French “Intellectuals” turn “Right”, “White”, “Judeo-Christian”:  Jewish crypsis of the White Right

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 19 October 2015 12:58.

It is appropriate that her name is Morano...

PARIS — Nicolas Sarkozy is threatening to strike a member of his center-right Les Républicains from the party’s ticket for the French regional elections in December ...after MEP [Nadine] Morano said Saturday [September 26th] that France was a “Judeo-Christian country … a white race that welcomes strangers.”

What is apparently happening here is that Nadine Morano, true to her name, is attempting to use Jewish crypsis to include Jews as “part of the ‘White’ race”... and that is probably why she has been able to get away with putting the two terms - White and race - together at all in a political context. Otherwise, her “controversial statement” in “defense of Judeo-Christianity” wouldn’t be worth a second thought.

What merits re-attention to Morano is this, however. It seems that indeed the masters of discourse are trying to create a false solution to a false polemic and some right wingers are taking the bait: French “intellectuals” (read, “Jews”) are trying to frame a discourse where some “Leftist” academics are going “rogue” and becoming “rightists.”

Of course there is no mention of the Jew in this “new academic amalgam of left and right” but rather an attempt to create an “intellectual framework” to ruse a coalition against Marine Le Pen for the extent that she represents true ethno-nationalism, i.e., as a representative of the native French - which her father knows very well does not include Jews as “White” nor “Judeo-Christianity” as their rallying cry.

So, lets look at what is behind her, starting with the latest bullshit artist who would try to dupe native Europeans into thinking that he is on their side. His name is Michel Onfray and the Jewish media is trying to create a sensation about how this “former leftist” is now incorporating “the right.”

Right-winger Sarkozy has new company from “former leftist intellectual” Michel Onfray

As one reads through the media gibberish, however, it is apparent that Jewish academia is encouraging him to “turn rightward” in order to enable Jews to assimilate Whites, White interests, turn them away from authentic ethno-nationalism and toward a myopic focus against Islam on behalf of “we, the multi-cultural and pluralistic Europe.”

J’accuse: Leftist intellectuals turn right

Politico, “Unusual ideological bedfellows in France are uniting against globalization and the euro”, Oct. 19, 2015:

PARIS — When the newspaper Libération last month accused self-professed “left of the left” philosopher and best-selling author Michel Onfray of “doing the [far-right party] Front National’s bidding,” French intellectuals circled the wagons.

Their definitions of left and right, not mine. the rescue from left and right to defend Onfray, they did what intellectuals do in these cases: organize a public debate.


The headline of the event, to be hosted at the Maison de la Mutualité on October 20 by political weekly magazine Marianne..

Marianne magazine, created by Axel Kahn, the son of a Jewish father, Catholic mother…the magazine is now owned by Robert Assaraf, a Moroccan Jew ...the magazine calls Nicolas Sarkozy “a right wing candidate.”

In support of its sometime contributor Onfray, sets a new standard for navel-gazing: “Can we still debate in France?”

Spoiler alert: The fury stirred up by the controversy offers a good clue to the answer.

Onfray is only the latest French thinker whom government-friendly media and Socialist party officials accuse of pushing ideas similar to the far-right - on immigration, the role of Islam in society and the need to restore France’s battered sense of self.

Ah yes, now that Islam is becoming a bit much, enough of Sarkozy’s right-wingishness, some are even assimilating the “far-right” to take an audacious stance against…  immigration!

They include the moralist philosopher Alain Finkielkraut ..“a former left-wing radical and now member of the French Academy who has written several books on the waning of France’s traditional republican culture and the country’s “unhappy identity” (the title of one of his books);

“Alain Finkielkraut (born 30 June 1949) is a French essayist and public intellectual. He has written books and essays on a wide range of topics, many on the ideas of tradition and identitary violence, including Jewish identity and antisemitism, French colonialism, the mission of the French education system in immigrant assimilation, and the Yugoslav Wars.”

Régis Debray, a 1960s companion of Che Guevara who later became an adviser to former Socialist president Mitterrand;

...known for his theory of mediology — a critical theory of the long-term transmission of cultural meaning in human society — and for fighting with Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara (in Bolivia in 1967) and advancing Salvador Allende’s “Marxist” régime (Chile, early 1970s)

Eric Zemmour, a far-right journalist and TV debater whose book “Le suicide français” (‘The French suicide’) on “the 40 years that destroyed France” became an unlikely best-seller last year;

Éric Zemmour was born in Montreuil (today in Seine-Saint-Denis) on August 31, 1958, to an Algerian family that came to Metropolitan France during the Algerian War. He identifies as a Jew of Berber origin, and above all as a French Jew.

