Female Evolutionary Psychology and the End of Civilization

Posted by James Bowery on Saturday, 18 July 2009 18:19.

Attractive female sees foreign male walking down the street eyeing her.  Female sees native male observing this and doing nothing.  Female evolutionary brain circuits tell her: “Native male either does not want me or is fearful of this foreign male – either way, I test the waters with the foreign male.”  Female eyes foreign male back.  Foreign male’s evolutionary brain circuits sees the female’s reaction and now checks the native male’s reaction.  Native male’s evolutionary brain circuits observe all of this and triggers instinctive fight or flight response.  First instinct:  Challenge foreign male to fight.  The native male’s higher brain functions capture and play out the scenario:  He beats foreign male and although his evolutionary brain circuits tell him, and the female, he passes the test, he himself has participated in building a civilization with the rule of law – law that now protects the foreign male from such fights.  Gangs of police, dishonor and ultimately rape at the hands of gangs of foreign males in prison are to be his fate.  Foreign male sees native male’s fight or flight response short circuit.  Female see’s native male’s fight or flight response short circuit.  Evolutionary brain circuits in both decree:  Native male is a coward.  Make him watch this...

And, so ends civilization: Not with a bang, but a fuck.



Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 18 Jul 2009 19:22 | #

I think my explanation is going to be a lot more useful to a young man than Sheppard’s shot-gun laundry list.  It makes it clearer to him that he is not the coward that the woman and immigrant man are telling him he is.  This prevents neural damage in the key brain regions.  At best, Sheppard is making a proposal for a research program utilizing strong inference to tease apart nuances. 

I’m administering a vaccine.  I really think you may have inadvertently damaged some young men, Fred.


Posted by Wheeler MacPherson on Sat, 18 Jul 2009 20:30 | #

It saddens me to say that I think you’re spot-on, Mr. Bowery. The thinking white man is not only hamstrung, he’s aware that he’s hamstrung.


Posted by Euro on Sat, 18 Jul 2009 20:51 | #

Mr. Bowery,what do you mean by “neural damage in the key brain regions?” I corresponded with Sheppard just as his trial was getting underway in Britain.He graciously sent me the last copy of his book Tyranny of Ambiguity.I found it to be most insightful(even if a little odd).In any event,your treatment is,as always, stimulating and thought provoking.A friend of mine is working on a theory that women are responsible for bringing down the Roman Empire.He says that women,“hanno l’istinto verso la distruzione” -have a destructive instinct.Would you know of any authors,books,or websites that expand upon your brief up above?


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 18 Jul 2009 21:15 | #

Euro asks: Mr. Bowery,what do you mean by “neural damage in the key brain regions?”

There has been a lot of work done on primate dominance heirarchy and its deliterious effect on subordinate males.  One recent example:

Performing your original search, stress hormones dominance primate, in Science will retrieve 24 results.
Science 29 April 2005:
Vol. 308. no. 5722, pp. 648 - 652
DOI: 10.1126/science.1106477
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The Influence of Social Hierarchy on Primate Health
Robert M. Sapolsky
Dominance hierarchies occur in numerous social species, and rank within them can greatly influence the quality of life of an animal. In this review, I consider how rank can also influence physiology and health. I first consider whether it is high- or low-ranking animals that are most stressed in a dominance hierarchy; this turns out to vary as a function of the social organization in different species and populations. I then review how the stressful characteristics of social rank have adverse adrenocortical, cardiovascular, reproductive, immunological, and neurobiological consequences. Finally, I consider how these findings apply to the human realm of health, disease, and socioeconomic status.
Departments of Biological Sciences, Neurology and Neurological Sciences, Stanford University, MC 5020, Stanford, CA 94305–5020, USA, and Institute of Primate Research, National Museums of Kenya.

I have not verified it in the literature, but it seems likely that one of the key brain areas undergoing damage would be the amygdala which is not only the the most sexually dimorphic brain structure—it is also the one most involved with emotional response, including responses to racial differences.


Posted by DRS on Sat, 18 Jul 2009 21:55 | #

Euro wrote:

“A friend of mine is working on a theory that women are responsible for bringing down the Roman Empire.He says that women,“hanno l’istinto verso la distruzione” -have a destructive instinct.”

I’m not too sure about that. What I can say with some confidence is that quite a large proportion of women seem to have a ‘compromise’ gene which can be exploited by the ruthless.


Posted by CullTheDumbest on Sat, 18 Jul 2009 22:05 | #

“The native male’s higher brain functions capture and play out the scenario:  He beats foreign male and although his evolutionary brain circuits tell him, and the female, he passes the test, he himself has participated in building a civilization with the rule of law – law that now protects the foreign male from such fights.  Gangs of police, dishonor and ultimately rape at the hands of gangs of foreign males in prison are to be his fate.  Foreign male sees native male’s fight or flight response short circuit.”

Special ops mostly white males, ditto for private security contractors. http://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1129&dat=20020402&id=V5INAAAAIBAJ&sjid=PXADAAAAIBAJ&pg=2151,225488

Hmm, what does all this mean?


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 18 Jul 2009 22:10 | #

It means white males without a conscience are allowed to express their primate rage, induced in them by immigration, but only as trained dogs of the wealthy and powerful, and only in a perverse way.  It reminds me a bit of the Tolkien myth of the origin of the Orcs: Elves who had been tortured by the dark forces and then enslaved to harness their rage.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 18 Jul 2009 22:12 | #

What I can say with some confidence is that quite a large proportion of women seem to have a ‘compromise’ gene which can be exploited by the ruthless.

Women are very likely evolved to mate with the victor, in the event that the tribe are attacked.  This is common behaviour among mammals.  In big cats, for example, the killing of the defeated male’s offspring by his victor brings the female into season.

