Extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of Jews

Posted by Guest Blogger on Friday, 18 June 2010 15:22.

by Alexander Baron

Occasionally in my life I have experienced a revealed truth, usually nothing very profound. In January 1986, I experienced one which led me to renounce alcohol, literally there and then. On April 23, 2010, I experienced another one.

I was doing some shopping in Sydenham, and called in at the Iranian store on the way home; one of the things I wanted to buy was a packet of noodles; I’d bought one there the previous day, but couldn’t find it in the kitchen, so figured I must have left it in the store. This was indeed the case, because the old guy who served me pointed this out, and as he bagged up the replacement with my loaf of bread told me to get another packet and he’d only charge me for the one.

Okay, it’s only a little thing, not even half a quid, but he didn’t have to bother. I looked at him, he was somewhat older than me, and unlike me, almost certainly not childless. I thought he must have grandkids, probably living in Iran. Then I thought of this man, below. Looks uphappy, doesn’t he? Wanna know why he looks so unhappy?

Because shortly before this photograph was taken, the Israeli Government had murdered over a thousand innocent people, mostly women and children. But no, he isn’t crying for them, he’s crying because the world condemned his beloved Israel for perpetrating this obscenity. He believed Israel had not only the right but the duty to murder so many innocent people, and it is probably not going too far to say he believed they should have murdered even more. This man is Abraham Foxman, he is one of the most influential, some would say one of the most powerful, Jews in America; in 1987 he was appointed National Director of the misnamed Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, but more of this anon. First, let us examine the source of his anguish.

On December 27, 2008, on the pretext of halting rocket strikes that had been directed against the Zionist entity, Israel instituted a series of air raids against the Gaza Strip. This onslaught, known as Operation Cast Lead, was supplemented by a ground invasion, and continued until January 18, 2009. The total death toll: on the Israeli side, thirteen, and on the Palestinian side, in excess of eleven hundred and fifty. The greater the number killed, the more difficult it is to quantify exactly, for all sorts of reasons.

The non-fatal damage, injuries from relatively minor to life-threatening and permanent disablement, is even more difficult to quantify. The damage to infrastructure and to personal property including hospitals, businesses and people’s homes, was obviously also considerable. All this damage was on the Palestinian side.

There can be no doubt either that the final death toll – on the Palestinian side – will have been much higher when one takes into consideration the deaths that will have resulted from the food shortages, diseases and all the other side effects that follow in the wake of such atrocities, and in this case, a blockade. Inevitably it is the vulnerable – children, pregnant women, the elderly and infirm - who suffer most. Operation Cast Lead is often frequently alluded to as a war, the Gaza War or the war in Gaza. It was of course no war, but a massacre, a calculated act of mass murder.

The above video image of Abraham Foxman was taken on February 6, 2009 during his keynote speech at the ADL’s National Leadership Conference; his address was called Jews Under Attack.  Foxman actually believes he is the good guy, that he is a spokesman for a persecuted, oppressed minority. Everybody has it in for the poor, persecuted Jews, he says, even trades unions who are organising boycotts of the Jews (read Israel):

“All because the Jewish people stood up, stood up to defend the lives of its men, women and children. More demonstrations than we’ve ever seen before related to this act of self-defence. More, more people, more intense, uglier, more in the United States than we’ve seen in all previous conflicts ...

I can read you names of cities ... every city on the globe has seen these epithets of Israelis and Jews or Nazis, Auschwitz have become epithets, for what? For Israel exercising its right to defend its children, its women, its citizens…And the world responds in such ugliness.”

He even objects to protests against the Israeli Government – it’s against synagogues and other Jewish property. He blames Iran for anti-Jewish atrocities in South America – lies of course, and irrelevant in any case in this instance.

And later, he rails:

there will be “more exercise of Israel’s legitimate right to disproportionately protect its men, women and children ... I have never, never heard the application of proportionality, I have never heard the dastardly argument ‘well only thirteen Israelis died’. What other country has been given that standard ... if one gets killed, you can only kill one?”

Read that again, there will be more acts of mass murder inflicted against a helpless people, this is not so much a threat as a promise.

Why did my buying a packet of noodles in my local Iranian store make me think of this warmongering madman? Because at this very moment, Foxman and his fellow hatemongers, Jew and gentile, are agitating for a war against Iran; if Foxman had his way, Israel, or more likely the United States would already have bombed Iran, and perhaps even murdered the grandchildren of the old guy behind the counter in my local store, that’s why.

As if this were not frightening enough, Foxman and his cabal brand anyone who opposes their insane schemes bigots, haters, and of course, anti-Semites, and a lot of the time, people in high places not only listen, but actually believe him, and them.

According to the ADL, its mission statement, from its inception way back in October 1913, is:

To stop the defamation of the Jewish people…to secure justice and fair treatment for all.

These are indeed laudable goals, unfortunately, right from the very beginning, this ideal was tainted. The inspiration for the founding of the ADL was the conviction of a wealthy Atlanta Jew, Leo Frank, for the murder of thirteen year old Mary Phagan. According to its propaganda, a line that has been swallowed more or less piecemeal by most of the American and world media, the conviction of Leo Frank amounted to a pogrom. Here is what Foxman himself says about the case:

“The murder of Mary Phagan was the catalyst for one of the most virulent anti-Semitic episodes in American history.  Frank, a northern Jew, was arrested, indicted and tried for Phagan’s murder without evidence.  His trial was a spectacle; threats, intimidation, and a boisterous crowd outside chanting “kill the Jew” and “hang the Jew” could easily be heard through the courtroom’s open windows.  When all was said and done, Leo Frank was condemned to death by hanging.”

To be scrupulously fair, Foxman is not the first person – Jew or gentile – to lie about this case, but at the very least he should be more careful with his own embellishments. This summary, like so many others, gives the impression that after the victim’s body was found, the authorities went out and arrested the first Jew they could find. In fact, it didn’t happen like that at all.

Mary Phagan’s body was found by Newt Lee, the night security man at the Atlanta pencil factory where she worked. Lee, who was a Negro, was arrested on suspicion of her murder, as was a white man named Arthur Mullinax. Both men were totally innocent, although Frank did his utmost to implicate Lee in the murder. Two more arrests were shortly made: again, one of the suspects was white, and the other, black.

It was only after a mob tried to lynch Lee that suspicion fell on Frank. And this was not because Lee was black, but because it was widely believed – wrongly – that he had murdered a child. Frank was arrested. Eventually, both Lee and Frank appeared before a grand jury, which indicted Frank, and cleared Lee. The reader should bear in mind that this was a segregated Georgia in 1913 where blacks were still by and large second class citizens, yet Foxman and his ilk would have the world believe that the justice meted out to the Jew was inferior to that a black man could expect, an absolutely ludicrous proposition.

The case of Leo Frank is a microcosm of Jewish mendacity; so intense has been the propagandising of this case over the years, particularly by the ADL (including Foxman’s nonsense alluded to above), that even black academics have swallowed this garbage. Leo Frank was indicted for and convicted of the murder of Mary Phagan largely on the word of the semi-literate Negro, Jim Conley. The evidence – which cannot be discussed here for want of space – was such that Conley must have been involved as either the murderer or the murderer’s accomplice (reluctant or otherwise). Yet the state lawyers, and the grand jury, and the trial jury, and the appeal judges all the way up to the Supreme Court preferred his, Conley’s evidence, to that of a quite wealthy and imminently respectable white businessman. What sort of bigotry is that? The mere suggestion that the Negro may have told the Gospel truth and that the Jew may have been guilty as sin never occurs to Foxman and his ilk.

Always the Jew is the innocent, poor, persecuted victim, and this line is towed faithfully, slavishly, by all but a handful of standard works and academic histories of the Jewish people; the dissenters – if one may call them that – are largely Jewish, and in this connection one may name Professor Lindemann, whose book Esau’s Tears goes some way towards exposing the myth of universal Jewish victimhood, although it raises more questions than it answers; and Benjamins Ginsberg, whose excellent monograph THE FATAL EMBRACE: Jews And The State, again exposes not only the myth of Jewish victimhood but that of Jewish powerlessness. Essentially these two scholars with impeccable Kosher credentials, tell us what “anti-Semitic” gentile authors have been telling us for decades, but in more moderate and acceptable language.

Be that as it may, since I began this dissertation, something has happened which has shattered forever the twin myths of Jewish persecution and Jewish victimhood. I refer of course to the act of piracy on the high seas and calculated mass murder by the Israeli Government of innocent civilians. This has at last destroyed whatever illusions both the dumb goyim and rank and file Jews may have had about the leaders, spokesmen for,  and wire pullers of, Zionist Jewry worldwide. The world swallowed these myths and lies whole in spite of the Intifada, in spite of the Second Intifada, even in spite of the still very recent aforementioned Operation Cast Lead. In spite of them and a dozen or a hundred other obscenities directed against the Palestinian people and others not only in the Middle East but throughout the world, all of which have gone unpunished,  from the 1973 murder of an innocent Moroccan waiter in the Norwegian town of Lillehammer to the 1986 kidnapping of Mordechai Vanunu.

Now, the whole world, literally the whole world, has seen through the legerdemain of Abraham Foxman and his ilk; the illusion has been shattered forever. Now, even though the condemnation from the American authorities is typically muted, the only people who believe this foolishness are the Kosher crazies themselves.

Since this act of piracy and mass murder, the ADL has put out a substantial amount of propaganda for its beloved Israel and against the Flotilla, such as this gem:

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today called on the U.S. Department of State to designate two of the principal organizers and funders of the ‘Free Gaza’ flotilla as Foreign Terrorist Organizations….‘After their pre-planned and violent assault against Israeli soldiers on the high seas, the flotilla organizers can no longer hide behind the notion that their only objective is to provide humanitarian services,’ said Robert G. Sugarman, ADL National Chair.

The above is dated June 8, 2010, and was downloaded from the ADL’s site on the evening of June 17.  The article bears the unbelievable title, ADL Calls on State Department to Designate Main Flotilla Organizers as Terrorist Organizations.

AIPAC wrote similar nonsense:

After reporting back to their commanders, Israeli soldiers on board the ship were given the order to defend themselves using live ammunition. According to official reports, nine flotilla passengers, including radicals with ties to terrorist groups aboard the Mavi Marmara, were killed during Israel’s defensive operation; seven Israeli commandos were injured.

