Drawing off the appeal of the anti-jihadist message

Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 28 September 2011 00:24.

The Telegraph’s on-line readers love nothing more than to maul government immigration policy, and love to maul the past government’s immigration policy above everything.  Threads of 2000 comments or more have become unremarkable with immigration articles.  Philip Johnston - a relatively brave journalist - has notched up a modest 1080 comments in 48 hours with his piece titled The Left is rewriting Britain’s immigration history.

Obviously, serious discussion becomes quite difficult at the height of the commenting action, when posts are flying in like artillery rounds on Vimy Ridge.  But when the numbers of posts and recommends are high, it does allow a certain judgement to be made about political appetites.

One such judgement concerns the popularity or otherwise of the, I presume, MI5 operation, the English Defence League, and of that anti-nationalist, Breivikian thing, anti-Jihadism in general.  Judge for yourself.

From the Telegraph’s thread, the most popular comment:

1 day ago
Recommended by
492 people

I personally know highly educated immigrants who moved here in the last five years and they are an asset to our country.
They are welcome.

On the other hand, there are vast numbers of poor, uneducated, unskilled immigrants who have been transferred here en masse from the third world, and they have no economic benefit whatsoever.

The multiple wives, the extended family members, the economically inactive, the criminal, and on and on.

All of them were brought here for political purposes, in my opinion.

Compared with one I baked myself.  Wholly racial-nationalist in content, but just not as popular.

John Piggott
1 day ago
Recommended by
100 people

Five golden rules for English dissidents in the MultiCult:

1. Never discuss the issue in terms only of “immigration”.  The issue is one, primarily, of the race-replacement of the English.

2. Never allow a journalist or commenter to imply that there is a difference between the mainstream parties in their handling of English race-replacement.  Yes, the Portes committee’s Home Office report of 2000 fired the revolver for the New Labour treachery, but the Conservatives will not repatriate a single immigrant.

The parties do not disagree in any meaningful sense, and do not believe that the English have any right to life, or any prior right to our homeland than some Somali or Jamaican who turned up this morning at Heathrow Terminal 3. There is no hope for us in the political mainstream.

3. Always debunk civic values or culturism.  We English are a people, not a civic or cultural group which anyone can join if they make the right noises.  We are being replaced in our own land, and it does not matter in the slightest whether our replacers are “culturally English” or totally culturally alien.

4. Never accept the charge of “racism”, “xenophobia”, “fascism” et al.  It is impossible for a people defending itself from colonisation to be morally inadmissable in any way.  Self-defence is a morally unimpeachable cause.  The racist is the one who disallows self-defence to the English on ideological grounds.

5. Never allow defeatism to take hold.  Never accept that what has been done to us cannot be undone in its entirety.  Difficulty is not impossibility, and the sacrifice required of a repatriated coloniser is not equal to the sacrifice required of an Englishman to acquiesce in our racial dissolution.  We must do all that is necessary to remain who we are.  We have the moral right.  To live is the only command of Nature, and we must live ... we must secure our people’s existence and an English future for our children.

I think you will come to ask the same question as me: If, as seems likely, anti-jihadism is too established and Islamicisation too feared for nationalists to ignore, how do we access their electoral potential without admitting any of the civicist and culturist attitudes which inhabit them into our politics?



Posted by Jimmy Marr on Wed, 28 Sep 2011 03:08 | #

Man, that Piggott sounds like one wise cracker. We could use him around here; Maybe do a Piggott and Parrott podcast or something. I’d be interested to hear his voice.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Wed, 28 Sep 2011 03:11 | #

Shucks! After re-reading the post, I see GW had already confessed:

Compared with one I baked myself.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Wed, 28 Sep 2011 03:25 | #

Piggott was a dead giveaway. Too authentic to be real.


Posted by anon / uh on Wed, 28 Sep 2011 03:41 | #

Piggott was a dead giveaway. Too authentic to be real.

That, of course, is how you know a Guessedworker pseudonym on sight: a sturdy old yeomanly English name that appears in the Domesday Book but few Englishmen bear in 2011.


Posted by FB on Wed, 28 Sep 2011 04:11 | #

What’s your evidence that EDL is an MI5 thing? Your anti-Semitism keeps you from seeing things clearly, IMO.


Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 28 Sep 2011 04:25 | #

What’s your evidence that EDL is an MI5 thing? Your anti-Semitism keeps you from seeing things clearly, IMO.

MI5 is run by Jews?


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 28 Sep 2011 07:30 | #

It appears that the appeal of the ssimone comment is that it eliminates race and appeals to the value of the individual, some good, many/most of very little value. It’s clever in that it eliminates the exposure to being deemed racist. It appears to be something that can be manipulated by nationalists in an appeal to seek immigrants who are the best and the brightest and they, of course, may be from anywhere.


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 28 Sep 2011 08:53 | #


[Did you or anyone see my ode to your dead NSM friend over at the nationalist econ thread? I thought it was very affecting,but it seems to have made no impression. Herewith:]

Sorry to hear about your friend, Jimmy. Each WN’s death “diminisheth me”, even when I may have had particular strategic and/or tactical disagreements with this or that person and/or his tradition. We are too few in number, and the burden of our race, our civilization, and quite possibly humanity itself rests on our shoulders.

I recall the ancient Anglo-Saxon poetic fragment ‘Maldon’, which is what we have left to commemorate the Battle of Maldon (993):

Thought must be the harder,

the heart, the keener,

Courage must be greater

as our strength grows less.

The Destiny of the West, in embryo.


Posted by Bill on Wed, 28 Sep 2011 11:09 | #

The bottom line is there are far too many commenters at the Telegraph and elsewhere who, overtime, have read thousands of comments and still do not have a clue what it is all about.  If this is the cream of the crop of the thinking bloggers then I do not hold out much hope.

The commenter is still accepting the language of the multi-cult.  IOW’s political correctness remains very much in control, the fear of accusation of racism still rules supreme.  Comments are still being couched in anaemic watered down tone to presumably pass the moderator.  I’m not a racist but, has not gone away.

Do the commententers trust the Telegraph and believes it has their sympathy?  Big mistake, the Telegraph is a controlled establishment punch bag to soak up the ire.

