Down Google’s Memory Hole: Usenet When Deja News (plausibly a government spook shop run by Bobby Inman‘s boys spun off of the MCC) went belly up, the only web-searchable archive of Usenet newsgroups disappeared. That archive was revived when Google became the dominant search engine. So now, we can go back and see who was saying what about what regarding racial politics and when they were saying it, right? Wrong: This isn’t even a matter of free speech anymore. Its a matter of erasing evidence. Pretty much everyone knows there were agents provocateur running around Usenet conducting psyops, so it is pretty obviously “unproductive” to leave that information open for later analysis. PS: This gets to be almost comical: According to Google’s version of Usenet history, I wrote only 2 Usenet posts between 1990 and 1997, one of which cannot be retrieved because it was posted to alt.politics.nationalism.white. We need to acquire the Russian sense of humor quickly. Comments:2
Posted by MOB on Mon, 23 Mar 2009 12:20 | # I have a Deja’s Usenet Archive icon on my desktop, which I haven’t referred to in a long time. Clicking on it now, I see the URL has changed to Google Groups. This ability of a foreign party to change things on my computer always both mystifies and aggravates me. I suppose alt.revision has been removed too, not that that matters so much since as far as I know, it never fully recovered from the spamming tsunami once that began. White nationalism, or whatever name it may go under, is increasingly out in the open now. I don’t know how great a loss it is for Google to be censoring Usenet, because I don’t know how great an audience it has. As an interested party, I haven’t gone there in several years. 3
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 23 Mar 2009 15:09 | #
This is extremely, extremely, extremely interesting and I’ve already wondered not whether it’s already happening but whether they might be interested in undertaking it. What the opposing sides are in the West are the Jewish/Transnational-Capitalist axis versus the Euro race peoples. It’s as simple as that. For a couple of years now I’ve had the feeling the natural side for China to back would be us, the Euro race peoples against the Internationalist Jewish/Capitalists. One reason is, simply, the Chinese are philosophically more opposed naked rapine than sympathetic with it; another is they still, when all is said and done, identify with the oppressed non-white world more than with the White First World and needless to point out Jews and rapacious capitalists belong to the latter; a further one is they must for years have been getting reports back from their tens of thousands of professors and grad students over here that describe the mysterious auto-natiocide of the once-great American People, literally extinguishing itself while putting Negroes, Mexicans, Orientals, everything non-white that moves, into social, economic, political, and sexual overlordship over whites here, and the Chinese who are quietly observing all this, being no dupes, see instantly it’s not the Euros here who are “doing it to themselves” but some other group that has wrested hegemony in key points of societal control and influence away from the whites and are doing this to them now, some enemy group that doesn’t like them obviously, and, of course they see it’s the Jews. Seeing what the Jews are doing here thanks to the “key-point-hegemony” they finally achieved in in the 1960s in enough key control points to really get things re-arranged to their liking (open borders, Negroes eleveted to artificial overlordship over Euros in Euros’ own country, Jewish Hollywood and TV switching from white leading men for white women to all Negro leading men for white women, social welfare policies that forcibly eject white men from white women’s lives as biological fathers of their kids and replace them with Negro men, annihilating in a thousand different ways the vital societal bedrock of the white family structure, etc., etc., etc.), and having perhaps a vague intuition of James Bowery’s theory of Jewish vectorism, the Chinese understand they could be the next Jewish target once the current cycle matures into the migration phase (the phase where the wealthiest fraction of Jews, possessors of the most concentrated riches, migrate to a new host, leaving the less-successful Jews in place on the ground to bear the brunt of the “settling of accounts” by the enraged host population, crying to the new host’s élites for help in saving their persecuted co-ethnics, etc., and a new cycle begins. The Chinese may vaguely apprehend they could be next on the list of hosts à la Bowery’s theory, and aren’t so sure they like that possibility, so may well, if only as a precaution till they see more clearly what’s going on and who’s really behind race-replacemnet and this forty-year-long societal collapse of the entire Eurosphere the world has witnessed, decide to back our side at least provisionally. There’s also this: in the general scheme of things nations have sort of natural allies and natural enemies, and it may be, and I think is in fact, that the U.S. and China are more natural friends than natural enemies, and that “feeling” this natural state of affairs, the Chinese may simply not “like” to see the U.S. go down to annihilation. China, underneath all the bluster since 1949, may, I believe, see the U.S. as basically its friend in the world, a friend it would not like to see disappear or changed into Sub-Sahara-North owned and operated from Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and Jew York City. For all these reasons, China may opt to covertly back our side, us, the ones fighting race-replacement, backing us with money and if need be weapons. 4
