Friedrich Braun on the other approach to Jewry

Posted by Guest Blogger on Sunday, 22 November 2009 16:09.

There are few sites active on the international White Nationalist/Revolutionary Nationalist scene that have provoked me to thought more than this one. None did more to open my eyes to the necessity of building a new philosophical worldview if we wanted to succeed in our struggle. This idea that we must first present a moral and philosophical alternative to the ills of modernity is not new.  It is a reiteration of an argument that the French New Right, for example, has been trying to make since the ‘70’s with questionable success and while being the victim of periodic witch-hunts.

Now, there’s also an element of narcissism at play as I’m in agreement with Guessedworker, in particular, on all important issues and I feel an uncanny kinship of spirit. But, that being said, since I’ve done a 180 degree turn on the J.Q. some people who’ve known me have suffered a “whiplash” (to quote Hunter Wallace). I’ve been called a Jew lover, a race traitor, and accused of being romantically involved with a Jewish woman.

There’s absolutely no doubt in my mind that anti-Semitism is a political loser and no longer a potent organizing force in the western world. I’ve come to the conclusion that only a Right friendly to the Jewish community and Israel can succeed in the western political arena; a Right that admits Jews and places them in positions of authority; a Right that welcomes Jews in a tangible effort to show them that they must not fear the Right. I don’t believe that the Right will gain any traction without first abandoning anti-Semitism, Holocaust-denial, anti-Zionism, or National Socialist nostalgia. All these points are not only completely irrelevant but an insurmountable stumbling block to success.

There are plenty of racialist and Right-wing Jews with whom we can build alliances. We know their names. White Nationalism has been wedded to anti-Semitism since the 1960’s and it has proven to be a total and unmitigated disaster. What has White Nationalism achieved in the post-war era? Nothing. It has lost every single battle. So let’s be bold and try a different approach. At five to midnight, persisting in failure is not an option. A friendly disposition to Jewry will get White Nationalists, among other things, access to mainstream media and the political arena.

I realize that the hostility of traditional Jewish organizations won’t lessen, but their anathemas won’t generate as much bite, since a Jewish presence at various organizational echelons will render those attacks relatively harmless.

The inescapable fact is that in the post-war era any mention by White Nationalists of Jews provokes in the general population, in a Pavlovian sort of way, dark images of Adolf Hitler, concentration camps, Kristallnacht, Jürgen Stroop ruthlessly pacifying the Warsaw Ghetto, etc., etc., etc. People everywhere in the West have been conditioned by a brilliant marketing campaign to regard any movement of ethnic or racial solidarity among Whites in terms of Nazi phantasmagoria. Therefore, we must counter and neutralize this imagery by including Jews at all levels and adopting a Zionist line.

Let me add that my intentions aren’t purely tactical in nature. I really believe that the inclusion of Jews can be a great asset. The Jews, as we all know, are a highly intelligent, driven, energetic, rich, and influential minority with a vast international network of co-ethnics and money (the lifeblood of politics). I would prefer to have them inside the tent.

I’m not being particularly original in my proposition, the great Oswald Spengler had a falling out with the National Socialists over the Jewish Question. Hans Frank (Adolf Hitler’s lawyer) recounted after the war that Oswald Spengler warned him that National Socialist anti-Semitism would have disastrous consequences for the Reich. He argued that the Jewish intellect should be harnessed by National Socialists and not rejected by pointing to what the Jew Benjamin Disraeli did for British expansionism – nobody did more to build the British Empire than that clever Sephardic Jew. Can anyone doubt Germany would’ve won the war had National Socialists listened to the grand old man? Someone who actually voted for them, had a swastika flying in front of his house, and had Germany’s best interests at heart.

Will Jews want to collaborate with White Nationalists? I believe that some will if they see that we’re acting in good faith. Jews everywhere have moved to the Right in the last decade. In Europe, the ongoing immigration/invasion from mostly Muslim countries naturally hostile to Israel and Jewry threatens their financial interests, political hegemony, and is a physical threat. They represent a very ripe fruit for a nativist, anti-immigrationist party.

As far as I know, only Geert Wilders’s the Party of Freedom and the Vlaams Belang have fully taken advantage of Jewish fears of Muslim immigration (is it a coincidence that they’re the most successful racially-based movements in Europe now and on the verge of seizing power?). But I also see other parties moving increasing in that direction. I believe that the BNP and Marine Le Pen’s Front National will take the path I’m showing as well.

It’s time to change our discourse and modus operandi and adopt a winning strategy.

Friedrich Braun



Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 16:24 | #

He argued that the Jewish intellect should be harnessed by National Socialists and not rejected by pointing to what the Jew Benjamin Disraeli did for British expansionism

And nothing was more damaging to the British.

Isn’t it interesting that “imperialism” has been replaced by “isolationism” as the ultimate Sin of State?


Posted by Wanderer on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 16:43 | #

I don’t believe that the Right will gain any traction without first abandoning anti-Semitism—FriedrichBraun

I will see your bid, and raise. Let’s also get rid of any lingering concern for this embarassing anachronistic and silly notion of “racial integrity”. Just too divisive, and it’s a loser anyway.

Raceless Neoconservatism. Now that is how you move merchandise.


Posted by Selous Scout on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 17:04 | #

I disagree. Abandoning a critical stance vis-a-vis the Jews would be unilateral disarmament. Suicide.

The only way Jews should be let inside the tent is if they are in handcuffs, gags, and blindfolds, where they can do no harm and where they can be monitored. wink

By all means we should continue to oppose the Jews, but, I prefer that WNs adopt a more moderate tone in referring to these people, at least at first, so that White recruits and voters are not repulsed. There is a huge difference in being softer on anti-Jewish rhetoric, and being PRO-Jew, the latter position being I think the position of this essay.

In Europe the problems stem from Muslim immigration facilitated by the (largely indigenous) power elites, in thrall to the Multi-Cult, taking their cue from the Judeo-American regime. In the US, it is the Jews themselves pulling the strings, with a Gentile administrative class.

Ultimately it goes back to the Jewish power elites and their White collaborators.


Posted by jonathan on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 17:12 | #

I don’t believe that the Right will gain any traction without first abandoning anti-Semitism—FriedrichBraun

Now I know two negatives make a positive. May a more literate person save me the trouble and contract this statement? I’ll give it a quick shot.

I (1don’t) believe that the Right will gain (any) traction (2without) by first [3abandoning] welcoming (4anti-Semitism) Jewishness.

I believe that the Right will gain traction by first welcoming Jewishness.  correct????

Excuse me if this seems folly. The correlation (if correct) may help in flushing out Soren’s semantics.


Posted by Wanderer on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 17:41 | #


any overt talk about race is an extremely dangerous game.—FriedrichBraun


Friedrich Braun has suffered a serious moral collapse.—Captainchaos


Posted by the Narrator... on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 17:52 | #

Majority Rights: The Twilight Zone Edition!!!!

Seriously, this is so bizarre as to suggest a sociological poll/experiment by some college kid doing a thesis on progressive politics by “evil white online racists”.


Is this just a clever way of making a sly point about the socially implied necessity of omnipresence that jews are obliged to have in every single organization in The West?

If so, that would make this article the most subversively anti-Semitic article to ever appear here.

Canadian sense of humor?

British irony?

Random computer generated meta neo-nationalist political synthesis?

Hidden acrostic?

What do we win if we solve this?



Posted by Wanderer on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 18:02 | #

“I believe that the Right will gain traction by first welcoming Jewishness.”—Jonathan’s simplified translation of FriedrichBraun’s apparent intent

Good work, Jonathan. Cutting through the fog of linguistic acrobatics, FriedrichBraun is a philosemite. Out and out. (He confirms this later in the entry).

He says Judeoskepticism is a loser. I say philosemitic European nationalism (if such a thing can exist) is a loser. I think historical experience is on my side. Maybe the leopard can change its spots, but it’s a fool’s bet.


Posted by Q on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 18:16 | #

We are faced with the dilemma of continuing to tell the truth about Jews, thereby repulsing the brainwashed Euro masses we are trying to attract. On the other hand, by abandoning anti-Semitism and replacing it with a Jew friendly approach seems on the surface like a sound strategy. But it is built on a foundation of deception. Jews will see right through it in a Jew York minute.

Even if tried, how many prominent Jews would join our side? Unless I’m missing something, FB, isn’t Ian Jobling trying the same approach as you are suggesting? How much success has he had? How many Jews has he recruited? Again, it seems to me Jewish supremacists would never make the mistake of joining what all of them see as their enemy (WN). They are much smarter than that.

Friedrich, by the very fact you see the need to abandon anti-Semitismin order to succeed politically, reveals YOU KNOW VERY WELL Jews are the “main cause” of our dispossession.


Posted by Kievsky on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 18:26 | #

The Jew control of the world is like a knot they tied up, and we have to untie it.  We can’t just “cut the knot” ala WN 1.0, Turner Diaries.  Violence won’t work in occult warfare.  We have to use the same sort of wizardry that the Jew used to get control.  We can’t pick the battlefield.  The winners get to choose the “home field,” and their home field is Occult Warfare.

Of course you are against wizardry that is genocidal to your people, and the Jews practice the evil wizardry.

However, I do think we need to focus more on the wizardry, while acknowledging the obvious facts about the dominant ethno-religious group that leads the “enemy” wizards.

