Detailed biographical data on Flemming Rose removed from Wikipedia The following, very detailed and highly relevant, biographical assertions about Flemming Rose were added on 2/10/06 (by a presumed anti-Zonist) and removed the next day (by a presumed Zionist).
The reason I feel this is valuable to look at is the fact that Rose’s commissioning of Muhammad-mocking cartoons has been portrayed as a conflict between European values and the values of Islam. This biographical detail makes it seem to be more a conflict between Zionists and Muslims waged on our soil and we are the ultimate losers for having allowed either of these peoples to step foot on our soil. Comments:2
Posted by Amalek on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 12:41 | # Another ray of light dazzles the grumpy old MR men. But do be careful, chaps. We don’t want to over-emphasise the “JQ”, do we? Let’s just go on treating Cartoongate as a purely spontaneous, accidental eruption which showed the world what hateful antisemitic barbarians Muslim Arabs are, etc, etc…. just after the Palestinians happened to vote for a Hamas government against Israel’s wishes. Coincidence, it’s what makes the world go round;-) 3
Posted by Geoff Beck on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 16:59 | # I give MR much credit for reporting the facts about Flemming Rose: that he is a Jew, that he owns a newspaper, that his newspaper inflammed relations between Europeans and the Muslim invaders. Cui bono? 4
Posted by daveg on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 19:01 | # I give MR much credit for reporting the facts about Flemming Rose: that he is a Jew, that he owns a newspaper, It says he is the editor of a section of the paper, not the owner, no? 5
Posted by Luke the Drifter on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 19:47 | # The moment I saw the last name “Rose”, I suspected that this was the case. I love MR! JB’s conclusion is right on the mark. Failing a solution such as that intimated by JB, I like the counterattack planned by the Iranian president: cartoons of the ‘Holocaust’. But why stop there? I want to see an elephant-dung covered star of david framed and displayed in a museum. I want to see a first-edition print of “The Diary of Anne Frank” submerged in piss and ensconced in the NY Public Library. The situation also begs the question: where is the native Dane with the ethnic courage to print cartoons designed to offend Muslims and Jews in turn? 6
Posted by Geoff Beck on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 20:20 | # > Editor… You’ll have to forgive me for assuming that Rose doesn’t own that paper in Denmarke. You do understand that Jews are preponderant in media ownership? 7
Posted by daveg on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 20:28 | # You’ll have to forgive me for assuming that Rose doesn’t own that paper in Denmarke. Geoff, mistakes like that could lead someone to make a foolish claim elsewhere. People will make a lto fo hay with mistakes like that. 8
Posted by john rackell on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 20:36 | #
Michael O’Meara To put it in a nutshell for nutcases - mutatis mutandis. Maybe Theo was a Jew and got his throat slit deliberately to rile us up against Moslems. 9
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 22:00 | # No, Theo was a gay and gay men are not a threat to cosmopolitan elites. Indeed they are a support demography not unlike the eunuchs so well loved by polygynous cultures. He sacrificed himself for them. 10
Posted by Laban Tall on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 22:49 | # Sigh. This is the kind of stuff that puts me off MR. Still, at least it makes me feel like a leftie again. ” accidental eruption which showed the world what hateful antisemitic barbarians Muslim Arabs are, etc, etc…. just after the Palestinians happened to vote for a Hamas government against Israel’s wishes. “ The cartoons were published in September. Hamas were elected in January. Unless the publishers KNEW that Hamas were going to win (in which case why weren’t they down the bookies ?) there doesn’t seem to be much here to hang a conspiracy on. 11
Posted by Geoff Beck on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 22:58 | # Jeez I think your putting too much thought into, Daveg. Still worried about your respectablity, eh? 12
Posted by starimomak on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 23:25 | # I understand the owner of the paper is someone named Carsten Juste. But more substantially, I just don’t understand what it is about the ‘JQ’ that makes people so loopy. Yes, Jews own a lot of media, and yes there is a sort of subtle—and not so subtle—campaign that many media elite Jews wage against ‘red state’ Americans. But man, there is no intergalatic zionist conspiracy , there is no ZOG. I am starting to come around to Paul Gottfried’s position , its the f**in’ moneyed Anglo’s—the Rockerfellers, etc that are the real enemy. I just read a Jewess’ column (highly critical) about a Tommy Lee Jones movie which potrays the border patrol as a bunch of thugs. I don’t think ol’ Tommy was born Theo Levin—but maybe Geoff or JB can check into that and get back to us. As for the issue at hand. The Jews are with us on this one, if only for there own sakes. Mark Steyn has been devestating on this, even Michael Kinsley gets it. So let’s take advantage of a powerful ally of convenience. 13