The spokesmen for Zionist Jewry continue to refer to the Flotilla passengers as terrorists and to the murdering thugs of the IDF as the good guys, but nobody is listening any more, only members of “The Lobby” itself and its goy fellow-travellers, ie those who are, always have been, and always will be impervious to reason, logic, evidence, and common sense.

While these people are busy churning out slavishly pro-Israel propaganda which aims to convince us that Kosher Red Riding Hood is nothing but a tragic and harmless victim of persecution and bigotry who acted in reasonable self-defence, the very same people are just as slavishly churning out equally mischievous propaganda about the Big Bad Anti-Semitic Iranian Wolf.

On May 30, I was down to one plastic bottle of milk in the bottom of my refrigerator; it was dated June 3, but one sniff was enough to tell me it was not suitable for making tea. I took it back to the same Iranian shop as alluded to above and told the man behind the counter – a young guy, this time – that I had bought it three days earlier; he swapped it with no hassle, and I bought a litre of fruit juice to show good faith.  Okay, I am a regular customer, but again I couldn’t help but think of the old guy, and the grandkids he surely has in Iran. The men who run this shop, extended family or whatever, are no fans of the Iranian régime, and viewed me with mild amusement when I told them that in December 2006 I shook hands with President Ahmadinejad.

They live in a different world from me, but neither they nor their friends and family in Iran have ever done me the slightest harm, and neither I nor any other sane person in the Western hemisphere should for a single moment entertain any suggestion that they should be murdered to satisfy the bloodlust of deranged Jews like Abraham Foxman, AIPAC or the hawks in the Israeli Government.

For that is what they are, deranged.  We live in a dangerous, upside-down world when a man who has such a visibly loose grip on reality, as is easily demonstrated from the manic pronouncements in the above videos, can reach a position of such influence and, for some, even moral authority.

These deranged Jews are still intent on bombing Iran, on starting a war in the Middle East that will spread, perhaps lead to World War III and the decimation of life on this planet, and for what? To ensure that Iran never obtains the nuclear weapons that Israel already has? Because a nation that attacks a flotilla of mostly young white women and mature, even elderly Turkish men in the dead of night, murdering nine innocent people in cold blood, tells us that its neighbour is a threat to world peace?

For decades the world has tolerated these mad Jews and their lies, has endorsed their fantasies about neo-Nazi conspiracies, global anti-Semitism, wicked A-rabs ... and has wept with them whenever they have cried “Holocaust”. But not any more. These mad Jews no longer have even the pretence of holding the moral high-ground.  They have endorsed the slaughter of over eleven hundred innocent men, women and children in the world’s largest concentration camp.  They have endorsed the indiscriminate murder of innocent civilians who had the temerity to attempt to breach an illegal blockade in order to deliver humanitarian aid to their victims.  They have destroyed their most precious asset - our extraordinary delusion that, in some way, the moral superiority of the victim attached forever to them.  They are not victims.  We can see them.



Posted by GT on Fri, 18 Jun 2010 17:04 | #

Many expatriated Iranians, if not jews themselves, were gentile tools who not only feel indebted to the jews but were connected to the regime of the former Shah, Mohammad-Rez? Pahlavi.  The shop-owner has no fear for his grandchildren - by now they are either American or British citizens.  I suggest that you spend your money elsewhere.


Posted by Flossie on Fri, 18 Jun 2010 17:22 | #

What do you know about “Alexander Baron”?
Perhaps a bit of curiosity is in order.


Posted by Alexander Baron on Fri, 18 Jun 2010 20:45 | #

The above article was submitted with a photograph rather than the video links, but the screenshots say what I wanted to say.

If you want to learn more about Alexander Baron, might not a good starting point be to visit his main website?


Posted by Bill on Fri, 18 Jun 2010 21:40 | #

Sort of on topic.  For me the Last Lap.

Earlier today, following previous enquiries, I Googled a search.  ‘Why is America against Israel’?

I’m prompted to post this as I’ve just been trying to get a handle on all of this.  (America, Israel and Middle East)  To me it’s a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.  (as Churchill once said.)

I’ve struggled with this for a long time.  When I say all of this, I mean the on going saga of Israel and the United States and Islam.  The mix of liberal Jews, Neocon Jews, liberal left Jews, and somewhere among them is the alliance of Islam.

I couldn’t figure out why Obama, whose advisors are mainly Jewish - has turned on Israel.

From the ensuing results I read this.

How Obama Is Turning America against Israel


Among the comments I came across the following….

First out of the blocks was this.

The Obama Administration is the personification of Liberal Socialism. As such, Liberals, while pretending to love all minorities, including Jews, actually despise Jews! Even back in the Roosevelt days prior to World War II, Liberals despised Jews! Henry Ford, certainly no right-wing zealot, wrote a book that Hitler so enjoyed, he gave old Henry the Golden (Nazi) Eagle award. Today, the Ford Foundation is supports every Liberal, anti-American cause extant! The Ford Foundation continues to support causes and movements that would destroy Israel and murder every Jew possible! Accordingly, so does the Liberal Socialist movement in our country.

Obama hates Israel and hates Jews. It’s as simple as that. Why so many American Jews are so enamoured with Barak Hussein Obama (mmm mmm mmm)? It’s beyond comprehension! Yet American Jews continue to set store by the SOB and will vote for him blindly in 2012.

Obama is probably miffed, that he is unable at this time, to openly embrace Castro as he has Hamas. The real coming out party will begin, once the Liberal Socialists take over American Health Care and see about it’s destruction. That’s coming soon.

Here’s another.

I’m perplexed. Given the fact that the Obama administration is comprised of not a few Jewish people—one of whom, Rahm Emanuel, holds dual U.S./Israeli citizenship and fought in the Israeli army—how could there be a “turning against Israel?” Do we need to go down the list of administration cabinet/advisors/czars: Axelrod, the aforementioned Emanuel, Sunstein, Geithner, Plouffe, Feldstein, Summers, etc.? I’m aware of the delicacy one must employ when asking such questions. Nevertheless, I do not see how the makeup of the Obama crew comports with the alleged anti-Israel scenario. Add to this the apparent ineptitude of Obama and the rumors that Axelrod and Emanuel actually write the scripts that the tele-reader delivers, even more doubt is cast on the supposed enmity existing between the administration and Israel.

A little further down there was this…

Posted by: evelynshmevelyn—“I’m perplexed.”

Don’t be! The people you mention are secular Jews with a leftist bent. Israel has its politics too; five major parties, Kadima, Likud, Israel Beytenu, Labor and Shas make up the 120 seats of a unicameral system. It is very hard to govern without these parties making deals with each other to make a majority able to govern. We should thank G-D our founders were bright enough to create a more unique system of governance, based on written principles of our Constitution. Most of the leftists in this country would prefer to have parliamentarian government, rather than the distinct three co-equal branches that we now have. The attacks by Obama and certainly among the above mentioned “Jews” that surround Obama are in that category and are attempting to interfere with the power and sovereignty of Israel in a bungling attempt to get a left leaning government. Ain’t gonna happen!

I don’t pretend to be a lot wiser after perusing such stuff as this, it is comforting to know I’m not alone as Americans themselves don’t seem too sure of whose who and what is what.  It helps a great deal if the reader knows from whence the writings come, liberal left, liberal Jewish left, Zionist Jews, Neocon etc. etc.

Does Liberal Jew trump Jewish liberal?

Even back in the Roosevelt days prior to World War II, Liberals despised Jews!


Where is Islam alliance in all of this?  Most Jews voted for Obama.

Obama.  Marxist, Left liberal, Muslim?

Will Israel be abandoned by America?

Who will be the last man standing?

So many questions.

Random fate has decreed we are destined to witness this drama unfold before us, trying to get a handle would be a great help.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 18 Jun 2010 23:22 | #


Why do Jews overwhelmingly (77%) vote Democrat even when the Democrat is seemingly anti-Israel such as Obama?

Well for one thing ‘liberalism’ or leftism is endemic within Jewish communities.  As we are all are well aware, most Jews do not practice Judaism. Instead they practice the religion of Leftism or Liberalism.
Furthermore, even the Jews that do practice Judaism, in most cases, actually practice two religions. One being some form of Judaism and the other being Leftism or Liberalism. Of the two, Leftism is invariably the stronger of the two. Hence, Jews stupidly support leftist causes even if those causes go against their own long term well being.

Obama is seen by Jews as someone who can advance leftist causes so they support him. I know the issue is much more complex, but that is the main reason.

Norman Podhoretz wrote a book on this very subject.


Of course there are many exceptions to the rule I just outlined. Many Jews are hard right-wingers. However, most right-wing Jews support massive non-white immigration into white counties. That seems to be the only issue 99% of Jews agree on.

Hope that helps.


Posted by Gorboduc on Fri, 18 Jun 2010 23:31 | #

Little bit off-topic, I know, but,

“There’s NO business like SHOah business! ...”



Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 19 Jun 2010 00:06 | #


You are the goy who can never quite get it.  Where’s Fred when we need him?

Look, a non-white in the White House is proof to millenarian Jews (which, secular or religious, is all but a very few Jews) that the European will vote for/submit to “peace” as defined by Judaism.  “Peace” means the wiping away of all causes of conflict and all prejudice through the blending of the nations, excepting Jewry which alone will maintain a distinct ethnicity.  That’s what the whole thing is about.  It’s an existential war for both Jew and gentile.  They know it.  They don’t want you and I to know it.

Jews are not complicated.  They are not extraordinarily intelligent.  They are simply evolved in strategic behavioural terms to exploit their environment, and their environment is the host ... us.  We are not used to that.  We are never used to that.  Historically, this is why, when we have seen the process for what it is, our reaction has been so abrupt and decisive.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 19 Jun 2010 01:42 | #


I should have been more clear were I stand on the JQ; that’s my fault but trust me, GW, I am Jew wise. My post was an attempt to answer or offer an explanation to a question Bill raised: “Does Liberal Jew trump Jewish liberal?” That’s all.

What you are referring to,I believe, is the issue of Jewish Supremacism. On that issue we see eye to eye. However not all Jews are Jewish supremacists, no?

When I wrote: “Of course there are many exceptions to the rule I just outlined. Many Jews are hard right-wingers. However, most right-wing Jews support massive non-white immigration into white counties. That seems to be the only issue 99% of Jews agree on.”