..even Michel Houellebecq, recluse novelist whose book, “Submission,” describes a future France as an Islamic theocracy.

Besides Jews in support, Onfray has a Marxist revolutionary and a gentile who is willing to go to jail in order to fight Islam (with Jewish blessing). These are supposed to be our friends. They were “the left” and now they are “the right”, or leaning “right”...

What they don’t know is that we are The White Left and we don’t buy their shit for a moment.

Let’s carry on then…

The new ‘new reactionaries’

The ‘controversy’ has simmered for a long time. In 2002 the ‘left-leaning’ magazine Nouvel Observateur was already putting Finkielkraut on its cover to wonder whether he was part of the “new reactionaries.”

Not even a good bluff at false opposition.

It is now pervasive and part of the permanent French debate. It hasn’t been restricted to the realm of high-brow discourse.

Of course not, the Jewish media would try to promote its controlled opposition as much as possible.

After French Prime Minister Manuel recently criticized Onfray for one of his tirades, he was called “a moron” in return by the philosopher. And earlier this year, Valls was deemed “a bore” by Houellebecq after venturing that he didn’t agree with the writer’s somber vision.

Gee, these “intellectuals” are daring.

Libération’s outburst was prompted by the latest in a long string of provocative statements Onfray has made in recent months, attacking the Socialist government’s policies and principles.

In an interview with Le Figaro,

Le Figaro is owned and controlled by Serge Dassault, born Serge Bloch, both his parents are of Jewish heritage.

..on September 8, the writer criticized what he called “the emotional response” to the picture of a dead refugee child that made headlines around the world and prompted French President François Hollande to soften on the issue of quotas for accepting asylum-seeker quotas.

Yes, sure, “the intellectuals” are coming to our European defense on the matter of immigration.

Onfray, who declined a request for comment for this article, went on to accuse France’s successive governments of “being contemptuous of the people” — what he calls, using the English term, “the ‘old school’ people”: French blue-collar workers, the unemployed, the poor, the pensioners. As for National Front leader Marine Le Pen, he said: “I don’t resent her as much as I resent those who made her possible.”

Onfray resents the possibility of European ethno-nationalism emerging.


The dispute comes a few weeks after Jacques Sapir, an economist from the far left who has long campaigned against the euro, suggested the creation of an “anti-euro national liberation front” that might extend up to and including Le Pen’s party.

Sapir is a “far left” economist, son of psychoanalyst, Michel Sapir (Sapir = Jewish), he teaches in Russia and is perhaps a part of negotiating a quid pro quo between Russia and Le Pen = continue to ease-up on the Jews and Russia will give you more support.

Sapir added, in a Libération interview, that it was undeniable that the far-right National Front had “changed in the last years.” He is also one of France’s staunchest defenders of Vladimir Putin’s policies, and the author of a blog hailing what he sees as the Russian president’s many “successes” both economically and on the international stage.

Like I said.

Trojan horse of globalization

Onfray has called Sapir’s idea of an anti-euro alliance “interesting.” Some of the philosopher’s critics see a bitter irony in the fact that in 2002, he created a “People’s University” in Normandy, where he resides, to counter the rising influence of the National Front’s ideas. That’s the year when the party’s founder Jean-Marie Le Pen, father of current leader Marine, made it to the second round of the French presidential election against then-president Jacques Chirac after having defeated Socialist candidate Lionel Jospin.

I.e., Onfray is a useful tool for Jews…

The real split in French politics, as Onfray now sees it, is between the ruling, pro-European elites of both the conservative and socialist parties and the French people, who, he often says, have been betrayed “since 1983” — when then-president Mitterrand, a Socialist, converted to pro-market policies.

Oh yes, the problem is those damn socialists (don’t want to take away anything from plutocrats, especially not Jewish ones).

Ideological overlap between the National Front and France’s far left is not entirely new. The nationalist party has long sought and received support from French workers disillusioned by the mainstream left parties. Some former communist strongholds are now areas where the FN gets its largest support.

What a surprise! White Leftism works ..all of the people cannot be fooled all of the time.

‘This government from the left can’t seem to find an intellectual on its side.

Jews like to use “intellectual” as a code word for their own rhetorical bullshit artists, who will now try to disassociate themselves from the liberalism that their people and flunkies created, that they are here and now calling “the government of the left”.

But most truthfully and most crucially, neither will The White Left find a Jew on its side.

Marine Le Pen herself stands a serious chance of winning the Nord-Pas de Calais district in the upcoming regional elections in December. The industry-dominated area was long ruled by the socialist or communist left. The anti-capitalist, anti-U.S. and populist platform of the National Front strikes a chord with voters who resent the changes brought by globalization. Jewish and objectivist sellout globalization.

