French Court Rules: No Such Thing As Indigenous French

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 15 December 2015 22:33.

Diversity Macht Frei:

Court rules: ‘No such thing as indigenous French’

The “white French called “de souche” [of stock, or indigenous] do not constitute a “group of persons” in the sense of French law, confirmed the court of appeal in Paris, in a case in which an association confronted a rapper and a sociologist.

The Alliance générale contre le racisme et pour le respect de l’identité française et chrétienne (Agrif) [General Alliance for the respect of French and Christian Identity] had filed suit against a rapper and a sociologist who have jointly published a book and a CD in 2010 both called “Nique la France” [Fuck France], for racial insult and incitement to hatred.

The Correctional Tribunal in Paris had acquitted the two accused on 19 March 2015, but the association appealed, an appeal that related only to the civil provisions of the judgement.

The Correctional Tribunal considered that the idea of Français de souche [indigenous French] “does not correspond to any legal, historical, biological or sociological reality,” that “whiteness or the white race” is not “in anyway way a legal component of the quality of French people” and that “white French people called ‘de souche’ do not constitute a ‘group of persons’ in the sense of the law of 1881 on the freedom of the press.

In France, the Jews agitated for legal provisions that would allow them to bring lawsuits based on the concept of group defamation. This is now the main source of the hate speech tyranny that prevents the islamisation of the country from being honestly discussed. But it seems these laws apply only to the privileged ones, not to Europeans.



Posted by Jewish/Islamic Voting "Block" on Wed, 16 Dec 2015 00:36 | #

They recognized their own enough to form a Jewish/Islamic “voting block


Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wed, 16 Dec 2015 02:26 | #

People now should stop talking about that block as though it is only theoretical, since this is now a concrete electoral example of it really genuinely existing in practice.

Shortly to follow will undoubtedly be values-pandering as well, as the Jews and Muslims will start to increasingly arrive at a kind of informal agreement to tolerate regressive and reactionary ideas on gender relations and sexual so-called ‘morality’. It will be similar to how the Jews in the United States were able to play both sides of the table by promoting Christian Evangelical nonsense at all times while simultaneously speaking against those things in the media.

The net outcome will be a retardation of European political culture, it will step backwards toward the kind of nonsense that typified the American political atmosphere in the early 1990s. Unlimited distractions with the concerns of a so-called ‘moral majority’ which in Europe’s case will be actually a minority of Muslim idiots, much like how the United States has a vocal minority of Evangelical idiots who are characterised as ‘moral majority’ as well.

And they will all be preaching anti-racism while doing it.

The nightmare is now beginning, and hopefully everyone will be strong enough to cut through it and keep the focus firmly on what is most important.


Posted by Franklin Ryckaert on Wed, 16 Dec 2015 09:12 | #

If you want to destroy a group, first deny its existence, hence they can claim no rights and will become easy prey for destruction. The Jews practise this on the Palestinians and they practise it on us.


Posted by Mick Lately on Wed, 16 Dec 2015 12:21 | #

They might Newtralize us, disinvent us - and with the black-seeds-of-vengeance arc vault there will be hot spurts of white genocide thrown in.

And what frowsy technocratic propaganda with Tim Peake going into space.

Behold the “implicit whiteness” of the space programme!

Sly Jews (aka Sky News) showed footage inside the London Science Museum and so, so many of the schoolchildren were not British!

But we must get a new generation of “British” children interested in “science”

Perhaps whites are not of this Earth! Tim Murdoch has discussed this potential ploy in the White-Genocide playbook on a Red Ice Radio interview.

Perhaps panspermia will be used to justify panmixia


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 16 Dec 2015 13:51 | #

Yeah, well, those are some of the problems with Murdoch:

Too much right-wing compromising eclecticism, crazy, speculative views and conspiracy theories for the sake of mere popularity (after garnering said audience, “we” can direct them to the “real thing”?).

In this bugser theory of popular appeal there is:

1) Too much kooky conspiracy theorizing - space babble and such; usually tucked-in at the end of a discussion otherwise 80% useful.

2) right-wing eclecticism - lets not name the Jew (pink rabbits instead)

3) lets not offend Christians and, by the way

4) “We’, the enlightened”, know Hitler was perfectly right in all ways, that all negative accusations made against him were a “hoax”, but… wink, wink…the only reason to not boldly proclaim allegiance to him is because people just won’t understand right away after all that Allied false propaganda and conditioning; or because their feelings may be hurt - but we can bring them around, slowly, after we soften them with some conspiracy theory, Christianity and pink rabbits; it is not that Hitler could’ve been mistaken in anyway - course not - and why would we chase away popular audience by disabusing those determined to believe that he was the best thing since sliced bread?