Of course, it’s impossible to pursue this <strike>lion</strike> line of thought in the company of women.  Who wants to be ruled by hormones?


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 18 Jul 2009 22:17 | #

I wonder what <a href=“http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1200516/After-113-remarkable-years-Henry-Allingham-worlds-oldest-man-passes-history.html;jsessi>Mr. Patch</a> thinks about the predicament of the young men nowadays.  Why did he bother defending Britain?

Mr Allingham’s death means that Harry Patch, 111, the last survivor of the First World War trenches, is now Britain’s oldest man.  Nicknamed ‘the last Tommy’, Mr Patch is a veteran of the 1917 battle of Passchendaele in which more than 70,000 British troops were killed.


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 18 Jul 2009 22:37 | #

GW writes: Women are very likely evolved to mate with the victor, in the event that the tribe are attacked.

More than that, women are evolved to play, “Lets you and him fight.”  That’s the real reason they want open borders, although they’ll never admit it to their conscious minds.  Indeed, most of “feminism” is a self deception—the entire purpose of which is to provide a noble sounding explanation for this instinct—perhaps a noble instinct in a true state of nature but clearly a vice for civilization.


Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 19 Jul 2009 00:01 | #

Ever since the Judeofication of the USA the policy towards societies who value ‘honour’ has been geared to the destruction of this ethos. Japan’s Bushido code was ended after 1945 and now Muslims are fighting liberalism to retain control of their womenfolk as traditional sanctions (usually a fusion of the tribal and the religious) which ensured the maintenance of family honour are attacked by meddlesome Westerners who have all read Susan Sontag, Betty Friedan, Bella Abzug, Gloria Steinem and other Jewish wreckers of the traditional order.


Posted by CullTheDumbest on Sun, 19 Jul 2009 01:44 | #

Elves who had been tortured by the dark forces and then enslaved to harness their rage.

I almost had the impression white males had found an exclusive survival niche in modernity that may lead to an overall strategy until you helped dispell the illusion. Thanks, I think.


Posted by EA Steve on Sun, 19 Jul 2009 09:34 | #

As a straight White male, I get indescribably infuriated when I see non-White men courting our attractive women! It’s humiliating, knowing there is nothing I can do to properly respond, lest I would most likely get ‘butt raped’ in prison, as James Bowery mentioned.

Due to the ruling elites, I can’t even speak out against it, much less defend my race’s continuation. :(


Posted by Proofreader on Sun, 19 Jul 2009 13:27 | #

Instead of whining about what the elites-jewish and gentile - are doing to our people, why not try to kick them out from their ill-deserved positions, as we grab power ourselves?
We can become the new elite, what have we got to lose? We’re facing extinction anyway; we might as well put up a fight.
If we start a “long march through the institutions” right now, Gramsci-style, we can regain power in 40 years. No need to fire a single shot. Let’s start working on reaching the top, on infiltrating the enemy ranks, on winning influence.
It matters that we proud Euros keep a critical mass in 40 years, and that we become the new elite. Because otherwise we’d be no longer viable. I don’t want my grand-children to be a minority in their own lands, on their way to extinction.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 19 Jul 2009 15:53 | #

Proofreader, you seem to think that there is nothing about civilization’s synthetic social hierarchy that is fundamentally at odds with “ourselves”.  What justification do you have?  I can claim civilization’s synthetic social hierarchy selects for hypocrisy and self-deception with substantial justification.


Posted by Euro on Sun, 19 Jul 2009 18:09 | #

It seems that the emphasis on fighting has shifted the focus of this discussion.Firstly,not every white man-fear of prison set aside-is capable of defeating every colored in hand to hand combat.And even if that was possiblethe truly interesting question is:Why would that be necessary in the first place?Also,isnt it a bit much to ask civilized men to be prepared to engage in mortal combat at any moments notice,and in all sorts of circumstances,in an effort to keep women in line?Arent there more effective means of securing the same objective?

What Mr. Bowery’s comments touch upon is the underlying nature of female sexuality;and its existence prior to,and independently of,the provocation of mixed coupling.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 19 Jul 2009 18:28 | #

Euro: Why would that be necessary in the first place?Also,isnt it a bit much to ask civilized men to be prepared to engage in mortal combat at any moments notice,and in all sorts of circumstances,in an effort to keep women in line?Arent there more effective means of securing the same objective?

You have just touched on why first Judaism and now Islam and Hinduism are grabbing Euro lands around the world.  The religious beliefs regarding female subordination are as much an aspect of their success as the ethnic nepotism of their promulgators.  Remember, all of these ethnic groups have had to deal with Africans and their genetic predisposition toward large harem sizes.

But as to “Why would that be necessary in the first place?”

When men agree to subordinate their animal rights to defend their own territory in single combat to the death with males encroaching on their territory, they do so within an ostensible “social contract” that will protect from invasion by males from outside the territory over which that social contract holds jurisdiction.  That is essential if you are going to allow anything remotely like sovereignty of female sexual choice within the territory of that jurisdiction. Christianity’s restrictions on kings to monogamy is a refinement of that contract, but it is not the point of it.

The moment a civilization brings in outside males, laborers, merchants, slaves—it doesn’t matter what role they are in—without taking draconian measures against female sexual choice, it has violated the social contract upon which it was founded and must be destroyed.


Posted by Euro on Sun, 19 Jul 2009 18:53 | #

Mr. Bowery,I am new to this forum,and I have only recently perused some of your work.My compliments!It is like discovering an oasis after wandering across the Sahara.If its not too much to ask,could you kindly go into more detail regarding your comment up above?Many thanks.


