Foreign Operative Directs US Homeland Security to Study Why “Homegrown Terrorism” Arises

Posted by James Bowery on Saturday, 27 October 2007 02:54.

A Jewish woman:
somehow ended up the chair of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Intelligence, Information Sharing and Terrorism Risk Assessment, despite being exposed as a probable agent of a foreign country—you’ll never guess which foreign country (unless you need to be sent to a mental institution for mandatory treatment of your paranoia which is so severe you’ve become a danger to yourself and others—so watch yourself).

So what does this Jewish woman do with her power to make us more “secure”? 

She establishes a “National Commission on the Prevention of Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism” to study and report “who and how someone could become radicalized to the point of inflicting mass casualties on their neighbors and communities”.

Wouldn’t it be poetic justice if the minute Bush signs this into law, a violent revolution erupts?  I know—not likely—but I’ve been training a dog to behave himself recently and it does seem that I have to follow the target behavior very quickly with reinforcement for our communication to succeed.

Fortunately, humans have evolved this little thing called language to communicate more efficiently—or at least that’s what we hope it does…. so here goes:

Hey, B*tch, let me save you the effort and the taxpayers much money, confusion and persecution:

Its “people” like you.

You with your paranoid control freakish demands of “Is it safe?  Is it safe?  Is it safe?”

Inquisitions which you then project:
Project, literally as well as figuratively, onto the retinas, hence amygdalas, of our people in a never ending stream of Big Lie after Big Lie.

So now, you have helped your tribe acquire what it so compulsively and skillfully sought: More and more control over more and more aspects of society.  The result?  To quote Dustin Hoffman:

“It’s not safe.”




Posted by 2R on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 03:58 | #

I’ve been expecting this.  The power structure has plans for a North American Union.  This union will cause a loss of thousands of jobs.  All the White men and really, blacks too who work in the construction industry are soon going to be competing with cheap mestizo labor.  The remaining manufacturing jobs, along with the dock workers will see their jobs leave as well.  Whites working in the high technology field will have to compete with H1b visa holders along with racial quotas.  The rate of rapes on White women and children will skyrocket.  Neighborhoods and community schools will be overcrowded and dangerous.  White historical and cultural icons will be demonized. 

All of these happenings will cause a rise in White racial politics.  The power structure knows this and has been planning accordingly.  The biggest danger to the Globalists ambitions is a rise in White racial awareness.  Because of this, we will see the following measures taken:

1.  The Internet will be censored.  This will be accomplished by pressuring Internet companies to suspend Internet access to “Hate groups.”  A Hate group will be defined using the ADL’s scale of labeling anyone to the right of Ted Kennedy a “Hate group.”

2.“Hate speech” Laws will be enacted just like in Europe and Canada.

3.  Stricter gun laws will be passed.

4.  Universities, corporations, and other institutions will be forced to adhere to more “diversity.”  This will be accomplished with “civil rights” groups pushing lawsuits and boycotts on organization that don’t comply.

5.  The media will start a campaign similar to what we seen during the lead-up to the Iraq war.  The public will be warned about a rise in “Hate groups” that are nothing more than “White men who are losers and can’t compete in a fair and equal society.”  Every news show will feature such a segment.  “Conservatives” like Bill O"Riley and Sean Haniity will rail “against Hate” and assure the public that “the principles of Ronald Reagan have nothing to do with hate.

6. School children will be told that the “horrible” White guys they keep hearing about on the news are naziswhowanttokillsixmillionjews. 

7. The family television hour will feature shows highlighting the joys of interracial sex.

8. While the rate of crime committed against Whites will rise, the news will only show crimes against non-whites by whites.  If there are none, they’ll just make them up like the Jena six incident.

Many of you are saying “but most of this is already happening.”  This is true but it will intensify.  The times we are living in have been planned for for years and every contingency has been thought out.  The enemies of humanity are sharpening their swords to stick in the wombs of our women.  They have one group of people that must be disposed of and that is us.  The question is:

Will the Men of the West rise to this challenge and overcome the race-replacers or will they go out for chicken wings and beer and watch the football game?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 07:51 | #

2R’s comment hits the bullseye, as usual.  One minor point, however, in regard to his last sentence:  the responsibility for the awaited uprising rests not with Euro Joe Sixpack but with Euro élites:  Joe Sixpack can’t lead; the élites have to.  The Euro élite failure so far to rise up is explained partly by Jewish media control stifling each of the four C’s that are necessary for peaceful élite revolution:  conscious consensus; coördination; coalescence.  The two-pronged Jewish media strategy of absolute exclusion and absolute demonization whenever exclusion fails stifles any élite revolution the same way a fire-extinguisher stifles flames threatening to spread, so a larger conflagration can’t happen.  The Euro élites can see the Jews controlling the media have upped the ante by spraying their fire-extinguisher on every little spark, but apparently are not yet ready to make the bigger effort required to overwhelm the fire-extinguisher.  Had this Jewish media strategy not been in effect, a peaceful élite revolution would already have taken place.  The Jews don’t want a revolution, peaceful or otherwise, because as they see things, that would lead to Jewish amygdalas getting re-programmed instead of Euro ones.  The Jewish media controllers refuse to permit that, so they ill-advisedly screw down the lid on the pressure cooker ever tigher rather than turning the flame down and letting some steam escape by permitting the beginnings of fair discussion then by dealing rationally with the consequences (the consequences being that Jews and Euros have to live in separate countries because what makes one happy makes the other miserable and vice-versa).  Leaving the flame on under the pressure-cooker and tightening the lid is a futile strategy for the same reason as in your kitchen:  the pressure cooker is going to blow.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 08:00 | #