Commenters cannot conceive that this evil can be turned around.

Commenters are still suckered by the illusion of political choice.

The party conference season is in full spate with MSM blanket coverage, I cannot believe that the people can be taken in by this charade.  When starting out I grossly underestimated the naivety of the British public.

We are barely eighteen months into Cameron’s useless new liberal Tory government and in the grip of a mother of economic crisis, and yet the media is oh so cleverly wooing the British public to have a look at the new improved communist Miliband’s run Labour opposition party.  You really couldn’t make this up.  How BBC’s Nick Robinson can keep a straight face beats me, it really does.  And yet the people are soaking it all up.   

Commenters think that providing the enrichers fit into our way of life then that’s ok.

Commenters are easily suckered by the MSM tactic of concentrating on Polish EU immigration whilst blanking the non EU migration which is far more threatening.  (IOW’s third world non-white immigration.)

If anti-jihadism was the way to go the BNP would be riding high today.  Is it the message or the messenger?

I think most commenters are egotist by nature, and are not really interested in what others have to say.  They do not absorb what the more knowledgeable are saying.  Why else do they remain ignorant or sceptical or just plain unbelieving and continue to spout the same old naivety.  Trolls and misinformation play a great part here.

It beggars belief that the Houses of Parliament and the Television studios are still standing intact.

As long as our elites, along with the MSM can continue to fill our bellies and maintain the welfare state and continue to teach us to love our servitude - then the establishment will carry on - carrying on.

It has long been my contention we already are and have been since Tony Blair’s 1997 new Labour government, been living in the progressive multicultural redistributive world of the NWO.  I imagined in my naivety, that a grand opening ceremony along the lines of the Olympic Games would be held where the tape would be flourishingly cut, declaring the NWO to be well and truly open.  The reality is, when that time comes, at least 2/3 of the population won’t even notice.

I’ve always believed the term race replacement to be too abstract, too shrink wrapped squeaky clean, somehow it doesn’t have the same ring to it as extermination.

To sum up, the initiative is still in the hands of the progressive forces of the NWO, and in the absence of a means of mass communication to inform the larger audience out there, we in Britain remain confined to the constrictions of the Internet.

I still think there is a likelihood of society imploding before any meaningful political means to articulate the nationalist’s plight emerge.  Unknowingly, we have been in uncharted territory ever since this thing unveiled itself, so what’s new?


Posted by Graham_Lister on Wed, 28 Sep 2011 13:02 | #


I don’t have much time for Blair or Brown but is it your honest assertion that immigration policy in the UK was fine prior to 1997?

Honestly, do try harder please - all across the West governments of both the ‘right’ and ‘left’ have been pro-immigration for a long time despite their own rhetoric (particularly on the ‘right’).

For example, does anyone really need to be reminded who and what party signed the LARGEST AMNESTY FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS IN USA HISTORY?

A certain ‘conservative’ hero for the likes of Mr. Haller…whisper it…good old Ronnie R.

Bill if you think voting Tory - which I take is the implication of your comment - is the ‘solution’ perhaps you should be metaphorically taken out and shot - it would be the kindest thing all round.


Posted by Hail on Wed, 28 Sep 2011 15:21 | #

Guessedworker wrote:
how do we access [anti-Islamicist] electoral potential without admitting any of the civicist and culturist attitudes which inhabit them into our politics?

Most GoV-style Islamocentrists are, at heart, racialists. Many do not realize it, and/or would never admit it, naturally. They don’t understand that pesky old JQ, but much of the standard MR fare would certainly be palatable for them. (Just keep away J Richards). Even Fjordman occasionally allowed himself to publish racialist crimethink, heavily asterixed and apologized-for, but published all the same.

Question for an Islamocentrist:
If every Muslim in Europe, every last one, truly and genuinely converted to the branch of Christianity of your choice, or became genuine secular humanists (if you’d prefer), would everything be OK?” “No? Why not?”, and so on. I have found Thoreau’s “There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil for every one who is striking at the root” to be useful in these cases, too.

Another idea:
Jared Taylor may be good for people stuck in the doldrums of Islamocentrism or aracial Conservatism. He has an excellent new video up on the subject of White Identity which would be good toward that end.


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 28 Sep 2011 19:20 | #

I was alive and extremely angry when Reagan got duped into betraying his principles and signing that 1986 illegal alien amnesty. It was the low point of his presidency, and completely unnecessary on even political grounds. The work of an evil alliance between Judeo-neocons and libertarians, two major elements in the broader GOP coalition.

Reagan was terribly disappointing in many ways my parents can talk about for hours. He was less than optimal even as CA governor. But he was still by light years the best president in my lifetime, which only says how far left the whole Western world has grown over the past century.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Wed, 28 Sep 2011 21:07 | #


I saw your expression of sympathy for my loss of a comrade on the other thread and I appreciate it. I also appreciate your congratulatory message regarding my expectation of becoming a grandfather.

As nice as your messages are, on a personal level, they do not indicate to me that our differences are confined to tactical considerations, and I do not share your optimism about the embryonic potential of White Nationalism. I feel that Europids, are doomed to extinction. I feel that Christianity and liberalism are the morbid precursors of that eventuality.

The purpose for the remainder of my life will be directing the force of my last breaths into spitting in the faces of lying Jewish murderers. Jeff Hall shared this mission and served it well. I’m happy that he has gone to a well deserved rest.

I hope that your religious studies will someday allow you to join our quest. I believe that a fragment of truth survives uncontaminated in the words of a man, likely a Gaul, who set a fine example spitting truth in the faces of Jews, and was crucified for it.

“Ye are of your father the Devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it”.

I believe the above, not because of its presence in a book of Jewish lies, but despite it, and because I think certain men are endowed with the capacity to recognize it (his sheep know his voice).

I hope that you will recognize yourself as such a man, and rise against the enemies of Good, but I have no hope that such will be accomplished through the reading of these words or any others. I’ve written it solely for the purpose of telling the truth as I understand it, and for the joy of spitting it in the faces of my enemies, the Jews.