It is unnatural to believe that 2 + 2 = 5.  Equating homosexual unions as totally equal to heterosexual unions is unnatural.  Homosexuality exists and is in a certain sense “normal,” but it isn’t the same as the ideal heterosexual union, and it’s evil to equate the two as “equally ideal.”  Racial equality and race-mixing is unnatural (because if given the chance White men would not allow their females to be systematically and widespread poached by other races)  But getting people to believe unnatural things, has supernatural powers.  Getting people to go along with things they choke on—that’s power.  Getting people to eat shit, and be afraid to complain about it—that’s POWER.  That’s SUPERNATURAL POWER.

To re-iterate—how does the Unnatural translate to the Supernatural?  That’s easy.  What force is actually driving millions of people to commit slow suicide on a daily basis?  There’s your Supernatural Force, whatever it is.

And so we need to fight on their battlefield—the battlefield of Occult Warfare, and not take our eyes off that.  We need to stay focused, while branching out and learning esoteric things, like in the movie “The Men Who Stare at Goats.”  Everyone reading this needs to see that movie.  The Army had a real unit that specialized in esoteric things like the third eye, yoga, qi energy, remote viewing.  The movie says that this unit absolutely did exist and this is some of the story of it.  If the Army is practicing this stuff at Fort Bragg, maybe you need to look into it.  Of course, the unit ended up becoming “Psychological Operations” and they are still into esoteric and occult things.

After all that attempt to persuade you to do something, I should give you an example.  Here’s something I do regularly to open my third eye and train the “wizardry” side of myself—it’s called Five Animals Qigong and it’s a purely wholesome, energy cultivating practice.  I don’t do anything like voodoo and I can’t do “remote viewing,” but Qigong is a step down the path, the Light and Good Path, of becoming an Occult Warrior.


Posted by n/a on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 18:43 | #

“I’ve been called a Jew lover, a race traitor, and accused of being romantically involved with a Jewish woman.”

As I recall, you did claim (years ago) to have dated a Jewish woman.

“People everywhere in the West have been conditioned by a brilliant marketing campaign to regard any movement of ethnic or racial solidarity among Whites in terms of Nazi phantasmagoria. Therefore, we must counter and neutralize this imagery by including Jews at all levels and adopting a Zionist line.”

You identify a problem: under today’s dominant morality, Jewish survival is infinitely more valued than European survival. Your solution (endorsing and trying to work within the dominant morality), however, is retarded.


Posted by A Passerby on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 18:54 | #

I think this guy is really onto something. It’s about time we harness the powerful Jewish intellect for our cause. We should start by hiring more of them as university professors and even right down to kindergarten. Then we should make sure they have adequate representation in our financial sector. Imagine how much money they could funnel to saving the go…the white race, which they adore. Then we should make sure more of them are in the media, maybe even ownership! With their acumen for propaganda we will have the entire western world thinking our way in no time.

I would feel so much more secure about our future with the Jew involved. I’m ready to fight! By the way, who is our enemy? Oh, right. I’ll ask a Jew!


Posted by Morgan on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 19:03 | #

Discourse is war.


Posted by Lurker on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 20:13 | #

Why would Jews want or need to be won over. They already get what they want most of the time from the current set up. Why would they want to change it?

Its hard enough to persuade whites who only think the current regime benefits them. How to persuade Jews who know the current regime benefits them.

Is this just a clever way of making a sly point about the socially implied necessity of omnipresence that jews are obliged to have in every single organization in The West?

If so, that would make this article the most subversively anti-Semitic article to ever appear here. - Narrator



Posted by Trainspotter on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 20:29 | #

“I think this guy is really onto something. It’s about time we harness the powerful Jewish intellect for our cause. We should start by hiring more of them as university professors and even right down to kindergarten. Then we should make sure they have adequate representation in our financial sector. Imagine how much money they could funnel to saving the go…the white race, which they adore.”


Good stuff.  But humor aside, this really does show the futility of “welcoming” the Jews into our ranks.  Here is the problem in a nutshell: they despise us and seek our genocide.  They aren’t playing pat-a-cake.  They really mean it. 

We fought their war in World War II, sacrificing untold numbers of white men in the process.  Do they come to us in gratitude, deeply appreciative of the enormous sacrifice that we made?  Of course not.  In fact, in the immediate aftermath of that war, they only accelerated their drive for our genocide.  They went after the very daughters of the men who defeated Nazi Germany.  They promoted integration and sought to have those white daughters bed down with Negroes.  They opened the floodgates to the Third Word, while the very men who fought against their hated enemy were still fairly young.  There was no gratitude whatsoever, not in the least bit.  It was nothing but attack, attack, attack.  Murder, murder, murder. 

Send a generation off to the slaughter, and then immediately set about to genocide their descendents.  Not a whit of shame involved. 

What in the world can Braun offer the Jews that the Greatest Generation didn’t?  Their enormous sacrifice resulted only in increasing the zeal of the Jews to genocide them out of existence. 

To this day, we still fight their wars and ship to them billions in filthy lucre.  Gratitude?  No, just more race replacement.  Jews have prospered in White America like they have never prospered anywhere before.  Does this result in gratitude and support of the white host that took them in?  Of course not.  Instead, degrade the host and attempt to murder him. 

What could we possibly offer Jews that hasn’t already been provided? And on a scale many orders of magnitude greater?  Why should the pittance that we could offer lead to any better result than the kingly ransoms in blood, treasure, and opportunity that have been provided throughout the ages? 

Now, having said all of that, it could well be that a winning white nationalist movement may choose not to emphasize the Jewish question.  That is a matter of tactics and expediency, in addition to morality and ethics.  I refrain from comment, for the simple reason that I am still in the process of formulating what I think is the best approach.  In particular, I’m waiting to see how the BNP fares.  We’ll see. 

Yet tactical considerations should not obscure the underlying reality: the Jewish community is going to remain hostile to us, just as it always has been.  There is no percentage in fooling ourselves on this point.  The only way I could see the Jewish community becoming a (temporary) ally of white nationalism is if, through some fluke or happenstance, it coldly determined that it NEEDED us.  This would have nothing to do with any peace offering on our part: after all, as Scrooby has said, we didn’t start this.  They did.  Rather, it would be pure mercenary calculation on their part.  It certainly wouldn’t mean that we become each others bestest buddy and good friend.  They’ve seen quite well enough to that.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 20:36 | #

I deny anything I’ve said about Jews is “anti-Semitic,” a term which is supposed to mean being unreasonably critical of Jews.  It’s like’s term “hate facts”:  facts can’t “hate” or be “anti-Semitic.”  Is “fish swim” anti-Semitic?  Is “birds fly”?  How about “water is wet,” “ the wind blows,” “the sky is blue,” “the sun rises every morning,” “Negroes have a higher rate of violent street crime,” or “Port Moresby, Durban, and central Detroit aren’t numbers one, two, and three, respectively, on the list of ideal vacation spots”?  Any of those facts anti-Semitic?  Any of them unreasonably critical of the Jews?  No.  And neither is this fact:  “The Jews are trying to genocide the Euro races planetwide by doing all they can to promote race-replacement immigration and miscegenation, together with the methodical demonization and suppression of any open discussion of any of that, and the harsh punishment of any who dare question it.”  That is a fact, one which is no more “anti-Semitic” than “water is wet,” “the wind blows,” or “the sky is blue.”  And one which is no less obvious.

I for one have never been against Jews opposing forced race-replacement.  Has anyone here ever been against Jews opposing the forced race-replacement of whites?  I’ve never seen any whites voice the least opposition to Jews opposing it.  I’m on record as praising two leaders of the Jewish Task Force ( ), which is an excellent outfit, for their stance in that regard:  they very strongly oppose it.  Nothing’s stopping all other Jews on the planet from opposing forced race-replacement exactly as the Jewish Task Force does.  Friedrich says what’s stopping all the other Jews on the planet is “WN is anti-Semitic.”  It’s funny but the “radical left” is anti-Semitic and that doesn’t seem to scare the Jews.  They’re all members of it.  (Forgive me, not all — if you take the number of atoms in the universe, something like ten to the eightieth power I believe, put a decimal point then the same number of zeros to the right of that decimal point as there are atoms in the universe, then put a one at the end of the row of zeros and a percent sign after the one, that’s the percentage of Jews who aren’t members of the extreme radical left-wing fringe.  So I apologize, it’s not “all Jews” who are members of the extreme radical left fringe, only some.  Hey sorry, OK?, I make mistakes, I’m only human, nobody’s perfect.)  So the far left is anti-Semitic but has full enthusiastic support of the Jews.  Then there are the Moslems.  The Moslems today are anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, want Sharia Law wherever they live, and so on, all kinds of things that are anti-Jew, but the Jews worldwide not only adore unlimited Moslem immigration forced on the Ancient Nations of Europe and do all in their power to promote more and more of it, they practically get orgasms just thinking about it.  The word hasn’t been invented to adequately describe what the Jews feel about Moslem immigration into Europe.  “Love” is wholly inadequate to convey it, way too weak.  So, Moslem “anti-Semitism” doesn’t appear to scare the Jews in the slightest.  On the contrary, they can’t seem to get enough of it.  And then there are the Mexicans, Aztlan, etc.  The Mexicans and Aztlan types are known to be very anti-Semitic yet the Jews all adore the process, currently underway thanks to (fill in the blank) _______ , of the race-replacement of the entire white population north of the Rio Grande with Jew-hating Mexicans and Aztlan types. 

But FB says what keeps the Jews from joining Chaim ben Pesach and Moshe ben David of the Jewish Task Force in questioning the forced race-replacement of white people planetwide is “WNs are anti-Semitic.” 

How did Moshe ben David, Chaim ben Pesach, and Lawrence Auster come to question race-replacement of whites then, and how is it that all Jews on planet Earth except Moshe ben David, Chaim ben Pesach, and Lawrence Auster get orgasms from contemplating the takeover of whitedom by the anti-Semitic Moslems and the anti-Semtic far left wing, and the Jew-hating Mexicans and Aztlan types?  Can FB explain that?  Because I’m puzzled.

OK, here, I’ll exlain it.  The Jews don’t care about anti-Semitism.  They’re delighted to be allied with plenty of anti-Semites and anti-Semitic outfits.  They were allied with the Nazi government when it wasn’t exactly a big admirer of Jews, they were allied with Stalin when he was sending Jews in their thousands to be shot by kangaroo courts and in their tens of thousands to be put in Gulag concentration camps, today they suck all the anti-Semitic Moslem, Islamist, Mexican and Aztlan cock they can get their lips around and still beg for more.  They, like everyone else, care about what they see as their interests, and opposing white race-replacement isn’t in their interest, as they see things.  Except for a few Jewish outliers like the JTF they’ll never oppose it.  That’s why Ian Jobling’s Alexa rating is in the millions and will stay that way for eternity and why a lot of other shit is going on.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 20:43 | #

The problem with FB is he has not the slightest understanding of the Jews.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 20:44 | #

He didn’t when he was an “anti-Semite,” and he doesn’t now.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 20:47 | #

Braun is at present no longer a serious thinker on issues related to White survival.  Reading this, one will perhaps even be prepared to accept as gospel GW’s projection of an Anglo-Saxon level of individualism, and his own incapacity for faith as being definitely adaptive, on to the “Nature” of “European Man” as such, if only to provide some relief.


Posted by Sándor Pet?fi on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 21:03 | #

Hans Frank recounted after the war that Oswald Spengler warned him that National Socialist anti-Semitism would have disastrous consequences for the Reich.

This is, to a tee, like saying that antibodies shouldn’t destroy the virus responsible for the disease that the antibodies are formed to heal, because the virus might destroy the antibodies and leave the body diseased.

What he just ignores is the fact that Hitlers ideology developed because of what Jewish power had done to Germany, and could only be implemented by destroying Jewish power.

What a ponce.

By the way, National Socialism is anti-Semitic by definition. It is so because its principles are the antithesis of Judaism, Judaism is nothing less than the manifestation of the Jewish spirit, and the Jewish spirit is inextricably linked to the Semitic race.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 21:06 | #

Braun turns out, frankly, to be not all that bright.

By the way, Friedrich, why aren’t you hanging around Jobling’s more?  Isn’t he doing things exactly the way you recommend?  One would think you’d be like a bee in clover over there.  Aren’t you consorting with the enemy here, or at the very least hanging around the losing side when a click of the mouse will take you instantly to the happy winner, ?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 21:10 | #

Of course to figure out Jobling’s Alexa rating they had to rent a Cray supercomputer; ordinary computers can’t handle numbers that big.


Posted by Justin Huber on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 21:21 | #

I think Braun has lost his mind.


Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 21:23 | #

I see your bid, and raise. We have a public image of being divisive and hostile to minorities. Let’s put a sympathetic racial minority, say, a Jew or negro, in charge of our organization.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 21:38 | #

Off topic but I have no place to put it:

German speakers:  what’s “race-replacement” in German?  I’m working on something and am using die Umvolkung, “re-peopling,” and die Volkersetzung, “substituting another people,” replacing with a different people” — are those OK?  Do they get the point across?  Are they good German?  Is Volkersetzung spelled right or should the O have an umlaut?

French speakers:  what is it in French?  I’ve used “le remplacement de race” — is that OK?  What’s a better term?


Posted by Friedrich Braun on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 21:53 | #

I especially enjoy the house Jew Fred Scrooby giving me Hell for suggesting that of anti-Semitism should be abandoned in politics. What a nut. I wish I could inform his Jewish family of his online activism. How do you look at yourself in the mirror leading such a crazy double life as one of the biggest anti-Semites in cyberspace while being Jewish and having your sisters married to Jews after converting to Judaism? Yeah, I know you’re not Jewish. Ask anyone here whether they consider mischlinge as part of their team. We know that Linder would have you exterminated, but you lick his ass nevertheless. What is one to make of Jew Scrooby? You need help and I mean that. In my ways, just like Norman Finkelstein, Jew Scrooby is a very well-known type: the neurotic, self-loathing Jew. I remember this unhinged individual crying to me for weeks that I he got banned from a German language forum administered by real German National Socialists. Again, what a nut. A clinical case. A Jew who wants to be a Nazi (put that into your pipe and smoke it for a moment) and throws a tantrum when German Nationalist Socialists consider him to be a Jew and exclude him. Isn’t that what you’re advocating, Jew Scrooby, for your co-ethnics? Why should we make an exception in your case? Because you’re trying to outdo the most vicious anti-Semites? Not good enough. Biological anti-Semitism is a bitch, no? No anti-Semite will trust you in real life, Jew Scrooby. Again, what a nut.

It’s well established that Jew Scrooby is a mental case and I don’t plan to talk about this repulsive and damaged individual again.

But let’s get serious, what I’m suggesting is already happening in Europe with the most successful nativist, anti-immigrationsits political parties. I’m not breaking new ground. People here want to go in the direction of neo-Nazi costume fetishists like the National Front or someone obscure outfits filled with low I.Q. psychotics and hobbyists. And no results!

My model is Geert Wilders.

I’m really saddened that people here can’t see that I just want to come up with a winning strategy. I want what’s best for our race, that is my sole motivating impulse. I don’t see White Nationalism getting any traction if wedded to the losing and marginalizing formula of anti-Semitism, Holocaust-denial, National Socialism nostalgia, and Hitler worship. Am I crazy or stupid for coming to that conclusion? At any rate, since I’m not a masochist I’m going to stop posting here, since all I get is personal attacks, sarcastic comments, and name-calliing instead of a cool-headed debate and a willingness to consider my arguments.


Posted by Friedrich Braun on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 22:38 | #

Unfortunately for Jew Scrooby, he does’t get to decide whether he’s Jewish or not.


Posted by ben tillman on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 22:56 | #

I’ve come to the conclusion that only a Right friendly to the Jewish community and Israel can succeed in the western political arena; a Right that admits Jews and places them in positions of authority; a Right that welcomes Jews in a tangible effort to show them that they must not fear the Right.

In other words, the Republican Party.  Brilliant!


Posted by Trainspotter on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 23:29 | #

Braun: “Am I crazy or stupid for coming to that conclusion? At any rate, since I’m not a masochist I’m going to stop posting here, since all I get is personal attacks, sarcastic comments, and name-calliing instead of a cool-headed debate and a willingness to consider my arguments.”

Understandable request, but somewhat misleading.  Posters are in fact debating your arguments.  Instead of responding to valid objections, you instead focus on a personal screed against Scrooby. 

So, putting the petty name calling and personal animus aside (from all parties), what are your responses to the valid objections raised above?  Also, Hunter has just posted what I consider to be an effective rebuttal on Occidental Dissent. 

Look, I agree with you that White Nationalism has to change.  Certainly the costume clownery and ravings of defectives have got to go.  Lord only knows how much ink I’ve spent railing against that sort of thing, just in recent months. 

We have a pretty good idea of what we don’t want to be, a few weirdos and cranks notwithstanding.  But we still haven’t settled upon exactly what White Nationalism is to become.  People like GW are working on that, I hope fruitfully.  In this eleventh hour, we’d better figure it out.  What we come up with may well be our last and best hope, as we aren’t going to get too many more tries at this before our homelands are duly and truly lost.  It is entirely possible that this is our last try, and that what we come up with on sites like this in just the next few years will either win the day or all will be lost. 

Our situation really is that stark and difficult.  In short, we’ve got to get it right this time.  If this is the spirit in which you approach matters, I can certainly respect that.   

I’m open to argument and debate, but I sincerely do not believe that trying to win allies in the Jewish community will come to anything at all.  I believe that, instead, it will merely divert us and subvert us in this our final hour.  We simply don’t have the time to waste. 

History shows the Jewish hostility to our cause.  History shows that no accommodation, no sacrifice, no kingly ransom can dissuade the Jew from his attempt to genocide the white peoples of the planet.  We have absolutely nothing to offer the Jew that hasn’t been offered on an infinitely greater scale before, all to no effect whatsoever.  Or, I should say, no positive effect from our point of view.  The only result has been to push us further along the road to marginalization and extinction. 

My reading of history, not to mention a dollop of personal observation, also shows how dangerous it is to dilute principles in the name of political expediency.  Even if it were expedient to do as you suggest (which, as noted above, I do not believe to be the case), it would still be a very dangerous business.  For example, in America we have seen the gradual evolution of aracial conservatism.  When the modern conservative movement first got going several decades ago, there was a lot of speaking in code about race and wink wink, nudge nudge.  It was assumed that the white audience would understand, and would be able to ignore the public lip service the conservative was giving to diversity and multiracialism.  Initially, this was more or less true.  But, as the saying goes, the fool you flatter is the fool you become.  In time, repeating the mantra of diversity and never being willing to explicitly advocate white interests, or even acknowledge the right of whites to exist as a people, had its effect.  The propaganda is cumulative.  It doesn’t work right away, but it does work. 

It has now reached the point where modern conservatives will viciously attack, with mouth foaming rage, anyone who has a hint of white racial consciousness.  They mean it, too.  The very people they once appealed to in code would now be derided as vicious, hateful scum.  Keep your mouth shut, redneck.  It has been a disturbing thing to watch as it plays out, but play out it certainly has. 

Having said all of that, I’m not entirely sure which way White Nationalism should go as far as the Jewish Question.  Maybe it should be something as simple as “They’ve got a homeland, it’s called Israel.  We want our homeland back too.”  Perhaps leave it at that.  Anyway, more thought needs to be dedicated to this, and a policy developed and stuck to. 

But I’ll tell you this: the only way we are going to win, and I mean really win, is to develop a movement that has true appeal - something with strength, integrity, and zest.  A movement with a true vision and real promise, one that captures the imagination.  Vibrant and robust.

I know I’m giving lots of descriptors here, and little substance.  But what I’m talking about has a lot to do with attitude, and the above words convey some of that.  Robust and vibrant as opposed to currying favor.  As opposed to hoping that the Jews will tolerate us, or let us exist on sufferance.   

We aren’t going to get anywhere by trying to slick it, least of all by a hopeless attempt to curry favor from the Jews.  That’s the wrong attitude to take, the wrong spirit.  We need a motivating vision, a view of the world, not hope against hope that the Jews will play nice with us, “If only we stop doing X.”  It’s just not going to happen that way, as best I can see.  Unrequited love: it’s a bitch.


Posted by Gorboduc on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 23:48 | #

Salomon Ehrmann made a speech to B’nai B’rith, the Jewish quasi Masonic group, in 1902.

He claimed that in the Enlightenment, Jews thought they were encountering a European civilisation which would realise their own goals, but threats of assimilation AND anti-Semitism awaited them. Later, instead of a general period of liberalisation in which Jews could share as a body, they would be forced to assimilate and disappear: but this would be a VICTORY for them, for now ALL MANKIND WILL HAVE BEEN JUDAISED. There would be a new humanity: Aufklarung would become Verjudung.

I hope Griffo takes note of Friedrich’s proposals.

This time next year when it’s all sorted out Friedrich can propose the same with the Moslems.

The EVERYONE can be circumsized, women and all, and we can ALL get into the dustbin of history and quietly solder down the lid ...


Posted by Gorboduc on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 00:06 | #

Also, I totally agree with Trainspotter.
Friedrich, don’t go: although I disagree with what you originally said, and have even waxed mildly satirical about your proposal,  it’s not personal, and yours is one of a number of possible responses to the problem.
I too have suffered from Fred’s coarse sandpaper and spiked boots.
LJB came in for a lot of stick, and I was once insulting to him: however, undeterred, he came back later and as I remarked, provided a much-needed catalyst or irritant.
This is EXACTLY what you’ve done too. Dovecotes need fluttering.
If the good Lord spares me I’ll come back with something of my own later. It will have a Catholic content.
Bet you Scrooby gets out the sprayer and the boiling vitriol ...


Posted by Friedrich Braun on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 00:40 | #

As this thread indicated, this place is overrun with crazed anti-Semites. Concrete results don’t matter to them, they prefer to be beautiful losers and stick to their guns. Trying to argue with anti-Semites is like arguing with a kitchen table. My approached hasn’t been tried yet. We know that it works in Europe as the success of Wilders and Vlaams Belang shows. Even the BNP and the French Front National under Marine Le Pen are moving in my direction. But they’re all idiots, what do they know? The French Front National has had an anti-Semitic, Holocaust-denying leader for over 3 decades. Jean-Marie Le Pen was never serious about getting real power and never did. He was just happy being outrageous and telling bon mots to make his sycophants laugh. Had he adopted Wilders’ winning formula, he’d be France’s president today. I believe that only my proposal offers us a chance of actually achieving at least some of our goals.

ANTI-SEMITISM IS A POLITICAL LOSER IN POST-WORLD WAR II ERA! How much convincing do you people need? It has no future, any whiff of Nazism is a recipe for political oblivion and relegation to marginality.


Posted by Svigor on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 00:46 | #

I think a dollop of what Braun’s peddling might be useful, but he goes waaaay overboard with it.

The ethnic nationalist position on Jews should be formulated with certain points in mind, including:

1. Jews do not belong anywhere amongst us, in any sense.
2. Our message is for our people, not for Jews.

2 is where the aforementioned dollop can be useful.  A deliberately fair-minded policy toward Jews would be more persuasive to our people than what a lot of ENs are currently propagating.  By fair I don’t mean soft and cuddly, but rather rhetoric that avoids “damned if you do damned if you don’t” traps that make it impossible for Jews to accommodate our demands.

Insofar as it doesn’t involve compromising our goals, I’d like to see developed a more Jew-friendly scheme, designed not with Jews in mind, but our kinsmen.  E.g., statements of purpose that show we’re not interested in harming Jews bodily, or violently ethnic cleansing, or destroying Israel (quite the opposite), etc.

I also think there’s value to be had in extending our hands in friendship to Jews (but not inviting them into our midst, which is lunacy the likes of which got us into this mess in the first place), because Jews will inevitably slap it away.  The more friendly we make our gesture, the more intolerant and spiteful Jews will look for rejecting it.

The idea here is to be earnestly desirous of an as humane-as-possible modus vivendi with Jewry, put the ball into their court as it were.  It’s a win-win for us, I think.

I could and should come up with a lot more to say on this but I’ll leave it at that for now.

P.S., lately I’ve been trying to think up a new coinage for our side.  How does Patrism sound?  I like ethnic nationalism, but I’d prefer to see something less generic, and more importantly, something more pithy that rolls off the tongue.  Patrist and Patrism are short and sweet and, as far as I know, not taken by anyone worth worrying about.  I got to thinking because I saw someone using the term “Ethnopatriot” recently and I thought it had a ring.


Posted by Calvin on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 00:48 | #

It would be a very stupid idea to actively invite the participation of an ethnic group whose premier modus operandi is the covert infiltration of aggrieved groups for the express purpose of subverting them and using them as instruments of Jewish advancement. We’d simply be inviting the wolf into the coop to guard the chickens from the fox.

With respect to Jewish people, the intellectual right seems to lurch from a position of near exterminationist antipathy, to a position of hand wringing dependence. I just don’t care about them.

My belief is that Jewish intellectual radicals played a key role in the Communist destruction of the old European order, and Jewish intellectual radicals from the Frankfurt School, aided and abetted by the treason of the anglo intellectuals, destroyed European America. It’s all been pretty well documented by Kevin MacDonald. Are we supposed to deny this?  To me it’s simply a fact of history we have essentially as much justification for having an emotional reaction to this that targets today’s jewish population as blacks do for hating today’s white society for the slave trade.

The biggest problem for aware whites is that for most white people the progressive epoch ushered in by the Frankfurt School Jewish intellectuals hasn’t been a problem at all. As long as the money goes into the hat the piper plays whichever tune he’s told. The money is no longer going into the hat. This paradigm is fast coming to an end. The credit bubble has well and truly burst. The days of delusional wine and roses are fast becoming a distant memory. We are now stuck firmly in a socio-economic briar thicket wondering how the hell we got there, mainly so that we can figure out how to get out again. Before people are interested in explanations they have to become aware that they have a problem.

The mistake lies in highlighting the ethnicity of the progenitors of these destructive ideas, people didn’t need to made to understand the jewish role in Communism to be able to understand it’s evil consequences. If paleo-Marxism can be toppled without attributing ethnic blame, so can cultural marxism. we don’t have to show our opposition to an ideology by jumping into bed with neocon Zionists.

Get a grip guys!


Posted by Observing Keen on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 00:50 | #

Wow - probably one of the most brilliant and insightful posts I’ve seen at majority rights thus far. Good work, Friedrich.


Posted by Svigor on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 00:50 | #

Also, Friedrich seems to have forgotten the law of triangulation as it impacts the JQ; the further you are from the Jewish plan for you, the more criticism you receive.  There’s only so much criticism to go around, so it would behoove us to keep the range of dissent as wide as possible.  Conservatives are too stupid to even know it, but if we weren’t around, they’d be filling the pages of the SPLC’s website.


Posted by Calvin on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 00:51 | #

Sorry! Sloppy post that, bit incoherent.


Posted by Ivan on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 00:52 | #

I’m really saddened that people here can’t see that I just want to come up with a winning strategy. I want what’s best for our race, that is my sole motivating impulse.

I can see it, and I believe you, Friedrich. And everybody in this forum will have no trouble believing you if he asks himself couple of questions: “winning strategy” for whom? what is “our race” for you, Friedrich? As my uncle used to say with this annoying smugness and self-confidence - asking the right question is the key, nephew, learn something worth learning from your uncle while he’s still alive, buthead.

I don’t see White Nationalism getting any traction if wedded to the losing and marginalizing formula of anti-Semitism, Holocaust-denial, National Socialism nostalgia, and Hitler worship. Am I crazy or stupid for coming to that conclusion?

No, Friedrich, you are not crazy and you are, certainly, not stupid. But, to my childish delight (guilty, guilty - forgive me Father), I have to report that your efforts to subvert WN are not working. No big deal, you just have to come up with more clever techniques. I am sure you can do it, Friedrich, you are a clever guy. But you will have to change your name, of course. I don’t believe it’s gonna be a big problem for you, Friedrich.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 01:01 | #

I especially enjoy the house Jew Fred Scrooby [Catholic … Oh I forgot, you’re one of these guys who insist Sarko, Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, the Hitchenses, David Cameron, and Walter Cronkite are/were Jews] giving me Hell [Giving you hell???  You mean this mild little gibe, which is all I could find, “Braun turns out, frankly, to be not all that bright”?  A little fragile are we?] for suggesting that anti-Semitism should be abandoned in politics.  [I replied that truth and facts weren’t “anti-Semitism.”]  What a nut.  I wish I could inform his Jewish family of his online activism.  [That’s the biggest gun in Friedrich’s arsenal, “Does your family know you’re doing this?  What would your parents say?  I have a good mind to call your parents and sisters and tell them about you.”  I’ve gotten that particular argument-winner from him a few times at more than one site already, Alex Linder got it the other day, I’m sure it sent him scurrying …. Who else — Kievsky?  Ivan?]  How do you look at yourself in the mirror leading such a crazy double life as one of the biggest anti-Semites in cyberspace while being Jewish [Not an “anti-Semite,” in cyberspace or elsewhere.  Or Jewish, in cyberspace or elsewhere.]  Yeah, I know you’re not Jewish.  Ask anyone here whether they consider mischlinge as part of their team.  [Mischling was defined under the 1935 Nuremberg Laws.  We operating under those now?]  What is one to make of Jew Scrooby?  [A Jew who signs as Scrooby?  I’ll let you know when I run across him — haven’t yet.]  A Jew who wants to be a Nazi (put that into your pipe and smoke it for a moment) and throws a tantrum when German Nationalist Socialists consider him to be a Jew and exclude him.  Isn’t that what you’re advocating, Jew Scrooby, for your co-ethnics?  Why should we make an exception in your case?  Because you’re trying to outdo the most vicious anti-Semites?  Not good enough.  Biological anti-Semitism is a bitch, no?  No anti-Semite will trust you in real life, Jew Scrooby.  Again, what a nut.  [For any newbies who are wondering (people who’ve already read my background and are sick of reading it, go get a beer and come back in a minute — FB knows all this but he’s a little “special,” can’t get his head around it):  Neither of my parents was Jewish.  I was never raised as a Jew.  I was never told I was Jewish.  I never identified as a Jew.  For a brief period in early childhood I was told I was Catholic and at the insistence of my Catholic family in Germany, against my mother’s wish, was sent to Catholic catechism, the only religious exposure I ever had.  I made my First Communion in the Catholic Church (was never confirmed because was pulled out of Catholicism then raised as an atheist by a mother who viewed organized Christianity the way Al Ross does, only worse — to the shock of my grandfather’s Catholic family in Germany who couldn’t do anything about it because they were in Germany.  Always considered myself an American of Catholic family background, Russian Orthodox on the mother’s family’s side, of German ethnicity, till the (fill in the blank) _______ made it that to be an American in this country you had to be a Negro and love it — no whites allowed, only Jews exempted from that, naturally:  it was only meant for the goys, the Jews could keep being Jews, didn’t have to turn into Negroes as all goys did, no complaints will be tolerated — as a result of which in recent years I’ve been forced to view myself as a German first, American second instead of the other way around; in adulthood after an atheist upbringing when I got back into religion (having seen that atheism didn’t work) I considered myself a Catholic again.  Now, in all that, where am I a Jew, exactly?]

It’s well established that Jew Scrooby is a mental case and I don’t plan to talk about this repulsive and damaged individual again.  [But you can’t stop, Friedrich!  People all over the internet flock here just to read your accusations that I’m the new Frank Collins marching in Nazi get-up through Skokie!  If you stop we’ll lose all our readership!  Do your parents know you’re planning on stopping?  Does your sister?  I think I’ll call them and let them know what you’re doing!]

People here want to go in the direction of neo-Nazi costume fetishists like the National Front or someone obscure outfits filled with low I.Q. psychotics and hobbyists.  [That’s funny, I’ve been a regular here since its opening and I’ve never seen anyone here who wanted to go in that direction.  Can you cite names, Friedrich?  If you can’t, will you admit like a man that you’re either demented, a psycho, or a liar?  You once called Godless Capitalist a low individual.  Know that you’re on the same level (except he’s got a triple digit IQ where all three digits are to the left of the decimal point).]

My model is Geert Wilders.  I’m really saddened that people here can’t see that I just want to come up with a winning strategy.  [Can anyone get some appropriate violin music going?]  I want what’s best for our race, that is my sole motivating impulse.  I don’t see White Nationalism getting any traction if wedded to the losing and marginalizing formula of anti-Semitism [Truth and facts aren’t “anti-Semitism”], Holocaust-denial [What never happened is self-denying], National Socialism nostalgia [No one here fits that description, sorry], and Hitler worship [That either].  Am I crazy or stupid for coming to that conclusion?  [Well, yes, but partly for other reasons]  At any rate, since I’m not a masochist I’m going to stop posting here, since all I get is personal attacks, sarcastic comments, and name-calling instead of a cool-headed debate and a willingness to consider my arguments.  [Well no, don’t stop because of that — we others all get that stuff from time to time too.  No, you should quit posting here because Ian Jobling’s site is your natural home now.  It’s ranked eighteen millionth or something on the Alexa scale, you’ll get <strike>good exposure there</strike> the exposure you deserve there.  Not as good as here certainly, but you’ll know in your heart of hearts you’re in the right place for you.  We’ll muddle through somehow without you reminding us periodically that you shower twice every day, wear a Rolex, and dress only in Ralph Loren black label preppy, that I’m a Jew and the next Frank Collins, and that you’re planning on calling my parents.]


Posted by Svigor on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 01:05 | #

To state the obvious, there’s nothing “anti-Semitic” about “sorry Jewish folks, this group/movement/ isn’t for you, it’s for us, and ‘us’ does not include you.”  If there is, then Israel, and every Jewish organization, are anti-human, and we know that can’t be, because the very idea is “anti-Semitic.”

We want for ourselves what Jews have for themselves in Israel.  That’s the kind of Jew-friendly tack I’m talking about; stand next to Jews and throw an arm around them and smile for the camera and say “I love Jews,” and look all confused and hurt when they recoil and step away.  Then rinse and repeat.


Posted by Friedrich Braun on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 01:39 | #

German National Socialism didn’t have to be anti-Semitic, Italian fascism wasn’t. Nothing is inevitable in history. Anti-Semitism proved disastrous for Germany.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 01:40 | #


If one co-opts Jews into the movement (even in positions of leadership!) the risk is surely that they will steer the movement away from sightedness, away from bood, and towards culturalism, constitutionalism, and race-blindness, and work towards the same end the neocons made of the GOP.  (That said, though, none of the nationalist parties in Europe are in that mortal danger today - I admit that.)

Generally, I am not in favour of Jews addressing European peoples about European ethnic issues.  That is not their place.  I think Jews interested in joining us should be employed to address Jewry and only Jewry - except that so few Jews are self-critical, and those that are, like Gilad Atzmon, are instantly smeared as “self-hating Jews” and thereby denied a platform.  Is there, then, any practical role they can play beyond adorning European/White Nationalist politics for strategic ends?

If not, and if one decides for strategic ends anyway, is one seeking to accomodate oneself to the received ideas of our own people or to Jewish power?

The first I can justify on the basis that an end to renegade status would open up the possibility of influencing public opinion (via Svigor’s Slippery Slope) away from the Jewish meme of white ethnic interests = gassingsixmillionjews.  The second is surely a dead end, since the only accomodation that Jewish power will accept is our complete deracination and dispossession and, as Lurker says, it has every incentive to hold course in that respect.  One needs always to bear in mind the material and racial nature of Jewish messianism.


Posted by Rob Smith on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 01:44 | #

There’s absolutely no doubt in my mind that anti-Semitism is a political loser and no longer a potent organizing force in the western world. I’ve come to the conclusion that only a Right friendly to the Jewish community and Israel can succeed in the western political arena; a Right that admits Jews and places them in positions of authority; a Right that welcomes Jews in a tangible effort to show them that they must not fear the Right.

Wow, in America we call Jews that work on the right side of the aisle “Neo-Cons and with that being said all one has to do is look at the disaster we have in Iraq and Afghanistan. No, anti-semitism is a reaction, not a political tactic to the JQ. Make note of this, 15 of the 60 votes in the US Senate on Saturday night, 11/21/2009 were by Jews pushing socialism on US citizens through a socialist Healthcare Bill. Consider the percentage, 15 out of 60 or 25% of the vote was from 2% of the population. That is the kind of information that has to be hammered at the masses if we want to make real ground, not building bridges with an enemy hell bent on our distruction. I think I tend to disagree with the position of letting Jews into the mix.


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 01:48 | #

(Hat tip to VNN) This Sikh will apparently be the BNP’s first non-White member, and he is saying precisely what one would want him to say:

I am a retired teacher, living a quiet life. I got in touch with the BNP on certain core policies that appeal to me. I also admire them since they are on their own patch, and do not wish to let anyone else oust them from the land of their ancestors.

If other non-Whites can be co-opted for propaganda purposes then the need to bring Jews into the mix is obviated.  Ignoring the Jewish Question and supporting the right of Jews to maintain Israel as a Jewish state is most compromise that should be made.


Posted by Friedrich Braun on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 02:16 | #

If one co-opts Jews into the movement (even in positions of leadership!) the risk is surely that they will steer the movement away from sightedness, away from bood, and towards culturalism, constitutionalism, and race-blindness, and work towards the same end the neocons made of the GOP.  (That said, though, none of the nationalist parties in Europe are in that mortal danger today - I admit that.)

I don’t think that this is necessarily true. As I’ve said many times, I’d be very happy with a Michael Levin in charge of a Race Office. His masterpiece on why race matters is one of my favorites. Jews were the best eugenicists. Eugenics still flourishes in Israel. I went such Jews on board.

Generally, I am not in favour of Jews addressing European peoples about European ethnic issues.  That is not their place.  I think Jews interested in joining us should be employed to address Jewry and only Jewry - except that so few Jews are self-critical, and those that are, like Gilad Atzmon, are instantly smeared as “self-hating Jews” and thereby denied a platform.  Is there, then, any practical role they can play beyond adorning European/White Nationalist politics for strategic ends?

It would depend on what such hypothetical Jews say.

If not, and if one decides for strategic ends anyway, is one seeking to accomodate oneself to the received ideas of our own people or to Jewish power?

We have to play with the cards that we were dealt by history. I don’t believe that 60 years of intense conditioning can be erased or deleted. It’s called Realpolitik.

The first I can justify on the basis that an end to renegade status would open up the possibility of influencing public opinion (via Svigor’s Slippery Slope) away from the Jewish meme of white ethnic interests = gassingsixmillionjews.  The second is surely a dead end, since the only accomodation that Jewish power will accept is our complete deracination and dispossession and, as Lurker says, it has every incentive to hold course in that respect.  One needs always to bear in mind the material and racial nature of Jewish messianism.

Geert Wilders had received tremendous political and financial help from Jewish/Israeli sources. Without it, he wouldn’t not have survived political or judicially. You have to keep in mind that he’s been charged with racial incitement by his own judicial system while threatened with death by Muslim migrants he wishes to remove. HW, on his blog asks me whether Wilders is a racialist. It doesn’t matter, Muslims are an extra European body that needs to be extirpated with utmost ruthlessness if need be. If Jews can help him in that task, so much the better for him. For him to also adopt a racialist discourse would be counterproductive and serve no additional purpose. In my incrementalist approach, we must first break the intellectual hegemony of liberalism, once that is done all kinds of good things I want to happen become possible. With someone like me in power, White Nationalists would be very happy. As to Jews who’ve helped me, I wouldn’t turn on my allies.


Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 03:11 | #

“Also, Friedrich seems to have forgotten the law of triangulation as it impacts the JQ; the further you are from the Jewish plan for you, the more criticism you receive.  There’s only so much criticism to go around, so it would behoove us to keep the range of dissent as wide as possible.  Conservatives are too stupid to even know it, but if we weren’t around, they’d be filling the pages of the SPLC’s website. “
I agree with you, but there are certainly different classes and molds of Jews.  I do agree that the most militant and hostile Jews have a hit list, and they go in order.  I don’t think that is a persuasive argument to go against all Jews.


Posted by Friedrich Braun on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 03:16 | #

I am a retired teacher, living a quiet life. I got in touch with the BNP on certain core policies that appeal to me. I also admire them since they are on their own patch, and do not wish to let anyone else oust them from the land of their ancestors.

If our Sikh friend meant what he said and said what he meant, he’d be on the next plane the Land of the Sikhs. I can’t take this clown seriously.


Posted by h.kalervo on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 03:51 | #

I know the tragic history of Jew-Gentile conflicts. It therefore hurts to admit it, but Friedrich Braun is right.


Posted by Frank on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 04:07 | #

Brilliant essay, Friedrich!
I want to see more essays by this guy. He’s good.


Posted by anti-Semite on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 04:09 | #

Hey Braun, Scrooby—if you don’t actually call each other sisters, give me a crack at ‘em? Seriously Scroob, you’ve said that you had a Polish Jew oma or something; I don’t even care, but what happened to her in all this waffle about catechism, Germany and atheism?

E.g., statements of purpose that show we’re not interested in harming Jews bodily, or violently ethnic cleansing, or destroying Israel (quite the opposite), etc.

Germans tried that two or three hundred years ago. Didn’t work. Will never work. Luther was right: burn down the ‘gogues, burn their books, and make them eat roughage in barns. Failing that .... I dunno, don’t piss ‘em off.


Posted by Collins on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 04:26 | #

If our Sikh friend meant what he said and said what he meant, he’d be on the next plane the Land of the Sikhs. I can’t take this clown seriously.

Same goes for the Jews.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 04:51 | #

“Seriously Scroob, you’ve said that you had a Polish Jew oma or something; I don’t even care, but what happened to her in all this waffle about catechism, Germany and atheism?”  (—Anti-Semite)

People don’t come here to read my personal family history, A-S.  I’m sometimes forced to state it for the nth time for weirdos like Braun who can’t seem to digest it the first hundred thousand times they’ve read it, but I understand, Braun’s a little “special” as they say — played too much football without a helmet, that sort of thing.


Posted by PW on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 05:22 | #

The comment made by Kievsky in this thread made some good points.  I don’t know much about “wizardry,” but rest assured that the battle against Jewry is as much of a spiritual battle as it is a racial one; to quote a bit from the NT on this topic: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Some have suggested that the study of the Kabbalah amongst the most fervent Jews is a kind of crypto-worship of Satan.  Note that ultra-wealthy Jews in big business and elsewhere give tons of money each year to support legions of Orthodox Jews in their constant study of the Kabbalah (along with the Talmud, which is another Jewish holy-book which is used to gain various advantages over non-Jews).

The Jews are ultimately bloodsuckers, vampiric creatures who cannot survive on their own but must always ‘suck the blood’ of other peoples and nations.  There is no doubt that they have worked like vampires to drain Europe and other White areas of the world such as the USA of its most vital forces: racial, social, political, economic, etc.  Thus, if we want to break the Jewish grip over our race and nations, we have to will it strongly enough, and our will must be stronger than the nefarious Jewish will to keep our people in enslavement and submission.  We must work to defeat the Jewish forces of darkness via our own will to the light forces of Europeaness.


Posted by Friedrich Braun on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 05:49 | #

You’ll note that the most hysterical comments in this thread come from Jew Scrooby. There’s something effeminate and affected about Jew Scrooby’s postings. There’s something effeminate and affected about Jewish males in general. No one has suggested what to make of a Jew who wants to be a Nazi. Jew Scrooby has never answered whether he ever told his Jewish family how he feels about them or any other Jews. Does it bother Jew Scrooby that Alex Linder et al. would kill him and his entire family? Nope, not at all. I’m the target of his insults. What a tragic individual, Jew Scrooby is. An unstable, self-hating nutbar. What does Jew Scrooby do besides producing an avalanche of lengthy anti-Semitics postings a day on a catalogue of blogs? His wife must feel neglected. Does Jew Scrooby read books or anything else besides blogs? I don’t think so as he has never presented any inkling of original thought, it’s all regurgitated, same old same old anti-Semitism that he gleaned from others. Does Scrooby’s wife know that he likes to play an anti-Semitic Nazi in his spare time? Jew Scrooby is the prototype of the nervous, self-loathing Jew. A well-known psychological type in medical literature. I can’t think of a bigger wackjob in cyberspace.


Posted by Wanderer on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 06:53 | #

A relationship with no give and take, that would be called exploitation.

For instance: FB says, abandon Holocaust revisionism. Instead, why don’t the Jews admit they’ve lied about it for 65 years so we can move forward on equal, magnanimous terms? (It’s more complicated than that, but I think most members here will know the truth about the Gassings Myth, the Extermination Plan myth, and the phony 6-million figure.) No, FB demands that we cede every argument and work towards Jewish ethnic interests at every turn.

FB’s demand comes down to this: Let’s puppetize ourselves for Jewry, and hopefully - on their coattails - we can eke out survival.

Tried-and-tested insanity.


Posted by Armor on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 07:13 | #

what’s “race-replacement” in German?  /  what is it in French?  (—Fred Scrooby)

You can say “Substitution raciale”, which is not as snappy and natural as race-replacement. You can say “politique de remplacement racial”, which is even longer. You can also say “la substitution ethnique”, “le remplacement des Blancs”, “le remplacement des Européens”, “le remplacement des Français de souche”...

On the French-speaking net, I think the phrase “remplacement de population” has become more widely used, since one or two years ago. As an equivalent for race-replacement advocate, you could say Défenseur du remplacement de population, Partisan du remplacement racial, Partisan de la politique de substitution raciale…

I found a French forum where they looked for words meaning “race-replacement advocate”. They came up with the words “échangiste, remplaciste, substitutiste”. But échangiste already means something else in French (wife-swapper). I tried using “remplaciste” in the past, and felt stupid doing so. Maybe it would start feeling natural if enough people used the word.


Posted by Weininger fan on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 10:50 | #

There’s something effeminate and affected about Jewish males in general.

“...the most manly Jew is more feminine than the least manly Aryan.”

Jew Scrooby is the prototype of the nervous, self-loathing Jew. A well-known psychological type in medical literature.

“the bitterest Antisemites are to be found amongst the Jews themselves. . . . “



Posted by Mark on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 11:24 | #

“Does it bother Jew Scrooby that Alex Linder et al. would kill him and his entire family? Nope, not at all. I’m the target of his insults. What a tragic individual, Jew Scrooby is.”

It is a peculiar phenomenon.  They act like a cult.  Lindro behaves like a lunatic, attacks them or their friends, and they just keep their heads down in submission.  Spineless, the lot of them.

If he really is a self-hating Jew, it pales in comparison to the number of self-hating whites.


Posted by Stephen Wordsworth on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 13:11 | #

The best that a nationalist can offer a Jew is repatriation to Israel. So perhaps some knd of arangement could be made with zionists as Israel is always hungry for jewish settlers to fight the demographic war with Palestine.


Posted by Kievsky on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 13:22 | #

Why ally with the Jews, when we can just adopt their tactics, strategies, and instruments of power?

If you are fighting a tribe with better weapons, the answer is not to surrender and ask to join them, but rather to develop imitations, then improvements, on their weapons for yourself.

Jews are fighting Occult Warfare.  It is so obvious.  But we are smart people—we WN’s are actually as smart as Jews, on average.  Imagine that! Occult Warfare isn’t that difficult, and it’s kind of fun.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 14:53 | #

Armor and Dasein, thank you for those replies!  What you both have given me is exactly what I’ve been looking for.  Your comments are now stored in my computer for easy reference.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 15:10 | #

Friedrich, I don’t want a protracted flame war with you and no one wants to keep reading it.  I dislike it in general, and even less with someone who opposes government-enforced race-replacement:  I view as fundamentally an ally anyone who opposes that and I don’t like to go against such a person.