Posted by Euro on Sun, 19 Jul 2009 19:00 | #

The moment a civilization brings in outside males, laborers, merchants, slaves—it doesn’t matter what role they are in—without taking draconian measures against female sexual choice, it has violated the social contract upon which it was founded and must be destroyed.

Ahh.So clear.So lucid.Yes,that makes perfect sense.

Can you go into more detail about this:You have just touched on why first Judaism and now Islam and Hinduism are grabbing Euro lands around the world.  The religious beliefs regarding female subordination are as much an aspect of their success as the ethnic nepotism of their promulgators.  Remember, all of these ethnic groups have had to deal with Africans and their genetic predisposition toward large harem sizes.

And this:When men agree to subordinate their animal rights to defend their own territory in single combat to the death with males encroaching on their territory, they do so within an ostensible “social contract” that will protect from invasion by males from outside the territory over which that social contract holds jurisdiction.  That is essential if you are going to allow anything remotely like sovereignty of female sexual choice within the territory of that jurisdiction. Christianity’s restrictions on kings to monogamy is a refinement of that contract, but it is not the point of it.


Posted by Proofreader on Sun, 19 Jul 2009 19:18 | #

    Proofreader, you seem to think that there is nothing about civilization’s synthetic social hierarchy that is fundamentally at odds with “ourselves” 
Please explain, Mr. Bowery.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 19 Jul 2009 19:32 | #

Obviously it is within us to produce civilization, and not within the capabilities of other peoples to do likewise, so the salient issue is which part of ourselves one chooses to give primacy to.  Bowery claims that civilization is inherently cannibalizing of all of what we are, it which case, at the last, we will be left with nothing of what we are.  So, therefore, we must choose, no matter how painful that might be.  But, could it not also be argued that Bowery’s recommendation that single combat to the death be the bedrock of ordering our interactions as a people is cannibalizing as well.  After all, if the 25 year old James Bowery challenged the present day James Bowery to mortal combat, both having been trained in the arts thereof, it is highly likely that the former would make short work of the latter.  Yet, which James Bowery is better suited for a position of leadership?  I dare say uncontroversially the latter.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 19 Jul 2009 19:36 | #

Euro, the primary barrier against African hyper-polygyny was the Sahara Desert.  Even when it was possible to traverse parts of the Sahara by horse, the main exception to that barrier was the Nile River.  The Nile River spawned much of the evolution of the patriarchal Abrahimic religions.  There was a great deal of trafficing of males out of Africa along the Nile.  This is what eventually destroyed Egyptian civilization.  Hindu civilization’s patriarchy was driven as much, if not more, by the dynamic between Aryans and Dravidians as it was between Hindus and Africans.  The Hindu caste system is a clear case of restriction of female choice instituted by the Aryans to protect their civilization from Dravidians and, I strongly suspect, it served a similar purpose in the relations between Dravidians and Africans across the Indian Ocean.

Europeans had the additional protection of the Mediterranean Sea, then the Alps then the Baltic Sea and the English Channel.  All of these barriers, particularly the ability of the Germanics to hold off civilization for so long, preserved a degree of female sovereignty not seen in other peoples.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 19 Jul 2009 19:53 | #

Captainchaos, first of all the formal combat I recommend is the State of Nature, not some boxing ring or other highly ritualized “sport”—not even the degeneration of Holmganga that seems to be documented in some of the Norse texts, with its numerous rules and procedures. 

In the State of Nature, elders have advantages of knowledge of Nature that younger men do not have.

Secondly, there has to be some way for young men to defend themselves against corrupt old men who have been captured by foreign toadies and sycophants—the “Court Jews” of history or the present day Dravidians of the Fortune 1000.  Any time you create “leadership” you create a vulnerability for foreign sycophantry—including foreign males throwing foreign women at the “leadership” or otherwise bribing them.  If some elders have to be sacrificed to take out guys like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates, we’d die happy men or we wouldn’t deserve the trust of any 25 year old man.  What good are our lives if the young men have to tolerate this torture?


Posted by White Preservationist on Sun, 19 Jul 2009 20:08 | #

GREAT post Mr. Bowery.

I agree that bringing White women in to line should be a top priority - and marrying them before they are about 25 years old is a great way to do that (in the USA, married White women vote overwhelmingly conservative/Republican; that doesn’t include married Jewish women because Jews are not White).  NOTE: the only people who can bring White women back in to line are White men - otherwise White women will continue to be unduly manipulated by the Jew-infested American mass-media and academia, and the USA will continue to decay.  I don’t put White women on a pedestal or “worship” them - but the continuance of the dwindling White race depends entirely on their White genes and their White wombs, and hence they must be ‘protected’ and preserved.  White women are likely no more than 5-7% of the world population…and what beauty and grace are found within that small 5-7%!  No one can seriously say that various individual White women aren’t the most beautiful, sexiest, and hottest women on Earth…the only people who would disagree with that are dorky Asian fetishists.  Bringing feminism under control is of course a prime priority - this involves dealing with the Jewish problem, since Jews have been the major promoters of feminism since the 1950s/60s; see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Jewish_feminists

Since the agricultural/Neolithic revolution and the rise of writing/literacy, females have generally been rather passive actors in history.  Since that time, when a tribe/race/ethnicity was conquered by another tribe/race/ethnicity, the winning tribe usually slaughtered all of the conquered native males and then very often took the conquered native females (at least the most desirable ones) and absorbed them in to the conquering tribe.  Thus females (of whatever race/ethnicity) are available to whoever is in control of a specific country, territory, region, etc and its resources.  Their wombs are available to whatever semen is deposited there (whether from a White man, Black man, Yellow man, Brown man, etc), though they of course prefer semen from the most dominant/alpha male that they can snag. 

