What happens when WNs accept Russian news reports uncritically? What happens when WNs accept Russian news reports uncritically? They get misled, that’s what happens. Lasha Darkmoon has an article titled “America furious at Russia’s stunning successes in Syria”. It’s based on an article which she took from Fort Russ, which was titled “Russian operation in Syria revealed the real sponsors of terrorism to the world”. Let’s examine the core claims of Darkmoon’s Russian-derived article. Russian claim #1:
Actual Reality: The Americans ‘threw a tantrum’ because the Russians were bombing everything without any concern for the balance of powers in the areas that they were hitting. This led to ISIL in fact gaining ground in some places such as Aleppo, and even involved instances where ISIL was able to induce the Russians to hit ISIL’s inter-sectarian opponents. See here:
The war is more complicated than Russians believe it is. Sometimes, what happens is that one Islamist group is incited to fight against another Islamist group because of competing territorial claims, or doctrinal disagreements, or because they are a front for a state-backed militia group which is using theological justifications for creating infighting within a particular sect. Because of this, radical Sunni Muslims can sometimes be fighting other radical Sunni Muslims. If Russia simply gallivants into the middle of that situation and indiscriminately bombs everything that looks like an Islamist, they might in fact be upsetting the balance of terrorism—for lack of a better way of putting it—in a way that could unintentionally lead to ISIL gains. Which appears to be precisely what the Russians have caused with their ham-fisted approach. Russian claim #2:
Actual Reality: Even civilian observers were able to see the movement of Russian aircraft. Here’s an example:
And another example:
If even random civilians on the internet can see it, that’s probably a sign that their operations are not invisible, and are in fact being meticulously recorded—by civilians. At that point, whether NATO is or is not watching, becomes frankly irrelevant. Russian claim #3:
This statement seems to be based on a photograph that purports to show Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi with John McCain. Actual Reality: The man sitting with John McCain is not Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. I’m sure you can all agree that the Russians were not even trying with that one. I’ll be charitable and assume that’s their idea of a joke. The man with John McCain obviously looks nothing like Al-Baghdadi. He is a member of the Northern Storm Brigade, a group which is fighting against ISIL. Russian claim #4:
Actual Reality: That is true, the Russians did inform Israel in advance. They decided to be courteous to Israel. It’s a really stupid thing to do, given that Netanyahu has no particular reason to keep any of the information secret from ISIL, as it is in Israel’s geostrategic interest to let ISIL carry on wreaking havoc on Syria. Recall this fact:
It’s anyone’s guess as to whether Israel’s calculus on that issue has changed since 2013. By “any of these groups”, that can mean Al-Qaeda which they mentioned, but it could also mean they’d be okay with letting ISIL run around doing things too, because “any” means “any”, right? Who can know for sure? Yet Russia does this, regardless:
So in summary, the only one of those Russian claims which is true, happens to be the most disastrously idiotic one in practice. Apparently the Russians have never heard the phrase ‘loose lips sink ships’, since the loud-mouthed Russians seem to have been perfectly happy to give Israel a whole 60 minutes of warning ahead of each stage of their activities so far. NATO on the other hand does not make a habit of giving Israel that kind of information, due to various reasons related to Israel’s bad behaviour in the past, which I’m sure that all Majorityrights readers are aware of. Kumiko Oumae works in the defence and security sector in the UK. Her opinions here are entirely her own.
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Mon, 12 Oct 2015 16:00 | # Andrew Anglin has now changed his story to point out that the whole story is not even happening, because the Russians read the Times and the rest of the British press this morning, saw the story being parroted everywhere, asked the UK’s defence attaché in Moscow about the story, and the Ministry of Defence says that the story is not true. This is not all that surprising, given that the story he latched on to was from a single ‘unnamed source at PJHQ’, whose division is not even mentioned. For all anyone knows, the source may have literally been someone from J9 (media operations) making a joke or something over morning coffee, and the Times reporters and the rest of the British press somehow took it seriously. This is why people shouldn’t just jump on a sexy-sounding story without actually checking to see if it’s true. It wouldn’t have been difficult for the press to have simply asked the Ministry of Defence if the story was true before actually publishing it, and it shouldn’t have been hard for the Daily Stormer to realise that the story sounded so ridiculous that it could not possibly have been true. It was swiftly corrected, and I think that it shows how being ‘too fast’ can be really detrimental to accuracy, and it really shows how Anglin’s pro-Russian bias makes him jump on even the most trollish of stories. Any story that makes Russia look like the victim of an irrational or hyper-paranoid UK, will be a story that he’ll parrot immediately. Of course, what happened is that it didn’t happen, and then he has to retract it. Furthermore, the cognitive dissonance between Anglin drumming up sympathy for Russia over this non-existent air-to-air missile story while simultaneously invoking Britain’s past agreement with Poland in the lead-up to the Second World War, is clear to see. It’s a dissonance which is appearing because he’s inducing transference:
What seems to be happening is that Andrew Anglin’s—or perhaps it should be called the editorial line of the Daily Stormer as a whole since his other contributors like William Martel hold the same line too—approach is to try to take the sympathies that he thinks that WNs would have allocated to Germany in the Second World War, and carry out a transference from there onto the personage of Vladimir Putin and the Russian government. The fact that it doesn’t make sense when you think about it historically (because Germany and Russia were existential enemies), is only more of an indication that there’s something wrong there. It ends up looking really strange because the Russian government’s patriotism is ‘anti-Nazism’ and ‘anti-racism’, because for them it is existential. So the Daily Stormer is making WNs do transference to a group that is more hostile to them than any other. Whether they are aware of it or not, the net result is that the Daily Stormer is repeatedly making itself into a component of the Russian media operations and psychological operations in general, because the kind of narratives they create seem to encourage people to think and behave in ways that are conducive to Russia’s interests. Everyone should read this for a quick refresher on the problem: It’s pretty clear that Russia is in this for the purpose of trying to regain the influence in the post-Soviet space that it lost since 1991, and that the feelers it is putting out to far-right parties in Europe is only done for the purpose of facilitating Russia’s strategic objectives. The Daily Stormer is problematic enough in its platform already. Perhaps the Daily Stormer will adjust its editorial position and stop assisting Russia, since everyone can be forgiven for making mistakes, but people shouldn’t make those mistakes too often or it begins to really look like it’s on purpose. 3
Posted by O*R*I*O*N on Tue, 13 Oct 2015 06:13 | # Two things: 1. The physiognomy of the arab in the McCain photo actually does look like that of al-Baghdadi. 2. Anglin and his c.i. priesthood are indeed immune to reason and logic from my experience. Occasionally they did strike a solid argumentation such as in an article about jewish parasitism by sven longshanks a while back. The main problem (among many) is their apologetic approach to the toxic and foreign slave-religion of christianity. Long term, christlings will lose everything because they subscribe to a loser-religion. This rule applies to all aspects of human endeavor. History as well as contemporary geopolitics proves this to be true. If a christian succeeds in anything it will always be in spite of the direct commands and advice given by his imaginary jewish savior. C.i. is a psychotic worldview in that it purports to be christian while simultaneously claiming that the israelites of the old testament were somehow really Aryans. That would make their much celebrated savior, the circumcised “christ” of the new testament decidedly anti-Aryan according to the very biblical verses they love to quote themselves, such as the one about jews supposedly being the “sons of the devil” or whatever. They also routinely spit upon the ancient cultural roots of the White race by piously proclaiming that germanics and other ancient Aryan peoples were supposedly “primitive barbarians” before everyone’s favorite semitic religion came along from judea and magically “saved”/“civilized” everybody. A disrespectful and historically facile attitude toward one’s own racial origins to say the least. But none of such cognitive dissonance seems to matter much to them because the bible is always conveniently “mistranslated” anyhow. This renders it basically open to any imaginable interpretation anyone may wish to entertain.—Which it really is, paradoxically. These as well as countless other logical short circuits in their “thinking” have been presented to Anglin et al for years. By myself and by many others. Nevertheless, the clerics around saint Anglin the mongolophile apparently insist on maintaining their dogmatic adherence to a racially egalitarian religion originating in the middle east, no matter what. Such abysmal irrationality is intolerable. 4
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Tue, 13 Oct 2015 23:17 | #
There are some vague resemblances, yes, so I can see why they’d have latched onto that man. But I think that’s only because they are both Arab men of about the same height. build, and weight. It’s the jawline, and chin, and the shape of their ears, as well as the shape of the nose that set them both apart from each other. Also, at that time that McCain met with those rebels, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi was likely somewhere in Iraq growing a giant beard, which would of course be the other obvious thing that sets them apart. Yes, though, you are right to say that there is some general resemblance at first glance. For me to say that they ‘look nothing alike’, was a bit of an overstatement by me.
I can imagine, it must be pretty terrifying. Christian Identity is literally like something that is so absurd that it almost beggars belief. If you have in-depth experience grappling with these people, we could definitely gain from hearing about that experience, so that other ethno-nationalists can be equipped to fend that harmful tendency off. If you’d ever like to appear on Majorityrights Radio, just send an email to Guessedworker using the email listed on the contact page and we might be able to arrange to get you on the show if you’d like to get your criticisms and your story out there. As in all such cases, we’ll protect your privacy to the utmost. There’s no pressure, but if you are willing or able to speak out, then the invitation is there for you to seize on at your convenience. 5
Posted by O*R*I*O*N on Wed, 14 Oct 2015 04:44 | # @Kumiko Oumae I certainly appreciate that others find c.i. as absurd as I do. Unfortunately, as you will surely know, the cranial infection known as christinsanity has nevertheless corrupted millions upon millions of our racial brothers and sisters throughout History, and even today left the majority of them in a pitiful state of physical helplessness and spiritual servitude. To argue with them is pointless. I consider them dead and prefer to invest my energy in positive racial propaganda. I take the long term historical position of R.P. Oliver and expect the bastard religion to die out of natural causes within the next thousand years. Granted, occasionally I simply cannot resist ridiculing the involuntarily humorous insanity of the fascinatingly syncretistic christling creed, but ... it is really just a waste of time, no?—to deal with anyone who willfully accepts the suicidal teachings of jesus as part of his core belief system. Concerning the suggestion of radio participation: thanks for the offer. I will consider it. Btw, why does your name appear to be Japanese? 6
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Wed, 14 Oct 2015 08:17 | #
Well, those ‘natural causes’ certainly would involve deliberately opposing its doctrines and precepts whenever possible, right? If no one ever opposed it, its followers might just keep finding news ways to adapt it to new circumstances, and then it might survive. It’s not a waste of time to tackle Christianity head-on, since if it can gain a foothold then it can be extremely corrosive to a movement. Its ability to wend its way into places where it isn’t wanted, should not be underestimated.
No problem.
Because it is. If you look back through the archives to my first post called “You have spread your dreams under their feet”, that is explained. But also my more recent post on the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the comments I made in comments section of that post may answer a lot of your questions on that as well. Basically, it’s in the interest of Asian peoples to not oppose the basic existence of European peoples. There are a lot of shared interests between us, and also, we share almost all the same enemies. 7
Posted by al-Baghdadi's death almost "100% certain" on Sat, 24 Jun 2017 04:44 | #
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Posted by DanielS on Mon, 12 Oct 2015 10:51 | #
Andrew Anglin seems to be confused (perhaps a Mulatto confusion): Since when does one, such as Anglin, who fawns over Hitler and Nazi Germany also fawn over Russia, Putin, his plans and his military?
Anglin posts this article at the Daily Stormer:
...was it the UK starting something over some bit of nothing in Poland, Andrew? Did AH really want the help of the three nations between Germany and Russia - viz., Poland, Belarus and Ukraine - whose nationalists were all dead-set against the Soviet Union; or did he plan all along to roll over them, take their lands in total and subjugate their people - along with Russia, up to the Urals?
Anglin must still admire Hitler’s plans since the realization was a failure.
By way of some convoluted reasoning he also admires Russian military plans and might - perhaps this fashback will cheer him up - but how is that might and planning supposed to correspond with his Hitler adoration?
Anglin’s reverent icon..