Donate now: Poor Germans are soon to be homeless. ![]() Role reversal: Perhaps South Asians and East Asians will take pity on Germany. We’re all going to have to collect funds for poor white Germans after they’ve been evicted from their own country. I’m going to adopt a new format here, where I’m going to cut up the articles and give my responses to the things being said inbetween. It’s just easier this way. First there needs to be a flashback to November 2015. Andreas Kluth, a writer for the Economist wrote an article in The World In. In that article, it seemed like he was predicting Germany’s next moves, so rather than writing a post about it immediately, I chose to hold on to it to see if the predictions would come true first, which they now have done. The article also contains a lot of information about the mindset of the modern German liberal, a mindset which is every bit as absurd as you might have imagined. So let’s get underway, we’re on a voyage through a sea of absurdity:
Off to a bad start in the very first line. The Statue of Liberty represents the lowest and most disgusting values of mankind, the values which call for love and acceptance of everyone no matter how low and wretched they are. Emma (((Lazarus))) wrote, “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” That is nothing to run a country on. It’s more like how to run a trash heap. It’s basically like saying: Send us your human trash from Africa and the Middle East! But let’s continue:
Germany is not unique in that tendency. To this day, the correctly-used word for ‘the people’ in Japanese is minzoku, which denotes the ethnic group. This is perfectly normal. So, what’s the ‘problem’ with doing that, I wonder?
Oh, right. Everyone saw that coming, right? Recognising that the German ethnic group exists, of course leads inexorably to death camps and 6 million Jews, which is ‘evil’, or something like that. How long will it be until the writer starts to call for the total abolition of the German ethnic group?
Wow, immediately!
Notice how Kluth doesn’t even feel the need to justify this any further. The fact that Hitler existed is all that Kluth seems to feel that he needs to justify the complete erasure of Germany. The logic of race replacement seems to take on an almost Christian redemptive aspect, where the only way to remove the apparent ‘sin’ of the Holocaust, is to get oneself baptised in the sperm of Africans and Arabs.
The answer to that question is “no.” They won’t accept any of that. But that’s not even the whole point. Even if they did accept those things, it’s still racial replacement, so I would think that the ‘Bio-Deutsche’ who are interested in remaining ‘Bio-Deutsche’ should still be worried.
Wahahah. If the ‘Bio-Deutsche’ are worried about mass Islamic migration because it might make it more difficult for them to bury their noses into Israel’s backside then they are already lost! Let’s hope that that is not actually one of the reasons being fielded by German ethno-nationalists, and that it’s just one of Kluth’s own neuroses that he’s projecting onto them.
Most Germans also happen to be as dim as a 20 Watt incandescent bulb, apparently. Regarding Kluth’s non-ironic use of the word ‘enrich’, I suppose in a strictly dictionary sense of the word, the gallons of Arab and African semen that was poured in the direction of German women on New Year’s Eve could be described ‘enriching’. But only in the same sense that having a diseased hobo with Hepatitis B peeing into the punch bowl that you are about to drink from could be described as ‘flavouring’.
Okay, so Currywurst exists, therefore Germany is ripe for mass immigration from those who eat curry? By the same logic, Chicken Tikka Messala exists in Britain, is it time for Britain to be abolished in the same way? Pizza exists in Japan and South Korea, is it time for all of Italy to migrate to the Korean peninsula and the Japanese archipelago? This is absolutely childish. The fact that any such thing would pass for argumentation in the western media is frankly laughable.
Absolutely false. Automation of the economy and mechanisation of the economy have led to the creation of a future overhang of structural unemployment. Germany will need less people in the future, not more. If the overhang is not dealt with, it will actually increase pressure on the welfare state, because a lot of people will be drawing unemployment benefits from the state. Of course, the morons who command the German economy could just deliberately make themselves less efficient in order to keep their growing population employed, by perhaps digging ditches with lots of people holding spoons rather than with machines, and making widgets by hand rather than with robotics. But then all their companies will be destroyed on the global market by Asian companies which are not having to do that kind of nonsense, and which would always be able offer the same product at lower prices as a result.
The lack of a coherent immigration law is precisely how the German government has been able to do everything that it has done so far. The amorphous and sometimes contradictory nature of the laws has allowed them to carry through this plan without facing any significant formal legal challenge so far.
Oh, yeah? Well, it’s only February, so perhaps it’s too early for anyone to know whether that prediction is going to come true or not. After all, Angela Merkel did promise from her mouth that the migrants ‘will go home’ once the conflict is over. She did say that, right? Right? Now:
Oh. That was fast. But there’s more! See here:
I wonder how many times that number will be revised upward over the course of this year? I wonder how much more the security situation will be destabilised? Kumiko Oumae works in the defence and security sector in the UK. Her opinions here are entirely her own.