As Whites are being swamped by Browns/Blacks/Yellows/etc in the USA and other White countries worldwide, it looks to many White women that White men are becoming so weak that they cannot even control the borders of the native land - thus they often choose to accept the semen of the non-White invaders or ‘conquerors,’ which will lead to the extinction or near-dissolution of the White race in due time if it is allowed to continue.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 19 Jul 2009 20:42 | #

Any time you create “leadership” you create a vulnerability for foreign sycophantry—including foreign males throwing foreign women at the “leadership” or otherwise bribing them.

Leadership emerges naturally as a result of our evolved tendency towards dominance hierarchies.  Also, for at least Europeans, the tendency towards technological mastery of the vicissitudes of our ecology.  When combined, both produce the effect of an ever increasing complexity of the division of labor, i.e., an increasing complexity of dominance hierarchies.  If we cannot do away with the trend towards complexification, or dominance hierarchies, it seems to make little sense to do away with leadership within the context of that complexity.  What is needed is virtuous leaders.  Revolutions, hopefully, empower such men.  Perhaps, for the first time, a philosophy which makes us aware to ourselves, can permanently affix within the minds of our people a guide to adaptive behavior.  By which our leaders will be judged.


Posted by White Preservationist on Sun, 19 Jul 2009 20:57 | #

I will also add that even in the midst of the current race-mixing storm, there is one major bright spot which is evident.

Right now, only the least ethnocentric (i.e., weakest) Whites are breeding out of the overall White gene pool.  This in turn is making the overall White gene pool even more ethnocentric, stronger, and resistant to further race-mixing in the future.  To take a phrase from one of Savitri Devi’s books, the White race is being refined through race-mixing, war, immigration, and other forms of ethno-racial adversity like “Gold in the Furnace.”

So go ahead and let the weakest (least ethnocentric) Whites breed until we can regain full control of our White territories - the absence of their weak, non-ethnocentric genes is no loss to us, and is in fact a gain in the longer term.  They won’t be missed, and they are likely condemning themselves to a life of eventual loneliness and rejection since it’s been proven that interracial relationships/marriages have a MUCH higher rate of failure than intraracial relationships/marriages.

To take a tip from Jewry (something I am of course very loathe to do): any and every White (female or male) that breeds with various Blacks, Browns, Yellows, Semites (Jews/Arabs), Hispanics, etc must be considered as dead to us.  By breeding or mixing with non-White races or ethnicities, they have proven their non-ethnocentric weakness and must be totally shunned and ridiculed - they must never be allowed to gain our respect or pity again.


Posted by White Preservationist on Sun, 19 Jul 2009 21:04 | #

So go ahead and let the weakest (least ethnocentric) Whites breed until we can regain full control of our White territories

That should of course read: “So go ahead and let the weakest (least ethnocentric) Whites breed with non-Whites until we can regain full control of our White territories…”


Posted by Dasein on Sun, 19 Jul 2009 21:06 | #

In some ways I’m not upset to see these women leave the White in-group.  What are they as a percentage of all White women- 5%?  Often they are marginal types.  Of course, not all of them, and not necessarily marginal if you have no one else.  But I think James makes the excellent point that is perhaps the crucial one: what is the physiological effect on the White male of conspicuously having his gonads stomped?  Some years back, I was buying groceries in a local shopping center.  About 50 m away I saw a White female/Negro male with their mixed daughter, coming out of a toy store.  The Negro and his mate seemed to be arguing, then he suddenly got quite agitated, smashed the toy (looked to be a small wooden pram for a doll) on the ground, and stormed out of the mall.  I couldn’t see the child’s face, but I can imagine she was crying.  The White woman just had this gobsmacked look on her face, as if it had suddenly hit her what she had gotten herself into (she looked quite normal and was dressed fairly conservatively, whereas the Negro was dressed in a style typical of African immigrants in Europe).  At the time I just thought ‘well, what did you expect, you stupid bitch?’.  Thinking about it more, though, and now being more racially aware, I have to wonder what the effect is for White men to see these primitive types mating with their kin, often treating them like shit.


Posted by White Preservationist on Sun, 19 Jul 2009 21:26 | #

Daesin - “In some ways I’m not upset to see these women leave the White in-group.  What are they as a percentage of all White women- 5%?  Often they are marginal types.”

Yes, you are exactly correct.  Especially the White women who mix or breed with Blacks are often idiots (low-IQ), and many of them are very ‘trashy’ and fat too - very marginal White women, indeed.  The only reason they mix with Blacks and other non-Whites is that they aren’t good enough for a White male to care about them.  Of course there are sometimes (rarely) genuine losses to the White gene pool (Heidi Klum for example), but that is not at all common. 

As I stated in a previous post, the ‘loss’ of White females who breed with Blacks, Browns, etc is not a loss at all - it is in fact a net gain, since only those White females who are distinctly inferior commonly breed with non-Whites - thus no loss at all to the overall White gene pool.


Posted by Q on Sun, 19 Jul 2009 21:58 | #

Typical “liberated” “modern” white female (sexual orientation in question) in action:



Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 19 Jul 2009 22:25 | #

Captainchaos writes:

What is needed is virtuous leaders.

Correct.  When I say:

Any time you create “leadership” you create a vulnerability for foreign sycophantry—including foreign males throwing foreign women at the “leadership” or otherwise bribing them.

I am not making a case against leadership.  I am making a case for being draconian about disciplining the leadership.

You say a philosophy can do this.

I say a ten inch sword and 15 meters of strong cordage, wielded by two sovereigns, alone with each other in Nature, is going to be better discipline than any words we might devise.

But I have already given you my compromise position in Secession from Slavery to Free Scientific Society.

