Geography 101 for Hispanic Students Comments:4
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 13:35 | # Crumbs, Constantin, haven’t you read Larry Auster (Jewish Catholic convert) at David Horowitz’s FrontPage Magazine. This is basic stuff. Follow it up with MacDonald, if you like. No one’s asking you to become an anti-semite. We don’t do anti-semitism. But we do most certainly deal in reality. 5
Posted by Constantin von Hoffmeister on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 16:02 | # I have read Kevin MacDonald. I just do not think that what he says is relevant. I am also familiar with Lawrence Auster. I basically like him. Not all Jews in Europe and AmeriKa support Muslim immigration. Many may have supported it in the past but they have clearly switched positions. Check out the Jewish Task Force: The J.TF is opposed to ALL non-White immigration! It openly supports a White CHRISTIAN Amerika! Are you going to tell me now that they are also out to destroy our race? Like I keep saying, “the Jews” are not a monolithic entity. I used to be quite anti-Semitic (as some of my earlier writings clearly show). However, I have since realized that it is a baseless position, especially in today’s world. We do not live in the 19th century anymore. People who are obsess about the Jews are obscuring the real cause. Again, who is the cat? Is it the big bad Joooo? Constantin 6
Posted by Scimitar on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 16:55 | #
Everything Kevin MacDonald says is relevant to the situation we find ourselves in today in America.
Auster is a bright guy, and I rather like him too, but I find him to be more pro-Jewish than pro-white. He would exclude Muslims, but not Jews; even though Jews have caused 1000x more trouble for racialists in America than Muslims.
Yes, I know that very well, but if we excluded all Jews as a rule, there would be none left around to engage in the behavior we dislike. Why should we waste our time evaluating every Jew as ‘good’ or ‘bad’? As David Horowitz pointed out, they are skilled at showing ‘one face to the Goyim’ and another to the tribe.
The Jewish Task Force is also for Jews and only to a lesser extent for whites. We’re pro-white or ‘pro-English’ or ‘pro-Anglo-Saxon’ or ‘pro-German’ and nothing else.
The JTF is merely another organization that is for what is “good for the Jews.” I don’t care about what is “good for the Jews.”
That’s true of every group whatsoever. Not all negroes are alike. Not all Hispanics are alike. Not all liberals are alike. So what? That’s not what interests us. Look at it this way: is Jewish inclusion a plus or minus for whites? It’s the latter. That’s why it makes sense to exclude Jews.
Jew Realism is not a baseless position. Jews really have played an important role in transforming America into the country that it is today. That’s less true of Europe than the U.S., but we do have a major Jewish problem over here.
Unfortunately. In the 19C, there wasn’t a Jewish problem and America was still white.
I don’t ‘obsess’ over the Jews. I simply recognize that collectively they are mischief makers. Why can’t they immigrate to Israel and leave the rest of the world alone? 7
Posted by Matra on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 17:24 | # Like I keep saying, “the Jews” are not a monolithic entity. The overwhelming majority of politically active Jews support policies that negatively impact the majority culture. Those not as politically active also have anti-majority tendencies that come through in their professions and the culture they embrace. To excuse Jews as a group because not every Jew is anti-white is to give priority to the individual over the group as a whole. The embrace of individual rights is just the kind of thing that has made the West weak in the first place. If our enemies organise collectively against us whilst we adhere to the principle of universal individual rights then we will lose. 8
Posted by Tommy G on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 18:31 | # “Not all Jews in Europe and AmeriKa support Muslim immigration. Many may have supported it in the past but they have clearly switched positions.”—CvH But of course they switched positions! That comes as no surprise. After many of the prominent Jews in England finally realized one of their favorite pets (the Islamists) turned on, and bit them; furthermore, the Islamists vowed to wipe the Jews off the planet. Now the Jews are trying to cozy up to the Euro- Christians and form an alliance of convenience against the jihadist Islamists. But the Jews’ attempts to ally with the British gentiles my be too late. The British elites have already been so thoroughly brainwashed by judeo-liberals into becoming radical supporters of multiculturalism and moral relativism, it my be too late. To corroborate what I commented on, read “Londonistan” by (a Jew) Melanie Phillips. She is an articulate critic of the insane pursuit of multiculturalism, moral relativism and anti traditional Christianity social policies in the EU, but particularly in England. 9
Posted by Frank McGuckin on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 20:18 | # Very good James. I can’t wait to read your teacher evaluation by your Mexican students. 10
Posted by Tommy G on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 00:11 | # That map my have been politically accurate in 1950, but it certainly is not correct today. 11
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 01:06 | # The map provides a good guideline for assortative migration in support of self-determination as the US withdraws from its foreign entanglements. The practicalities of assortative migration is what a good deal of my property rights writing is about. 12