Why do you think I meant by that? Is that something a clueless goy would include in a post? We all know massive non-white immigration into white countries, given enough time, could very well result in the genocide of the native white population. If 99% of Jews vigorously support this type of immigration policy, what conclusions can we draw about their motive?


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 19 Jun 2010 02:30 | #



Posted by Thorn on Sat, 19 Jun 2010 15:19 | #

Ahah! Thorn seems to know a few things about the fallibility of Jews.

[J]ews stupidly support leftist causes even if those causes go against their own long term well being.
Obama is seen by Jews as someone who can advance leftist causes so they support him. I know the issue is much more complex, but that is the main reason.—from my comment

Here’s an excerpt from an article Fred Scrooby linked to on the They Are Kind to Animals thread. It basically says the same thing I said:

An important addendum to all this is that Jews often swallow the liberal poison themselves and suffer from the law of unintended consequences (to borrow one of the neocons’ favored phrases.) “Jewish plots” to, say, get the Goyim inured to birth control, abortions, and non-traditional lifestyles have devastated Jewish communities, too. Moreover, many liberal Jews who fear white anti-Semitism might soon learn that Jews fare much better in a WASP culture than in a Latino, black, or multicultural one.



Posted by Wandrin on Sat, 19 Jun 2010 17:25 | #

I couldn’t figure out why Obama, whose advisors are mainly Jewish - has turned on Israel.

They haven’t turned on Israel. jews are insane and want incompatible things.

1) jews brainwash white children with the multicult which stigmatises white ethno-centricity. jews don’t see themselves as white and so never expected the multicult to be applied to them. However the main reason jews have so far succeeded in their stealth ethnic warfare against us is because they look white on the surface. So white liberal multicultists are attacking Israel for being white and ethno-centric. Those people make up a segment of the Democrat base and can’t be bought off because they’ve been brainwashed to believe in this stuff.

2) jews want the US military to impose liberal democracies on Israel’s enemies because they think it will help Israel. However Israelis running round killing whoever they feel like combined with blind US support is making it impossible to win these wars. The is leading to pressure from the US military.

3) jews want middle-eastern elites to support Israel and the neocon wars in support of Israel. Those elites are applying pressure because no amount of bribe money to them can help if their population is constantly being stirred up by the Israelis running round killing who they like with blind US support.

4) jews want mass immigration to exterminate white people. Until recently they particularly liked islamic immigration because islam is total and completely erases western civilization wherever it becomes the majority. At the same time they don’t want western politicans to take any notice of all these new muslim voters.

The Obama administration is trying to reconcile 100% support for Israel with jewish insanity.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 19 Jun 2010 17:50 | #


Olam Ha-ba requires that all the nations shall be gathered together so that the root of conflict, which our Elder Brothers see as all ethnic distinctiveness but their own, may wither.  Jews are called to suffer for the “peace” that will follow, which is the Age of the Messiac who will enthone them for eternity.

It isn’t about pain reduction in the interim.  It’s about ultimate victory.  The thesis that Jews “make stupid mistakes” is simply a misreading of the endeavour.


Posted by isolde on Sat, 19 Jun 2010 22:24 | #

The Jews in their own publications have celebrated Obama as their first Jewish President. He was discovered in Chicago by Rabbi Wolf and financed by Helen Saltzer.  The American Thinker is always posting articles about Obama’s supposed anti-Israel and anti-Jewish stance . I’ve written many posts pointing out how ridiculous this assertion is but they are usually not published. American Thinker is just another blog trying to prove that Jews and Whites have the same interests. I prefer openly liberal Jews to these faux conservative ones. More Jewish disinformation tactics



Posted by Isolde on Sat, 19 Jun 2010 22:44 | #

The Jews didn’t adhere to Communism/Liberalism they invented it. Without Jews there would be no Bolshevism/Communism.
  That’s why I don’t understand all these left-wingers that supposedly hate Israel. l also don’t understand the purportedly Christian zionists you have in the States who start quoting about those who bless Israel etc. I don’t think we have these people in Europe . Don’t these Christians read the New Testament especially John’s gospel where Christ calls the Pharisees i.e Talmudists, the sons of Satan
Don’t these Christian Zionists know about the Talmud and that apparently in Israel you can buy dildos in the shape of Our Lady and Jesus but not Mohammed? Surely Amercan Whites could start by educating your Christain Zionist compatriots or have they all been bought with Jewish money?


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 19 Jun 2010 23:13 | #


You wouldn’t by any chance be the person who very charmingly fronted a YouTube video on the Big H a couple of years back?  As well as being funny and charming the individual I am thinking of was, like you, Brazilian.


Posted by FB on Tue, 22 Jun 2010 01:42 | #

Was this piece written by the Mullahs-loving Fredrick Toben? I’ve been around for about 10 years now and nothing amuses me more than the frequent crocodile tears from W.N.‘s and revisionists regarding them poor innocent dusky Arabs! One even gets to see in this essay the author waxing lovingly about Iranian immigrants! Everyone on here wants their particular Aryan tribe to be more like Israeli Jews: ruthless, ethnocentric, nationalistic, determined, confident, militaristic, disciplined, and not giving a flying fuck what “the international community” thinks. Double-talking, envious losers.

Compare manly and tough Israelis to castrated and wimpy English"men”:

Employees at the housing association were sent a group e-mail warning that decking out their personal vehicles with the St George’s flags could ‘discriminate’ against those who don’t support England during the World Cup.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1285492/Council-workers-banned-flying-England-flags-OWN-cars.html?ito=feeds-newsxml#ixzz0rXPabH9F

These are your Englishfaggots, G.W., when they’re not telling their employees not to eat at their desks during the Ramadan lest they upset their Muslim co-workers…I mean overlords. 

mmm…I think I’ll go with the Israelis. Nobody respects weakness, everyone admires strength.

I admire Israelis.


Posted by Armor on Tue, 22 Jun 2010 03:21 | #

nothing amuses me more than the frequent crocodile tears from W.N.’s and revisionists regarding them poor innocent dusky Arabs! (—FB)

Are you saying that white nationalists would like to harm the Arabs?

What I hate to see is Jews, often posing as non-Jews, leading the anti-Muslim propaganda as a way to infiltrate European organizations that oppose immigration. In Europe, any non-Jew stooping to the same level would be at risk of being convicted for incitement at the request of Jewish organizations.
I’m for free-speech, and I don’t care that Arabs are insulted by Jews, but I feel that Jewish activists are really insulting the Whites by doing that. I resent their chutzpah.

Here’s William Pierce, in 2002 :

I want to make very clear what my motives and sympathies are, lest I lead anyone astray and be thought a hypocrite for doing so. First, regarding Palestine, although my sympathies definitely lie with the Palestinians rather than with the Jews, it is not horror at what the Jews are doing to the Palestinians that motivates me. What motivates me is horror that my country is being used by the Jews in their war against the Palestinians.

Maybe every white nationalist who mentions the Jewish double standards, in Israel and in the European world, should begin with such a clarification. Not that it would keep the Jews from calling us hypocrites.


Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 22 Jun 2010 09:42 | #

Compare manly and tough Israelis to castrated and wimpy English"men”

Despite GW’s deployment of the Jewish shibboleth of German moral “debasement” and his assertion of the Jewish worthiness of life it is quite clear that he personally despises them.  What people in history can attest to having produced such a sordid procession of anti-human lunatics and downright parasitic shysters other than Jews?  The worst of them deserve nothing less than to be fed through a meat grinder feet first.  As for the rest of them, if they were truly the redeemers of humanity that they allege, they would voluntarily submit to their sterilization.  And of course the not unreasonable question arises, Should the latter even be consulted in the matter?


Posted by Wandrin on Tue, 22 Jun 2010 10:57 | #

if they were truly the redeemers of humanity that they allege

They call it “healing the world” but their definition of that is all nations apart from theirs be destroyed and they rule over and possess the wreckage as a master race.

It’s in the bible.

They’re very good at marketing.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 22 Jun 2010 12:06 | #


You packed your provisions, checked the sky and started out early.  You hitched a ride as far as Alexville, and started walking.  Now you are way out west, where the political badlands slowly give way to waterless desert.  Out here your emotional compass is erratic.  If you still know which way is home you surely don’t care.  You have that little historical map which brought you here, and is telling you to go on.  You are going on.  It is your purpose, and you have never felt more purposeful.  Your stride is still steady.  But your throat is rasping dry, and the words in your head are becoming the sound on your lips.

“Anti-human lunatics,” you tell yourself, “Parasitic shysters, yeah.  Feed ‘em through a meat grinder, that’s what I say.  Feet first so they can see what’s coming.  Vengeance, that’s what it is.  That’s what they’ll see.  Vengeance is mine, saith I, ha!”


Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 22 Jun 2010 21:42 | #

The Jews are not rational actors, GW.  There is nothing you could ever say to them that would convince them of the merits of our survival even from the wholly obvious vantage point of their own self-interest.  To “change the water in the fishbowl” the Jews will clearly need to be removed from their positions of influence and have their enormous wealth taken from them.  The Jews in Israel will reflexively and inexorable view that move against their diaspora co-ethnics as the slippery slope to their genocide, even if indeed it is not.  Then, the capitals of Europe will burn, per their Samson Option.  That being the case, or if indeed it comes to pass, it cannot come at no cost to them.  The cost to them of our destruction at their hands must be their annihilation.  How could it be otherwise?  Or does your nascent “philosophy” inform you of some way out of this bind that I do not see?


Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 22 Jun 2010 22:26 | #

It would be another story if the Jews were merely cynical, then they could be reasoned with.  But that is not the case.  They have no interest whatever in a partnership with us for the continuity of our civilization, and hence the also necessary continuity of our people.  The destruction of both is the only conscionable outcome for them.  Adolf Hitler came to realize this brute fact of life, driven home most forcefully by the conduct of the Jewish Bolsheviks - which was aided and abetted by Jewry in the West.  That is why he insisted with stern steadfastness on fighting to the end, because without Final Victory over Jewry our demise is only a matter of time.  Not because he was a implacable madman suffering under the feverish spell of “palingenesis” - though it may comfort some to think that.  And now the true lunatics have an arsenal of nuclear weapons with which they can threaten to kill us quickly if the prospect of a slow death via mongrelization at their hands proves less than satisfactory.  It was not the “debased” “Krauts” whom aided the kikes in bringing the Zionist monstrosity into being, and certainly not they who facilitated the Jewish enthronement to power in diaspora.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 23 Jun 2010 00:34 | #

What people in history can attest to having produced such a sordid procession of anti-human lunatics

Mesoamericans who seemed to take delight in sacrificing their children and sitting down to eat them. Contemporary Congoites whose rapacious nature is only exceeded by a desire for a side order of fried labia majora. The ancient Greeks whom, it appears, felt no compunction about indoctrinating young boys into manhood by fucking them up the ass or their Victorian apologists like Charles John Vaughan.

