Everyone Loses in this Battle of the Intellectual Lightweights:  WSJ vs LRC

Posted by James Bowery on Thursday, 17 January 2008 22:35.

It should be no surprise that the more you must genuflect to the theocracy of Holocaustianity, the less intellectual horsepower you can bring to bear on critical issues and, indeed, we see just that situation present itself in the most recent clash of the—well let’s be honest—brain damaged Wall Street Journal vs the oxygen-deprived LewRockwell.Com over the meaning of Ron Paul’s libertarianism as it applies to militarism.  First the Wall Street Journal drools out yet another sophomoric essay on the virtues of neoconservative foreign policy compared to their portrayal of Ron Paul’s proposed policy of nonintervention and then Lew Rockwell fails miserably to address the article’s so-called “arguments”

Well, here it is in a nutshell:

The author of the WSJ’s editorial, Bret Stephens, is a former editor of the Jerusalem Post, and almost certainly a Jew.  Lew Rockwell can’t say that because he must genuflect to the theocracy of Holocaustianity. 

As to the “meat” of Stephens’ argument—there is none.  He pretends that Ron Paul would deny the US a Navy—relying solely on mercenary privateers—and then argues for how ridiculous this is.  Stephens has forgotten a slight detail:  Ron Paul does support a Federal military response to attacks by sovereign nations.  It is mainly in the case of nongovernmental forces that he supports mercenaries via Letters Marque and Reprisal as an alternative to declaring war, authorized in the Constitution.  Lew Rockwell doesn’t mention this key point.

Mentioning the Barbary Pirates (who the WSJ neocon Jew uses as an example of the futility of attempting to “trade with everyone” as an alternative to interventionism) is, of course, avoiding the fact that the Barbary Pirates were not just pirates, but also privateers operating under a grant of authority of Islamic states.  Hence they became a legitimate target of a Federal military force making war against those states.  Contrary to the claims repeatedly made by neocons, Jefferson did obtain a declaration of war from the House of Representatives in the legislative language:

to cause to be done all such other acts of precaution or hostility as the state of war will justify.

No such language, language required by the Constitution, has appeared in any “authorization to use force” by the US House of representatives since WWII.

PS: There is a reasonable argument for a “no standing army” policy upon any medium that can support settlement of self-defending Yeoman.  While at present this is limited to land, best exemplified by the Swiss style military defense, there is good reason to believe that a well conceived basis for government funding would drive technologically supported settlement of new frontiers beyond the land.




Posted by mower on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 01:19 | #

“almost certainly a Jew”


Astonishingly you’re right, but as he counsels with regard to his ‘rebuttal’ of Mearsheimer and Walt, to suggest his ethnicity influences his politics would be quite wrong.


Posted by name on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 01:20 | #

Bret Stephens in his own words (”Meet the Israel Lobby”):

I am an American Jew whose first job out of the University of Chicago was as an editor at
Commentary, a neoconservative political magazine that is published by the American
Jewish Committee. I later went to work as an op-ed editor for the editorial page of The
Wall Street Journal in New York, where I guess I was one of those “gatekeepers” that
Walt and Mearsheimer complain about who help decide which op-eds get published.
After that, I worked as an editorial writer for the Journal out of Brussels, where I wrote
many of the editorials the Journal published on Israel and the Middle East. Next I was
named the editor-in-chief of The Jerusalem Post, Israel’s longstanding English-language
newspaper. I returned to the Journal and to New York in late 2004 as a member of the
editorial board, where I am the author of many, perhaps most, of the paper’s editorials on foreign policy. Finally, this week I became the Journal’s principal foreign-affairs
columnist. My first column, in case you missed it, dealt with a Turkish-German
sociologist named Necla Kelek, who has written with real courage about the life of
German’s Turkish community, and particularly the plight of many of its women. I also
give about 20 speeches a year, primarily to Jewish groups, from which I derive some
ancillary income.

And gotta love this part:

Now, as a member of the Editorial Board of The Wall Street Journal, I find it astonishing
to be placed in the same camp as my counterparts at The New York Times, and I can
only imagine they feel the same way. The same must go for everyone else who finds
himself on the Walt-Mearsheimer list. Support for Israel, like support for civil rights,
NATO, the hunt for Osama Bin Laden, neighborly relations with Canada and Mexico,
pension protections for the elderly, emergency medical care for all—all of these
constitute bedrock American beliefs, which we debate only in regards to particulars, not
principle. They are, as I said, among the common denominators of American political
belief, part of a national consensus.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 01:47 | #

This guy’s (Bret Stephens’) Jewish arrogance (Jewish ignorance too) takes the breath away.  I suppose the Wall Street Journal is out of the closet now as a wholly Jewish newspaper.