Posted by pasta on Mon, 23 Mar 2009 15:37 | # The Marxist Chinese government won’t oppose race-replacement in the West as long as they carry out race-replacement in their own country, by means of their one-child policy which is only applied to the Chinese and from which ethnic minorities are exempted. 5
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 23 Mar 2009 15:44 | # But they have so many Chinese and so few minority races, there’s no demographic threat. Not mentioned in my other comment of course was governments that simply want the U.S. broken up: Russia for example. Such governments might well covertly back our side in the race-replacement wars. They never would, of course, if the Jews regained the power Putin broke when he sorted out the Jewish Oligarchs a few years back, but they might conceivably as long as Russians, not Jews, have key-point-hegemony there. 6
Posted by Armor on Mon, 23 Mar 2009 15:46 | # Two months ago, I read that Russian billionaire Sergey Pugachyov (or Pugachev) had a plan to buy the French newspaper Le Soir. Today, French newspapers have to be subsidized with public money because readers are getting tired of the propaganda. 7
Posted by Armor on Mon, 23 Mar 2009 15:58 | # “I read that Russian billionaire Sergey Pugachyov (or Pugachev) had a plan to buy the French newspaper Le Soir” His son, Alexandre Pugachev, has French citizenship. 8
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 23 Mar 2009 16:23 | #
Right or in one of these human urine pits the Third World use for tanning leather, or in a pig manure/”purin” pit or something, and I hope they start with this particular extremely unpleasant yet oh-so-élite, oh-so-morally-superior hypocrite: 9
Posted by Dasein on Mon, 23 Mar 2009 16:29 | # Fred, thanks for those thoughts. I think you’re right that the Chinese will not be infected nearly as easily. Are there any Jews who can pass as Asian? I seem to remember you linking once to a Jewish semi-autonomous region or something like that that was close to the Chinese/Russian/North Korean border. Depending on their looks, maybe they will be candidates for a new Ashkenazim. The dollar holding of the Chinese make a breakup of the US a mixed bag for them. ‘Dreamer of the Day’ talks about Yockey’s attempts to get Soviet backing for neo-fascist movements in the West (although it didn’t provide many specifics). There are reasons why I think Russia would be more likely to back foreign White nationalist movements: they could use partition as a way to reclaim Alaska, they don’t have the dollar reserves that China has, racial compatibility, desire for revenge, opportunity to take leading role in a confederation of White nations. Of course, the whole thing could get out of control quickly, and Russia has been burned before by racialist doctrines. So I can see why they would be wary. But surely there are some countries who realize the subversive potential (Chavez’s money could be much better spent than financing black history movies). I’m not sure what a White nationalist wish list would be (major media outlet?), but if the Russians or Chinese are willing to buy me a new laptop, I won’t object 10
Posted by I thought.... on Mon, 23 Mar 2009 17:56 | #
...the Internet was going to save us! How can this be? 12
Posted by onetwothree on Mon, 23 Mar 2009 22:41 | # I think this has the old postings. You’d have to parse everything out and host it yourself to do it right, though. 14
Posted by WWW on Tue, 24 Mar 2009 09:32 | # Wouldn’t be so keen on Asian help in sorting out the demographic problems of America…in fact they are contributing to the problem by seeking to flood in to White lands: “Honda, a member of Obama’s Democratic Party, said some two million Asians hoping to be reunited with families were languishing in the immigration service’s backlog, account for half of such cases.” Many Asians and Asian political elites look upon the Western part of the USA as a future Asian stronghold - they hope to use this huge land mass (stretching from California all the up to British Columbia) to relieve some of the major strains and pressures which plague many of the massively overpopulated Asian countries. Post a comment:
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Posted by danielj on Mon, 23 Mar 2009 10:26 | #
We need to acquire the Russian sense of humor quickly.
If you would just stop violating Google’s terms of service than you wouldn’t have anything to worry about.