Dilbert Author Wants Holocaust Number Audit Scott Adams of “Dilbert” asks:
Scott, let me clue you in. Look at the Holodomor (which occurred just prior to the election of Hitler as Chancellor of Germany), take any plausible ratio of deaths occurring in the Holodomor to deaths occurring in the Holocaust and compare that ratio to the ratio of Holodomor public exposure to Holocaust public exposure. You don’t need to come close to splitting hairs to see that just maybe, perhaps, it might possibly be the case that there is a disparity here and that this disparity might have something to do with the same thing that makes Jews the primary influence on both the Bible and Hollywood. The thing referenced is left as an exercise to the idea rat. Comments:2
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 07:40 | #
What sorts of things exactly did you blame on them, Jason? Your characterization of what you refer to as “the white goy” is largely justified, but does that mean we shouldn’t try to wake him up by means of discussion on sites such as this one? If you reply, could you state your race/ethnicity and the country you’re living in? 3
Posted by wjg on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 07:49 | # Assuming Wong is your real name you were never “us” in the first place. We are descended from Europeans. The interests of Asians are not ours. Far from stopping you I welcome your “defection”. 4
Posted by Jason Wong on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 09:09 | # “What sorts of things exactly did you blame on them, Jason?” All the things Kevin MacDonald blamed on the 117 IQ elites. Now, I see these elites as just good business men: taking their pleasure in a goy-pool so willing to bend over. “but does that mean we shouldn’t try to wake him up by means of discussion on sites such as this one?” Of course that is your choice how to spend your time. But, I believe the psychological and historical facts support the view that the goy cannot be “woken-up” any more than a chimp can be taught Calculus. Eurocentrism is not a common-folk ideology: it’s a high IQ and personality-specific ideology (specific personality types required include high conscientiousness, open-to-experience, tough-mindedness, extroversion, and high neuroticism.) Eurocentrism aka White Nationalism requires direct democracy, and effective direct democracy requires a society where every member spends all his non-working time reading about everything of an academic nature so that they can vote intelligently. Instead of going home exited about watching the latest American Idol, the individual would have to be excited about going home to read the latest book by MacDonald, Jensen, Lynn, Rushton, and the lastest books on philosophy, physics, neuro-science, and so forth. Only such a society can build a Eurocentric nation. but as I said, the current goy only wants food, beer, and tv, they are happy as such: try to take it away and they will attack like a stray dog being denied his steak. An average goy IQ of 100 (White goy specifically) is far below what is required to carry out what you have planned on paper. Just try having a rational intelligent conversation about anything with the average goy, and you will see. I’ve tried for years: they don’t want to hear it, unless it has to do with football teams, Britney Spears, or the latest topping offered at Pizza Hut. You see, they are living out their extended phenotype: the environment specified to be built by the phenotype, which is specified to take the form based on the genotype. “We are descended from Europeans.” Exactly, which is why you are in your current situation. I would personally not take pride in such a genetic makeup that creates the behaviors of exclusive food, beer, and tv worhsip. There are of course people in your movement that support an evolutionary bottleneck, separating the intelligent from the goy masses: the whole eugenics/transhumanism thing. I think this would increase the odds of your success. But in any case, I find the goy masses interesing: eat pizza, drink beer, watch tv, and then go to Heaven, where again you will eat pizza, drink beer, and watch tv, but forever. This is your race put in simple terms, it’s genetic. Good luck. 5