Posted by john on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 07:13 | #

Possibly the only white guy to get into Israeli media was Conrad Black, and now he’s in prison.
Paul gave a speech about health care recently:


Posted by Lurker (Mk II) on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 15:09 | #

Stephens’s preferment implies that nothing much will be changing at the Journal under its new owner, Rupert “Was His Momma One or Not?” Murdoch.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 15:24 | #

The Jews used to try to disguise their journalistic and other power because they were afraid of making enemies.  They no longer care and are become as brazen as hell.  They’re super-confident.  They’re on a roll, that’s obvious.  That won’t last, which is also obvious.  The name of the game right now is forced race-replacement and the trick for our side will be to evade total race-replacement at their hands during the time it takes for the pendulum to swing back into better balance.  While biding our time waiting for that to happen, each of us can do his part by 1) not marrying outside the race no matter what, and by 2) making sure we do marry within the race and do procreate, each with a beautiful Euro-race woman.


Posted by daveg on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 09:24 | #

Did you see this about Germany’s production and exports?



Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 16:08 | #

Thanks for that article, Daveg.  The Jews tried to kill the German race four times( * ).  They tried but (as that article shows) they didn’t succeed.  Pray God they never do!

*  Rosa Luxemburg and the other Jewish communists from the late 1800s to the immediate aftermath of WW-I; Jewish-imposed-and-supported degeneracy during Weimar (there is no Jew who does not look back with nostalgic longing at what Jews lovingly remember to as “the decadent Berlin of the 1920s and ‘30s,” a period which was a nightmare for Germans precisely because of the decadence so beloved of German Jews who talk adoringly of it to this day); WW-II and its immediate aftermath (the Prussian Genocide; the implementation of the Kaufman-Morgenthau Plan; etc.); the current régime of forced race-replacement.


Posted by stari_momak on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 20:06 | #

Just to add some balance, it should be said that one Ezra Klein, publisher of the neocon Western Standard (Canada) is really taking it to the Canadian thought police. Mark Steyn is schedded to get a crack at them sometime near summer. Notice the picture in the link—it is some pudgy misgotten Celtic witch that is the enemy in this case, not the warmongering Jew. Yeah I know ... hoist , own , petard, ‘first they came for Zundel’ , but at least this guy is fighting back. Chutzpah comes in handy some times. If you guys weren’t such ‘haters’—half-jest there—you could recognize that an alliance between ‘good Jews’ and WNs could be of value.


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 20:51 | #

You haven’t been following the MR commentariat very closely have you? 

The frequency of mention of relatively benign, if not “righteous”, Jews and their value as allies is about as frequent here as it is in reality.

For a start, read Charles Murray Still Can’t Subtract.


Posted by stari_momak on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 21:42 | #

From my perspective I am increasingly drawn to the position that the disease is autoimmune (if you wish to maintain the medical analogy) . Recently watching a David Dimbleby discussion on immigration, it was evident that the most hateful person, the most anti Enoch Powell persue, was the Tory Toff Michael Heseltine, typical Brit upperclassman that hates the working English. (Not coincidentally he made his fortune in ‘property’ with a leg up from the family). I think Gottfried has got it right, we have to look to our own Bush’s, Gates, Walton’s etc. I’ve no doubt Stephen’s article is ethnically motivated, but this cherchez le Juif thing has gotten a bit out of hand here. IMO


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 22:08 | #

Stari, the publisher’s name is Ezra Levant. 

And we can’t make an alliance with them, because they all, without exception, not only favor open borders and race-replacement of Euros but favor them with a passion.  Try talking to Levant or any Jewish neocon like him about stanching the immigration flow and restoring the North American racial/ethnocultural status quo ante and you’ll get even worse treatment than that Canadian “human rights” investigator got, far worse.  It’s absolutely impossible for our side to forge an alliance with neocon Jews of this stripe, and that goes for those of us, such myself, who support Israel.  This type of Jew simply WILL NOT HEAR OF closing the borders:  to a man, they want open-borders immigration insanity, and race-replacement and will hear of nothing else.


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 22:25 | #

stari, I agree that we have an autoimmune component in “altruistic punishment”.  The problem with that analogy is that in autoimmune diseases we don’t see nearly the breakdown in ordinary immune responses that we see in immunodeficiency diseases.  Really, there may be no adequate microbial analogy since we do see, sociobiologically, both autoimmune and immunodeficiency represented in Jewish virulence.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 22:27 | #

“Unless you believe in freedom of speech for those you find loathesome, you don’t believe in freedom of speech at all.”