One way or another, we must let Nature have its say.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 19 Jul 2009 22:28 | #

White Preservationist,

Your last post and a half went beyond what I can allow on MR’s comment facility, and I’ve taken action accordingly, dropping the last para from your 8.26PM post and deleting your next one entirely.

The reason is this.  Because of its speculative nature, to put it mildly, broaching a matter like Jewish gene theft requires either a knowledge of events you definitely do not possess - nobody does - or great sensitivity in one’s handling of the subject.  You display a total presumption of Jewish “guilt” in place of knowledge, and a perfect unawareness of any need for sensivity.  If you don’t know, don’t presume.

You are welcome to comment at MR if you will remember that this is not VNN or Stormfront.  Different standards of discourse apply.


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 20 Jul 2009 00:57 | #

I had described many of the “security force” white males as analogous to Tolkien’s: “Elves who had been tortured by the dark forces and then enslaved to harness their rage.”

CullTheDumbest responded

I almost had the impression white males had found an exclusive survival niche in modernity that may lead to an overall strategy until you helped dispell the illusion. Thanks, I think.

Clearly there are going to be exceptions—one would hope many exceptions. But when I see scenes like this:

It is equally clear the dark forces have prevailed in the minds of these men.


Posted by Q on Mon, 20 Jul 2009 02:02 | #

The “professioals” that are involved in the “criminal justice system” are some of the most crimianally insane people in society. That includes judges, policemen, lawyers, jailers, sheriffs—many, not all, are scum!


Posted by SM on Mon, 20 Jul 2009 09:39 | #

Good thread James Bowery!

Good responses too.


Posted by Jaedda Felagund on Mon, 20 Jul 2009 17:37 | #

To take a tip from Jewry (something I am of course very loathe to do): any and every White (female or male) that breeds with various Blacks, Browns, Yellows, Semites (Jews/Arabs), Hispanics, etc must be considered as dead to us.  By breeding or mixing with non-White races or ethnicities, they have proven their non-ethnocentric weakness and must be totally shunned and ridiculed - they must never be allowed to gain our respect or pity again.

Yes this is the way to go.  I have had to dump friends already who BETRAYED their race and cavorted with Asians and Mestizos. 

I feel better knowing that I am working to ensure my Races survival by shunning, then by maintaining a friendship with such traitorous types!!! 

PS Good blog


Posted by Dasein on Mon, 20 Jul 2009 22:09 | #

Of course, the relationship between the White female and her non-White male is relatively unstable.  Assuming that she chooses not to make the same mistake twice when remarrying (or repartnering), we now have a White male who’s effectively been cuckolded (and perhaps these circumstances make it even more humiliating).  Another positive feedback loop in the race-replacement process.


Posted by Thunder on Tue, 21 Jul 2009 04:41 | #

James Bowery

I’m sorry I can’t help this.  Why specifically 15 metres of cordage?


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 21 Jul 2009 05:37 | #

Tools are one of the defining characteristics of man.  There are certain tools that an individual man can clearly make for himself across many cultures—a short sword and rope being two primary examples.  With these as a starting point, an individual man can fabricate a wide variety of additional tools and equipment from the raw materials available in nature given a reasonably large territory over which to operate during formal combat with his individual enemy.  Tests such as money, boxing, debate, dueling pistols, elections, jousting, etc. do not test man as a whole being and are dysgenic.


Posted by Svigor on Tue, 21 Jul 2009 16:29 | #

I don’t have anything profound to add, but my puzzlement at the very different perceptions of racemixing on the part of awakened white men.  Some see it as rare and usually consisting of white women of low quality.  Others see it as common and consisting of white women of high quality.

I must confess I don’t see many white women of high quality on the arms of non-white men.  Maybe both camps are right, and the difference is environment?  E.g., I live in the south and they live elsewhere?  Or maybe it’s perception?  E.g., it’s so hard to miss that it seems more common than it is, and we’re all just seeing things in different ways?

Then there’s the third camp that white men don’t seem to like to talk about, the white men with yellow women on their arms.

Statistically speaking, the rate of white women in interracial relationships (inside or outside of marriage) is very low, 3-5%.

Actually, I don’t know that I’ve read the number of white women in interracial relationships (the marriage figures are pretty well-known, about 3%); I did read recently the number of white women who reported having had sex with a negro, and it’s about 4% if memory serves.

It’s very low given low negro standards and impulse control, the hysterical interest negro males have in white women, and the profoundly fertile social conditions.  Looked at porn lately?  Negros are totally obsessed with white women (hence the popularity of “interracial” (negro male + non-negro women, almost always white women).

And I don’t know that I can agree with the shunning thing.  At this point, when we have no possibility of enacting social norms that would achieve shunning, isn’t it better to “rescue” the ones worth rescuing?  And who better to “rescue” a white worth rescuing than an awakened, racially aware white?  Just food for thought.


Posted by Euro on Tue, 21 Jul 2009 20:05 | #

Et ecquid coniugibus nostris mutua cura sumus?   This translates as:Are we as dear to our wives as they to us? Which brings to the surface something that has been overlooked thus far in this discussion.Lets return to Bowery’s little narrative.Colored male makes cow eyes at white female in the presence of a white male.Lets imagine a scenario wherein the female is indifferent to, or repulsed by, the attentions of the colored male.Wouldnt this make a huge difference in how the white male handles this provocation? 