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 23:26 | # Laban, I am sure Amalek, who made the statement you have so elegantly debunked, would not wish to be identified with MR in the sense you mean it. We are trying to work out who this guy is, since he spends about a third of his time here making wide-ranging, often informative comments, one third in direst anti-semitic mode and one third trying to provoke a fight with someone, usually me. Apparently, it has not occurred to him that he is a guest in my house and certain niceties apply. But maybe in whatever part of the Third World he hails from that’s the way everybody does things. 14
Posted by Luke the Drifter on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 23:26 | # Sigh. This is the kind of stuff that puts me off MR. *** there doesn’t seem to be much here to hang a conspiracy on. Oh well- good riddance. This is the kind of stuff that keeps me coming back to MR. Which of us is a better representative of Western nations? And what does the presence or absence of a conspiracy have to do with the topic at hand? We’ve been invaded by two unassimilable, oppositional, and detrimental enemy groups. I’m all in favor of getting rid of them both. 15
Posted by Amalek on Tue, 14 Feb 2006 03:32 | # The provocation was set up by Rose in September and activated a few months later when urgently needed. No doubt it was ‘stovepiped’ to Saudi imams (who don’t read secular Egyptian newspapers assiduously) to get the Wahabbi blood boiling. Mossad has an elaborate web of intermediaries in every country which has Muslims. Maybe even the Danish mullah knew he was being used, and went ahead because he thought the payoff in righteous indignation would be worth it. Don’t you MR kvetchers know anything about political skulduggery and intel? Doesn’t the fact that Rose has ruled out publishing a cartoon insulting Ariel Sharon signify anything to you? This fellow’s not an indiscriminate troublemaker like Van Gogh; he’s a Daniel Pipes groupie. I recommend Victor Ostrovsky’s ‘By Way of Deception’ and ‘The Other Side of Deception’ for an informed account of how a small country plays the Great Game. 16
Posted by JB on Tue, 14 Feb 2006 03:36 | # Fred:
But there is a bunch of jews that keep an eye on a list of “touchy” topics (the holocaust, race, etc.) and remove un-kosher conclusions from the Wikipedia. starimomak:
Remember the opposition Mel Gibson faced ? His “friends” at Fox refused to distribute The Passion in theatres. Very few people in Hollywood can hope of going against the jewish/liberal zeitgeist when it comes to religion or race and keep on working in the movies business. Tommy Lee Jones may be a sincere liberal idiot but he surely knows in which direction he’s allowed to spit.
Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 14 Feb 2006 04:33 | # The Tommy Lee Jones film dealing with the ‘border issue’ was written by a foreigner, an even-handed, truth-seeking Mexican with the interestingly unhispanic name of Jordan. Could this be yet another heap of cinematic ordure from the Red Sea Pedestrians. 18
Posted by JB on Tue, 14 Feb 2006 04:38 | # Hustler-Obsessed, Masturbating Murderers: Tommy Lee Jones Defames Border Patrol
Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 14 Feb 2006 06:21 | # 1. Source? My research assistant, Dr Google.
Posted by starimomak on Tue, 14 Feb 2006 09:22 | # So, JB links to Debbie Schluesteinowicz . Have you seen the woman’s picture—talk about ethnic endogamy! But it proves my point, there are now Jews on both sides of the issues of major importance to us. When they are wrong, then they should be confronted… A la Gibson. But on this issue many are correct. Look, I happen to think that Kevin MacDonald is correct about a lot of things. I do think there is a conscious/unconscious attempt of organized Jewry and disorganized Jews in the media/film to break down any remaining ethnic pride that whites have. But to posit some conspiracy to plant stories and then activate them is just bonkers. 21
Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 14 Feb 2006 17:10 | # When people emphasize the conscious vs unconscious nature of group activity as a way of discrediting those who point out group activity, alarm bells should go off. Frequently the mob has its own form of emergent intelligence that, while distinguishable from conspiracy, is nevertheless going to share much phenomenology with it. When I was in high school, I had a newspaper column mocking John Birch Society conspiracy theories. It was fun because I could make up all kind of silly things—the sillier the better. I grew out of that before I went to college and found other ways of stroking my ego. A lot of individuals responding here have yet to do so. 22
Posted by Calvin on Tue, 14 Feb 2006 17:43 | # The Jews are picking a fight with the Muslims because the Muslim threaten them, not because the Muslims threaten us. Flemming Rose didn’t comission cartoons highlighting the depredations of Blacks did he? The cartoons he did publish alluded to terrorism. Where were the cartoons highlighting the gang rapes by Muslims of European women? The Muslims could rape every gentile woman from the Atlantic to the Black sea and people like Flemming Rose wouldn’t give a damn. If it wasn’t for attacks on European culture (formerly known as “civilization”) we wouldn’t have any Muslim problem. Multiculturalism was invented by a zionist Jew, Horace Kallen. Why are there no caucasian Soros’s? Look what happened to Walt Disney and Henry Ford. 23