—Mark Steyn, 2008

I just saw that quote, attributed to Steyn, at the bottom of the web page Stari’s comment links to.  That’s Steyn’s Euro half talking.  We know it’s not his Jewish half because Jews, being Asiatics, can’t appreciate the principle of freedom of speech, a Euro principle.  You can’t appreciate it if all you have are Asiatic genes, whence Jews Eurospherewide working feverishly in support of hate-speech codes and other suppression of freedom of speech. Jews see only one principle:  Is it good for the Jews?  Jews do not believe in the principle of giving each side a chance to speak and where Jews are powerful there will be no governmental respect for such a principle:  the Jews will see to that.  They’re seeing to it right now, all over the place — here, Canada, everywhere they wield influence.  Jews as a race do not believe in the principle of freedom of speech.  They crush their opposition where they can; where they can’t they quietly bide their time.


Posted by onlooker on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 22:39 | #

They [Jews] crush their opposition where they can; where they can’t they quietly bide their time.”

The truth is they are a disappearing breed of people. Due to intermarriage and low birth rates, they won’t be here to kick around much longer.



Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 23:18 | #

Jews like Levant are now getting caught in the giant gears of a hate-speech bureuacracy that Jews built, painstakingly laboring night and day behind the scenes for decades all across the Jewish demographic, tunneling through Consitutions like termites until oaken beams lie smoking as heaps of dust on the ground and the whole structure crumbles.  But don’t Jews care?  No more than termites do; in any case they can’t stop, any more than termites can:  it’s in their genes to manifest this way whenever they’re together as a large group.  These group behaviors are governed by immutable laws.  No one can stop them.  There are individual Jews, certainly, who look with horror on the process but no one can stop it.  It’s like when Italians are together in large groups the mafia emerges.  That’s something Italians in large groups do, and the other is something Jews in large groups do.  That’s the kind of “good citizenship” Jews demonstrate:  nation murder (not exactly the kind of “good citizenship” Jewish leaders promised during the first part of the 1800s when they petitioned Europe’s governments for equal citizenship with Christians — “We’ll make good citizens!”).  Let any country thinking of letting Jews settle in any numbers reflect on what awaits the support beams of their society, their nation:  it’s like releasing termites all around the foundation your home.


Posted by stari_momak on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 23:26 | #

I knew I could bait some eloquence out of Fred. Lovely Jubbly, mate.


Posted by onlooker on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 23:46 | #

“These group behaviors are governed by immutable laws.  No one can stop them.”



Posted by danielj on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 00:10 | #

Fred slandering Italians.

Everyone knows it was the jews in this country who were the real Mafiosos.

Lanskey, Murder INC, the Bronfmans, et al.


Posted by onlooker on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 00:27 | #

“Everyone knows it was the jews in this country who were the real Mafiosos.”

From a historical perspective, the Jews and Italians were small potatoes when it comes to organized crime compared to the English.



Posted by R on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 00:42 | #

re: Opium Wars- David Sassoon: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Sassoon


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 01:32 | #

I can’t tell if I’m getting slagged or praised in the last several comments — looks like slagged, and pretty badly!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 01:34 | #

(Needless to say, I stand by every word.)


Posted by ben tillman on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 01:52 | #

Really, there may be no adequate microbial analogy since we do see, sociobiologically, both autoimmune and immunodeficiency represented in Jewish virulence.

Right—it’s an inversion of the societal immune system, caused by a pathogen.


Posted by 01:08 on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 02:08 | #

Steyn / Levant are fighting for the right to promote hostility among Euros towards Arabs.

Stari, you ought to have mentioned the reason Heseltine gave for supporting the option of military action against Iran - “they threatened Israel”.

None of the other panelists or Dimbleby challenged him on 1) whether it was at all plausible that Iran COULD threaten Israel; 2) whether Ahmedi… DID threaten Israel; 3) why Israel isn’t responsible for its own defence; or 4) why WE should give a toss.

Mentioning Holy Israel was enough to close the debate, just as it is with so many others.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 02:30 | #

Immunodeficiency, yes, that’s clear:  the Jews make it that the normal immune system can’t function, by brainwashing every Euro from birth into thinking Euro racial/ethnocultural self-defense is evil, and for any Euros in whom the methodical K-thru-12 or K-thru-16 brainwashing didn’t “take,” they get shown the instruments of torture if they make so much as a peep.  So that’s how immunodeficiency works.  But auto-immune, I don’t quite see:  auto-immune is the body’s immune system attacking part of the body itself (under the mistaken impression it’s a foreign invader, like bacteria or viruses).  Yes under Jewish hegemony the Euro national “headquarters” attacks the Euro “body” itself but it’s not really it, the Euro “headquarters,” that’s doing the attacking, but the Jews who’ve wrested control, in alliance with the usual collection of misfits, misfits who, without the Jews to reinforce them are powerless and have been existed and been utterly powerless since something like the paleolithic.