Posted by anon / uh on Wed, 28 Sep 2011 22:02 | #

I feel that Europids, are doomed to extinction. I feel that Christianity and liberalism are the morbid precursors of that eventuality.

Marr drops the E-Bomb!

Hail, fellow defeatist!!

The purpose for the remainder of my life will be directing the force of my last breaths into spitting in the faces of lying Jewish murderers.


Oh and, possibly, but improbably, a “Gaul”. It remains to be proved just why a Jewish chronicler, let alone seventy, would take pains to establish the Semitic heritage of a man back some forty generations if there were any doubt of his race. We may not take the gross liberty of assuming that, well, they were “Jewish liars”, of course, merely grinding out a big propaganda piece to hoodwink the goyim. Ground rules of scientific procedure.

Remember, the Hebrews with whom Jesus dealt were, socially, not “the Jews” of whom we speak today. Our Jews have an extra 2000 years of existential baggage to the name. My point is that Jewish psychology was certainly not so highly differentiated as it is today, and this would allow for the divergence of prophets from the main body without implying a different race and consequent psychology. That Jesus was probably an Israelite (a case may yet be made for regional difference of character) after all does nothing to diminish the truth and power of his indictment.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 28 Sep 2011 22:43 | #

Posted by Dasein on September 28, 2011, 08:37 PM | #


Here are a couple of things you might find of interest (if only historical) in creating a synthesis of Catholicism and racialism:




In addition to what Dasein provided, I think you may find the speeches of Father Charles E. Couglin instructive:



Posted by Graham_Lister on Wed, 28 Sep 2011 22:45 | #

Shame that Christianity is a ‘universalistic’ ideology as any damn fool knows. I mean according to the leading Catholic theologian Karl Rahner - we are all, even if we don’t know it, Christians (we are apparently ‘anonymous Christians’).

Or try Marilyn McCord Adams another contemporary Christian universalist.

Look people can have their own personal beliefs but really what has this crap got to anything of substantive and foundational importance in understanding, let alone combating, the threats that face European people? People used to believe that religion was the answer to every question, that it offered ‘absolutes’, now we know it is rests on less than solid foundations.

But I tell what are the real absolutes that actually do shape one’s possibility of being and the experience of being - individual death and the collective death of your own community. Those issues are crucial to the materialist ontology GW is developing.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Wed, 28 Sep 2011 22:49 | #

There are only a few things I can think of as worse than living under Catholicism - 99% of it is nothing more than rancid anti-scientific nonsense.


Posted by Foundation on Wed, 28 Sep 2011 22:58 | #

Mr Piggott’s erudition is being quoted on my forum now. He’s easily as good as GW and his spelling is better.


Posted by Lurker on Thu, 29 Sep 2011 00:20 | #

Where can we see your forum Foundation?


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 29 Sep 2011 00:27 | #


On BBC television tonight a series named Who Do You Think You Are, which is a weekly genealogy show featuring minor celebrities, had its latest airing.  During the course of it there was some mention of the original settling of New England and of King Philip’s War, about which I knew nothing but I have researched on-line tonight.  In the process I have been forcefully reminded of the staggering courage and optimism of those ordinary men and women, in the essential ways no different to us, who fought to found your country and Desmond’s country and who, for me, represent the apogee of our race.

For most of my youth I cursed my luck that I was born into a suburban life that seemed to be all grey, rainy Sundays stitched together and filled with everything one could possibly want sans the necessary adrenalin rush.  As a young man, my father had flown Airspeed Oxfords across the countryside a few feet from the deck, and done a tour in Lancasters that included some spilt blood and all the usual very dicey dramas.  I didn’t particularly hanker after flying 13000 lbs of high explosive through a flak barrage.  But a life in commerce, for God’s sake!

If someone had said to me that, actually, I was living in the most critical period of my race’s entire existence, and that I had some opportunity, however small, to contribute in my own way to our survival, I would never have believed it.  It’s true, though.  And not just that, today we the racially conscious, the politically able, the intellectually able, are the only components of our peoples who can so contribute.  An enormously heavy responsibility rests on our shoulders, and it is a responsibility to be as courageous and - importantly - as optimistic as those of our forebears who sailed west for New England nearly five centuries ago.

We must discharge that responsibility.  We cannot give way to defeatism, to vindictiveness.  There is everything, literally everything, at stake.  Spit only in the palms of your hands, Jimmy.


Posted by Really Uptight on Thu, 29 Sep 2011 03:04 | #

“Spit only in the palms of your hands, Jimmy. “

Because I have an unpleasant feeling that pretty soon the black flag is going to get hoisted and throats are going to start being cut…


Posted by Mr Voight on Thu, 29 Sep 2011 03:11 | #

Anon/uh, are you the same ‘uh’ who has deconstructed the WN psyche on past occasions?

I have no problem with it, just interested if you’re the same person.


Posted by anon / uh on Thu, 29 Sep 2011 03:17 | #

The same. Of somewhat different mind these days, though.


Posted by Mr Voight on Thu, 29 Sep 2011 03:22 | #

Interesting reads nonetheless.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 29 Sep 2011 07:44 | #

Desmond’s country

You flatter me sir. My people are but a simple fisher folk; hardly the apogee of our race.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Thu, 29 Sep 2011 11:00 | #

UK has worst quality of life in EU

England is chronically ill and doesn’t even know it.


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 29 Sep 2011 11:15 | #

Well, Desmond, of course I meant the sturdy “yeomen” who settled the North American continent - “settled” being the appropriate word since these men and women came for the land and made the bond with the land.  The best of us in this.

The later ones only came for the economy.  Therein lies the essential split between mercantilism and soil, modernity and tradition, constitutionalism and blood, which bedevils the European life today, is NOT Jewish in origin, and is, with Christianity and its secular child liberalism, the third great factor in our present travails.

I should say that there is one minor qualification in my praise of the early settlers - they were Puritans.


Posted by anon / uh on Thu, 29 Sep 2011 13:24 | #

The later ones only came for the economy.  Therein lies the essential split between mercantilism and soil, modernity and tradition, constitutionalism and blood, which bedevils the European life today, is NOT Jewish in origin, and is, with Christianity and its secular child liberalism, the third great factor in our present travails.