Dude, there are no good guys.


Posted by Wandrin on Wed, 23 Jun 2010 01:57 | #

There is nothing you could ever say to them that would convince them of the merits of our survival even from the wholly obvious vantage point of their own self-interest.

If the driving force is paranoia then there’s a possibility of a way out.

Dude, there are no good guys

My side are the good guys, even when we’re not.


Posted by PF on Wed, 23 Jun 2010 10:13 | #

CC wrote:

Despite GW’s deployment of the Jewish shibboleth of German moral “debasement” and his assertion of the Jewish worthiness of life it is quite clear that he personally despises them.  What people in history can attest to having produced such a sordid procession of anti-human lunatics and downright parasitic shysters other than Jews?  The worst of them deserve nothing less than to be fed through a meat grinder feet first.  As for the rest of them, if they were truly the redeemers of humanity that they allege, they would voluntarily submit to their sterilization.  And of course the not unreasonable question arises, Should the latter even be consulted in the matter?

I can’t believe you are letting yourself go like this, CC- its like a fat woman who says “I just dont care anymore” and falls mouth agape into a tray of cupcakes. Have you ever seen a fat woman snort, to get oxygen, while her face was covered with cupcake remnant?

Thats what internet revisionism, reversed moral polarity about WWII mythology, zero-sum visceralism and (presumably) the social alienation that results ineluctably from these, are doing to CC. And he just snorts up more of this stuff like the fat cow with her cupcakes.

Clearly a boundary has been crossed with the meat-grinder comment. This might be similar to the fat woman who used to divide her eating sessions up into discrete meals - at some point, she throws caution to the wind, and enters a steady-state consumption process whenever food is available. She is basically always eating now, except on the toilet and when sleeping. If her entire digestive track is full, she will take a respite for just long enough to phone a friend…

Hey CC - here’s another heaping helping!  http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/

Get it? Shovel that stuff in.. yeahh… can he finish six fretful meta-strategy pondering sessions before the hour is up? [CC starts to ponder meta-strategy].... go, go, go, go, go! You can do it!!! Tell me what Aleksander Dugin is thinking when he discusses the Obama presidency - zero sum heuristics have given you the power to pierce all cultural veils and find the Coward-Enemy in everyone and everything, now is the time to feast!!!


Posted by Wandrin on Wed, 23 Jun 2010 15:41 | #

The Jews are not rational actors, GW.  There is nothing you could ever say to them that would convince them of the merits of our survival even from the wholly obvious vantage point of their own self-interest.

Even if that were true you still have to consider potential recruits - exterminationist type talk makes jews more paranoid and puts potential recruits off.

Now, i think over the last 2,500 years they’ve developed an insane and genocidal level of paranoia which will always be targeted at us while they’re on our lands but, after ten generations or so, if they were all living on some terriotory of their own i think most of them would gradually become normal again.

Option 2: maybe you don’t believe in pain killers.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 23 Jun 2010 21:23 | #

Thats what internet revisionism, reversed moral polarity about WWII mythology, zero-sum visceralism and (presumably) the social alienation that results ineluctably from these, are doing to CC.

Nonsense. It’s simply about keeping your counsel, especially here at MR. It’s Guessedworker’s house and he doesn’t need to be flying to Texas to escape conviction from hate speech crimes. However, if he said that he’d be viewed as a wimp on the JQ.  It’s not about ‘reversed moral polarity about WWII’ it’s simply about decorum. If you need a wimp to crap on for being soft, then I’m your boy, ‘cause I don’t really give a shit.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 24 Jun 2010 13:47 | #

LOL! It couldn’t have happened to nicer group of people.

Group of youths attack Jewish dance group

By KIRSTEN GRIESHABER, Associated Press Writer Kirsten Grieshaber, Associated Press Writer – 45 mins ago

BERLIN – A Jewish dance group was attacked with stones by a group of children and teenagers during a performance at a street festival in the Germany city of Hannover, police said Thursday. One dancer suffered a leg injury and the group then canceled their performance.

The teenagers also used a megaphone to shout anti-Semitic slurs during the Saturday afternoon attack, Hannover police spokesman Thorsten Schiewe said.

Police said the incident is under investigation and that they do not have an exact number of attackers yet. Schiewe said there were several Muslim immigrant youths among the attackers.

Read more:



Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 24 Jun 2010 14:18 | #

Referring to Thorn’s article just above:  the fact that these were Moslem-immigrant children and teenagers should have been mentioned in both the first sentence of the article and its headline but wasn’t because the aim of the overlords and of organized Jewry is to innundate Europe with Moslem people of non-Euro race and they don’t want anything such as bad publicity getting in the way of that.  The Euro race is to be phased out on the European continent and something non-white phased in in its place:  that’s the plan.  How do we know it’s the plan if the planners aren’t admitting it?  We connect the dots.


Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 25 Jun 2010 04:36 | #

PF, if I were inclined to follow you in a fumbling attempt at psychoanalysis I’d be tempted to say in assessing me you only describe yourself. 

The “meat grinder” comment was hyperbole, and in hindsight I see in poor taste: for which I offer my apology.  Here is my position: All Jews should be removed from traditionally White living space with no harm coming to any individual Jew if he would but agree to leave.  Now, if in the hypothetical scenario that Israelis decide to use their “Samson Option” against Europe, killing tens of millions in the process, I see to reason why every last Jew should not be killed in retaliation.


Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 25 Jun 2010 04:57 | #

Well put, Captainchaos. Your position, as stated, represents a masterpiece of pellucid prose.


Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 25 Jun 2010 05:02 | #

Btw, I wonder which could be considered the more depraved act in the sense that the ‘victims’ of it would suffer more, being burned alive by the RAF or being fed (feet first) through a , er, meat grinder?

No doubt PF, with his deeply innate inclination towards “philosophy,” would be satisfied with the explanation that in the former case “this is war” removes all moral blame from the perpetrator.  Even leaving aside the fact that in the former instance the ‘victims’ were in fact “essentially the same people” as the perpetrators and not the Other, as in the merely hypothetical latter case.


Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 25 Jun 2010 05:48 | #

I take it that Captainchaos is referring to the war initiated by this hate - filled and predatory group :


Apropos that suicidally insane conflict, the putrid, anti - German shyster, Roosevelt, had his regular wartime “fireside chat” radio broadcasts renamed by his Jewish handlers. According to Washington insiders of that era, the president’s little homilectic talks, which were designed to promote hatred of Germans, were laughingly referred to as “hog - calling”.


Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 25 Jun 2010 06:14 | #

English “ontological nationalists” oft bring up what took place at Oradour-sur-Glane during the Second World War as proof of the derangement induced by “palingenesis” while conveniently neglecting to explicate the back story.

The back story:

*On June 9, 1944, the day before the Oradour massacre, the SS division Das Reich recapture the town of Tulle, which had fallen into the hands of French partisans. There they find the mutilated corpses of sixty-two German soldiers who, after surrendering to the Resistance, had been butchered: “Some had had their genitals cut off and stuffed into their mouths. Others had been covered with excrement. One man had holes in his heels with a rope through them, and a [smashed] face, indicating that he had been tied to the back of a truck and driven around.”
*Also on June 9, the Germans learn that French partisans have captured SS-Sturmbannführer Helmut Kämpfe, a popular officer, and plan to publicly burn him alive in Oradour, a center of partisan activity.

*On June 10, in an attempt to rescue Kämpfe, a company of the SS regiment Der Führer, under the command of Stubaf. Adolf Dickmann, enters Oradour and discovers “a smoldering German army ambulance in which the driver and co-driver had been chained to the steering wheel and burnt alive together with their wounded passengers.”

*Dickmann takes hostages and houses the women and children in the local Church. The Germans hope to exchange the male hostages for Kämpfe, Dickmann’s close personal friend.

*The Germans search the town for arms, discovering caches of illicit weapons in almost all the houses. (Partisan warfare, it should be remembered, is not sanctioned by international conventions and is technically illegal.)

*The Germans discover another smoldering body, which they identify as Kämpfe. The partisans have, as the Germans feared, burned him alive.

*Dickmann then, according to the conventional account of the Oradour massacre, orders the male hostages shot and orders his men to set fire to the Church, incinerating all but three of the women and children inside.

*The SS institutes court-martial proceedings against Dickmann, a clear indication that Oradour-like war crimes were not routine SS behavior. Dickmann will later die in Normandy without coming to trial.


So I ask, Was it indeed “palingenesis” that led these particular Krauts down the path to barbarism or was it that they were incited by the fact that their comrades were castrated and burned alive by communist partisans, er, I mean the French “resistance”?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 25 Jun 2010 06:35 | #

“So I ask, [...] was it that they were incited by the fact that their comrades were castrated and burned alive by communist partisans, er, I mean the French ‘resistance’?”  (—CC)

Communist partisans, moreover, who doubtless (on orders from Moscow) were deliberately attempting to get the German army to over-react, in order to have additional ammunition to use for propaganda purposes.


Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 25 Jun 2010 07:53 | #

A character study of one of the ‘monsters’ which “palingenesis” wrought is in order. 

Rudolf Hess on his motivation for flying to Britain during the war:

My coming to England in this way is, as I realize, so unusual that nobody will easily understand it.  I was confronted by a very hard decision. I do not think I could have arrived at my final choice unless I had continually kept before my eyes the vision of an endless line of children’s coffins with weeping mothers behind them, both English and German, and another line of coffins of mothers with mourning children.

Hess on his motivation for becoming a National Socialist, which sounds suspiciously like old fashioned patriotism, and not the derangement of “palingenesis”:

I have witnessed the horror of death in all its forms, been hammered for days under heavy bombardment, slept in a dugout in which lay half of a Frenchman’s dead body. I have hungered and suffered, as indeed have all frontline soldiers. And is all this to be in vain, the suffering of the good people at home all for nothing? I have learned from you what you women have had to live through! No, if all this has been in vain, I would still today regret that I did not put a bullet through my brain on the day the monstrous armistice conditions and their acceptance were published. I did not do it at the time solely in the hope that in one way or another I might still be able to do something to reverse fate.

