Flashback to John Jay Ray saying Bowery Is An Economic Illiterate Shoveling Loads of Rubbish A little over a year ago, I wrote:
To which the [insert sarcastic honorific here] John Jay Ray replied:
To which I then replied
The [insert yet another sarcastic honorific here] John Jay Ray then queried:
There is more but I don’t think it is even necessary for me to provide links to current economic conditions, is there? What I should link to is an article describing the moral character of land barons—such as John Jay Ray—titled “Land Barons Committed Genocide Against Whites During the Peak of Boomer Fertility”. Comments:2
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 04:42 | # James, congratulations, you did call it! Amazing prediction a year ago, coming true now in the form of the sub-prime mortgage meltdown! 3
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 10:55 | # Congratulations, James, on your foresight, but the sub-prime disaster is a doleful proof of it, to be sure. This is a cautionary tale about much more than JJR’s economic forecasting. Its moral is that static expectations in a dynamic world turn out to be short-sighted and wrong. The liberal Establishments of all the Western nation states and, indeed, the complacent majorities of their native populations are, like JJR with his economics, extrapolating the racio-political future from the present alignment of forces, and not from their action. The politically correct and the merely bien pensant mentalities do not want to acknowledge a dynamic that must take things away from the settled pattern they have been able to establish. But even the nature of its establishment - legal and moral coercion - demonstrates that the nature of the beast is not to lie still. 4
Posted by Tommy G on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 13:37 | # “A little over a year ago, I wrote: There is reason to believe the start of the hyperinflationary collapse of Western Civilization is imminent—as in within the next year.” Settle down. Hyperinflation is not now, or anytime soon, going to collapse Western Civilization. The unethical hucksters that peddled gold use the notion of hyperinflation as a scare tactic in their sales pitch. Gullible customers buy the USELESS gold out of a sense of urgency (Other than aesthetic value, what good is gold? I mean, you can’t eat the stuff!). The salesman wins in the transaction because he walks away smiling with his or her commission payed in GREENBACKS. The customer is left holding a lump of metal for which he has to pay another commission in dollars in order to sell it. The truth is: Inflation is hovering somewhere around 2%. The Fed has reduced short term interest rates by 75 basis points in order to keep the economy growing. If inflation starts to rapidly increase, the Fed will be sure to raise interest rates; thereby, tightening the money supply which will curtail any upward inflationary pressures. The ‘sky is not falling’ on the U.S. economy. At least not in the foreseeable future. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aU2Wu_43TuMQ&refer=home 5
Posted by Red Baron on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 13:48 | # John William’s site: Shadow Stats reports an alternate data serious since the gov’t numbers are manipulated for political outcomes.. 6
Posted by john on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 16:06 | # TPTB have been planning and expecting this. They will use it as an excuse to merge the currencies of Mexico, Canada and the US. Then this (that they planned at least 30 years ago): http://tinyurl.com/22fa8k 7
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 16:54 | # Tommy G looks like the new JJR! Of course, he’s not going to leave his assets sitting around in a money market account at his local bank to be robbed of their value because he’s smart enough to have enough money to invest in things which are inflation-proof. How did he get this money? Only smart guys were born early enough to surf the wave of demand for real estate and jobs (hence supply of cheap white laborers trying to get home equity with both husband and wife working against a 19% mortgage) from the mid-boomers. I’m guessing Tommy is, like JJR, Clinton, Gore and Bush, someone born before 1950 who then helped younger whites fill to overflowing the dumpsters behind abortion clinics. Let me hazard another guess, Tommy: you’re sitting on some natural resource mutual funds weighted toward oil. This is, of course, despite the fact that you know hyperinflation will not become a problem. Its just that the price of oil is going up, most probably due to “gold peddlers” or something beyond my comprehension. With such smarts I’m sure you’ll explain why the “gold peddlers” over at the Financial Times who put forth this chart by Sempra Metals looked at a basket of currencies when the gold curve looks even better?: 8
Posted by Matra on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 17:46 | # About five years ago when I visited the US I got 62 cents for each Canadian dollar that I changed. Yesterday the looney (Canuck buck) closed at $1.07US. When you consider that 85% of Canadian exports go to the US and the US trades more with Canada than all the EU states combined that’s one heck of a change between the two currencies in a short period of time. 9