Hitler was so perfectly righteous in his disposition to all Whites that they will have to understand it once we show them “the truth”; and the Jews would never use something like that to divide and conquer Whites.


Posted by Patrick Le Brun at RI on Thu, 17 Dec 2015 10:31 | #

Discussing French politics etc:


Posted by Mick Lately on Thu, 17 Dec 2015 14:43 | #

Here’s an example of the propaganda that comes through the conduit of The Anti-Irish Slimes:

“The mirror image of these fanatics is the European far right. Politicians such as Marine Le Pen and Victor Orbán are equally eager to see their societies cleansed of ethnic and religious diversity. Prominent figures in Le Pen’s Front National (though not her personally) have even touted the theory of a “great displacement” whereby Muslims will gradually outbreed white Christians in Europe unless they are first deported en masse.

That cruel vision is paradoxically shared by IS who wishes to impose a tyrannical caliphate across the Middle East, north Africa and southern Europe. With Friday’s attacks, IS has become the far right’s most potent ally. As at the end of George Orwell’s Animal Farm, the pigs and humans are now on the same side.”


Posted by Mick Lately on Tue, 29 Dec 2015 14:16 | #

“Migrant communities did not compete with the original Irish. They became the Irish.”


Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wed, 30 Dec 2015 06:30 | #

Mick Lately wrote:

Here’s an example of the propaganda that comes through the conduit of The Anti-Irish Slimes:

“The mirror image of these fanatics is the European far right. Politicians such as Marine Le Pen and Victor Orbán are equally eager to see their societies cleansed of ethnic and religious diversity. [...]

Irish Times wrote:

[...] Noisy bars and restaurants, many of them run by people of north African extraction, share the same streets as Islamic bookshops and boutiques selling headscarves. In a scene reminiscent of Giovanni Guareschi’s satirical Don Camillo novels about religious and political squabbling in postwar Italy, the Omar mosque sits directly opposite a communist-affiliated trade union hall and a municipal cultural centre. [...]

Interesting find, Mick. I’m going to use some hyperbole to make a point here, so get ready for an unorthodox argument.

I think that what’s truly ridiculous about the narrative being forwarded by the Irish Times, is that you can see how the writers believe in nothing and stand for nothing, and how they themselves are even aware that they believe in nothing and stand for nothing.

After all, the call for ‘religious’ tolerance—the tolerance of moralising reactionaries—in the 10th and 11th arrondissements of Paris, is really a call for those entertainment-based arrondissements to become nothing. If an Islamic bookshop is built next to a lot of buildings which contradict the kind of world that such a bookshop seeks to promote, then what has been created? An inconsistent mess, that’s what.

Even a supposedly ‘dystopian’ vision of nothing but places of idle entertainment as far as the eye can see, has more of a sublime and coherent quality to it than a complete muddle of a place that has no discernible character at all.

That’s why I believe it’s even possible for a human being to feel more ‘uplifted’ walking through a completely-extreme ‘commercialised’ zone like Pattaya in Thailand (whatever that might even mean in a world that runs on money anyway—note that the youtube link I’ve embedded under the text as an example there is definitely ‘not safe for work’), than in any of the places that the liberal multiculturalists and integrationists aspire to create inside Europe’s cities.

That is not to say that the trend should be entirely beyond criticism, but the main point is that Pattaya district is consistent and honest with itself.

That is an actual sign that exists in Pattaya, and it’s apparently not the only one. And those kinds of signs exist for a reason.

But I know what liberal multiculturalists and integrationists are thinking. They are thinking: “Those racist South East Asians, how come they trust white people to look and not touch, but they don’t trust Arabs the same way?” Perhaps it’s a mystery. Or perhaps it’s really obvious.


Posted by Front National Activist Murdered on Thu, 12 May 2016 23:27 | #

Front National activist murdered by anti-fa

Apparently, there hasn’t been much written about it on English media. Here’s a summary from an 8chan thread:

  About one week ago Luigi Guardiera a young nationalist have been beaten. He was in the unconscious since the attack and died yesterday in hospital. The attack was premeditated, the murderer puncture the tires of his car and beaten him to death before leaving him for dead. Of course there is barely no coverage of this and the (((medias))) who does side with the murderer.