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sun, 21 Feb 2016 09:33 | # I’ll agree that the American project was a little less naïve than I portrayed it as, and it’s good that you pointed out that the Emma Lazarus poem wasn’t added to the statue until some time later. With the Germans and your concerns about being portrayed as a ‘Polish chauvinist’ though, I don’t see how they could accuse you of that on the basis of an article that is written by me. They should know what my view on the situation is, and that it has nothing to do with Poland, and everything to do with the fact that the German people seem to be refusing to the learn the lesson within a reasonable time frame. Look at this: [Image] After everything that has happened, German sentiment about the ruling party CDU, has changed very little. They’ve shed a mere 6% of their voters to AfD, even though AfD is hardly demanding anything other than a stop to the mass migration which is presently occurring. Simply calling for what is presently happening to come to a halt, seems to be more than many Germans are willing to stomach. If they want to get mad with me because I’ve spelled out the reality of the present dire situation, then I don’t know what to tell them. 3
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Thu, 03 Mar 2016 07:58 | # Because things have not yet become surreal enough: This is how surreal Germany is. Peter Sutherland is basically glorying in the apparent abject insanity of the German people. 4
Posted by German Nationalist takes matter into his hands on Thu, 10 Mar 2016 09:43 | # Post a comment:
Next entry: From whence comes the eclecticism of the alternative right big tent concept.
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Posted by DanielS on Tue, 16 Feb 2016 19:19 | #
Kumiko, I appreciate the fact that you want to encourage Germans to defend themselves, but your encouragement might be a little heavy handed in a few places and therefore might get misunderstood by those Germans who are intelligent and level-headed ethno-nationalists - but in difficult circumstances and under the sway of liberal traitors and YKW - as not coming from a friendly but rather a disdainful perspective, and thus put them in too defensive/aggressive a posture to easily work with: my concern, of course, is that while I am trying to build European camaraderie, and already have enough people trying to falsely accuse me of being an anti-German Polish chauvinist that they might think that it is I who put you up to a pejorative view of Germans by not distinguishing enough between their people, their liberal traitors, YKW and other foreign influences. Rather, blaming them, the folk, a bit too much for that stuff.
Like this:
Ok, you were saying that the powers-that-be are apparently treating the Germans that way. But as you well know, irony can be risky business. Especially in our context where some trolls are determined to incite inter-European strife and, with that, falsely label me a Polish chauvinist (it feels ridiculous to me to even write that, but anyway) and therefore may try to say that I put you up to saying that: thus, I must be clear to say that I don’t think that and don’t recommend saying it even with the motive of inciting them to their best.
It is not the end of the world and I know that you are frustrated at seeing what is happening and the level of passivity, but lets not lend ourselves to those who would take recourse to inter-European fighting.
In that regard, it is not necessarily the thing to do to encourage them to simply make light of the framework of World War II. They don’t need to feel guilty about it, bound to ongoing reparations, but neither do they need to embrace it nor sheer impunity with regard to it, seeing it fictitiously as a corollary to their existence as a people:
It particularly is something to distance oneself from as it defines Germans in oppositions to other Europeans. All of us Europeans have our liberals and our traitors who make us want to pull our hair out and want to pull their hair out, but when you say:
I am afraid that might not exactly create good will among European ethnonationalists who see aid to Israel and Islam for what it is. Do the “Bio-Deutsche” deserve to be blamed? I don’t know enough about those who go under that moniker, but I certainly would not want to blame Germans for being completely inept as Germans per se.
Again, I may be a bit to hard on you in this criticism, but I want to be careful - with America being such a German country and me seeing it as necessary thus, to add some of the perspective that it tends to overlook in its thrust corrective of liberalism, some are eager to see me as a Polish chauvinist or a liberal. Not only do I have to deal with the tedium of that false accusation, because it is a false accusation, I am not comfortable with mocking fellow nationalists. One can get away with it a bit more when it is one’s own nation - like you can say something sarcastic about your own mother but would wonder about someone else who’d say something sarcastic about your mother.
That brings me to the last issue, the observation of the Jewish influence and the need for disentangling its places of entry in other countries as well, of course. We discussed Russia. And it is massively the case of America as well.
It is true enough that it is a country founded on Enlightenment principles and that the a-racial, liberal boondoggle of its principles, was bound to create disaster. While Jefferson was an Epicurean, that was primarily a philosophical forebear of the Enlightenment. Nevertheless, his was a project that was not entirely naive. The second part (in bold) of Jefferson’s statement on race (“Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people [blacks] are to be free. Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them.”—Thomas Jefferson: Autobiography, 1821) was infamously left out of the Jefferson Memorial at Eleanore Roosevelt’s directive. America’s Enlightenment principles did not from the onset have the hyperbolic obsequiousness of the Jewish component added to the mix - the Lazarus poem having been affixed to the Statue of Liberty at a much later date after its initial placement in New York harbor illustrates that point.