Ground taken in the thread wars

Posted by Guessedworker on Saturday, 03 December 2011 21:01.

I had just spent a pleasant ten minutes sampling the anti-white racism of the liberal classes when, on checking the Telegraph opinion page, I found the first “right-wing” article about the Emma West video.  I say “right-wing” but it is written by a white female journalist who, it transpires, has Asian in-laws.

My first comment was also the first on the thread, and the 250+ that have followed demonstrate that, at the Telegraph at least and on threads specifically relating to the race issue, the only opinion that counts is our opinion.  The opinions of anti-racists and foreigners are almost wholly lacking.  But, and this is the significant thing, so too are the opinions of civicists, “respectable” conservatives, or anyone, frankly, close to the kind of view that the Telegraph itself puts forward on race matters.

This represents a real change.  To what extent it is the product of the kind of truth-speaking at which nationalists excel I can’t say.  It would be nice to think so.  But perhaps there is just a general drift towards the polarisation of opinion, which is fine too.

At any rate, I mark that one down as an objective achieved.  The next one is to effect the same kind of shift on threads not directly related to “the question” - on which I shall report later.

Tags: Thread Wars



Posted by Hartley Hare on Sun, 04 Dec 2011 10:43 | #

Emma West has been described as the ‘English Rosa Parks’.

Certainly the youtube video has provoked an unprecedented response , nigh on 11 million hits so far - of course this means a very big proportion of the Great British public have watched, and a big chunk of the overseas market too - all awakened to the everyady facts of life lurking in my little neck of the mulit-culit enriched neck of the woods.
Oh, and I just looove reading those youtube comments - even if they are all general variations on the theme of ‘ass-rape that motherfuckin white trash whore and skin her son alive’.

Strange to note that the inarticulate, PMT-raging Ms. West has had a bigger effect on the ethnic English cause than 10 years of GW’s effete verbal intellecualisations ever had.Not being a marketing man myself, I put it down to ‘brand loyalty’.

Anyhow, I heard over the wireless this morning (luxuriating in Lawrence Llewellyn Bowen’ eexcellent Sunday morning Classic FM round-up, whilst tinkering away at WN sites on my lap-top - sheer bliss - that the latest opinion polls put the Tories 2% ahead of Labour despite the most fucked-up economy of all time, swingeing cuts, decimated pensions for desk-jockeys, and general psychic and economic breakdown (see Emma for that).Put it this way, if Milliband can’t walk all over the Tories right now, he’s fucked, and Labour’s fucked for the next 30 years - if not forever.
  Why I mention this.Poor Emma West and her nervous breakdown, all a result of messrs Portes and Neather and having her nose ‘rubbed in diversity’ (literally in her case, on the tram, and she doesn’t like it).The general public have cottoned on Labour’s immigration disaster.Although they might not (yet) vote for the BNP, they know who’s responsible and will punish accordingly.
I feel that the Labour Party died with the Portes Report, and Neather’s blurting it out.


Posted by dc on Sun, 04 Dec 2011 11:43 | #

Good show GW.

Might be a good idea to start opposing all arguments depending on references to the phony tory-labour, or left-right divide. The real distinction to insist on is that between the superstitious and the realists. Similarly, all the the talk of forming majorities or generating consensus is rubbish. What counts is dedicated ferocity, and in that regard Emma West is exemplary. The late and much lamented Chancellor pointed this out in his peculiarly lucid way.

ad J Richards
I have been putting together a small bibliography on the money question. Would you be interested in adding a commented reading list to your money page?


Posted by Hartley Hare on Sun, 04 Dec 2011 12:43 | #

Whenever we choose to comment on newspaper opinion pieces, please do the folowing:

Always be sure to drop these little memes somewhere in your comment -

‘New Labour’s open door immigration policy’
‘Massive, uncontrolled immigration under Labour’
‘The Andrew Neather article clearly states that this was deliberate Labour Party policy’
‘Rubbing Britain’s nose in diversity - that’s what he said’.

We must get these little gems engrained and embedded in the public consciensce, into the subconcious the reptilian, spiteful bit of the brain that wants to lash out, and channel that hatred the way we want it.Don’t over-estimate your fellow human beings, this is the way they think - and the way they hate.This strategy might will succeed where the BNP failed (again they were rejected because of sub conscious ‘nazi’ memes).

I feel that at present our best line of attack is to to destroy the Labour Party utterly to the point where it is out of power for generations and has a massive collective nervous breakdown - just like in the 80s and 90s.
This is not only revenge, but political triangulation.under Britain’s profoundly unrepresentative electoral system a party must be destroyed before a new party can be born.
Labour doesn’t deserve to live


Posted by Bill on Sun, 04 Dec 2011 14:47 | #

The English Democrats contested a by-election yesterday in the fair county of Essex. The ward was in the far south of the county, near Southend.