“Europe is seen by those intellectuals as just a Trojan horse of globalization,” said Laurent Joffrin, the editor of Libération who led the anti-Onfray charge. “What unites those intellectuals is opposition in general to modern times - to the governing left, to market-friendly Europe, to immigrants seen as armies of Islam. They never venture to tell us what should be done.”

...they found a useful idiot, an objectivist goy liberal to be a convenient foil for their false dichotomy.

Now the greater “intellectuals” are going to rescue us from this fool-hearty liberal.

‘The people vs. the euro’

Leftists like Onfray now find themselves agreeing with the other end of the political spectrum on a couple of key themes.

The first is the fate of France’s poor and working class – the “proletariat” Onfray says has been abandoned by the right and the left alike. In that vision, the governing left’s policies favor the globalized elite and the well-to-do, while catering to the needs of minorities (“the margins,” says Onfray) — such as immigrants, homosexuals and women.

...and women? French women are “minorities” that the “intellectuals” are going to defend against on behalf of who? ..and against who? ... seems both Jews and White objectivist sell-outs would like to blame the other.

The second theme is the visceral hostility towards Europe and the euro, seen as constraining economic and social policy and a fatal blow to the infamous “exception française,” a large and costly welfare state that’s supposed to shield the French from the turmoils of the global economy.

The drama is being played daily in the court of public opinion. Think of it as “the people vs. the euro.”

Is that how we should think about it?

“The latest eruption doesn’t come in a vacuum,” said Pascal Bruckner, an essayist and fiction writer, and one of the few French intellectuals who still presents himself as “pro-Europe, and rather Atlanticist.”

“There has long been a tradition of intellectuals defining themselves against the government, and if Valls thinks he can be a book critic, then the reaction is understandable,” Bruckner said. “What’s striking today is that it looks like this government from the left can’t seem to find an intellectual on its side”

Bruckner is another convenient objectivist, a proponent for returning to the enlightenment; with that, Jews can set-him-up as a foil.

Meanwhile, France continues to struggle with the economic crisis. Even as unemployment in the eurozone as a whole has declined steadily since early 2013, it keeps rising in France and may soon go above the monetary union’s average.

France’s intellectuals grapple with globalization, as does the rest of the society.

They again quote Joffrin, the other objectivist foil:

“This increases the disillusion of traditional left voters,” said Joffrin, “because the government so far can’t show results for its pro-euro, fiscally strict policies.”

The zeitgeist is summed up by the term “sinistrose,” the deep-rooted pessimism that has long passed as a trait of the French psyche but is taking a turn for the worse in times of economic and political uncertainty.

The new solution to the enlightenment’s radical skepticism, the Jews will tell us how to integrate “right and left” ... waiting comes..

The anti-European feeling even permeates the governing left. When Marine Le Pen last week addressed Hollande in the European Parliament by calling him [Merkel’s] “vice-chancellor for the France region,” she was only slightly more aggressive than Hollande’s former economy minister, Arnaud Montebourg, who was fired from the government last year after saying that France’s austerity policies were “dictated by Germany’s right.”

“Europe here serves as proxy for globalization,” said a government adviser, who didn’t want to be identified for fear of “adding fuel to the fire.” “I call it the defeatist wing of French intellectual life: There’s no chance we’ll be able to make it, so let’s retract and retreat.”

No, no, the Jews and their shabbos goy are here to save us from our skepticism…and put our long held prejudices into debate..

And, yes, debate.

The new talk-show culture


The “Saving Philosopher Onfray” operation has no shortage of theatricality. It involves best-selling authors, whose pictures more often than not grace the covers of glossy news magazines, complaining about a “media conspiracy” to silence them.

Onfray’s best-selling books provide frequent cover stories for the news weeklies, and Finkielkraut seems like he has a permanent seat on French TV talk shows. Even government-supportive media, such as Libération or L’Obs, are eager takers for interviews with the supposedly silenced reactionaries.

Come the “neutral media” to apply the hand of restraint to these “rogue reactionaries”

Authors with more established “intellectual” credentials, such as Finkielkraut, are pushing back against what they consider an anti-racist or “anti-fascist” thought police. The philosopher recently defended the right of Nadine Morano, a French MP from Nicolas Sarkozy’s party Les Républicains, to say France was a “white race” country.

There is the payoff: all this build-up to allow Morano, and her Morano crypsis, to pawn-off Jews as White and manipulate White treatment of out-groups: “France is a Judeo-Christian country … a white race that welcomes strangers.”