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 01:14 | # Jews and Euros should not live in the same country, the reason being that what makes Jews happy (race-replacement; official homosexualism; the dismantling, the trashing, of traditional morality; Euro societies that are sick and weak; mulatto-peopled countries; degenerate ugly soulless “modern” art; seeing Euro women miscegenate with Negroes; etc.) makes Euros miserable and what makes Euros happy (Christmas; Euro-peopled countries and normally-strong, normally-healthy Euro societies; moral normalness; normal beautiful art with a soul; seeing Euro women and Euro men together as couples; etc.) makes Jews miserable. Jews use the power and wealth they acquire to attack and destroy not just the Euro countries they live in but the Euro races. This can’t be tolerated obviously, and their attempts to destroy the Euro races, and replace them with Negroes or whatever, are execrable beyond words and cannot be allowed to continue. Though the diaspora Jewish agenda is an abomination the diaspora Jews show no sign of stopping any time soon, and a little reflection makes clear they’ll never stop no matter how many future generations of them there are: they’ll keep on doing it, pursuing this same degenerate, destructive, intolerable agenda, never stopping. As Finn has mentioned in a thread over at the Occidental Dissent blog, they can’t stop: it’s in their genes as a group and no matter how much certain individual Jews may be horrified at it and wish it would end, no one can end it. There is only one solution: different countries for Jews and Euros. I second GW in that. It was a very, very, very big mistake on the part of the Occupied FR"G” Entity recently, a HUGE mistake, to let some three hundred thousand Jews from Russia enter and settle. The children and grandchildren of those Jews will do their best (even unto sacrificing their lives to accomplish it, if necessary) to tear the fabric of German society to shreds and to replace the race of the German nation with Negroes. How can I be so sure? Because that’s what Jews living in Euro countries always do, as soon as they acquire the means, the power, the wealth, the contacts, the influence, the networks, the alliances, to do it. I like Jews, and if anyone knows a solution other than apartness I’d like to hear it. I’d love to be able to live together in the same country with Jews but as things now stand that’s impossible because pretty soon there’ll be no “same country,” just a clone of Brazil or the New & Improved South Africa: the Jews will set about methodically killing the host country and race the minute they are able. Brazil or the New & Improved South Africa, you see, the only host countries the Jews consider acceptable, therefore the ones they try to change every country into, are just not my idea of countries I wish to live in, sorry. 13
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 01:45 | # Very important thoughts from Finn and others in this comments thread, in regard to what some of the next steps are which Euros need to be looking at and weighing. 14
Posted by Tommy G on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 02:10 | # Another very informative, must read, link regarding the origins and racism of “Jews” provided by Finn: 15
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 03:31 | # This is what the Jews want all Euro countries to turn into. Let the Jews achieve hegemony in your country and this is exactly what’ll lie in store for you and your countrymen. For you, contemplation of this is unpleasant, painful. For Jews it’s like contemplating paradise. If a Jew hears you say you hope your country doesn’t turn into this, he’ll call you a hateful racist fascist bigot who doesn’t deserve to live and he’ll advocate bringing about this transformation all the more quickly in order to teach racists like you a lesson they won’t forget. If that Jew owns a newspaper, magazine, or TV or radio station, or is very wealthy, or is an advisor to some politician, or owns a Hollywood movie studio or is a big producer or director, etc., etc., etc., he can do an impressive amount of damage to the society you both, you and he, live in, the difference between you and him being he wants to weaken and destroy that society, and you, strengthen and preserve it. There are far too many Jews who don’t make good citizens of Euro countries. 16
Posted by John on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 11:34 | # James (and anyone else) can you help me out here? 17
Posted by Tommy G on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 13:25 | # “Let the Jews achieve hegemony in your country and this is exactly what’ll lie in store for you and your countrymen.”—Fred Scrooby As you probably already know, the relocation of Iraqi refugees is also happening in the USA . The ZOG has, in the Detroit, Michigan metropolitan area, recently relocated approximately 15,000 Chaldean’s from Iraq into Warren and Sterling Heights (previously all white suburbs of Detroit). The popular and gutsy Mayor of Warren, Mark Steenburg (who is NOT Jewish), is rightfully pi—ed about it! But the Fed’s trump anything he has to say. Btw—Warren and Sterling heights are northeast suburbs of Detroit. Dearborn (home to the largest population of Arabs outside the middle east) is a suburb bordering southwest Detroit. Hamtramk, located within the boudries of Detroit is heavily populated with Muslens. In fact they have a call to prayer five times per day. They are blast the call to prayer from their mosques five times a day and it can be heard city wide.