The result was as follows:

Cheryl Roe (Con) - 406 (54.8%)
John Hayter (English Democrats) - 218 (29.4%)
Elena Black (Liberal Democrat) - 117 (15.8%)

The English Democrats contested the ward for the first time in 2010 local elections that coincided with the General Election. Accordingly the turn out in 2010 was much higher. Here is the result from that contest:

Conservative - 1242 (54.7%)
Liberal Democrat - 702 (30.9%)
English Democrats - 328 (14.4%)

Courtesy Eddie Butler Blog 2? December 2011.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 04 Dec 2011 17:46 | #

The responses to that Guardian piece were sickening in their sheer lack of patriotism. Honestly, it does make even the most civilized think a bit differently about the ‘insane’ Norwegian shooter, doesn’t it?

(BTW, up against this kind of voluble race treason, why has some blogger named “JRichards”, a one-note money crank, been allowed editorial privileges on this site? Could this be explained to the general readership, please? ‘Money’ is most certainly NOT the issue in the decline and fall of white civilization.)


Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 04 Dec 2011 18:17 | #

There was nothing even slightly “right-wing” about the female idiot journalist’s article.

How is it possible to describe the English as anything but white? How is it possible that at least technically sane British would not describe the English as such?

I understand not describing Americans as white (though I certainly think that way), but a European people?

My point as always is to note the sheer mental defectiveness of whites. We are the problem - not Jews, not other races, not even greedy businessmen or treasonous politicians.

Normal (psychologically modal) whites are the problem. They are collectively insane. We are the sane ones, but we are minority members of an insane race. Therefore, we must segregate ourselves from the insanity to the extent possible, and try to then breed up a new white race which is sane.


Posted by Josey Montana on Sun, 04 Dec 2011 21:45 | #

Leon Haller 1:17

There was a time when “American” had implicit but profound tribal connotation.  It was, in fact, a term to describe British peoples living in the North American colonies.  American French, for example, were never called “American” neither the Spaniards.

Somewhere along the line, roundabout 1880 or so, it came to be applied to “immigrants” who supposedly “assimilated” into the Anglo-Saxon/Anglo-Celtic body politic.  However, assimilation never really happened and “American” is used as a synonym of “United States Citizen”.

None the less, “American” never stopped meaning a specific tribe of people living in North America of British national origin.

This is another meme that must be re-established.


It is often said, “America is a nation of immigrants”.  Balderdash.  “America is a nation of Americans”.

And I am a marketing man.  Or at least I studied it in graduate school.


Posted by ben tillman on Sun, 04 Dec 2011 22:32 | #

“Midenglander” had an outsanding post about an hour ago.  You’l l see I dropped a few comments, John.


Posted by uh on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 00:29 | #


link or excerpt? too time-consuming to search.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 01:38 | #

That’s the problem with Discus.  A big thread is impossible to search.  At least with the system the Guardian uses (and MR) one can pull up the whole of the thread, and search it.  But work at the Telegraph has to be constantly refreshed, repeated, re-used so that virtuous arguments can reach a reasonable audience.  It’s not ideal.

Even so, I’ve noticed on recent DT threads that the words “race-replacement” - coined here by the estimable and much-missed Fred - are slowly becoming standard issue.  The DT/Disqus mods have lost linguistic control and are reduced to applying an utterly uneven, personal standard of acceptability.  The nett effect is that “race-replacement” and almost everything else one might deem worthwhile to say has become acceptable.  Even (mild) references to the Chosen have survived on that thread.

I do think Emma West, a vulnerable, endangered, abused creature who has polarised opinion and given us a royal road to travel, is a very slender reed on which to build a revolution.  But what an extraordinary event her starring role on video has been.  And more is to come as she now mounts the steps to the courtroom and the state states its case for the anti-racist stasis.

S’all good.


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 03:46 | #

Speaking of our heroine, how did Friday’s nationalist rally on her behalf go? Anyone from here attend?
Some group I think called British Resistance has an online petition on West’s behalf that every UK patriot should sign.

Are nationalists doing anything else for this unfortunate Ms. West?

We cannot allow our own to be hung out to dry, so to speak.


Posted by William Wallace on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 05:26 | #


Bye, bye England? SNP plans closer Scandinavian ties after independence
Document reveals government wants to turn away from London if it wins referendum

An independent Scotland would shift much of its attention away from the UK to become a member of the Scandinavian circle of countries, with its own army, navy and air force modelled on its Nordic neighbours, according to detailed plans being drawn up by the SNP.

Fuck England.


Posted by Lurker on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 06:32 | #

Thats interesting William, are the Scandanavian countries aware of this? What measures are being taken to turn Scotland into a Scandanavian country? Im intrigued.

I assume that doesnt include towing it across the North Sea. Or is it more likely to be copying Norwegian and Swedish policies regarding 3rd world immigration i.e. to cram in as many as possible.

And whatever happens with independance (or not) Scotland, whether it likes it or not is still going to be culturally and economically closely linked to England far more so than with any part of Scandanavia.