Hess’ final statement at Nuremberg, where he refuses to grovel (as Speer did, and was hence spared) in the hope of avoiding the hangman’s noose or languishing in prison for the rest of his life, valuing his honor more than his own life - such was his moral “debasement”:

I had the privilege of working for many years of my life under the greatest son my nation has brought forth in its thousand-year history. Even if I could, I would not wish to expunge this time from my life.

I am happy to know that I have done my duty toward my people, my duty as a German, as a National Socialist, as a loyal follower of my Führer. I regret nothing.

No matter what people may do, one day I shall stand before the judgment seat of God Eternal. I will answer to Him, and I know that He will absolve me.

If only Hess could have been exposed to proper “philosophy,” perhaps he could have been made his better self.


Posted by Troll Detector on Fri, 25 Jun 2010 10:13 | #

Compare manly and tough Israelis to castrated and wimpy English"men”:

Employees at the housing association were sent a group e-mail warning that decking out their personal vehicles with the St George’s flags could ‘discriminate’ against those who don’t support England during the World Cup.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1285492/Council-workers-banned-flying-England-flags-OWN-cars.html?ito=feeds-newsxml#ixzz0rXPabH9F

These are your Englishfaggots, G.W., when they’re not telling their employees not to eat at their desks during the Ramadan lest they upset their Muslim co-workers…I mean overlords. 

mmm…I think I’ll go with the Israelis. Nobody respects weakness, everyone admires strength.

I admire Israelis.

Does anybody know why F. Braun turned into such a profoundly spiteful anti-White, anti-European internet troll?


Posted by Interesting quote by razib khan on Fri, 25 Jun 2010 13:50 | #

razib khan says we don’t need to worry about Frank Salter and Kevin MacDonald.  He says they’re jokes.

Does this mean we should forget about EGI? And the culture of critique?


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 25 Jun 2010 15:20 | #

Does anybody know why F. Braun turned into such a profoundly spiteful anti-White, anti-European internet troll?

Might be a case of car-crash nationalism.  FB lives in a difficult place, after all.  So, you know ... it’s Rally Finland and you’re hammering down to the big jump (on the Palsankylya stage, or did they run the Sahalahti again in 09?)...


... but you get it ever so slightly wrong and land, unfortunately, on your tail.  After the resultant barrel roll you emerge from your bit of the wreckage swearing that you will never, ever do anything like that again.  In fact, you are so spooked you’re going to clean up your driving act completely ... no, no, you are going to make amends and never drive again ... no, no you are going to join the Green Party and campaign for a car-free world, bitching at car-drivers everywhere until they do the same.

Can’t figure it any other way.


Posted by Armor on Fri, 25 Jun 2010 15:37 | #

How do you know he’s not been murdered and replaced?


Posted by Armor on Fri, 25 Jun 2010 16:24 | #

“There they find the mutilated corpses of sixty-two German soldiers who, after surrendering to the Resistance, had been butchered” (—CC)

The French wikipedia entry for Oradour doesn’t really mention that. It simply mentions that Otto Weidinger has said, without any proof, that the corpses of several murdered German soldiers had been discovered. The wikipedia entry for Otto Weidinger says his books about Oradour were banned in France by a decree taken in 1991 by the minister of the interior. At the time, the minister was Pierre Joxe (a Jew).

Oradour is a dangerous subject in France. According to Wikipedia, the Frenchman Vincent Reynouard received a 6 month jail sentence for circulating a videocassette called “The tragedy of Oradour sur Glanes: 50 years of official lies”. But his condemnation was cancelled by the Court of Cassation, who said the cassette was only a contestation, not a apology of war crimes. (He’s been condemned for other thought crimes since then).


Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 25 Jun 2010 23:17 | #

FB’s admiration for Israel may be nothing more than a wish for White emulation of Jewish - style EGI defence strategy.

GW offers a plausible answer to a question that has, I’m sure, puzzled many of FB’s admirers.


Posted by Lurker on Sat, 26 Jun 2010 04:45 | #

Great comment Fred!

Does this mean we should forget about EGI? And the culture of critique?

It means we should forget about Razzie.


Posted by FB on Sat, 26 Jun 2010 23:18 | #

Al is correct. I view anti-Israel whinging by White Nationalists and National Socialists or just White ethnocentric activists as dishonest double-talk. If Israel were to expand and take over all of the Middle East and the Central Caucasus, dispossess and annihilate all those who stood in her way, the racialist and eugenicist in me would stand up and applaud, as that would describe the case of a superior race, a race that has produced countless scientists, authors, discoverers, musicians, and artists, accumulating great strength and power. In a Darwinian and evolutionary sense, Israel would fulfill her manifest destiny.  I’m fascinated how a little state with a few million souls can dominate over a billion Muslims. What has the “Muslim world” done for the West, except invading our countries and bringing in its wake religious fanaticism and racial dispossession, mind-boggling obscurantism, mass terror, utter stupidity, filth and squalor, and Taliban barbarism? If Israel decided to “clean out” the entire Middle East, I’d sign up with the IDF.


Posted by Morphy on Sat, 26 Jun 2010 23:41 | #

When a subset of your people stands up for your people, have another (mutually exclusive) subset of your people (or more than one such subset) hold press conferences with invited media and other allowed guests defending your people’s right to self-defense.  What is that, ethnic advocacy 101?


Posted by Wandrin on Sat, 26 Jun 2010 23:51 | #

I’m fascinated how a little state with a few million souls can dominate over a billion Muslims.

They have America as their pet guard dog. Their problem is they want to destroy (white) America. Can they do it without destroying their guard dog at the same time?

What has the “Muslim world” done for the West, except invading our countries and bringing in its wake religious fanaticism and racial dispossession, mind-boggling obscurantism, mass terror, utter stupidity, filth and squalor, and Taliban barbarism?

jews open the gates to the muslims. They opened the gates to the Turks, they opened the gates to the Moors and now they’ve opened the gates to all of them. At the same time as one hand is using muslim immigrants to wipe us out the other hand is buying our whore-politicians to send our soldiers to get their limbs blown off in Iraq and Afghanistan for Israel.

I used to be neutral about Israel but after listening to them online they’re just as bad as the diaspora ones. They have no sense of morality at all - “is it good for the jews” is all there is.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 27 Jun 2010 00:15 | #

Braun thinks we should emulate the Jews.  Okay, then we will put Jews to work for our ethnic interests and against their own.  The Jews will work towards their own genetic extinguishment at our behest.


Posted by FB on Sun, 27 Jun 2010 00:37 | #

They have America as their pet guard dog. Their problem is they want to destroy (white) America. Can they do it without destroying their guard dog at the same time?

This is false. All of Israel’s wars were fought by Israelis alone. The Arab world enjoyed the protection of the Soviet Union during the Cold War and was armed by it. Today, the Arab world is armed by America as well (most notably Egypt and Saudi Arabia).

The Joos want to destroy White America? In the primitive mind of a drooling anti-Semite like Wandrin and 98% of other posters on here, Joos have God-like powers and everything is always the Joos’ fault; Whites are just their mindless and helpless peons on a chessboard. To the anti-Semite, Whites are like children or mental defectives who can never be held responsible for anything that happens to them.

jews open the gates to the muslims. They opened the gates to the Turks, they opened the gates to the Moors and now they’ve opened the gates to all of them. At the same time as one hand is using muslim immigrants to wipe us out the other hand is buying our whore-politicians to send our soldiers to get their limbs blown off in Iraq and Afghanistan for Israel.

Blah blah blah…I have yet to see any evidence for these assertions. Repetition doesn’t make an allegation true. Both Jews and Christians enjoyed dhimmi status in the caliphate. I can’t see why Muslim rule would appeal to Jews. It doesn’t and never did.

I used to be neutral about Israel but after listening to them online they’re just as bad as the diaspora ones. They have no sense of morality at all - “is it good for the jews” is all there is.

LOL, Wandrin is now whinging about the Jews lack of “morality” when they look out for their interests, while secretly wishing Whites would show the same regard for their interests. Spare me your crocodile tears and your bullshit gibberish about “morality”. Wandrin is the epitome of the little whiny, hypocritical, double-talking White Nationalist.


Posted by FB on Sun, 27 Jun 2010 01:08 | #

C’C has finally reached the stage of self-parody on this Web site. A cartoonish Hitlerite wannabe in short pants. If that’s the future of WN in America, White America has no future.


Posted by Wandrin on Sun, 27 Jun 2010 02:06 | #


This is false. All of Israel’s wars were fought by Israelis alone.

Your original point was

I’m fascinated how a little state with a few million souls can dominate over a billion Muslims.

The answer to that is their American golem. Also your statement is false. Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and eventually Iran are Israeli wars or at least wars that neocons think will be to the benefit of Israel and they are being fought with the blood of my people.

The Joos want to destroy White America?


In the primitive mind of a drooling anti-Semite like Wandrin and 98% of other posters on here, Joos have God-like powers

A denser object can push through a less dense object. jews have no powers except greater group cohesion. The secret of their success is very simple - as a group they are simply vastly more racist than white people.

jewish hyper-racism means they can eventually take over any institution that doesn’t specifically exclude them - institutions like the mass media for example which in a democracy is comparable to the nervous system. Once the critical institutions are captured it’s easy. No God-like powers, just hyper-racism and an ability to spot the critical institutions.

and everything is always the Joos’ fault;

Just the multicult and the ongoing immigration-genocide.

Whites are just their mindless and helpless peons on a chessboard. To the anti-Semite, Whites are like children or mental defectives who can never be held responsible for anything that happens to them.

Until provoked beyond a certain threshold White people’s big weakness as a group is they are nowhere near as racist as the jews and this allows jews to gain dominance in critical institutions. There is no way to permanently change the nature of white people therefore jews have to be physically excluded from the living space.

Blah blah blah…I have yet to see any evidence for these assertions. Repetition doesn’t make an allegation true.

It kinda does actually.

Both Jews and Christians enjoyed dhimmi status in the caliphate. I can’t see why Muslim rule would appeal to Jews. It doesn’t and never did.

Average 90 IQ puppets are easier to handle than average 100 IQ puppets.