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 18:47 | # You do have to wonder what’s in the minds of the Jews who are turning the U.S. racially into Norte-Mexico on purpose (and trying to turn Europe into North Africa). Presumably it’s the real estate they want, at rock-bottom prices, as the industry won’t be worth a damn: they may simply want Lebensraum for Jews. They may be thinking, Euros have whole continents with different sorts of Euros living in them, divided into distinct Euro countries, and maybe Jews want that too: a whole continent where different sorts of Jews live, divided into distinct Jewish countries. Why does Israel have to be the only Jewish country while Euros get France, England, Germany, Italy, and Russia? Why can’t there be many Jewish countries and why can’t they be in places other than Palestine — North America for example? In order to get North America for Jews the land has to be cleansed of Euros. The combination of tactics Jews are employing toward that end, which include deliberately driving Euro birthrates through the floor and keeping them there, simultaneously filling the place to bursting with Mexes, Negroes, and all manner of other mystery meat, and getting laws passed subjecting Euros to draconian punishments if they refuse to adopt a sufficiently submissive posture toward Jewish-imported demographic mystery meat ought to get the land cleansed of Euros nicely, following which the Jews can dispose of the mystery meat they used to get the job done and occupy the land with homogeneous Jewish communities and nations. Could something like that be the Jewish game? 10
Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 19:22 | # About five years ago when I visited the US I got 62 cents for each Canadian dollar… Sounds like a good time to buy US bucks. 11
Posted by zusammen on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 19:29 | # That sounds probable, Fred. The land is much more important than the industries, all of which will dramatically change anyways whether we follow Kurzweil’s Accelerating Returns model or the Peak Oil route. Either way, hordes of manual labor will not be useful for anything because they will either be replaced by cheaper programmable automation or the economy will dramatically scale itself down where small localized communities cannot possibly sustain cultural diversity. 12
Posted by zusammen on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 19:39 | # It is also interesting to note that the most powerful Jews, not the more or less middle or low class ones, socially surround themselves with Nordic phenotype breeding material. It was interesting to catch a glimpse of a very powerful Jew’s offspring’s wedding with nary a single brown or black person anywhere to be found, but an abundance of Nordics literally crowding the traditional Jewish phenotypes. 13
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 01:48 | # Fred Scrooby is correct in thinking that the Jews wish to expand their US real estate holdings and this trend can be observed in the number of (formerly widely held) listed REITs which have been taken private by closely-held Jew-controlled investment funds, the biggest of such transactions being Stephen Schwarzman’s Blackstone Group purchasing Equity Office Properties Trust. Over the long-term, though, if one takes an historicist view then the Jews are likely to be correct in their bullish assessment of real estate’s safe-haven qualities. 14
Posted by torgrim on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 06:42 | # No doubt about ownership of prime land in California by Jewish interests. One of the best ways to transfer ownership of land from the pioneer class, to the Eastern Establishment, is to create a byzantine planning and building authority. In ten years fortunes are made! Those that were pioneers without connections, (as in, no clan nepotism) are forced out, due to dragonian rules for development and if that doesn’t work just get a mob to show up at a planning meeting, calling for, “open space”, of course at the founder populations expense….it helps too, if your Mob of college students gets credit from the social science professors, which guess what, are Jewish. California is being covered with, saltine box houses, on toilet paper square sized lots. They are ruining this once and almost gone, paradise,..... damn them! California is being trashed by the the Looter Tribes. 15
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 09:49 | # California is being trashed by the the Looter Tribes. Not exactly An Empire of Their Own - eh? The amazing thing was the rapid transplantation of a bunch of east European Jews, who were born within hundreds of miles of each other, to the same spot in southern California within the span of a few decades—all single-mindedly taking control of possibly the most biologically toxic technology ever developed: The projection of mass-produced motion picture images onto the retinas hence amygdalas of other populations. No FDA approval needed for any motion picture ever. How did they know Edison’s invention would be the most powerful mind-control drug in history—outstripping even their historic monopoly on mass religion? 17
Posted by Tommy G on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 13:53 | # James Bowery said: “Only smart guys were born early enough to surf the wave of demand for real estate and jobs (hence supply of cheap white laborers trying to get home equity with both husband and wife working against a 19% mortgage) from the mid-boomers. I’m guessing Tommy is, like JJR, Clinton, Gore and Bush, someone born before 1950 who then helped younger whites fill to overflowing the dumpsters behind abortion clinics.” Well, James, I certainly didn’t didn’t expect such a negative reaction from you. But that’s okay; it’s understandable how discussions can become a bit contentious when opinions differ on race, religion, and economics. Now, if I’m understanding you correctly, you’re saying the effect of 19% mortgage rates caused the dumpsters behind abortion clinics to fill up? I find your assertion both incredible and incorrect. As I see it, the main reason the dumpsters behind abortion clinics filled up is the result of the ‘Baby Boomers’ rejecting traditional family values and replacing them with libertinism. BTW—I was born in the late 1950’s, not pre 1950. >> “Let me hazard another guess, Tommy: you’re sitting on some natural resource mutual funds weighted toward oil. Wrong, most of my portfolio is in bonds and short term interest bearing instruments. As far as the stock portion of my portfolio, I’ve been taking advantage of the volatility as of