Posted by Matt O'Halloran on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 09:15 | # In advancing theses of Holocaust revisionism on judaised websites such as Harry’s Place—totally unaided by any of you, I might add, despite my plaintive appeals—I have mentioned that among those ‘denying’ the 6m death toll of the Shoah is Raul Hilberg, generally regarded as the doyen of mainstream choniclers. His view for some years has been that the correct figure is about 5.1m. I point out that in a criminal trial quite a lot of effort is devoted to ascertaining whether one person was murdered, and that the discrepancy between Hilberg’s tally and others might be worth looking into further. The blizzard of replies I receive from the hasbara set is that to wonder aloud about the fate of 900,000 souls is a mischievous distraction, proving that I am a ‘facist’, ‘evil hater’, neo-Nazi or whatever. Hilberg, like most custodians of the historiography, is a Jew. My correspondents infer that I am not. Their logic is that a member of the tribe, whose ancestors were putative victims, can be better relied upon to furnish an accurate, objective, unmalicious account than somebody born some time after the events without ancestors on either side. I know this is not a very rational planet. But somehow I feel this level of refutation from the sayanim will not be sustainable for ever. The type of question asked by the American cartoonist will have to be reopened by more respectable, less homicidal people than I evidently am. 6
Posted by Jason Wong on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 11:30 | # Notorious paper from harvard/university chicago came out on jewish lobby. media tells the anglos: david duke and muslims support it, therefore its evil and must be rejected. Anglos, being genetically stupid, do not see the logical fallacy of argumentum ad hominem: refuting an argument by relating the findings to the findings of a person who is viewed as morally inferior. Example: You say guns are bad, but Adolf Hitler and Stalin also banned guns, therefore opposing guns is bad. or You support science as valid, but atheists also support science, therefore science is invalid evil Satanism. in both cases, the evidence of the argument is not looked at, rather, indirect ad hominem is used. A hypothetical intelligent race should be able to see this logical fallacy stand out, a race with great brain computing power of the g factor. No such race really exists at this high a level, enough to see through all these things. a few elite members of each race may see these things, but not the rest. You can spend decades indoctrinating a small isolated group of whites to believe your statements, but they will not support it because it makes rational sense to them, but rather because you will have “brainwashed” them to hold these views. And as such, the next generation can easily be “brainwashed to reject all your views all over again, thus distroying all your work. The euro people as it is are more or less blank slates and require to be told what to do and what to believe. They can’t think for themselves, its genetic. An ideal race will have a high level of field independence: it would not matter what propaganda environment they are in: falsehoods would just naturally stand out as illogical/irrational, and logical truths would be implicit. 7
Posted by john on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 11:34 | # Wong overdoes the food and beer thing, east asians aren’t so different. Over the top when it come to food. The difference is jews. 8
Posted by Jason Wong on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 11:51 | # “Wong overdoes the food and beer thing, east asians aren’t so different. Over the top when it come to food.” did not say orientals are any better: the IQ/personality average difference is trivial when compared to a hypothetical ideal race required to create and maintain an advanced society as described above. I question Richard Lynn’s belief that China will become a eugenic Master Race: rather, I see the rising influence of the Western culture in China further degenerating the country: Chinese genetics are far from the ideal levels required to create a lasting improving society. 9
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 14:04 | # Jason Wong writes,
The average IQs of the Subcontinent, Vietnam, Malaysia, Turkey, Mexico, Israel, and Saudi Arabia are in the 90s. None of them is having difficulty keeping racially incompatible immigration to a minimum—essentially zero, if I’m not mistaken. They’ll all survive racially — that couldn’t be more obvious. I’d be happy if whites had some of their 90s-IQ good sense in regard to race-replacement. I’d be ecstatic!
But the Subcontinent, Turkey, Malaysia, Vietnam, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Mexico don’t have direct democracy. How do they manage?