In other words, let’s just forego the re-programming of any group’s amygdalas, by the simple expedient of Jews and Euros living in different countries.  The Jews don’t like that idea because they’re not free-standing but have to stand on someone — on us, for example — to be strongly viable and make money.  Euros are free-standing and can live on their own.  Jews apparently can’t.  (Israel is not a counterexample:  it’s not being run as a normal country, nor are the international Jewish élites going to permit it to be, apparently.)


Posted by 2R on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 09:44 | #

“One minor point, however, in regard to his last sentence:  the responsibility for the awaited uprising rests not with Euro Joe Sixpack but with Euro élites:  Joe Sixpack can’t lead; the élites have to.”

While I recognize that every great people has a natural aristocracy, one thing I believe strongly is that many of the so called “Euro Joe sixpack’s” that you refer to are a part of this elite but don’t realize it yet.  Only 4 years ago, I was a highly qualified “Euro Joe sixpack.”  I bit hook line and sinker the idea that the “IslamoFacists” were about to take over Western Civilization.  I thought highly of “our great Jewish allies” and can even remember believing that it was Americas duty to defend “the only democracy in the Middle East.”  Ten years ago, when I left high school and went to college, It was even worse.  My major was sociology and I can still remember writing a paper on the so called “Cycle of Poverty.” 

While I was a slightly confused young lad, there were still small signs that only today I realize were implicit feelings of racialism.  I remember always rooting for the White basketball players and White athletes in general.  I used to sit mesmerized in front of the TV whenever a documentary came on about the National Socialists.  When I joined the military I started reading heavily for the first time in my life and for some reason was naturally drawn to books about the Wehrmacht. 

So without boring you with my life’s story, my point is there’s a lot of our brothers and sisters out there who have the spirit of leadership and greatness inside of them but who’s yet to realize it.  A very wise man once spoke of a hero living inside of us that can only be unleashed once the opportunity arises.  We may go through most of their lives without knowing it but one day it comes out and can never be suppressed again.  Racial awakening is the highest form of personal liberation for the individual and the nation.  I’m very optimistic and confident in our peoples abilities.  We’re going to see in our lifetime, men and women stand up who will be the subjects for the historians of the future.  I look at us today as the little snow ball that’s only beginning to roll down the hill.  The force and size of this snowball will increase as more of our people become attached to it.  Of course, there will always be those who are completely lost and as a result, who’s kin will never walk with ours in 500 years when mankind reaches the next galaxy. 

Our enemies understand our peoples greatness better than most of our people do.  As another wise man pointed out, our enemies have been like parasitical anthropologists studying our every strength and weakness for the last 2000 years.  Their strength is exemplified perfectly in the “Big lie” that you referred to above.  Unfortunately for them, they’ve already reached full utility regarding their strength while we’re just beginning to get started.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 13:47 | #

From what I can find on that Wikipedia link, James, Mrs Harman is Armenian by birth, not Jewish.  But she is married to a Jew.


Posted by Rep. Jane Harman (D), Jewess on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 14:44 | #

Jane Harman, U.S. Representative
State: California, District 36
Party: Democrat
Birthday: Jun 28, 1945 / 62 years old
Religion: Jewish


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 15:14 | #

“Of course, there will always be those who are completely lost and as a result, whose kin will never walk with ours in 500 years”  (—from 2R’s true and inspiring follow-up comment)

Gemma Atkinson, for example.  Poor girl, she’s lost.  Raised without a father in the home perhaps?  But whether or not that’s the case with this one or with Heidi Klum or the other high-profilers in this situation, this sort of behavior on the part of clueless uncorrected-by-dad white girls was to be expected once dads were eliminated as a necessary part of the family or driven out of the home if already playing their proper role there:  the other side didn’t want white dads in homes effortlessly undoing with a mere word or glance its years of painstaking K-through-12 race-mixing propaganda:  billions were invested in that propaganda ... billions?  try trillions ... and the other side’ll be damned if it’s going to see it go to waste thanks to some Aaron-Tippin-listening deer-hunting morality-upholding decency-teaching example-setting daughter-loving white male Nascar fan.  Get that guy out of the picture!