Which brings me to a third mechanism of Jewish pathogenesis (not really a third, since it’s subsumed under “immunodeficiency”):  causing opportunistic infections.  By allying themselves with certain varieties of societal misfit and malcontent, thus giving them a chance to inflict damage they never would’ve been in a position to inflict otherwise, the Jews pave the way for infections by opportunistic societal pathogens that never previously posed a problem though they’ve been an ineradicable part of healthy societies for ages.  Take, for example, the kind of people, male and female, who are strongly attracted to women’s lib.  By themselves powerless and posing no threat whatsoever to society, they gain power for the first time when the Jews come along and ally themselves with them, and are then empowered to inflict incredible amounts of societal damage.  These are analagous to opportunistic pathogens in medicine, germs, normally harmless, that do damage “opportunistically” once the body has been weakened by some unrelated germ or other cause.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 02:47 | #

<i>“My first column, in case you missed it, dealt with a Turkish-German
sociologist named Necla Kelek, who has written with real courage about the life of
German’s Turkish community, and particularly the plight of many of its women.”  (—Bret Stephens, quoted by “name”)

Don’t hold your breath waiting for Stephens to write a column “dealing with a Palestinian sociologist named [whatever], who has written with real courage about the life of Palestinians under Israeli occupation and of Israel’s Arab population, and particularly the plight of many of the women involved.”  Anyone feel like holding his breath waiting for Bret Stephens to write something like that?  I wouldn’t recommend it, comrade ....  Why is he attacking Germany in this way, then?  Well ... take a look at his ethnicity ... You’ll figure it out.


Posted by VLC on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 07:28 | #

“the theocracy of Holocaustianity”

the TV has been the grand preacher of this religion. You’ll find this article interesting:


In his compelling book While America Watches: Television and the Holocaust (Oxford University Press, 1999), Jeffrey Shandler demonstrates how television over the years brought Holocaust awareness into tens of millions of homes and, presumably, even larger numbers of hearts and minds.

Shandler argues that “Since its earliest years, television has played a formative role in establishing the Holocaust as a recognizable event for American audiences.”

That of course contradicts the popular perception that the Holocaust received short shrift in the mainstream popular culture of the late 1940’s and 1950’s. But Shandler makes the case that early “efforts were…made to present this then-unnamed subject to the general American public” via “several dozen documentaries, news reports, dramas, and other kinds of programming aired on television.”

Shandler acknowledges that in the years immediately following the war, the Nazis’ systematic assault on Jews was not yet understood as a singularly distinct historical phenomenon.


Posted by VLC on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 15:51 | #

according to Bret Stephens support for civil rights constitute bedrock American beliefs ? That would be news to the racists founding fathers. To Abraham Lincoln too


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 17:21 | #

“Bret Stephens’ support for civil rights”  (—VLC)

Bret Stephens is talking there strictly about “civil rights” in the Jewish-imposed form that in the ‘60s tore down the old WASP hegemony, which had brought us a life in the United States that was heaven-on-earth (hell for the Jews, we now comprehend), and left us with its replacement, the current Jewish-policed race-replacement régime, a nightmare beyond our most dreaded imaginings (heaven-on-earth for the Jews, we’re slowly beginning to grasp).  The version of “civil rights” Stephens cherishes makes no mention, for example, of freedom of association, or of the right of a community to implement reasonable, humane measures for securing its perfectly normal racial/ethnocultural self-preservation.  As I perceive it, VLC, the point is, as regards “his support for civil rights,” let’s see him say the same for Israel, a national socialist apartheid state.  He never will because political position-taking for Jews like him is a matter of tribal war against Euros, of weakening and tearing down local Euro nationalisms (a pattern you’ve seen among Europe-dwelling Jews for two centuries without interruption) in order that JN may better thrive.  Let him call for his favored version of “civil rights,” i.e., “civil rights the Jews deem appropriate for the goys,” for Israel’s population.  Not gonna happen, obviously.  OK then, let him acknowledge that Euros in Eurosphere countries have the same right to arrange their societies along nationalist lines as Israeli Jews do.  Not gonna happen either, obviously.  There’s nothing going on here but Jews — this Jewish-nationalist Jewish writer and the Jewish-nationalist Jews who saw to his hiring for the Jewish-nationalist Jewish newspaper the Wall Street Journal — there’s nothing going on here but Jews touting what they judge best for ... (guess?) ... for ... (wait for it ...) ... for Jewish-nationalist Jews.  That’s it.  There’s no principle involved so don’t look for any.  The principle is “Is It Good For The Jews?”  That’s the only principle.  Is there anything in that for Euros?  Zip.  But we knew that, so just turn the page and don’t look back:  there’s nothing for our side here, among these Jewish cabals.  Turn the page and don’t look back and ... never forget.  We’ve all heard the expression “to burn something into your memory”?  Well, burn this in.  Sear it in, white-hot.  Forever.

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James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 14:38. (View)

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