Well said. This lies at the bottom of my decision to move to a good woodsy corner of New England — everywhere I go I seem to be a Yankee, so why not go where the real Yankees disembarked and stop trying to force myself into other molds? And fanciful as it is, I feel a bond of my own growing with the target of my affectation. The old blood is still up there. There are some old ways still practiced. Crackheads abound, but they aren’t the all of it. So I resolve to become a better Yankee and forego the illusion of a post-American / paleo-European identity. We must all make a bond with the land to absolve ourselves of the shallow-rooted urbanism into which we are born. As wild as Hunter Wallace’s imagination can be, this is how I view his “southern” kick, totally justified from a genealogical standpoint.

I should say that there is one minor qualification in my praise of the early settlers - they were Puritans.

I was waiting for that. Rather full praise for a gang of straitlaced Christians, I thought.


Posted by Foundation on Thu, 29 Sep 2011 13:59 | #

Lurker on September 28, 2011@11:20 PM said:

‘Where can we see your forum Foundation?’

The forum is called the Anglo-Saxon Foundation, the the thread in which ‘John Piggott is mentioned is on the site here:


Please note our members are moslty ordinary folk who have not had the benefit of higher education. We are the grassroots of English Nationalism and we often get together in the real world, for example a fortnight Saturday at Battle in Hasting, (West Sussex) we will lay a wreath for King Harold. It’s a kinship/kingship event, attended by various groups including Wodensfolk, who do the (Heathen) service. A high proportion of nationalists are ex-forces so the warrior spirit is really quite strong - which you’ll agree is no bad thing. The English are a warrior people, it’s in the blood; will stay in the blood. That said we also have a love of the earth, which makes us natural conservationists. Our church is a forest glade, our altar the remains of a once mighty English oak. Our religion is our People.


Posted by TabuLa Raza on Thu, 29 Sep 2011 16:28 | #

ALL WHITE TV SHOW!  “PANAM” (ABC Sundays 10E, 9C).  About flying in 1963.
See the pilot:  http://abc.go.com/watch/pan-am/SH55126544/VD55144385/pilot


Posted by Bill on Thu, 29 Sep 2011 18:19 | #

I’ve stumbled across (as a passive viewer) the BBC television programme Who Do You Think You Are three time in the past few months.  On the first of these programmes the guest’s ancestor turns out to be a holocaust survivor, on the second programme the guest’s ancestor turns out to be a slave owner, on the third programme (to which GW is referring) the ancestor turns out to be the leader of a massacre of indigenous Indians.

Is it me?

Once is a surprise, twice is a coincidence, third time is Ping! Ping! Ping!  The BBC never stop pushing the envelope.


Posted by Revolution Harry on Fri, 30 Sep 2011 01:06 | #

The later ones only came for the economy.  Therein lies the essential split between mercantilism and soil, modernity and tradition, constitutionalism and blood, which bedevils the European life today, is NOT Jewish in origin, and is, with Christianity and its secular child liberalism, the third great factor in our present travails.

I find it intriguing, to say the least, that the ‘world government’ agenda (New World Order), in which context the genocide of the English and other ‘white’ peoples needs to be put, is inherently anti-Christian. That includes the Talmudic/Sabbatean/Cabalistic Jews that play such a decisive role in it. It seems Guessedworker is happy to do their job for them.

“He (Jesus) and his disciples practiced sorcery and black magic, led Jews astray into idolatry, and were sponsored by foreign, gentile powers for the purpose of subverting Jewish worship (Sanhedrin 43a).

He was sexually immoral, worshipped statues of stone (a brick is mentioned), was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness, and refused to repent (Sanhedrin 107b; Sotah 47a).”


Peter Joseph of the false front, ‘anti-NWO’ psy-op, Zeitgeist, describes Christianity as ‘the fraud of the age’ and goes to great lengths to attempt to undermine it (he’s been effectively debunked but still many believe what he says is true). He also doesn’t believe in national boundaries and he also stated that ‘race is an arbitrary factor on all levels and ... I simply do not recognize race anymore’. His films have been seen by multiple millions of, so called, truth seekers.

David Icke follows an identical path, as do many other ‘truth leaders’ that are little more than shills for their Masonic masters. They do not put the same focus on any of the other world religions. Certainly not any of the varied Jewish beliefs, or Islamic ones.

Christianity is not and never has been the problem. Christians and non-Christians alike have been subjected to massive amounts of propaganda (brainwashing) on the subjects of mass immigration and multiculturalism. To blame Christians or Christianity is to massively miss the point.

To be honest it doesn’t bother me in the slightest what your religious beliefs are. If you want to worship oak trees, Wodin and the Sun that’s up to you. What does bother me is that by disparaging Chrisitianity and falsely blaming it for the ills we presently face, you are unnecessarily dividing any potential, concerted, resistance.


Posted by Lurker on Fri, 30 Sep 2011 01:15 | #

Bill - like many of us I find I watch less and less TV these days, ever since I first used the internet really. Even more so when I first woke up to the anti-white agenda of the MSM. But paradoxically I now get quite a kick out of picking holes in TV progs, films, ads etc spotting ‘The Agenda’, in fact in some ways I now enjoy it more, knowing they havent fooled me. Im sure Im not the only person to find this; once you are fully conscious of the propaganda not only does it cease to work on you, it actually makes you more hostile to its purveyors.

A good excuse to link to this site again:

Anti White Media


Posted by anon / uh on Fri, 30 Sep 2011 01:28 | #

It seems Guessedworker is happy to do their job for them.

Understand what you have just done. You have come to a blog quite explicitly serving as a forum for the discussion of ideas relating to the gradual genocide of the English, and other whites in their homelands, with the express purpose of arriving at the most coherent and effective narrative to oppose it, and accused the creator of being complicit.

This is where you stand.

But you will just have to accept the fact that there are conflicting narratives at play. This is the fault of being distinct human beings in the year 2011.

To blame Christians or Christianity is to massively miss the point.

The point is that Christianity laid the groundwork for the submissive posture of our people(s) toward those who would destroy us. Nothing more, nothing less. The truth is you do not like to read this, and that’s fine, but piss off if you can’t help mistaking a genuine defender of your folk for the enemy. All because of your preferred Christ narrative.

You can choose to lay that aside.

To be honest it doesn’t bother me in the slightest what your religious beliefs are. If you want to worship oak trees, Wodin and the Sun that’s up to you.

This is what you need us to be? So be it. You have thereby placed yourself in the company of those who simplistically, maliciously characterize us all as “inbred rednecks”, neo-Nazi psychopaths and the like.

If religious details do not matter to you, you can choose to lay your own aside. Do not create caricatures for your religious ire posing as righteous indignation.

What does bother me is that by disparaging Chrisitianity and falsely blaming it for the ills we presently face, you are unnecessarily dividing any potential, concerted, resistance.

False. This is your interpretation. In reality there is no “potential, concerted, resistance”. And if there were, it would not come from you christlings.


Posted by Lurker on Fri, 30 Sep 2011 01:58 | #

Foundation - Thanks. Ive linked MR to that site.

Ive titled it English Gateway, pointing to this address: http://www.englisc-gateway.com is that OK, to give it that title and that spelling? Please advise!


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 30 Sep 2011 01:59 | #

Thank you, uh.

Harry has his personal task of explaining why things are as they are, and he does it well.  But he does it in factual, narrative form.  It is a narrative that incorporates, for example, Jewish ethnocentric actions as a negative force (and it thereby competes against the Single Jewish Cause).  But it cannot, by its nature, incorporate the influences that gave rise to the very facts Harry narrates.

Harry deals in lead, not geology.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 30 Sep 2011 03:23 | #

The later ones only came for the economy.

Sorry to disappoint, old chap, but my simple people arrived before the Puritans and came strictly for the wages, not to build a shining city upon a hill.


Posted by danielj on Fri, 30 Sep 2011 04:10 | #

Well, Desmond, of course I meant the sturdy “yeomen” who settled the North American continent - “settled” being the appropriate word since these men and women came for the land and made the bond with the land.  The best of us in this.

You know I love the Puritans but this is slightly over-romanticized.

They did a whole lot of destroying of the land too. But, they’ve certainly cleaned up their act on that front.

Therein lies the essential split between mercantilism and soil, modernity and tradition, constitutionalism and blood, which bedevils the European life today, is NOT Jewish in origin, and is, with Christianity and its secular child liberalism, the third great factor in our present travails.

The problem is that Europeans are liberals. It doesn’t have anything to do with Christianity. They’ve been trying to “liberalize” the whole world even before Christianity.

Well said. This lies at the bottom of my decision to move to a good woodsy corner of New England

Fucking Swamp-Yankee.


Posted by Bill on Fri, 30 Sep 2011 06:01 | #

Lurker 12.15 AM

Yes I know what you mean, but with me I want to tear my hair out as I can see first hand what it is doing my grand-kids.  As for my other half I’ve given up.

Trouble is, the BBC (media) never cease their attack, they never let up for a moment, you want to see what they’re doing to our kids on children’s television.  Our children are under relentless attack, in fact we humans are subject to media brainwashing as we are to the influence of the welfare state - from cradle to the grave.

I can’t see how we humans can resist or become immune to such intensive brainwashing.

It is difficult to quantify to what degree this media onslaught contributes to our passivity, indifference and apathy.


Posted by Bill on Fri, 30 Sep 2011 10:55 | #


Here’s something else, combining business with pleasure if you like.  It is sometime since I’ve watched this video which is, to your thinking, self explanatory and newsworthy - when it was filmed.

The year is 1963 and I remember it well, as the ‘62/‘63winter was unusually harsh.


The interesting bit is, later I found an interview (BBC?) with the chap who filmed it.  He made no bones about it that it was morale boosting documentary to keep the nation’s spirits up.  In fact he was quite open about the fact that this film unit’s raison d’etre was morale boosting propaganda.

I’ve searched for this interview without success, but if I find it I’ll forward it on.

Seems you can fool all of the people all of the time.


Posted by Revolution Harry on Fri, 30 Sep 2011 23:24 | #

It seems Guessedworker is happy to do their job for them.

Understand what you have just done. You have come to a blog quite explicitly serving as a forum for the discussion of ideas relating to the gradual genocide of the English, and other whites in their homelands, with the express purpose of arriving at the most coherent and effective narrative to oppose it, and accused the creator of being complicit.

This is where you stand.

But you will just have to accept the fact that there are conflicting narratives at play. This is the fault of being distinct human beings in the year 2011.

Actually I didn’t ‘accuse the creator of being complicit’, I just observed that he had the same aim as those behind the New World Order/New Age/New Earth, world government agenda.

I’m as keen as the you to find a ‘coherent and effective narrative to oppose.. the gradual genocide of the English’, which is why I bother to, very occasionally, post here. I just happen to think he’s wrong about Christianity and wrong to alienate the numerous, concerned, nationalists who happen to be Christians.

To blame Christians or Christianity is to massively miss the point.

The point is that Christianity laid the groundwork for the submissive posture of our people(s) toward those who would destroy us. Nothing more, nothing less. The truth is you do not like to read this, and that’s fine, but piss off if you can’t help mistaking a genuine defender of your folk for the enemy. All because of your preferred Christ narrative.

Christianity did not lay ‘the groundwork for the submissive posture of our people(s)’. A submissive posture has been achieved by an intense barrage of carefully calculated and planned ‘perception management’ (aka brainwashing) techniques. These have been specifically targeted at different groups according to their perceived weaknesses. This would include Christians as well as those with other religious beliefs and those with none at all.

Recognising that this has happened and continues to happen along with an understanding of the techniques involved is imperative if it is to be resisted. A narrative that involves the ideas that it’s all down to the Jews and that every last immigrant has to leave as soon as possible by any means necessary is not only doomed to failure but actually plays into the hands of those intent on our genocide.

Nobody is above criticism and if I think Guessedworker is wrong about something why shouldn’t I say so?

You can choose to lay that aside.

Why should I? I should point out that I am no admirer of the organised religion ‘Christianity’, particularly the false Roman Catholic version. True Biblical Christianity is a very different thing, devoid of the hierarchical control of the organised churches.