late by moving money back and forth between stocks and money market funds. I don’t know for sure if hyperinflation will not become a problem. I just don’t foresee it happening any time soon. >> “Its just that the price of oil is going up, most probably due to “gold peddlers” or something beyond my comprehension.” Oil is going up in price due to three factors: Demand, supply, and - last but not least - speculation. Speculation has been getting out of hand as of late. Most experts say speculation alone has driven the price per barrel of crude up by as much as 33 to 38%. >> “With such smarts I’m sure you’ll explain why the “gold peddlers” over at the Financial Times who put forth this chart by Sempra Metals looked at a basket of currencies when the gold curve looks even better?:” With such smarts? Well, let me turn on the two watt bulb in my head and commence to rubbin’ together the two remaining braincells I have left and do some splainin. Looking at the chart you provided, I can’t help but notice it resembles an AC sine wave. Just like alternating current, the value of the dollar against foreign currencies is alternating between strenght and weakness . O couse, right now it’s in a very weak position. But as we can see on the chart, the weakness in the dollar is NOT unprecedented. If the pattern stays true, we will start to see an uptrend in the strenght of the dollar happening in the near future. I think you, like James Kramer, are overreacting to the sub-prime loan scandal. Also, your conclusion about the imminent collapse of Western Civilization being caused by hyperinflation is very premature. Let’s revisit the data on inflation and the value of the dollar a year from now. I’ll place my bets’ on inflation remaining under control. There may very well be a recession forth-coming, but I’m confident the Fed’s monetary policies will keep inflation relatively low—but only time will tell…. 18
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 15:39 | # The link in RJJ’s comment goes to a log entry today by James Fulford in the Vdare.com Blog. It is worth reading, for anyone interested in the H-1B scam. 20
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 17:09 | # Tommy G writes Wrong, most of my portfolio is in bonds and short term interest bearing instruments. Well at least your money is where your mouth is. Your being born in the late 1950s presents an interesting case. You really do come off as an early boomer (born pre-1950)—albeit from a religious upbringing which you never really left. The next most likely explanation is you’re the late boomer analog of the Viet Nam war vet inverted: Just as Viet Nam war vets were delayed in participating in the early boomer bonanza in sexual and economic exploitation by enough years that they ended up in dire social and economic straits (saved primarily by VA disability checks), there are some later boomers who, through special circumstances, got an early leg up on the real estate bonanza, perhaps even married well (probably within a religious or wealthy social milieu) and weren’t thereby crushed socioeconomically. If so they could thereby indulge in some of the moral vanities of the GI generation regarding the destruction of the vast majority of the later boomers. One of the favorites of the GI generation is that families were falling apart because the male boomers weren’t being faithful to their wives—which may have been a good generalization of many of the early boomer males (who weren’t Viet Nam vets) but certainly is an unfair, and self-aggrandizing, portrayal of what happened to male/female relations subsequent to the petals falling from the summer of love. 21
Posted by a quote on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 11:53 | # “It is a fucking visceral rush to see your ideas, your blog, your baby diffuse out and percolate up to the highest neurons in the nervous system. And at such a time it behooves us to thank our poor demonized blogfather, Steve. He’s been in the NYT before (e.g. Dirt Gap and so on), but they’ve never taken on the fundamental h-bd premise directly. Now they have. And even though he’s not mentioned by name, Sailer begat GC and Razib, and Razib/GC begat GNXP, and GNXP begat Malloy and (I believe) Half Sigma.” - Godless Capitalist 22
Posted by Tommy G on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 14:36 | # Re: James Bowery on Saturday, November 10, 2007 at 04:09 PM | # Let’s not forget the ‘drug culture’ that hit like a tidal wave in the sixties. It had allot to do with the socioeconomic problems baby boomers (especially Viet Nam vets) experienced. 23
Posted by Tommy G on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 14:49 | # This is off topic, but I’m wondering if any of the scientists and science buffs here can explain this strange phenomenon: 24
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 17:44 | # In regard to “a quote’s” comment: CG thinks the (Jewish-owned) New York Times, which functions as part of the media arm of the great XXth-Century (Jewish) race-denial/race-replacment enterprise, corresponds to “the highest neurons in the nervous system”? Hardly. (If anything it corresponds to the neurons controlling the rectum and the anal sphincter.) But as the NYT and GC do make a good pair, the comment was à propos. Tommy G, the drug culture of the ‘60s was deliberately hyped, consistently positively portrayed in ways designed to appeal to teenagers and college students, pushed, by the media. The media liked it, wanted it, worked to bring it about, and got what it wanted. The media pushing the drug culture on young people were largely Jewish controlled and their participation was part of the campaign of demoralization of the dominant Euro culture in this country, a campaign which has been named “the culture of critique” by Prof. MacDonald. (See the Yuri Bezmenov interview on the subject of “demoralization” as a strategy used against an enemy nation.) The ‘60s represented the maturation of Jewish cultural/political