Mr. Wong’s use of the term “Oriental” rather than the current PC term “Eastern Asians” suggests to me he’s not a yellow. Yellows almost never use “Oriental.” (“Oriental” is the correct polite term, by the way, the other term being the PC one.) I suspect he’s white or conceivably subcon. 10
Posted by llama on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 14:52 | # Jews are a primary influence on the Bible? Jews wrote the Bible, parts I and II (though the latter part was subsequently used against them). They are books by Jews about Jews. As far as Hollywood goes, it was founded by Jews, so it’s hardly surprising that they are still influential there, although there are also many successful and powerful non-Jews in the film industry. 11
Posted by Jason Wong on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 15:38 | # “The average IQs of the Subcontinent, Vietnam, Malaysia, Turkey, Mexico, Israel, and Saudi Arabia are in the 90s. None of them is having difficulty keeping racially incompatible immigration to a minimum—essentially zero, if I’m not mistaken. They’ll all survive racially — that couldn’t be more obvious.” Yes, they will survive like cockroaches: prolific and stupid. If stupid and prolific is what you want, then you may have something. “But the Subcontinent, Turkey, Malaysia, Vietnam, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Mexico don’t have direct democracy. How do they manage?” How do you define “manage”? Stupid and prolific? Because we already have stupid and prolific among American Whites: the retarded psychopathic section of Whites already have above replacement birthrates here. It seems like you value Rushton’s r selected life strategy over k-selected one: stupid and prolific, kind of like non-mammals. “Mr. Wong’s use of the term “Oriental” rather than the current PC term “Eastern Asians” suggests to me he’s not a yellow.” I’m not even Homo Sapien Sapien: I’m part of the new evolution. P.S. Why is your forum dead? maybe try v-bulletin, people seem to like it. and a little internet promotion would not hurt. invite all your opponents, get some exposure. 12
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:16 | #
In the present context I define it as not getting yourself race-replaced. I happen to like my race, “stupid,” prolific,” “retarded,” “cockroach-like,” and all, and would very much prefer not being forcibly changed into another one.
Here Jason Wong is conceding he’s not yellow. Probably he’s white, with an outside chance he’s a subcon. 13
Posted by Bo Sears on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:35 | # Jason Wong presents an interesting contrast, certainly more to the point than JJR ever did. He doesn’t say it, but he implies what is manifestly true, that demographic groups are hierarchical in nature. Europe certainly experienced that during the so-called Middle Ages…European lords & ladies in the castles with European serfs in the fields…Turks & Mongols & Arab Moors in their outposts with European serfs in their fields & armies, and so on. Those who oppress us now simply slid into the places of the top-dog whites or former foreign overlords. The best way to characterize what is happening now is to realize we are in a state of colonization where we European-Americans (in the USA) are now the colonized..those in charge mean to keep their boot firmly implanted in our face. To change this, we will need radically new ways of thinking about governance, propaganda, political organization, and so on. Let’s have more provocative analyses from Jason Wong. I first heard about “race conservatism” from a Vietnamese friend who had a thing about Ireland…well, he wanted to be Irish, in fact, and sort of worshiped Ireland…and who preached racialism to me in behalf of my people. It took me quite a while to get what he was saying as I had never heard such a doctrine from any white person. Asian cultures, histories, and heritages are nothing to write home about, but we do see how several of the Asian societies bootstrapped onto the peculiar doctrines of Marx and Lenin and changed the face of their countries. The ideas we need may well come from non-European sources. 14
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 17:13 | # Mr. “Wong” apparently cares not a whit whether the elite he aspires to join has any value other than being elite. An elite that brings continents into agricultural productivity, invents flight and the transistor and puts a man on the moon is to be exterminated if it can’t keep competing elites from capturing control of their culture via mechanisms like media and academia exploitation. If freedom of association were made the bedrock human right that it should be—the foundation of all other human rights—the ‘stupid goy’ would long ago have assorted themselves during their ongoing massive flight from diversity. If its a Malthusian competition guys like Mr. “Wong” want to promote then they have no idea how dangerous a game they have just legitimized and how unlikely they are to fulfill their dreams within that game. 15
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 17:24 | # Matt O’Halloran, you aren’t likely to find people like me running around various websites claiming various things about the Holocaust—the simple argument I presented is quite sufficient for any rational person to recognize that Jews are great at capturing the culture of others and using that control for ethnic nepotistic “PR” without any moral restraint. The rest is, as we say, “history”. 16