To be honest it doesn’t bother me in the slightest what your religious beliefs are. If you want to worship oak trees, Wodin and the Sun that’s up to you.

This is what you need us to be? So be it. You have thereby placed yourself in the company of those who simplistically, maliciously characterize us all as “inbred rednecks”, neo-Nazi psychopaths and the like.
If religious details do not matter to you, you can choose to lay your own aside. Do not create caricatures for your religious ire posing as righteous indignation.

Guessedworker previously stated that he wanted the British people to return to their pre-Christian religious beliefs, or words to that effect. That’s all I was referring to. Any similarity between those and that of ‘neo-Nazi psychopaths’ is purely coincidental. If Guessedworker would like to be more specific as to what those beliefs were nobody would be happier than I.

What does bother me is that by disparaging Chrisitianity and falsely blaming it for the ills we presently face, you are unnecessarily dividing any potential, concerted, resistance.

False. This is your interpretation. In reality there is no “potential, concerted, resistance”. And if there were, it would not come from you christlings.

Surely ‘potential’ means possible? Of course there is a possibility of a concerted resistance. A resistance that could include many Christians who have not succumbed to the brainwashing of our ruling ‘elites’. It’s more than possible to frame a resistance to mass immigration and multiculturalism from a Christian perspective. It seems you lack imagination and the will to prevail. It can be done but unnecessarily disparaging a significant section of potential support only makes the task that much harder.


Posted by Revolution Harry on Fri, 30 Sep 2011 23:28 | #

Harry has his personal task of explaining why things are as they are, and he does it well.  But he does it in factual, narrative form.  It is a narrative that incorporates, for example, Jewish ethnocentric actions as a negative force (and it thereby competes against the Single Jewish Cause).  But it cannot, by its nature, incorporate the influences that gave rise to the very facts Harry narrates.

Harry deals in lead, not geology.

Believe me I tried to understand what you’re getting at here. In the end I gave up.


Posted by Lurker on Sat, 01 Oct 2011 00:50 | #

Bill, thanks for that, the ‘Snow’ film. Ive not seen that since I was a nipper in the 1970s! We had it on 8mm film at home. Its an editing master class.

A propaganda motive maybe but the morality of that regarding the morale of public and railway workers is surely on a higher plane that of the multicult.


Posted by 12V on Sat, 01 Oct 2011 05:08 | #

“I can’t see how we humans can resist or become immune to such intensive brainwashing.”

Turn off the TV.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 01 Oct 2011 18:35 | #

I strongly suggest reading the following article.

The West failed to press its advantages when we had them, despite having had multiple opportunities throughout the 20th century to have done so. Even now, we build up our racial competitors, ideologically exculpating and “stiff-upper-lipping” our way into global senescence and extinction.

This is the real problem with liberalism, of course. But the answer is not to be found in some re-racialized version of European social democracy. The West is falling behind because too many of our people refuse to contribute to the common civilizational project, being more interested in personal fulfillment than properly directed communal sacrifice, whether in building up businesses, engaging in activities which advance scientific knowledge and technology, or even just producing children.

The constant question in human affairs is Who Will Rule? Our modern answer is that we in the West are only too happy to let others rule us. A foolish choice.


QUARRY BANK MILL ... was built in 1784 by Samuel Greg, a merchant, who found profit in supplying cotton thread to Lancashire’s weavers. The raw cotton shipped from America’s slave plantations was processed on the latest machinery, Richard Arkwright’s water frame. Later Greg extended the factory and installed coal-fired steam engines to add to the water power from the Bollin. All this gave a huge boost to productivity. In 1700 a spinster with a pedal-driven spinning wheel might take 200 hours to produce a pound of yarn. By the 1820s it would take her around an hour.

Greg’s mill was part of a revolution in industry that would profoundly alter the world’s pecking order. The new technologies—labour-saving inventions, factory production, engines powered by fossil fuels—spread to other parts of western Europe and later to America. The early industrialisers (along with a few late developers, such as Japan) were able to lock in and build on their lead in technology and living standards.

The “great divergence” between the West and the rest lasted for two centuries. The mill at Styal, once one of the world’s largest, has become a museum. A few looms, powered by the mill’s water wheel, still produce tea towels for the gift shop, but cotton production has long since moved abroad in search of low wages. Now another historic change is shaking up the global hierarchy. A “great convergence” in living standards is under way as poorer countries speedily adopt the technology, know-how and policies that made the West rich. China and India are the biggest and fastest-growing of the catch-up countries, but the emerging-market boom has spread to embrace Latin America and Africa, too.

And the pace of convergence is increasing. Debt-ridden rich countries such as America have seen scant growth since the financial crisis. The emerging economies, having escaped the carnage with only a few cuts and grazes, have spent much of the past year trying to check their economic booms. The IMF forecasts that emerging economies as a whole will grow by around four percentage points more than the rich world both this year and next. If the fund is proved right, by 2013 emerging markets (on the IMF’s definition) will produce more than half of global output, measured at purchasing-power parity (PPP).

One sign of a shift in economic power is that investors expect trouble in rich countries but seem confident that crises in emerging markets will not recur. Many see the rich world as old, debt-ridden and out of ideas compared with the young, zestful and high-saving emerging markets. The truth is more complex. One reason why emerging-market companies are keen for a toehold in rich countries is that the business climate there is far friendlier than at home. But the recent succession of financial blow-ups in the rich world makes it seem more crisis-prone.

The American subprime mess that turned into a financial disaster had the hallmarks of a developing-world crisis: large capital inflows channelled by poorly regulated banks to marginal borrowers to finance a property boom. The speed at which bond investors turned on Greece, Ireland and then Portugal was reminiscent of a run on an overborrowed emerging economy.

Because there is as yet no reliable and liquid bond market in the emerging world to flee to, scared investors put their money into US Treasury bonds and a few other rich-country havens instead. So few are the options that even a ratings downgrade of American government debt in August spurred buying of the derided Treasuries. Indeed the thirst in emerging markets for such safe and liquid securities is one of the deeper causes of the series of crises that has afflicted the rich world. Developing countries bought rich-world government bonds (stored as currency reserves) as insurance against future crises. Those purchases pushed down long-term interest rates, helping to stoke a boom in private and public credit.

