Eduardo the Individual

Posted by James Bowery on Saturday, 05 January 2008 19:13.

Rumors from multiple sources within Ron Paul’s Iowa campaign are that the “get out the vote” push on January 3 for the campaign, which had far more volunteers than any other campaign, actually ended up contacting only hundreds, not thousands of voters as was planned.

What happened?

Apparently, an “individual” claiming to be a real estate agent named Eduardo from Southern California acquired control of the voter database list and, uh, something went wrong…

A student volunteer from Iowa reports:

I was a student volunteer in the Des Moines, Iowa Ron Paul campaign office.

Here is what happened:

The campaign hired an individual who promised to deliver the contact list which was admittedly confused. That individual did not come through with his project.

Additionally, there was a student volunteer named Edwardo from southern California who had been there for an extended period of time. He was somehow given the responsibility of organizing all of the 2008 caucus locations and their corresponding short codes.

He did finish that list just in time for the complete list to be assembled. However, he decided to make up his own codes instead of the ones that everyone else was using. He was relieved of his duties, and was send home.

That screwed things up.

The main thing that I saw in Iowa was a complete lack of organization. It has been explained to me that the Iowa strategy was rolled out to quickly and too last minute. Kinks were inevitable.

This is not a personal attack, but I believe that Edwardo could be a plant. I don’t believe that he is involved in a meetup group in southern California, and he claimed to be a real estate agent.

It is my personal opinion that the amount of private contractors running the campaign was astonishing.

The computer wiz/graphic artist admitted to me that he had stolen the source code to a fantastic database management tool specifically written to compile call/data lists for campaign use. He said that he had obtained it while working on a previous campaign. He offered this database management program to the Ron Paul campaign for $20,000. The campaign said no, thank you.

There are many more reasons why things did not go as well as we had hoped. The number of voters that we had expected to caucus for Ron Paul was 20,577. As all of you know, only half that amount actually turned out.

I hope this is not an indication of how the campaign will be run.

I have one suggestion for everyone. Submit conceptual artwork to replace the standard Ron Paul hope for America signs. Our signs are boring. The campaign cannot sell Americans on truth alone. Marketing is a weak point for the campaign. Submit your artwork!




Posted by Maguire on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 20:12 | #

This seems to me very basic stuff, which is the level we’re at.

“there was a student volunteer named Edwardo from southern California”

1.  A movement like RP-2008 is a political insurgency.  The insurgent’s A1 tactical advantage is fighting a home game.  He grew up on the battlefield, he lives on the battlefield, he knows the battlefield instinctively and can find his way around blindfolded using touch, smell and hearing. 

“It has been explained to me that the Iowa strategy was rolled out to quickly and too last minute. Kinks were inevitable.”

2.  The insurgent’s second advantage is his time horizon.  He can pick and choose the time and place of engagement.  In the context of a caucus that means choosing prior time and place to line up caucusers.  He’s not on a clock and not on a personnel budget.

3.  “but I believe that Edwardo could be a plant. I don’t believe that he is involved in a meetup group in southern California, and he claimed to be a real estate agent.”

The insurgent’s third major advantage is superior internal security.  He only recruits trustworthy local relatives, friends and neighbors.  This selection method automatically screens out 95% of potential traitors and double agents.


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 20:21 | #

Thanks for putting the lesson in context, Maguire.

As a former Iowan, it occurs to me that one of the reasons an empire has to incite mass migrations, is to disrupt the local ecologies that may form an insurgency.  If I were to move back to where I grew up, I suspect there would be very few of the friends of my youth still there.  This is in the Nation’s heartland so you can imagine what that does to the Nation.

PS: It may also be relevant that the small town Iowa doctor that delivered me had a daughter my age and she reported to me that his tracking of our cohort showed a vastly increased mortality rate—1 in 10 dead by the age of 35—almost all dying in urban areas around the US.  The Romans called this decimation but we weren’t told what we had done wrong.  I can only surmise that our crime was breathing while being the posterity of the Founders.  The problem is that Decimation is only really effective as discipline if you make the cohort aware that you are killing them and why.  Oh well… maybe it wasn’t “discipline” so much as virulence.


Posted by Maguire on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 18:08 | #

“As a former Iowan, it occurs to me that one of the reasons an empire has to incite mass migrations, is to disrupt the local ecologies that may form an insurgency.”