And the Crescendo of the pilpul - playing the goyem off of one another:

Le Pen’s party, he writes in his most recent book, “La Seule Exactitude,” must be criticized for itself — because it is a “party of demagogues, ignoring both the complexity of political action and economic laws, promoting the cult of the strong man to the point of making Vladimir Putin not only an ally but a role model.”

Marine, your Russian Jewish alliance won’t spare you for being a shabbos goy -  another one, Onfray, on behalf of French Jews, seeks to assimilate your position and use that against you.

Back to the other useful foil…

Bruckner said it remains to be seen whether the controversy will be “just a prairie fire, chased next week by another piece of news” or a sign that “the divorce will become permanent between the ruling left and the intellectuals.”

Yes, sure, we want those “intellectual” Jews to swing rightward ... right where we are not.

In the meantime there is whispering that the big Mutualité meeting might be canceled after all — especially since neither Onfray nor Finkielkraut has agreed to appear as a witness for his own defense.

Didn’t you say that what “intellectuals” did best was organize debates?

Take heart, Onfray and friends, Islam didn’t come to debate either.

You might take the debate to the Middle-East, take Nadine Morano…she can defend her concept of Judeo-Christian Whiteness   ...there.

Jean-François Copé (Romanian Jewish father, Algerian Jewish mother) and Morano

Morano has felt that “we need a tonic, and UMP Jean-Francois Copé best placed to embody the word, with strength and ability to address the issues without taboos” ...a representation of the “uninhibited right.”



Posted by Ryan on Mon, 19 Oct 2015 18:53 | #

Good research on this piece. They’re playing convuluted games to keep mild dissedents from going red pill. MSM propaganda would be a thing of history if people just stopped consuming it.

The basis of all this is ‘kosher’ individuals will say illiberal things but will be treated in an acceptable fashion by the press. Pavallionian associations are not applied to them. Their viewpoints are presented as having a degree of legitimacy. If you are Pro-Israel then you are also allowed to be a bit more illiberal.

However when non-Kosher individuals have a more moderate position they are smeared with pavallionian associations. The viewpoint is presented as not having a degree of legitimacy what so ever.

In the most crudest fashion the press present to the public the ‘good’ side and the ‘bad’ side.


Posted by Langdon doesn't use the term "The Left" on Tue, 20 Oct 2015 17:25 | #

Tobias Langdon shows that it can be done by the best of us - doesn’t use the term “The Left” even once in a context where the term would normally be considered by WN to be indispensable…

TOO, “They Posture, You Pay: The Treachery of Britain’s Liberal Elite”, Oct. 19, 2015 — Tobias Langdon:

Emily Thornberry is back. This rich Marxist lawyer is perfect for the modern Labour Party because she despises the White working-class. Unfortunately, she made this obvious in public last year, so Ed Miliband, then Labour leader, was forced to sack her from his shadow cabinet. Now Jeremy Corbyn, the radical new Labour leader, has welcomed her back as shadow minister for employment. He doesn’t care about her contempt for Labour’s traditional supporters, because he shares it. As one of their own peers pointed out, Labour views “working-class voters as an obstacle to progress” —  racist, sexist and homophobic threats to Britain’s vibrant rainbow future.

That’s why progressives in Britain want to swamp working-class Whites with gentle, chivalrous, LGBTQ-friendly Muslims and Blacks from the Third World. The results are already apparent in Rotherham, Oxford and many other places, but progressives aren’t satisfied. Emily Thornberry and her fellow feminists want lots more Muslims and lots more child-rape. But Emily isn’t just a typical Labourite: she’s also a typical lawyer. That’s why she surely welcomed this courageous intervention in the “refugee crisis” by key members of the legal community..


Those sophisticated lawyers obviously have little grasp of the long and bloody history of ethnic conflict, but they would be deeply insulted if you suggest that they are unfamiliar with literary giants like William Blake and Charles Dickens. Perhaps they aren’t as familiar as they should be. Blake summed up their “statement” perfectly when he said this: “He who would do good to another must do it in minute particulars. General good is the plea of the scoundrel, hypocrite and flatterer.”

Their statement is also a perfect example of the “telescopic philanthropy” satirized by Dickens in his novel Bleak House (1853).


Any policy that admits aliens as refugees ought to require that the elites promoting this madness but of course, that won’t happen. Indeed, Bishop David Walker is quite clear that refugees are not welcome is his mansion. But rest assured, his heart is in the right place.