Today’s faltering GDP growth is a hangover from that boom and adds to the sense of malaise in the rich world. Many households in America, Britain and elsewhere have taken to saving hard to reduce their debts. Those with spare cash, including companies, are clinging on to it as a hedge against an uncertain future. A new breed of emerging-market multinational firms, used to a tough business climate at home, seem keener to invest in the rich world than most Western firms, which have lost their mojo.

People who grew up in America and western Europe have become used to the idea that the West dominates the world economy. In fact it is anomalous that a group of 30-odd countries with a small fraction of the world’s population should be calling the shots. For most of human history economic power has been determined by demography. In 1700 the world’s biggest economy (and leading cotton producer) was India, with a population of 165m, followed by China, with 138m. Britain’s 8.6m people produced less than 3% of the world’s output. Even in 1820, as the industrial revolution in Britain was gathering pace, the two Asian giants still accounted for half the world’s GDP.

The spread of purpose-built manufactories like Quarry Bank Mill separated economic power and population, increasingly so as the West got richer. Being able to make a lot more stuff with fewer workers meant that even a small country could be a giant economic power. By 1870 the average income in Britain was six times larger than in India or China. But by the eve of the first world war Britain’s income per head had been overtaken by that of America, the 20th century’s great power.

America remains the world’s biggest economy, but that status is under threat from a resurgent China. With hindsight, its change in fortune can be traced to 1976, the year of America’s bicentennial and the death of Mao Zedong. By then income per person in China had shrunk to just 5% of that in America, in part because of Mao’s extreme industrial and social policies.

The average Indian was scarcely richer than the average Chinese. Both China and India had turned inward, cutting themselves off from the flow of ideas and goods that had made Japan and other less populous Asian economies richer. India’s economy, like China’s, was largely closed. Huge swathes of industry were protected from foreign competition by high import tariffs, leaving them moribund.

China was first to reverse course. In 1978 Deng Xiaoping won approval for a set of economic reforms that opened China to foreign trade, technology and investment. India’s big liberalisation came a little later, in 1991. The GDP of China and India is many times bigger now than it was in the mid-1970s. In both economies annual growth of 8% or more is considered normal. Average living standards in China are still only a sixth and in India a fourteenth of those in America at PPP exchange rates, but the gap is already much smaller than it was and is closing fast.

Moreover, the great convergence has spread beyond India and China. Three-quarters of biggish non-oil-producing poor countries enjoyed faster growth in income per person than America in 2000-07, says Arvind Subramanian, of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, in his new book, “Eclipse: Living in the Shadow of China’s Economic Dominance”. This compares with 29% of such countries in 1960-2000. And those economies are catching up at a faster rate: average growth in GDP per person was 3.3 percentage points faster than America’s growth rate in 2000-07, more than twice the difference in the previous four decades.

If emerging markets keep on growing three percentage points a year faster than America (a conservative estimate), they will account for two-thirds of the world’s output by 2030, reckons Mr Subramanian. Today’s four most populous emerging markets—China, India, Indonesia and Brazil—will make up two-fifths of global GDP, measured at PPP. The combined weight in the world economy of America and the European Union will shrink from more than a third to less than a quarter.

Economic catch-up is accelerating. Britain’s economy doubled in size in the 32 years from 1830 to 1862 as increased productivity spread from cotton to other industries. America’s GDP doubled in only 17 years as it overtook Britain in the 1870s. The economies of China and India have doubled within a decade.

This is cause for optimism. An Indian with a basic college education has access to world-class goods that his parents (who might have saved for decades for a sputtering scooter) could only have dreamed of buying. The recent leap in incomes is visible in Chinese cities, where the cars are new but the bicycles look ancient, and in the futuristic skyline of Shanghai’s financial district.

China is still a fairly poor country but, by dint of its large population, it is already the world’s second-largest economy measured in current dollars. It may overtake America as the world’s leading economy within a decade (see box), a prospect that has given rise to many concerns in that country. More generally, there are worries about what the ascendancy of emerging markets would mean for jobs, pay and borrowing costs in the rich world.

The first worry is about direct competition for things that are in more or less fixed supply: geopolitical supremacy, the world’s oil and raw materials, the status and perks that come with being the issuer of a trusted international currency. For most people, most of the time, their country’s ranking in terms of military power is not a big issue. The emerging world’s hunger for natural resources, on the other hand, has made rich-world consumers palpably worse off by pushing up the prices of oil and other commodities. The yuan’s increased use beyond China’s borders is a (still distant) threat to the dollar’s central role in trade and international finance, but if the dollar were eventually shoved aside, it would make Americans poorer and raise the cost of their borrowing.

A second set of anxieties relates to job security and pay. Ever stronger trade links between rich and would-be rich countries will mean a reshuffle in the division of labour around the world, creating new jobs and destroying or displacing existing ones. Low-skilled manufacturing and middle-skilled service jobs that can be delivered electronically have been outsourced to cheaper suppliers in China, India and elsewhere (indeed, China is now rich enough to be vulnerable to losing jobs to Vietnam and Indonesia). The threat of outsourcing puts downward pressure on pay, though most American studies suggest that trade accounts for only a small part of the increase in wage inequality.

A third concern, which is at odds with the first two, is that the emerging markets are prone to crises that can cause a still-fragile world economy to stumble. Sluggish GDP growth in the rich world means developing countries have to fall back on internal spending, which in the past they have not managed well. It raises the risks of the overspending, excessive credit and inflation that have spurred past emerging-market crises. Even if crises are avoided, emerging markets are prone to sudden slowdowns as they become richer and the trick of shifting underemployed rural migrants to urban jobs becomes harder to repeat. The rapid growth rates of the recent past are unlikely to be sustained.

Few forecasters expect America to be a poorer place in ten or 20 years’ time than it is now. The present may be grim, but eventually the hangover from the financial crisis will fade and unemployment will fall. What rich Western countries face is a relative economic decline, not an absolute fall in average living standards (though a few of their citizens may become worse off). That matters politically, because most people measure their well-being by how they are doing in relation to others rather than by their absolute level of income.