Mr.Bowery writes:

Euro, the primary barrier against African hyper-polygyny was the Sahara Desert.  Even when it was possible to traverse parts of the Sahara by horse, the main exception to that barrier was the Nile River.  The Nile River spawned much of the evolution of the patriarchal Abrahimic religions.  There was a great deal of trafficing of males out of Africa along the Nile.  This is what eventually destroyed Egyptian civilization.  Hindu civilization’s patriarchy was driven as much, if not more, by the dynamic between Aryans and Dravidians as it was between Hindus and Africans.  The Hindu caste system is a clear case of restriction of female choice instituted by the Aryans to protect their civilization from Dravidians and, I strongly suspect, it served a similar purpose in the relations between Dravidians and Africans across the Indian Ocean.

Europeans had the additional protection of the Mediterranean Sea, then the Alps then the Baltic Sea and the English Channel.  All of these barriers, particularly the ability of the Germanics to hold off civilization for so long, preserved a degree of female sovereignty not seen in other peoples.

My position is this;if female proclivities were other than what in fact they are,then the Sahara and the Mediterranean would not be the primary barrier against Africans,but rather a secondary or tertiary one.The primary barrier would be women themselves!Of course,there would still remain the danger of violence and physical coercion,but if that was the sole danger,then the entire problem would be cast in an entirely different light.

Why do I bring this up?Because it would seem that the proper focus should be on the female mind,and not on social systems or geography(however important and interesting they may be).A better understanding of that mind would yield a keener knowledge of how to grapple with its problematics.And from a keener knowledge would issue forth a more sophisticated and effective means of control and dominance.So sophisticated and effective,that perhaps;violence,patriarchy,and the accidents of geography would all be superceded.

I am fully confident that European man is up to that task.Am I mistaken in this line of reasoning?

(The quote above is from Ovid.The author of Ars Amatoria and Remedia Amoris knew a little something about the ladies)


Posted by Templar on Tue, 21 Jul 2009 22:26 | #

And I don’t know that I can agree with the shunning thing.  At this point, when we have no possibility of enacting social norms that would achieve shunning, isn’t it better to “rescue” the ones worth rescuing?  And who better to “rescue” a white worth rescuing than an awakened, racially aware white?

I’d definitely agree. I don’t like the idea of surrendering any of our racial kin to non-whites as supposed “genetic dead-ends” simply because they’ve been brainwashed from childhood to believe that mating with someone of another race is acceptable or even morally superior to mating with their own kind.

I mean, I used to think inter-racial marriages were all fine and dandy, thanks to the amount of ambiant pop-culture nonsense I absorbed growing up, but since “awakening” I can only experience a very visceral disgust at the thought.


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 21 Jul 2009 22:58 | #

Euro writes:

Because it would seem that the proper focus should be on the female mind,and not on social systems or geography(however important and interesting they may be).A better understanding of that mind would yield a keener knowledge of how to grapple with its problematics.And from a keener knowledge would issue forth a more sophisticated and effective means of control and dominance.So sophisticated and effective,that perhaps;violence,patriarchy,and the accidents of geography would all be superceded.

I am fully confident that European man is up to that task.Am I mistaken in this line of reasoning?

Only if you talk about doing so rather than doing so.  I made the topic of my post “female evolutionary psychology” and proceeded on that basis so I would suggest you try the same.  What is it in female evolutionary psychology that could prepare her instincts for the advent of civilization’s artificial protection of foreign males?


Posted by Euro on Tue, 21 Jul 2009 23:04 | #

I made the topic of my post “female evolutionary psychology” and proceeded on that basis so I would suggest you try the same.

I hope you werent offended by my comment.No offense was intended.Any advice on how to so proceed?

What is it in female evolutionary psychology that could prepare her instincts for the advent of civilization’s artificial protection of foreign males?

Wild guess;child rearing?Your the genius around here (again,no sarcasm intended) by all means clue us in.


Posted by Thunder on Tue, 21 Jul 2009 23:19 | #

Thanks James,

So the cordage allows for more guile coming into the duel.

I guess I better google ‘uses of cordage in combat’ if I am going to continue to sort out these stupid taxi dirivers we have around here.  They can’t drive, speak English or behave intelligently enough on the road for my tastes.


Posted by Euro on Tue, 21 Jul 2009 23:27 | #

What is it in female evolutionary psychology that could prepare her instincts for the advent of civilization’s artificial protection of foreign males?

Or maybe deference to foreign males who impose themselves somehow upon the females home tribe?


Posted by Armor on Wed, 22 Jul 2009 01:00 | #

In some ways I’m not upset to see these women leave the White in-group.  What are they as a percentage of all White women- 5%?  (—Dasein)

Maybe it is all right to say that, since we cannot do much against interracial marriage at the moment. But I agree with Svigor that it would be much better to rescue our women. Besides, 5% is a huge percentage. Only a small percentage is needed to alter the population in a few generations. I wish we had anti-miscegenation laws to rescue every one from the idea of interracial marriage, whether they like it or not. We need anti-miscegenation laws for two reasons : first of all, to save the white gene pool, and secondly, to save white women from destroying their lives due to bad judgment.


Posted by censor me on Wed, 22 Jul 2009 08:23 | #

MR seems to have taken a bit of a dive lately.  still a great site though.  perhaps its the creeping censorship plus the increasing softness on the jewish problem displayed here. 

either way, you chaps have my regards since many of you are white englishmen who are far too polite and SO NICE even though we are being invaded by hordes of non-whites at the same time we’re being sucked dry by the international jewish parasite.

god bless the queen!


Posted by Euro on Thu, 23 Jul 2009 19:28 | #

What is it in female evolutionary psychology that could prepare her instincts for the advent of civilization’s artificial protection of foreign males?

Well,James?Come on,dont be coy.I dont know if this helps,but take a gander at this little vignette.I have a strong suspicion it may provide a clue to our little dilemma.

The Irony of Whoring
Did you read the headline and thought: “Hey, another post about how all women are whores”?
Actually, no. Not this time.