hegemony over the United States after decades of growth of Jewish power. It was a Jewish revolution analagous to the one in Moscow that put the Bolsheviks in power. The Jews didn’t achieve hegemony over everything but a conqueror never has to: just as where land armies are concerned, capturing the capital city is enough without having to capture all cities and towns, where this war was concerned, capturing key control points of the society was enough without needing to capture all of them. The other cities in the one case, and the other control points in the other, will follow in due course. India lived through a period of Mongol hegemony and so on, more recently of British hegemony. The U.S. is now living through a period of Jewish hegemony. Oops, did I say “living”? The U.S. is dying through a period of Jewish hegemony. If nothing’s done it will go extinct and something else will replace it, something the Jews find more congenial to their interests as they see them. Of course the Jews may not see their own interests more clearly than moths do who think flying into candle flames is the greatest thing since sliced bread, and the Jews do have a history of flying straight into candle flames, very much so — but that’s another story. In the meantime the Euros are such pitiful pieces of excrement they’re allowing all this to happen right under their prostrate noses in broad daylight. It’s a virus, a Jewish virus, and that’s all it is. It’s not “modernism”: there’s nothing whatsoever about the fact that we’ve arrived at “the year 2007,” supposedly “a modern year,” or are now in “the modern era,” that requires the Euro races to mix with the Negro races or whatever other mystery meat the Jews have on offer, and turn into another variety of Jewish-approved mystery meat. For some reason the Euro immune system doesn’t recognize the infection, so is lying dormant. It’s like AIDS. The Jewish disease that strikes Euro countries is exactly like AIDS. Not all Euro immune systems are prostrate before this nation-murdering virus. It struck Germany in the aftermath of Versailles but the National Socialists recognized it instantly. Because of catastrophic mistakes the National Socialists made, jaw-dropping miscalculations, they ended up annihilated by other Euros, ones whose immune systems were in this AIDS-like state of dormancy, this bizarre torpor. Tommy, in regard to your comment about quantum mechanics and the strangeness of the wave-particle duality: that whole subject is why Constantin shouldn’t be saying opposition to forced race-replacement can only flourish under a philosophy of thoroughgoing materialism. One thing wrong with thoroughgoing materialism is it’s not known whether matter engenders spirit (mind) or spirit (mind) engenders matter. The ultimate natures of matter and of energy are not understood. Henri Poincaré, in showing the two could be transformed into each other according to the formula E = m(c squared), even blurred the distinction between them, as did various developments that came after. In repeating that matter creates mind, Constantin is not talking about particles but the brain where, of course, he’s correct (he’s attacking those on “the right” who take the “nurture” side of the “nature-nurture” debate, apparently with Baron Evola in mind specifically). But the physics can’t be simply ignored, and physics in the year 2007 does not take a firm position in favor of thoroughgoing materialism. Constantin is also influenced by the Marxist notion of “materialism” but that was laid out in the 1800s before the blurring of the question brought about by XXth-Century physics which rendered the Marxist treatment of “materialism” obsolete. Constantin needs to get with the XXth and XXIst Centuries. 25
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 18:39 | # Tommy G seems perfectly capable of bringing up red herrings—there are so many options—but as I described in Deep Libertarianism: Human Ecology there is no way of sorting out all of these red-herrings without actual experimental validation. I’m perfectly willing to let Tommy G and his ilk go off to their own human ecology and play arbitrage games with the financial markets. I do not share their model of white ecology and I am genuinely terrified of their model since I perceive it as leading to Jewish takeover. I _really_ don’t want to argue with Tommy G and his ilk about this, not because I don’t think I’m right and they’re wrong, and not because I don’t think they’re worth salvaging, and not because I think we can’t sort out our differences short of experimental tests, but because I don’t think they want to get to the truth anymore than does a junkie about his habit. I just don’t see the point in discussing these things with them—even though they’re not nearly as set against the truth as the zeitgeist. My opinion is that guys like Tommy G are second rate whites. They’re better than third raters like JJR but they are second rate nevertheless. Jews prefer third raters as leaders (or worse) over white societies because they render the populous more debilitated and easier to exploit while the third rate (or worse) white leaders themselves are more dependent on their Jewish handlers hence more dependable, but if push comes to shove and things are really nasty, they’ll put up with second raters like Tommy G. At least then they they can gather wealth into nice harvestable central caches where they can then pick them off one at a time. As for quantum mechanics, my response may be somewhat off topic but get a load of this:
Posted by Tommy on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 21:44 | # Re: Fred Scrooby on Sunday, November 11, 2007 at 04:44 PM | # Yes, Jews were at the forefront in spearheading the counterculture revolution in the sixties. The introduction of drugs and free-love was the hook that lured in a large segment of the young adults. Their decision to participate in that destructive behavior has manifested itself into the moral decline of the Eurosphere. Another hallmark of those hippies (who are now college professors, politicians, and corporate leaders) was their fervent belief in racial egalitarianism—WHAT A BUNCH OF IDIOTS!!! We’re now forced to consume the rotten fruits of their destructive passions. Just as the leftists planned it. As far as your analysis of quantum mechanics and Constantin, it is pretty deep. I have to reread it and think about it for awhile before I can form an opinion. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ James Bowery said:“My opinion is that guys like Tommy G are second rate whites. They’re better than third raters like JJR but they are second rate nevertheless.” Well, James, or should I address you as, Your Highness? If JJR is such a third rate white, why are you so concerned about what he thinks about your level of expertise on economics? Especially when he no longer posts comments here? Why are you exhuming a comment he made a year ago? Is it only for the purpose of crowing about how he was wrong and your are right? For a first rate white like yourself, I find it quite odd you place a great deal of importance on a statement made by someone you consider to be a third rate white. The fact is, JJR was right when he told you you’re lacking in economic expertise. Maybe you should stick to doing what you do best. That being: repairing your neighbors broken computers. When it comes to economics, Your Highness: You simply don’t know, and you don’t know you don’t know. 27
Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 23:46 | # It is always interesting to observe capitalist societies in which the majority race isnt as adept at money-getting as an interloper minority group. The ability gap between Whites and Jews in this area isnt as huge as to render capitalism useless for our race’s purpose, unlike the situation in Malaysia and other parts of SE Asia, for example, where the ability gap between the indigenous Malay groups and the cupidity-driven Overseas Chinese is so vast that capitalism simply empowers the more intelligent minority while offering little (although more than was previously available) to the native majority. Of course, Western capitalism requires an overhaul and the Japanese model of neo-mercantilism which was emulated so successfully by South Korea and provided little or no avenue for participation by outlanders like the Overseas Chinese (despite close proximity) has served that country well. I am sure that Tommy G isnt much perturbed by gratuitous attacks engendered, inter alia, by economic jealousy. Like TG, I’m a Second Rate White (albeit in the upper 2nd degree category, according to Scotland’s oldest university) and I also take an active interest in investing for fun and profit, seeing few contradictions between participation in the free-enterprise system which so prospered White nations and a wish to keep those nations White. 28
Posted by a quote on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 00:32 | # “...GNXP begat Malloy and (I believe) Half Sigma.” And GNXP begat Majority Rights, but I believe that was an unplanned pregnancy. 29
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 01:21 | # The 1984 Yuri Bezmenov interview: very interesting for, among many other things, its discussion of how “demoralization” is unleashed against an enemy society through the agency of fifth columnists who are members of that society, in order to bring it down from within. Bezmenov goes on to explain how these fifth columnists are then kept on and used after the new régime takes over, provided they are cynics and not sincere believers, and executed or put in the gulag if they are sincere believers, since the régime knows sincere believers will turn quickly into malcontents once they see the reality of what they’ve worked to bring about, that they were lied to, and therefore cannot be tolerated. The cynics knew it was all a lie from the start, so don’t go through the malcontent phase and remain useful to the new overlords, so are kept on. The promotion during the 1960s, by the largely Jewish media, of degenerateness such as widespread drug use, Timothy Leary and his “turn on, tune in, drop out,” the breakdown of sexual morality, transcendental meditation, hippies, communes, women’s lib, the refusal of college students to subordinate themselves to professors and administrators, children refusing to listen to parents, the whipping-up of the Negroes against the whites by lying to them about completely non-existent “equality of the races” such that inequality of outcome must be due to whites rigging the system, and all the rest of it, was a conscious campaign of demoralisation of exactly the type described by Bezmenov, demoralization preparatory to the overthrow of the old WASP order in the U.S. by the Jews, an overthrow which did in fact go to completion in its essentials, bringing us the Jewish hegemony that has oppressed us ever since. The U.S. was heaven on earth for Euros under the old WASP hegemony and hell for Jews; it’s become hell for Euros under the new Jewish hegemony and heaven-on-earth for Jews. That’s why Jews and Euros should not live in the same country: what’s hell for one is heaven on earth for the other and vice-versa, and who needs that? Neither Jews nor Euros need that, so let them live apart from each other. 30
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 01:24 | #
LOL! 31
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 01:43 | # For any newbies: I’m not WASP. But the country I want to live in is the one we had under WASP hegemony. The Jews have ruined the place, turned it into a piece of crap, a nightmare. I absolutely DO NOT want to live in the new United States, under the post-‘60s Jewish hegemony. Everyone was better off under the WASP hegemony. No one but the Jews is better off under the Jewish hegemony — and not even all Jews at that: even many of them can’t stand the turn events in this country have taken since the Jews overthrew the WASPs in the ‘60s. Let the Jews exercise their hegemony over Israel, not over my country. The Jews are not able to give me or other Euros what we want in a country, in a society, and are not able to sustain the United States in existence. It’s going to die under their hegemony. Some of them certainly want that. Some don’t. Either way, let all understand that that’s what’s happening. And let the Euros understand that if they exert the most minimal backbone they’ll undo the damage the Jews have wrought and set things to rights. What in the world is holding them up??? 32