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 17:31 | # llama, obviously you are no idea rat. Let’s help you out for a moment to see the obvious: Q: What have the Holocaustianity (Jews are the innnocent victims of the world who only mean to bring light to the world as chosen by God), Christianity (a Jew is the innocent victim of the world who only meant to bring light to the world sent by God his father) and Hollywood in common other than the fact that Jew are central to them? A: They are all mythic infrastructures dominant over indigenous identities and mythologies. It is the special “Gift of the Jews” to “capture the culture” of others although sometimes, as with Christianity, it does backfire somewhat the way cowpox can backfire against smallpox. 17
Posted by joe smith on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 18:06 | # Can we talk about the above blog entry, please? Did Scott Adams just give up his career? 18
Posted by Matt O'Hallloran on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 19:16 | # I tried to, Joe—here and elsewhere. But it seems nobody is interested in historical facts or trying harder to reach them. Mr James Bowery above, for example, sounds positively pleased with himself for not engaging with the enemy. And it is an attitude I find curiously prevalent among race realists, white nationalists. or whatever they’re calling themselves this year—‘Look at my battle scars- I haven’t got any! I’m far too smart to get into a fight. If I just sit here and think the right things among my pals, somehow, some time, the rest of the world will pick them up and know better. But I’m not getting any powder marks on my nice clean uniform’ I’ve just had a long, well referenced, obscenity-free comment about IQ differences deleted without explanation at Harry’s Place. Would anyone like to join me there? Do all rush at once: http://hurryupharry.bloghouse.net/archives/2006/10/09/this_is_london.php 19
Posted by ben tillman on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 19:29 | # I’d also like to know how the Holocaust death total of 6 million was determined. Is it the sort of number that is so well documented with actual names and perhaps a Nazi paper trail that no historian could doubt its accuracy, give or take ten thousand? Or is it like every other LRN (large round number) that someone pulled out of his ass and it became true by repetition? Yes, that is it exactly. Not only Hilberg but also Bauer, Nizkor.org, and all other “reputable” historians place the figure below 6 million. Email exchange with Kenneth McVay, founder and director of http://www.Nizkor.org: McVay: What evidence do you offer that the figure 6 million is not correct (given the 5.2- to 5.8-million historians accept)? Inquisitor: In view of your statement, why would anyone need to offer evidence? You have just conceded that the 6 million figure is not correct. McVay: Six million has been a convenient rounding up of the estimated Jewish death toll. It may be correct, or incorrect - it is likely we will never know with any certainly. I do not know of any historians who provide estimates using that number, but that does not mean it is not correct. 20
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 20:04 | #
What, so we can all get our comments deleted? What would be the point? No, let them come here. Do you actually think they listen to you, MOH? Puh-leeeeze! If I’m not going to go to FreeRepublic or Lucille.com (is that it? I forget the official name — she’s Jonah Goldberg’s mother) or Catalaxy (or is it Narcolepsy? I forget — it’s that site for Oriental Oz race-replacement advocates and their white Aussie eunuchoid acolytes) or Perry de Havilland’s double-digit crew over at SameAsDada you’ll forgive me if I don’t hang around a bunch like the ones at Harry’s Place. 21
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 20:24 | #
No serious scholar today puts the figure at six million and no, neither Elie Wiesel nor the man who produced the film Shoah nor the staff of the Simon Wiesenthal Center nor any of a number of other Jews who get tons of publicity are serious scholars. The six million figure has long since fallen by the wayside. The claims among serious scholars vary from some 350 thousand to some five million, and the claims that there were no gas chambers are more persuasive as things now stand than claims that there were. Until revisionists are let out of jail and otherwise unmuzzled no thinking, fair-minded person can be faulted for deciding in his own mind that the figure was zero until proven otherwise. The instant you put someone in jail for questioning you, all bets are instantly off and nothing whatsoever can be believed until your claims are proven unequivocally next time—your claims or his. You don’t like that? Don’t throw people in jail. You don’t imprison people for saying the world is flat. Why for questioning the Holocaust then? There’s only one reason: the jailers have something to hide. What could that something be, other than that their claims have no merit, and they know they have no merit? 22