I note the article is still peddling the fanatsy that global warming is about to open up Artic sea lanes. Lets hope SNP policy isnt based on that sort of idea.


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 06:41 | #


Scottish independence would be outstanding. Perhaps Scotland would be more likely to remain an ethnostate, as it would not have to suffer the UK’s immigration policy (correct me if I’m wrong, but Scots are very leftwing wrt the economy, but are they necessarily multiculti as well?). What would Scotland’s likely immigration policy be upon independence?

At the same time, and again correct me if I err, England would be much better off ideologically. The Tories would become the natural governing party of the UK (what, btw, would happen to Wales and Ulster?), and perhaps that would open up some political space for English nationalists. Without Scotland idiotically chaining itself to the race traitors in Labour, I can’t help but thinking the Tories would be pushed to the Right, including on immigration, national security, cultural issues (as well as economic ones).

I’d like to hear more analysis from UK residents.


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 08:06 | #

Fuck England.

It’s only bad when the Irish say it.  And to echo Leon, a Scottish disunion from the “united” kingdom could very potentially further Scottish EGI as well as English EGI assuming that Scotland was committed to low or no immigration and its separation from England went some way to discrediting and destabalizing the grasp on power presently enjoyed by the British political class. 



Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 09:26 | #

And to echo Leon, a Scottish disunion from the “united” kingdom could very potentially further Scottish EGI as well as English EGI assuming that Scotland was committed to low or no immigration and its separation from England went some way to discrediting and destabalizing the grasp on power presently enjoyed by the British political class.

Fat chance of that happening!

Alex Salmond’s bid to open Scotland’s borders to thousands of immigrants has provoked a stinging rebuke from David Cameron and his Ministers…

Immigration Minister Damien Green has rejected Mr Salmond’s plea that Scotland should be exempt from UK immigration rules and that a wave of non-EU nationals should be allowed to settle north of the Border.

Read more:

From a comment about Salmond:

It will never happen, I ( and a couple of million others) would not trust you [the Grand Tartanissimo] to go for milk! , and the only thing wrong with the uk Imm laws is that they are not nearly hard enough. Have a wee walk through govanhill Alex and see what people like you are doing to this country.Wake up or forget it , Scotland is a great country and it has a kind heart, but we are not stupid. Enough is enough.!.

The SNP are not calling a referendum for sovereignty because they know they don’t have the votes. It’s like the fucking frogs in Quebec…oi vey, so go already.


Posted by McEachran on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 09:49 | #

It’s like the fucking frogs in Quebec…oi vey, so go already.

They could’ve gone in 1995, had there been no Jewish interference.

“Par l’argent puis des votes ethniques, essentiellement.”



Posted by Lurker on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 10:50 | #

This is the problem with the SNP, they seem to see themselves as pure Guardianistas - anti-racist, pro-immigration, transnational, pro-EU etc etc Its hard to see in what sense they are nationalists at all.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 11:40 | #

In some wierd “anyone but the English” sense that makes sense only to them.  It isn’t nationalism, it’s Scottish postmodernist Anglophobia.

But that doesn’t mean its success wouldn’t be a very good thing for English nationalism.  As an Englishman I support the SNP!


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 13:13 | #

Also, for how long would the Scots themselves tolerate an SNP govt going on an immigration binge, esp after the obvious disaster in England? The SNP leadership may themselves be good little PC wankers, but does that mean they would immediately seek to “Blairize” Scotland?


Posted by Liberal Heresy on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 13:48 | #

Have just come across this 10 page slug-it-out with ‘historical responsibility’ type liberals. Sadly a little late in the game to review and participate in much of it. Will put aside some time later.


Posted by uh on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 14:58 | #

This is the problem with the SNP, they seem to see themselves as pure Guardianistas - anti-racist, pro-immigration, transnational, pro-EU etc etc Its hard to see in what sense they are nationalists at all.

Spreading the net as wide as possible. Just like the fags of Sinn Fein and the Free Palestine movement.

Catch a lot of scum that way ... and Ice Cream Wars!



Posted by Foundation on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 15:42 | #

I’ll answer Leon’s question (#11)

Two ASF members attended HMP Bronzefield Friday last. Britain First were there, plus other nationalists representing various groups within the family - it was a work day afterall and folk have mouths to feed so we weren’t expecting large numbers. The point was made - and delivered*

Anywho, the boys in blue were on full tactical alert: they almost outnumbered patriots at one point. Surly is the best way to describe them - and repugnant. They don’t like us at all; which is good, because we want them to hate us really. My mate, who is 6’ 5” (a former Guardsman and sniper), spotted some undercover plod hiding in an unmarked car so he went over and growled at them through the window. As expected they were armed but who gives a fuck, let them draw on us and we’ll get some nice pictures for the MSM to fight over.

All-in-all a good day. Thanks for asking.

* a passing prison officer (going on shift) said he’d get word to Emma.



Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 16:24 | #

They could’ve gone in 1995, had there been no Jewish interference.

