Et maintenant, les bonnes nouvelles While ethnic nationalism is so weak in Britain, and many nationalists are weighing up whether UKIP is a cause for strategic support, in France prospects are bright - particularly for the European Parliament elections which will be held in May 2014. From the DT today:
The original article in Nouvelle Observateur is here. It makes it plain that of the major parties only FN is growing support at this time. It is coming from the elderly, the working-class, and the failing support of Hollande’s Socialists. The other parties are protecting themselves for the moment by forming blocs of the left and right, holding around a third of the vote a piece. But the poll company predicts that FN will not be held back. It will emerge not as a force generating mere political disturbance, as in the past, but as one breaking the mold of a tired and failing system. Comments:2
Posted by Dude on Sat, 12 Oct 2013 16:43 | # A lot of good I would guesttimate Leon, a seismic shift in European politics, particularly on the continent. France’s position within the EU, its relationship with Germany will have repercussions for a distance from its own shores. France has long been more corporatist than most, and sets itself against ‘Anglo-Saxon’ economics and politics, under which they also bracket extreme forms, such as your beloved Austrians. They therefore appear to many as quite left-leaning, but then so do many on the non-economic hard right in the UK and elsewhere: anti-capitalist in many respects, communal, not individualist, as MLP says national not global. It is clear that the renaissance has to begin from somewhere and introduce the arguments to drag politics back towards a more central (in accordance with national instincts) political standpoint. At present it is a cultural argument, but that needs to be shifted to a traditional> organic> ethnic argument of natural right, natural affiliation and legitimacy. 3
Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 13 Oct 2013 03:43 | # Dude, I actually agree with your entire comment. I do think Marine’s election would be symbolically fantastic for European nationalism, the breaking of an important psychological barrier, with, as you mention, positive repercussions across the continent. I also agree that nationalism (properly) emphasizes the historical kinship community and its continuity through time, and thus any nationalist political economy would curtail expressions or actions by individuals which threaten that continuity, even if done under an “individual rights” rubric. But while I am of course rooting for MLP, I would vastly have preferred her harder-edged father to have made the political breakthrough, and not only because it would therefore have been accomplished earlier in time, and, insofar as feminism is also a weapon of individualism against ‘kinism’, the latter a philosophy of fecundity as well as ethno-loyalty, I dislike women in politics as a general principle. I’m an old conservative, and a young woman’s place is in the nursery, especially in these days of European demographic die-off (although to MLP’s considerable credit, she did not put career before children). I also would have preferred JLP because I strongly mistrust socialism even, perhaps especially, when aligned with otherwise exemplary nationalism (note, however, that MLP is also less ethnonationalist than JLP, and the FN more broadly has come to reflect this). When rightists start making leftist overtures in economics the tendency over time is for the “leftist deviation” not only to become dominant in the panoply of concerns of the party, but even to cause a watering down of the original and primary biological agenda. I recall once asking the Jewish libertarian Murray Rothbard, at a conference sponsored by the Austrian School Ludwig von Mises Institute in the early 90s, about American nationalist Pat Buchanan. Rothbard said he liked Buchanan, and, in reference to another question of mine about immigration, supported Buchanan’s call for dramatic reductions. But he worried about Buchanan’s (alleged) trade protectionism [something I qualifiedly support], mainly for political reasons (the alleged negative economic effects would always be rather small), saying he suspected that over time that “deviation” (his words) would come to overshadow the more Hard Right aspects of his agenda. With the exception of Buchanan’s unwavering opposition to legalized abortion, I do believe that, indeed, the Buchanan trade agenda eventually trumped his opposition to immigration as his major campaign theme. I predict something analogous to this will happen even in an MLP presidency. Over time her ‘nationalism’ will come to emphasize Gallic opposition to ‘Anglo-Saxon market principles’ [where, btw, are such principles actually in operation? I’d like to migrate there myself.], idiotically equated in her mind with the authentic menace of globalization, along with, perhaps, various EU strictures (but quite possibly the most salutary ones, those requiring minimal public deficits and associated ‘austerity’ to achieve them), rather than core nationalist opposition to race replacement. She might also take a harder line against various domestic Islamic anti-feminist cultural traditions (the veil and burqua), though one suspects even there she will do so in the name of universal human rights and/or French cultural unity, rather than the restoration of the historic French patrie. I hope I’m wrong, but we will see. MLP should still be supported, of course, as FN’s normalization could herald a political opening to much tougher nationalists in the future. 4
Posted by Dude on Mon, 14 Oct 2013 19:51 | # Yes, Leon I concur too. But I think this is a situation where the cliché ‘don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good’ applies. We all would like to see a purer form of nationalistic philosophy espoused, one that grows out of kinship first and culture and history second. And to see the general public bend to it like a flower towards sunshine, but at present, this is not to be. France has a long way to go, and initially at least, France’s situation will get more dire if MLP ever does get close to governing. Let’s all hope that her policies are appropriate for the task, the worst of all worlds will be if in reaching the cherished position, she only manages to pour misery down on the heads of her people, causing a serious set-back for the organic right and calling forth the scorn of her enemies. The attacks against her though, will likely be less blatant that that thrown at the Golden Dawn. 5