Posted by JBB on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 20:28 | # wjb, It’s been awhile since we last talked over at F.F., so I just had to shoot you this line when I saw your post. I agree 100% with your comments. The ignorance of some of the lesser folks just boggles, doesn’t it? The dumb-ass probably doesn’t even know that Jason is a Euro name. And anyone who uses the jew-word goy to refer to us whites is a jew as far as I care, and I’m not the least bit interested in what that trash has to say. It’s about time we whites dish out ANOTHER serious ass-kicking onto the noodle-brained Asians—they’re in dire need of an attitude adjustment. Keep the arrows of discontent flying. JBB 23
Posted by Troll Watch on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 20:51 | # And it is an attitude I find curiously prevalent among race realists, white nationalists. or whatever they’re calling themselves this year—‘Look at my battle scars- I haven’t got any! I’m far too smart to get into a fight. If I just sit here and think the right things among my pals, somehow, some time, the rest of the world will pick them up and know better. But I’m not getting any powder marks on my nice clean uniform William, the last time you suggested others join you at a board was at Samizdata. The doyens of MR duly piled over there, Pope Perry figured the site was under attack, and promptly allowed posting only by registered members. Result - not even the slightest hint of race realism allowed on a site once graced by yourself, Guessed, Charles Copeland and others. One wonders why a semi-retired journalist, who once wrote op-ed pieces for the Evening Standard and the *Daily Mail* can’t find a better way of enlightening the masses than posting under numerous pseudonyms at a Zionist website that - by your repeated jibes - a tiny number of people read or are even aware of? Guessedworker has posted all over the internet, as has Svigor and others here. Personally, I lurk at the more cerebral sites and post my - simplified - understanding at news sites and the like. I got here by sticking “guessedworker” into google, having read his contributions on mainstream conservative sites. Perhaps you could give your reasons for not taking up David’s offer to blog here. It would improve the quality of the site no end to have a “proper” journalist on board - may even score a bit of publicity of the “holocaust-denying site.. ..former mail journalist” type. As it is, extremely well-written sarcastic sniping keeps your fans entertained for a bit, but you’re hardly putting your head above the parapet with your silly names and web-evangelism. 24
Posted by Jason Wong on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 21:48 | # I got the same responses here as I did in the Opposing Views section at Stormfront.org: no understanding of the science behind human behavior, just anecdotal/narrarative retoric. A race that can only live by propaganda and not science-based imperatives will not achieve the desired society as described above. But I give you credit for at least letting me speak: Stormfront immediately banned me for being too effective a debunker of their paradigm: I was using their own psychometric research against them. 25
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 22:04 | # Perhaps you could give your reasons for not taking up David’s offer to blog here. I would like to know that too, my friend. In the absence of a proper explanation, and in the light of the words that featured on the side-bar of WJ’s own abortive blogspot (“Do no assume that this website is the work of a single author”, or some such) one has to conclude that he just gets a thrill from the aura of mystique he creates about himself. I have always bowed to WJ’s superior command of the mother tongue. He’s a better writer by far than I am. It’s a great waste that his gift is cast before the porcine non-pork-eaters of the blogosphere while people who are genuinely seeking sustenance and contact with like minds are denied his services. The devil even sought to cover his tracks here by taking hard against me personally as the Judeophobic Amalek ... a guise to which the porkless ones would surely never be treated. No more guises, WJ. Use the gifts you have to better effect, here or wherever. But use them. 26
Posted by Jason Wong on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 22:20 | # “It may be that what you want to talk about, what is so new and exciting to you, is obvious and boring to us because we have already discussed it a million times.” No, it is because Whites only listen when a George Bush type speech is given from the pulpit: talks about wind and fire, glory and patriotism, fear and “evil-doers.” Now if I had written my argument in these terms instead of rational terms, you would take me more seriously. 27
Posted by Jason Wong on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 22:41 | # Though people of Hebrew descent are far from genetically ideal, just a 15 point IQ advantage over your people results in the following: Just within months they can put together 30 units from scratch to effectively persue their interests: Whites on the other hand will simply buy a 2 dollar flag and place a “God bless america” bumper sticker on their pick-up trucks. As I stated before, your race is just too stupid to do anything. And it is improper to take a few examples of your geniuses and somehow project their intelligence onto the masses. 28