The smug bishops and “senior lawyers” who want more Syrians in Britain are parading their virtue before the world, relishing the sound of their own voices, and experiencing the heady rush of gratified narcissism. But will their comfortable lives and fat bank-accounts be threatened by the incomers? No, not in the slightest. They posture while others pay.


This sort of thing [Muslim “grooming”] definitely won’t happen in the good bishop’s neighbourhood. But the reason why elites don’t care about these White British women is because they’re “obstacles to progress.” And once Muslims have the numbers, they don’t ask for sex: they take it.


..another factor is at work among the “senior lawyers, former law lords and retired judges” who want Britain flooded with Muslims. Is anyone surprised to learn that Lord Woolf, Lord Steyn, Alex Carlile, Sir Alan Moses and Sir Stephen Sedley are all Jewish? Or that Sedley’s father Bill, also a lawyer, was a “lifelong Communist”? These Jewish lawyers support hostile outsiders at the expense of native British Whites, but that attitude is absolutely typical of Jews living in Britain

How does the staunchly feminist Labour party respond? It collaborates with the rapists


The anti-White BBC apparatchik Danny Cohen said this last year: “I’ve never felt so uncomfortable being a Jew in the UK as I’ve felt in the last 12 months. And it’s made me think about, you know, is it our long-term home, actually?”


They want to replace stale pale males like him (Clarkson, who Cohen replaced) with vibrant Muslims and Blacks who are relatively prone to raping women and putting gays in hospital. Progressives aren’t simply traitors to the White working-class: they betray their own sacred causes because they despise White Britain more than they care about their moral values. Decade after decade they’ve sent a simple message to the little folk: “We posture — you pay.”

That is changing fast. Look at Sweden. It’s Ground Zero for progressive lunacy in Europe, but the “anti-immigration, far-right Sweden Democrats are now the country’s most popular party.” As similar parties rise across Europe, the treachery and anti-democratic attitudes of the progressive elite will become more obvious to more people. It’s a virtuous circle and it isn’t going to end well for the elite. We can’t blame Muslims and Blacks for taking advantage of liberal treachery. But the liberal elite think of themselves as sophisticated and intelligent. They can be blamed for their lunacy. And liberal posturers across Europe may be about to do something they never suspected they’d do: pay for their posturing.

Full article at TOO.

Mr. Lagndon, Thank you very much not only for the brilliant argument that we have come to expect for you, but for expressing it in a far more solid terminological framework than we have become accustomed-to from standard WN fare.

You did not use the “devil” term, “The Left”, even once.  You showed the WN world that one can make the best of arguments without falling for that Jewish bum steer.

It may seem like semantic quibbling to some, but when you see what the YKW are doing in the recent example of “French intellectuals” supposedly debating one another among these terms, it is clear that they are not debating, they are trying to orchestrate the public - and steer our people from gaining popular support by portraying us as having anti-social positions; they are all-too happy when WN act-into that altercast.

I am not sure what I would do about the word “progressives” but I believe that the way you handle it and the context makes it clear that you don’t take it seriously, similar as how you, I and others in our cause use the word “enrichment” rather baldly, as it speaks sarcastically almost of itself at this point - but certainly in our contexting.

And I would encourage WN to have a look at Kumiko’s latest effort (it would be a shame for people to not have a look at her work simply because I do not like Hitler):


Posted by Calvin on Fri, 23 Oct 2015 23:03 | #

The Zionists have baited their line, now they are playing their fish. We are choking on the immigrant nightmare ushered in by the Zionist minority and now they are advising us on how much of the bait it is wise to swallow. As someone in a movie once said, ” You are neither fish nor flesh nor spew you from my mouth” it would be for us to heed this advice with respect to the sponsors of the EDL, Lawrence Auster and etc, the time has come for choosing our own side. We are lost souls waiting for aliens to determine our value, our moment will come when we ourselves determine our value. We are invaluable, creators of the modern world, conquerors of space, masters of Earth, we need no one else, should an alien rave be the arbiters of our value, our worth, our very existence?  You are neither fish nor flesh, I spew you from my mouth.


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 24 Oct 2015 02:34 | #

.so it would be for us to heed this advice with respect to the sponsors of the EDL, Lawrence Auster and etc,

The EDL and Lawrence Auster are (should say were) controlled opposition, whose central purpose is to divert attention away from Jews and toward their enemies, i.e., to have us serve the purposes of Jews.


Posted by FN minorities & other right wing prospects on Tue, 08 Dec 2015 09:53 | #

On National Front’s black and Arab supporters, The BBC commented in April:

France’s National Front will never be as multi-ethnic as its national football team.

But as it seeks to establish itself as the true voice of the working class, you should expect to see more non-white faces at its rallies.