They could have gone if they had not decided to encourage mass French speaking migration from Haiti and N.Africa. They chose to believe that language was the soul arbiter of their future, not racial consciousness. They imbibed the cultural Marxism, forsaking the reproductive differential of their faith and have now lost the three century struggle of their race to be sovereign. Now they are fighting a rearguard action called ‘reasonable accommodation’. How do we stop the ethnic tail from wagging what’s left of the Quebecker dog?

Scotland won’t be Blairized anytime soon because it is an economic backwater and would only serve as a back door to England if mass immigration was encouraged.  Again, it is evidence that nationalism poisons consciousness of race. It is the belief, in both Scotland and Quebec, that the well being of the nation-state [and its language] supersedes the consciousness of race.


Posted by uh on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 16:40 | #

It is the belief, in both Scotland and Quebec, that the well being of the nation-state [and its language] supersedes the consciousness of race.

Expecting the Scottish to transcend nation in favor of race is about like expecting dogs to give up barking in favor of speech. Scottish nationalism seems to me one of the last holdouts of European tribalism, abstracted as intense regional pride. Tribalism and advanced racial awareness, paradoxically, do not concur — they occur at opposite ends of the human evolutionary spectrum. Tribalism provides unconsciously for what racialism would reestablish as the norm. Yet racialism stops well short of the harder aspects of true tribalism (incest, early marriage, genealogical pilpul, etc.) — which completely obviates the vague aims of racialists.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 19:33 | #

The difference of course being that dogs have no capacity to speak, but the Scots, who are not a race of people, and therefore cannot be a tribe, displayed racial preferences in past history. It’s evident in Stevenson’s ‘Kidnapped’ where the tartan plaid Jacobite highlander, Alan Brec, is often at odds with the story’s protagonist, wee David Balfour, who as a lowland Scot, was loyal to the English king. It is also evident in Bonnie Prince Charlie’s march on England where Scottish Jacobites faced English Jacobites who opposed their attempted conquest. There is no true Scottish tribalism but a long held divide between various tribal factions in Scotland, which, undoubtedly, is why they will never be a sovereign nation.


Posted by McEachran on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 19:51 | #

They could have gone if they had not decided to encourage mass French speaking migration from Haiti and N.Africa. They chose to believe that language was the soul arbiter of their future, not racial consciousness. They imbibed the cultural Marxism, forsaking the reproductive differential of their faith and have now lost the three century struggle of their race to be sovereign.

Well that has infected every part of the West. Singling them out is unfair. And although the identity has degraded to a degree, like everywhere else, it hasn’t completely deracinated, and there is still an ethno-racial sense that persists. “Nous” means more than language.

And I was talking about an actual event, the referendum of 1995, in which 60% of the real Quebeckers in favor of sovereignty. They really could have gone then. It was Jewish money and power that stopped them.


Posted by McEachran on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 20:07 | #

59% of Quebecers say they’re racist: poll

Fifty-nine per cent of Quebecers admit to being racist to some degree, according to a Léger Marketing survey published Monday in Le Journal de Montréal.

In comparison, only 47 per cent of those outside Quebec say they are racist to some degree.


The survey looked at Quebecers’ views of a variety of cultural groups.

It found 36 per cent of Quebecers have a bad opinion of Jewish people, while 27 per cent have a poor opinion of blacks. Fifty per cent have a bad opinion of Muslims.

Quebec sovereigntist website condemned for anti-semitism

Pro-sovereignty website was condemned last week by Liberal Quebec National Assembly (MNA) member Lawrence Bergman for publishing a controversial article claiming Jews were not “true Québécois.”

Bergman put forth a motion denouncing the comments and calling on the Parti Québécois (PQ) members who donated to the site to stop their financial support. The PQ did not sign onto the motion.

The website published an article on March 23 entitled “Are there any Québécois Jews?” The piece claims that there are no Jews who are real Quebecois because, among other reasons, they do not speak French with the right accent, do not subscribe to French newspapers like La Presse, and do not recognize famous French figures. Some comments on the website include declarations that Jews “control the banks” and caused the recent financial crisis.

“The Quebec I know and love is tolerant, accepting, and against all forms of racism. This is the Quebec that my party believes in…we must stand up and condemn the site because nobody in our society should tolerate anti-Semitism or racism,” said Bergman.

Several PQ MNAs, including Bernard Drainville, Agnès Maltais and Louise Beaudoin, have donated a total of more than $1,000 to

“The leadership in our society should show that this [hate speech] is not acceptable. The PQ didn’t sign on to the motion, and we have to ask, ‘Who are they trying to protect? Are they trying to protect the radicals in their party and certain MNAs?” said Bergman.

It’s the same shit everywhere. Jews suppressing nationalism and sovereignty everywhere they go, which is inevitably, everywhere. They will only tolerate imperial sovereignty that they can influence and control.