LOL, Wandrin is now whinging about the Jews lack of “morality” when they look out for their interests, while secretly wishing Whites would show the same regard for their interests. Spare me your crocodile tears and your bullshit gibberish about “morality”. Wandrin is the epitome of the little whiny, hypocritical, double-talking White Nationalist.

No. I have no problem with them looking out for their interests. The reality of life is that you sometimes have to disregard right and wrong for various reasons. However from listening to them you realise it’s not that they are disregarding right and wrong but they don’t see right and wrong. “Is it good for the jews” is it. 100%.

They’re not alone in that, most other middle-easterners are the same and most blacks. I think MacDonald is right. White people see morality in universal terms and middle-easterners don’t. That doesn’t neccessarily make white people better because in most cases the only difference is white people need to make up a rationalization before doing what they do, but it is a very important psychological difference. Some of them understand this enough to be be able to use our version of morality against us but it’s not an innate part of them like it is with white people.


Posted by PF on Sun, 27 Jun 2010 08:03 | #


Refreshing to read how lucidly you describe the situation:

A denser object can push through a less dense object. jews have no powers except greater group cohesion. The secret of their success is very simple - as a group they are simply vastly more racist than white people.

jewish hyper-racism means they can eventually take over any institution that doesn’t specifically exclude them - institutions like the mass media for example which in a democracy is comparable to the nervous system. Once the critical institutions are captured it’s easy. No God-like powers, just hyper-racism and an ability to spot the critical institutions.

The clarity of your exposition is great there.

They’re not alone in that, most other middle-easterners are the same and most blacks. I think MacDonald is right. White people see morality in universal terms and middle-easterners don’t. That doesn’t neccessarily make white people better because in most cases the only difference is white people need to make up a rationalization before doing what they do, but it is a very important psychological difference. Some of them understand this enough to be be able to use our version of morality against us but it’s not an innate part of them like it is with white people.

Very interesting. Its so painful sometimes to observe how whites struggle with this - how all of them, it seems to me, have this disposition to universalist morality. It makes them look like innocent babes, when viewed in the context of all the predatory human conflict that actually exists in the world… I wonder if a thoroughgoing cultural revolution could change this. I hope it would. Universal morality is inappropriate in a tribalist world. This part of our nature is not appropriate to express outside the all-white society where it was engendered evolutionarily, expressing it in 21st century society is strategically wrong…


Posted by Friedrich Braun is a mental defective on Sun, 27 Jun 2010 09:04 | #

Some comments Friedrich Braun made at The Civic Platform back when he was a Third Reich fetishist:

Happy Birthday, Mein Führer! You will live on in our minds and hearts forever! We will always love you!

Do you think Adolf Hitler was a manifestation of God on earth?

Typical kike behaviour

Are Jews sick, twisted perverts and liars? Yup, sure, you bet!

More “chuzpah” from the usual suspects. That word “chuzpah” suits that entire Satanic, evil race of eternal parasites so well.



Our beloved Savior speaks.

Heil Hitler!

A White man who does not love Adolf Hitler with all his heart and soul cannot be called a White man!

Today, Friedrich Braun is raving about Israel’s “manifest destiny,” hailing Jews as a “superior race,” denigrating “castrated and wimpy English’men’” and “Englishfaggots,” lusting after “manly and tough Israelis,” daydreaming about Israel “tak[ing] over all of the Middle East and the Central Caucasus, dispossess[ing] and annihilat[ing] all those who [stand] in her way” and fantasizing about joining the IDF.

Friedrich Braun is a mentally disturbed defective.  He was mentally disturbed when he was a Third Reich fetishist, and he is mentally disturbed today as an Israel/Jewish fetishist.  All that has changed is the object of his obsession and adoration.

It is best to ignore this mentally ill defective.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 27 Jun 2010 09:44 | #

PF, Wandrin,

The desire to appeal to a universal truth is part of the European male’s emotional armour.  It, and not usefulness, is the foundation of his concepts of honour and righteousness and, ultimately, law and social order.  What “universal” means in this respect is “unifying”.  Perhaps it represented a strategy for resolved conflict in the northern patchwork of small settlement living

I wonder if there is a tie in here to the uniquely Christian concept of salvation from sin.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 27 Jun 2010 16:14 | #

If Israel were to expand and take over all of the Middle East and the Central Caucasus, dispossess and annihilate all those who stood in her way, the racialist and eugenicist in me would stand up and applaud, as that would describe the case of a superior race,

Braun hasn’t given up his Nazi-fetishism, these days he merely projects it onto Jews.  LOL!


Posted by FB on Sun, 27 Jun 2010 19:44 | #

I have already explained my views several times. It’s not my problem that C’C cannot accept my explanations or that I won’t to die with the views I was born with. Some would call it continuously re-evaluating one’s positions in light of further analysis and experiences. I’ll let C’C roll in Hitlerism, Holocaust-denial, and genocidal anti-Semitism like a little piglet in his own faeces with the hope that this is a viable program for twenty-first century Whites. I think it has failure written all over it and can only precipitate our exist from history. But hey, that’s only my opinion; knock yourself out.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 27 Jun 2010 23:14 | #

Braun exhorts exchanging “genocidal anti-Semitism” for genocidal Semitism, the latter of which is surely a “viable program for twenty-first century Whites.”  Whatever you say, Herr Dipstick, just try not to get any of that bullshit on your silk cravat.


Posted by Wandrin on Mon, 28 Jun 2010 00:37 | #


Universal morality is inappropriate in a tribalist world. This part of our nature is not appropriate to express outside the all-white society where it was engendered evolutionarily, expressing it in 21st century society is strategically wrong

Well maybe. I’m actually coming to the view that it is the way to win. I think GW’s point nails it - these universalist ideas are primarily *unifying* ideas. And if that is how we’re built then we need to learn how to manipulate ourselves in our interests. So if for most white people it’s not *being* English or French or German but the *idea* of being English or French or German then the message has to be built around that.

Now i’m thinking this way i’m thinking it’s what Hitler did. He gave Germans a group-idea of themselves that got them to act as a collective organism but not a collective organism with one central hive-mind but more like a neural net where the individuals contained within the collective organism are all using their own initiative and providing self motivation. It unlocked something immensely powerful and if we could do the same (for our time and place) then we should be able to just brush our enemies away like the blue guy in The Watchmen.

You could imagine England during the early days of the industrial revolution as another possible example of this. A nation gets the idea into its collective head to start inventing new stuff and the sudden explosion of voluntary collective synergy causes a rush of blood to the head.

Horus’ Green Goddess.


What “universal” means in this respect is “unifying”.  Perhaps it represented a strategy for resolved conflict in the northern patchwork of small settlement living

Yes i think that is it. Cohesion through accepted moral ideas. Whoever controls the fount of accepted moral ideas controls the people.

(Moral in the sense of saying that x is a good thing and y is a bad thing regardless of what x and y actually are - and i think critically, not solely good or bad for the individual but good or bad for the group - monasteries weren’t just seen as being there for the benefit of the souls of the monks they were like prayer-batteries for the whole nation.)

(MacDonald’s theory being harsh conditions and nuclear familes created a looser blood-tied network than the more common extended clannish family set-up found elsewhere where direct ethno-centrism is the core dynamic so that looser genetic tie required some other glue.)

I wonder if there is a tie in here to the uniquely Christian concept of salvation from sin.

If the group-cohesion psychology is group-guilt then maybe the default state of many adults is to feel in debit?


Posted by Troll Detector on Mon, 28 Jun 2010 01:47 | #

If Israel were to expand and take over all of the Middle East and the Central Caucasus, dispossess and annihilate all those who stood in her way, the racialist and eugenicist in me would stand up and applaud, as that would describe the case of a superior race,

What revolting hypocrisy.

Better be careful there Braun, since what you are calling for is explicit Genocide, and you can be prosecuted for that in your Orwellian Heimat, especially since you are not a Member of the Tribe, as much as you may wish you were.


Posted by FB on Mon, 28 Jun 2010 02:18 | #

What revolting hypocrisy.

Where’s the hypocrisy?

Israelis are an endangered specie. They face an existential threat from all corners. As I view they Jews as a superior people (there’s ample evidence for my assessment), I’d prefer if they survived in an existential struggle with faith-based obscurantism and medieval barbarism. It seems that in any war in the Middle East either Israelis prevail or their low I.Q. Arab neighbours. I believe that a coherent racialist and eugenicist position favors the survival of the superior group. I’ve come to the conclusion that if Israel goes, we’ll go as well. I’d prefer if that didn’t happen. In any case, the level of anti-Semitism on this blog is Hitlerian and genocidal in nature and detached from reality, so I’ll take my leave from this thread.


Posted by Dan Dare on Mon, 28 Jun 2010 03:10 | #

I’ve come to the conclusion that if Israel goes, we’ll go as well. - FB

It would be interesting to learn how this particular conclusion was arrived at. The implication appears to be that the survival of western civilisation is somehow inextricably linked to the fate of a inconsequential backwater the size of Slovenia. How does that get to happen?


Posted by FB on Mon, 28 Jun 2010 03:36 | #

In partial explanation:



Posted by Dan Dare on Mon, 28 Jun 2010 04:20 | #

That particular news item appears to gave been removed.


Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 28 Jun 2010 05:24 | #

FB’s claim, viz., that if Jews, despite their peerless EGI defences, face demographic danger then Whites (with their frail EGI concerns already pathologised by Advanced Liberalism) are in even greater jeopardy, seems an unexceptionable one.


Posted by Dan Dare on Mon, 28 Jun 2010 06:07 | #

I’m unclear how the demise of a few million Jews should necessarily presage the demise of a billion or so persons of European descent, perhaps you or Friedrich could spell out the process in a little more detail Al.

It seems to me that in fact our fate is essentially decoupled from that of Israel, and I am at something of a loss in imagining why anything other should be the case. I can’t see any benefit whatsoever in asserting any that our survival is any sense associated with that of the Jewish ethnostate. Its existence or otherwise should really be a matter of total indifference as far as we are concerned.

Feel free to show me where I’m going wrong on this.