Posted by ben tillman on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 22:42 | # A race that can only live by propaganda and not science-based imperatives will not achieve the desired society as described above. 29
Posted by ben tillman on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:01 | # Excuse me—the above was supposed to be a quote of Jason Wong. 30
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:01 | #
The onus of proof is considered generally to fall on the one denying the obvious, not the one endorsing it: I don’t have to prove the sky is blue; you have to prove it’s not, and in like manner you have to prove there aren’t human races (since race is obvious). The “science behind human behavior” isn’t what entitles us to refuse open-borders and race-replacement. Pericles of Athens could have refused them without knowing anything about modern science. What permits us to refuse them is the obvious falseness of the tenets the other side claims as justification, tenets it has yet to prove though the onus is on it to do so. Our side — the side refusing race-replacement — doesn’t have to prove anything. 31
Posted by Jason Wong on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:07 | # “Let’s have more provocative analyses from Jason Wong.” I would not call my analyses that provacative since I am using a great deal of informality. My basic point is that at one time I did value the common folk, but after scrutiny of their behavior, I no longer do and rather would just become part of the elite and “get my share of the pie.” I believe that the common folk no longer deserve my altruism because of how they choose to live: I no longer sympathize with them. Not only that, but I believe that it would be futile to try to change them since their very genetic makeup dictates that they live unintelligently and in a culturally primitive way (though of course there will be discrepency as to what defines “cultural primitiveness”: it’s all rather subjective and value-based). “On behalf of introverted WNs everwhere: Screw you.” A race that is too introverted does not share ideas or communicate thoughts with everyone. They are quiet and to themselves: very little cooperation and communitarianism. There has to be energetic communication of ideas for a society to be racially successful, similar to what you would find on a Hebrew Kibutztsem or in Israel. 32
Posted by ben tillman on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:16 | # Jason: The reason you don’t get serious responses is that your comments reflect a failure to grasp elementary concepts and even to understand what the relevant issues are. Whites on the other hand will simply buy a 2 dollar flag and place a “God bless america” bumper sticker on their pick-up trucks. As I stated before, your race is just too stupid to do anything. This comment itself is stupid because the phenomenon you address has nothing to do with stupidity. Those who score highest on IQ tests are the “stupidest” by your definition because they swallow maladaptive propaganda most readily (though not in the case of the invasion of Iran) or . At least the common folks will believe their eyes when the propaganda contradicts their own experience. What you are talking about is trust, not stupidity. 33
Posted by ben tillman on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:37 | #
The common folk do not “choose” to do the things that bother you any more than your legs would “choose” to remain motionless if your spinal cord were severed. The people on either side of the bell curve are connected. They evolved together as a unit. The psychological mechanisms that cause some to follow readily evolved in this context. Have you read MacDonald: Indoctrination and Group Evolutionary Strategies in Eibl-Eibesfeldt & Salter’s book.? Have you read David Sloan Wilson’s book? I assume you have, as the failure of the average white person to read these books is the basis for your contempt for them. To return to the spinal cord reference, the point is that our community’s nervous system has been captured, with the result that our entire body has effectively been hijacked. In some cases this produces paralysis or uncoordinated movement; in others it produces coordinated movement in the wrong direction. One can hardly blame the body for what is ultimately a susceptibility of the brain to a pathogen. 34
Posted by ben tillman on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:40 | # In other words, trust and receptiveness to indoctrination are adaptive as long as the trusted ones are of ourselves. 35
Posted by Jason Wong on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:56 | # “The people on either side of the bell curve are connected. They evolved together as a unit. The psychological mechanisms that cause some to follow readily evolved in this context. Have you read MacDonald: Indoctrination and Group Evolutionary Strategies in Eibl-Eibesfeldt & Salter’s book.? Have you read David Sloan Wilson’s book? I assume you have, as the failure of the average white person to read these books is the basis for your contempt for them.” I’ve read everything. Yes, you are right, 99.9999% of Whites are nothing more than peripheral neurons, whose only evolutionary purpose is to serve the .0001 percent of elites that make up the brain. But now, those 99.9999% of servants have been given the right to vote, and they will vote unintelligently because it is their genetic perogative to do so. P.S. No, all Whites did not evolve together as one unit: rather, Whites evolved as small bands of about 8 members. This band made up a “country.” EAch member of the band closely watched the others and killed the members who was detrimental, and the bands warred against each other. The current White brain is still stuck in this band form: they are not built for million-member nations and don’t have the ability to watch over each other to desroy the parasites. 36
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 00:01 | # Jason, Your not that useless little toerag Italion Stallon, are you? Because if you are back with more lightweight but always defeatist claptrap I will not hesitate to show you the door. 37
Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 00:05 | # Jason Wong errs when he claims that ‘people of Hebrew descent’ possess a 15 point advantage in average IQ. The majority of Jews in Israel are Sephardic and dont enjoy such an advantage, probably because they dont have any European blood. 38
Posted by Boris on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 01:05 | # Wong 39
Posted by Boris on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 01:19 | # Andy 40
Posted by Boris on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 01:55 | # “The euro people as it is are more or less blank states and require to be told what to do and what to believe”. Ah…, you can add japs and chinese to that list. Though Israel ‘tolerates’ a certain amount of what you describe"An ideal race will have a high level of field independance”, this is so long as you not go as far as beign a ‘danger to your own country’. Jews who are too critical of the regime may not find advancement easily attainable. Dito for Western world today. In societies like china and other orientals as well as muslims the consequences can be more dire. 41
Posted by Matt O'Halloran on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 09:29 | # Do you actually think they listen to you, MOH? Puh-leeeeze! Some do, Fred. I know from the private emails I get. And the glacier is beginning to melt at the edges, with even the proprietors of Harry’s Place conceding some points as their fear of Arabs grows—tacitly and gracelessly, but it’s the results I care about, not being patted on the back for being right first. Even an ostentatious announcement that I have been banned or censored raises questions in some readers’ minds. They look back through the archives and… ‘Let them come here’? They won’t, old son. Sure I get deleted one day and tolerated (for a time) the next, and insulted all over the shop, but I leave a trace. Looky here: http://hurryupharry.bloghouse.net/archives/2006/10/09/this_is_london.php Rustymason: Matt, I’m simply not interested anymore. I’ve been over all this years ago. The Holyhoax is old news to me But not to the big wide world, Rusty. Not yet. How is it going to find out- by telepathy? Oho, there’s another silly straw man being set up by the ignoramuses- got to rush. See you around and remember, you’re always free to join the fray. ‘Bye for now! 42
Posted by Lurker on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 01:23 | # Ive been to Harry’s place and now tonight it appears Im not allowed to post comments. Maybe that thread is closed? 43
Posted by Jason Wong on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 02:58 | # Holohoax research would serve as fullfilling stimulation to intellectual elites such as I. But if you are assuming that any amout of proof will convince the goy masses, then you are wrong, for they are genetically stupid and are not interested in historical accuracy, or anything that requires reading such as your site. Instead, they want to see Adam Sandler vomit on tv. Now, I have spent ample time explaining the fact that your White race is genetically stupid, but what I have not mentioned is that Whites are getting even more stupid each generation via dysgenics: the genetically least intelligent Whites are having more children than the genetically more intelligent Whites. Now, one member here is okey with that, he is only interested in Rushton’s r-selected reproductive strategy: stupid and prolific. But, as your race gets even more stupid, they move even furthur away from embracing your eurocentric political paradygm and closer and closer to African culture. Richard Lynn has already calculated a 15 point IQ drop since 1860; it’s a continuous process. I’m sure you are all familiar with the site of http://www.eugenics.net/ 44