Today I will talk about actual prostitutes. Eastern European teenagers with a playboy-worthy appearance and regular STD tests, to be precise.

I spent last Saturday night strolling the red light district in Amsterdam. A city so liberal that nobody even interferes with various illegal activities going on in broad daylight.
I had not planned to walk through what’s essentially a several-blocks large open air brothel amidst hundreds of guys struggling with their pot overdoses and ‘shroom-trips.

But all my attempts at localizing some nightlife failed. Web sites and locals alike guided me to the Sodom and Gomorrah of our times.

And I would be dishonest not to admit that I was curious about - and pretty soon fascinated by - the sexual spectacle around me.

If you haven’t been, you cannot quite imagine what it’s like. There are narrow streets divided by water, the famous canals called Gracht (completely unpronounceable for native English speakers), and surrounded by buildings dating back to the times of Descartes. There is an intense stink in the air as coffee shops open their windows and American tourists blow smoke in the air as if they were bee keepers readying to get to the good stuff. And then there are “the windows” (really just (very) small rooms with a bed, a sink and a toilet with a door to the street).

The whore houses are indicated by neat looking red lanterns at the doors, but it would be hard to walk by and not notice the business they were designed for since the girls knock on the glass, swing open the doors and even grab your shirt as you walk by.

At first I felt strangely uncomfortable about the scene. But my fascination soon took over completely, and kept me going. But it wasn’t until long until I felt deep guttural disgust and sadness for the dynamics unfolding in front of my eyes.

There was a general pattern: large groups of guys – “regular” looking, mostly in their twenties – would stroll around and then congregate in front of one of the windows. The woman (rather: 18 year old girl) inside would then put up a show of swaying her body, winking and pointing fingers at the guys she thought would be the most likely to walk in. Sometimes the girls would even start conversing in broken English. The guys typically just stood there and stared. After a while the group would disperse.

Now, the first interesting observation I made was that despite the low prize – 50 Euros, non-negotiable for anything but anal according to my field interviews – almost none of the whores managed to turn a trick (yes, it is less than what American pay for the obligatory pre-lay dates, but it proves most men love the chase more than the trophy). If they were successful in attracting a guy, they earned applause and cat calls.

And if it happened, the guy that walked in would fit in one and the same category: good lucking, well kept, intelligent seeming young man with striped shirt, glasses and body language giveaways that screamed: just graduated in engineering at a German college (the European equivalent to the American IT nerd).

Once a guy went in, the other guys tended to wait and take the time it took for them to come back out (usually not long). Cat calls again. And then they moved on.

What they left behind were young girls who dropped the façade for a second. Any them they thought themselves unobserved (I am such a sneaky motherf**ker), they went from smile to sigh. The first time I saw that, I was shocked. The contrast between the raunchy, horny, lurid persona they just were a second ago, and the sad, insecure broken creature they turned into when nobody looked was almost incomprehensible. But when they started smiling again I noted that underneath their bedroom eyes there was an ocean of despair.

The irony couldn’t be any bigger. Here you have some girls from poor countries dreaming up a better life far away. As any girl, they eventually seek the comfort and safety that only a dedicated Provider male can offer. They dream of houses and kids, and a husband who loves and pampers them until they die of old age. They seek a good, decent man who makes some money, is a good dad and would not hurt them in any way (by means of cheating and/or abuse).

At the same time, and on the other side of the glass, you find exactly that type of guy. Men with decent jobs, great daddy potential and an adoration for these women that borders on obsession. They would do anything to be with a woman of that class. They would love them with unconditional one-itis, and not believe their luck of scoring such a trophy wife. These men would never raise a hand or cheat on these girls, since they lack the chance (and are blinded by one-itis).

In a sense, these windows are a meeting point of the two soul mates that romantic movies are all about. Both parties would get what they want if they would be able to find each other “in love” and not as part of a business transaction. And in a perfect world, these souls would fall in love regardless. Yet, there was essential element lacking for Pretty Woman to come true: The girls do not really want these guys.

In fact, all the sighs and sadness are due to fact that biology is a bitch, and female bodies designed to reject the sperm of lesser men. A man who needs to pay for relief is not the type of guy a woman gets wet for (the enormous stashes of lubricant bottles next to these girl’s beds are testament to that).

The sadness and despair in their eyes was the outer sign of the biologically inspired panic with which their bodies reacted to the danger of getting impregnated by unfit,lesser men.

Rather, the brutal grip and cold emotion-less eyes of their black pimps is what turns these girls on. Whenever I saw them talk to one of these shawdowy figures, who lingered in the alleys waiting to cash in once a trick left a premise, the girls eyes lit up in admiration.

These women are disgusted by the guys who offer them to realize the dream of their life, and they love the men who systematically destroy any chance of getting there.

There is another red light district in Amsterdam. I stepped into it by accident the next day while trying to find a street café for lunch with my Dutch friend (she was unfamiliar with Amsterdam herself). The women there are not attractive. They are old. Their faces and looks were even sadder than those of the EE girls I saw the other night, and their attempts of getting my attention even more desperate. This is where the girls go once they turn 30 and tricks stay away for good. I have no idea how much they charge, but I am sure it is even less than the already low-seeming prize in the touristy area. The women here have lost hope. But they haven’t lost the attraction for their pimps.


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 24 Jul 2009 01:50 | #

Euro, I’m not being coy.  I really don’t have an answer to my own question except the obvious one: 

“Nothing has prepared female evolutionary psychology for the advent of civilization’s artificial protection of foreign males.”

Your story bears that out.