Yes.  The Assyrian and Babylonian Empires were past masters at this art of ethnic community shuffling.  Read the Old Testament, Book of II Kings and II Chronicles, along with Ezekiel, Danial, Ezra and Nehemiah.  Where does anyone think modern Jewry got this idea, or Stalin?

“Jews” don’t even appear in the Bible until after the ruling elites of Jerusalem were deported to Babylon.

It is inevitable that new organizations will make mistakes such as were just made in Iowa the first time out.  This is where an extended time horizon is vital.  Or a concept of protracted, perpetual local group campaigning.  An election season should only be an occaision for an increase in the intensity of activity.  It is impossible to organize an army while on the march towards and deployment into battle.

The two main groups that moved Huckabee and Obama to marginal victory in Iowa were the network of so-called “fundamentalist” churches and the nexus of local NEA & 501c3 employees.  Both have secure economic bases independent of campaign donations.  They don’t even take donations.  They are sources of both donations and volunteer labor, which is more important than paper money.

These local economic roots and activities keep them coherently organized in between election campaigns.  Partisan campaigning is not even their primary activity.  This is something the leaderships of both groups engage in to leverage themselves in their daily existence.

Both groups are parasitic in nature.  Both subsist upon the broader local population by means of taxation.  The fundamentalists impose a ‘tithe’.  Most deny they do this but strongly recommend 10% anyway every Sunday.  The NEA lives upon the property taxes levied for ‘education’.  In return they nominally deliver intangible ‘services’ that are ultimately ‘educational’ in nature.

These two groups are also perfect proxies for having a large population of Jews in your community.  It doesn’t matter that one doesn’t live in Miami Beach or Long Island.  You might as well in terms of politics. 

And it’s useful to observe that at this time these two groups are locked in permanent warfare with each other at the local level.  Now that the Men Who Would Be King have moved on they’ll return to battling over creationism, home schooling standards, public school standards, ‘morality’ and ultimately their slice of the family’s monthly income.

We as a white movemet have no hope until we become much more like the local schools and fundamentalist churches.  I mean this in the sense of economics and in the sense of our daily delivery of ‘service’.  We have to develop viable economic foundations and daily tasks that will serve as the real focal point of the Local Group.  This is absolutely mandatory to keep these groups cohered in between political campaigns, which are really very infrequent events.

I’d also observe that the “low turnout” in the Iowa caucuses mirrors almost perfectly the community penetration of the fundamentalists and the NEA.  The structural rules of Iowa caucuses magnify those two groups’ effective power and minimize the power of the third effective group present at the local level.  Where were the other 88% or so?  These non-attenders are the victims of the first two groups, and of corporatist Federal Reserve economics. 

Wal-Mart is the premier local example of Federal Reserve corporatism.  Wal-Mart wants no organization among its worker/consumer base other than what it provides.  Even the growth of such independent organization would pose a mortal threat to Wal-Mart’s existence.  Preventing this is Wal-mart’s highest organizational imperative.  Wal-mart wants an atomized mass with a single subordinate relationship to it.

Primaries and particularly open primaries magnify the potential influence of the corporations and their media.


Posted by GT on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 19:31 | #

Maguire writes: ...observe that the “low turnout” in the Iowa caucuses mirrors almost perfectly the community penetration of the fundamentalists and the NEA.  The structural rules of Iowa caucuses magnify those two groups’ effective power and minimize the power of the third effective group present at the local level.  Where were the other 88% or so?  These non-attenders are the victims of the first two groups, and of corporatist Federal Reserve economics.

Acquiring that 88% is our objective.

We as a white movemet have no hope until we become much more like the local schools and fundamentalist churches.  I mean this in the sense of economics and in the sense of our daily delivery of ‘service’.  We have to develop viable economic foundations and daily tasks that will serve as the real focal point of the Local Group.  This is absolutely mandatory to keep these groups cohered in between political campaigns, which are really very infrequent events.

This is where microcommunities centered on alternate production, economic transactions, social welfare, non-traditional education, cultural activities, and local political engagement enter the picture.

Wal-Mart is the premier local example of Federal Reserve corporatism.  Wal-Mart wants no organization among its worker/consumer base other than what it provides.  Even the growth of such independent organization would pose a mortal threat to Wal-Mart’s existence.  Preventing this is Wal-mart’s highest organizational imperative.  Wal-mart wants an atomized mass with a single subordinate relationship to it.