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 01:58 | # Look at Professor Finkelstein: one man against the Jews, against the full weight of the Jewish hegemony, fearless, determined, never wavering, never bowing the head to them or bending the knee, hounded out of every professorship he’s ever had by their agents, now in his mid-50s and still an assistant professor unable to obtain tenure anywhere because of the Jews backstabbing him the way they backstabbed Prof. Paul Gottfried, nay worse — but never for one instant would he consider giving up, consider abandoning his principles. The thought never even entered his head. I happen to disagree with Finkelstein in important ways, but his courage, integrity, and devotion to principle are in inspiration to all who witness the man. Why don’t we see Euro élites doing the same as Prof. Finkelstein? What’s wrong with them? Imagine how things would change if a thousand of them did? Simcox launched his Minutemen with a thousand volunteers and made a difference. Where are the thousand Euro academics to do the same and finally do something concrete about this nightmare we’re in? Don’t they want to avoid the violence that inevitably will result if they remain inert in their inexplicable passive stupor? That violence promises to be something horrific. Let’s do all we can to avoid it, shall we? Pray God we do! 33
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 03:18 | # Tommy G, will you come out with your true identity so you can be held accountable as more than an internet “identity”? 34
Posted by GT on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 07:05 | # “Why don’t we see Euro élites doing the same as Prof. Finkelstein? What’s wrong with them? Imagine how things would change if a thousand of them did?” With the exception of MacDonald Euros lose credentials, jobs, family, or go to prison: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/LAC.20071110.FROMM10/TPStory/TPNational/Ontario/ 35
Posted by a quote on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 11:15 | # Sailer’s practical sanity against Godless Capitalist’s hysterical triumphalism: http://isteve.blogspot.com/2007/11/i-dont-want-to-rain-on-parade-but.html 36
Posted by a quote on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 11:22 | # “I am sipping Cristal *right now*, compiler a compilin’ in the background, blasting We Takin’ Over by DJ Khaled. An appropriate track. Christmas came early this year. If I had an AK I’d be firing it in the air, waving it like I jus’ don’t care. “ - not a Westerner 37
Posted by a quote on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 12:22 | # “Here’s the thing—those guys from other cultures don’t have these hangups. They have the zeal, the belief in their culture—whether it be Ashkenazic or Islamic or Sinic or whatever—and they are willing to sacrifice and fight and lie and kill for it. If you don’t believe your country’s culture is better than another’s culture, why would you fight for the preservation of your culture? You wouldn’t. By saying that all are equal, you’re saying you have no preference for your culture over theirs. Those with a preference will replace your culture.” Posted by gc at November 7, 2007 A rewrite: If you don’t believe your race is better [for you] than another’s race why would you fight for the preservation of your race? You wouldn’t. By saying that all are of equal worth to you, you’re saying you have no preference for your race over theirs. Those with a preference will replace your race.” More GC: “I really, and make that double-really, don’t understand the agonies some people experience concerning the idea that there may be significant differences between population groups.” Perhaps GC should discuss that with David B. “Because a lack of IQ means the inability to take care of your own.” Does “own” mean race and ethnicity? ” Art and mountain climbing and basketball are way down the priority list if we’re talking Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. You need food, water, shelter. You need to establish a base level. Lest you think this is a trivial thing to manage, go to a Third World country some time. You’ll see that many people *can’t* manage it—and they are desperate to come to a country where people *can* manage to establish that base level of existence, where the feces aren’t in the streets and the mosquito is an annoyance rather than a vector of death. “ Sounds like the rationale used by South Asian immigrants to come to the West. “IQ is necessary to establish that base level. Without IQ, people starve to death. Without basketball playing ability, people just play other sports like curling or whatever. All skills are not of equal relevance for maintaining human happiness. “ Thus, the inherent value of a “high IQ” is the impact it has on “maintaining human happiness?” Doesn’t it then matter who exactly these “humans” are? Are they our “own?” 38
Posted by Tommy G on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 15:24 | # “I am sure that Tommy G isnt much perturbed by gratuitous attacks engendered, inter alia, by economic jealousy. Like TG, I’m a Second Rate White…”—Al Ross You’re absolutely right on that score, Al. In fact, I’m more tickled than anything else by JB’s comments; I’m not perturbed by them in the least. Too, Al, if someone of your caliber considers himself a Second Rate White, I feel more than honored to be placed in that rank.