  Luigi Guardiera was a candidate for the Front National its likely a politcal assassination.

  I wanted to share this with /pol/, don’t forget there is peoples in Europe who give there life to fight our corrupted governments.

  May he rest in peace.


Posted by William of FN on Sat, 18 Nov 2017 18:45 | #


Posted by "Frenchmen" discovering innovative farms on Fri, 01 Dec 2017 17:30 | #

France 24, “The Frenchmen’ discovering France’s most innovative farms”





Posted by "Classifying by race is a form of racism" on Mon, 16 Jul 2018 18:15 | #

(((Julia Ioffe)))

“Here’s the problem, classifying people according to race and ethnicity is a form of racism.”


Posted by Emmenuel Macron: "There are no genuine Frenchmen" on Mon, 03 Sep 2018 13:34 | #—There are genuine traitors and, in my opinion, Emmanuel Macron is one of them.


There are, however, no genuine Frenchmen or Danes according to Emmanuel Macron.

The French president and avid anti-Western globalist made the assertion at the consternation of patriotic Frenchmen (and Frenchwomen) including not a few notable statesmen.

From Breitbart

French politicians have reacted with anger after Emmanuel Macron asserted that “true” Frenchmen and Danes “do not exist”, and attacked the people he rules over as stubbornly resistant to change while on an official visit to Denmark.

The French president made the remarks while on a three-day tour of Denmark and Finland, where he is hoping to establish a “progressive arc” of nations supporting his vision of a globalised EU superstate, which would revolve around a liberal conception of human rights, ahead of European Parliament elections next year.

Speaking before a gala lobster dinner on Wednesday, at which Denmark’s Queen Margaret was in attendance, Macron praised the Scandinavian nation as one which is “completely open to the rest of the world” compared with a France whose people he said showed a “Gaulish stubborn resistance to change”.




Posted by Electre on Wed, 05 Sep 2018 16:06 | #

#1/ #MacronGate : the State-shaking scandal


Posted by Former French President's "biggest regret" on Wed, 17 Oct 2018 16:45 | #

Occidental Observer, 15 Oct 2018:

“Family Reunification Is Former French President Valéry Giscard d’Estaing’s ‘Great Regret”

French President Valéry Giscard d’Estaing

Valéry Giscard d’Estaing was the center-right president of France between 1974 and 1981, a bit more of a liberal than a conservative. Giscard presided over the consolidation of continuous postwar Afro-Islamic immigration. His biographer, Éric Roussel, has recently revealed that the institution of family reunification is the “great regret” of his presidency:

Family reunification is his great regret, which was decided by a simple decree by [his prime minister] Jacques Chirac in 1976. . . . The idea of letting immigrants’ families come seemed, at the time, to be natural. The massive increase of immigration from Muslim countries however proved deeply divisive. Raymond Barre incidentally suspended [the decree] three years later [as prime minister], before the Council of State [France’s highest court] annulled this decision arguing that family reunification was now one of the general principles of law.

We note here the revolutionary redefinition of the law by the courts, in effect declaring restrictive immigration policies illegal. This is scandalous in light of public opinion’s hostility to immigration and the fact that there is no evidence that immigration restriction, especially to preserve national identity, is in any way incompatible with France’s founding Republican principles. In June of this year, France’s highest court similarly declared a “principle of fraternity” whereby it was declared unconstitutional to prosecute someone for housing illegal immigrants. The courts are betraying the very constitution and law they have sworn to uphold.

Giscard, now aged 92, has said that he regrets enabling chain migration into France:

The idea [of family reunification] was right and generous in itself. . . . But it was applied badly and I was wrong to not have monitored its implementation more closely; I am therefore responsible. . . . We aimed for the core family as we understood it and we saw the arrival of completely different family cores.


In all this, Giscard is typical of an entire generation of postwar European politicians who felt that the Afro-Islamization of Europe was a mistake and yet did nothing to prevent it. German conservative chancellor Helmut Kohl, for instance, had also considered repatriating half of Germany’s Turkish population in the 1980s. German social-democratic chancellor Helmut Schmidt similarly said in retirement that Turkish immigration had been a mistake.

Enoch Powell’s famous phrase comes to mind:

“All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.”

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Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Fri, 22 Nov 2024 00:28. (View)