Posted by J Richards on Mon, 05 Dec 2011 22:22 | #


You’re welcome to suggest additions to the money FAQ.  Leave them in the comments on this FAQ, or send us an email.  I would like to leave the FAQ as a brief overview, but nothing stops me from providing details in sub-pages, or zipped files, or even a large single article as a pdf file.

@Leon Haller

I’m surprised you haven’t figured out why I have editorial privilege here.  It’s to piss off people like you [not what you claim to be].


Posted by Lew on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 00:32 | #

BTW, up against this kind of voluble race treason, why has some blogger named “JRichards”, a one-note money crank, been allowed editorial privileges on this site? Could this be explained to the general readership, please? ‘Money’ is most certainly NOT the issue in the decline and fall of white civilization.)

Jews control money and banking. That fact makes money is a central issue.


Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 06:55 | #

@Leon Haller

I’m surprised you haven’t figured out why I have editorial privilege here.  It’s to piss off people like you [not what you claim to be].

What do I claim to be?



Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 06:58 | #

There is little doubt that Quebec Jews feared the separatists, and worked to defeat them, even during Levesque’s referendum in 1980. A meeting with an Israeli, who was Chair of a No commitee in Côte Saint-Luc in the west end of Montreal, and his wife, who was convinced that a victorious referendum today meant a Spanish-style inqusition tomorrow, confirmed that point for this writer. However, your example establishes the fact that no where else in N. America could a main stream political party maintain a website that supported those positions w/o severe retribution. Despite the treasonous nature of the ethnic vote they still continue to receive large numbers of ethnic migrants who, if the pace continues, will make it near impossible to attain sovereignty over the next 25 years. Apparently, 90% of ethnics voted no in 1995. It means that in 2020,  5 out of every 7 seven francophone Quebeckers will need to vote YES in order to achieve sovereignty.  Not likely…...


Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 07:08 | #


Good work. Intellects are fine, but boots on the ground are better. I’m all in favor of developing the deepest foundation (no pun) for our cause, but in the end, it’s only justifying intellectually what any healthy white man already knows instinctively (this goes just as much for my own work and approach as others’).

It’s sad how much the police everywhere seem to have deteriorated ideologically. Some might think this began in the 60s (and maybe it did to some extent), but I have an ex-LAPD friend who served in the 80s and 90s, and he claims that cops even then were still pretty hardcore, anti-black especially, anti-anarchist, generally pretty rightwing, understood, as one might expect, in the “law and order” sense. But starting seriously in the 90s attempts were made to indoctrinate the police (and military) into politically correct attitudes (in the 60s-80s the emphasis was more on ‘understanding’ and ‘cultural sensitivity’). I think these indoctrination campaigns have succeeded to a dismaying extent (not to deny that there still are good, ideologically and attitudinally healthy men in the forces, but these no longer seem to dictate the general ‘service culture’).


Posted by McEachran on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 08:13 | #

Despite the treasonous nature of the ethnic vote they still continue to receive large numbers of ethnic migrants who, if the pace continues, will make it near impossible to attain sovereignty over the next 25 years. Apparently, 90% of ethnics voted no in 1995. It means that in 2020,  5 out of every 7 seven francophone Quebeckers will need to vote YES in order to achieve sovereignty.  Not likely…...

My point was that they could have achieved sovereignty for themselves had there been no Jewish interference. I was talking about a specific time and event. They had the votes from the real Quebeckers. That was the will of the real Quebeckers.

I don’t disagree that they may have missed the train as far as achieving sovereignty via normal political means goes.

And I don’t dispute that they are being Jewed, degraded, degenerated, deracinated, invaded, etc., like everywhere else.


Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 11:00 | #

There is no true Scottish tribalism but a long held divide between various tribal factions in Scotland, which, undoubtedly, is why they will never be a sovereign nation.

Then how is it that Nordic and “Alpinid” Krauts came together under one nationalism to perform deeds capable of shaking the earth down to ist very foundation?


Posted by J Richards on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 12:45 | #


I don’t have to tell you what you claim to be.  You know as you’ve made the claims, and they’re recorded.


Posted by anon on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 19:48 | #

Then how is it that Nordic and “Alpinid” Krauts came together under one nationalism to perform deeds capable of shaking the earth down to ist very foundation?

Submerged sectarianism is an important element in the Scottish case. It would take a bigger and joint threat to overcome that and so far the mass immigration wave has been steered away from Scotland.


Posted by Robert Reis on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 20:37 | #

Black Somali Girls attack white women in UK. Judge gives them a passl. Video of attack.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 22:51 | #

So according to one Desmond Jones we Scots are not a people and we will never be a sovereign nation?

Well we managed to be a sovereign independent nation pre-1707. As for not being a ‘people’ well if one of the oldest European nations isn’t who on Earth is?

What total historical ignorance from Mr Jones.


Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 23:48 | #

MR needs a better spam filter.

Good luck to the Scots! What will be post-independence immigration policy? Answers, please.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 23:51 | #

Then how is it that Nordic and “Alpinid” Krauts came together under one nationalism to perform deeds capable of shaking the earth down to ist very foundation?

