Angela Merkel, Prime Signatory of Europe’s Death Warrant. Dutch TV subtitle: “The European Union and Turkey together will accelerate Turkey’s accession.” Even the title of this article does not do enough to convey the scale of the stunningly disingenuous ‘negotiation’ that Angela Merkel engaged in on Sunday. It was not a negotiation, it was Merkel just taking Europe’s queen piece and both rook pieces off of the chessboard and tossing them through the window as Turkish mouths widened in grotesque delight. As is well known, many of the migrants that are flowing into Europe at Angela Merkel’s own invitation—and because of the perverse incentives created by governments like Germany and Sweden—make their transit through Turkey before arriving in Europe. At the same time, Merkel has been facing an internal party revolt as various opportunists are taking the crisis as a chance to challenge her leadership. Some others are revolting against her because the number of migrants that their regions are being asked to accept are more than their infrastructure can ever hope to efficiently handle. Under these pressures—particularly the pressure arising from the fact that Merkel’s concept of ‘no upper ceiling to migration’ was bound to clash with material constraints eventually—Merkel then found herself thrust into a negotiation with Turkey. The European Union had attempted to bribe Turkey with 3 billion euros, but the Turks decided that it was not enough. So Merkel went to Turkey and offered them a faster track toward EU accession and visa-free travel, in addition to the bribe that had been previously offered. Predictably, Erdogan and Davutoglu immediately decided to retract their side of the pseudo-informal ‘agreement’ as soon as Merkel went home. They have clarified that they actually made no promises to stop the migrants within their territory from travelling into Europe, ultimately. In fact, they have no intention of doing anything to stop the migration wave itself either:
All of those events were actually absolutely unnecessary from a straight power perspective. Why? Because, while Turkish politicians have a lot of bluster, and while they can deploy the threat of unleashing the migrants, the Turks were nevertheless negotiating from an extremely weak position. Despite having had historical cultural connections to the regional groups to their west, south, south-east and east, Turkey has spent the past 20 years burning all of its bridges in all directions. In summary—and it is definitely a summary—Turkey’s position looks like this:
Turkey is not some shrewd player. It’s one of the most clownish and absurd players in the world at the moment, and although it has experienced some significant economic growth internally, its foreign policy is a complete shambles and it is nowhere near to being a serious world power. Should we really believe that Merkel is so stupid that she could not find anything to use to twist the arms of the Turks? The Turks should never have been in a position to be the ones making any demands there. Any European negotiator who wanted to really play the game the tough way could have given a variety of responses that could twist the arms of the Turks based on the above facts, such as:
Those kind of responses from a European negotiator, would have been the correct signalling and would have likely produced a much more satisfactory response from Turkey. Rather than doing anything like that, Merkel instead went in and sat down on a golden throne next to Erdogan, and followed the exact choreography that the architects of Erdogan’s election campaign wanted her to follow. She let Erdogan—a man who literally has been implicated in electoral fraud multiple times and is presiding over a ramshackle failure of a foreign policy—look strong, let him look competent, let him look like he was in charge, and gave him absolutely everything he wanted, absolutely for free. No one is that absurdly fucking stupid by accident. Merkel had to have been doing that on purpose. That is the only reasonable conclusion that can be reached. It really is. Furthermore, whose idea was it to send Merkel—a person who actually wanted the migrants to enter Europe in the first place—to have a negotiation with Turkey to try to keep the migrants out of Europe? I would love to know who was responsible for that absolutely stupid idea. Who on earth in their right mind would send Merkel to negotiate for the defence of Europe’s borders while knowing about all the pro-migration actions that she had engaged in prior to that? Kumiko Oumae works in the defence and security sector in the UK. Her opinions here are entirely her own.
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wed, 21 Oct 2015 02:43 | # Ryan, I agree with you that Merkel basically was approaching all of this as a PR opportunity and some domestic political manoeuvring for herself, and that this is why it contained essentially no actual negotiating. It’s like political chaff, in the sense that in the eyes of some people it will create a kind of uncertainty as to whether she’s moving forward or whether she’s backtracking, and she can use that to her advantage while not actually adjusting her position at all. 3
Posted by Dude on Fri, 23 Oct 2015 21:28 | # Who is Merkel? 5
Posted by Frank on Wed, 18 Nov 2015 00:00 | # GREAT WEBSITE, BUT WHY NAKED WHITE WOMEN IN THE TOP LEFT PIC? Thank you for the great website. But if I may make a small suggestion, it is about the picture on the top left corner which shows naked white women. Maybe the picture has some historical significance, but since your website is available from all over the world, and most people are black and brown, this picture of naked white women would entice them, fill them with desire and lust which would lead to seduce, attack white women or invade our country. Maybe you don’t think that way, but many black and brown people do. What about a picture of a building or men? Just a friendly suggestion. 6
Posted by Merkel confirms 3bl euro for Turkey on migrants on Mon, 30 Nov 2015 07:09 | #
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Mon, 30 Nov 2015 10:43 | # Frank, the image in question is a painting of the birth of Venus. It does have historical and ideological meaning, but the decision for the use of that particular painting was made before my time, and so it was never my call to make as to what image would be there. When I was doing the site re-design in July 2015, that image was already in use, and I suggested a change as well, since I wanted to depict Venus symbolically as ‘a star’ instead, but not for the reason you suggested. I just like to see straight lines on the page, so that was the reason for my suggestion: symbols over illustrations. But I was told not to change that element to a symbol, since the use of the actual painting has meaning which my predecessors put great thought into. So I simply left it that way out of deference to them. Your reason for suggesting a change is one that I don’t like anyway though, since it seems to imply that the Europeans should be afraid to excite the Arabs and the Africans or something. They’ll be excited no matter what you do, so concerns about the apparent beauty of white women are probably the worst possible reason for suggesting a change. 8
Posted by Mick Lately on Thu, 10 Dec 2015 11:36 | # “Time Magazine has named German Chancellor Angela Merkel as its “Person of the Year”.” Source: BBC (Brainwashed By Chosen): 9
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Thu, 10 Dec 2015 17:12 | # And the runner-up was Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. In some perverse way that makes sense, given that the two seem to have exactly the same plan for Europe. 10
Posted by EU Suicide Cult adds Visa Free Turks on Wed, 16 Dec 2015 00:57 | #
Posted by 9 Germans killed in Istanbul on Wed, 13 Jan 2016 03:53 | #
Posted by Moroccan deported 10 times on Thu, 18 Feb 2016 21:39 | #
Posted by Merkel's Turkey deal unravels on Wed, 18 May 2016 09:44 | #
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Posted by Ryan on Tue, 20 Oct 2015 21:05 | #
I think the move was an attempt to placate Germans and those within her party by appearing to be taking action in the bigger scheme of things. If she had tried to placate voters by back tracking on government policy or less pro-immigration soundbites then that would give legitimacy to German Patriots.
I see no geo-politics involved in this meeting. For Merkel it was a short term PR oppurtunity, likely recommended by her advisers, while for the bumbiling Turks it was a nice oppurtunity for concessions and to present Mr Erdogan as a powerful statesman. Merkel’s poor performance was because she likely did not know why she was there or had perpared for the meeting.