James, you assign too much importance on my presence here. My identity was already revealed in the dozens of comments I’ve made at MR over the last six or so months . If you read them carefully, you’ll realize I’m a semi-literate, blue collar, working class dude who is very concerned with the fact that people of European decent are being ethnically cleansed off the planet. What is so frustrating/infuriating to me is the fact that anyone who tries to mount a defence against the ongoing ‘stealth genocide’ is acually being persecuted for it. What’s even more mind boggling about this, is the fact race realists are being persecuted by the very people we are trying to protect and preserve (those being gentile whites)! It all boils down to the fundamental principle: If you reward something you get more of it. Conversely, If you persecute something you get less of it. Anti-White liberalism is being rewarded within all the major institutions. While at the same time, even any hint of pro-White EGI is being viciously condemned and persecuted. I’ve always believed our task as race realists must be to persuade the masses of white people to reject Jewish inspired PC doctrine, and convince them that preserving their own race should be their first and foremost priority. The question is: How can this be accomplished? BTW, James, I understand why you’re PO’ed. If I spent my whole working life building a career only to be replace by an Asian immigrant who is willing to work for half the pay, I’d be PO’ed too. But you MUST get over it or it’ll eat you alive. Use your smarts and start your own company. Adapt, innovate, overcome. Staying resentful isn’t going to get you anywhere. Always look on the bright side of life! There are allot of people in the world that have it much worse than you, James. Here’s my pre holiday season gift to you: 39
Posted by required on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 15:25 | # reposted for a quote: Obviously you miss the difference between a European nation, which is the repository of an indigenous ethnic type, and a diaspora nation, with a different history and focus. “A different case” is in fact the entire point. America’s “focus” is different, how? We are a “proposition nation”? A “nation of immigrants”? Crossing the Atlantic renders EGI irrelevant? Please explain. 40
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 15:39 | # “Tommy G”, whoever he is, writes: My identity was already revealed in the dozens of comments I’ve made at MR over the last six or so months . If you read them carefully, you’ll realize I’m a semi-literate, blue collar, working class dude who is very concerned with the fact that people of European decent are being ethnically cleansed off the planet. Why so coy? What’s your name? 41
Posted by JWH on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 15:43 | # Yes, required, thanks for responding to “a quote.” Which I have been waiting for. Now, Matra can explain why his call for honest and ethical commenting policies apparently are directed only to me and to no one else. That’s not a rhetorical question; I actually expect an answer. Once I have the answer to that inquiry - and this is the second time I am asking - I can then respond to other questions of interest. First things first. 42
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 15:57 | # From the “Just Happened to See” department: Look at the corporate funding for Jesse Jackson’s organization. Every organization pushing subordination of whites to non-whites and outright race-replacement has a similar list of corporate backers. What exactly motivates these corporations to pony up? Is it that 60% of them have Jewish CEOs? That’s gotta be part of it (otherwise we’d be seeing a list just as long of corporate sponsors of David Duke, instead of the current zero for Duke), the rest being the way D.C. under the post-‘60s Jewish hegemony has been carefully rigged to facilitate successful billion-dollar race-discrimination lawsuits against major corporations by Jewish-backed Negro race-hustling shakedown artists, which “persuades” those outfits not headed by Jews to pony up as well. It’s a Jewish-run protection racket: the Jews of course have their fingers in all pies, certainly getting a share of what’s doled out yearly to Jackson’s outfit and all like it, and of course getting something like a third of the billions shelled out by the losing corporate defendants, in their role as the legal talent for the Negroes in these shakedown lawsuits. None of this income would be available to the Jews if they didn’t live in Euro countries, which is one reason they fight tooth-and-nail to be able to live in them, don’t want to move to Israel, and are deliberately NOT managing Israel like a real country but instead like some sort of power base: they don’t want people moving there and leading normal lives because Jews can’t make a living there. 43
Posted by required on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 15:57 | # In other words, JWH is unable or unwilling to defend his assertion. 44
Posted by JWH on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 16:01 | # No, in other words, this blog is hypocritical in its “standards.” I have in fact already prepared a defense of my assertion and will post it here. But, *first*, I “require” an answer to my question to Matra and Guessedworker. Matra and Guessedworker, an answer? Is the question so difficult? Please explain. 45