Shaken but not stirred.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 00:11 | #

Speaking of total ignorance…

In the Early Middle Ages, Scotland had several ethnic or cultural groups labelled as such in contemporary sources, namely the Picts, the Gaels, the Britons, with the Angles settling in the far southeast of the country. Culturally, these peoples are grouped according to language. Most of Scotland until the 13th century spoke Celtic languages and these included, at least initially, the Britons, as well as the Gaels and the Picts.[22] Germanic peoples included the Angles of Northumbria, who settled in south-eastern Scotland in the region between the Firth of Forth to the north and the River Tweed to the south. They also occupied the south-west of Scotland up to and including the Plain of Kyle and their language, Old English, was the earliest form of the language which eventually became known as Scots. Later the Norse arrived from Norway, Ireland and Denmark etc. in the north and west in quite significant numbers, recently discovered to have left about thirty percent of men in the Outer Hebrides with a distinct, Norse marker in their DNA. The evidence in the Northern Isles is higher…

After the division of Northumbria between Scotland and England by King Edgar (or after the later Battle of Carham; it is uncertain, but most medieval historians now accept the earlier ‘gift’ by Edgar) the Scottish kingdom encompassed a great number of English people, with larger numbers quite possibly arriving after the Norman invasion of England (Contemporary populations cannot be estimated so we cannot tell which population thenceforth formed the majority). South-east of the Firth of Forth then in Lothian and the Borders (OE: Loðene), a northern variety of Old English, also known as Early Scots, was spoken…

From 1500 until recent years, Scotland was commonly divided by language into two groups of people, Gaelic-speaking (formerly called Scottis by English speakers and known by many Lowlanders in the eighteenth century as ‘Irish’) “Highlanders” and the Inglis-speaking, later to be called, Scots-speaking, and later still, English-speaking “Lowlanders”.


Posted by uh on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 00:49 | #

Off topic ... like everything else ...

One reason the sinews of community are so hard to restore is that they are at odds with free markets. Capitalism not only spews out cars, TVs and other antisocial technologies; it also sorts people into little vocational boxes and scatters the boxes far and wide. Economic opportunity is what drew farm boys into cities, and it has been fragmenting families ever since. There is thus a tension within conservative ideology between laissez-faire economics and family values, as various people have noted. (The Unabomber complains that conservatives “whine about the decay of traditional values,” yet “enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth.”)


Posted by uh on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 00:55 | #

All I meant before was that the Scottish will certainly never trade in their national truculence for racialism as we know it. Nor will anyone trade anything for it. The Anglo overlords and the Kraut rebels had it for a few decades, then the Krauts trampled all over it in their eagerness to rule. End of race as a viable political program.


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 10:08 | #

I don’t have to tell you what you claim to be.  You know as you’ve made the claims, and they’re recorded.

Pretend you’re a man, and spell it out. I don’t know what you’re referring to.


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 10:13 | #

How come no one ever provides anything useful here?

I don’t need to hear the ruminations on Hitler or US history or whatnot, but I’d really appreciate some British natives speculating on what the current Scottish political climate portends re immigration policy post-independence. That would be educational for me.

Is Salmond going to pull a “Blair/Neather”, or what?


Posted by J Richards on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 23:06 | #


Pretend you’re a man, and spell it out. I don’t know what you’re referring to.

How can you not know what claims you’ve made about yourself?  What does not spelling it out have to do with being a man?  I could be a woman and it wouldn’t make a difference.

How come no one ever provides anything useful here?

Then why do you keep coming back?  Let me remind you that you should chose between not whining or whining once more, saying you’ve had enough, and leaving for good.  Chose an option or have it chosen for you.


Posted by Tanstaafl on Thu, 08 Dec 2011 18:48 | #

Leon Haller writes:

My point as always is to note the sheer mental defectiveness of whites. We are the problem - not Jews, not other races, not even greedy businessmen or treasonous politicians.

Normal (psychologically modal) whites are the problem. They are collectively insane. We are the sane ones, but we are minority members of an insane race. Therefore, we must segregate ourselves from the insanity to the extent possible, and try to then breed up a new white race which is sane.

Blame Whites as a group while excusing various “minorities”. I can tune into any mainstream source any time of the day and hear this same poisonous point repeated over and over.

This point is indeed the impression I’ve always gotten from Haller’s comments, which is why I generally skip them. I’m glad I didn’t skip this one however, as it offers such a clear and concise window into his mind and purpose.


Posted by Dan Dare on Mon, 12 Dec 2011 18:23 | #

Nobody seems to have responded to Leon’s queries about the SNP’s immigration policy, so hopefully the following will assist:

SNP policy, such as it is, appears to amount to a demand that resposibility for immigration matters be devolved to the Scottish Parliament. No indication is given as to how that might differ post-independence from UK policy historically.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 20 Dec 2011 07:07 | #

The SNP, in order to win power, requires the votes of Labour’s Irish - descended, “Nationalism - for - me -but -not - for - thee”, Catholic bedrock. The SNP won’t get them.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 20 Dec 2011 07:36 | #

Desmond’s description of Scotland as an economic backwater may well be true but must be set in context.