Also I would like repost the following link for all to read. I found it to be particularly infuriating! 18
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 14:01 | # John, that was an excellent letter you sent to the Ron Paul forum. I really liked it! Ron Paul and those around him may not comprehend what he and they MUST do in order to have a prayer of getting even remotely within range of viable in this campaign, but I can give them a hint: if Ron will just put his ear next to the monitor screen, here it is (I’ll try to make it loud enough so maybe it’ll sink in this time ...): IT ISN’T THE STUFF ON IMMIGRATION WHICH HE SPOKE IN THE BRIMELOW INTERVIEW! THAT WASN’T WHAT PEOPLE OUT HERE WHO ARE BOILING OVER ABOUT RACE-REPLACEMENT WANTED TO HEAR FROM HIM! HE GOT THAT ASS-BACKWARDS FOR THE MOST PART. READING THAT, I CRINGED IN MY SEAT AND SAID TO MYSELF PAUL DOESN’T GET IT. THERE GOES WHATEVER SLIM CHANCE HE HAD. If someone can get the message through to him it’s still not too late for damage-control, but: FROM NOW UNTIL THE END OF TIME DO NOT, REPEAT NOT, LET THE OPEN-BORDERS LIBERTARDIANS ANYWHERE WITHIN A BILLION MILES OF PAUL: KEEP THOSE MARIJUANA-SMOKING ADDLEHEADED OPEN-BORDERS ASSHOLES AWAY FROM THE GUY. CAPICHE? And Tommy’s just above was an excellent letter. Thanks for that, Tommy. Talking about excellent letters, have a go at the batch underneath the entry I linked in an earlier comment: every one of them really hits the spot: the best thing for starting the day in a good mood, reading those with my morning cup of tea. I feel GREAT. Look at the one by “THE DOCTOR”:
Or the one where “Amsterdamsky” tells what the initials of the PvDA party really stand for. It’s a great comments thread. 19
Posted by Tommy G on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 14:24 | # “I feel GREAT. Look at the one by “THE DOCTOR” Yes, Fred. Cheers to the Doctor! The Doctor knows how to defend himself; he certainly knows what to use to settle a score. 20
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 00:07 | # The geography curriculum, at least for Oregon pupils, seems to have undergone some alterations already : 21
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 00:10 | # This link seems inoperative. The story can be read at Amren. 22
Posted by Calendrical on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 12:27 | # I’m baffled as to what this party-dude might be thinking. Any ideas? I talked to one behind-the-scenes Republican operative who explained to me in some detail why the war was misbegotten and ill-conceived. But he’s unlikely to urge open opposition. Even if the party goes down in flames in 2008, he figures that larger demographic changes make eventual ascendancy inevitable so long as the GOP isn’t too terribly inept, despite the unpopularity of the war. He’s not unaware of the dangers supporting this war poses to the Republican Party, but he thinks they can be overcome. 23
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 13:13 | #
“The larger demographic changes” will do that? But the larger demographic changes are in the direction of a non-white majority. The Jews have seen to that. So ... let me understand: he thinks a one-hundred percent ‘groid United States of Kwamerikwa will make the ascendancy of the GOP inevitable, as it made the ascendancy of Ian Smith in Rhodesia and the whites in the New & Improved South Africa inevitable? Riiiiiiiiiiight ... this dunce also thinks “Iraq had weapons of mass destruction,” we’re “fighting them over there so we won’t have to fight them over here,” and “there’s a dime’s worth of difference between The Chimp and Ted Kennedy.” 24
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 17:28 | # Race Replacement. Don’t Leave Home Without It. (With it, good fricking luck trying to stay!) 25
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 04:35 | # Prof. Rushton calls for taking certain realities into account in setting immigration policy. Post a comment:
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Posted by John on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 10:41 | #
Illegal aliens are the cat’s paws.