...sacked its Muslim convert member a year ago, but:

The 22-year-old’s suspension was lifted shortly after by the party’s leadership - a decision that left many FN members unhappy, including Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, niece of party leader Marine Le Pen, who called for his punishment to be reinstated.

Nevertheless, liberal media expresses significant worry over FN’s right wing credentials and capabilities, warning:

Don’t be fooled by ‘moderate’ Marine Le Pen. Front National’s more toxic than ever.

The FN itself is far from being an innovative party. It was born in 1972, and influenced by the Italian Social Movement, which in turn was grounded in the interwar fascist tradition. French activists followed this fascistic role model to shape their policies.


There is no real moderation of their ideology. The language they use is, at times, more acceptable than it was in the past, yet they propose a return of outdated nationalisms that are not able to compete globally in political and economic terms. They are, once more, ready to go back to the small, local areas and safe kingdoms, with their familiar landscapes. This offers little space for integration policies and any serious discussion. In fact, mono-ethnic communities hardly existed in history, let alone today.

If we then consider the economic situation, the unpopularity of the EU, their own international networks and the recent links with Russia, these allegedly modern, non-extremist, far-right parties are, in some ways, even more worrying than the old neo-fascists led by the likes of Jean-Marie Le Pen.



Posted by Viva le 14 Words on Thu, 10 Dec 2015 07:33 | #

We must secure the existence of our people..

Or else, ugly surprises in is tempted to joke..  ..but, even with mere, tactful Catholicism and distancing from “anti-Semitism” for Trojan horses and palm-greasing of the FN as well.

Still, she does look good. Nice to have that on our nominal side if we can maintain the guidance by the bigger head:

BBRT, ‘Marion Maréchal-Le Pen: Meet Europe’s New Rockstar Of The Right’, 9 Dec 2015:

Elected France’s youngest ever member of parliament at just 22 years old, Marion Maréchal-Le Pen is unapologetic about her strong Catholic faith and defence of traditional values.

Granddaughter of French conservative nationalist party the Front National (FN) founder Jean-Marie Le Pen, Marion is building a strong reputation in her own right as a capable legislator and potential future leader of the party. Although the position is presently held by Marion’s aunt, the party is rapidly moving away from it’s previous image of anti-Semitism associated with founder Jean-Marie.


Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Thu, 10 Dec 2015 17:06 | #

The attempt to pander to a near non-existent Christian base won’t backfire on Marion Maréchal-Le Pen immediately, because the rest of the FN still styles itself as the defenders of French secularism, and so Marion’s ‘pro-Catholic’ noises may simply be part of a media strategy to hoover up any left-over votes that may exist among Christians.

Later on though, I expect that Marion will ditch the Catholic stuff as the ruse that it is. This will probably happen as soon as the older generation of French people begin to finally die.

It’s actually a cunning strategy if you think about it.

Regarding the issue of ‘moving away from its previous image of antisemitism’, they did use the word ‘image’ there. Structurally, I wonder if it’s still antisemitic anyway. It would be useful for someone to look at the full list of candidates and advisors, and find out if any Jewish influence has been allowed into that party, since it’s one thing for them to change rhetoric, a different thing for them to actually change internally.

It may also make sense to begin anticipating what European politics might look like if FN takes a strong hold on France, since that will affect politics at the European level for sure.


Posted by French court: native French don't exist on Sat, 12 Dec 2015 16:08 | #

White GeNocide Project, ‘French court rules that “Native White French” do not exist’, 12 Dec. 2015:

The General Alliance against Racism and for the Respect of French and Christian Identity (AGRIF) took them to Criminal Court in Paris, and charged them with “public insult” and “incitement to discrimination, hatred or violence.“

After five years, the court finally came to their verdict; it claimed that White people are not considered native to France under French law, so the two defendants could not be found guilty.

The court said that ‘native French’ as a group “does not cover any reality; legally, historically, biologically, or sociologically.”

It ruled that “‘Whites’ or ‘the White race’” is “in no way a legal component of the quality of the French” and apparently that “Native White French do not constitute a group of people“, according to the 1881 Act on Freedom of the Press.

The Judge, Vivien Hoch, said that “in this trial, we were pushed to [consider] the concept of anti-white racism“, and “the question was whether the White French represent a group defined by law.“

While American Indians, Australian Aborigines, or New Zealand’s Maori are considered native to their respective places, certain high-ranking officials do not consider White people native to Europe, or in fact, anywhere on the planet.

This is because “Native” groups are entitled to special privileges, under the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

According to this law, Indigenous groups are encouraged to “maintain and strengthen their own institutions, cultures and traditions“, it gives them a “right to remain distinct“, and “prohibits discrimination” against them.

