



Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 27 Dec 2013 03:27 | #

Each generation in the West for at least the past century has been inferior to its predecessor.

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