In this thread I’ve made some substantive points, not one of which you’re responded to.  For the past eight months your sole response to anything I say is to go off on your “Scrooby is a Jew” tangent.  Do you have anything to reply to anything substantive I’ve said, in this or any other thread?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 15:18 | #

The main substantive point I’ve made in this thread is the Jews don’t care about “anti-Semitism.”  They have no hesitation in supporting anti-Jewish Negroes, anti-Jewish Mexican Aztlan types, or, in Europe, the anti-Jewish Moslem take-over of the European continent.  The common thread in all that is the ones they support in all cases are anti-Eurochristian.  So their main underlying concern is not to oppose “anti-Semitism” but to oppose Eurochristians.  Of course that same conclusion is also drawn on grounds independent of the above, so a number of lines of evidence converge toward the same inescapable conclusion.  Do you have any reply to make?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 15:21 | #

They also have no hesitation in general in supporting the far left, which is known to have an anti-Jewish, anti-Israel streak.  They’re all far-leftists, Trotskyists and whatnot.  What’s the explanation of that, in terms of their aversion for “things anti-Jewish”?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 15:28 | #

Yes there are Jews who are alarmed at the scope of Moslem immigration into Europe.  Yes Wilders has their support.  1) These are an infinitessimal fraction of Jewry.  2) Even they support race-replacement of Euro-race peoples, they just don’t want the peoples brought in for replacement purposes to be Moslem.  Replacement with non-Moslem Black Africans is fine.  With Subcons is fine.  With Orientals is fine.  Just not with Moslems.  (The Fjordman position, in other words.)  Do you have any reply to make to that?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 15:34 | #

You’ll say not all Jews are far-leftists.  You’re talking to someone who grew up in basically a Jewish world, so no one needs to tell me there are Jews who aren’t far leftists.  But organized Jewry is universally far-leftist.  Even there, what it really is is anti-Eurochristian, not genuinely “far-leftist.”  The “far-leftist” stuff breaks down when it comes into conflict with things like Zionism.  And yes I’m aware of anti-Zionist Jews and of Jews, like Professor Finkelstein, Mondoweiss, Ran Ha-Cohen, and lots of othes, whose far-leftism doesn’t break down when it comes into conflict with Zionism.  It stays intact.  But organized Jewry is universally far-leftist except where far-leftism comes into conflict with Jewish interests, then it breaks down, amounting to yet another piece of evidence their fundamental motivations are anti-Eurochristian.  Have you anything to reply to that?


Posted by Q on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 16:27 | #

Their ARE a small percentage of Jews in Europe and North America that are VEHEMENTLY against Muslims flooding into our countries. They clearly see it as an existential threat to Western civilization, and by extension a threat to their own existence. Common sense informs us that that is the sole reason Geert Wilders et al. have the support of a small number of powerful Jews. In other words: some Jews WILL support right-wing anti-immigration politicians ONLY if it serves their OWN purposes. Should we decline their help? Hell no! But lets not lose sight of the fact that Jews have proven time and time again they’re not trustworthy allies (understatement).


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 17:19 | #

Another substantive point I’ve made which I invite FB to comment on is facts and truth aren’t “anti-Semitism.”  FB keeps saying I’m an “anti-Semite.”  I’m not.  I’d ask him to point out which comments of mine are “anti-Semitic.”  He keeps saying we have to stop being anti-Semitic.  Who here is anti-Semitic?  What, exactly, is there to stop?  Stop telling the truth?  Stop stating highly relevant facts?  Is that what we’re supposed to do, FB?  I know Hunter Wallace has adopted that expression, “anti-Semitism,” for characterizing our side and I disagree.  I’m not anti-Semitic.  We aren’t anti-Semitic.  I’m mystified as to what, exactly, FB is calling on us to “stop.”  Can you reply to that, FB?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 17:26 | #

I happen to like Jews.  I would have no problem whatsoever with Jewish populations in Euro countries but for the phenomenon of absimilation.  Because of absimilation Jews and Euros should not live together in the same countries but in separate ones.  That opinion of mine isn’t anti-Semitism, it’s common sense.  If you want fighting, recriminations, resentments, attacks, backstabbing, retaliation, and so on, back and forth between Jews and Euros from now till the end of time, have them live in the same countries, otherwise have them live in separate countries.  Nothing anti-Semitic about that.  If Israel isn’t big enough — and it isn’t — give them more land.  As much as they need to have extremely nice countries of their own.  Nothing “anti-Semitic” about that either.


Posted by Svigor on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 17:42 | #

Yes there are Jews who are alarmed at the scope of Moslem immigration into Europe.

This reminds me, another area for Jew-friendliness is Israeli Jewry.  Why not extend the olive branch to these folks?

1) Good publicity: defang accusations of “anti-Semitism” (better, since we can adopt a “pro-Semitic” posture here).
2) Good publicity: innocence by association (“we’re behaving like Jews so if you’re anti-us you’re anti-Semitic”)
3) Good publicity: highlights Jewry’s hypocritical “ethnic nationalism for me, but never for thee” position.
3) Wedge issue: American Jewry vs. Israeli Jewry.

Friedrich, you’ve stated we have to invite Jews into our ranks.  Why not parallel groups instead?  What is the advantage of the former over the latter?  I think the advantages of the latter over the former are evident.


Posted by Svigor on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 17:48 | #

Why not extend the olive branch to these folks?

I meant to write, why not extend the olive branch to these folks, and make a BIG FREAKIN’ DEAL out of it, big neon arrows, fireworks, the whole shebang?

As much as they need to have extremely nice countries of their own.

Indeed.  NY/NJ and LA & adjacent territory would be fine by me.


Posted by Svigor on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 17:53 | #

Oh, and I meant NYC/NJ, not NY/NJ.  But really they can have the lion’s share of the current territory of these U.S. for all I care.  I just want a viable hunk of territory for us.  I’d even settle for a large region of continental U.S.A. with a Constitutionally-protected right to free association, if I thought such an agreement would be honored (which is basically hypothetical/rhetorical since such assurances would be impossible to verify or enforce without sovereignty).


Posted by Svigor on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 18:04 | #

OT, but the more I think about it, the more the idea of exogenesis appeals to me.  That is, patrism gains a foothold outside the American sphere of influence first, then spreads into the Anglosphere.


Posted by Kasimir on Mon, 23 Nov 2009 21:13 | #

Motherfucker, what a load of philosemitic shit.  Fuckin’ punk.  Owned!


Posted by Guest on Tue, 24 Nov 2009 01:29 | #

Fade The Butcher incarnate! Who knew FB was a HAL TURNER!
Congratulations, fooled us again Fade.


Posted by All Braun and No... on Tue, 24 Nov 2009 03:52 | #

“Anti-Semitism proved disastrous for Germany.”

The valedictorian of my high school was picked on by everyone. He worked out a lot over the course of one summer, both cardio and weights, came back, made it clear that the bullying wasn’t going to be happening anymore. A bunch of guys jumped him in the locker room and beat him until he went to the hospital. This exercising of his over the summer had clearly proved disastrous for him.


Posted by ????? on Tue, 24 Nov 2009 07:02 | #

Fade The Butcher incarnate! Who knew FB was a HAL TURNER!
Congratulations, fooled us again Fade.

Are you saying that Fade/Prozium/Hunter Wallace is an FBI informant or something, or that Friedrich Braun is Fade the Butcher AKA Prozium/Hunter Wallace and that they are all FBI?


Posted by Wanderer on Tue, 24 Nov 2009 07:08 | #

The valedictorian of my high school was picked on by everyone. He worked out a lot over the course of one summer, both cardio and weights, came back, made it clear that the bullying wasn’t going to be happening anymore. A bunch of guys jumped him in the locker room and beat him until he went to the hospital. This exercising of his over the summer had clearly proved disastrous for him.

What is the purpose of this anecdote?


Posted by Frank on Tue, 24 Nov 2009 07:39 | #

What is the purpose of this anecdote?

Apparently: “had Germany not grown stronger, no one would have picked on it.” Russia presumably wouldn’t have invaded? Britain wouldn’t have seen it as a threat?

In retrospect, maybe Hitler should have sent Britain tribute… That dang war ruined the West.


Posted by Frank on Tue, 24 Nov 2009 07:47 | #

I didn’t mean to add in “Britain wouldn’t have seen it as a threat?”

Were Germany weak, the Brits wouldn’t have seen it as a threat… But Germany had to develop itself to defend against Communism.


Apparently the money building up Germany was coming from… England. I’d like to see the numbers - maybe England built Germany just as the US post-WWII has built China, S. Korea, and Japan - and pretty much the rest of the world… (Protectionist trade would have led to a very different world.)


Posted by 33wrong on Wed, 25 Nov 2009 02:12 | #

You’re all out of your minds.

Friedrich Braun is obviously “Uh”. Go back to the SPLC, punk!

The new Jewish homeland should be restricted to 100 miles around Fred Scooby’s house.

LOL. I happen to like Jews!

What is the purpose of this anecdote?

Parable, not anecdote. Do you know the purpose of parable? That parable means to say that although National Socialist Germany was beaten down by stronger foes, there was nothing wrong with their anti-Semitism. The only thing wrong was that they weren’t radical enough and let the specters of colonialism and Communist expansion lead them into doomed adventure. Just as the kid in the parable should’ve brought a weapon where strong man posturing was bound to fail when outnumbered.