Our microcommunities “minister” to the sociopolitically “irrelevant” Walmart employee, encouraging him to create his own community with family and long-term friends, and join our collaborating economic, social, and political network of communities.


Posted by GT on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 20:13 | #

Maguire writes: The insurgent’s third major advantage is superior internal security.  He only recruits trustworthy local relatives, friends and neighbors.  This selection method automatically screens out 95% of potential traitors and double agents.

Failure to employ this basic organizing principle is why so-called revolutionary personality cults and bookclubs comprised of disconnected individuals ultimately are compromised, suffer from extreme internal paranoia and division, and fail.  Sound familiar?


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 00:27 | #

Recognizing the problem is, of course, the first step to solving it, but let’s talk about an aspect of the problem I already discussed but which I haven’t seen recognized yet in the proposed solutions:

That 88% is largely deracinated—migrants to new regions where they are strangers.

Forming a viable human ecology from such deracinated individuals is far different from revitalizing a moribund human ecology made up of rooted individuals.


Posted by Maguire on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 04:31 | #


“but let’s talk about an aspect of the problem I already discussed but which I haven’t seen recognized yet in the proposed solutions:”


“That 88% is largely deracinated—migrants to new regions where they are strangers.”
We’re only looking for our own 6% to begin with.  You cannot mobilize an army before training and mobilizing the officer and NCO corps.  There are simple time proven tests to use.

1.  Is the individual gainfully employed?  Has the individual shown enough initiative to learn useful job skills?  What’s the work history?

2.  How has the man handled his family matters?  What is the wife/girlfriend like, and most particularly, is she supportive?  Are the kids reasonably ok, or do they look and act like David Huckabee?

3.  Are there substance abuse problems?  Non-political criminal record?  Personality dysfunction?

These are further specifics to weeding out problem children ahead of time.  Right now I have trouble thinking of any non-movement informer/turncoat/disaster who wouldn’t have been caught early by the above screens.

Last and most important, STRICT LEGALITY.  You can rely on the police/SPLC/ADL agent to be the one to initiate dumb talk followed by dumber ‘action’. 

“Forming a viable human ecology from such deracinated individuals is far different from revitalizing a moribund human ecology made up of rooted individuals.”

I don’t view this aspect as such a problem.  There is also opportunity in this.  The less rooted ‘stranger’ (i.e. less than 5 years’ residence) also has much greater need for true economic community and an extended support network.  And particularly if they have any kind of family. 

I’m certainly not opposed to men and women of substance and accomplishment.  I am also aware that very often the ‘rooted’ individual is either unreliable or too exposed to attack.  This is because existing property, position and business connections (his own or family members) offers an easy pressure point for attack dog entities like the SPLC, ADL and local shamans.  I have seen this first hand too often.

But also, taking an atomized and initially unrooted individual (or couple) and socializing him into ‘community’ may be more familiar to me from long military experience. 

Incidentally, don’t automatically overlook the volunteers who will present themselves, although currently or recently being ‘in’ the NEA or the fundamentalist churches.  Both these groups are even more fuhrer princip organizations than the original Nazi Party.  Their politics are top-down diktats without even a semblance of seeking consent of the governed.

The test of time is always the best, during which the tests of work and results are applied.



Posted by GT on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 06:58 | #

JB writes: That 88% is largely deracinated—migrants to new regions where they are strangers.

That 88% is not entirely deracinated.  The majority prefer to live and socialize among their own.  Getting our ideas across is a question of technique.  Increasing numbers are strangers, but these have greater need for community than rooted families.

Maguire writes: We’re only looking for our own 6% to begin with.  You cannot mobilize an army before training and mobilizing the officer and NCO corps.

However, the operating principle “Every Marine is a leader” is employed.  The leadership corps is expected to train leaders, so that the process is repeated to the widest and deepest extent.


Posted by EC on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 07:44 | #


Sorry OT, however whatever became of the possible thread topic of eventual US collapse/racial fractionation that you and Scipio were interested in discussing.  That would be quite fascinating…to me at least.

GW, what say you?


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 09:08 | #


I’ve been working on something, which is proving somewhat intractable but I’d like to see it through to a post.  Maybe Scipio would like to contribute a draft.  He only has to mail me.


Posted by VLC on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 01:39 | #

This is not a personal attack, but I believe that Edwardo could be a plant.

how much does it cost to do lie detector tests ? with its millions the Paul campaign can afford it now

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