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 14 Oct 2013 22:24 | # Well, one of the mainstream economics dogs is already barking in the night:
Good long thread to that article too. 6
Posted by Robert Reis on Wed, 16 Oct 2013 04:39 | # I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the many great contributions of the Black community to our society. Their peaceful and generous nature makes them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture. Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people. Real estate values are fueled by the influx of African-Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nurturing of these communities, an example of all they have achieved through their enthusiasm for self-improvement, hard work and a self-reliant nature. Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer as a nation. (From the WEb) 7
Posted by DanielS on Wed, 16 Oct 2013 09:33 | # Here here Robert! You have kept me from puking at the current state of obsequiousness toward blacks by White Nationalists. I was forced to make this remark over this broadcast - - at Renegade: Giacomo Vallone’s remarks are not only tactless to the cause of mutual cooperation of European nationalism, but wrong: In more than ten years living in Poland and with the people, I have NEVER heard a Pole say that they hate Germans. His suggestion that Moroccans should be looked upon as Italians if they assimilate to Italian language culture is repugnant and dangerous gate opening. His obsequious outreach for the well being of the “black community” in America is an absurd misdirection of concern. “Black community and families were more intact when they were Christian, not disrupted by Jewish welfare and agitation against Whites?” So what? Tell the blacks as much, whenever necessary, and then advise Whites to get the hell away from them like you did. He says blacks could be happy in parts of America and that they can be grateful to be there. He is concerned that they might prosper (?!). Ug! Just because we cannot kick them out of America in the near future and perhaps never, does not mean that we should be particularly concerned for their happiness. On the contrary, these people who, as a distinct pattern, rape and murder Whites, take our co-evolutionary women and resources are owed not even particular respect. That the Jews are largely responsible for sicking them on us does not then somehow make blacks our wonderful brothers in arms - they are not. And inasmuch as the Jews are responsible for our destruction - undoubtedly as much as any perhaps rivaled only by our elite traitors - one of the worst, if not the worst, things they can do to us is inflict blacks upon us, even if by way of encouraging a fool to adopt a cordial and obsequious posture toward them. Remember that the Jews and deracinated oligarchs are key instigators but neither forget the black rapes of American women and the Moroccan rapes of Italian women, etc. etc. I wish that this represented all of my complaint with this guy Vallone’s interview here, but I’ll stop before I blow a fuse; and instead conclude with an abstract summary - that he does not represent Poles, nor Italians, nor the best interests of mutual cooperation between native European nationalists in this interview - it was destructive misinformation. These days, Inter-European relations are far-far more characterized by peace and affinity; a cause for optimism in our challenge to defend ourselves and our discreet nations against non-Europeans - and yes, non-Euopeans include Jews most saliently. 8
Posted by DanielS on Wed, 16 Oct 2013 09:39 | # Correction: cordiality might be appropriate in some positions but not obsequiousness 9
Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 16 Oct 2013 12:55 | # Dude + GW @ 4,5 Let me just add that MLP can do whatever she likes as a tactical matter to secure the Presidency. If I were advising a US Prez candidate, I would certainly make saving Social Security and Medicare (which for the present and next few decades disproportionately affect/benefit whites) an important part of our rhetoric, despite my personally being opposed on ideological grounds to both programs. But once she ascends to the Elysee Palace, she’d better damn well immediately move on stopping immigration (the great confrontation avec “l’Eurabie” en france must come after she has achieved some lesser victories and consolidated power). But I’ll bet she moves on EU/euro matters, and gradually leaves the core ethnonationalist concerns behind. I just don’t trust anyone who is not overtly, formally rightist. But I still wish her well. Can we foreigners contribute monies to the FN, I wonder? 10
Posted by Weaver on Wed, 23 Oct 2013 10:08 | # The Economist article makes FN sound ideal. The criticism I’d heard of Ms Le Pen is she’s dating a Jew, with the implication that she’s not a true nationalist, Jews being of the Jewish nation. Btw, John Derbyshire:
Posted by Morgoth on Wed, 23 Oct 2013 15:00 | # I think this is one to watch out for (hat tip Lee Pefley on Alt Right and DT blogs) ‘‘Former heads of state call on EU to set up state surveillance of ‘intolerant’ citizens’‘ The European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation (ECTR), a “tolerance watchdog” launched under the leadership of former Polish president Aleksander Kwasniewski and Moshe Kantor, President of the European Jewish Congress, called for the establishment of government surveillance bodies to directly monitor the “intolerant” behavior of identified citizens and groups. That’s the first time I’ve seen the phrase ‘‘Totalitarian Ideologies’’ along with the usual list. 12
Posted by Dude on Thu, 24 Oct 2013 10:50 | # It appears that the idea of an ethno-state is tickety-boo for some folks 13
Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 27 Oct 2013 11:51 | # Here is a sobering article on other (non-demographic) aspects of France’s decline:érables-9274?page=show Will the French ever rouse themselves from their socialist stupor? Will Britain, or America (not if Graham Lister has his way, of course)? 14
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 27 Oct 2013 12:23 | # Fifty years of Modern Liberalism and all it entails has resulted in Western man’s shunning of hard physical work, the rule of law, and the moral absolutes religion (Christianity) instilled in him. Given that, is it any wonder why ALL Western nations are in steep decline? 15
Posted by Dude - White Zion!? on Wed, 30 Oct 2013 22:50 | #
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Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 12 Oct 2013 14:59 | #
I wonder how much good Marine as President will actually do?
From The Economist: