The Big Fear: a white backlash by David Hamilton The one thing former Conservative MP K Harvey Proctor constantly warned of was a white backlash. To keep the indigenous people under control the Caste has devised various underhand and undemocratic methods. The idea was to manage the population into a sort of utopian state. But ideologies need an enemy, and that was “whites”. We were all held responsible for the slave trade, which meant only a heavily-censored version of slavery with the main dealers – the Arabs - left out of the account. We are, after all, only allowed to think “correct” thoughts. What Alan Clarke, the former Conservative government minister and famous diarist, lauded as “the British military spirit” and a matter of honour and pride is scorned as yobbery by the Establishment. The people who were the backbone of our traditional military prowess are slandered and misused. They are misused because they are not wanted in the armed forces, where they should be cherished as heroes ready to defend our country and control our borders to repel the current invasion. Our troops are held in contempt and not even provided with adequate equipment to save their lives. People who have committed youthful misadventures but who naturally belong in the forces are barred. At one time young men who were at risk of being sent to young offenders institutions were given the opportunity of joining the military. To the traditional aristocratic-ruling warrior class, they would have been ideal recruits possessed of potential noble virtues. Now those virtues are now left unexplored, and the young are left in their criminality. A classic example of how these virtues are presented as wrong or even low-class was in the Daily Mail of 5th July. In this deceitful piece of fiction – a real hatchet piece - the scribbler Niall Firth linked several disconnected phenomena.
Typical of his old-fashioned kind he used the usual faded cliches to trigger negative responses in his readers. “Far-right” and “Neo-Nazis” were trotted out as usual to deter us from our natural instinct to defend our communities and protect our young girls from being child-raped by men from the rival Muslim communities. The actual quotes from Commander Shawn Sawyer show how the police work in league with Muslims and against their own people. Sawyer, who is from the Met’s specialist operations wing, told a meeting of British Muslims:
These are the corrupt police who stop “whites” under terrorist laws to avoid upsetting Muslims and who warn Muslim community leaders before they stage a raid looking for bombs and weapons. If the police continue to act in concert with Muslim extremists against the indigenous people we will have to consider with-holding the portion of council tax that pays their wages. The Caste’s scribblers are not beneath using class-distinction to distance their white targets from the rest of polite and enlightened society. One way, if they protest, is to caricature them as “banner-waving drunks”. Such things are said solely to discredit them and put them outside what is respectable. These are attempts to stifle our population ... to prevent a “White backlash”. But the scribblers’ prospects are bleak as people are feeling threatened now, and are realizing what the corrupt Caste has been doing all this time behind their backs. The scribblers try to shift the focus of blame by making things up. A recent farrago of lies and made up examples was the Birmingham Post’s so-called report of the St.Georges’ Day parade in West Bromwich. The scribbler hid his invention behind the word “allegedly”. But he turned out something so different from the truth that I am thinking of recommending him for “The Booker Prize”! These imaginative concoctions do not just appear out of nowhere, they are part of an ideology that filters down from “The Ideological Caste” and binds the Caste and the media together in a common political aim of destroying us and installing Islam as the dominant European belief and legal system. Everything slots in to that. This is why news items have a repetitive quality – there is no original treatment by reporters. The new event is interpreted through the old ideology. This ideology, of course, sees us as the enemy and the scapegoat every time the multiracial dream falters. The recent hysterical reports blaming Ulster people for disputes with Roma gypsies is a classic example. The media never told us what caused the dispute but just accused local people of “racist attacks.” Well, I don’t believe them. I think these people were defending their communities. Around the world, ethno-nationlism is being asserted. Western rulers, lost in orbit on golden fantasies of globalisation, have so far fallen back on legal sanctions, police action and snooping by the security apparatus. If they need to do more at some stage they already have the example of the communist government of China. It, too, is engaged in reducing indigenous populations to minorities, and stifling religious, ethnic and linguistic diversity – the indigenous populations in question being those of China’s borderlands, of course, and the flooding being done by the transfer of millions of Han, as was done in the past in Manchuria. The objective now is to ensure possession of Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang. Xinjiang is a large, oil-rich province on the border with Pakistan, Afghanistan and several Central Asian countries that seceded from the Soviet Union. China’s government deals with the resultant ethno-nationalism very differently to governments in the West. There are claimed to have been 158 dead, 1,080 injured and a thousand arrested in the ethnic violence between Han Chinese and the native Muslim, Turkic-speaking Uighurs. The Chinese are not decadent, and do not flinch at putting combat troops into Xinjiang with strict orders to quell the conflict. The Communist Party chief has promised to execute those responsible for the killings. But the Chinese policy on ethno-nationalism is not simply one of suppression. The Soviet Union was wholly suppressive, but it imploded very quickly. The Chinese are cute and have tried to go with the flow and harness the ethno-nationalism of the Han majority. This appears to be too subtle for our Western rulers, who are doing the very opposite with their native population, retrospectively altering history and fibbing that we were never blood-and-soil people, but a propositional nation, a nation of ideas. A belief in tolerance, diversity, and equality supposedly define us and make us different from all other nations. This is how they hope to break down our natural need for belonging to a people in a traditional homeland. They think they are converting our natural, organic, Christian nation into a rationalist construct that only requires a modicum of social engineering, a political police and one or two other totalitarian structures to come to fruition. They are pressing on even in the teeth of a deep economic recession with growing mass unemployment. The reality is, as we know, a chaotic multiracial, multi-ethnic, multilingual, multicultural Tower of Babel in which Muslims will become the dominant demographic. But the Caste has closed its eyes to that chaos. It does not object to chaos. It does not care about chaos. All it cares about is that the project of native British dispossession is completed. Not even Muslim terrorism ripping through the heart of London shakes the Caste’s determination to press on. There are something like 200 investigations into Muslim terror plots being conducted by security services and the courts as I write. But the project will not fail because of Muslim terrorism. It does not threaten the project directly. No, the threat comes from an awakening native Britain, which the Caste has recognised early, and is already acting against. The Caste’s big fear is ethno-nationalism - the will of native peoples to have their own lands where their faith is practiced, their culture lived, their language spoken. Ethno-nationalism caused the Balkan wars of 1912 and 1913, triggered World War I in Sarajevo, and rent asunder the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires. Ethno-nationalism spawned Turkey and Israel. Ethno-nationalism was the spur for the dissolution of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, and split Czechoslovakia. Last August, ethno-nationalism took Abkhazia and South Ossetia out of Georgia. Russia, meanwhile, has its own ethnic worries in Chechnya, Dagestan and Ingushetia, whose Moscow-installed president was nearly blown up a couple of weeks ago and where a Chechen convoy was ambushed with 10 soldiers killed. Ethno-nationalism split the Asian subcontinent up into Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. Iran, Iraq and Pakistan are on the brink. Persians are against the Azeris, Kurds, Arabs and Baluch. Each of those minorities has kinfolk across the national border - in Azerbaijan, Kurdistan, Iraq and Pakistan. Turkey has struggled for decades with Kurdish ethno-nationalism. Pashtun in Pakistan outnumber Pashtun in Afghanistan, though in the latter they are the majority. Africa is riven throughout its artificial countries, and the vicious attacks by the Luo on the Kikiyu show renewed tribalism, as did the horrors of Rwanda, where Hutu massacred thousands of Tutsi. Morales in Bolivia, Ollanta Humala in Peru and Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez are inciting their Indian peoples to re- take what the white man took from them 500 years ago. Why, then would not the Caste uniquely fear ethno-nationalism in these islands? Why would they not see Islam, with its universalist ideology, as a desirable counter-weight in the long run to ethno-nationalism. If that’s not it … if that’s not why the Caste allows Anjem Choudry, for example, to recruit openly and demand Sharia Law in an Islamic Europe, then what is? In whatever ways the white backlash comes, the Establishment will try to subvert it and present it as something beyond the realm of decency. Protests will be infiltrated by police and they will use agent provocateurs to incite violence. Smug BBC talking heads and MSM scribblers like Niall Firth will be required to invent yet more stories to “reveal” these protests as the work of the “far-right” and the BNP. The free speech of protesters will be proscribed, and their free association too. And yet, everything will depend on the unquenchable desire of the people to win.
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 20 Jul 2009 01:19 | # Of course, it is too much to ask that “Smug BBC talking heads and MSM scribblers like Niall Firth” have enough honor to answer a challenge from a young man, slandered and libeled by them, to formal combat to the death with a 10 inch blade and 15m of strong cordage, entering on opposite ends of a 1000hectare area of a Royal Forest. But would it be too much to ask young men so slandered and libeled by the knaves to at least publicly issue such a challenge, and have it rejected or ignored for 48 hours, prior to any further actions against said knaves? At least that way, when the agent provocateurs start trying to pull stunts, there is a way to identify them as such as distinguished from sons of Britain. PS: I did offer BNP a way to quickly, easily, simply and decisively win—not just a few seats here and there—but take over the government in its entirety. Ignoring that advice is more than just asking for violence—it points to the likelihood that they are put in place by intelligence operatives. 3
Posted by Astrid on Mon, 20 Jul 2009 02:33 | # Re: link by none, and the thread about female psychology Besides looking at males as suitors, it is also necessary to look at them as fathers. What happened to, “I can’t go, my father would kill me!” Unfortunately, since muslim immigration this could be taken literally, but before that it was an innocent and often heard complaint voiced by young women to explain, gripe about, why they could not go here or there. I would say that the complaint was not without a bit of pride that Daddy loves her so much that he’s adament about her welfare. These days, logic would dictate that fathers better be on the job even more than in past times. What’s going on with them? 4
Posted by Q on Mon, 20 Jul 2009 18:25 | #
But wait, it gets better .... 5
Posted by DRS on Mon, 20 Jul 2009 18:26 | # James Bowery wrote:
I sent them my plans for a Tesla coil death-ray and they ignored that too. They must be government spooks. 6
Posted by Dasein on Mon, 20 Jul 2009 22:17 | # Further to Astrid’s point, a tragic case of failed parenting. 7
Posted by Guesedworker on Tue, 21 Jul 2009 01:15 | # Oh Fred, and what political air will you breathe when you have removed the money power with your army of pitchfork shakers? Why, the same air that was there all along. As I’ve said before, Americans have a much tougher time of it than Europeans in seeing our own liberalism. 8
Posted by Bill on Tue, 21 Jul 2009 10:33 | # Fred Scrooby wrote: Someone is calling the shots, and it’s not the people calling the shots, and it’s not the Home Secretary. It’s the one giving the Home Secretary, and Brown, and Cameron, and Blair, their marching orders. It’s the man behind the curtain. Britain’s local agent is one Rupert Murdoch 9
Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 21 Jul 2009 13:15 | # DSR writes: I sent them my plans for a Tesla coil death-ray and they ignored that too. They must be government spooks. ROFLMAO… Of course it is ridiculous to think that government spooks would work to prop up useful idiots as an ineffectual opposition to the government. If that were the case then the opposition to the government would be ineffectual! Besides, that just wouldn’t be Cricket! 10
Posted by ben tillman on Tue, 21 Jul 2009 14:39 | #
Or that they lack sufficient operative intelligence. Sometimes you seem to forget how much smarter you are than the average person. 11
Posted by John on Wed, 22 Jul 2009 10:58 | #
Do you consider this alternative ridiculous: that it could amount to a mere difference of opinion? 12
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 22 Jul 2009 14:42 | # Yes, it could amount to a difference of opinion. I chose my words carefully “Ignoring that advice… points to the likelihood” is not the same as saying “implies the likelihood”. Some signs are misleading but if you get enough of them pointing in the same direction, the likelihood of them all being misleading is slim. Also I did not say they were ignoring the advice. I don’t know what they are doing with it. So my detractors are wrong on two counts. Now, I’ll agree that if you don’t understand my advice to the BNP, you won’t see the sign at all because you won’t see the importance of the advice. That, too, is a “mere” difference of opinion. But let’s be clear: I don’t consider this a “mere” matter of opinion. As I said on another occasion:
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 22 Jul 2009 15:16 | # Fred, the difference is in the electoral systems. Even major third parties in the US are of virtually no importance except as spoilers in elections. Parliamentary systems are different. The circumstances of the economy coupled with the BNP’s recent minor victories present a unique opportunity. 14
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 22 Jul 2009 16:02 | # I don’t think admonishing the BNP is going to be effective. They’re in the heat of the battle now and unless they think they’re losing ground they’re unlikely to look for an A-bomb, V2 or Messerschmitt Me 262. The way to get their attention is another political party that is taking votes away from them. Its similar to, but not as severe as, the problem with Ron Paul’s “Campaign for Liberty”: I was active with them and won some substantial victories for them, but they can’t be bothered to follow through on their principles even though following their principles would mean a complete and rapid takeover of the political system of the US by the Republican Party. They have to compromise their principles because it is more important to maintain “solidarity” around “Austrian economics” than it is to follow the principles of liberty which would decisively win the war. It is quite literally unthinkable to them that sovereign individuals might not sign a social contract that obligated them to sacrifice themselves to protect the property rights of the wealthy:
—Ayn Rand In the case of Ron Paul, it is clear that The Campaign for Liberty is the cricket and its Ashkenazis are the gordian worm. In the case of the BNP, it isn’t as clear what is going on. 15
Posted by Mark I. on Wed, 22 Jul 2009 18:01 | # James brings up a good point: most of the “Libertarians” just believe as they do because one day they want to be ultra-wealthy plutocrats too. At which point, if any of them reach it, they will act exactly as our current Jewish overlords do. That’s the problem I’ve always had with GOP inclined people anyway. Too often they are greedy, Freemason types who would gladly sacrifice kith and kin for a few bonus shekels. The BNP does not seem cut from that same cloth. Hopefully their leadership comes to understand the necessity of being populists, something those in the GOP could never get through their thick skulls. 16
Posted by John on Thu, 23 Jul 2009 21:20 | # Sorry if this is off-topic but I noticed some people from here posting on Reading through threads there, I got the feeling there is something wrong with the editorial tone there. Can’t put my finger on it. Then I noticed how Jobbing used the Marxian-derived coinage, “leukophobia”, which really stuck in my craw. So I posted this. It says awaiting editorial approval. I hope he’ll publish it.