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 16:11 | # Fred, the structure of Jewish virulence is the key point to understand within the context of phenomena like hyperinflation. The virus analogy is correct and the HIV analogy is even more correct—but what is the analogy of entry to the body? HIV usually requires something highly pleasurable like sexual intercourse or drug injection. Entry to human ecologies is usually gained by Jews by offering the elites gold and that is the analogy to the highly pleasurable “exchange of bodily fluids” that sets off the HIV infection. The structure of Jewish virulence starts with concentrated wealth—frequently initiated by land clearances as with the Scottish lowland clearances proceeding under Henry VIII subsequent to the 1492 stealth invasion of Britain by Jews expelled from Spain and the start of their corruption of Henry VII’s court. In the US it involved the closing of the American frontier and the start of the long drawn out process of clearing the American Pioneer from his lands—Jews already in place—with wealth built up over the centuries subsequent to Cromwell’s wholesale and illegal admittance of Jews—to open up immigration right when the US should have ceased accepting any more immigrants. Only after the wealth has been so centralized that the yeoman class cannot resist do Jews then deprive the increasingly dispossessed Yeomen of their very mythic connections to their ancestors by media influence, be it an English translation of the Bible and sell-out protestant preachers, or be it motion pictures. By this time both elite politics and populous politics are coopted and academia falls. Once academia falls, all of the institutions of civilization become at best indifferent to the EGI of the nation. Paying much attention to the promotion of the drug counterculture or sexual libertines is sort of like obsessing over the purple splotches and anorexia of an AIDS patient. Now, where does hyperinflation play into this? It is the end game. This is one reason a key to Ron Paul’s platform is an audit of the gold in Fort Knox. 46
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 16:20 | # JWH, quote, required: What was the point of “quote” posting a quote from GC here in this thread? Is this sub-thread about Sailer, GC, etc. in any way reasonably direct way related to the original post? 47
Posted by required on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 16:25 | # Matra is not “this blog”. Matra is one poster at this blog. As far as I can tell, GW has more than tolerated your name changes as well as your petulance/whining. Feeling you were “hypocritically” singled out by Matra gives you no excuse for not defending assertions you’ve made on this site in the meantime. 48
Posted by required on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 16:31 | # James, Apologies for the off-topic posts. JWH is welcome to defend his claims in the appropriate thread, which he has so far failed to do. 49
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 21:06 | # Conrad Black has now weighed in on the side of Ron Paul vs Bernanke in today’s New York Sun editorial:
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 21:43 | # One hopes Lord Black is a contributor to Paul’s campaign. 51
Posted by DavidL on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 01:08 | # Tommy G I enjoy your thoughts here even if many don’t When you said: I could not agree more ! Have a great Thanksgiving, a Merry Christmas and a great New Year ! You too JB ! 52
Posted by Tommy G on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 23:17 | # “I enjoy your thoughts here even if many don’t “—DavidL Thank you for the kinds words, David. And I wish you and yours a bountiful Thanksgiving, a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. As for James Bowery, I was just trying to be polite and offer the shit-head some good advice. 53
Posted by zusammen on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 00:20 | #
That sounds like good advice. We don’t live in a world of options because they have been legislated out of existence so business may reign without interference from other ideas. Instead, we live in an age of merchants. Unfortunately, whites bought into individualism during the course of recent centuries and no longer band together for common interest. None of the competing EGIs experience this handicap because they do not share our genetically unfit historic development. The only open option is to network into a carefully subversive merchant class, as the main competing EGI has done, or die isolated and disgruntled. 54
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 00:53 | # Selentag isn’t for another month and your real names are still unknown. 55
Posted by John Ray on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 10:45 | # What was all that about? WHERE is the recent explosion in inflation? JR 56
Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 06:30 | # Oh, you’re right… when I said “first signs of hyperinflation” I must not have meant what I said—which was that a the Fed, driven by a mortgage market catastrophe, would, out of desperation, lower interest rates despite seeing inflation. I must have meant that we would see immediate price increases in life’s essentials—not things like land, oil and food. Stuff like: “Devoted Customer Upset Jimmy Dean Downsized Sausage 16oz To 12oz But Charges Same Price” (Hilarious audio, by the way) “New Parkay, Now With More Air and Less Margarine” “Dial Full Force Soap Bars Now 10% Smaller” “New, Taller Honey Nut Cheerios Box Is 1.5 Oz Lighter” Must be taken as signs of nothing more than slight belt tightening in the face of a moderately devalued dollar reaching for a healthy exchange rate for domestic employment—and the Fed’s normal response to such price hikes, raising interest rates, is being foregone here because, uh… well… you know… uh…. DUHHHHH…. Post a comment:
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Posted by Voice on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 04:09 | #
What an old fool JJR was. Thanks for reminding us.
It was kinda of fun running him out of here though