Posted by Svigor on Wed, 25 Nov 2009 19:56 | #

What is the purpose of this anecdote?

It sums up the entirety of the downsides of Patrism.

I usually use a slavery analogy:

Slave: “Ahs gone be free suh.”
Master: “Freedom is bad for you, because if you try to be free I’ll cut your feet off.”


Posted by GoyAmongYou on Thu, 26 Nov 2009 17:16 | #

Race-ism and antisemit-ism
Race-ism and antisemit-ism

Ask the local gentry
And they will say it’s elementary
Try, try, try to separate them
It’s an illusion
Try, try, try and you only come
To this conclusion


Posted by vo on Thu, 26 Nov 2009 17:58 | #

What is the purpose of this anecdote?

There’s purpose in this quote. I’m about to go to Thanksgiving dinner with my bad-ass brother-in-law and his buddies. Been feeling Right-eous lately, enough to say, “When is this holiday going to join America’s imperialistic globalization?”


Posted by Mark IJsseldijk on Thu, 26 Nov 2009 18:37 | #

Friedrich Braun is obviously “Uh”. Go back to the SPLC, punk!

No, for the 30,000th fucking time, “Uh” is Marshall Lentini, a dago from NYC who previously frequented VNN, Eye4knowledge,  MR, and other racialist websites and whose older posts could easily be found via a Google search which all of the paranoids are evidently too lazy to fucking do.  I swear, the people in this “movement”, half of them are thick as pig shit.


Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 26 Nov 2009 22:34 | #

The best that a nationalist can offer a Jew is repatriation to Israel.

Agree. They belong in the middle east.

Also, if it comes right down to it the peoples of Europe might need tools in the quantities only a state can provide. Currently the only likely suppliers are Russia, and oddly enough if things pan out the way they’re currently looking to pan out, Israel.

The wheels are starting to come off their bus and there’s no need for WNs to compromise.

The exception is the compromise that should have always been in place in nationalist circles. Overt anti-semitism triggers our people’s post-war brain-washing and is counter productive when trying to gain new recruits from the mainstream. It’s easy enough enough to get people to think that way without ever mentioning jews just by using the brain’s natural inclination to see patterns. Once they’re half-radicalized then you can mention jews explicitly but it’s not actually neccessary.

Trickier to achieve in Europe but in the US i think some kind of gateway organization positioned halfway between mainstream politics and someone like Dr Duke which was implicitly WN but not overtly could work very well.

If our Sikh friend meant what he said and said what he meant, he’d be on the next plane the Land of the Sikhs. I can’t take this clown seriously.

Some of the land of the Sikhs is now part of Pakistan.

Personally, if we survive at all, i’d like to see more than just various invaders removed from western lands. I’d like to see North Africa, Egypt and Turkey reclaimed by the white rabbits and Northern India reclaimed by the brownified aryan Indian rabbits.


Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 26 Nov 2009 22:36 | #

Having said all the above i’m personally fine with Geert Wilders trying it his way. Multiple approaches are good. We’ll find out which works by trial and error.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Sat, 05 Dec 2009 05:26 | #

An interesting interview…

...fuck off back to Israel

...hung by piano wire


Posted by Frank on Sat, 05 Dec 2009 14:15 | #


do you know anything of slavery or how miserable blacks are everywhere in the world? Capitalism is worse than Southern slavery was.

Public Education brainwashes another…


Posted by Metal Gear on Wed, 16 Dec 2009 05:36 | #

Hey scrooby Jew, it appears the JTF (which is a cool organization but I’m too darwinist to call myself a Kahanist) found your comments about this post.,40232.0.html


Posted by BK on Sun, 20 Dec 2009 07:54 | #

“Having said all the above i’m personally fine with Geert Wilders trying it his way. Multiple approaches are good. We’ll find out which works by trial and error.”

An approach that allows you to gain influence has to be the way to go. Even the worst day in power in better than the best day without it.


Posted by westborn on Sun, 20 Dec 2009 11:08 | #

In his book The Culture of Critique, Kevin MacDonald devotes many pages to an analysis of The Authoritarian Personality, which was written by Adorno. It was part of a series called “Studies in Prejudice,” produced by the Frankfurt school, which included titles like “Anti-Semitism and Emotional Disorder.”

In addition to ridiculing patriotism and racial identity, the book’s purpose was to make every group affiliation sound as if it were a sign of mental disorder and defective “authoritarian personality.” All group loyalties, not only to nation and race, but even close family ties are “prejudice.”

It is precisely the kind of group loyalty, respect for tradition, and consciousness of differences central to Jewish identity(!) that was described as mental illness in gentiles. As MacDonald explains, the Frankfurt school never criticized or even described Jewish group identity – only that of gentiles: “behavior that is critical to Judaism as a successful group evolutionary strategy is conceptualized as pathological in gentiles.”

As Christopher Lasch has written, the book leads to the conclusion that prejudice “could be eradicated only by subjecting the American people to what amounted to collective psychotherapy – by treating them as inmates of an insane asylum.”

“Viewed at its most abstract level, a fundamental agenda is thus to influence the European-derived peoples of the United States to view concern about their own demographic and cultural eclipse as irrational and as an indication of psychopathology.”

In the same vein, the French-Jewish “deconstructionist” Jacques Derrida wrote:

“The idea behind deconstruction is to deconstruct the workings of strong nation-states with powerful immigration policies, to deconstruct the rhetoric of nationalism, the politics of place, the metaphysics of native land and native tongue… The idea is to disarm the bombs… of identity that nation-states build to defend themselves against the stranger, against Jews and Arabs and immigrants…”

For these Jewish intellectuals, anti-Semitism was also a sign of mental illness; especially sexual repression caused hatred of Jews.

Needless to say, this project has been successful; anyone opposed to the displacement of whites is routinely treated as a mentally unhinged “hate-monger,” and whenever whites defend their group interests they are described as psychologically inadequate. The irony has not escaped Kevin MacDonald: “The ideology that ethnocentrism was a form of psychopathology was promulgated by a group that over its long history had arguably been the most ethnocentric group among all the cultures of the world.”


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 20 Dec 2009 14:00 | #

You have to go back, Fred, to the Nathan Abrams article at Jewish Quarterly and the quote it carried from the pornographer Al Goldstein, as retailed by Luke Ford:

“The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don’t believe in authoritarianism.”

There’s the psychological link: European control over the European self, which is vivifying and good, is “authoritarian” (or “repressive”)  in the same sense that Adorno used the word of our natural conservatism.  But control over the European self by Jews, whether pornographers like Goldstein or not, is “anti-authoritarian” and, therefore, liberating.

I touched on the general subject of sex and morality from, needless to say, a non-Adornian, non-Reichian perspective here:


Posted by Peter1 on Sun, 20 Dec 2009 19:22 | #

The problem with this approach is that many, if not most, in white nationalist movements are driven by hatred of jews much more than love to whites. Same can be said about other movements, too. Socialists hate rich much more than want justice, conservatives hate “elites” much more than they want freedom, etc. Hatred of Jews has become, unfortunately, the main essence of white nationalism, which made it a destructive movement, unfortunately.


Posted by Friedrich Braun eviscerated Fred Scrooby? on Tue, 23 Feb 2010 04:41 | #

Lawrence Auster approves of Friedrich Braun’s call for “white nationalists to abandon anti-Semitism, a stance [which] has accomplished nothing of value for the white nationalist cause, and to include right-wing Jews in their ranks.”  Auster says he expects “these extreme anti-Semites” to be beyond redemption and joyously calls Friedrich Braun’s transformation “astonishing.”

“Dan. G,” one of Auster’s correspondents, says Friedrich Braun “eviscerat[ed]” Fred Scrooby in this thread.


Posted by The Illusive Man on Sun, 18 Apr 2010 10:49 | #

Right wing movements without “anti-Semitism”, “Holocaust-denial” (denial? ahum!), “anti-Zionism” or “National Socialist nostalgia” have existed in the US for decades and never achieved ANYTHING largely BECAUSE OF Jewish infiltration.  If you read George Lincoln Rockwell’s “White Power”, you’ll notice that he makes quite a fuzz about what he called “Kosher Conservatives” because they are too meak, ask the wrong questions and are infiltrated by Jews. To him, “Kosher Conservatives” are like children in a play pen : free to do and say as they please within the confinements given to them by the Jewish overlords. It makes their resistance futile from the beginning.

Abandoning the realm of “anti-Semitism”, “Holocaust-denial”, “anti-Zionism” or “National Socialist nostalgia” as you call it will only lead to a replacement of genuine convervative resistance by “Kosher Conservatives” and get us back where we were half a century ago. Benjamin Disraeli did indeed quite a lot for British expansionism, however this was at a time when Lord Rothschild was already pretty much in control of the empire. The British empire was as Jewish in nature as the American empire today, only less visible.

Jews everywhere have moved to the Right because they’re cameleons who know how to adapt to their environment. In the US, they have moved to the right because American conservatives will always vote Republicans and the Republican Party thus needed Jewish figureheads. In Europe, they have moved to the right because they came to realise that the multi-culturalism their fathers and grandfathers implemented has made them more vulnerable to antisemitism (mostly from Muslems and Eastern-Europeans). In fact, I’m pretty sure Geert Wilders (although not Jewish himself) is a Mossad asset like Nicolas Sarkozy.

It’s indeed time to change our discourse and modus operandi, however falling in the trap of philosemitism is not the solution. The only viable solution we have is a cultural solution. We must win the hearts and minds of people by means of culture and thereby implicitly teach our values and principles rather than explicitly by means of ideology or religion. It is the only way to win people’s hearts and once you have their heart their mind will eventually follow.

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 18:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:34. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View)

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