But now imagine a world from not so long ago in historic times—a world in which a young man walking down the streets of Amsterdam witnessed the spectacle you witnessed—a world in which he could RESPECTABLY announce to the world he was challenging the black pimp to meet him, entering from opposite sides of the Isle of Memmert 2 days hence, equipped only with a 10 inch sword and 15 meters of strong cordage, with only one to leave alive.

Even if the black pimp were allowed to be challenged no more often than once a year, how long would the eyes of those young girls look with adoration on him once the maggots had had their fill?


Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 24 Jul 2009 02:00 | #

a world in which he could RESPECTABLY announce to the world he was challenging the black pimp

I dare say National Socialism has more chance of getting of the ground than that.  Why do you prefer single combat to the death to a pack of brownshirts beating the scum to death?

Even if the black pimp were allowed to be challenged no more often than once a year,

You want the guy dead, right?  Why fuck around with rules?


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 24 Jul 2009 02:05 | #

Fred, Frosts (and Pinker’s) analysis is ridiculous from the very first data point:

We also have very good statistics for the history of one-on-one murder

This is their definition of “violence”.  Don’t believe me?  Look at the conclusion Pinker draws!

our ancestors were far more violent than we are today. Indeed, violence has been in decline over long stretches of history, and today we are probably living in the most peaceful moment of our species’ time on earth.

How in the Hell could anyone without brain damage write such a thing?


Posted by The Censor on Fri, 24 Jul 2009 02:10 | #

MR seems to have taken a bit of a dive lately.  still a great site though.  perhaps its the creeping censorship plus the increasing softness on the jewish problem displayed here.

The real tough guys on the jewish question destroy themselves at the behest of Lew Rockwell, confuse poor judgment with courage, are single (by choice!), screw well-used women with tats and piercings, drink lots of alcohol, receive meager financial support from pensioned benefactors and taxpayers, hang out at the Vanguard News Network, place jews at the epicenter of White existence and call this behavior, “No jews, just right.”

The MR philosophy is “Fuckdajews” - a philosophy which places White existence at the center.


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 24 Jul 2009 02:15 | #

Captainchaos writes: Why do you prefer single combat to the death to a pack of brownshirts beating the scum to death?

Because it is African hunting packs that consist of groups of men wielding relatively low technology weapons.

European hunting “packs” consist of a man wielding relatively inventive technology including domesticated animals such as the horse and dog.

Don’t play by African rules unless you want Africans to win.


Posted by danielj on Fri, 24 Jul 2009 03:33 | #

a world in which he could RESPECTABLY announce to the world he was challenging the black pimp

Robert DeNiro a la Taxi Driver?


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 24 Jul 2009 06:36 | #

I don’t recall a scene in “Taxi Driver” where DeNiro issues a formal combat challenge to Senator Palantine before the world.


Posted by Ashur on Sat, 25 Jul 2009 15:43 | #

“Negroes are scared-stiff of ghosts — send someone in there wearing a ghost costume and moaning.  Watch him explode out of there like a bat out of hell, not stopping till he’s safely back in Cameroon. “

    They are scared of dogs, water, soap, the darkness, honest work, movies showing White men in their warrior instinct (Lord of the Rings, documentaries on knights) etc… we have more options if the white sheet trick does not work.


Posted by Ashur on Sat, 25 Jul 2009 15:56 | #

I remember watching ‘The Last of the Mohicans’ with a negro from nigeria. He was frozen scared seeing the scene where the French army attack the British fort and fight the British soldiers. I kid you not. In a different case, a different negro I know got scarred when he saw a Samurai combat scene featuring Tosho Mifune in Duel at Ganryu Island showing the duel between Miyamoto Mushashi and Kogiro.
Negros are weird.


Posted by PC on Mon, 27 Jul 2009 03:53 | #

James Bowery

“Don’t play by African rules unless you want Africans to win.”

If whites were really serious I can’t see this being the case.


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 28 Jul 2009 13:47 | #

I should really give Captainchaos’s Brown Shirts their due lest I leave out an important dynamic of what gives rise to movements like the German National Socialists and to some extent at least explains their failures.

There is an aspect of what I’ll call the “Brown Shirt Instinct” that is more than mere African atavism: 

The Law.

The Law is an explicit formal agreement by which groups of individuals may form themselves into gangs for the specific application of force to enforce the agreements embodied in The Law.  Those more familiar with the origins of German National Socialism can fill in the details, but it is my understanding that the Brown Shirts had established a reputation for ensuring the peaceable public assembly and speeches of the National Socialists.  In this case, The Law sanctioned such public assembly and there were those who attempted to deny The Law by disrupting said assemblies.  The Brown Shirts put a stop to that lawlessness by gang force constrained by Law.

Now, back to our Amsterdam Pimp:

We can ignore for the moment the perversions of The Law that now dominate areas like Amsterdam and look to a more primordial Northern European Natural Law authorizing the gang application of force against the pimp:

In the absence of a clear, formal and revocable public announcement of a prostitute’s sexual acceptance of the pimp, if the pimp and the prostitute engage in an act of procreation, the prostitute is the sole judge as to whether that act of procreation was rape—even if it can be shown she “asked for it”.  The punishment for rape is death within 48 hours.  No Lawful constraints on the form of death exist, and any individual or group of individuals are free to enforce The Law.

Of course, this ignores the fact that the pimp’s presence in Amsterdam is really not Lawful to begin with since the immigration laws allowing him into the country are the result of a corrupt elite’s betrayal of the social contract that put them into office.  In that case, the charge is not rape, but conspiracy, and the sentence for that is also death.  In this case, it is questionable whether the pimp is a party to the conspiracy even though he is the prime beneficiary.  What is not questionable is the corrupt elite is sentenced to death to be carried out by individuals or groups, Brown Shirts included, at will and in any manner they see fit.

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