For example, Canada’s richly resourced - based (and immigration “enhanced”) per capita GDP is $39171 while Ireland’s (infinitely less resource - based) GDP is $ $39492.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 20 Dec 2011 13:58 | #


Apologies for denting the Scottish national pride, (embracing a national identity is toxic to a racial identity) but the context is this. There is very little immigration to Charlottetown, PEI in comparison to metropolitan Toronto, Why? It’s because PEI is an economic backwater. Ditto Edinburgh and Aberdeen or London (60% white) and Edinburgh(96% white). The point is migrants will seek wealth and will settle disproportionately in those areas that provide the best economic opportunities. Thus encouraging migration to Scotland will only mean those immigrants will use Scotland as a backdoor to the greater economic opportunity found in the south of England. It’s little different than the faminine Irish migration to Canada. It was simply a back door to the more lucrative opportunities found in the USA. There is no future in an alliance of Gaelic Catholics and Scotto-Germanic people in pursuit of some petty nationalistic goal.


Posted by Lurker on Tue, 20 Dec 2011 14:19 | #

Well at least we now know Al is still around.


Posted by danielj on Tue, 20 Dec 2011 17:49 | #

He posted something once a few months ago…

It’s great to see you Al. I wish you’d stick around.

- danielj

p.s. if you can convince Haller to break up with his half-slant girlie toy I’ll send a bottle of top-notch dalwhinnie your way too.


Posted by danielj on Tue, 20 Dec 2011 17:55 | #

Emma West has been described as the ‘English Rosa Parks’

Rosa Parks is a filthy nigger.

Emma is really just another Channon Christian. The filthy bastards just haven’t finished the job yet. It’s the fate of the whitez raze in microcomicz relief.

Quickz! Put on your Cole Haans, run down to the Menz Wherehouze and subscribez to American Renaissance!



Posted by Lurker on Fri, 03 Feb 2012 02:27 | #

A friend of mine,  called 1963Dalek, has the top rated comment on this Telegraph thread:

If you want to stop South Asian immigrants bringing in their wives, then say so


Posted by Bill on Fri, 03 Feb 2012 11:57 | #

I must admit that I’ve taken to wandering over to the Telegraph comments section lately to test the waters of reality as to what are people’s thoughts on the Immigration Question?

Much has changed since I used to post at the Telegraph, the candour of comments generally bear no comparison of old, in fact I’m surprised at some of the stuff that the moderators allow through.

I’ve tracked the twists and turns of the Immigration Question at the Telegraph since the beginnings.  I started posting there when even the mention of immigration was howled down with all the usual invective.  This only reflected the establishment’s policy (at that time) of keep immigration off public limits.  It really is astounding that our new, New Labour government could establish such a climate of fear within the public psyche as to forbid any discussion on the Immigration Question.  A near complete clampdown was the order of the day.  Amazing!

It really has been absorbing to follow the unwinding of the public conversation on the Immigration Question from those far off days, going back to 2005/6 and the rise of the BNP.

Brave (?) Commenter’s resolutely pushed the envelope of inventiveness in challenging the moderators to do their worst, and sure enough eventually cracks started to appear in the dam.  Suffice to say it has taken all this time to reach where we are today.

Which leads me to ask, where indeed are we today?  I am not privy to the policies of the Telegraph comments section editor, but there does seem to be a recognisable pattern having evolved of throwing the Immigration Question into the long grass, inviting a stampede from the champing, baying herd.

Regular totals of over 1000 comments on articles alluding to the Immigration Question must indicate to somebody somewhere the depth of anger and concern of the bloggerati, what the Telegraph PTB make of it all I don’t know.  One question that interests me is, does the anger and concern shown in the comments section reflect in general, the thoughts of the British public at large?

From my observations of scrolling down the comments, I cannot help but be dismayed at the naivety of most commenter’s comments (excluding the usual trolls of course) who show little understanding of the depth of the rabbit hole.  Yes there are a few regulars who are pretty clued up and their comments reflect accordingly, but they seem to have little influence or persuasion on the rest.

I gave up posting on online media some time ago and really have no way of knowing how explicit comments are allowed to be, if informative explicit comment is spiked, it might account for the preponderance of seemingly benign/naive comments.  Who knows? 

It is has long been evident, (to me) comments on the Internet do not filter through to the public at large whose principle source of information is the MSM.  Whether it is wise to conclude the comments in the Telegraph do or do not reflect those of the general public is too close to call.  I usually ask the question. If the public is being informed via the Internet then why do they continue to place their faith in the mainstream political electoral process of the lib/lab/con trick?

The story of Britain’s ongoing capitulation to the Immigration Question is the wonder of our age.  How has it been allowed to go unchallenged?  It is simply mind blowing.  I suppose the answer lays somewhere buried in what is being discussed here each day, but as yet to be unveiled.