Posted by Matt O'Halloran on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 23:37 | # Matt, I spent two years of “TV time” bringing the light to darkness. What’s the point of the post-delete-ban game again? Find me a venue with eyeballs and a modicum of free speech and I’m there. Harry’s Place is such a venue: http://www.hurryupharry.bloghouse.net. Why it’s worth persisting: (1) You may stimulate curiosity among uncommitted lurkers. (2) You may sow seeds of doubt among those who reject and ban you, which only germinate years later . (3) You at least shatter their delusion that everybody thinks like them. The more persistent, polite, articulate, well referenced and logical you sound, the plainer it becomes that the liberal consensus is phoney. If so, their banning you betrays their own principles—a hollow victory which others may despise. (4) Most importantly, you test your own prejudices and information. You are infuriated by the obtusity of the response, but sometimes pulled up short. No side has a monopoly of wisdom; ‘anti-racism’ is potent for a reason, it has facts and arguments on its side. Conflict is the whetstone that sharpens your blade. I think we biodiversity enthusiasts are beginning to get through, but it’s tough sledding. Nobody will give you any medals. Clustering round the campfire with your fellow tribesmen is more comfortable than being out on your own in the dark, wind and rain, stalking the wild beasts. But one day the campers run out of food. ‘the growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been, is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tombs.’ 45
Posted by HoloScholar on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 00:18 | # For those that might be interested there is a great new Online Holocaust Resource. Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team maintains a website at: 46
Posted by Bo Sears on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 01:19 | # FYI: Links to two stories as spun by left-wing racialists in the San Jose Mercury News today on the topic of inmate records in Nazi controlled concentration camps:
Posted by Rnl on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 08:43 | # It’s nice to see that you guys hate each other. It’s also interesting to see how you think: Don’t be deceived - actually the above smear message was written by H.E.A.R.T. webmaster Carmelo Lisciotto, who has left a whole series of similarly-worded comments all over the blogs under different names. There wasn’t any smear message, other than your own insult directed against your fellow Holocaustologist: “Carmelo Lisciotto (who posted the advertisement) is a bigoted and unsavory character who is known for spamming, vulgar message[s] and more.” Most of us, if we had to pick out a smear in this thread, would see it in your comments, not in his. All he did was post a link to his stupid Holocaust site. You then warned the MR blog that Mr. Lisciotto is “a bigoted and unsavory character.” Yet you have the audacity to accuse him of smearing you. His only “smear” was pointing out that you follow him around the net posting unflattering comments about him and his site, which as a matter of fact you just did right here. You’ll have a great career in the Holocaust industry. 48
Posted by JB on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 05:34 | # speaking of the holocaust: I’ve read the text of Robert Faurisson’s conference given in Tehran and it’s fascinating how many important court historians concede the lack of evidence The Victories of Revisionism http://www.australiafreepress.org/articles/Faurisson_Iran_Conference.htm
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Posted by Jason Wong on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 07:02 | #
Jews this and Jews that. How about the masses of genetically stupid goy who are not biologically capable of thinking rationally? They are biological sheep, cannon fodder, non-self thinkers: this is their evolutionary purpose.
Yes, I too once used to blame everything on the elites. But now I predominantly blame the stupid masses for being what they are. They don’t want to learn anything, don’t want to read anything, don’t want to improve themselves: they just want food, beer, and tv. No, it’s not the media or acadamia: even before the Semitic elite took over the media and acadamia, the goy was extremely stupid and simple: what percentage of them cared for the works of their extremely few geniuses like Newton, Socrates, Galilio, Cupernicus, Mozart, Beethoven, Bohr, Mendel, Galton, and so forth? Less than 1% of White goy even cared for these people and their ideas - often they persecuted these intellectuals like Galileo and Socrates. No, instead they just again wanted beer, meat, gold, and other simple things. They easily excepted intra-racial warfare, took part with pride and excitement and sacked and raped fellow Euros. This is what all Goy is, White or not. Their genetic function is to be the slaves of the elites: to fight and die for them, to bring them money and serve as sex slaves.
So, when I keep on hearing Eurocentrists complain that Jews are distroying the Goy, I say: the goy is destroying themselves. If an elite makes a radically irrational statement to the goy, and the goy does not have the genetic ability to question these proclamations, then that just shows the goy is an evolutionary dead end, or at best, good slaves for those that ARE intelligent and rational (those that I define as “human”, the rest just being organic cannon fodder).
You people fight for the interest of genetic cannon fodder. Well, be my guest. But don’t expect me to join: rather, I think I’ll join the current elite.