The effect of the loss of top-dog status on the well-being of the average American is unlikely to be trivial. Britain felt similar angst at the beginning of the 20th century, noting the rise of Germany, a military rival. It seemed stuck with old industries, such as textiles and iron, whereas Germany had advanced into fields such as electricals and chemicals. That Britain was still well off in absolute terms was scant consolation. The national mood contrasted starkly with the triumphalism of the mid-19th century, says Nicholas Crafts of Warwick University. A wave of protectionist sentiment challenged the free-trade consensus that had prevailed since 1846. It was seen off, but not before it had split the Tory party, which lost the 1906 election to the Liberals.

No country, or group of countries, stays on top forever. History and economic theory suggest that sooner or later others will catch up. But this special report will caution against relying on linear extrapolation from recent growth rates. Instead, it will suggest that the transfer of economic power from rich countries to emerging markets is likely to take longer than generally expected. Rich countries will be cursed indeed if they cannot put on an occasional growth spurt. China, for its part, will be lucky to avoid a bad stumble in the next decade or two. Emerging-market crises have been too quickly forgotten, which only makes them more likely to recur.

Education and social security will have to adapt to a world in which jobs continue to be created and displaced at a rapid rate. The cost of oil and other commodities will continue to rise faster than prices in general, shifting the terms of trade in favour of resource-rich countries and away from big consumers such as America. The yuan will eventually become an international currency and rival to the dollar. The longer that takes, the less pressure America will feel to control its public finances and the likelier it is that the dollar’s eclipse will be abrupt and messy.


Posted by Foundation on Sat, 01 Oct 2011 22:39 | #

Ferthu hal Lurker

The title English Gateway is fine, we use isc, as in Englisc, because it’s the OE language. Some of our members are fluent speakers - mostly the West Saxon dialect, plus a couple of Mercian and one Northumbrian. Children speak the mother tongue quite well after a few months. They use it in the home for now but once you’ve heard a six-year old girl chattering to her mum in a ‘dead language’ the hairs on the back of the neck really do rise up. Language expresses cultural self-awarness so well, it’s a weapon (re the multi cult) in itself.

It is King Alfred we should thank for the existence of the English language and though he spoke the West Saxon dialect he could still converse with Northern Europeans as far away as Narvik. A common language is what we need, to link our folk once more. Cheers.


Posted by Lurker on Sun, 02 Oct 2011 00:25 | #

Thanks for that Foundation.


Posted by danielj on Sun, 02 Oct 2011 02:51 | #

A common language is what we need, to link our folk once more.

What do you think boys? DNA ain’t enough?


Posted by Bill on Sun, 02 Oct 2011 11:40 | #

Leon Haller October 01, 2011, 05:35 PM

The West failed to press its advantages when we had them, despite having had multiple opportunities throughout the 20th century to have done so. Even now, we build up our racial competitors, ideologically exculpating and “stiff-upper-lipping” our way into global senescence and extinction.

This is the real problem with liberalism, of course.

I suppose this whole article could be called liberal redistributionism.

A “great convergence” in living standards is under way as poorer countries speedily adopt the technology, know-how and policies that made the West rich.

Why is there no mention of America’s overtures to China back in the early ‘70’s when Nixon and Kissinger went a wooing to entice China into the capitalist fold?  I’ve read countless times the same mantra where China is catching up with America, not surprising really as this was the intention of Kissinger’s machinations.

China’s catapulting into the industrial premier league was a liberal false flag op, a self inflicted wound along with the wholesale deconstruction of American industry, transfer of technology and shipping off to China.

All in the name of redistribution doncha know?

And the pace of convergence is increasing. Debt-ridden rich countries such as America have seen scant growth since the financial crisis.

The debt scam along with accompanying draconian austerity measures is another false flag self inflicted wound.  Never let a good crisis go to waste.  This debt crisis consists of pixelated digits on some government department computer screen and could be wiped off in a heartbeat.  Britain’s deficit is increasing as I type this comment, billions are being added each successive month. (lol)

Today’s faltering GDP growth is a hangover from that boom and adds to the sense of malaise in the rich world. Many households in America, Britain and elsewhere have taken to saving hard to reduce their debts.

Surprise! surprise!  There never was a fragile recovery and there was never any intention of achieving a recovery, it is all part of the convergence scam.  On every blog, people are asking what is our government doing giving away billions in the name of aid to the third world?

All in the name of redistributionism.

The liberal machine is pursuing a no growth policy in the Western world, it’s unfolding before our eyes.

I suppose mass immigration is the ultimate convergence of liberal redistribution.  When British whites have gone, Britain will become a museum showpiece of Styal like wonders of the industrialised world, there are hundreds of such places dotted around Britain.

And afterwards?  Liberalism is like an onion, when whites have gone another oppressor will have to be fabricated, for liberals will always need an oppressor and its victim to make their system work.

No stone will be left unturned in the quest of Liberal convergence of equality, plants, animals, the earth itself, will be subject to microscopic surveillance for inequality.

I wonder at what stage will it all go belly up?

PS. I’ve visited Styal Mill in Cheshire, as I say it is just another wonder of the industrial age among many, one comes away feeling most humble, asking the unanswerable question, where did it all come from?  From horse and buggy to manned space flight in the bat of an eye.

Of course there is another story.  Styal museum also depicts the human side of children working in such a place, which kinda puts a different slant on things - but that’s another story.

What source was this from?

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Sikorski on point' on Sun, 30 Mar 2025 23:59. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Sikorski on point' on Sun, 30 Mar 2025 23:34. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Sikorski on point' on Sun, 30 Mar 2025 23:33. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Sikorski on point' on Sun, 30 Mar 2025 22:52. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Sikorski on point' on Sun, 30 Mar 2025 21:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Sikorski on point' on Sun, 30 Mar 2025 11:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 28 Mar 2025 20:46. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 28 Mar 2025 17:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 28 Mar 2025 12:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 22:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 21:24. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 20:07. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 19:29. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 16:13. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 15:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)