Posted by Tim on Fri, 03 Feb 2012 20:52 | #

p.s. if you can convince Haller to break up with his half-slant girlie toy I’ll send a bottle of top-notch dalwhinnie your way too.

I don’t think Haller has bred with her. While you did breed with your previous wife.

If you had any masculine responsibility you would have paid and supported them to settle in the Philippines or wherever.


Posted by great advice on Fri, 03 Feb 2012 23:00 | #

If you had any masculine responsibility you would have paid and supported them to settle in the Philippines or wherever.

Lol, another genius. Ummm, the woman was probably a US citizen, so I don’t think that would have done much good! (If not her, certainly the kid.)



Posted by Lurker on Sat, 04 Feb 2012 03:18 | #

Tim - strange that you and these other posters who have never had anything to say about anything else - ever - take such an interest in Dan. Why dont you rung along and play somewhere else.


Posted by Tim on Sat, 04 Feb 2012 04:35 | #

Lurker - strange that you take such an interest in tolerating race-mixing.


Posted by Lurker on Sat, 04 Feb 2012 05:12 | #

Strange that you are so intent on berating someone who has explained themselves already.


Posted by Tim on Sat, 04 Feb 2012 06:56 | #

Strange that you are so intent on tolerating race-mixing.


Posted by genius on Sat, 04 Feb 2012 09:28 | #

It’s not about “tolerating” it, you stupid shit.

It’s about recognizing that if the woman is a US citizen then it’s pointless for a lone individual (as opposed to a concerted government effort) to attempt to pack her off to the Philippines because even if you got her there there’s nothing to prevent her coming back. 


Posted by Lurker on Sat, 04 Feb 2012 17:13 | #

Tim - its already happened, nothing to be done about it now. Dan has dealt with it in a humane and responsible manner as possible. Yet here you are dragging it up now, years later. Dan himself has explained the situation, he wasnt awake then, he is now. Whats the point in you berating him at this stage?


Posted by Lurker on Sat, 04 Feb 2012 17:17 | #

And another thing…

Dan is out there, not even anonymous like most us, he is a patriot in our true sense of the word but you are some guy called ‘Tim’ who until 5 minutes ago, as it were, didnt even exist and dont seem to have anything constructive to say about anything else at all.


Posted by Tim on Sun, 05 Feb 2012 09:40 | #

Lurker - something can be done about it now. If he has masculine responsibility, that is. And you tolerate race-mixing, so you’re in no position to berate others.


Posted by Reshekel Tootberg on Sun, 05 Feb 2012 11:29 | #

Haller is a real piece of work.

On one hand, he’s talking about how he’s committed to the 14 words, how diversity is wrecking America, and how white EGI is paramount but on the other hand, he is defending his gook concubine and how it really wouldn’t be so bad if he sired a few mongrel children with her. Talk about some serious cognitive dissonance here.

I definitely don’t advocate race mixing, but usually the people who race mix aren’t a mental mess of contradicting ideologies - their worldview is more or less consistent. If Haller really loves her and wants to spend the rest of his life with her, then ultimately that’s his decision. But to pretend that somehow you can shoehorn a commitment to the 14 words into that situation is well, funny, to say the least.

To directly address his claim that he can somehow mix (pun intended) a relationship with a non-white and participation in the ‘WN movement’ (heh) as some intellectual churning out essays and blogs: I’d say first, being in such a situation is an intellectual compromise. Where do his loyalties truly lie? Does he love his bride or his racial kinsmen more? What about her family and the various full-blooded non-whites in there? Does he turn his back on them?

Secondly, I’d point out that that one of the least talked about phenomena of our modern predicament is the dysgenic nature of the reproduction situation. People with higher IQs tend to have less children than those with lower IQ because having to raise children disturbs their yuppie modern lifestyle. I would argue that WN intellectuals have a duty to have three or more children and indoctrinate their children in WN beliefs - certainly more so than white trailer trash who name their kids Adolf Hitler and Aryan Nation as a form of moronic activism.

(As an aside I’m not totally convinced that Haller really fits on the right side of the bell curve, so this argument may be moot.)

This reminds me of an infamous WN blogger - Curt Maynard. He used to run a blog called the ‘Politically Correct Apostate’. He was somewhat sharp (claimed to have a fairly high IQ like Haller does). He was a bit of a loon just like Haller. He was known for picking fights and baiting flamewars among having various tributes to National Socialist Germany in his avatar. Eventually someone did a background check on this guy and found out he was a disbarred nurse (heh) who was married to an obese mestiza with herpes. Had children too. Long story short, Maynard finally went off on the deep end. Murdered (or attempted to - don’t remember) his wife and children, got into a police chase, and then committed suicide.

Haller may be so full of himself that he doesn’t see the wrong in his life like Maynard (eventually) did, so I’m not trying to suggest he will necessarily meet the same psychological fate.

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