Basically, it gives them the right to preserve their heritage. This is NOT what anti-Whites want Europeans to do. They want us to be eliminated from our own continent, as well as colonial countries.

They are trying to carry out this White genocide with mass non-White immigration from the third world, and with “diversity” policies, which White areas are singled out and forced to accept.



Posted by Abrahamic Albino has no faith in women on Sat, 12 Dec 2015 16:43 | #

Abrahamic Albino has no faith in the ladies -

Abrahamic Albino, ‘Sneaky Female Le Pen Denounces Glorious Leader’s Kebab Removal Agenda’ 12 Dec 2015:

I told you that you cannot trust women to uphold masculine values, unless they are firmly under some strong man’s thumb.

Old Man Le Pen is so old his thumbs are arthritic. And Female Le Pen is off the leash, pandering to hajis.

The Hill:

The head of the French nationalist party says she would never support Donald Trump’s call for a temporary ban on Muslim immigration.

“Seriously, have you ever heard me say something like that?” National Front leader Marine Le Pen said Thursday when questioned about Trump’s plan in a television interview, according to The New York Times.

“I defend all the French people in France, regardless of their origin, regardless of their religion,” she added.

Don’t think that because I am posting this I am against FN. I am not. I am increasingly against Le Pen herself, but we must realize that the real members of the old party are still there, and the further Le Pen goes, the more opportunity they’ve got for a real revolution.

But saying that “French” has nothing to do with ethnicity is disgusting and inexcusable. Because where does that thinking lead? Where can it lead possibly lead, other than directly to the mess we are in now?

Lines have to be drawn, and identity has to be defined based on genes.

The young female Le Pen appears to be more loyal to the Old Man’s ideals.


Posted by Israeli oligarch taking-over French media on Mon, 14 Dec 2015 13:56 | #


TOO, ‘Patrick Drahi: The Israeli Oligarch Taking Over French & American Media,’ 13 Dec 2015:

                                                                                        - Guillaume Durocher

As I have said elsewhere, Jewish control of media in France strikes me as rather less pronounced as in the United States of America. But Jews do own a fair amount of French media. The most prominent example today is the Israeli financier Patrick Drahi, whose example is highly informative. Drahi has bought up a huge chunk of French print media, some TV and radio, and wants to take over the entire U.S. cable market (he already has two U.S. operators).

One basic take away is this: French Jews who are making their Aliyah to Israel – often citing Islamist terrorism caused by the immigration to France which Jewish groups have themselves supported – in no way forsake meddling in French affairs. A Paris-Tel Aviv flight only takes about four-and-a-half hours after all. Indeed, the aptly-named Roger Cuckierman — a Rothschild banker and the head of the French Jewish lobby (CRIF) has a son Édouard who lives in Israel, has patriotically served in the Israeli Defense Forces, is also a banker, and now “sells Europe on Israel” by building “cross-continental economic bridges.” Oh yes, what good “French citizens” these Cuckiermans.

(Actually Cuckierman recently clarified that: “the Jew is not a citizen like others” and that “we Jews are used to being the sentinels of democracy.” Translated into plain English: Cuckierman believes Jews are a privileged class of citizens and that Jewish ethnic lobbies and “public intellectuals” have and should have a leading role in enforcing political correctness and policing thought in France.)

Here is what the Observatory of Journalists and Media Information (OJIM, a patriotic French media watchdog) has gathered on Patrick Drahi in an article entitled “An Empire at the Heart of the System”


Drahi apparently married an Orthodox Christian from Syria, but he chose to do so religiously in a Geneva synagogue. He has four children who “are studying in the best schools in Bristol, Geneva, and Tel Aviv, and seem destined to one day take charge of things.” His “absolute dream” is for his children to work with him, emphasizing the powerful commitment to high-investment parenting and organized clannish networking in the Jewish community. His two daughters have undergone their benot-mitzvah and every Sabbath eve he “hops into a rental jet to go see them, assembled together in one of his properties.”

Drahi moved to Israel in 2009 and became an Israeli citizen as a prerequisite to taking over a major Israeli media holding company (Israel has patriotic and protectionist cultural legislation which requires any shareholder of more than 20 percent of a telecoms operator be a citizen). He has since renounced his French citizenship.

The media reports that Drahi has justified his promotion of international investment in Israel because he is a “Zionist.” Haaretz has reported that Drahi wanted to create “an Israeli version of al-Jazeera” (i24News) and that he is motivated by “a sincere and real Zionist motivation to help improve Israel’s image by presenting the vibrant, modern, young lifestyle of the Israelis who live here. In addition to the content broadcast from Israel, the channel will also document the life of Jewish communities abroad.”