Posted by FB on Mon, 28 Jun 2010 06:25 | #

The following article by the former Spanish Prime Minister José María Aznarwas published in the British newspaper ‘The Times’ on 17 June 2010:

If Israel goes down, we all go down

Anger over Gaza is a distraction. We cannot forget that Israel is the West’s best ally in a turbulent region

By José María Aznar

For far too long now it has been unfashionable in Europe to speak up for Israel. In the wake of the recent incident on board a ship full of anti-Israeli activists in the Mediterranean, it is hard to think of a more unpopular cause to champion. In an ideal world, the assault by Israeli commandos on the Mavi Marmara would not have ended up with nine dead and a score wounded. In an ideal world, the soldiers would have been peacefully welcomed on to the ship. In an ideal world, no state, let alone a recent ally of Israel such as Turkey, would have sponsored and organised a flotilla whose sole purpose was to create an impossible situation for Israel: making it choose between giving up its security policy and the naval blockade, or risking the wrath of the world.

In our dealings with Israel, we must blow away the red mists of anger that too often cloud our judgment. A reasonable and balanced approach should encapsulate the following realities: first, the state of Israel was created by a decision of the UN. Its legitimacy, therefore, should not be in question. Israel is a nation with deeply rooted democratic institutions. It is a dynamic and open society that has repeatedly excelled in culture, science and technology.

Second, owing to its roots, history, and values, Israel is a fully fledged Western nation. Indeed, it is a normal Western nation, but one confronted by abnormal circumstances.

Uniquely in the West, it is the only democracy whose very existence has been questioned since its inception. In the first instance, it was attacked by its neighbours using the conventional weapons of war. Then it faced terrorism culminating in wave after wave of suicide attacks. Now, at the behest of radical Islamists and their sympathisers, it faces a campaign of delegitimisation through international law and diplomacy.

Sixty-two years after its creation, Israel is still fighting for its very survival. Punished with missiles raining from north and south, threatened with destruction by an Iran aiming to acquire nuclear weapons and pressed upon by friend and foe, Israel, it seems, is never to have a moment’s peace.

For years, the focus of Western attention has understandably been on the peace process between Israelis and Palestinians. But if Israel is in danger today and the whole region is slipping towards a worryingly problematic future, it is not due to the lack of understanding between the parties on how to solve this conflict. The parameters of any prospective peace agreement are clear, however difficult it may seem for the two sides to make the final push for a settlement.

The real threats to regional stability, however, are to be found in the rise of a radical Islamism which sees Israel’s destruction as the fulfilment of its religious destiny and, simultaneously in the case of Iran, as an expression of its ambitions for regional hegemony. Both phenomena are threats that affect not only Israel, but also the wider West and the world at large.

The core of the problem lies in the ambiguous and often erroneous manner in which too many Western countries are now reacting to this situation. It is easy to blame Israel for all the evils in the Middle East. Some even act and talk as if a new understanding with the Muslim world could be achieved if only we were prepared to sacrifice the Jewish state on the altar. This would be folly.

Israel is our first line of defence in a turbulent region that is constantly at risk of descending into chaos; a region vital to our energy security owing to our overdependence on Middle Eastern oil; a region that forms the front line in the fight against extremism. If Israel goes down, we all go down. To defend Israel’s right to exist in peace, within secure borders, requires a degree of moral and strategic clarity that too often seems to have disappeared in Europe. The United States shows worrying signs of heading in the same direction.

The West is going through a period of confusion over the shape of the world’s future. To a great extent, this confusion is caused by a kind of masochistic self-doubt over our own identity; by the rule of political correctness; by a multiculturalism that forces us to our knees before others; and by a secularism which, irony of ironies, blinds us even when we are confronted by jihadis promoting the most fanatical incarnation of their faith. To abandon Israel to its fate, at this moment of all moments, would merely serve to illustrate how far we have sunk and how inexorable our decline now appears.

This cannot be allowed to happen. Motivated by the need to rebuild our own Western values, expressing deep concern about the wave of aggression against Israel, and mindful that Israel’s strength is our strength and Israel’s weakness is our weakness, I have decided to promote a new Friends of Israel initiative with the help of some prominent people, including David Trimble, Andrew Roberts, John Bolton, Alejandro Toledo (the former President of Peru), Marcello Pera (philosopher and former President of the Italian Senate), Fiamma Nirenstein (the Italian author and politician), the financier Robert Agostinelli and the Catholic intellectual George Weigel.

It is not our intention to defend any specific policy or any particular Israeli government. The sponsors of this initiative are certain to disagree at times with decisions taken by Jerusalem. We are democrats, and we believe in diversity.

What binds us, however, is our unyielding support for Israel’s right to exist and to defend itself. For Western countries to side with those who question Israel’s legitimacy, for them to play games in international bodies with Israel’s vital security issues, for them to appease those who oppose Western values rather than robustly to stand up in defence of those values, is not only a grave moral mistake, but a strategic error of the first magnitude.

Israel is a fundamental part of the West. The West is what it is thanks to its Judeo-Christian roots. If the Jewish element of those roots is upturned and Israel is lost, then we are lost too. Whether we like it or not, our fate is inextricably intertwined.

José María Aznar was prime minister of Spain between 1996 and 2004.


Posted by Kulak on Mon, 28 Jun 2010 06:30 | #

Does anybody know why F. Braun turned into such a profoundly spiteful anti-White, anti-European internet troll?


Might be a case of car-crash nationalism.  FB lives in a difficult place, after all.  So, you know ... it’s Rally Finland and you’re hammering down to the big jump (on the Palsankylya stage, or did they run the Sahalahti again in 09?)…


Can’t figure it any other way.

I think this article by Alex Kurtagic of The Occidental Observer sums up the intra-pshychological factors of what motivates the Freddy Braun’s of our tribe:

As Sunic points out, in both Europe and America, White attitudes towards Jews have come to be defined in modern times by mendacity and intellectual servility. Faced with a political, academic, and media establishment — the current masters of discourse — configured around a colossal concentration of Jewish power, Whites have not only trained themselves to avoid Jewish wrath by keeping any critical opinions about Jews to themselves, but they have also learnt to curry Jewish favor by flaunting their admiration for Jewish superiority and achievement, by piously demonstrating their conformity to Semitically-correct cognitive structures, and by loudly championing Jewish causes — even when these run directly counter to White interests. Sunic correctly suggests that, in as much as this fuels Jewish hubris, such an unhealthy relationship approaches a limit where it exists one crisis away from detonating into violent anti-Semitism.

“I am Not Racist, but…”
~Alex Kurtagic



Posted by Kulak on Mon, 28 Jun 2010 06:34 | #

I’ve come to the conclusion that if Israel goes, we’ll go as well. - FB

Correction - If America (and the West) goes down, Israel (and Zionism) goes down as well.


Posted by Dan Dare on Mon, 28 Jun 2010 06:37 | #

I can see that it would a tragedy for the Izzys and for ‘democracy’ in the Near and Middle East if the Pallys and their allies did drive them into the sea, but why should that necessarily lead to our own demise? I believe that was the proposition but stripping out the emotive calls for ‘Judeo-Christian solidarity’ I really can’t see any great loss in the grander schemer of things. There’d be one less competitor in the Eurovision song contest and EUFA would be short a member, but that aside, what else would be missed?


Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 28 Jun 2010 07:13 | #

DD, those of us who cling to the romantic notion that the Balfour Declaration was promulgated partly with a view to making the UK Judenfrei, would hope for Israel’s continued existence in perpetuity. If Israel is destroyed, where do you imagine the Jewish refugees might settle? Madagascar, Erewhon?


Posted by Dan Dare on Mon, 28 Jun 2010 07:49 | #

Surely you’re not suggesting that Friedrich’s proposition that Israel’s demise would necessarily lead to our own is based on the supposition that our civilisation would topple if it had to accommodate another five million refugees of the Mosaic faith, are you Al?

I’d certainly agree that having to do so would be a flaming nuisance but I can’t see it being terminally disastrous or even, for that matter really even related to whatever FB was driving at when making the claim that ‘... if Israel goes down, we go down also’.

Given his current philo-semitism I should have thought that the prospect of having more Jews in our midst would be something he would warmly embrace. So the linkage between Israel’s demise and our own still remains to be clarified; hopefully Friedrich will chime in with something a little substantial to support his case than the musings of a sycophantic Spanish politician.


Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 28 Jun 2010 08:12 | #

DD, I have no way of knowing how Jew - aware you are. However, please consider the evidence - laden historicist view of Jewish immigrant behaviour and the concomitant certainty that the addition of 5 million or so of the Chosenites to the (desti)nations of the West would exacerbate and accelerate the debilitation of White EGI.


Posted by Kulak on Mon, 28 Jun 2010 08:42 | #

The following article by the former Spanish Prime Minister José María Aznar was published in the British newspaper ‘The Times’ on 17 June 2010: - FB

Awe, how cute. Long-time ‘Nordicist’ Braun favorably quotes a ‘greasy Med’ like Aznar to make his sales pitch for Israel. LMAO!

C’mon Frieddy, you can certainly do better than that!


Posted by Wandrin on Mon, 28 Jun 2010 11:15 | #

I’ve come to the conclusion that if Israel goes, we’ll go as well

I think that’s probably true but the implied causation isn’t. If Israel went because Europe was unable to stand up to the muslim world, largely the fault of diaspora jews, then it’s true regardless of Israel.

Also if Israel went the diaspora jews wouldn’t for one second blame themselves and would redouble their efforts to detstroy the west out of spite.

Further to what i was trying to explain upthread,

He gave Germans a group-idea of themselves that got them to act as a collective organism but not a collective organism with one central hive-mind but more like a neural net where the individuals contained within the collective organism are all using their own initiative and providing self motivation.

This is difficult to explain but a collective with a single pyramidal authority structure e.g Communism isn’t very effective or efficient, however if you have a collective where the group aim is clearly specified but the details are left up to individual initiative down to the level of the NCO then it is amazingly powerful.

An example of this is the German military doctrine of Auftragstactik:


If you think it through a) this isn’t possible with a low average IQ group b) if the average IQ is high enough and the other conditions neccessary to allow this kind of distributed decision making to spark into life are created then it’s like a distributed computing network where you’re maximizing every ounce of brains/CPU in your group.


Posted by Dan Dare on Mon, 28 Jun 2010 18:29 | #

I can certainly appreciate the likely malevolent outcome of such a new diaspora Al, but I’m quite certain that wasn’t what FB was thinking of when he wrote about his conviction that Israel’s demise would lead to our own.


Posted by FB on Tue, 29 Jun 2010 13:23 | #

I like Israel.