Posted by Q on Fri, 24 Jul 2009 23:44 | #
No doubt the “elitist judges” are either jews, or jewish subjects. 18
Posted by Q on Sun, 26 Jul 2009 17:15 | # Can anybody offer a guess as to what these are for? Perhaps preparation for a white backlash? I think we can rule out the possibility they were built for the massive deportation of 20 million illegal aliens. 19
Posted by Q on Sun, 26 Jul 2009 17:27 | # Of course those train cars probably are used for equipment transport purposes but their appearance sure makes one wonder. 20
Posted by Armor on Mon, 27 Jul 2009 00:16 | # ” The public, paying a pound apiece for the opportunity to vote, consigned the Negro contestant to “a distant third place,” but they were overruled by élitist judges ” The same thing happened last December in France. The “Miss France” election was broadcast on TV. Allegedly 520 000 phone calls were made to the TV station to cast the viewers’ votes, but the jury simply gave the title to its own candidate, who happened to be black. The black winner came out ninth in the phone vote. And yes, the president of the Miss France Organization is Jewish. 21
Posted by Lurker on Mon, 27 Jul 2009 02:32 | # Hoax Alert! Lets squash this one now. Those railroad cars, wagons as we call them here… They are Auto-Max car transporters, not unlike the double deck vehicles used for the Channel tunnel trains. Here for a video of them being loaded. Here is the company that builds them with more videos of them in use. A sub-contractor in their construction. More on Greenbrier, explains why the cars are described as Gunderson products. They dont seem to have any connection to KBR/Haliburton despite the assertions of the poster over at Rense. Finally, for the hobbyists amongst us, we can even buy model versions in N scale and H0 scale. It even says on the Rense page that its a hoax, though not very prominently. Of course they could be used for prisoner transport/holding but then so could any reasonably enclosed rail or road vehicle. 22
Posted by Lurker on Mon, 27 Jul 2009 07:45 | # And regarding Miss England: The girl who won the popular vote, she may look white in some pictures (and vastly hotter than the ‘winner’) but…read this. What her actual origins are I dont know. Presumably not British but maybe still European?
This picture and this one. In those she looks like many a white girl with a tan. Then there is her Facebook photo. Maybe partly asian? But Smale is an English name. Here she is again two years ago, for some reason her name was spelt differently then, perhaps because she was not yet aware of an actress called Zoe Smale. Look at the middle picture, not the face of a European girl. Here she is last year, still Zoe back then too. Where we read:
And those pictures, certainly ‘other’ there. Well, its been a terrible chore for me looking at all these pictures… 23
Posted by Q on Mon, 27 Jul 2009 12:16 | #
Oh yeah, Lurker, it must have been just awful. 24
Posted by John on Mon, 27 Jul 2009 13:28 | #
The best salesmen can sell ice to Eskimos or surfboards in Kansans but the real salesmanship challenge, one that only the best of the best might be up to, is to make Oprah Winfrey believe she looks good in a bathing suit. 25
Posted by Bill on Sat, 13 Feb 2010 09:35 | # Turning a blind eye on the campaign trail as BNP targets prize seat From The Times February 13, 2010 26
Posted by Bill on Sat, 13 Feb 2010 09:50 | # From The Times February 13, 2010 Invasion of the Body Snatchers - not really, just the BNP campaigning in Barking.
From Turning a blind eye on the campaign trail as BNP targets prize seat. The Times February 13, 2010 Post a comment:
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Posted by none on Mon, 20 Jul 2009 00:57 | #
GW, do you know whats going on here?
Gang attack, in sleepy a Cambridge village, seems unusual, is there more to the story?