Drahi is resident for tax purposes in the Swiss ski resort of Cologny, where he owns three massive properties of over 2,000 square meters each. Cologny provides for significant tax breaks for wealthy foreigners. In the French billionaire ranking, he is the sixth-richest, with an estimated 16 billion euros. His business holdings were one of the major beneficiaries of President Nicolas Sarkozy’s stimulus program during the financial crisis. (Sarkozy, who a is quarter-Jewish, has said that the security of Israel is “the fight of my life,” and that all goyim owe Jewry “an inexpiable debt” due to the Shoah.)

The OJIM has an infographic (in French) of Drahi’s complex career and media holdings. The latter include: Much of the French cable TV market, cable operators in the United States, Portugal, Belgium, East Africa, Overseas France, and Israel, Libération newspaper, and countless magazines via the Altice media group (most notably L’Express).

Libération has anyway shed almost half its staff over the last 10 years (down from 340 to 180 employees) and its sales are continuing to fall. Newspapers are basically inevitably loss-making operations solely kept alive by oligarchic and government subsidies for propaganda purposes. We can be quite hopeful that these kind of media will continue to steadily whither away in the coming years and that alternative counter-cultures like our own will grow ever-more vibrant. Probably the economic and readership collapse of much of the mainstream media, which is quite stressful for a gainfully-employed journalist, is behind the shrillness of a lot of recent media coverage.

Drahi received the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Scopus Prize this year. He said on the occasion: “Philanthropy means to prepare the future. [. . .] Philanthropy is to in a way be at the service of civilization and peace. It is, in reality, to act a good family father.” On his networking prowess: “When you come from nowhere, you have to surpass yourself, I knocked on all the doors, I knew all the bankers in the area, but I do not go to ‘circles,’ clubs, or socialites’ dinners.” Speaking before the French National Assembly (as the president of telecoms giant Altice): “the goal is not to reduce our debt but to create growth.”

Drahi has close ties with both leading French political parties and with the American and French Jewish communities.

Arnaud Montebourg, a maverick Socialist politician who claims to be “anti-globalization” and was recently minister for industry, demanded in that capacity that Drahi repatriate his fortune to France and pay taxes to the French state, rather than use all these elaborate tax evasion schemes via Israel, Switzerland, Luxembourg, etc. Le Monde reports that: “This Moroccan-born Sephardic Jew has developed with Israel a particular bond. He loves Tel Aviv, where he owns an apartment in the luxurious Rothschild Tower.”

All this is highly informative. Our globalized, post-national, miscegenated world will not lead to the harmonious colorblind space communism of Gene Rodenberry’s Star Trek. Rather, the world will be a hell hole of alienation, inequality and subdued-to-explosive ethnic tensions and White victimization, dominated by the nexus of plutocracy, financial scams, media control, and super-high-level ethnic mafias (talented Levantines in general, such as Lebanese and Armenians, really do seem to have a knack for this, but they have nothing on the Ashkenazim).

Israel, in this order, is not a normal nation-state, but a hub for Jewish ethnic networking. (Here is The Economist reporting on how Russia’s Jewish oligarchs all go to Israel to hang out together and presumably casually discuss what they are going to do about this Putin fellow.. Because of Israel, diaspora Jews and Israeli “citizens of the world” can make tax-deductible “donations” and flee back to the motherland if ever they run into trouble with goyishe law (whether individually as a murderer or crook, or collectively if ever the goyim get restless again; Israel is not a normal nation but an “insurance policy,” in their inimitably materialistic terms). Hence, Patrick Drahi. Sheldon Adelson, Michael Bloomberg, and their ilk will live and rule, while the kin of Rupert Murdoch, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet are intimidated, marginalized and ultimately go extinct. Perhaps we should be presenting Darwin Awards to these non-Jewish oligarchs?

But while these non-Jewish oligarchs are going along with a system that would destroy their people, Jewish oligarchs are busy checking all the boxes. China is independent from the West and still has significant autonomy and massive power within the globalist system. Hence the importance of the Chan Zuckerberg Project.


Posted by French "Left" + Islam - yeah, Right. on Sat, 19 Dec 2015 12:19 | #

French media still stealthily trying to portray “The French Left” as aligned with Islam.

Sure, the native French Left is aligned with Islam - that makes a whole lot of sense…so that..they can take their jobs, create a waiting pool of labor, scab their unions?

When are these damn right-wingers going to wake up to the language game, this Jewish journalese that the media keeps playing against you?

French “Left” + Islam - yeah, Right.

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