Posted by FB on Tue, 29 Jun 2010 23:02 | #

It’s the only White supremacist state left standing.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 30 Jun 2010 00:06 | #

It’s the only White supremacist state left standing.

Do Israeli Jews think of themselves as a White supremacist state or as a Jewish Promised Land State? I think it’s more the latter.


Posted by ben tillman on Wed, 30 Jun 2010 01:14 | #

This is difficult to explain but a collective with a single pyramidal authority structure e.g Communism isn’t very effective or efficient, however if you have a collective where the group aim is clearly specified but the details are left up to individual initiative down to the level of the NCO then it is amazingly powerful.



Posted by FB on Wed, 30 Jun 2010 02:05 | #

Do Israeli Jews think of themselves as a White supremacist state or as a Jewish Promised Land State? I think it’s more the latter.

Only anti-Semites of the Alex Linder variety don’t consider Jew White. Jews certainly consider themselves as White. My roommate at university was a liberal Ashkenazi Jew whose (equally liberal) parents freaked out when she had a Sephardic boyfriend. She stopped seeing him for racial reasons fast and only dated Ashkenazi Jews from them on.


Posted by FB on Wed, 30 Jun 2010 13:45 | #

Jews don’t consider themselves white.

Saying anything about 20 million people or taking one Jew and extrapolating to everyone else is the sign of a primitive mind. There’s no evidence, and all available evidence points to the contrary, that Jews consider themselves White. More importantly, that’s how non-Whites see them: as the richest, smartest, most successful White people. Your Linderian anti-Semitism is laughable. I’m pretty sure you don’t believe your own bullshit.


Posted by Darren on Wed, 30 Jun 2010 15:54 | #

I see that Braun has gone off the deep end.

Look, many Jews do think of themselves as white (but many don’t), I’ll grant that, but I don’t think it’s all clear-cut as that. They can call themselves white, but if you were to probe deeper, to what end are they white? Do they identify with all the cultural elements of whiteness?

If you were to poll a majority of self-identified Whites on culture and then take those results and ask just Jews if they identify with those cultural elements, you would find them to be repulsed at it. A rather disproportionate amount of these critiques of whiteness comes from Jews themselves and many times, the Jewish identification of being “white” is simply a device for Jews to get up on a high horse to tell all the other whites that they should hate themselves and feel guilty for being racist.

So it doesn’t matter if Jews call themselves white, or even if they are genetically white by some reasonable standard, in the end, it boils down to the fact that Jews have sharply contrasting interests. One does not have to be a ranting, raving , loony Alex Linder exterminationist to admit that.


Posted by Dan Dare on Wed, 30 Jun 2010 19:45 | #

@FB - Jews can and do only characterise themselves as ‘white’ when accommodated in a host in which there are significant numbers of ‘non-whites’ - the US, for example, or South Africa, or an increasing number of countries in Western Europe.

In countries where they form a significant visible minority themselves - as in parts of Eastern Europe today and Western Europe prior to 1939 (not to mention contemporary Germany) - they consider themselves, and are considered to be - A People Apart, neither fish nor fowl.


Posted by Irish Anti-Commie on Wed, 30 Jun 2010 19:58 | #

If the Jews are “white” how come some of them want to abolish the White race?
And others think that “the white race is the cancer of human history”.


Posted by Darren on Wed, 30 Jun 2010 20:22 | #

I also try to mention this any time one of the usual philosemitic suspects (CvH, Iceman) trot out their pleadings and demands of WN to consider Jews to be white - if Jews are white, why is there such (comparatively) high rates of in-marriage (that is, resistance to marrying outside of the Jewish group) among Jews? You can’t say its antisemitism - because it obviously isn’t.

Whatever the genes may say about the Jews (I’m not even arguing genetics here), a large number of Jews see themselves as a distinct group and resist intermarriage. So, Braun, if you want to insist that Jews are White and should be treated like Whites, then you should go preach to the Jews - not politically ineffectual WN’s like ourselves who are honestly not in a position to prevent Jews from becoming part of the white melting pot.


Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 01 Jul 2010 00:16 | #

Judaism is a way of life for Jews whether Ashkenazi or Sephardic. However, let us assume that the former segment considered themselves to be White and miraculously became honest. The number of White EGI supporters in that group would represent a WN force roughly equivalent in strength and effectiveness to the Children’s Crusade of the early Thirteenth Century.


Posted by Sergey on Sun, 01 Dec 2013 21:54 | #

I have been having thoughts about Jews after reading about Romans’ Jewish wars.
Generally Jews were often authors of their own misery like it actually happened with they conflicts with Romans. Pretty much those wars were called by Jewish delusions mostly coming from Messianic nature of their religion.
But I need to tell the author of this article that while I see Jewish flaws which are easy to see I disagree about Jewish responses to rockets from Gaza and Lebanon. If anything, if those Arabs did same on the border with Russia we would definitely slaughter a lot more. as a veteran of Afghan war I would like to point that when there was a fire from Afghan village, we would simply turn our heavy gans and call aerial strike to whip that village from the face of earth. Also, author definitely betrayed his views by posting this: “on the pretext of halting rocket strikes that had been directed against the Zionist entity”. Should not have called Israel an entity which shows that he is biased.
Had Arabs did what they are doing against Israel to probably any other state there would be slaughter of far greater scale. As Jews deserved what they got from Romans I believe Palestinians are getting what they are deserving. No pity for them.


Posted by Wilaim Tressler on Tue, 09 Jun 2015 09:47 | #

Cultural Physics:  The End of String Theory and Rise of Intelligent Design.
  By William Tressler
The confines of habitable space, its endless dimensions, enumerable voids and the fact that beings of vastly higher intelligence may never reach us, are all factors that are beginning to extinguish string theory. This is a theory proposed by Micho Kaku, (see Physic of the Future and Beyond Einstein) in which all sentient life is connected. The principle reason for the massive backlash to the New York City College Physics Professors’ social equation may reveal itself in an emerging new field called Cultural Physics. The new yards stick, which basis evolutionary success on a civilizations’ inherent ability to adapt to influences emanating in and out of its comfort zone, is proving too lofty a starting point for the most nimble of thinkers. For the novice, Cultural Physics a reference point for understand how and why these social cultures live and thrive. For others it is proving a remorseless curtain call for their demise. 
Cultural connections are rich with a long history of successful social engineering stories, while others reveal themselves stuck together with the a glue of desperation and an almost humorous lack of forethought. But a short list of seminal thinkers’, scientist and engineers are beginning to take steps to apply the little seen application to society. Some are unwitting participants and those outcomes are among the most alarming. A most recent example is what some are calling the new Silicon Valley grave yard being dug by Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, the heads of ICANN as well as Mindcraft. The host of influential innovators and advertizing platform creators has recently gobbled up multi-million dollar slices of rich soil in the heart of California. Each one of these colossal enterprises now operates within 25 miles of one another. Why, would you ask did they decide to circle the wagons on their own? Because a computer told them it was a smart buy and no other reason?
To say close to a dozen or so of the most powerful companies in the history of mankind, by a stroke of serendipity found themselves to be neighbors in a quaint all’s well that end well episode of Andy Griffin, is a lethal error serious companies can ill afford in today economic and social climate. Being perceived as unintelligent is almost as important as being intelligent it today’s fast-food social market.  Because a computer told them it was a smart buy and no other reason will bode the well as the clarion call for countless cultural money makers. It is not a stretch to say that the founders of these companies may wake up one day and wonder how they got to their new digs. Someone will have to find the computer that lead them there and account for such a mess. The computer that might at that point want to look at the printer for advice on the best way to answer.

Before changing the DNA of any life form or technology, a scientist will lean toward a perceivable and tangible evolution.  If not the unfinished results can be boosted off, snatched up and the experiment find a quick link to distortion. Understanding the emerging Culture of Physics and it pioneers is a fascinating and unsettling opportunity to peer into the state of a particular culture, it can determine if, or when, a culture will possesses a likely future. or whether it is on the trajectory for a spectacular and emanate flameout. When looking into the stark realities of Physics and it evolution…one is served best not to flinch when looking at ones our kind.
  Cultural connections are rich with a long history of successful social engineering and while others reveal themselves stuck together with the glue of desperation and an almost humorous lack of forethought. A portion of our society has long since been driven by computer technology. These devices are simple calculating machines and can be fun and engaging. However some can replace human thought and be as precise as they are unforgiving.
A handful of industry insiders have ventured that the intelligent move would have been to put some breathing room behind themselves and their respective industries. To spread out, strengthen each of their unique and lucrative brands. In fact, is safe to think that exact innovative rare quality drove each one of these companies undeniable and rapid initial success. So when and how did they stop thinking for themselves? That’s tough to say because most of the public is busy surfing the internet and occupied to meaningfully weigh in. One industry insider, who requested his name to not be used, referred to the social media brick and mortar consolidation “as a great irony (of) social poetic justice.” And although most would stop short of feeling his zeal at some of the greatest manipulators in entertainment and web content demoting themselves to biological slaves and servers, it raises an awkward point of interest to say the least. Inundation in any form is what these potent deliver devices such as Face book, Twitter and YouTube scarcely needed right now.
Stepping back a bit for perspective at this sort of enterprise is difficult even for high ranking decision makers. The difficulty in closing the book the on companies like Google are in abundance. A lightning quick giant that spans the globe, Google and its long term impact on the world will not be measure with comfortable accuracy for centuries. Wheather it will be in the history books like Microsoft and Mac or like the Walkman remains to be seen. It thinks it can turn on a dime but that is easier said than done. However that is exactly what it will have to do to live. It is reason why Ford Motor Company, General Mills and J.P. Morgan Chase exist today. Individuality and razor sharp human crafting. If one day the question arrives at one of Google’s top executives doorstep and asks how its new home came about and the answers involve a patch work of algorithms and no other reason; it may already be too late to make a tactful correction so far into a rudderless course.
Is this kind of mass production in consuming sustainable? The answer seems to be a resounding no. Some of these companies like Facebook and others were on the brink of becoming Hollywood’s next summer sting in the first place. A ton of noise and buzz with no intellectual payoff or sustenance. We took a long look at other industries and the changes they are making in the social order, field like Space Exploration, The Theory of Relativity, Artificial Intelligence and Stem Cell Research; as with all proofs in science the results were cool and sobering…
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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 18:48. (View)