Posted by Duncan Tyyne on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 16:12 | #

Several years ago I was walking down a main thoroughfare in a trendy Chicago neighborhood.  I passed a very attractive blonde who was walking in the opposite direction with a Negro alongside her.  The Negro was doing most of the talking, and I could tell by his eyes and body language that he was trying to flirt with her, in his way.  I thought I detected some irritation in her face and voice, and perhaps even alarm.  I paused and actually wondered if I should do something to help the blonde.  I couldn’t tell whether the Negro was someone she knew or if he had just approached her on the street and began babbling (anyone who knows Shitcago knows such occurrences are not uncommon there).

I didn’t end up intervening - I might have had the wrong impression all along, it was broad daylight, and I don’t think all those metropolitan liberals out and about that summer day would’ve taken my side had I gotten into a scuffle with the Negro.  It was a significant moment of awakening for me, though, because at that time of my life I didn’t consider myself a racialist at all.  There was something primal and instinctive about my urge to protect that white woman.

Well, that’s my story - the question we’re left with is: How can the Heidi Klums and Gemma Atkinsons of the world do it?  What do they find attractive in coal-black skin, simian facial features, and terrible apocrine gland stench?


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 16:19 | #

GW, although I don’t consider that detail to be all that important (except perhaps for purposes of DNA sampling/treatment) given my working hypothesis regarding extended phenotypes of the Y chromosome’s territoriality, there is reason to believe a DNA sample of Jane Lakes’ aka Jane Harman’s would turn up Jewish correlation structures.  From the Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College:

Jane Lakes Harman was born on June 28, 1945 in New York, New York, to Dr. and Mrs. Adolf and Lucille (née Geier) Lakes. Her father, born in Poland, emigrated from Germany to the United States in the 1930s to escape Nazi Germany. Her mother, whose family had emigrated from Russia, was born in the United States and was the first in her family to attend college. The Lakes family moved to Los Angeles in 1949, where Dr. Lakes cultivated a successful medical career. Harman attended public school in Los Angeles and graduated from University High School in 1962.

Fulfilling her mother’s dream, Harman attended Smith College, graduating in 1966 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in government with honors. An active resident of Tyler House during all four years at college, Harman was President of the Young Democrats Club during her senior year. After finishing at Smith, Harman went on to attend Harvard University School of Law and graduated in 1969 with her Juris Doctorate (J.D.). Later that year she married her first husband, Richard Frank. They have two children, Brian, born in 1973, and Hilary, born in 1975….

Moreover, the Wikipedia entry does not state that she is of Armenian heritage.  But as I said, it isn’t that important to the content of the post—she is still expressing Jewish group extended phenotypes and intensively so.


Posted by Red Baron on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 16:42 | #

Of “Unknown antecedents” is a generous description.

Regardless, she is typical of the class of traitors and creeps that populate the upper and middle layers of the political class.

Interesting find.


Posted by hammerofyod on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 20:13 | #

It says “Gore Lieberman” in Hebrew on the T-shirt. That sums up modern American politics very nicely.


Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 01:49 | #

Perhaps if Lieberman made a trip to Pamplona next July 6th, a worthy bull might oblige.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 02:51 | #

That’s assuming the bull can read Hebrew, Al (or did you mean as payback for the way Kosher slaughter is done? ...)


Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 03:53 | #

Well, Fred, some animals may be smarter than humans at identifying enemies by their clothing :


Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 03:57 | #


Posted by TJR on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 04:44 | #

I visit here, ocasionally comment and sometimes learn a thing or two.  I agree with the assesment on the situation and what is being done to whites and what the enemies of the white race have in mind.  But what the fuck can I do about it?  I am not trying to be rude or confrontational.  I am asking just as a regular white guy.  It kills me to see what is going on, but I feel powerless to do anything except keep my head down and make sure that me and mine are safe.  Honestly, should I plan for armed conflict?  I think I am pretty well prepared for that if things come to that end.  I have military experience and am no stranger to shots fired in anger.  But what can I do on a personal level?  If anyone can let me know, I would appreciate it.  And if I haven’t been clear, please let me know.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 05:05 | #

TJR, just continue to support non-violent change.


Posted by 2R on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 08:47 | #

TJR, stay away from anyone who talks about war or fighting the government.  Think about it, you would have to be stupid to take on the most powerful military in the history of the world.  Most people who talk about violent overthrow would be the first ones running when it all went down.  NO, we will win based on superior ideas, not on superior firepower.  We are more powerful with our ideas than we could ever be with guns.  Now, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be prepared for a financial or environmental collapse.  You should have at least 3 months worth of supplies and food and water in your house.  You should also have a couple thousand dollars in Gold in a safe.  I would also recommend not living in urban areas.  Hopefully this collapse will never happen but its best to be prepared.  The only thing you can do now is continue to educate yourself and talk to people you know about what we’re facing.  More White people are waking up every hour to the dangers of multiculturalism.  We need to to supply the proper leadership for these people.  People really don’t like fighting or war no matter how mad they are.  Just speaking the truth is much more impressive than any kind of threats can ever be.  So keep learning, speak the truth, and be the best you can at what ever you do.

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