Posted by starimomak on Tue, 14 Feb 2006 22:32 | # “So, JB links to Debbie Schluesteinowicz.” (—Starimomak) Fred, I was being ironic. I will stand by the fact that she looks very very Jewish. 24
Posted by Tommy on Tue, 14 Feb 2006 23:54 | # Muslim immigrants commit 2/3 of all rape in Sweden these days. So Calvin’s comments are pretty ironic. Two cool sites to learn more about Mulsim immigrants and the trouble they cause in Europe: 25
Posted by JB on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 05:55 | # [quote=“Starimomak”] But she’s just like David Horowitz : pro-Israel, pro-war, anti-illegals and pro-race replacement as long as the replacers can speak english and vote Republican and support Israel. there are jews on both sides of most issues - except the issue of race replacement. A Michael Levin on our side can’t compensate for the weight of all the other on the opposite side. Jared Taylor: 26
Posted by Amalek on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 12:02 | # Jews went into the Republican Party to make it aggressive instead of isolationist. pro-immigration instead of ‘nativist’, pro-Israel instead of neutral, socially liberal instead of conservative. Is there a Jewish Republican who talks like Pat Buchanan, or like Robert Taft or Eisenhower in days gone by? Some even abominate Ronald Reagan because ‘he left our people in the lurch’ when he pulled the troops out of Lebanon. The Republicans have kowtowed to AIPAC and the ADL and all the rest of the blackmailers and palm-greasers, so that there is no difference in foreign policy worth a bucket of warm spit—to quote John Nance Garner—between the major parties. Both are abjectly committed to fighting in the Middle East in defence of that wunnerful lil outpost of Judaeo-Christian civilisation. It matters little to Zionists that only 20-30% of Jews vote GOP, as long as the commanding heights of that party is permanently ‘on message’. GW Bush, who agonises about having a ‘holiday tree’ on the White House lawn, is happily photographed every Hannukah with his official menorah. That’s all right—it’s a racial symbol, not a religious one, so the separation of Church and State is not compromised. As always, the litmus test for Jewish sincerity is the Kleptostaat. Let one, just one, ‘right wing’ Jewish public figure denounce the Siamese-twin relationship of the USA and Israel and I’ll believe assimilation to a patriotic American outlook is under way. Not till then. 27
Posted by Amalek on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 17:03 | # Friedrich, that quotation is almost certainly a canard. 28
Posted by friedrich braun on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 18:02 | # Why do you call a canard? It was reported my a cornucopia of sources. 29
Posted by Phil on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 22:19 | # Fred, That’s an old picture of hers. She has aged a bit. She was a beautiful woman once, no question! 30
Posted by Amalek on Thu, 16 Feb 2006 00:34 | # Friedrich—The ‘we control America’ quote was supposedly reported in Hebrew on the radio station Kol Israel in September 2001, shortly after 9/11. It was retailed in a Hamas press release of October 3, 2001, when Sharon’s purported outburst was altered to ‘We the Jewish people control America’. No mainstream newsgatherer picked it up, and Kol Israel’s reporter covering the Israeli Knesset later said he had not broadcast such a report. Months later in May 2002 Hamas’s floater was cited by Georgie Ann Geyer, a Chicago Tribune syndicated columnist. She retracted it on being challenged on June 14, as did UPS, which distributes her work. The apology included these words: “This quote was widely reported in the Palestinian press but cannot be confirmed in independent sources.” In any case, it is a fatuously over-explicit assertion to put into Sharon’s mouth. Nobody serious claims Jews or Zionists or whatever ‘control America’, any more than anyone on the right side of a straitjacket says ‘the Holocaust never happened’. Both are crude exaggerations, possibly fabricated by clever wirepullers who wish to downplay their true influence, and regurgitated (like other canards, swallowed with no need of orange sauce by MR among others) by their fall guys. It is well nigh impossible to overestimate the stupidity and manipulability of Arabs when they have to tackle the western media. PS: Don’t believe all, or much, you see on Radio Islam either. 32
Posted by Jan Eskildsen on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 00:28 | # Several thing is wrong here. You’ve got rose’s Birthday wrong, and also Jyllands-Postens ownership. The newspaper is owned by a foundation. 33
Posted by peter jensen on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 11:05 | # @Jan Eskildsen “far out right wing” in Denmark is equivalent to far left from the democrats in US. Yeah, Denmark is actually close to being a socialist democracy in many ways.
Flemming Rose was not born in Ukraine (read that all over the web) , he was born i Kastrup ,Denmark (small town close to Copenhagen). 34
Posted by Jan Eskildsen on Sun, 18 May 2008 22:07 | # Peter Jensen doesn’t seem to know anything about politics in my country, Denmark. Denmark is not in anyway a socialist country, and it will not bring understanding between countries or people to write fairy tales like that. Post a comment:
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Posted by JB on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 07:43 | #
there is a WN version of wikipedia on the net. They’re honest about their moderation bias, unlike the jews on wikipedia